Parashakthi Temple, Also Known As Eternal Mother Temple Is A Tirtha Peetam (
Parashakthi Temple, Also Known As Eternal Mother Temple Is A Tirtha Peetam (
Parashakthi Temple, Also Known As Eternal Mother Temple Is A Tirtha Peetam (
the west for Devi ParaShakthi worshipers situated in the heart of Pontiac, Michigan, United
States. The Temple was uilt in !""" and the inaugural poo#a took place on $i#a%adasami da%.
The Temple land is known for its m%stical properties and was once home to the powerful &ative
'merican healers.
1 Founder
2 Mission statement
3 Main deity: Devi Parashakthi
4 Shanmatha Peetam
5 Major festivals
6 eferen!es
" #$ternal links
Presidin% Deity ParaShakthi at the &em'le
Dr( ) *rishna *umar
The Temple was envisioned % Dr. * +rishna +umar in a deep meditative +undalini e,perience
when *oddess 'di Shakthi
guided him to uild a temple for ./er,0 for peace, happiness and
paramount success. Dr. +rishna +umar is a ma#or donor and has spent millions of dollars for the
construction of the Temple.
3n a ceremon% held at the Detroit 4oo /all in -556, Dr. +rishna
+umar was inducted into the Michigan /eritage /all of 7ame
The event honored leaders from
various ethnic ackgrounds that have made outstanding contriutions to the 'merican wa% of life
and demonstrated their concerned commitment to multiculturalism with support to ethnic and
cultural traditions. Parashakthi Temple is also a ma#or participant in 3nter9faith dialogue.
Mission statement
To share Divine Mother;s grace with humanit% so that the% can e,plore and e,perience the
Main deity: Devi Parashakthi
Divine Mother Parashakthi is <Divine Pure =ternal 4onsciousness< manifested as Shiva Shakthi
and formed a &ada >indu (sound and spiritual light), which separated into Shiva and Shakthi. 'll
the gods and goddesses are her manifestations of various virator% divine entities. 't Parashakthi
Temple, she is present as Parashakthi +arumari 'mika who is closest to the earthl% creations.
Devi Parashakthi is +undalini Shakthi, a minute part of her has manifested as Purusha (Shiva)
and Prakrti (Shakthi), which together has materiali?ed into various universes (multiverse) as
living and non9living entities through ma%a (illusion) Shakthi.
The Mother Parashakthi Sanctum (Sannidhi) is also graced % the presence of the Maha Meru
which now confers the status of @a#a@a#eswariA >huvaneswari to this Sannidhi. 7urther, on the
same pedestal, there is *oddess @a#a Matangi, Devi $arahi 'mika and Devi >huvaneshwari.
The presence of the different aspects of the *reat Mother along with the Maha Meru makes this a
ver% highl% energi?ed focus of worship. 4ompounding this power is the presence of Mother
&eelavani who sits high aove the Sannidhi.
Shanmatha Peetam
Deities with shrines installed at Parashakti Temple include the Shanmata form of worship
was proposed % 'di Shankara and include
!. Ganapadhyam B Shrines for Cord *anapath%. The Temple has three $igrahas installed,
Shakthi *anapathi is situated to the @ight side of Mother Parasakthi, Tantrika *anapathi is
across from Mother facing /er and &eelavani 'mika,and the aode of Prakara *anapathi is
outside the Temple. 'hishekam is performed for all three Deities on the Sukla 4hathurthi (2th
Phase) of wa,ing Moon in the month of >hadrapadha ('ugustDSeptemer)and during Sankata
/ara chathirthi.
-. Shaktam B ' shrine for Mother Parashakthi as +arumari 'mman. 3n this form, we, as separate
<Eiva'tma< (individual soul) can communicate with <Paramatman< (super soul) through /er, that
will ultimatel% lead to our union with Paramatman. 'hishekam and 'lankaram is performed to
the Divine Mother on ever% Tuesda%s, 7rida%s and Sunda%s.
1. Kaumaram B ' Sannidhi for Cord Surahman%a who is depicted with /is two vallaais
(Shakthis) on $alli and Deivanai on /is right and left side respectivel%. The% represent Sakthi
(the power of desire) and +ri%a Shakthi (the power of action). /e carries a spear that is known as
*naana Shakthi (the energ% of Fisdom). 'll three are three9fold manifestation of Divine Mother
Parasakthi. The ma#or functions are $aikasi $isakam, celerating /is manifestation and Skanda
Sashti, a festival of si, da%s celerating /is victor% over SuraPadma, an 'sura. Utsavamurth% of
Cord Muruga, $alli, and De%va%anai along with >oga Siddhar are taken out in procession around
the temple on da%s that are important for the worship of Cord Muruga.
2. Saivam B ' shrine for Cord +uera Siva, &andikeswara and Cord &atara#a. /e is worshipped
in /is formless form of Shiva Cingam. 4eleration include Maha Siva @atri and is performed on
+rishna 4hathurdasi (!2th phase of waning Moon) during the whole night in the Month of
Magam. 3n addition, Pradosham is celerated with 'ishekam, twice in a month on Tri%odasi
(!1th phase of the Moon). ' separate shrine for Cord +uera Shiva Cingam with the Cingam
form that encompasses >rahma, $ishnu and Shiva all in one. This particular Cingam is one that
was worshipped % Cord +uera, the keeper of the wealth of the celestial eings in /induism.
8. Vaishnavam B ' shrine for Cord $enkateswara, Cakshmi &arasimha.
:. Souram B ' Sannidhi for Cord Sur%a >hagwan as Sat%anara%ana and Cord Eagannath.
Major estivals
Devi &avaratri (Dasara) is the ma#or function celerating the Mother. This is celerated on nine
consecutive nights in the Month of 'shvi#am starting on the !st phase and ending on !5th phase
of wa,ing Moon. This function depicts how the Mother manifested /erself as Durga, Cakshmi
and Saraswathi to get rid of evil forces. The tenth da% is celerated as $i#a%a (victorious) Dasami
with a procession of the Mother around the temple