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CONDITIONS eye lens is very sharp effect on vision. When clouy eye lens! the
i"a#e is capture is not clear. Cataracts are chan#es in the previous lens clear an translucent
to opa$ue! so that the i"a#e prouce on the retina of the eye %eco"es %lurre.
One i"portant thin# to note is that cataracts can %e cure. The operation is the "ost
appropriate &ay to eal &ith cataracts. The pro%le" in Inonesia is still an i"%alance
%et&een the nu"%er of cataract patients &ith cataract sur#ery. 'So "uch the nu"%er of
cataract patients &ho still ha not heale!' sai Dr. (usuf Wi)aya Sp* fro" Taru"a Royal
+ospital! West (a,arta.
Symptoms and Causes
The process of cataract usually occurs #raually! so that people have often co"plaine
of ecrease vision acuity. Sy"pto"s inclue cataracts #enerally o%scure vision as the fo#
that %loc,s the o%)ect! are sensitive to sunli#ht! so"eti"es the vision in one eye in t&o or
ou%le! if you &ant to rea! the patient "ust ta,e the li#ht an the eye lens %eco"e opa$ue as
#lass of "il,. 'Chan#es sharp vision is %lurre to "a,e people &ho e-perience the isorer
often chan#e the si.e of the #lass eye!' sai Dr. (oseph.
/isual i"pair"ent in people &ith cataract epens on the location of the eye lens
opacities. If the cataract is on the e#e of the lens or not lies in the center of the lens! the
patient oes not feel any vision pro%le"s. 'If there is unrest in the center of the lens! sharp
vision &ill %e istur%e!' he continue.
*ost cataracts occur %ecause e#eratif process that #enerally occurs in the elerly
a#e 01 years an over. +o&ever! cataracts can also occur in infants &ith cataracts ,on#elital
calle %ecause the "other has %een infecte at the early sta#es of pre#nancy. Cataracts also
occur in those &ho have "yopia or nearsi#hteness. An this can occur at a youn#er a#e.
'That2s %ecause the process that occurs in e#eratif lens "yopia eyes faster!' he sai.
Cataracts can also %e cause %y syste"ic iseases such as ia%etes "ellitus 3D*4 or
ia%etes! the use of certain "eications! especially sterois in hi#h oses an lon# perios of
ti"e! the eyes are e-pose to sunli#ht 35/4 in a lon# ti"e &ithout any protection! too often
s"o,in#! an consu"in# alcohol. 'Cataracts also occur %ecause the person ha to o sur#ery!
trau"a or in)ury to the eye! an can also i#norance of one2s i#norance as ecrease visual
acuity an not to the ophthal"olo#ist to chec, her eyes!' he e-plaine.
The only &ay to eal &ith cataracts is sur#ery. That is the "ost appropriate &ay. In the
past! a ne& cataract sur#ery &hen it is sai is ripe or lens opacities is full. On the conition of
course that person is alreay e-periencin# %linness. Not any"ore. Since early cataracts
&ere ,no&n alreay inopera%le. That &ay! patients avoi the %linness that coul have %een
prevente!' he sai. .
Toay! cataract sur#ery techni$ues have use a "oern tool calle
phacaoe"ulsification. With this tool! octors coul o penyerpian lens in the eye of those
&ith cataract an suction serpian6serpian lens. Incision is "ae very "ini"al! &hich is a%out
7 "" only! so only a local anesthetic use 3in the for" of eye rops4. Sayatannya &oun i
not nee stitches. 'When sur#ery %eco"es shorter an after sur#ery patients can return
nor"al activity!' he sai.
In the operation phase! clouy lens is estroye an re"ove. After that inclue a
replace"ent lens or Artifical Intraocular 8ens 3IO84. When IT5 IO8 has %een e-periencin#
rapi evelop"ent. In the past! co""only use IO8 is the type of stanar lens nonaspheric.
Dra&%ac, that can %e correcte &ith the aspheric lenses have the property yan#n reuce the
%ias that the $uality of vision for the %etter! 'he e-plaine.
There &as also a "ultifocal lens &hich also serves to correct the vision far an near!
so the patient after sur#ery is e-pecte to %e free fro" #lasses. There is also a Toric lens
capa%le of correctin# the eye cyliner. 9The selection of lenses that can %e tailore to the
nees of patients!' he sai.
There are several &ays to prevent cataracts! a"on# others! to avoi e-posure to
sunli#ht or ultraviolet li#ht 35/4 irectly %y &earin# ar, #lasses. Why: ;ecause ultraviolet
rays can cause the for"ation of cataracts.
Another &ay is to consu"e nutritious foos an %evera#es. /e#eta%les an fruits! li,e
oran#es! contains vita"in C &hich acts as antio-iants to isar" free raicals cause a#in# of
cells! thus useful to prevent cataracts. 'Grape contains proantosianiin an "ore po&erful
than vita"ins C an E. <roantossianiin can i"prove retinal function! especially those
a"a#e %y the he"orrha#e of %loo vessels in the eye an %loo su#ar i"%alances. An
pineapples contain "any vita"ins an "inerals such as vita"in C! ; co"ple-! %eta6carotene
or pro6vita"in A! 'he e-plaine.
In aition! sal"on an tuna can also help prevent cataracts. Dar, "eat is rich in
D+A 3Docosahe-aenoi Aci4 an contain o"e#a6= fatty acis &hich play an i"portant role
in the for"ation of the retina of the eye. 'An for the s"o,in#! stop s"o,in# %ecause of the
ris,6free ci#arettes that prouce increases the ris, of cataracts. Eat a %alance nutritious iet!'
he sai.
Gerali Kusu"a W.
Rosita Anari E,a <.
Naha Ciny
Ratna A.,ia

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