This paper describes the architecture of a rapid-contextswitching processor called APRIL with support for fine-grain threads and synchronization. The SPARC-based implementation of APRIL can achieve close to 80% processor utilization with as few as three resident threads per processor in a large-scale cache-based machine.
This paper describes the architecture of a rapid-contextswitching processor called APRIL with support for fine-grain threads and synchronization. The SPARC-based implementation of APRIL can achieve close to 80% processor utilization with as few as three resident threads per processor in a large-scale cache-based machine.
This paper describes the architecture of a rapid-contextswitching processor called APRIL with support for fine-grain threads and synchronization. The SPARC-based implementation of APRIL can achieve close to 80% processor utilization with as few as three resident threads per processor in a large-scale cache-based machine.
This paper describes the architecture of a rapid-contextswitching processor called APRIL with support for fine-grain threads and synchronization. The SPARC-based implementation of APRIL can achieve close to 80% processor utilization with as few as three resident threads per processor in a large-scale cache-based machine.
APRIL: A Processor Architecture for Multiprocessing
Anant Agarwal, Beng-Hong Lim, David Kranz, and J ohn Kubiatowicz
Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Iestitute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Abstract Processors in large-scale multiprocessors must be able to tol- erate large communication latencies and synchronization de- lays. This paper describes the architecture of a rapid-context- switching processor called APRIL with support for fine-grain threads and synchronization. APRIL achieves high single- thread performance and supports virtual dynamic threads. A commercial RISC-based implementation of APRIL and a run-timesoftwaresystem that can switch contexts in about 10 cycles is described. Measurements taken for several parallel applications on an APRIL simulator show that the overhead for supporting parallel tasks based on futures is reduced by a factor of two over a corresponding implementation on the Encore Multimax. The scalability of a multiprocessor based on APRIL is explored using a performance model. Weshow that the SPARC-based implementation of APRIL can achieve close to 80% processor utilization with as few as three resident threads per processor in a large-scale cache-based machine with an average base network latency of 55 cycles. 1 Introduction The requirements placed on a processor in a large-scale multi- processing environment are different fromthose in a unipro- cessing setting. A processor in a parallel machine must be able to tolerate high memory latencies and handle process synchronization efficiently [2]. This need increases as more processors are added to the system. Parallel applications impose processing and communica- tion bandwidth demands on the parallel machine. An efficient and cost-effective machine design achieves a balance between the processing power and the communication bandwidth pro- vided. An imbalance is created when an underutilized pro- cessor cannot fully exploit the available network bandwidth. When the network has bandwidth to spare, low processor 0 utilization can result fromhigh network latency. An efficient processor design for multiprocessors provides a means for hid- ing latency. When sufficient parallelismexists, a processor that rapidly switches to an alternate thread of computation during a remote memory request can achieve high utilization. Processor utilization also diminishes due to synchroniza- tion latency. Spin lock accesses have a low overhead of mem- ory requests, but busy-waiting on a synchronization event wastes processor cycles. Synchronization mechanisms that avoid busy-waiting through process blocking incur a high overhead. Full/empty bit synchronization [22] in a rapid context switching processor allows efficient fine-grain synchroniza- tion. This scheme associates synchronization information with objects at the granularity of a data word, allowing a low-overhead expression of maximumconcurrency. Because the processor can rapidly switch to other threads, wasteful iterations in spin-wait loops are interleaved with useful work fromother threads. This reduces the negative effects of syn- chronization on processor utilization. This paper describes the architecture of APRIL, a proces- sor designed for large-scale multiprocessing. APRIL builds on previous research on processors for parallel architectures such as HFP [22], MASA [8], P-RISC [19], [14], [15], and [18]. Most of these processors support fine-grain interleaving of in- struction streams frommultiple threads, but suffer frompoor single-thread performance. In the HEP, for example, instruc- tions froma single thread can only be executed once every 8 cycles. Single-thread performance is important for efficiently running sections of applications with low parallelism. APRIL does not support cycle-by-cycle interleaving of threads. To optimize single-thread performance, APRIL ex- ecutes instructions froma given thread until it performs a remote memory request or fails in a synchronization attempt. Weshow that such coarse-grain multithreading allows a sim- ple processor design with context switch overheads of 4-10 cy- cles, without significantly hurting overall systemperformance (although the pipeline design is complicated by the need to handle pipeline dependencies). In APRIL, thread scheduling is done in software, and unlimited virtual dynamic threads are supported. APRIL supports full/empty bit synchroniza- tion, and provides tag support for futures 191. In this paper the terms process, thread, context, and task are used equiv- alent ly. 104 CH2887-8/90/0000/0104$01 .OO Q 1990 IEEE By taking a systems-level design approach that considers not only the processor, but also the compiler and run-time system, we were able to migrate several non-critical oper- ations into the software system, greatly simplifying proces- sor design. APRILs simplicity allows an implementation based on minor modifications to an existing RISC proces- sor design. We describe such an implementation based on Sun Microsystems SPARC processor [23]. A compiler for APRIL, a run-time system, and an APRIL simulator are op- erational. We present simulation results for several pard- le1applications on APRILS efficiency in handling fine-grain threads and assess the scalability of multiprocessors based on a coarse-grain multithreaded processor using an analytical model. Our SPARC-based processor supports four hardware contexts and can switch contexts in about 10 cycles, which yields roughly 80% processor utilization in a systemwith an average base network latency of 55 cycles. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is an overview of our multiprocessor systemarchitecture and the programming model. The architecture of APRIL is dis- cussed in Section 3, and its instruction set is described in Sec- tion 4. A SPARC-based implementation of APRIL is detailed in Section 5. Section 6 discusses the implementation and per- formance of the APRIL run-time system. Performance mea- surements of APRIL based on simulations are presented in Section 7. Weevaluate the scalability of multithreaded pro- cessors in Section 8. 2 The ALEWIFE System APRIL is the processing element of ALEWIFE, a large-scale multiprocessor being designed at MIT. ALEWIFE is a cache- coherent machine with distributed, globally-shared memory. Cache coherence is maintained using a directory-based proto- col [5] over a low-dimension direct network [20]. The directory is distributed with the processing nodes. 2.1 Hardware As shown in Figure 1, each ALEWIFE node consists of a processing element, floating-point unit, cache, main mem- ory, cache/directory controller and a network routing switch. Multiple nodes are connected via a direct, packet-switched network. The controller synthesizes a global shared memory space via messages to other nodes, and satisfies requests from other nodes directed to its local memory. It maintains strong cache coherence [7] for memory accesses. On exception conditions, such as cache misses and failed synchronization attempts, the controller can choose to trap the processor or to make the pro- cessor wait. A multithreaded processor reduces the ill effects of the long-latency acknowledgment messages resulting from a strong cache coherence protocol. To allow experimenta- tion with other programming models, the controller provides special mechanisms for bypassing the coherence protocol and facilities for preemptive interprocessor interrupts and block transfers. Figure 1: ALEWIFE node. The ALEWIFE systemuses a low-dimension direct net- work. Such networks scale easily and maintain high nearest- neighbor bandwidth. However, the longer expected latencies of low-dimension direct networks compared to indirect mul- tistage networks increase the need for processors that can tolerate long latencies. Furthermore, the lower bandwidth of direct networks over indirect networks with the same channel width introduces interesting design tradeoffs. In the ALEWIFE system, a context switch occurs when- ever the network must be used to satisfy a request, or on a failed synchronization attempt. Since caches reduce the net- work request rate, wecan employ coarse-grain multithread- ing (context switch every 50-100 cycles) instead of fine-grain multithreading (context switch every cycle). This simpli- fies processor design considerably because context switches can be more expensive (4 to 10 cycles), and functionality such as scheduling can be migrated into run-time software. Single-thread performance is optimized, and techniques used in RISC processors for enhancing pipeline performance can be applied (101. Custom design of a processing element is not required in the ALEWIFE system; indeed, weare using a modified version of a commercial RISC processor for our first-round implementation. 2.2 Programming Model Our experimental programming language for ALEWIFE is Mul-T [16], an extended version of Scheme. Mul-Ts basic mechanism for generating concurrent tasks is the f uture con- struct. The expression (future X ) , where X is an arbitrary expression, creates a task to evaluate X and also creates an object known as a future to eventually hold the value of X. When created, the future is in an unresolved, or undeter- mined, state. When the value of X becomes known, the fu- ture resolves to that value, effectively mutating into the value of X . Concurrency arises because the expression (f uture X ) returns the future as its value without waiting for the future to resolve. Thus, the computation containing (future X ) can proceed concurrently with the evaluation of X. All tasks execute in a shared address-space. The result of supplying a future as an operand of some 105 Memory operation depends on the nature of the operation. Non-strict operations, such as passing a parameter to a procedure, re- turning a result froma procedure, assigning a value to a vari- i Cueue Queue able, and storing a value into a field of a data structure, can treat a future just like any other kind of value. Strict operations such as addition and comparison, if applied to an then proceed, using the value to which the future resolved as though that had been the original operand. The act of suspending if an object is an unresolved fu- ture and then proceeding when the future resolves is known as touching the object. The touches that automatically oc- cur when strict operations are attempted are referred to as implicit touches. Mul-T also includes an explicit touching or strict primitive (touch X) that touches the value of the expression X and then returns that value. Futures express control-level parallelism. In a large class of algorithms, data parallelismis more appropriate. Barriers are a useful means of synchronization for such applications Processor State ! Ready Suspended Global register frame unresolved future, are suspended until the future resolves and f *.a. ...................... /--- Global Heap 0 Unloaded thread Loadedthread on MIMD machines, but force unnecessary serialization. The same serialization occurs in SIMD machines. Implementing data-level parallelism in a MIMD machine that allows the expression of maximum concurrency requires cheap fine-grain synchronization associated with each data object. Weprovide this support in hardware with full/empty bits. We are augmenting Mul-T with constructs for data-level parallelism and primitives for placement of data and tasks. As an example, the programmer can use future-on which works just like a normal f uture but allows the specification of the node on which to schedule the future. Extending Mul- T in this way allows us to experiment with techniques for enhancing locality and to research language-level issues for programming parallel machines. 3 Processor Architecture APRIL is a pipelined RISC processor extended with spe- cial mechanisms for multiprocessing. This section gives an overview of the APRIL architecture and focuses on its fea- tures that support multithreading, fine-grain synchroniza- tion, cheap futures, and other models of computation. The left half of Figure 2 depicts the user-visible proces- sor state comprising four sets of general purpose registers, and four sets of Program Counter (PC) chains and Proces- sor State Registers (PSR). The PC chain represents the in- struction addresses corresponding to a thread, and the PSR holds various pieces of process-specific state. Each register set, together with a single PC-chain and PSR, is conceptually grouped into a single entity called a tusk frame (using termi- nology from[SI). Only one task frame is active at a given time and is designated by a current frame pointer (FP). All register accesses are made to the active register set and instructions are fetched using the active PC-chain. Additionally, a set of 8 global registers that are always accessible (regardless of the FP) is provided. Registers are 32 bits wide. The PSR is also a 32-bit reg- ister and can be read into and written fromthe general reg- Figure 2: Processor State and Virtual Threads. isters. Special instructions can read and write the FP regis- ter. The PC-chain includes the Program Counter (PC) and next Program Counter (nPC) which are not directly acces- sible. This assumes a single-cycle branch delay slot. Condi- tion codes are set as a side effect of compute instructions. A longer branch delay might be necessary if the branch instruc- tion itself does a compare so that condition codes need not be saved [13]; in this case the PC chain is correspondingly longer. Words in memory have a 32 bit data field, and have an additional synchronization bit called the full/empty bit. Use of multiple register sets on the processor, as in the HEP, allows rapid context switching. A context switch is achieved by changing the frame pointer and emptying the pipeline. The cache controller forces a context switch on the processor, typically on remote network requests, and on cer- tain unsuccessful ftill/empty bit synchronizations. APRIL implementsfutures using the trap mechanism. For our proposed experimental implementation based on SPARC, which does not have four separate PC and PSR frames, con- text switches are also caused through traps. Therefore, a fast trap mechanismis essential. When a trap is signalled in APRIL, the trap mechanismlets the pipeline empty and passes control to the trap handler. The trap handler executes in the same task frame as the thread that trapped so that it can access all of the threads registers. 3.1 Coarse-Grain Multithreading In most processor designs to date (e.g. [8, 22, 19, 15]), multi- threading has involved cycle-by-cycle interleaving of threads. Such fine-grain multithreading has been used to hide memory latency and also to achieve high pipeline utilization. Pipeline dependencies are avoided by maintaining instructions from different threads in the pipeline, at the price of poor single- thread performance. In the ALEWIFE machine, we are primarily concerned 106 with the large latencies associated with cache misses that require a network access. Good single thread performance is also important. Therefore APRIL continues executing a single thread until a memory operation involving a remote request (or an unsuccessful synchronization attempt) is en- countered. The controller forces the processor to switch to another thread, while it services the request. This approach is called coarse-grain multithreading. Processors in message passing multicomputers [21, 27, 6, 4] have traditionally taken tbis approach to allow overlapping of communication with computation. Context switching in APRIL is achieved by changing the frame pointer. Since APRIL has four task frames, it can have up to four threads loaded. The thread that is being executed resides in the task frame pointed to by the FP. A context switch simply involves letting the processor pipeline empty while saving the PC-chain and then changing the FP to point to another task frame. Threads in ALEWIFE are virtual. Only a small subset of all threads can be physically resident on the processors; these threads are called loaded threads. The remaining threads are referred to as unloaded threads and live on various queues in memory, waiting their turn to be loaded. In a sense, the set of task frames acts like a cache on the virtual threads. This organization is illustrated in Figure 2. The scheduler tries to choose threads fromthe set of loaded threads for execu- tion to minimize the overhead of saving and restoring threads to and frommemory. When control eventually passes back to the thread that suffered a remote request, the controller should have completed servicing the request, provided the other threads ran for enough cycles. By maximizing local cache and memory accesses, the need for context switching reduces to once every 50 or 100 cycles, which allows us to tol- erate latencies in the range of 150 to 300 cycles with 4 task frames (see Section 8). Rapid context switching is used to hide the latency en- countered in several other trap events, such as synchroniza- tion faults (or attempts to load from empty locations). These events can either causethe processor to suspend execu- tion (wait) or to take a trap. In the former case, the controller holds the processor until the request is satisfied. This typi- cally happens on local memory cache misses, and on certain full/empty bit tests. If a trap is taken, the trap handling routine can respond by: 1. spinning - immediately return fromthe trap and retry the trapping instruction. 2. switch spinning - context switch without unloading the trapped thread. 3. blocking - unload the thread. The above alternatives must be considered with care be- cause incorrect choices can create or exacerbate starvation and thrashing problems. An extreme example of starvation is this: all loaded threads are spinning or switch spinning on an exception condition that an unloaded thread is responsi- ble for fulfilling. We are investigating several possible mecha- nisms to handle such problems, including a special controller jnitiated trap on certain failed synchronization tests, whose handler unloads the thread. An important aspect of the ALEWIFE systemis its com- bination of caches and multithreading. While this combina- tion is advantageous, it also creates a unique class of thrash- ing and starvation problems. For example, forward progress can be halted if a context executing on one processor is writ- ing to a location while a context on another processor is read- ing fromit. These two contexts can easily play cache tag, since writes to a location force a context switch and inval- idation of other cached copies, while reads force a context switch and transform read-write copies into read-only copies. Another probleminvolves thrashing between an instruction and its data; a context will be blocked if it has a load in- struction mapped to the same cache line as the target of the load. .These and related problems have been addressed with appropriate hardware interlock mechanisms. 3.2 Support for Futures Executing a Mul-T program with futures incurs two types of overhead not present in sequential programs. First, strict operations must check their operands for availability before using them. Second, there is a cost associated with creating new threads. Detection of Futures Operand checks for futures done in software imply wasted cycles on every strict operation. Our measurements with Mul-T running on an Encore Multimax show that this is expensive. Even with clever compiler opti- mizations, there is close to a factor of two loss in performance over a purely sequential implementation (see Table 3). Our solution employs a tagging scheme with hardware-generated traps if an operand to a strict operator is a future. Webe- lieve that this hardware support is necessary to make futures a viable construct for expressing parallelism. Froman archi- tectural perspective, this mechanismis similar to dynamic type checking in Lisp. However, this mechanismis necessary even in a statically typed language in the presence of dynamic futures. APRIL uses a simple data type encoding scheme for auto- matically generating a trap when operands to strict operators are futures. This implementation (discussed in Section 5 ) ob- viates the need to explicitly inspect in software the operands to every compute instruction. This is important because we do not want to hurt the efficiency of all compute instructions because of the possibility an operand is a future. Lazy Task Creation Little can be done to reduce the cost of task creation if f uture is taken as a command to create a new task. In many programs the possibility of creating am excessive number of fine-grain tasks exists. Our solution to this problemis called lazy task creation [17]. With lazy task creation a f uture expression does not create a new task, but 107 computes the expression as a local procedure call, leaving behind a marker indicating that a new task could have been created. The new task is created only when some processor becomes idle and looks for work, stealing the continuation of that procedure call. Thus, the user can specify the maximum possible parallelismwithout the overhead of creating a large number of tasks. The race conditions are resolved using the fine-grain locking provided by the full/empty bits. 3.3 Fine-grain synchronization Besides support for lazy task creation, efficient fine-grain syn- chronization is essential for large-scale parallel computing. Both the dataflow and data-parallel models of computation rely heavily on the availability of cheap fine-grain synchro- nization. The unnecessary serialization imposed by barri- ers in MIMD implementations of data-parallellism can be avoided by allowing fine-grain word-level synchronization in data structures. The traditional t es t &s et based synchro- nization requires extra memory operations and separate data storage for the lock and for the associated data. Busy-waiting or blocking in conventional processors waste additional pro- cessor cycles. APRIL adopts the full/empty bit approach used in the HEP to reduce both the storage requirements and the num- ber of memory accesses. A bit associated with each memory word indicates the state of the word: full or empty. The load of an empty location or the store into a full location can trap the processor causing a context switch, which helps hide synchronization delay. Traps also obviate the additional software tests of the lock in t es t b s et operations. A similar mechanismis used to implement I-structures in dataflow ma- chines 131, however APRIL is different in that it implements such synchronizations through software trap handlers. 3.4 Multimode1 Support Mechanisms APRIL is designed primarily for a shared-memory multi- processor with strongly coherent caches. However, we are considering several additional mechanisms which will permit explicit management of caches and efficient use of network bandwidth. These mechanisms present different computa- tional models to the programmer. To allow software-enforced cache coherence, wehave loads and stores that bypass the hardware coherence mechanism, and a flush operation that permits software writeback and invalidation of cache lines. A loaded context has a fence counter that is incremented for each dirty cache line that is flushed and decremented for each acknowledgement from memory. This fence counter may be examined to determine if all writebacks have completed. Weare proposing a block- transfer mechanismfor efficient transfer of large blocks of data. Finally, weare considering an interprocessor-interrupt mechanism(IPI) which permits preemptive messages to be sent to specific processors. IPIs offer reasonable alternatives to polling and, in conjunction with block-transfers, forma primitive for the message-passing computational model. Type I Format I Data transfer I Control flow Comuute I OD SI 82 d I d +- si OD 82 I PC+l if cond el se PCt1 PCtoffset PC+off s et Table 1: Basic instruction set summary. Bit 31 Bit 0 I I Fixnum I 1 Other I Cons I I l l 0 1 10 lQl Future I I1 0 Figure 3: Data Type Encodings. Although each of these mechanisms adds complexity to our cache controller, they are easily implemented in the pro- cessor through out-of-band instructions as discussed in Sec- tion 5. 4 Instruction Set APRIL has a basic RISC instruction set augmented with spe- cial memory instructions for full/empty bit operations, mul- tithreading, and cache support. The attraction of an imple- mentation based on simple SPARC processor modifications has resulted in a basic SPARC-like design. All registers are addressed relative to a current frame pointer. Compute in- structions are 3-address register-to-register arithmetic/logic operations. Conditional branch instructions take an immedi- ate operand and may increment the PC by the value of the immediate operand depending on the condition codes set by the arithmetic/logic operations. Memory instructions move data between memory and the registers, and also interact with the cache and the full/empty bits. The basic instruc- tion categories are summarized in Table 1. The remainder of this section describes features of APRIL instructions used for supporting multiprocessing. Data Type Formats APRIL supports tagged pointers for Mul-T, as in the Berkeley SPUR processor [12], by encod- ing the pointer type in the low order bits of a data word. Associating the type with the pointer has the advantage of saving an additional memory reference when accessing type information. Figure 3 lists the different type encodings. An important purpose of this type encoding scheme is to support hardware detection of futures. 108 Name I Type I Reset f/e bit I EL trap I CM2response l d t t I 1 1 No I Yes 1 Trau ~-~~ l de t t ldnt l dent ldnv ldenv l dt v 2 Yes Yes Trap 3 No No Trap 4 Yes No nap 5 No No wait 6 Yes No wait 7 No Yes wait _ _ ~ I l det v I 8 1 Yes 1 Yes I Wait Empty location. 2Cache miss. Table 2: LoadInstructions. Future Detecti on and Compute I nstructi ons Since a compute instruction is a strict operation, special action has to be taken if either of its operands is a future. APRIL generates a trap if a future is encountered by a compute instruction. Future pointers are easily detected by their non-zero least significant bit. Memory I nstructi ons Memory instructions are complex because they interact with the full/empty bits and the cache controller. On a memory access, two data exceptions can occur: the accessed location may not be in the cache (a cache miss), and the accessed location may be empty on a load or full on a store (a full/empty exception). On a cache miss, the cache/directory controller can trap the processor or make the processor wait until the data is available. On full/empty exceptions, the controller can trap the processor, or allow the processor to continue execution. Load instructions also have the option of setting the full/empty bit of the accessed location to empty while store instructions have the option of setting the bit to full. These options give rise to 8 kinds of loads and 8 kinds of stores. The load instructions are listed in Table 2. Store instructions are similar except that they trap on full locations instead of empty locations. A memory instruction also shares responsibility for detect- ing futures in either of its address operands. Like compute instructions, memory instructions also trap if the least sig- nificant bit of either of their address operands are non-zero. This introduces the restriction that objects in memory can- not be allocated at byte boundaries. This, however, is not a problem because object allocation at word boundaries is fa- vored for other reasons (111. This trap provides support for implicit future touches in operators that dereference pointers, e.g., car in LISP. Ful l /Empty Bi t Conditional Branch I nstructi ons Non-trapping memory instructions allow testing of the full/empty bit by setting a condition bit indicating the state of the memory words full/empty bit. APRIL provides condi- tional branch instructions, J f u l l and J empty, thatdisgatch on this condition bit. This, provides a mechanism to explicitly control the action taken following a memory instruction that would normally trap on a full/empty exception. Frame Poi nter I nstructi ons Instructions are provided for manipulating the register frame pointer (FP). FP points to the register frame on which the currently executing thread resides. An INCFP instruction increments the FP to point to the next task frame while a DECFP instruction decrements it. The incrementing and decrementing is done modulo the number of task frames. RDFP reads the value of the FP into a register and STFP writes the contents of a register into the FP. I nstructi ons for Other Mechanisms The special mech- anisms discussed in Section 3.4, such as FLUSH are made available through out-of-band instructions. Interprocessor- interrupts, block-transfers, and FENCE operations are initiated via memory-mapped I /O instructions (LDIO, STIO). 5 An Implementation of APRIL An ALEWIFE node consists of several interacting subsys- tems: processor, floating-point unit, cache, memory, cache and directory controller, and network controller. For the first round implementation of the ALEWIFE system, weplan to use a modified SPARC processor and an unmodified SPARC floating-point unit. There are several reasons for this choice. First, wehave chosen to devote our limited resources to the design of a custom ALEWIFE cache and directory controller, rather than to processor design. Second, the register windows in the SPARC processor permit a simple implementation of coarse-grain multithreading. Third, most of the instructions envisioned for the original APRIL processor map directly to single or double instruction sequences on the SPARC. Soft- ware compatibility with a commercial processor allows easy access to a large body of software. Furthermore, use of a standard processor permits us to ride the technology curve; wecan take advantage of new technology as it is developed. Rapi d Context Switching on SPARC SPARC proces- sors contain an implementation-dependent number of over- lapping register windows for speeding up procedure calls. The current register window is altered via SPARC instruc- tions (SAVE and RESTORE) that modify the Current Window Pointer (CWP). Traps increment the CWP, while the trap return instruction (RETT) decrements it. SPARCs register windows are suited for rapid context switching and rapid trap handling because most of the state of a process ( i . e. , its 24 local registers) can be switched with a single-cycle instruc- tion. Although we are not using multiple register windows for procedure calls within a single thread, this should not significantly hurt performance (25, 241. To implement coarse-grain multithreading, we use two register windows per task frame - a user window and a trap window. The SPARC processor chosen for our implementa- tion has eight register windows, allowing a maximum of four The SPARC-based implementation effort is in collaboration with LSI Logic Corporation. 109 hardware task frames. Since the SPARC does not have mul- tiple programcounter (PC) chains and processor status regis- ters (PSR), our trap code must explicitly save and restore the PSRs during context switches (the PC chain is saved by the trap itself). These values are saved in the trap window. Be- cause the SPARC has a minimumtrap overhead of five cycles (for squashing the pipeline and computing the trap vector), context switches will take at least this long. See Section 6.1 for further information. The SPARC floating-point unit does not support register windows, but has a single, 32-word register file. To retain rapid context switching ability for applications that require efficient floating point performance, wehave divided the float- ing point register file into four sets of eight registers. This is achieved by modifying floating-point instructions in a context dependent fashion as they are loaded into the FPU and by maintaining four different sets of condition bits. A modifica- tion of the SPARC processor will make the CWP available externally to allow insertion into the FPU instruction. Support for Futures We detect futures on the SPARC via two separate mechanisms. Fut,ure pointers are tagged with their lowest bit set. Thus, direct use of a future pointer is flagged with a word-alignment trap. Furthermore, a strict operation, such as subtraction, applied to one or more future pointers is flagged with a modified non-jixnum trap, that is triggered if an operand has its lowest bit set (as opposed to either one of the lowest two bits, in the SPARC specification). traps (IPIs) are delivered via the SPARCs asynchronous trap lines. 6 Compiler and Run-Time System The compiler and run-time system are integral parts of the processor design effort. A Mul-T compiler for APRIL and a run-time system written partly in APRIL assembly code and partly in T have been implemented. Constructs for user- directed placement of data and processes have also been im- plemented. The run-time system includes the trap and sys- tem routines, Mul-T run-time support, a scheduler, and a system boot routine. Since a large portion of the support for multithreading, synchronization and futures is provided in software through traps and run-time routines, trap handling must be fast. Be- low, wedescribe the implementation and performance of the routines used for trap handling and context switching. 6.1 Cache Miss and Full/Empty Traps Cache miss traps occur on cache misses that require a net- work request and cause the processor to context switch. Full/empty synchronization exceptions can occur on certain memory instructions described in Section 4. The processor can respond to these exceptions by spinning, switch spinning, or blocking the thread. In our current implementation, traps handle these exceptions by switch spinning, which involves a context switch to the next task frame. In our SPARC-based design of APRIL, weimplement con- text switching through the trap mechanismusing instructions that change the CWP. The following is a trap routine that context switches to the thread in the next task frame. I mpl ementati on of Loads and Stores The SPARC def- inition includes the Alternate Space Indicator (MI ) fea- ture that Permits a simple implementation of APRILS many load and store instructions (described in Section 4). The AS1 is available externally as an eight-bit field. Normal memory accesses use four of the 256 AS1 values to indi- cate user/supervisor and instruction/data accesses. Special SPARC load and store instructions (LDASI and STASI) permit use of the other 252 AS1values. Our first-round implementa- tion uses different AS1 values to distinguish between flavors of load and store instructions, special mechanisms, and 1/0 instructions. I nteracti on wi th the Cache Control l er The Cachecon- troller in the ALEWIFE systemmaintains strong cache co- herence, performs full/empty bit synchronization, and im- plements special mechanisms. By examining the processors AS1bits during memory accesses, it can select between dif- ferent load/store and synchronization behavior, and can de- termine if special mechanisms should be employed. Through use of the Memory Exception (MEXC) line on SPARC, it can invoke synchronous traps corresponding to cache misses and synchronization (full/empty) mismatches. The controller can suspend processor execution using the MHOLD line. It passes condition information to the processor through the Co- processor Condition bits (CCCs), permitting the full/empty conditional branch instructions (J f ul l and J empty) to be im- plemented as coprocessor branch instructions. Asynchronous rdpsr psrreg ; save PSR i nto a reserved reg. save ; increment the window poi nter save ; by 2 wrpsr psrreg ; restore PSR f or the new context jmpl 1-17 ; return from trap and rett r18 ; reexecute trappi ng i nstructi on We count 5 cycles for the trap mechanismto allow the pipeline to empty and save relevant processor state before passing control to the trap handler. The above trap handler takes an additional 6 cycles for a total of 11cycles to effect the context switch. In a customAPRIL implementation, the cycles lost due to PC saves in the hardware trap sequence, and those in calling the trap handler for the PSR saves/restores and double incrementing the frame pointer could be avoided, allowing a four-cycle context switch. 6.2 Future Touch Trap When a future touch trap is signalled, the future that caused the trap will be in a register. The trap handler has to decode the trapping instruction to find that register. The future is resolved if the full/empty bit of the futures value slot is set 110 to full. If it is resolved, the future in the register is replaced with the resolved value; otherwise the trap routine can decide to switch spin or block the thread that trapped. Our future touch trap handler takes 23 cycles to execute if the future is resolved. If the trap handler decides to block the thread on an unre- solved future, the thread must be unloaded fromthe hardware task frame, and an,alternate thread may be loaded. Loading a thread involves writing the state of the thread, including its general registers, its PC chain, and its PSR, into a hardware task frame on the processor, and unloading a thread involves saving the state of a thread out to memory. Loading and un- loading threads are expensive operations unless there is spe- cial hardware support for block movement of data between registers and memory. Since the scheduling mechanismfavors processor-resident threads, loading and unloading of threads should be infrequent. However, this is an issue that is under investigation. 7 Performance Measurements This section presents some results on APRILS performance in handling fine-grain tasks. Wehave implemented a simulator for the ALEWIFE systemwritten in C and T. Figure 4 illus- trates the organization of the simulator. The Mul-T compiler produces APRIL code, which gets linked with the run-time system to yield an executable program. The instruction-level APRIL processor simulator interprets APRIL instructions. It is written in T and simulates 40,000 APRIL instructions per second when run on a SPARCServer 330. The processor simulator interacts with the cache and directory simulator (written in C) on memory instructions. The cache simula- tor in turn interacts with the network simulator (also written in C).when making remote memory operations. The simula- tor has proved to be a useful tool in evaluating system-wide architectural tradeoffs as it provides more accurate results than a trace driven simulation. The speed of the simulator has allowed us to execute lengthy parallel programs. As an example, in a run of speech (described below), the simulated programran for 100 million simulated cycles before complet- ing. Evaluation of the ALEWIFE architecture through simu- lations is in progress. A sampling of our results on the perfor- mance of APRIL running parallel programs is presented here. Table 3 lists the execution times of four programs written in Mul-T: fib, factor, queens and speech. fib is the ubiq- uitous doubly recursive Fibonacci program with futures around each of its recursive calls, factor finds the largest prime factor of each number in a range of numbers and sums them up, queens finds all solutions to the n-queens chess problemfor n =8 and speech is a modified Viterbi graph search algorithm used in a connected speech recognition sys- tem called SUMMIT, developed by the Spoken Language Sys- tems Group at MIT. Weran each programon the Encore Mul- timax, on APRIL using normal task creation, and on APRIL using lazy task creation. For purposes of comparison, execu- tion time has been normalized to the time taken to execute a Single-processor execution trace of parallel program Other parallel tracers: trap bit, ATUMP MUI-T program Run-time syk Figure 4: Simulator Organization. sequential version of each program, i . e. , with no futures and compiled with an optimizing T-compiler. The difference between running the same sequential code on T and on Mul-T on the Encore Multimax (columns T seq and Mul-T seq) is due to the overhead of future detec- tion. Since the Encore does not support hardware detection of futures, an overhead of a factor of 2 is introduced, even though no futures are actually created. There is no overhead on APRIL, which demonstrates the advantage of tag support for futures. The difference between running sequential code on Mul- T and running parallel code on Mul-T with one processor (Mul-T seq and 1) is due to the overhead of thread creation and synchronization in a parallel program. This overhead is very large for the fib benchmark on both the Encore and APRIL using normal task creation because of very fine-grain thread creation. This overhead accounts for approximately a factor of 28 in execution time. For APRIL with normal futures, this overhead accounts for a factor of 14. Lazy task creation on APRIL creates threads only when the machine has the resources to execute them, and performs much better because it has the effect of dynamically partitioning the pro- gram into coarser-grain threads and creating fewer futures. The overhead introduced is only a factor of 1.5. In all of the programs, APRIL consistently demonstrates lower overhead due to support for thread creation and synchronization over the Encore. Measurements for multiple processor executions on APRIL (2 - 16) used the processor simulator without the cache and network simulators, in effect simulating a shared- memory machine with no memory latency. The numbers demonstrate that APRIL and its run-time system allow par- 111 I Mul-T Table 3: Execution time for Mul-T benchmarks. T seq is T running sequential code, Mul-T seq isMul-T running sequential code, 1 to 16 denote number of processors running parallel code. allel programperformance to scale when synchronization and task creation overheads are taken into account, but when memory latency is ignored. The effect of communication in large-scale machines depends on several factors such as scheduling, which are active areas of investigation. 8 Scalability of Multithreaded Processor Systems , Multithreading enhances processor efficiency by allowing ex- ecution to proceed on alternate threads while the memory requests of other threads are being satisfied. However, any new mechanismis useful only if it enhances overall system performance. This section analyzes the systemperformance of multithreaded processors. A multithreaded processor design must address the trade- off between reduced processor idle time and increased cache miss rates, network contention, and context management overhead. The private working sets of multiple contexts in- terfere in the cache. The added interference misses coupled with the higher average traffic generated by a higher utilized processor impose greater bandwidth demands on the inter- connection network. Context management instructions re- quired to switch the processor between threads also add to the overhead. Furthermore, the application must display suf- ficient parallelismto allow multiple thread assignment to each processor. What is a good performance metric to evaluate multi- threading? A good measure of systemperformance is system power, which is the product of the number of processors and the average processor utilization. Provided the computation of processor utilization takes into account the deleterious ef- fects of cache, network, and context-switching overhead, the processor utilization is itself a good measure. We have developed a model for multithreaded processor utilization that includes the cache, network, and switching overhead effects. A detailed analysis is presented in [l]. This section will summarize the model and our chief results. Pro- cessor utilization U as a function of the number of threads resident on a processor p is derived as a function of the cache miss rate m( p) , the network latency T(p), and the context switching overhead C: When the number of threads is small, complete overlap- ping of network latency is not possible. Processor utilization with one thread is 1/(1+m(l)T(l)). Ideally, with p threads available to overlap network delays, the utilization would in- crease pfold. In practice, because the miss rate and network latency increase to m(p) and T( p) , the utilization becomes When it is possible to completely overlap network latency, processor utilization is limited only by the context switching overhead paid on every miss (assuming a context switch hap- pens on a cache miss), and is given by 1/(1 +m( p) C) . The models for the cache and network terms have been validated through simulations. Both these terms are shown to be the sum of two components: one component independent of the number of threads p and the other linearly related to p (to first order). Multithreading is shown to be useful when p is small enough that the fixed components dominate. Let us look at some results for the default set of system parameters given in Table 4. The analysis assumes 8000 pro- cessors arranged in a three dimensional array. I n such a sys- tem, the average number of hops between a randompair of nodes is nk/3 =20, where n denotes network dimension and k its radix. This yields an average round trip network la- tency of 55 cycles for an unloaded network, when memory latency and average packet size are taken into account. The fixed miss rate comprises first-time fetches of blocks into the cache, and the interference due to multiprocessor coherence invalidations. P/(l +m( p) T( p) ) . Parameter Network dimension n Fixed mi s s rate Averagepacket size Cacheblock size 16 bytes U I 64 Kbytes 1 Cachesize Table 4: Default systemparameters. Figure 5 displays processor utilization as a function of the number of threads resident on the processor when con- text switching overhead is 10 cycles. The degree to which 112 Ideal Network Effects Cache and Network Effects CS Overhead Useful Work 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 Processes p Figure 5: Relativesizes of the cache, network and overhead com- ponents that affect processor utilization. the cache, network, and overhead components impact overall processor utilization is also shown. The ideal curve shows the increase in processor utilization when both the cachemiss rate and network contention correspond to that of a single process, and do not increase with the degree of multithreading p. We see that as few as three processes yield close to 80% utilization for a ten-cycle context-switch overhead which corresponds to our initial SPARC-based implementation of APRIL. This result is similar to that reported by Weber and Gupta [26] for coarse-grain multithreaded processors. The main reason a low degree of multithreading is sufficient is that context switches are forced only on cache misses, which are expected to happen infrequently. The marginal benefits of additional processes is seen to decrease due to network and cache interference. Why is utilization limited to a maximum of about 0.80 despite an ample supply of threads? The reason is that avail- able network bandwidth limits the maximum rate at which computation can proceed. When available network bandwidth is used up, adding more processes will not improve processor utilization. On the contrary, more processes will degrade per- formance due to increased cache interference. In such a sit- uation, for better system performance, effort is best spent in increasing the network bandwidth, or in reducing the band- width requirement of each thread. The relatively large ten-cycle context switch overhead does not significantly impact performance for the default set of parameters because utilization depends on the product of context switching frequency and switching overhead, and the switching frequency is expected to be small in a cache-based system. This observation is important because it allows a simpler processor implementation, and is exploited in the de- sign of APRIL. A multithreaded processor requires larger caches to sus- tain the working sets of multiple processes, although cache interference is mitigated if the processes share code and data. For the default parameter set, wefound that caches greater than 64 Kbytes comfortably sustain the working sets of four processes. Smaller caches suffer more interference and reduce the benefits of multithreading. 9 Conclusions Wedescribed the architecture of APRIL - a coarse-grain mul- tithreaded processor to be used in a cache-coherent multipro- cessor called ALEWIFE. By rapidly switching to an alternate task, APRIL can hide communication and synchronization delays and achieve high processor utilization. The processor makes effective use of available network bandwidth because it is rarely idle. APRIL provides support for fine-grain task- ing and detection of futures. It achieves high single-thread performance by executing instructions from a given task until an exception condition like a synchronization fault or remote memory operation occurs. Coherent caches reduce the con- text switch rate to approximately once every 50-100 cycles. Therefore context switch overheads in the 4-10 cycle range are tolerable, significantly simplifying processor design. By providing hardware support only for performance-critical op- erations and migrating other functionality into the compiler and run-time system, wewere able to simplify the processor design even further. Wedescribed a SPARC-based implementation of APRIL that uses the register windows of SPARC as task frames for multiple threads. A processor simulator and an APRIL com- piler and run-time system have been written. The SPARC- based implementation of APRIL switches contexts in 11cy- cles. APRIL and its associated run-time system practically eliminate the overhead of fine-grain task creation and detec- tion of futures. For Mul-T, the overhead reduces from 100% on an Encore Multimax-based implementation to under 5% on APRIL. We evaluated the scalability of multithreaded processors in large-scale parallel machines using an analyt- ical model. For typical system parameters and a 10 cycle context-switch overhead, the processor can achieve close to 80% utilization with 3 processor resident threads. 10 Acknowledgements Wewould like to acknowledge the contributions of the mem- bers the ALEWIFE research group. In particular, Dan Nuss- baum was partly responsible for the processor simulator and run-time system and was the source of a gamut of ideas, David Chaiken wrote the cache simulator, Kirk J ohnson sup- 113 plied the benchmarks, and Gin0 Maa and Sue Lee wrote the network simulator. We appreciate help from Gene Hill, Mark Perry, and J i m Pena from LSI Logic Corporation for the SPARC-based implementation effort. Our design was in- fluenced by Bert Halstead's work on multithreaded proces- sors. Our research benefited significantly from discussions with Bert Halstead, Tom Knight, Greg Papadopoulos, J uan Loaiza, Bill Dally, Steve Ward, Rishiyur Nikhil, Arvind, and J ohn Hennessy. 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