The document discusses research on estimating surface runoff and hydraulic simulation using SCS methods and HEC GeoRAS software to determine risk zones in small urban areas of La Paz, Bolivia. It provides background on the study area and outlines the search strategy and references used. The main purpose of the research is to estimate the amount of water waterways can handle and identify urban areas vulnerable to flooding or damage based on insufficient hydraulic capacity.
The document discusses research on estimating surface runoff and hydraulic simulation using SCS methods and HEC GeoRAS software to determine risk zones in small urban areas of La Paz, Bolivia. It provides background on the study area and outlines the search strategy and references used. The main purpose of the research is to estimate the amount of water waterways can handle and identify urban areas vulnerable to flooding or damage based on insufficient hydraulic capacity.
The document discusses research on estimating surface runoff and hydraulic simulation using SCS methods and HEC GeoRAS software to determine risk zones in small urban areas of La Paz, Bolivia. It provides background on the study area and outlines the search strategy and references used. The main purpose of the research is to estimate the amount of water waterways can handle and identify urban areas vulnerable to flooding or damage based on insufficient hydraulic capacity.
The document discusses research on estimating surface runoff and hydraulic simulation using SCS methods and HEC GeoRAS software to determine risk zones in small urban areas of La Paz, Bolivia. It provides background on the study area and outlines the search strategy and references used. The main purpose of the research is to estimate the amount of water waterways can handle and identify urban areas vulnerable to flooding or damage based on insufficient hydraulic capacity.
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Research Topic: Runoff estimation and Hydraulic simulation using SCS Methods
& HEC GeoRAS for determination of risk zones in small urban
areas, in a !az " #oli$ia% Student: A. A. Espejo ( Search strategy 1. Textoo!: (Roo" 1993) Search: #oo! $ound in %T& lirar' (91(.1:)81.3 : )31.*+) ,. Re-ie. article: (/atil et al." ,((8) Search: Else-ier Science0irect1 All Sources1 2runo$$ esti3ation4" in Astract" Title" 5e'.ords1 in En6ineerin61 $ull7text o$ article $ro3 Science0irect 3. Research paper (1): (Stuee and 8ohnston" 199() Search: Else-ier Science0irect1 All Sources1 2runo$$ esti3ation4" in Astract" Title" 5e'.ords1 in En6ineerin61 $ull7text o$ article $ro3 Science0irect *. Research paper (,): (Saran6i et al." ,(()) Search: 9e o$ Science1 6eneral search1 spatial -ariailit' runo$$ esti3ation1 ,3 results $ound1:; in the list1 $ull text o$ article $ro3 journal +. Research paper (3): (#o$u" 1998) Search: <oo6le Scholar1 2scs runo$$ esti3ation41 $ull text on7line ). %T& thesis: (S'a3su =ur" 1991) Search: A0>%#1 Title: 2runo$$ esti3ation41 %T& Acade3ic ?utput ;. Electronic source: (&lar!e" ,((8) Search: <oo6le1 all .e sources1 2@runo$$7rain$all co3pare@ .e pa6e on7line &e't (utting references in conte't Extre3e A'drolo6ic e-ents cause se-eral prole3s in cities that donBt ha-e an adeCuate pre-ention s'ste3. This 3eans a poor 3aintenance pro6ra3 in their canaliDations and ri-ers. >a /aD has a topo6raph' that -aries $ro3 ,8(( 3 to **((3 in uran areas. This considerale altitude di$$erence 6enerates hi6h runo$$ -elocities and erosion prole3s inside h'draulic structures that ha-e een uilt" ecause runo$$ .ith hi6h sedi3ent load .ill cause that .ater.a's 6et ostructed" causin6 cho!ed up se.era6es and da3a6e to uildin6s and a-enues (Roo" 1993). 0ue to a tra6ed' occurred in Eeruar' ,((1 (Extre3e h'drolo6ical e-ent that caused the !illin6 o$ 3ore than ;( people and considerale uran da3a6e)" 3an' projects ha-e een de-eloped in order to Cuanti$' the a3ount o$ .ater that is 6enerated and to deter3ine those uran Dones that are -ulnerale to $loodin6 or to uran da3a6e. #esides" it is necessar' to deter3ine insu$$icient h'draulic section Dones" in order to de-elop ci-il projects. Accurate sur$ace runo$$ esti3ation techniCues suitale $or un6au6ed .atersheds are rele-ant to areas .here h'drolo6ic 6au6in6 stations are not .idel' a-ailale. The natural resources conser-ation ser-ices cur-e nu3er (=R&S7&=) 3ethod is one o$ the 3ost .idel' used 3ethods $or Cuic! and accurate esti3ation o$ sur$ace runo$$ $ro3 un6au6ed .atersheds.(/atil et al." ,((8) (#o$u" 1998). %n order to deter3ine that the otained results are -alid a co3parison or caliration 3ust e 3ade (&lar!e" ,((8)" also a di6ital terrain 3odel should e 6enerated accuratel' ecause it .ill a$$ect runo$$ esti3ation since the altitude -ariation is considerale (Saran6i et al." ,(())" in order to handle this prole3 %<F ench 3ar! 3ust e calirated .ith the results otained $ro3 the di6ital terrain 3odel 6eneration. Fan' h'draulic so$t.are applications .ere de-eloped in last 'ears an also 3an' projects and studies ha-e een 3ade (S'a3su =ur" 1991)1 $ortunatel' this so$t.are applications are continuousl' i3pro-ed and let users ha-e a 3ore realistic idea o$ the results that are 6i-en. Since the use o$ Re3ote Sensin6 and <eo6raphic %n$or3ation S'ste3 are ein6 de-eloped" the possiilit' o$ .or!in6 and calculatin6 usin6 3aps is reall' help$ul. (Stuee and 8ohnston" 199(). The 3ain purpose o$ this research topic is to otain the a3ount o$ .ater that .ater.a's can handle" and i$ case o$ an insu$$icient h'draulic section" deter3ine the uran areas that are -ulnerale to su$$er $loodin6 or uran da3a6e. References #o$u" G." 1998. Theoretical 8usti$ication o$ S&S Fethod $or Runo$$ Esti3ation. 8ournal o$ %rri6ation and 0raina6e En6ineerin6" 1,*()): 3()731(. &lar!e" R.T." ,((8. A critiCue o$ present procedures used to co3pare per$or3ance o$ rain$all7runo$$ 3odels. 8ournal o$ A'drolo6'" 3+,(37*): 3;9738;. /atil" 8./." Saran6i" A." Sin6h" A.5. and Ah3ad" T." ,((8. E-aluation o$ 3odi$ied &= 3ethods $or .atershed runo$$ esti3ation usin6 a <%S7ased inter$ace. #ios'ste3s En6ineerin6" 1(((1): 13;71*). Roo" A./.8.d." 1993. Fodellin6 sur$ace runo$$ and soil erosion in catch3ents usin6 <eo6raphical %n$or3ation S'ste3" Htrecht" 3(* pp. Saran6i" A." Fadra3ootoo" &.A. and Enri6ht" /." ,((). &o3parison o$ Spatial Iariailit' TechniCues $or Runo$$ Esti3ation $ro3 a &anadian 9atershed. #ios'ste3s En6ineerin6" 9+(,): ,9+73(8. Stuee" F.F. and 8ohnston" 0.F." 199(. RH=?EE I?>HFE EST%FAT%?= HS%=< <%S TE&A=%JHES1. 8ournal o$ the A3erican 9ater Resources Association" ,)(*): )117),(. S'a3su =ur" F." 1991. Rain$all 7 runo$$ anal'sis and e-aluation o$ h'drolo6ic si3ulation 3odel AE&71 K AGRR?F : in Turon catch3ent" Spain" %T&" Enschede" 9+ pp.
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