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Egypt - Guide To Key Salafis and Groups

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7 December 2011


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Egypt: Guide to Key Salafis and Groups

Egypts Salafi movement, which aims to transform post-Mubarak Egypt into an Islamic state, is
rapidly becoming a political force. The Salafi movement began to attract a large following in
Egypt during the 1970s and now claims to have more than 5 million members. Prior to the
2011 revolution, the Salafis avoided politics and instead focused on preaching, running social
programs and promoting their strict interpretation of Islam through their network of mosques
and satellite television channels. With a freer political environment in Egypt, Salafis are
moving into the political arena and are aiming to play a significant role in elections and efforts
to re-shape post-Mubarak Egypt. Salafi parties showed their political muscle during the first
stage of parliamentary elections at the end of November, winning nearly 25 percent of the vote.

Main Salafi Groups

The following are major Salafi groups that have been active politically since the 25 J anuary
revolution. Many Salafis belong to more than one Salafi group and some are independent of
any group.

Jama'a Ansar al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyah (Ansar al-Sunnah)
Originally formed in 1926, J ama'at Ansar al-Sunnah al-
Muhamadiyah (also known as Ansar al-Sunnah) is one of the
oldest Salafi-oriented groups in Egypt. The association controls
more than 2,000 mosques, has 150 branches with some in every
Egyptian governorate and sponsors a huge number of social
projects that help the poor, according to its Facebook page.

The late Shaykh Muhammad Hamid Fiki founded the
organization, which has ties to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf
countries. Most recently, Qatar reportedly gave the group million Egyptian Pounds (LE) [US
$30 million] in February (Rose al-Yusef, 4 April).
Ansar al-Sunnah operates a training school
for its preachers at the Al-Tawhid Mosque in Nile Delta city of Bilbays, according to the
schools website.
The groups network of shaykhs has aggressively expanded into villages
and governorates outside Cairo in recent years, taking over numerous mosques and using the
mosques to promote Salafi ideology (Rose al-Yusef, 9 November).
After the revolution,
Ansar al-Sunnah paved the way for Salafi political involvement by issuing a decision that
there was no religious objection to participating in the election of the Peoples Assembly and
Shura Council because they are a means of empowering and spreading Islamic dawa [a call to
Islam] among all sections of the community (Al-Ahram, 22 March).
Webpage: elsonna.com
The group claims
prominent Salafi Shaykhs Muhammad Hassan and Muhammad Husayn Yaqub among its
Social Media: facebook.com/52164609707

7 December 2011


Al-Dawa al-Salafiya (Salafist Call)
The Salafist Call was formed in
Alexandria in the 1970s by a group of
university students who
were influenced by Salafist ideas from
Saudi Arabia. After a series of clashes
with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) at
Alexandria University in 1980s, members
decided to form an organization under the
leadership of Shaykh Muhamad Ismail al-
Muqadam to promote and defend Salafi
ideology. The Salafist Call re-energized
the Salafi movement in Egypt and
Alexandria to this day remains a Salafi
stronghold. The Salafist Call has been a
driving force in the Campaign for New
Muslims and the Vote Yes campaign for
the referendum on a new constitution,
which maintains Islam as the state
religion. With branches in nearly every
governorate, the group has a membership
numbering in the hundreds of thousands,
according to its website. Although the
group initially opposed the 25 J anuary
Revolution, it has since become
increasingly active. In J une 2011 Shaykh
Muhammad Abd al- Fattah (Abu Idris)
was elected president of the Salafist Call,
Shaykh Yasser Burhami was elected first
deputy; Shaykh Said Abdul Azim as
second deputy. Other prominent members
include Muhammed Ismail al-Muqadam, Abd Munim al-Shahat, Muhammad Hassan,
Muhammad Husayn Yaqub and Abu Ishaq al-Huwayni.
Webpage: elsalaf.bravehost.com
Social Media: facebook.com/SalafAlex ; facebook.com/112895822121725

Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya (Islamic Group)
The Islamic Group (IG) is Salafi in its religious orientation, but is not considered part of the
Salafi mainstream in Egypt. At one time, the IG was Egypts largest militant group,
responsible for several high-profile terrorist attacks in the country, including the Luxor
massacre in 1997. In recent years, members have renounced violence and stated their intention
to work within the political system. Since the Egyptian revolution, the IG has formed the
Building and Development political party and has participated in Tahrir Square
demonstrations. The groups spiritual leader, Shaykh Umar Abd al-Rahman [popularly known
What is Salafism?

Salafism is a school of thought whose adherents
advise Muslims to emulate the behavior and
ideology of the al-salaf al-salih [the righteous
predecessors], who lived during the first three
generations of Islam. Salafis consider any
deviation from the creed and practices of the
salihin as bidaa [an innovation] and
therefore un-Islamic. Salafis reject the Ashari
doctrine of Islam that most of the Sunni Muslim
world including Al-Azhar University
follows. Salafis consider Sufis and Shia, who
practice Islam outside the Salafi interpretation, as
non-Muslims. Most Egyptian Salafi preachers
have trained in Saudi Arabia and as a result,
there is a close relationship between the beliefs
of Egyptian Salafis and Saudi-based Wahhabis;
both Salafis and Wahhabis trace their lineage
back to Taqi al-Deen Ibn Taymiyyah [d.1328 D],
Ibn al-Qayyim [d.1350AD], and Muhammad ibn
Abd al-Wahhab [d.1792], the founder of the
Saudi Wahhabi movement. In the modern era,
Egyptian Salafis look to the late Saudi Shaykh
Abd al-Aziz Bin-Baz, Muhammad Bin-Salih al-
Uthaymin and Muhammed Nasr al-Din Albani
for jurisprudence. The distinctive Salafi
appearance -- of a long beard without a mustache
-- is an attempt to emulate the visage of the
Prophet Mohammed.

7 December 2011


as the Blind Shaykh], is currently imprisoned in the United States. Prominent members
include its founder, Najih Ibrahim, Tarek and Abud Zumur and Karam Zuhdi.
Webpage: egyig.com

Jabha Salafiya (Salafi Front)
The Salafi Front was established on 25 J anuary and is the newest Salafi group in Egypt. It was
founded by independent Islamists and Salafists who have distanced themselves from Saudi
Arabia. The group has focused on fighting for Islamic law in Egypt and against secular
attempts to change the constitution, according to its Facebook page.6 It has opposed the
Madkhali Salafi ideology, which holds that it is illegitimate to fight or oppose a Muslim ruler
[in particular the Saudi king], and, in an illustration of its unwillingness to toe the Saudi line,
members of the group recently protested in front of the Saudi Embassy in Cairo to demand the
release of Egyptian political prisoners in Saudi Arabia (Islamicawakening.com, 16 Nov) 7
Website: gabhasalafiya.com

Prominent members of the Salafi
Front include Shaykh Ashraf Abd
al- Moneim and Khaled Said.
Social media:

Key Salafi Individuals

In this paper Egyptian Salafis have
been divided into two categories,
based on their attitude toward the
use of violence. Dawa
[Proselytizing] Salafis, including
the Alexandrian trend and the
Cairo scholars, have for the most
part, focused on preaching rather
than violence to achieve their goals.
Jihadist Salafis, on the other hand,
have advocated the use of violence
to achieve their objective of
establishing an Islamic state in
Egypt. However, many of these
former jihadists are participating in
the electoral process in post-
Mubarak Egypt. Unlike their Islamist rivals, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Salafis have not
organized themselves according to a hierarchy. As a result it is difficult to rank each shaykh in
terms of importance since each shaykh has his own following among Egyptians.

Salafis and Muslim Brotherhood
The Salafis have historically had an antagonistic
relationship with the MB, going back to the pitched
battles between Salafi students and MB students at
Alexandria University in the 1970s. Reflecting
continuing distrust between the two groups, Salafi
political parties initially rejected MB overtures in
October for an Islamic alliance to ensure that Islamic
candidates do not run against each other. Major
differences between them include their approaches to
societal reform. The MB, founded by Hassan al-Banna
and inspired by the writings of Sayed Qutub, argues that
change can only be achieved through participation in
politics and the electoral process. Many Salafis,
however, contend that society can be reformed only
through preaching, prayer and other Islamic works with
political involvement a distant second (Al-Ahram, 26
Former MB member and presidential
candidate Abd al-Moneim Abu al-Fotouh estimated that
the number of Salafis in Egypt is 20 times that of the
MB [unofficial estimates place MB membership at
400,000 to 700,000 members] (Foreign Policy, 8
The Salafis themselves claim they have 5
million members

(Biyokulule Online, 5 August).
7 December 2011


Dawa Salafis

The Dawa Salafis constitute the mainstream Salafi movement in Egypt. Prior to the revolution,
they focused primarily on preaching and spreading Salafi dawa through the media, which they
contend will eventually lead to an Islamic state as a natural course of events. The Alexandrian
trend and the Cairo scholars hold similar doctrines and began to coalesce in the 1970s.
However, the Cairo school has been more conservative and confrontational than its
Alexandrian counterpart. In post-Mubarak Egypt, the various Salafi groups have been
cooperating together to achieve their goal of an Islamic state through political participation.

Shaykh Muhammad Hassan
DOB/POB: 8 April 1962; , Egypt
Education: Graduated from Cairo University with a masters
degree in Islamic Studies.
Current position: Runs the Satellite television channel al-
Rahma TV and trains Egyptian preachers as a professor at the
Ansar al-Sunnah Institute in Mansura.
Saudi influence: Spent a number of years in Saudi Arabia, first
as an imam and preacher at the Al-Rajhi Mosque in Riyadh and
then as a professor at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Qassim.
Position on minorities: Has stated that the president of a Muslim-majority country must be a
Muslim man and cannot be a Christian or a woman; Christians may serve only in ministerial
positions (Christiandogma.org, 25 March).
Reputation: Hassan is one of the most visible and popular of the so-called Salafi satellite
preachers. In 2007 he established the Salafi satellite television station Al-Rahma TV.


Hassan has become politically active since the revolution and in J uly he helped establish the
El-Asala party, a Salafi party that advocates the application of Islamic law in Egypt (Al-
Ahram; 3 August).
In the weeks following the Egyptian revolution, some Egyptians
promoted Hassan as a presidential candidate, but he has declined to run (islammemo.cc, 2
). Hassan recently gain notoriety for saying on his television program that Islam
prefers strong, immoral men to weak, pious men, since they are more useful in battle
(YouTube, 28 J une).
Webpage: muhammadhassan.org

Facebook: ar-ar.facebook.com/147232543841

7 December 2011


Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Yaqub
DOB/POB: 1956; Imbabahh, Egypt
Education: Obtained a teaching certificate; memorized Koran in a
local Kutab [school].
Current position: Television preacher
Saudi influence: Studied hadiths for five years in Saudi Arabia
Position on minorities: Discussing national unity at a conference
in March, Yaqub spoke positively about the bond between Copts
and Muslims (Al-Masry al-Yom, 14 October).
Reputation: Yaqub preaches in various mosques in Cairo, is a
frequent guest on Salafi television shows and has published a number of books. He has spoken
out against the current practice of jihad, stating in an interview in 2009 that jihad at this time,
should be more jihad of the self [internal jihad] while external jihad should be practiced by
nations, not by individuals (YouTube, 14 August).

Nevertheless, he is known for his
strongly-worded attacks on Israel and J ews. For instance, during the Israeli attack on Gaza in
2009, Yaqub said he wanted to bite the heads off J ews (YouTube, 2 J anuary 2009)
their treatment of the Palestinians, and that Muslims fight with the J ews is eternal we will
fight them until not a single J ew remains on the face of the earth (YouTube, 17 J anuary
He stirred controversy after he claimed the March referendum vote a victory for the
Islamist, calling it a ballot box raid, an apparent reference to jihadist raids in early Islamic
history against non-Muslims (Yemen Times, 28 March).
Webpage: yaqob.com;

Facebook: facebook.com/159778255498

Hazim Salah Abu Ismail
DOB/POB: August 19, 1951; Cairo, Egypt
Education: law degree from Cairo University; masters
degree in Forensic Science from the University of Bruxelles;
and a doctorate in research management from the University
of Seattle.
Current position: Presidential candidate, preacher
Position on minorities: In an interview on Al-Mihwar TV in
October, Salah said Coptic Christians in Egypt should pay
jizyah [the practice of taxing religious minorities in Islamic
Reputation: Abu Ismail announced his intention to run for president in May
(almasryalyoum.com, 29 May).
He is the son of well-known Al-Azhar scholar, Salah Abu
Ismail. A former member of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Abu Ismail left the MB in order
to run for president and now espouses conservative Salami ideals, making him a popular
candidate among Salamis. For instance, in an interview on the Egyptian program 90
Minutes, Abu Ismail said that, as president, he would ban bikinis [even for tourists], close
down Egypts gambling casinos, forbid alcohol in public places and embark on campaign to
force Islamic dress on all women. In the same interview he said that he would call for the
end of the Camp David peace treaty with Israel, saying that restarting relations with Iran is a

7 December 2011


much better solution (1 November).
Abu Ismail also praised Osama Bin Laden as a
martyr in a sermon that was videotaped in August, saying that he prayed that Muslims
would soon be able to avenge him (YouTube, 15 November).
Abu Ismail is no stranger to
politics. In 2005 he ran for parliament and initially appeared to have won the election,
however the electoral commission reversed the results, announcing that the districts National
Democratic Party candidate had won (Youm7.com, 31 October).
Abu Ismail has emerged as
a major Salami leader in post-Mubarak Egypt; he led a large group of Salamis, marching from
the Al-Aziz Bella Mosque, into Their Square during the 18 November Islamist million man
march against the SCAF, arriving at the square simultaneously with other main procession of
Salafis led by Fawzi al-Said [see below] (Facebook, 18 November).
Website: Hazemsalah.net

Social media: facebook.com/HazemSalahFB; youtube.com/HazemSalahTV;

Shaykh Fawzi al-Said
Current position: Al-Said is the main preacher at the Tawhid
Mosque in Cairo, considered one of the most important Salafi mosques in the city. He also
lectures on Salafi satellite television, including Al-Nas TV, according
to his Facebook page.
Reputation: Al-Said is considered one of the primary personalities
and founders of the Salafi group Cairo Scholars, who began their
dawa activities in Shubra in the 1970s. Al-Said, along with Shaykh
Nashat Ibrahim, of the Kabul Mosque, founded the shadowy extremist
group Al-Wad [the promise] in 1996 (MENA, 9 September 2002).


More than 94 members of the group were put on trial in 2002 for
attempting to overthrow then-President Mubarak and threatening
[the] states security Most, including Al-Said, were acquitted (MENA, 6 J anuary 2002).
post-Mubarak Egypt, al-Said is playing a big role organizing Salafis. After giving the Friday
sermon at the Tawhid Mosque in Shubra, Al-Said led one of the two main marches to Tahrir
Square for the million man march on 18 November and also led the evening prayers for the
protesters (Ana al-Muslim, 23 November).
Social media: facebook.com/Fawzi.AlSaeed?sk=info; youtube.com/FawziAlSa3ed

Shaykh Fawzi al-Said [center] leads the evening prayers
at the Islamistmillion man march in Tahrir Square on
18 November (Ana al-Muslim, 23 November).

7 December 2011


Shaykh Muhammad Abd al-Malik al-Zughby:
DOB/POB: 7 J uly 1964; Dakhaliya, Egypt
Education: Masters degree in Arabic from Al-Azhar
Current position: Television preacher/activist
Saudi influence: Member of Muslim World League in
Position on minorities: Many of his televised lectures
attack Christianity and the Copts. He is known for his
public debates against Sufis and members of the minority
Ahamdiyya and Shiite communities, according to his Facebook page.
Reputation: Al-Zughby has spent much of his adult life in Kuwait as a preacher and television
personality. He has regularly appeared on Salafi satellite channels and his interviews have
generated some controversy, particularly his statements calling for jihad against the Alawites in
Syria (YouTube, 29 September).
According to his website, he called the Egyptian revolution
an American cancer wreaking havoc and destruction in Egypt. They [the United States] want
to divide and conquer Egypt for the J ews with a Coptic state, a Nubian state and a separate
state in Sinai.
Website: alzoghby.com
Social Media:.facebook.com/MuhammedAzzoghby

Shaykh Said Abd al- Azim
DOB/POB: 1952; Alexandria
Education: Faculty of Medicine, University of Alexandria
Current position: Board member of Salafist Call and also the
Committee for Rights and Reform.
Saudi influence: Cites Saudi Shaykh Abd al-Aziz Bin-Baz as a
major influence, according to his Facebook page.
Position on minorities: In his preaching, Azim has focused on
attacking the Coptic community, judging by his numerous tapes
and CDs advertised/replayed on the internet. He was quoted by the weekly Egyptian news
magazine Rose al-Yusef as saying: There will be no love and friendship with the Christians
and one should not socialize with them nor congratulate them on the occasion of their holidays,
as they become even greater infidels during their religions festivities (14 November).
Reputation: Azim was one of the founders of the Salafi trend in Alexandria in the 1970s. He
was an original member of the Salafist Call and remains a member of Ansar al-Sunnah. He has
written a number of books and newspaper articles, according to his website.

Website: al-fath.net

7 December 2011


Dr. Hazim Shuman
POB: Mansura, Egypt
Education: Islamic studies at Mansura Mosque
Current position: Preacher
Position on minorities: Shumans anti-Semitic comments on
al-Rahma TV resulted in Frances ban on the station
(Islamnewsroom.com, 29 December 2010).
Reputation: Shuman is a Salafi preacher who runs the website
Way2Allah and appears frequently on Salafi-run television,
having a regular program on al-Rahma TV. In an instance of
his often confrontational style, he made the news in November for taking over the stage
uninvited at a concert of popular Egyptian singer Hisham Abbas in Mansura and telling the
audience that singing was haram [an Islamic sin], before he and his Salafi entourage were
escorted from the building (Al-Ahram, 16 November). According to the same Al-Ahram
report, Shuman also crashed a fine arts party at Mansura University to lecture on Islam.

Website: way2allah.com

Social media: facebook.com/DrHazemShouman

Shaykh Musad Anwar
Reputation: Anwar is one of Egypts satellite shaykhs; he
appears on Al-Rahma TV, Al-Safa TV and al-Khalijiya satellite
stations. Known for his fiery sermons on Islamic living, Anwar
regularly makes controversial comments on his Al-Rahma TV
program. For example, in 2010 he claimed that soccer was
harmful to Muslims by distracting them from prayers and was
part of a J ewish plot to create animosity among Muslims
(Youtube, 10 J une).
Anwar also called the late Turkish leader
Mustafa Kemel Ataturk an idol for banning polygamy
(YouTube, 12 March).
Website: mosadanwar.com; shbabislamy.com

7 December 2011


Shaykh Abdullah Shakir al Junaydi
DOB/POB: 11 August 1955; Qalubiya Province, Egypt
Education: Masters degree in Islamic Faith from Islamic
University in Medina,
Current position: President of Ansar al-Sunnah and professor of
Islamic Faith at Open University.
Saudi influence: Studied in Saudi Arabia for several years and is
currently affiliated with the Teachers College in Riyadh for
Koranic studies.
Reputation: Al-J unaydi began his preaching career in his
hometown of Benha, where he still preaches at the Umar bin
Khatab mosque. Al-J unaydi is also affiliated with the Cairo Mosque in Abadin and the Al-
Aziz Billah Mosque in Zaytun (al-Minbar al-Ilmy, 15 November).
Website: ansaralsonna.com

Shaykh Jamal al-Marakbi
DPOB: 26 August 1956; Bilbays, Egypt
Education: Bachelors degree in theology from Al-Azhar, PhD
in Islamic Law from Zagazig University
Current position: Preacher/former president of Ansar al-
Reputation: Al-Marakbi holds a number of key positions in
Ansar al-Sunnah. He has been a member of the Ansar al-
Sunnah fatwa committee since 1990 and is also the president of
the Shura Council of Salafi scholar, according to his website.
He is the editor of the groups magazine, Al-Tawhid and
appears regularly on Al-Rahma TV. Many of his televised sermons can be found on the Ansar
al-Sunnah website.
Website: almarakby.com
Social media: facebook.com/gamal.ellmarakby

7 December 2011


Shaykh Abd al-Azim Badawi
DOB/POB: 8 August 1954; Shin, Egypt
Education: PhD from Al-Azhar University; in 1980 traveled to
J ordan and studied with Salafi Shaykhs Muhammad Nasir al-Din
al-Albani and Muhammad al-Shakra.
Current Position: Board member of Ansar al-Sunna.
Reputation: Badawi returned to Egypt in 1991 and became active
with Ansar al-Sunnah, opening a branch in his village of Shin. He
currently teaches at the Nur Mosque there. He regularly travels to
the Gulf to give sermons and appear on television, according to his website.
Website: ibnbadawy.com

Social media: facebook.com/groups/103659616346101; facebook.com/ 19152768090075

Dr. Muhammad Yusri Ibrahim:
DOB/POB: 15 September 1966; Cairo, Egypt
Education: Masters degree in Islamic Law from Al-Azhar
Current position: Secretary General of the Commission for
Sharia, Rights and Renewal and also a board member of
Salafi Call.
Saudi influence: Worked as a researcher at the Institute of
Fiqh in J eddah; member of Muslim World League.
Reputation: Using social media, Ibrahim was an active
organizer of the 29 J uly Islamic demonstrations in Tahrir Square. He is a founding member of
the Commission for Legitimate Rights and Reform, described on its Facebook page as a
coalition of scholars from al-Azhar University, Salafis and the MB, which seeks to promote
Salafi ideology in al-Azhar.
Webpage: forislah.com
Social media: facebook.com/Dr.m.yousri; facebook.com/ForIslah

Shaykh Abu-Ishaq al-Huwayni
DOB/POB: J une 1956; Kafr al-Shaykh, Egypt
Education: Graduated from Ain Shams University with a degree
in Spanish; studied with several prominent Salafi shaykhs.
Current position: television preacher; Al-Huwayni gives the
Friday sermon twice a month at the Ibn Tamiyyah Mosque in
Kafr al-Shaykh.
Saudi influence: Studied in Saudi Arabia with Shaykhs Bin-Baz
and al-Uthaymin.
Position on minorities: Al-Huwayni advocates that non-
Muslims pay a jizyah tax (YouTube, 20 May).
Reputation: A prominent Salafi scholar and religious television personality, Al-Huwayni is
nicknamed Lion of the Sunnah by his followers, because of his aggressive defense of Salafi

7 December 2011


ideology (Al-Ahram, 9 November).
According to his website, al-Huwayni converted to
Salafi ideology in the late 1970s after he went to a lecture by the late Salafi scholar
Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani, who was visiting Egypt. Al-Huwayni traveled first to
J ordan where he studied with al-Albani and then to Saudi Arabia where he studied with Salafi
scholars there. He has been a staunch defender of Salafi doctrine, using his weekly television
program on Al-Nas TV to attack non-Salafi ideology. One of his attacks -- against Egypts
Grand Mufti Ali Goma -- resulted in a libel lawsuit against him. In May, al-Huwayni came
under attack after the release of a tape in which he claimed that Egypt was poor because it had
abandoned jihad. He advocated a jihadist invasion once a year and whoever stood in our
way we would confiscate his wealth, his children and his women (YouTube, 31 May).
Website: alheweny.org

Hafiz Ali Ahmad Salamah
DOB/POB: 6 December 1925; Suez, Egpyt
Education: studied at a local Islamic school in Suez.
Current position: Founder of the Islamic Guidance Society; retired but
active preacher.
Reputation: Salamah is considered a hero by many Egyptians as the
leader of the popular resistance against the Israelis in his native Suez
during the 1973 war (Egyptian Gazette, 12 April).
Following the war,
Salamah and his thousands of followers began a campaign for the
implementation of Islamic law in Egypt. In 1985, Salamah used his
privately funded Nur Mosque in Abasiya to launch this campaign;
however, the Egyptian government, through the Ministry of Religious
Endowments, stepped in and took over the mosque, firing Salamah as
the Imam and arresting him briefly on a charge of sedition.(Barry Rubin, 1990).
achieved national prominence again during the revolution by organizing anti-regime protests in
Suez and later participating in the Tahrir Square demonstrations. In April, Salamah and a
group of his followers from his organization the Islamic Guidance Society, returned to the Nur
Mosque in Cairo and forcibly took the mosque over, physically blocking the government-
approved Imam from giving the Friday sermon and allowing only Salafi Shaykhs on the
pulpit(Youm7.com, 11 April).
In J une, the Egyptian military intervened and re-took the
mosque from Salamah and his Salafi followers and returned the mosque to the Ministry of
Religious Endowments, after Salamah held a controversial prayer for the absent at the
mosque for Al-Qaida leader Usama bin Laden (almasryalyoum.com, 5 J une).
reported in September that some Salafis wanted Salamah to run for president, but he declined
(12 September).

7 December 2011


Shaykh Dr. Yasir Burhami:
DOB/POB: 9 September 1958; Alexandria, Egypt
Education: Masters degree in Pediatrics from the University
of Alexandria; degree in Islamic law from Al-Azhar University
Current position: First deputy of Salafist Call
Saudi influence: Lived in Saudi Arabia in the 1970s where he
became a follower of Shaykh Bin-Baz.
Position on minorities: Many of his sermons attack Shiites,
Sufis and Christians. In November, he issued a fatwa advising
Muslims not to participate in Coptic religious rituals because
they are polytheistic (Rose al-Yusef, 10 November).
He has also accused the Sufi
movement of heresy (almasryalyoum.com, 4 May).
Reputation: Burhami is a leading Salafist activist in Egypt, appearing on television and
promoting Salafism through his website. He co-founded the Institute for the Training of Salafi
Preachers in Alexandria, but the school was shut down by the government in 1994. He praised
Usama bin Laden in a sermon in May following Bin Ladens death (Islampolicy.com, 2

Website: salafvoice.com

Shaykh Dr. Mohammed Ismail al-Muqadam:
DOB/POB: 26 J uly1952; Alexandria, Egypt
Education: Has a degree in Islamic law from al-Azhar
University and also studied medicine at Alexandria University
Current position: Board member of Salafist Call, also a
member of Ansar al-Sunnah. He currently preaches at the Imam
Abu Hanifa Mosque in Alexandria(anasalafy.com).
Reputation: Al-Muqadam, along with Yasir Burhami and Said
Abd al-Azim, formed the nucleus of the Salafi School in
Alexandria in the late 1970s. He was a founding member of
Salafist Call, as well as Ansar al-Sunnah. He also co-founded
the Institute for the Training of Salafi Preachers in Alexandria, along with Burhami

Website: anasalafy.com/catplay.php?catsmktba=245.
Social media: facebook.com/AlMuqaddem

7 December 2011


Shaykh Mohammed Abd al-Fattah (Abu Idris):
POB: Alexandria, Egypt
Current position: President of Salafist Call
Reputation: Abu Idris was a driving force behind the
formation of an organized group within the Salafist School in
Alexandria in 1980, which eventually became the Salafist
Call (Islamopedia.com)
Abu Idris was elected the president
of this group in 2011 (ahram.org, 2 February).

Abu Idris
appears to have a low media profile.

Shaykh Abd-al-Munim al-Shahat:
Current Position: Al-Shahat is the spokesman for Salafist
Call and a candidate in the parliamentary elections.
Reputation: Al-Shahat has given numerous televised
interviews, particularly since the revolution. He has not
published a biography, does not have a webpage, and his
Islamic education is unclear. He worked as a software
engineer before becoming spokesman (Christiandogma.org,
1 August).
He was arrested by the Mubarak regime in
December 2010 for allegedly inciting violence against the
Coptic community in Alexandria (Masress.com, 10 December).
In November, he generated
controversy, threatening to walk out of his interview on the television program Cafe Youth
unless the female presenter wore a veil. The female presenter chose to put on a hijab during the
program and the interview proceeded (Ana al-Muslim Forum, 13 November).
raised the ire of the Ministry of Religious Endowment after he gave an interview in April and
advocated putting wax over the faces of Egypts Pharaonic statues because they are similar
to the idols which were around the Kaaba which means an implicit call for their demolition
(youm7.com, 2 April).
Social media: ar-ar.facebook.com/182972681717302

Shaykh Muhammad abd al-Maqsud
DOB/POB: 14 J uly 1947, Menofia, Egypt
Education: Graduated from the College of Agriculture and
received a masters degree and doctorate from the Faculty of
Agriculture, Al-Azhar University.
Reputation: Abd al-Maqsud is one of the original members of the
Salafis known as the Cairo scholars, who began preaching
Salafism in the Cairo neighborhood of Shubra in the 1970s. Abd
al-Maqsud is active in the Asala political party, and his older
brother is the head of the party. A strong advocate of an Islamic
state in post-Mubarak Egypt, Abd al-Maqsud was quoted at a recent Asala Party rally as

7 December 2011


saying that: those who do not recognize Islamic sharia [in Egypt] will not enter paradise
(almasryalyoum.com, 21 November).
Social media: facebook.com/m.maksod

Shaykh Usamah Abd al-Azim
Current position: Professor of Islamic jurisprudence and former head of
the Department of Islamic Studies at the Faculty of Shariah at Al-Azhar
Reputation: Abd al-Azim is one of the most popular independent
Salafis in Egypt, with an estimated 150,000 followers, according to some
press reports(18 May).
Because of his piety, many of his followers
revere him as a living saint (strangeroasis.com, 7 October 2007)

While he appears to be focused more on teaching than activism, some of
his followers have begun an effort to have him appointed as the Shaykh
of Al-Azhar, according to their Facebook page.
Website: osamamohamedabdelazeem.com
Abd al-Azim lives and teaches at his
mosque, located in the Cairo neighborhood of Sayida Aisha, near the tomb of Imam al-Shafii.

Shaykh Umar Abd al-Aziz
DOB/POB: 1961, Cairo, Egypt
Education: Studied at the College of Islamic Dawa, earning a PhD.
Current position: Professor at the Ansar al-Sunnah Institute for the
preparation of preachers.
Reputation: Abd al-Aziz is considered an up-and-coming Salafi
preacher, known for his powerful oratorical style. His Friday
sermons at the Nur Mosque in Cairo are often broadcast on Egyptian
satellite television. Abd al-Aziz has attracted a following for his
calls for the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate (YouTube, 4 March)
and impassioned
calls for an Islamic state in Egypt (YouTube, 23 October).
Social media: facebook.com/omaralkorashi

Salafi Shaykh Umar Abd al-Aziz makes an impassioned call in October for an
Islamic state in Egypt during a televised sermon from the Nur Mosque in
Cairo in a still from a YouTube video.

To view video click icon.

7 December 2011


Salafi Jihadists:

While Dawa Salafis argue that an Islamic State will be achieved through dawa [proselytizing],
Salafi J ihadists contend that an Islamic state will only be achieved through jihad [warfare]. In
March, the SCAF released 60 imprisoned members of Islamic J ihad and the Islamic Group
(IG), many of whom have renounced violence and appear to be working within the political
system to achieve their goal of an Islamic state in Egypt.

Abud al-Zumur
DOB/POB: August 1947; Giza, Egypt
Current position: political activist
Reputation: A former military intelligence officer, Al-Zumur is the
founder and was the first emir of the Egyptian Islamic jihad. He was
implicated in the assassination of former President Anwar Sadat and
was sentenced to life in prison; however, he was released by the
SCAF in March. While in prison he joined the IG. He has since
denounced the use of violence and supports the rights for all,
including the Christian minority, saying that the project of
establishing an Islamic state as political model will be determined by
the ballot box (Reuters, 18 March).
He is currently one of the
leading members of the Building and Development party, along with his cousin, Tarek al-
Zumur. Since his release from prison, some Egyptians have begun a Facebook campaign
against him, opening more than 20 pages with titles like We are all against Abud al-Zumur,
killer of Sadat,
and The people want the execution of Abud al-Zumur.

Tarek al-Zumur
Current position: Founder of Building and Development Party
Position on minorities: In an August interview Al-Zumur said
Christians and women should be forbidden from becoming
Reputation: Al-Zumur founded the Egyptian Islamic jihad, along
with his cousin [and brother-in-law] Abud al-Zumur and Muhammad
Abd al-Salam Farag. Like his cousin, Al-Zumur was imprisoned for
plotting the assassination of President Sadat and was released by the
SCAF in March. Now an activist with the IG, al-Zumur claims to have renounced violence
and founded the Building and Development political party (Reuters, 10 October).


7 December 2011


Karam Zuhdi
Current position: Chairman of the IG
Reputation: Zuhdi was imprisoned in 1984 for his role in the
assassination of President Sadat; however, he was released in
2003 after he publicly renounced the use of violence. He has been
politically active since the revolution and is a member of the Al-
Umma party, part of an Islamic bloc of political parties
(Menafm.com, 22 September).
Social media: facebook.com/100000157138567

Najih Ibrahim
Current position: Member of the IG
Position on minorities: In an August interview with/disseminated by
Ikhwanweb.com, Ibrahim said: Copts are partners in the homeland.
They have the same rights and duties as we [Muslims] have (14
Reputation: Ibrahim is a theoretician with the IG and currently
maintains the groups webpage. He was released from prison in 2006
after he renounced violence. Along with Karam Zuhdi, Ibrahim is
known as an IG revisionist, who is attempting to guide the IG towards a gradualist, peaceful
activism (Worldcrunch.com, 7 September).

He criticized the 25 J anuary revolution and
urged protesters to return to their homes, saying that the protesters only wanted chaos and
to see Cairo burn (Imra.org, 3 February)
Website: Egyig.com

Sheikh Adel Shahato
Current position: Islamic activist; member of Islamic J ihad
Position on minorities: Shahato has called Christians infidels
and said they should either convert to Islam, pay jizyah, or we
[Muslims] will fight you, adding that if a Christian creates
problems for a Muslim then I will exterminate them
(Rosaonline.net, 13 April).
Reputation: Shahato is a member of the Islamic J ihad and was
released from prison in March after serving 20 years on terrorism
charges, for fighting alongside the mujahidin in Afghanistan. Since his release from prison,
Shahato has become an Islamic activist, advocating the establishment of an Islamic state in
Egypt and attending revolutionary demonstrations, including the 18 November million man
march against the SCAF. Shahatos views are on the extreme end of Salafism. Although he
claims to no longer advocate violence to establish an Islamic state, he said that he does support
using violence against infidel Arab rulers, and claims to follow the ideology of the late
Usama bin Laden. In a controversial August interview with the magazine Rose Al-Yusef,
Shahato said that if the mujahidin were to take over Egypt, we would launch an Islamic

7 December 2011


conquest throughout the world, adding that all Egyptian tourist sites would be shut down,
including the pyramids and Sharm al-Shaykh, claiming that tourists come to Egypt primarily
to drink and to fornicate.

Salafi TV

Egypts Satellite Salafi Shaykhs, including Muhammad Hassan, Mosad Anwar, Muhammad al-Sawi,
Muhammad Husayn Yaqub, Muhammad Abd al- Malik al-Zughby and Hazim Shuman.(Ana al-Muslim Forum)

Egyptian Salafis began establishing their own satellite television channels in 2003. The most
popular of the Salafi satellite channels is Al-Nas TV, according to many media sources, which
was established in 2006. The advent of satellite Salafism allowed Salafis to proselytize to a
wider audience of Egyptians and also turned a number of Salafi preachers into media figures.
There are currently 10 Egyptian Salafi channels in operation. The post-Mubarak era has been a
boon for Salafi stations, since the Mubarak regime scrutinized the stations and shut several of
the stations down when they went against state policy. The following are four of the more
popular stations in terms of visibility and press coverage. The other notable Salafi satellite
channels in include Al-Majid, Al-Afasi, Al-Umah, Al-Hafiz, Al-Huda and Al-Majid for Koran.

7 December 2011


Al-Nas TV
Founded in early 2006 by Saudi investor Mansur Bin Kadsah, Al-Nas
TV originally featured music, dancing and dream interpretation. After
the station failed to make a dent in the competitive satellite market,
Kadsah hired three prominent Salafi preachers, Mohammed Hassan,
Abu Ishaq al-Huwayni and Muhammad Yaqub, which increased
viewership (Islamonline.com, 20 December 2006).
Hassan resigned in
late 2006 after the station included programs with the non-Salafi Amr
Khaled and Sufi Ahmad Abduh Awid (Islamonline.com, 7 May 2007).
The stations motto
is: Our channel brings you to paradise, according to its website.
Website: alnas.tv

Social media: facebook.com/alnasschannel; youtube.com/user/alnastvchannel;

Al-Rahma TV
Al-Rahma TV was founded in 2007 by Shaykh Muhammad Hassan,
after he left Al-Nas TV. The station is run by Salafi clerics and
broadcasts a combination of religious programming and sermons.
The stations mission, according to its website, is to convey the
religion of Islam in all its totality, with compassion and wisdom.
The station has generated controversy in both Egypt and abroad for
its content. France banned the station in 2010 for its anti-semitic
content and incitement to violence (Islamnewsroom.com, 29 December 2011).
Website: Alrahmh.TV
The station
prominently features the preaching of Hassan, along with other Salafi preachers, including
Shaykhs Fawzi al-Said, Musad Anwar, Muhammad al-Zughby, Hazim Shuman and
Muhammad Yaqub.
Social media: facebook.com/AlRahma.TV; youtube.com/alrahmatvchannel;

Al-Hikma TV
With the slogan: If you obey, you shall be on the right guidance, Al-
Hikma TV has a robust list of Salafi shaykhs who present programs and
also provide guidance on programming. The station features programs
by Shaykhs Fawzi al-Said, Muhammad al-Sawi, Abu Ishaq al-Huwayni
and Muhammad Abd al-Maqsud. J udging from a list of preachers, the
channel appears to feature the more conservative Cairo scholars, who
emerged from Salafi activism in the Cairo neighborhood of Shubra in
the 1970s. Some of the regular programs include: Our Stories with the
Khawajat [slang for foreigner], Our Values, and From the Heart of
the Zionist Entity, according to its website. The station operates 24 hours a day and accepts
Website: alhekmah.tv
Social media: facebook.com/alhekmahchanneltv

7 December 2011


Al-Fajr TV
Owned by Saudi Shaykh Wajdi al-Gazawi, Al-Fajr TV bills itself as the
first channel that specializes in recitation of the Holy Koran and its
sciences and arts. Unlike other Salafi stations, Al-Fajr TV does not
feature talk shows or programs with Salafi preachers. Instead, it focuses
on religious programming, including documentaries that feature signs
and miracles of the Koran, and programs that encourage youth in
learning and memorizing the Koran, according to its website.
Website: fajrsat.ws/

Social media: facebook.com/group.php?v=info&gid=155536871007;

Political Parties

Traditionally, Salafis have eschewed political participation in lieu of spreading Salafi dawa.
However, since the Egyptian revolution, some Salafis have embraced political activism as a
type of dawa, to spread Islamist ideology. While the MB appears to be better organized, the
Salafis appear to be benefitting from their large religious constituencies and years of social
activism through their network of mosques. The four Salafist parties - the Al-Nur, Al-Asala ,
Al-Fadila and Building and Development parties - formed an Islamic Coalition and plan on
693 candidates in the Parliamentary elections (Al-Masry Al-Youm Online, 26 October).

following are the main Salafi parties.
Al-Nur Party
The Al-Nur party, established by Dr. Emad al-Din Abd-al Ghafur in
May, is the best organized of the Salafi parties. The party, along with
the Al-Asala and Building and Development parties, withdrew from
the MB-led political coalition and formed its own Islamic coalition.
(Ahram.org, 26 October).
The al-Nur Party claimed it would
contest 70 percent of the seats that will be elected by proportional
list (Bikokule.com, 26 October).
Despite initial reports that the
Al-Nur Party and the MB Freedom and J ustice Party would form a
coalition in the wake of the first round of parliamentary elections
(Egypt.com, 1 December),
Abd al-Ghafur told Reuters News
Agency that the Salafis hate being followers will remain
independent of the MB (4 December).
According to its website, the al-Nur Party has offices
in nearly every governorate and boasts more than 7000 members. Al-Nurs main goal is to
achieve social justice in all its dimensions. The party says it aims to address social,
educational, health, culture and identity, foreign policy, security, and political issues. On the
issue of culture and identity, the party says that it advocates adopting Islam as a religion of the
state and Arabic as the official language, with the principles of Islamic Sharia as the main
source of legislation.

7 December 2011


Webpage: alnourparty.org
Social media: facebook.com/AlnourParty; http://twitter.com/#!/alnourpartyeg

Al-Asala Party
The al-Asala Party was founded by Adel Abd al- Maqsud in J uly
after he resigned from the Al-Fadila Party. The party has gained
the support of a number of prominent shaykhs, including Maqsuds
brother, Muhammad Abd al- Maqsud, Muhammad Hassan
Muhammad abd al-Salaam and Mamduh Gaber. The partys goals,
as stated on its website, include changing the secular system into
an Islamic system of law that protects the rights of all, including
non-Muslims and restoring Egypt to its role in Arab, nationalist
and Islamic issues.
Webpage: alasalah.org

Social media: facebook.com/alasala.party; Twitter.com/alasala_party

Building and Development Party
The Building and Development Party is the official party of the al-
Gamaa al-Islamiyya (IG). The party was founded by IG member
Tarek al-Zumur in J une. Although initially denied recognition
because of its religious nature, it gained official recognition as a
political party in October 2011. It claims to support a new
political system in Egypt based on the principles of freedom,
justice, plurality, equality and peaceful rotation of power. At the
same time, the party favors the establishment of Islamic criminal
punishment including cutting off of the hands for theft, stoning
to death of adulterers and lashing those who drink alcohol, according to its Facebook page.

The Party differs from other Salafist parties in that it stresses the establishment of an Islamic
axis with other neighboring countries for the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate.
Other members of the party leadership include Safwat Abd al-Ghany and Ashraf Shazly.
Social Media: facebook.com/117564535010327

Fadila Party
The Fadila Party was originally formed by Adel Abd al-Maqsud;
but in J uly, Maqsud and a number of other Salafi shaykhs left the
party. The party is currently headed by Mahmud Fathy.
According to its website, the party platform focuses on such issues
as the reformation of basic elements of society and its civic
institutions, and restoration of Egypts leading role in the Arab and
Islamic world and achieving the principles of justice and
equality among the Egyptian people, raising the quality of life,
ensuring freedom of the press, expanding the political participation
of all classes, and supporting the Palestinian right to have an independent state.
Webpage: alfadyla.com
Social media: facebook.com/alfadyla

7 December 2011


Salafi Mosques

Salafi-oriented mosques began to proliferate in Alexandria in the 1970s, followed by Cairo in
the 1980s. While the Alexandria mosques are devoted primarily to teaching and spreading
dawa, the Cairo Salafi mosques both teach and provide social services for the community.
Many Salafi mosques in Cairo have health clinics, schools, counseling centers and a charitable
wing. The following are the main Salafi mosques in Egpyt.


Al-Tawhid Mosque
The Tawhid Mosque in Shubra is one of the main Salafi
mosques in Cairo. Opened in 1981, the mosque has a charity
wing and social programs, including marriage counseling
and job assistance programs. The mosque supports charity
activities, sponsoring orphans, poor families and widows.
Affiliated shaykhs include Shaykh Fawzi al-Said, Saad
Arafat, Usama Sulayman and Dr. Adel al-Azizi.

Location: Ahmad Helmy Road, in front of Ahmad Badawi tunnel, Shubra,
Cairo, Egypt
Phone: 002-02 23 44 977
Website: altawhid.net

Al-Aziz Bellah Mosque
Affiliated Shaykhs include Usama al-Awadi, Muhammed Hassan and Abu Ishaq al-Huwayni.
Location: 20 Al-Aziz Bellah St, Cairo, Al-Zaytun Egypt
Phone: +202-2453-1686
Website: azizbellah.com

Amr ibn al-As Mosque
Originally built in 642 AD in the center of Fustat, the
original establishment of Cairo, the Amr ibn al-As Mosque is
the oldest in Egypt. The mosque is a tourist attraction as
well as an important center of Salafism in the city.
Location: Fustat [old Cairo], Egypt

Rahma Mosque

7 December 2011


The Rahma Mosque is one of the oldest Salafi mosques in Cairo and the first to embrace the
Salafi trend coming from Alexandria in the mid-1970s.
Location: Abd al- Razek Farrag St, near the Giza Pyramids

Al-Nur Mosque
The historic Al-Nur Mosque has been the center of a dispute between the Salafis and the
Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowment. In April, a group of Salafis led by Shaykh
Hafiz Salamah took over the mosque and forced the government-approved preacher, Shaykh
Ahmed Tork to step down, physically preventing him from giving the Friday sermon. Salamah
claimed that the Salafis had the right to take over the mosque, since the mosque originally
belonged to his group, the Islamic Guidance Society. For a brief time, Salamahs Salafi
organization controlled the mosque, allowing only Salafi preachers onto the pulpit. In J une,
the Egyptian military stepped in and re-took the mosque from Salamah and his followers and
returned the mosque to the control of the Ministry of Religious Endowments
(almasryalyoum.com, 5 J une)
Location: Abasiya, Cairo, Egypt

Other Salafi-controlled mosques in Cairo:

Al-Sinia Mosque, Shubra

Al-Ridha Mosque
Location: Nasuh Street, Al-Zaytun

Jamaa al-Shariah Mosque
Location: Ramsis Street, Cairo

Al-Fatah Mosque
The Al-Fatah Mosque runs a hospital and an Islamic Salafi School.
Location: Street 9 in Maadi


Abu Hanifa Mosque
The Abu Hanifa Mosque is a major Salafi mosque in Alexandria. Shaykh Muhammed Ismail
Muqadam teaches there on Monday evenings.
Location: Avezon Street in Boulkali neighborhood

Khulafa Rashidin Mosque,
Shaykh Yasir Burhami preaches and gives dawa classes in the Khulafa Rashidin Mosque.
Location: The intersection of Omar Street and Abu Sulayman Streets

Ibn Kathir Mosque
The Ibn Kathir Mosque is popular among young Salafis, who flock to this mosque to hear the
teachings of Shaykh Said Abd al-Aziz.
Location: Across from the tram station in Fleming
7 December 2011


Nur Islam Mosque
Many Salafis attend the Nur Islam Mosque to hear the teaching of Shaykh Ahmad Khatiba,
described as a rising star in the Salafi movement.
Location: Across from the train station in Bakos

Taqwa Mosque
Shaykh Yasir Burhami preaches and gives dawa classes at the Taqwa mosque.

Location: Gamal Abdul Nasser Street in Sidi Bishir, before the tunnel

Other areas

Ibn Taymiyyah Mosque in Kafr Sheikh
Shaykh Abu-Ishaq al-Huwayni is associated with this mosque and gives the Friday sermon
twice per month.

Al-Tawhid Mosque in Mansura
Al-Tawhid Mosque is an important center of Salafi learning in Egypt. The mosque offers
classes nearly every evening by Salafi scholars, including Shaykhs Ali Luqman, Sami al-Arabi,
Ayman Khalil and Majid Qasim.

Al-Tawhid Mosque in Bilbays
The Al-Tawhid Mosque in Bilbays is run by Ansar al-Sunnah and houses the Ansar al-
Sunnahs College of Islamic Dawa and its training institute for preachers.
Location: Abu Bakr al-Sadiq Street, Bilbays, Egypt
Website: altawhed.net

7 December 2011


This photo montage of the enemies of Islam was published in November in several Salafi forums, including Ana
al-Muslim and Tanseerel. The photo caption reads: Agents and remnants of the regime enemies of Islam
in order for the revolution to succeed, we need to cleanse the country [Egypt] of them. The list includes
political, media and religious figures, including the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Shaykh Ali Goma.

7 December 2011


[Online Publication | | Facebook.com | The Ansar al-Sunna al-Muhamidiya | 9 November 2011 | |
Society/52164609707?sk=info | 9 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Rose al Yusef | LE 181 Million Qatari Funds for Ansar al-Sunnah al-Muhamidiya | 4
April 2011 | | http://www.rosaonline.net/Daily/News.asp?id=123546 | 9 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | AlTawhed.net | Institute for Training Preachers | 1 December 2011 | |
http://www.altawhed.net/mahad/ | 1 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Rose al-Yusef | The map of salafi organizations in Egypt | Arab West Report | 24 May
2008 | | http://www.arabwestreport.info/year-2008/week-21/8-map-salaf299-organizations-egypt | 9 November
2011 | ]
[OSC | | OSC ID: GMP20110322013002 | 22 March 2011 | | Report: Salafis Coming Hard, Fast to Egyptian
Politics, But Not United | | (U) | (U) | Cairo Al-Ahram in Arabic -- State-controlled daily newspaper of record,
reportedly Egypt's highest circulation daily; Al-Ahram controls the distribution of all other newspapers, state-run
and opposition alike.]
[Online Publication | | Facebook.com | Salafi Front | 16 November 2011 | |
http://www.facebook.com/gabhasalafia?sk=events#!/gabhasalafia?sk=info | 16 November 2011 | page has 11,830
people who "like" it.]
[Internet Site | | islamawakening.com | Egyptian Salafis calling for release of political prisoners in Bilad al
Haramain | 9 November 2011 | | http://forums.islamicawakening.com/f18/egyptian-salafis-calling-release-
political-prisoners-bilad-52740/ | 16 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | biyokulule.com | Islamist against Islamist | 26 October 2011 | |
http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=4031 | 3 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | foreignpolicy.com | Inside Egypt's Salafis - By Lauren Bohn | The Middle East Channel |
2 August 2011 | | http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/02/inside_egypts_salafis | 3 August 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Biyokulule Online | | 5 August 2011 | |
http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=3737 | 9 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Christian-dogma.com | Shaykh Mohamed Hassan - Muslim man must be President | 25
March 2011 | | http://www.christian-dogma.com/vb/showthread.php?t=84008 | 6 October 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | islamismscope.net | Egypt stifles traditionally tolerated Salafi outlets ahead of polls | 26
October 2010 | | http://islamismscope.net/lang/en/507-egypt-stifles-traditionally-tolerated-salafi-outlets-ahead-of-
polls.html | 3 August 2011 | ]
Mohamed-Hassan%E2%80%99.aspx | 3 August 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | islammemo.cc | Muhammad Hassan: I do not think in the presidency and I will call a
servant of | 5 April 2011 | | http://www.islammemo.cc/akhbar/arab/2011/04/05/120685.html?lang=en-us | 2
December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Youtube.com | Shaykh Muhammad Hassan: Islam Prefers Strong, Immoral Warriors-
YouTube | 28 J une 2011 | | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1tYPXVZ0hI | 3 August 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | almasryalyoum.com | Yaqub on national unity | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News
from Egypt | 28 March 2011 | | http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/379140 | 19 October 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Youtube.com | Shaykh Ya'qub signs document on jihad | 14 August 2011 | |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id_xhgldv_c | | ]
[Online Publication | | Youtube.com | Shaykh Muhammad Ya'qub: "I want to bite the heads off J ews" | 2
J anuary 2009 | | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91gkfM64AQM | 2 August 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | youtube.com | AL-RAHMA TV - J EWS ARE ETERNAL ENEMIES OF MUSLIMS
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_mdw1iQsz0 | 25 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | yementimes.com | Egyptians fret of pushback as democratic reforms progress | 28 March
2011 | | http://www.yementimes.com/defaultdet.aspx?SUB_ID=35836 | 2 August 2011 | ]
7 December 2011


[Online Publication | | almasryalyoum.com | BROTHERHOOD SHEIKH TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT | AL-
http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/455693 | 2 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | bikyamasr.com | EGYPT CANDIDATE ABU ISMAIL: NO GAMBLING, NO
http://bikyamasr.com/47045/egypt-candidate-abu-ismail-no-gambling-no-bikinis-no-alcohol-islamic-dress/ | 2
December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Youtube.com | Egyptian Presidential Candidate Praises bin Laden as a Martyr -
YouTube | 15 November 2011 | | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7djHoCTWvWk | 2 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Youm7.com | Youm7 English Edition | Hazem Salah Abu Ismail | 31 October 2011 | |
http://english.youm7.com/wikiNews.asp?NewsID=347607& | 18 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Facebook.com | The Salafi Front | 18 November 2011 | |
http://www.facebook.com/gabhasalafia | 7 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Facebook.com | Shaykh Fawzi Said | 20 November 2011 | |
http://www.facebook.com/Fawzi.AlSaeed?sk=info | 20 November 2011 | ]
[OSC | | OSC ID: GMP20020909000103 | 9/9/2002 - 1129 GMT | | Egypt: Verdicts issued against defendants
in Tanzim al-Wa'd case | | (U) | (U) | Cairo MENA in English -- government news agency]
[OSC | | OSC ID: AFP20020106000116 | 1/6/2002 - 1735 GMT | | Egypt: Trial of Al-W'ad group adjourned | |
(U) | (U) | Cairo MENA (Internet Version-WWW) in English -- government news agency]
[Online Publication | | Ana Al Muslim Forum | Shaykh Fawzi al-Said in Tahrir Square | 23 November 2011 | |
http://www.muslm.net/vb/showthread.php?t=460883 | 7 December 2011 | Ana al-Muslim Network in Arabic --
Largest, most doctrinally diverse jihadist website in online jihadist environment; features vocal minority of
participants who occasionally argue against Al-Qa'ida and terrorism in general; online in its current format since
at least 1996 and possesses a more moderate tone than other sites of comparable importance; URL:
[Online Publication | | Ana Al Muslim Forum | Shaykh Fawzi al-Said in Tahrir Square | 23 November 2011 | |
http://www.muslm.net/vb/showthread.php?t=460883 | 7 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | youtube.com | Sheikh Muhammad Al Zughbey calls for J ihad against the Alawites -
YouTube | 29 September 2011 | | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSFzXAbpMQA | 6 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | alzoghby.com | America and ruin of Egypt | 5 February 2011 | |
http://www.alzoghby.com/v_art.php?aid=42 | 9 August 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Rose al Youssef | Salafis agitate against Copts | 14 November 2011 | |
http://www.rosaonline.net/Weekly/News.asp?id=111805 | 10 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Al-Fath.net | Official site of Shaykh Said Abd al-Azeem | 15 November 2011 | |
http://al-fath.net/ | 15 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | islamnewsroom.com | Rahma TV BANNED | 29 December 2011 | |
http://islamnewsroom.com/news-we-need/1226-france-bans-al-rahma-tv | 21 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Al-Ahram | Islamic scholar Shuman crashes Hisham Abbas concert - Politics - Egypt -
Ahram Online - Microsoft Internet Explorer Commercial | 16 November 2011 | |
Abbas-concer.aspx | 28 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Youtube.com | AL-RAHMA ISLAMIC TV ON FIFA SOUTH AFRICA WORLD CUP,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luXEw4LVTPo | 21 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Youtube.com | Muslim Cleric: Turkish Leader Ataturk is an IDOL! - YouTube | 12
March 2011 | | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0mB0J 40EFc | | ]
[Online Publication | | alminbr-al3elmy.com | al-minbar al-elmy | 15 November 2011 | | http://alminbr-
al3elmy.com/vb/showthread.php?t=4289 | 15 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | ibnbadawy.com | Ibn Badawy official site | 15 November 2011 | |
http://www.ibnbadawy.com/Media/ | 15 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | facebook.com | Dr. Mohamed Yousri | 15 November 2011 | |
http://www.facebook.com/Dr.m.yousri#!/Dr.m.yousri?sk=info | 15 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Youtube.com | Al-Huwayni on J izya tax for Egyptian's Copts | 30 May 2011 | |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZfbWtbYG9k | 1 December 2011 | ]
7 December 2011


[Online Publication | | AL-Ahram | Al-Ahram Weekly | Egypt | Salafis vs Sufis | 9 November 2011 | |
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2011/1071/eg4.htm | 22 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Youtube.com | al-Huwayni gives solution to Muslims financial problems.wmv -
YouTube | 31 May 2011 | | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1DNzSJ 8mVo | 23 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Egyptian Gazette | Suezs octogenarian protester - The Egyptian Gazette | 12 April 2011
| |
%20protester | 2 December 2011 | ]
[Book | Barry Rubin | Palgrave Macmillan | Islamic Fundamentalism in Egyptian Politics | 18 September 2002 |
240 | | 3 December 2011 | pages 76-77]
[Online Publication | | Youm7.com | Hafiz Salama takes control of Nour Mosque | 22 April 2011 | |
http://www.youm7.com/News.asp?NewsID=396497 | 15 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | almasryalyoum.com | MILITARY GIVE NOUR MOSQUE TO THE MINISTRY OF
http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/426000 | 30 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | alahram.org | Hafiz Salama: refused nomination for the presidency .. And all the current
candidates do not fit | 12 September 2011 | |
http://gate.ahram.org.eg/UI/Front/NewsContent/5/35/118392/ / - / - - - - -
- - .aspx | 15 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | rosaonline.net | Salafis incite against Copts | 14 November 2011 | |
http://www.rosaonline.net/Weekly/News.asp?id=111805 | 10 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | almasryalyoum.com | Sufis feel pressure as Salafi power grows | Al-Masry Al-Youm:
Today's News from Egypt - Microsoft Internet Explorer Commercial | 4 May 2011 | |
http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/388126 | 14 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | islampolicy.com | islampolicy: Yasir Burhami on Martyrdom of Osama | 2 May 2011 | |
http://www.islampolicy.com/2011/05/yasir-burhami-on-martyrdom-of-osama.html | 14 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | anasalafy.com | Biography of Shaykh Muqadam | 15 November 2011 | |
http://anasalafy.com/catplay.php?catsmktba=245 | 15 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | anasalafy.com | Biography of Shaykh Muqadam | 15 November 2011 | |
http://anasalafy.com/catplay.php?catsmktba=245 | 15 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Islamopediaonline.org | Salafi Groups in Egypt | Islamopedia Online | 22 August 2011 | |
http://www.islamopediaonline.org/country-profile/egypt/salafists/salafi-groups-egypt | 22 August 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | ahram.org | Abu Idris elected head of Salafi Call | 2 February 2011 | |
http://www.ahram.org.eg/The-First/News/86919.aspx | 5 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Christian-dogma.com | Biography of Salafist Calling | 1 August 2011 | |
http://www.christian-dogma.com/vb/showthread.php?p=1370056 | 15 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | masress.com | Masress : Prominent Salafi preacher reportedly arrested in Alexandria | 10
December 2010 | | http://www.masress.com/en/almasryalyoumen/267156 | 1 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Ana al-Muslim Forum | Presenter wears a veil on the air after the threat of a guest
program | 13 November 2011 | | http://www.muslm.net/vb/showthread.php?t=459610 | 15 November 2011 |
thread by Nadim Habib (user 81173); Ana al-Muslim Network in Arabic -- Largest, most doctrinally diverse
jihadist website in online jihadist environment; features vocal minority of participants who occasionally argue
against Al-Qa'ida and terrorism in general; online in its current format since at least 1996 and possesses a more
moderate tone than other sites of comparable importance; URL: www.muslm.net/vb]]
[Online Publication | | youm7.com | Salafist Call compares Pharaonic Statues with idols around the Kaaba | 2
April 2011 | | http://www.youm7.com/News.asp?NewsID=382379 | 6 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | alnmasryalyoum.com | SALAFI LEADERS REITERATE DEMANDS FOR ISLAMIC
http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/502708 | 21 November 2011 | ]
[OSC | | OSC ID: GMP20110518950037 | 18 May 2011 | | BBCM: Egypt -- Post-Revolution Position of
Salafists Viewed | | (U) | (U) | Caversham BBC Monitoring in English -- Monitoring service of the BBC, the
United Kingdom's public service broadcaster]
[Online Publication | | strangeroasis.com | The Saint of Egypt | 7 October 2011 | |
http://www.strangersoasis.com/2007/10/08/the-saint-of-egypt/ | 5 December 2011 | ]
7 December 2011


[Online Publication | | Facebook.com | Campaign to appoint Shaykh Usamah Abd al-Azim as Shaykh of Azhar
| 30 November 2011 | |
ahmedmoaz/ | 30 November 2011 | ]
(CAIRO, 4/3/11) | HIZB UT-TAHRIR BRITAIN | 4 March 2011 | | http://www.hizb.org.uk/current-affairs/sheik-
abdulaziz-calls-for-islamic-khilafah-in-egypt-cairo-4311 | 30 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | YouTube.com | (TRANSLATED) SHEIK UMAR BIN ABDUL AZIZ CALLS FOR
SHAREE'AH IN EGYPT : OCTOBER 2011 - YOUTUBE | 23 October 2011 | |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpoWwdzS6bw | 30 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Youtube.com | (TRANSLATED) SHEIK UMAR BIN ABDUL AZIZ CALLS FOR
SHAREE'AH IN EGYPT : OCTOBER 2011 - YOUTUBE | 23 October 2011 | |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpoWwdzS6bw | 6 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Reuters | In free Egypt, J ihad leader says time for gun is over | Reuters | 18 March 2011 |
| http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/03/18/uk-egypt-islamist-militancy-idUKTRE72H63F20110318 | 20 November
2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Facebook.com | We are all against Abud al-Zumur, killer of Sadat | 30 November 2011 |
| http://www.facebook.com/pages/%D9%83%D9%84%D9%86%D8%A7-%D8%B6%D8%AF-
%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AA/103751709705746 | 30 November 2011 |
page has 5100 "likes."]
[Online Publication | | Facebook.com | The People want the execution of Abud al-Zumar | 30 November 2011 |
| http://www.facebook.com/pages/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%B9%D8%A8-
%D8%B9%D8%A8%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B2%D9%85%D8%B1/157144451010747 |
30 November 2011 | ]
WOMEN, CHRISTIANS FOR PRESIDENT, IN FAVOR OF CH | 4 August 2011 | | http://nmen.org/egyptian-
theft/ | 20 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Reuters | Court approves Islamist Parties | 10 October 2011 | |
http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/10/us-egypt-court-parties-idUSTRE79942Z20111010 | 20 November
2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | menafn.com | Egypt- Islamic bloc to run in next parliamentary elections | 22 September
2011 | | http://www.menafn.com/qn_news_story_s.asp?storyid=1093443786 | 20 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Ikhwanweb :: The Muslim Brotherhood Official English Website | Interview with Najih
Ibrahim | 14 August 2006 | | http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=3740 | 21 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | worldcrunch.com | AL-J AMAA AL-ISLAMIYA: EGYPTS OTHER ISLAMISTS
http://www.worldcrunch.com/al-jama-al-islamiya-egypt-s-other-islamists-stake-their-claim/3712 | 21 November
2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | imra.org | IMRA - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2011 DR. NAJ IH IBRAHIM: WHAT
http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=50946 | 21 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | rosaonline.net | Interview with Shaykh Adel Shehato | 13 April 2011 | |
http://www.rosaonline.net/Weekly/News.asp?id=121510 | 18 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | rosaonline.net | Interview with Shaykh Adel Shehato | 13 April 2011 | |
http://www.rosaonline.net/Weekly/News.asp?id=121510 | 18 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Islamonline | Al Nas TV | 20 December 2006 | |
http://www.20at.com/20at/religious/2924.html | 21 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Islamonline | Controversy at Al Nas TV | 7 May 2007 | |
7 December 2011


%C7%E1%E4%C7%D3-%C3%CD%D3%E4-%C8%D1%D6%E5-14954/#post207884 | 21 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Al Nas TV | Al Nas TV official website | 21 November 2011 | | http://www.alnas.tv/ | 21
November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | islamnewsroom.com | Rahma TV BANNED | 29 December 2011 | |
http://islamnewsroom.com/news-we-need/1226-france-bans-al-rahma-tv | 21 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Al-Fajr TV | Al-Fajr TV overview | 21 November 2011 | |
http://www.fajrsat.ws/Generals.aspx?GID=0f14eedd-d443-47a8-bf3e-a50b20baba2d | 21 November 2011 | ]
[OSC | | OSC ID: GMP20111102966169 | 26 October 2011 | | Islamist Coalition fields 693 candidates | | (U) |
(U) | Cairo Al-Masry Al-Youm Online in English -- English language version of Al-Misri al-Yawm, respected
independent pro-reform daily; largest-circulation independent publication; URL:
[Online Publication | | Al-Ahram | Islamist against Islamist | 26 October 2011 | |
http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=4031 | 1 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Bikokule.com | Islamists Against Islamists | 26 October 2011 | |
http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=4031 | 3 November 2011 | ]
http://news.egypt.com/english/permalink/69824.html | 1 December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | reuters.com | Egypt Salafis want no pact with Muslim Brotherhood | Reuters | 4
December 2011 | | http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/04/us-egypt-salafi-idUSTRE7B30MN20111204 | 6
December 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Alnourparty.org | Al-Nur Party Official Page | 4 November 2011 | |
http://www.alnourparty.org/ | 4 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Facebook.com | El Asalan Party | 3 November 2011 | |
http://www.facebook.com/alasala.party?sk=info#!/alasala.party?sk=info | 3 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Facebook.com | Official Facebook Page for Building and Develompent Party | 2
November 2011 | | http://www.facebook.com/pages/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%AD%D8%A9-
%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%86%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9/117564535010327?sk=info | 2
November 2011 | page has 341 people who "like" it.]
[Online Publication | | dostor.org | Formation of Building and Development Party | 11 J une 2011 | |
http://www.dostor.org/politics/egypt/11/june/20/45578 | 2 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | almasryalyoum.com | MILITARY GIVE NOUR MOSQUE TO THE MINISTRY OF
http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/426000 | 30 November 2011 | ]
[Online Publication | | Ana al-Muslim | People who hate Islam and Monotheism | 8 November 2011 | |
www.muslm.net | 7 December 2011 | Posted by "Al mahdi" (user 66757); Ana al-Muslim Network in Arabic --
Largest, most doctrinally diverse jihadist website in online jihadist environment; features vocal minority of
participants who occasionally argue against Al-Qa'ida and terrorism in general; online in its current format since
at least 1996 and possesses a more moderate tone than other sites of comparable importance; URL:
[Online Publication | | Tanseerel.com | | 4 November 2011 | |
http://www.tanseerel.com/main/articles.aspx?article_no=32766 | 7 December 2011 | ]

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