- Central Railway is decentralizing payments for SBF and units are raising debits with headquarters through e-reconciliation. However, most units are not sending hard copies of transaction certificates (TCs) or scanned application copies when raising debits.
- Units are requested to raise TCs activity-wise to avoid reconciliation problems, or mention activity-wise amounts in narration if TCs cannot be prepared that way.
- An SBF budget meeting decided units must submit vetted monthly expenditure statements to headquarters on time to avoid reconciliation delays.
- Central Railway is decentralizing payments for SBF and units are raising debits with headquarters through e-reconciliation. However, most units are not sending hard copies of transaction certificates (TCs) or scanned application copies when raising debits.
- Units are requested to raise TCs activity-wise to avoid reconciliation problems, or mention activity-wise amounts in narration if TCs cannot be prepared that way.
- An SBF budget meeting decided units must submit vetted monthly expenditure statements to headquarters on time to avoid reconciliation delays.
- Central Railway is decentralizing payments for SBF and units are raising debits with headquarters through e-reconciliation. However, most units are not sending hard copies of transaction certificates (TCs) or scanned application copies when raising debits.
- Units are requested to raise TCs activity-wise to avoid reconciliation problems, or mention activity-wise amounts in narration if TCs cannot be prepared that way.
- An SBF budget meeting decided units must submit vetted monthly expenditure statements to headquarters on time to avoid reconciliation delays.
- Central Railway is decentralizing payments for SBF and units are raising debits with headquarters through e-reconciliation. However, most units are not sending hard copies of transaction certificates (TCs) or scanned application copies when raising debits.
- Units are requested to raise TCs activity-wise to avoid reconciliation problems, or mention activity-wise amounts in narration if TCs cannot be prepared that way.
- An SBF budget meeting decided units must submit vetted monthly expenditure statements to headquarters on time to avoid reconciliation delays.
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Sub: TCs sent to HQ for the payments made in respect to SBF.
As per the decision taken by the SBF central committee the arrangement of payments in respect to SBF are decentralised. Units arranging the payments are raising the debits with Head Quarter PF Section through e- recon. Off late it is noticed that most of the units are not sending the hard copies of the TCs and also not attaching the scanned copy of the SBF applications while raising the debits through e- recon. Further it is requested to raise the TCs activity wise to avoid problems at the time of reconciliation. However if it is not possible to prepare activity wise TCs, you are requested to mention the activity wise amount in the narration to avoid delay in accepting the TCs. In the SBF budget meeting held on 10.09.2014 it is also decided to send the vetted monthly expenditure statement to HQ. You are therefore requested to co-ordinate with APO (Wel.) to submit the statement in time to avoid delay in reconciliation.
OFFICE NOTE NO: AC/PF/HQ/PASS BK PRINTER/2014 DATE: 07.08.2014. SUB: Non- working of pass book printer. ***** The pass book printer (M/S. OLIVETTI make with model No. PR2 Plus) presently working in PF section for printing of Pass book is out of order since one month. The printer is under AMC and the AMC service Engineer is unable to repair the printer. However PF pass book needs to be printed on regular basis both for Gazetted and non-Gazetted staff. Time schedule for printing of pass book is already circulated to all units. Due to non-functioning of printer it is causing lots of inconvenience to all Officers and staff. It is therefore proposed to hire a printer on temporary basis for 3 months or repairing of existing printer whichever is earlier. If agreed to, Dy.CAO (G) is requested to accord Administrative approval for hiring of Pass book printer so that AFA (EFFY) will be asked to process for the hiring of printer on priority basis.
Central Railway FA&CAOs Office, CST Mumbai.
No. AC/PF/HQ/MCDO /62 Date: 01.09.2014.
Sub: MCDO from FA&CAO to FC Ref: Dy.CAO (G) s letter No.AC/EFFY/MCDO-FC/2014 dt.15/07/2014 *******
With reference to above the required information on the subject in respect to PF section is forwarded as desired.
ASSISTANCE REQUIRED FROM BOARD: Payment of provisional pension in death and disability cases of employees covered under NPS. Letter has been sent to Director (Accounts) on 16.06.2014. Matter is pending with PFRDA and DOP&PW.
Information in respect to other items of the above referred letter may be treated as NILas far as PF section is concerned.
AFA (PF/Settlement)
Central Railway FA&CAOs Office, CST Mumbai.
No. AC/PF/HQ/MCDO /63 Date: 05.08.2014.
Sub: MCDO from FA&CAO to FC Ref: Dy.CAO (G) s letter No.AC/EFFY/MCDO-FC/2014 dt.15/07/2014 *******
With reference to above the required information on the subject of PF section is forwarded as desired.
ASSISTANCE REQUIRED FROM BOARD: Payment of provisional pension in death and disability cases of employees covered under NPS. Letter has been sent to Director (Accounts) on 16.06.2014. Matter is pending with PFRDA and DOP&PW. Information in respect to other items of the above referred letter may be treated as NILas far as PF section is concerned.
Sr. AFA (PF/Settlement)
Central Railway FA&CAOs Office, CST Mumbai.
No. AC/PF/HQ/CR/GAZ/2014-2015 Date: 08/08/2014.
Sub: PF ledger of Shri Vishwesh Chaubey PF No.00410036
Kindly arrange to send the PF ledger of Shri Vishwesh Chaubey , PF No 00410036 who has come on transfer from your Railway and posted in Pune Division on Central Railway. Please consider this as most urgent as it is necessary to update the pf balance of the officer
(Brinda Rao) AFA (PF/Settlement) /FA&CAO
C/-Jt.GM (HRD)-IRCTC/CST MUMBAI: For information and necessary action.
Central Railway FA&CAOs Office, CST Mumbai.
No. AC/PF/HQ/CR/GAZ/2014-2015 Date: 08/08/2014.
Sub: PF ledger of Shri Vishwesh Chaubey PF No.00410036
Kindly arrange to send the PF ledger of Shri Vishwesh Chaubey , PF No 00410036 who has come on transfer from your Railway and posted in Pune Division on Central Railway. Please treat this as most urgent as the same is necessary to update the pf balance of the officer .
(GEETA GIRISH) AFA (PF/Settlement)
Central Railway FA&CAOs Office, Mumbai CST.
No. AC/PF/HQ/APPN/2013-14/29 Date: 18.7.2014.
Sub : Appropriation accounts for the year 2013-14-Interest on Debt and other obligations. Ref: 1. your letter No. Au./Bkg./II-I/2013-14/Civil Grants/1819 dtd.10.07.2014. 2. Your letter No.Au/EHQ/App. A/C/XIX-3/2013-14/1492 Dtd.27/06/2014. *******
With reference to above it is intimated that the statement of Appropriation Account for the year 2013-14 is already submitted vide this office letter of even no. Dated 30/05/2014. After making adjustments through Divisional JVs the figures are intimated vide this office letter of even no. Dated 03.07.2014. The details of JV No.00006 dated 25.06.2014 are as under.
Fig. in 000 S.no Head of Account Appr. Int Act.Int. Adj.int 01 GPF 10005 10088 83 02 PF (HQ) 200392 201947 1555 03 SBF 3208 3215 07 TOTAL 213605 215251 1645
Sub: NPS-Concurrent upload and transfer of funds to the trustee bank. Ref: 1. This office letter No.AC/PF/NPS/2012-13 Dated 27/08/2012. Ref: 2. This office letter No. AC/PF/NPS/2012-13 Dated 25/06/2014. *******
Vide letters under reference, you were requested to submit the certificate of monthly upload of subscribers contribution file and transfer of funds to the trustee bank on monthly basis.
However the required information for the month of APRIL, MAY & JUNE-2014, pertains to your unit is still awaited. Since the quarterly report on the subject is already due for submission to Board, you are requested to send the information immediately by return fax o
No: AC/HQ/NPS/2014 DATE:07/08/2014
SUB: PRAN - KIT Please find enclosed PRAN kits received from NSDL of the following subscribers. You are hereby requested to make arrangements to handover the KIT to concerned subscriber. S.NO NAME Of Emp. PPAN PRAN No. Office Working 1 AMIT KUMAR MEENA 2014500100100022 110033924977 FA&CAOs 2 RAMANAND NEBULAL SHARMA 2010500100100021 110053924976 FA&CAOs 3 BHAWASINGH SAHEBRAO PAWAR 2014500100100025 110053998379 PDA 4 ROHIT KUMAR PATHAK 2011500100100019 110073998378 APO( BILLS) 5 PRAKASH RAMESH JADHAV 2014500100100023 110093998377 APO(BILLS) 6 DEOVANAND BHAURAO TAYADE 2014500100100019 110073924975 FA&CAO(T)s 7 ATUL GOVIND PATIL 2014500100100024 110093998380 FA&CAOs
Kindly acknowledge the receipt.
DA: As above
Central Railway FA&CAOs Office, CST Mumbai.
No. AC/PF/HQ/SBF/2014-2015 Date: 22/08/2014.
Member Jt. Secretary /APO (Wel.) Central SBF Committee HQ /CSTM
Sub: Additional Funds under the head Relief and Distress fund. Ref: Your letter No. HPB/796/SB/D/1 Dated 01.08.2014 ***** Vide letter under reference pay orders for arranging payment in F/O secy. SBF Committee for Additional Funds under the head Relief and Distress fund for Mumbai and Solapur Divisions and for spectacles, dentures & maintenance grant for Workshop Parel, BSL & SUR divisions are received. In this regard it is intimated that vide this office letter of even no. Dated 26.05.2014, an amount of Rs.5, 00,000/-for BB division and Rs.1, 00,000/- for BSL division is passed by re- appropriating of 25% of funds from the activity Training for developing occupational skills of physically/mentally challenged wards, especially girls of railway employees. Since more funds are requested for Relief and Distress fund to the above units , Identify the activity which can spare 25% of amount from the sanctioned amount for the year 2013- 14 and communicate the approval of Central SBF Committee to re-appropriation for Relief and Distress fund (This is required in terms of boards letter no. E (W) 2008/FU-1/2 DATED 29.01.2009). Before assessing the requirement under head Relief and Distress fund to units, applications on hand for the year 2013-14 only be taken in to account to arrive the actual requirement. Vouchers pertains to BB and BSL divisions only are received along with the pay orders. Vouchers of other units may also be submitted for scrutiny.
It is also intimated that BSL division had already incurred Rs.16, 09,757/-under head Relief and Distress fund against the amount sanctioned of Rs. 18, 00,000/- during the year 2013- 14. Clarified that during the sanctioning meeting held on 26.02.2014, it has been decided that the payment towards SBF grant be made through NEFT by the respective Division /Workshop in co- ordination with associate finance and the debit of SBF payments be raised with FA&CAO (PF). In view of the above it is felt that since the debits are raised to FA&CAO (PF), there is no need to allot additional funds in F/O secy. SBF Committee of above quoted units. Above pay orders are returned herewith.
DA: As above.
Central Railway FA&CAOs Office, CST Mumbai.
No. AC/PF/HQ/SBF/2014-2015 Date: 22/09/2014.
Member Jt. Secretary /APO (Wel.) Central SBF Committee HQ /CSTM
Sub: Additional Funds under the head Relief and Distress fund. Ref: Your Office note no. HPB/796/SB/D/25 Dated 05.09.2014 *****
With reference to your office note quoted above, it is requested to submit the unit wise actual expenditure incurred during the year 2013-14 on the activity of Funeral Assistance taking in to account the pending claims if any. Since the debits for other than funeral assistance is raised with FA&CAO (PF) it is not justified to pass the additional budgetary grant without confirming the actual expenditure. However to avoid inconvenience to the units it is advised to send the revised pay orders for the actual expenditure incurred on funeral assistance during the year 2013-14 after considering the already utilised original budgetary grant for the year. Pay orders received along with your above office note is returned herewith. Kindly acknowledge the receipt. This issues with the approval of Dy.CAO (G).
Exceptional report for List of employees from whom PF/NPS recovery was not made during the month of June and July 2014 is forwarded herewith for information. You are requested to review the list and submit the reasons (bill unit wise) for non recovery of PF/NPS on priority basis.
DA: As above
Central Railway FA&CAOs Office, CST Mumbai.
No. AC/PF/NPS/2014 Date: 21/08/2014.
Sub: Payment of provisional pension in death and & disability cases for employees covered under New Pension Scheme (NPS). Ref: Your letter no.HPB/102/LX/PNM/NRMU/56-13 (3) Dated 27.08.2014. ***** With reference to your letter quoted above on the subject, it is intimated that payment of provisional pension in death and & disability cases for employees covered under New Pension Scheme (NPS) is stopped w.e.f. Sep.2013 onwards following the guidelines issued by Board vide Letter No.21/2013 dated 16.08.2013. (Copy enclosed for ready reference). Board vide letter quoted above has instructed that in case of death , the entire accumulated pension wealth (100%) would be paid to the nominee /legal heir of the subscriber and there would not be any purchase of annuity/monthly pension . In view of the above, this office vide letter no. AC/PF/NPS/2012-13 Dated 16.06.2014(copy enclosed), has requested Railway Board to clarify that how the provisional pension already paid is to be adjusted while paying the entire accumulated wealth to the legal heir. In response to this office letter referred above, Board vide letter No. 2012/F (E) III/1(1)/4 dated 16.07.2014 (copy enclosed) had intimated that the issue has been referred to PFRDA/DOP&PW for clarification.
Sub: Additional Funds under the head Relief and Distress fund. Ref: APO (Wel.) s Office Note No. HPB/796/SB/D/25 Dated05.09.2014 ***** Vide office note under reference pay orders for arranging payment in F/O secy. SBF Committee for Additional Funds under the head Relief and Distress fund of Rs.5,00,000/- for Mumbai Division and Rs. 6,00,000/- for Solapur Division are received. Also Pay Orders towards spectacles, dentures & maintenance grant for Rs. 21, 00,000/- to Workshop Parel, Rs.6, 00,000/- to BSL &Rs.25, 00,000/- SUR divisions are received. In this regard it is submitted that as per the discussions held on 29.04.2014 in the chamber of Dy.CAO (G), additional funds of Rs. 5, 00,000/-for BB division and Rs.1, 00,000/- for BSL division are passed by re-appropriating of 25% of funds from the activity Training for developing occupational skills of physically/mentally challenged wards, especially girls of railway employees, leaving a balance of Rs. 2, 77,203/- is only available after arranging payment to BB and BSL Divisions. This has been intimated to APO (Wel.) vide this office letter of even no. Dated 26.05.2014. Moreover it is clarified that during the sanctioning committee meeting held on 26.02.2014 it has been decided that the payment towards SBF grant be made through NEFT by the respective units in co-ordination with associate finance and the debit of SBF payments be raised with FA&CAO (PF). In view of the above the pay orders received in this office for arranging payments are returned to review of actual amount required to pay the funeral aid in addition to the original sanction. However vide above referred office note APO (Wel) has not furnished any reasons for arranging such huge amounts in f/o x secy. SBF of respective unit. In view of the above the pay orders are not passed for payment for want of clarifications .
Submitted please.
Division wise distribution of funds under the head relief and distress fund during the year 2013-14 is as under.
UNIT Per Max.amount Amount EXP. Amount asked as remarks capita for relief and distress fund permitted as per the sanctioned strength of the unit sanctioned ALREADY INCURRED DURING THE YEAR additional fund BSL 50+50 1999600 1800000 +100000 BY RE- APPROPRIATION 1609757 600000 APPRX. 5 LAKHS MORE THAN THE ORIGINAL SANCTION BB 50+50 3367900 2400000 +500000 BY RE- APPROPRIATION 4239318 UPTO FEB- 2014 500000 APPRX. 11LAKHS MORE THAN THE ORIGINAL SANCTION SUR 50+50 982300 1300000 600000 FOR DISTRESS FUND & 2500000 FOR SPECT.DENTURES AND MAINT GRANT &FIN. ASSISTANCE APPRX. 34LAKHS MORE THAN THE ORIGINAL SANCTION W/PR 50+50 529100 800000 2100000 FOR SPECT.DENTURES AND MAINT GRANT & FIN. ASSISTANCE APPRX. 24LAKHS MORE THAN THE ORIGINAL SANCTION
Since more funds are requested for Relief and Distress fund to the above units , Identify the activity which can spare 25% of amount from the sanctioned amount for the year 2013- 14 and communicate the approval of Central SBF Committee to re-appropriation for Relief and Distress fund (This is required in terms of boards letter no. E (W) 2008/FU-1/2 DATED 29.01.2009). Before assessing the requirement under head Relief and Distress fund to units, applications on hand for the year 2013-14 only be taken in to account to arrive the actual requirement. Vouchers pertains to BB and BSL divisions only are received along with the pay orders. Vouchers of other units may also be submitted for scrutiny.
It is also intimated that BSL division had already incurred Rs.16, 09,757/-under head Relief and Distress fund against the amount sanctioned of Rs. 18, 00,000/- during the year 2013- 14. Clarified that during the sanctioning meeting held on 26.02.2014, it has been decided that the payment towards SBF grant be made through NEFT by the respective Division /Workshop in co- ordination with associate finance and the debit of SBF payments be raised with FA&CAO (PF). In view of the above it is felt that since the debits are raised to FA&CAO (PF), there is no need to allot additional funds in F/O secy. SBF Committee of above quoted units. Above pay orders are returned herewith.
Belykh, E., Krutko, A. V., Baykov, E. S., Giers, M. B., Preul, M. C., & Byvaltsev, V. A. (2017). Preoperative estimation of disc herniation recurrence after microdiscectomy predictive value of a multivariate model based