Simplicial Complexes: Simplices
Simplicial Complexes: Simplices
Simplicial Complexes: Simplices
February 4, 1999
Simplicial Complexes
are low-dimensional examples of simplices. We use combinations of points to dene simplices in general dimensions. Let S be a nite set in d-dimensional Euclidean
space denoted as Rd . An ane
P combination
P of the
points pi 2 S is a point x = i pi with i = 1.
The ane hull, a S , is the set of all ane combinations. Equivalently, it is the intersection of all hyperplanes that contain S . The points in S are anely
independent, of a. i., if none is the ane combination
of the other points in S . For example, the ane hull of
three a. i. points is a plane, that of two a. i. points is
a line, and the ane hull of a single point is the point
A convex combination is an ane combination with
non-negative coecients: i 0 for all pi 2 S . The
convex hull, conv S , is the set of all convex combinations. Equivalently, it is the intersection of all halfspaces that contain S . A simplex is the convex hull of
a set of a. i. points. If S Rd is a set of k + 1 a. i.
points then the dimension of the simplex = conv S
is dim = k and is called a k-simplex. The largest
number of a. i. points in Rd is d + 1, and we have simplices of dimension 1 through d. Figure 1 shows the
ve types of simplices in R3. The points in any sub-
Vert A
region to its generator: '(Va ) = a. This function denes a geometric realization of Nrv C :
twentieth century, combinatorial topology was a
ourishing eld of Mathematics. We refer to Paul Alexandrov [1] as a comprehensive text originally published as
a series of three books. This text roughly coincides with
a fundamental reorganization of the eld triggered by a
variety of technical results in topology. One of the successors of combinatorial topology is modern algebraic
topology where the emphasis shifts from combinatorial
to algebraic structures. We refer to James Munkres [5]
for an introductory text in that area.
We proved that every k-complex can be geometrically realized in R2k+1. Examples of k-complexes that
require 2k +1 dimensions are provided by Flores [2] and
independently by van Kampen [3]. One such example
is the k-skeleton of the (2k + 2)-simplex. For k = 1
this is the complete graph of ve vertices, which is one
of the two obstructions of graph planarity identied by
Kuratowski [4].