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Baa, Baa, Black

Sheep Lyrics

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
baa, baa, white sheep,
have you any wool?
yes sir, yes sir,
three needles full.
one to mend a jumper,
one to mend a frock,
and one for the little girl,
with holes in her sock.
Baa, baa, white sheep,
have you any wool?
yes sir, yes sir,
three needles full.
Baa, baa, grey sheep,
have you any wool?
yes sir yes sir ,
three bags full.
one for the kitten,
one for the cats,
and one for the guinea pigs,
to knit some wooly hats.
Baa, Baa, grey sheep,
have you any wool?
yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

London Bridge Is Falling Down

London Bridge is broken down,
Broken down, broken down.
London Bridge is broken down,
My fair lady.

Build it up with wood and clay,
Wood and clay, wood and clay,
Build it up with wood and clay,
My fair lady.

Wood and clay will wash away,
Wash away, wash away,
Wood and clay will wash away,
My fair lady.

Build it up with bricks and mortar,
Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,
Build it up with bricks and mortar,
My fair lady.

Bricks and mortar will not stay,
Will not stay, will not stay,
Bricks and mortar will not stay,
My fair lady.

Build it up with iron and steel,
Iron and steel, iron and steel,
Build it up with iron and steel,
My fair lady.

Iron and steel will bend and bow,
Bend and bow, bend and bow,
Iron and steel will bend and bow,
My fair lady.

Build it up with silver and gold,
Silver and gold, silver and gold,
Build it up with silver and gold,
My fair lady.

Silver and gold will be stolen away,
Stolen away, stolen away,
Silver and gold will be stolen away,
My fair lady.

Set a man to watch all night,
Watch all night, watch all night,
Set a man to watch all night,
My fair lady.

Suppose the man should fall asleep,
Fall asleep, fall asleep,
Suppose the man should fall asleep?
My fair lady.

Give him a pipe to smoke all night,
Smoke all night, smoke all night,
Give him a pipe to smoke all night,
My fair lady.

Miss Polly Had A Dolly

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick.
So she phoned for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick.
The doctor came with his bag and hat,
And knocked at the door with a rat tat tat.

He looked at the dolly and shook his head,
And said "Miss Polly put her straight to bed."
He wrote a pad for a pill, pill, pill.
Ill be back in the morning with my bill, bill, bill.

It's Raining It's Pouring

Its raining, Its pouring,
The old mans snoring;
He went to bed,
And bumped his head,
And couldnt get up in the morning.

Old Mother Hubbard

OLD Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To get her poor dog a bone;
But when she got there
The cupboard was bare,
And so the poor dog had

She went to the bakers
To buy him some bread,
But when she came back
The poor dog was dead.

She went to the joiners
To buy him a coffin,
But when she came back
The dog he was laughing.

She took a clean dish
To get him some tripe,
But when she came back
He was smoking his pipe.

She went to the fishmongers
To buy him some fish,
But when she came back
He was licking the dish.

She went to the ale-house
To get him some beer,
But when she came back
The dog sat in a chair.

She went to the tavern
For white wine and red,
But when she came back
The dog stood on his head.

She went to the barbers
To buy him a wig,
But when she came back
He was dancing jig.

She went to the tailors
To buy him a coat,
But when she came back
He was riding a goat.

She went to the cobblers
To buy him some shoes,
But when she came back
He was reading the news.

She went to the hatters
to buy him a hat,
But when she came back
He was feeding the cat.

She went to the fruiterers
To buy him some fruit,
But when she came back
He was playing the flute.

She went to the sempsters
To buy him some linen,
But when she came back
The dog he was spinning.

She went to the hosiers
To buy him some hose,
But when she came back
He was dressed in his

The dame made a curtsey,
The dog made a bow;
The dame said, "Your
The dog said, "Bow-wow!

Wind The Bobbin Up

Wind the bobbin up,
Wind the bobbin up,
Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,
Point to the ceiling
Point to the floor
Point to the window
Point to the door
Put your hands on your knee
Now you clap 1, 2, 3.
Wind the bobbin up,
Wind the bobbin up,
Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Ring a Ring a Roses

Ring-a-ring o roses,
A pocket full of posies,
A-tishoo, a-tishoo!
We all fall down.

Mummy in the teapot,
Daddy in the cup,
Baby in the saucer,
We all jump up.

Ring-a-ring o roses,
A pocket full of posies,
A-tishoo, a-tishoo!
We all fall down.

The cows are in the meadow,
Eating buttercups,
A-tishoo, a-tishoo!
We all jump up.

Head Shoulders Knees and

Head, shoulders, knees and
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and
Knees and toes.
And eyes, and ears, and
mouth, and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and
Knees and toes.

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a
Humpty Dumpty had a great
All the Kings horses
And all the Kings men
Couldnt put Humpty
together again.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are!

When the blazing sun is
When he nothing shines
Then you show your little
Twinkle, twinkle, all the
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

Then the traveller in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny
He could not see which way
to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

In the dark blue sky you
While you thro' my window
And you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

12345 Once I caught A fish

One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let go again.

Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right.

This Little Piggie Went To

This little piggie
Went to market
This little piggie
Stayed home
This little piggie
Had roast beef
This little piggie
Had none
And this little piggie cried,
"Wee, wee, wee, wee,"
All the way home.

Jack and Jill Went up the Hill

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down and broke his
And Jill came tumbling after.

Up Jack got, and home did
As fast as he could caper,
To old Dame Dob, who
patched his nob
With vinegar and brown

Then Jill came in, and she did
To see Jacks paper plaster;
Her mother whipped her
across her knee,
For laughing at Jacks

Row Row Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily, merrily
life is but a dream.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile,
dont forget to scream.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily, merrily
life is but a dream.

The Muffin Man

Oh, do you know the muffin
The muffin man, the muffin
Oh, do you know the muffin
That lives on Drury Lane?

Oh, yes, I know the muffin
The muffin man, the muffin
Oh, yes, I know the muffin
That lives on Drury Lane.

Three Blind Mice

Three blind mice, three blind
See how they run, see how
they run!

They all ran after the
farmers wife,
Who cut off their tails with a
carving knife,

Did you ever see such a thing
in your life,
As three blind mice.

Pop! Goes the Weasel

Half a pound of tuppenney
Half a pound of treacle,
Mix it up and make it nice,
Pop! Goes the weasel.

All around the mulberry
The monkey chased the
The monkey thought it was
all in fun.
Pop! Goes the weasel.

A penny for a spool of
A penny for a needle.
That's the way the money
Pop! Goes the weasel.

Up and down the City Road,
In and out of the Eagle,
That's the way the money
Pop! Goes the weasel.

Half a pound of tuppenney
Half a pound of treacle,
Mix it up and make it nice,
Pop! Goes the weasel.

Round and Round the

Round and round the garden
Like a teddy bear,
One step, two step,
Tickle him under there.

One Two Buckle My Shoe

One, two, buckle my shoe,
Three, four, knock at the
Five, six, pick up sticks,
Seven, eight, lay them
Nine, ten, a big fat hen,
Eleven, twelve, dig and
Thirteen, fourteen, maids a-
Fifteen, sixteen, maids in the
Seventeen, eighteen, maids
in waiting,
Nineteen, twenty, my plates

Three Little Kittens

THERE were three little
Put on their mittens,
To eat some Christmas Pie.
Miaw wow! Miaw wow!
Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!

These three little kitten
They lost their mittens,
And they began to cry:
Miaw! Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!

Go, naughty kittens,
And find your mittens,
Or you shant have any pie!
Miaw! Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!

These three little kittens
They found their mittens,
And joyfully did cry:
Miaw! Miaw! Miaw! Miaw!

Oh, Granny dear,
Our mittens are here,
Make haste and cut up the
Purr- rrrr! purr-rr! Purr-rr!


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