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Research Topic: Runoff estimation and Hydraulic simulation using SCS Methods

& HEC GeoRAS for determination of risk zones in small urban

areas, in a !az " #oli$ia%
Student: A. A. Espejo (espejo19338@itc.nl)
Search strategy
1. Textoo!: (Roo" 1993)
Search: #oo! $ound in %T& lirar' (91(.1:)81.3 : )31.*+)
,. Re-ie. article: (/atil et al." ,((8)
Search: Else-ier Science0irect1 All Sources1 2runo$$ esti3ation4" in Astract"
Title" 5e'.ords1 in En6ineerin61 $ull7text o$ article $ro3 Science0irect
3. Research paper (1): (Stuee and 8ohnston" 199()
Search: Else-ier Science0irect1 All Sources1 2runo$$ esti3ation4" in Astract"
Title" 5e'.ords1 in En6ineerin61 $ull7text o$ article $ro3 Science0irect
*. Research paper (,): (Saran6i et al." ,(())
Search: 9e o$ Science1 6eneral search1 spatial -ariailit' runo$$ esti3ation1 ,3
results $ound1:; in the list1 $ull text o$ article $ro3
+. Research paper (3): (#o$u" 1998)
Search: <oo6le Scholar1 2scs runo$$ esti3ation41 $ull text
). %T& thesis: (S'a3su =ur" 1991)
Search: A0>%#1 Title: 2runo$$ esti3ation41 %T& Acade3ic ?utput
;. Electronic source: (&lar!e" ,((8)
Search: <oo6le1 all .e sources1 2@runo$$7rain$all co3pare@ .e pa6e on7line
&e't (utting references in conte't
Extre3e A'drolo6ic e-ents cause se-eral prole3s in cities that donBt ha-e an adeCuate
pre-ention s'ste3. This 3eans a poor 3aintenance pro6ra3 in their canaliDations and
ri-ers. >a /aD has a topo6raph' that -aries $ro3 ,8(( 3 to **((3 in uran areas. This
considerale altitude di$$erence 6enerates hi6h runo$$ -elocities and erosion prole3s
inside h'draulic structures that ha-e een uilt" ecause runo$$ .ith hi6h sedi3ent load
.ill cause that .ater.a's 6et ostructed" causin6 cho!ed up se.era6es and da3a6e to
uildin6s and a-enues (Roo" 1993). 0ue to a tra6ed' occurred in Eeruar' ,((1 (Extre3e
h'drolo6ical e-ent that caused the !illin6 o$ 3ore than ;( people and considerale uran
da3a6e)" 3an' projects ha-e een de-eloped in order to Cuanti$' the a3ount o$ .ater
that is 6enerated and to deter3ine those uran Dones that are -ulnerale to $loodin6 or to
uran da3a6e. #esides" it is necessar' to deter3ine insu$$icient h'draulic section Dones"
in order to de-elop ci-il projects.
Accurate sur$ace runo$$ esti3ation techniCues suitale $or un6au6ed .atersheds are
rele-ant to areas .here h'drolo6ic 6au6in6 stations are not .idel' a-ailale. The natural
resources conser-ation ser-ices cur-e nu3er (=R&S7&=) 3ethod is one o$ the 3ost
.idel' used 3ethods $or Cuic! and accurate esti3ation o$ sur$ace runo$$ $ro3 un6au6ed
.atersheds.(/atil et al." ,((8) (#o$u" 1998). %n order to deter3ine that the otained
results are -alid a co3parison or caliration 3ust e 3ade (&lar!e" ,((8)" also a di6ital
terrain 3odel should e 6enerated accuratel' ecause it .ill a$$ect runo$$ esti3ation since
the altitude -ariation is considerale (Saran6i et al." ,(())" in order to handle this
prole3 %<F ench 3ar! 3ust e calirated .ith the results otained $ro3 the di6ital
terrain 3odel 6eneration.
Fan' h'draulic so$t.are applications .ere de-eloped in last 'ears an also 3an' projects
and studies ha-e een 3ade (S'a3su =ur" 1991)1 $ortunatel' this so$t.are applications
are continuousl' i3pro-ed and let users ha-e a 3ore realistic idea o$ the results that are
6i-en. Since the use o$ Re3ote Sensin6 and <eo6raphic %n$or3ation S'ste3 are ein6
de-eloped" the possiilit' o$ .or!in6 and calculatin6 usin6 3aps is reall' help$ul.
(Stuee and 8ohnston" 199(). The 3ain purpose o$ this research topic is to otain the
a3ount o$ .ater that .ater.a's can handle" and i$ case o$ an insu$$icient h'draulic
section" deter3ine the uran areas that are -ulnerale to su$$er $loodin6 or uran da3a6e.
#o$u" G." 1998. Theoretical 8usti$ication o$ S&S Fethod $or Runo$$ Esti3ation. 8ournal
o$ %rri6ation and 0raina6e En6ineerin6" 1,*()): 3()731(.
&lar!e" R.T." ,((8. A critiCue o$ present procedures used to co3pare per$or3ance o$
rain$all7runo$$ 3odels. 8ournal o$ A'drolo6'" 3+,(37*): 3;9738;.
/atil" 8./." Saran6i" A." Sin6h" A.5. and Ah3ad" T." ,((8. E-aluation o$ 3odi$ied &=
3ethods $or .atershed runo$$ esti3ation usin6 a <%S7ased inter$ace. #ios'ste3s
En6ineerin6" 1(((1): 13;71*).
Roo" A./.8.d." 1993. Fodellin6 sur$ace runo$$ and soil erosion in catch3ents usin6
<eo6raphical %n$or3ation S'ste3" Htrecht" 3(* pp.
Saran6i" A." Fadra3ootoo" &.A. and Enri6ht" /." ,((). &o3parison o$ Spatial Iariailit'
TechniCues $or Runo$$ Esti3ation $ro3 a &anadian 9atershed. #ios'ste3s
En6ineerin6" 9+(,): ,9+73(8.
Stuee" F.F. and 8ohnston" 0.F." 199(. RH=?EE I?>HFE EST%FAT%?= HS%=<
<%S TE&A=%JHES1. 8ournal o$ the A3erican 9ater Resources Association"
,)(*): )117),(.
S'a3su =ur" F." 1991. Rain$all 7 runo$$ anal'sis and e-aluation o$ h'drolo6ic si3ulation
3odel AE&71 K AGRR?F : in Turon catch3ent" Spain" %T&" Enschede" 9+ pp.

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