Rakeshkumar Akoju is seeking a position as a software developer where he can continuously develop his professional skills. He has a Bachelor's degree in computer engineering and over 1 year of experience developing web applications using technologies like .NET, ASP.NET, and SQL Server. He is proficient in programming languages like C# and has experience designing forms, writing queries, and validating web pages. His hobbies include playing games and watching movies.
Rakeshkumar Akoju is seeking a position as a software developer where he can continuously develop his professional skills. He has a Bachelor's degree in computer engineering and over 1 year of experience developing web applications using technologies like .NET, ASP.NET, and SQL Server. He is proficient in programming languages like C# and has experience designing forms, writing queries, and validating web pages. His hobbies include playing games and watching movies.
Rakeshkumar Akoju is seeking a position as a software developer where he can continuously develop his professional skills. He has a Bachelor's degree in computer engineering and over 1 year of experience developing web applications using technologies like .NET, ASP.NET, and SQL Server. He is proficient in programming languages like C# and has experience designing forms, writing queries, and validating web pages. His hobbies include playing games and watching movies.
Rakeshkumar Akoju is seeking a position as a software developer where he can continuously develop his professional skills. He has a Bachelor's degree in computer engineering and over 1 year of experience developing web applications using technologies like .NET, ASP.NET, and SQL Server. He is proficient in programming languages like C# and has experience designing forms, writing queries, and validating web pages. His hobbies include playing games and watching movies.
Career Objectives: A osi!ion in !he glo"al a#ena #o$iding !he oo#!%ni!& !o make a s!#ong con!#i"%!ion !o o#gani'ed goals !h#o%gh con!in%o%s de$elomen! o( #o(essional skills and !o )o#k as a ke& la&e# in challenging and c#ea!i$e en$i#onmen!.. Academic Details:
*eg#ee+,e#!i(ica!e -ea# o( Passing .ns!i!%!e+/chool 0oa#d+ 1ni$e#si!& 0.2ech3E.,.E4 2015 Ai''a ,ollege 6( Engg and 2ech 7821 9&de#a"ad .n!e#media!e 3:..4 200; 8a#a&ana 7%nio# ,ollege< 9&de#a"ad. 0oa#d o( .n!e#media!e Ed%ca!ion< AP /./.,3:4 2006 Radha =#ishnan /econda#& /chool< >anche#ial. 0oa#d o( /econda#& Ed%ca!ion. Experience Summar: 1 -ea# o( E?e#ience in .2 .nd%s!#& as a .8e! *e$eloe#. .n$ol$ed in *esigning and *e$eloing @e" Alica!ions. E?e#ience in P#og#amming )i!h ,A.8e!< 92>B< ,//. E?e#ience in Pe#(o#ming Calida!ions !o .8e! ,on!#ols. 0asic =no)ledge in ADa? ,on!#ols. Eood comm%nica!ion skills< in!e#e#sonal skills< sel(-mo!i$a!ed< F%ick lea#ne# and a !eam la&e#. !"r# Experience: @o#king as 7#. /o(!)a#e *e$eloe# in C"ntext $ec%n"l"&ies (#om 21-7an%a#&-2014 !ill da!e. $ec%nical S#ills: P#og#amming Bang%ages: ,A.8e! 4.5. @e" 2echnolog&: A/P.8E24.5< 92>B< ,//. 6e#a!ing /&s!em: @indo)s :< @indo)s7. *a!a"ase: /Fl /e#$e# 200;. 'r"ject Details: 'r"ject (: 'r"ject Summar: 'r"ject : /#i Rama 9osi!al. )"cati"n : ,on!e?! 2echnologies< 9&de#a"ad Descripti"n : 2his is a @e" Alica!ion P#oDec!. 2he#e a#e se$e#al mod%les in !his #oDec!. 2his #oDec! )ill "e main!ained "& !he 9osi!al adminis!#a!ion. /ome o( !he imo#!an! mod%les a#e /e!!ings< Regis!#a!ions< ,ase /hee!s and 0illings. >& )o#k he#e is !o design !he )e" (o#ms %sing ,//< de$eloing .8e! code and )#i!ing /Fl G%e#ies. $eam Si*e : ; Resp"nsibilit : *esigning @e" (o#ms and de$eloing !he code. R"le : /o(!)a#e *e$eloe#. Durati"n : >a& 2014 !o !ill da!e. R"les and Resp"nsibilities: 1sed ,A< A/P< A*6.8e!< ,//. .n$ol$ed in *esigning and *e$eloing @e" Pages. .n$ol$ed in )#i!ing /GB G%e#ies in /Fl /e#$e#. .n$ol$ed in $alida!ing !he ages. .n$ol$ed in gi$ing #ela!ions "e!)een !a"les. 'r"ject +: 'r"ject Summar: 'r"ject : *oc!o#s o#!al )"cati"n : ,on!e?! 2echnologies< 9&de#a"ad Descripti"n : *oc!o#s Po#!al is a @e" Alica!ion )he#e #egis!e#ed %se# can "ook an aoin!men! (#om an&)he#e< )i!h an& doc!o# )ho is #egis!e#ed in !his )e"si!e. 2he#e a#e mainl& 5 mod%les in !his #oDec!H !he& a#e Admin< *oc!o# and Pa!ien!. .n Pa!ien! >od%le< a!ien! can a"le !o sea#ches !he doc!o#s "ased on !he ,linic Boca!ion o# *oc!o#s 8ame o# *oc!o#s /eciali'a!ion and "ooks an aoin!men!. A(!e# "ooking !he aoin!men! !he a!ien! can also can cancel !he aoin!men!. ,oming !o *oc!o#s >od%le< !he doc!o# D%s! logins in!o his acco%n! and checks his aoin!men!s and !he o!he# !hing is he can cancel and a#o$e !he aoin!men!s. .n Admin mod%le< admin has !o #egis!e# all !he doc!o#s and has !o main!ain all !he da!a and %da!e i! i( #eF%i#ed. $eam Si*e : 4 Resp"nsibilit : *esigning @e" (o#ms and de$eloing .8e! code. R"le : /o(!)a#e *e$eloe#. Durati"n : >a#ch 2014 !o !ill da!e. R"les and Resp"nsibilities: 1sed ,A< A/P< A*6.8e!< ,//. .n$ol$ed in *esigning and *e$eloing @e" Pages. .n$ol$ed in )#i!ing /GB G%e#ies in /Fl /e#$e#. .n$ol$ed in $alida!ing !he ages. .n$ol$ed in gi$ing #ela!ions "e!)een !a"les. 'resentati"ns,'articipati"ns: P#esen!ed a ae# in !he !echnical (es! cond%c!ed a! Ai''a ,ollege o( Engg and 2ech. @o#ked as a Col%n!ee# (o# $a#io%s cam%s d#i$es cond%c!ed in o%# college. H"bbies and -nterests: Pla&ing P, Eames and )a!ching >o$ies ,ha!!ing )i!h I#iends 'ers"nal Details: 8ame: A.Rakesh =%ma# Ia!he# 8ame: /%#ende# AkoD% Eende#: >ale *a!e o( 0i#!h: 2; 7%ne 1991 >a#i!al /!a!%s: 1nma##ied Declarati"n: . a((i#m !ha! !he a"o$e-men!ioned in(o#ma!ion is !#%e and co##ec! !o !he "es! o( m& kno)ledge and . "ea# !he #esonsi"ili!& (o# !he co##ec!ness o( !he a"o$e-men!ioned a#!ic%la#s.