This document discusses transportation laws regarding contracts of carriage. It defines common carriers and private carriers, and outlines some key differences between the two. For common carriers, it notes that they are subject to extraordinary diligence and various state regulations. It also discusses defenses available to common carriers in cases of loss or damage to goods during carriage, such as fortuitous event (force majeure) and acts of public authority. Governing laws for domestic/inter-island and international carriage are also outlined.
This document discusses transportation laws regarding contracts of carriage. It defines common carriers and private carriers, and outlines some key differences between the two. For common carriers, it notes that they are subject to extraordinary diligence and various state regulations. It also discusses defenses available to common carriers in cases of loss or damage to goods during carriage, such as fortuitous event (force majeure) and acts of public authority. Governing laws for domestic/inter-island and international carriage are also outlined.
This document discusses transportation laws regarding contracts of carriage. It defines common carriers and private carriers, and outlines some key differences between the two. For common carriers, it notes that they are subject to extraordinary diligence and various state regulations. It also discusses defenses available to common carriers in cases of loss or damage to goods during carriage, such as fortuitous event (force majeure) and acts of public authority. Governing laws for domestic/inter-island and international carriage are also outlined.
This document discusses transportation laws regarding contracts of carriage. It defines common carriers and private carriers, and outlines some key differences between the two. For common carriers, it notes that they are subject to extraordinary diligence and various state regulations. It also discusses defenses available to common carriers in cases of loss or damage to goods during carriage, such as fortuitous event (force majeure) and acts of public authority. Governing laws for domestic/inter-island and international carriage are also outlined.
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San Beda College of Law 54
TRANSPORTATION LAWS CONTRACT OF TRANSPORTATION/ CARRIAGE A contract whereby a person, natural or juridical, obligates to transport persons, goods, or both, from one place to another, by land, air or water, for a price or compensation. Cla!"#a$!on% 1. Common or Private 2. Goods or Passengers . !or a fee "for hire# or Gratuitous $. %and, &ater'maritime, or Air (. )omestic'inter*island'coastwise or +nternational'foreign +t is a relationship which is imbued with the public interest. COMMON CARRIER Persons, corporations, ,rms or associations engaged in the business of carrying or transporting passengers or goods or both, by land, water, or air, for compensation, o-ering their services to the public "Art. 1.2, Civil Code#. Art. 1.2 of the /ew Civil Code avoids any distinction between one whose principal business activity is the carrying of persons or goods or both and one who does such carrying only as an ancillary activity "sideline#. +t also avoids a distinction between a person or enterprise o-ering transportation service on a regular or scheduled basis and one o-ering such service on an occasional, episodic or unscheduled basis. /either does the law distinguish between a carrier o-ering its services to the general public that is the general community or population and one who o-ers services or solicits business only from a narrow segment of the general population. A person or entity is a common carrier even if he did not secure a Certi,cate of Public Convenience ")e Gu0man vs. CA, 112 3C4A 112#. +t ma5es no distinction as to the means of transporting, as long as it is by land, water or air. +t does not provide that the transportation should be by motor vehicle. "!irst Philippine +ndustrial Corporation vs. CA# 6ne is a common carrier even if he has no ,7ed and publicly 5nown route, maintains no terminals, and issues no tic5ets "Asia %ighterage 3hipping, +nc. vs. CA#. C&a'a#$e'!$!#% 1. 8nderta5es to carry for all people indi-erently and thus is liable for refusal without su9cient reason "%astimoso vs. )oliente, 6ctober 2:, 1;11#< 2. Cannot lawfully decline to accept a particular class of goods for carriage to the prejudice of the tra9c in these goods< . /o monopoly is favored "=atangas >rans. vs. 6rlanes, (2 P?+% $((#< $. Provides public convenience. PRI(ATE CARRIER 6ne which, without being engaged in the business of carrying as a public employment, underta5es to deliver goods or passengers for compensation. "?ome +nsurance Co. vs. American 3teamship Agency, 2 3C4A 2$# TESTS W)ET)ER CARRIER IS COMMON OR PRI(ATE% >he 3C in !irst Philippine +ndustrial Corporation vs. CA "1;;(# reiterated the following tests@ COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE C?A+4PA436/@ Garny %uisa Alegre A33>. C?A+4PA436/@ Bayson 6C3 4amos A)P@ =eatri7 +. 4amos 38=BAC> ?AA)3@ Darichelle )e Eera "/egotiable +nstruments %aw#< Bose !ernando %lave "+nsurance#< Aldrich )el 4osario ">ransportation %aws#< 3hirley Dae >abangcura, =on Eincent Agustin "Corporation %aw#< Farl 3teven Co "3pecial %aws#< Bohn %emuel Gatdula "=an5ing %aws#< 4obespierre C8 "%aw on +ntellectual Property# San Beda College of Law 55 MEMORY AID IN COMMERCIAL LAW 1. +t must be engaged in the business of carrying goods for others as a public employment and must hold itself out as ready to engage in the transportation of goods generally as a business and not as a casual occupation< 2. +t must underta5e to carry goods of the 5ind to which its business in con,ned< . +t must underta5e to carry by the method by which his business is conducted and over its established roads< and $. >he transportation must be for hire. +n /ational 3teel Corp. vs. CA "1;;.# the 3C held that the true test of a common carrier is the carriage of goods or passengers provided it has space for all who opt to avail themselves of its transportation for a fee.
COMMON CARRIER PRI(ATE CARRIER 1. As to availability ?olds himself out for all people indiscriminat ely Contracts with particular individuals or groups only 2. As to reGuired diligence A7traordinary diligence is reGuired 6rdinary diligence is reGuired . As to regulation 3ubject to 3tate regulation /ot subject to 3tate regulation $. 3tipulation limiting liability Parties may not agree on limiting the Parties may limit the carrierCs carrierCs liability e7cept when provided by law liability, provided it is not contrary to law, morals or good customs (. A7empting circumstance Prove e7traordinary diligence and Art. 1., /CC caso fortuito, Art. 11.$ /CC 1.Presumption of negligence >here is a presumption of fault or negligence /o presumption of fault or negligence ..Governing law %aw on common carriers %aw on obligations and contracts GO(ERNING LAWS A* Do+e$!#/!n$e',!land/#oa$w!e Applicable to %and, &ater, and Air transportation 1. Civil Code * primary 2. Code of Commerce "Arts. $;, .;, (.*.$, (2:, 2:1*2$(# * suppletory B* In$e'na$!onal/fo'e!gn/o-e'ea .Fo'e!gn #o/n$'0 $o P&!l!11!ne2 Applicable to &ater'maritime and Air transportation >he law of the country of destination generally applies. 1. Civil Code * primary 2. Code of Commerce * suppletory . 6thers * suppletory a. &ater'maritime@ Carriage of Goods by 3ea Act "C6G3A# b. Air@ &arsaw Convention COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE C?A+4PA436/@ Garny %uisa Alegre A33>. C?A+4PA436/@ Bayson 6C3 4amos A)P@ =eatri7 +. 4amos 38=BAC> ?AA)3@ Darichelle )e Eera "/egotiable +nstruments %aw#< Bose !ernando %lave "+nsurance#< Aldrich )el 4osario ">ransportation %aws#< 3hirley Dae >abangcura, =on Eincent Agustin "Corporation %aw#< Farl 3teven Co "3pecial %aws#< Bohn %emuel Gatdula "=an5ing %aws#< 4obespierre C8 "%aw on +ntellectual Property# San Beda College of Law 53 MEMORY AID IN COMMERCIAL LAW I* NEW CI(IL CODE .A'$* 4567,45332 RE89IREMENT OF E:TRAORDINARY DILIGENCE 4endition of service with the greatest s5ill and utmost foresight. ")avao 3tevedore Co. v. !ernande0# Rationale: 1. !rom the nature of the business and for reasons of public policy "Art. 1.# 2. 4elationship of trust . =usiness is impressed with a special public duty $. Possession of the goods (. Preciousness of human life A common carrier is not an absolute insurer of all ris5s of travel. CO(ERAGE 1. Eigilance over goods "Arts. 1.$* 1.($#< and 2. 3afety of passengers "Arts. 1.((* 1.1#. PASSENGER A person who has entered into a contract of carriage, e7press or implied, with the carrier. >hey are entitled to e7traordinary diligence from the common carrier. >he following are not considered passengers, and are entitled to ordinary diligence only@ a. 6ne who has not yet boarded any part of a vehicle regardless of whether or not he has purchased a tic5et< b. 6ne who remains on a carrier for an unreasonable length of time after he has been a-orded every safe opportunity to alight< c. 6ne who has boarded by fraud, stealth, or deceit< d. 6ne who attempts to board a moving vehicle, although he has a tic5et, unless the attempt be with the 5nowledge and consent of the carrier< e. 6ne who has boarded a wrong vehicle, has been properly informed of such fact, and on alighting, is injured by the carrier< f. +nvited guests and accommodation passengers. "%ara vs. Ealencia# g. 6ne who rides any part of the vehicle which is unsuitable or dangerous or which he 5nows is not designed or intended for passengers. DEFENSES OF A COMMON CARRIER IN T)E CARRIAGE OF GOODS 1. CA36 !64>8+>6'!64CA DABA84A Re;/!!$e% a. Dust be the pro7imate and only cause of the loss b. A7ercise of due diligence to prevent or minimi0e the loss before, during or after the occurrence of the disaster "Art. 1.;# c. Carrier has not negligently incurred in delay in transporting the goods "Art. 1.$:# !ire is not considered a natural disaster or calamity as it arises almost invariably from some act of man. "Aastern 3hipping %ines +nc. vs. +AC# Dechanical defects are not force majeure if the same was discoverable by regular and adeGuate inspections. (Notes and Cases on the Law on Transportation and Public Utilities, Aquino, T. & ernando, R.P. !""# ed. p.$!"%$!!& 2. AC>3 6! P8=%+C A/ADH Re;/!!$e% COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE C?A+4PA436/@ Garny %uisa Alegre A33>. C?A+4PA436/@ Bayson 6C3 4amos A)P@ =eatri7 +. 4amos 38=BAC> ?AA)3@ Darichelle )e Eera "/egotiable +nstruments %aw#< Bose !ernando %lave "+nsurance#< Aldrich )el 4osario ">ransportation %aws#< 3hirley Dae >abangcura, =on Eincent Agustin "Corporation %aw#< Farl 3teven Co "3pecial %aws#< Bohn %emuel Gatdula "=an5ing %aws#< 4obespierre C8 "%aw on +ntellectual Property# San Beda College of Law 55 MEMORY AID IN COMMERCIAL LAW a. Dust be the pro7imate and only cause of the loss b. A7ercise of due diligence to prevent or minimi0e the loss before, during or after the act causing the loss, deterioration or destruction of the goods "Art. 1.;# . /AG%+GA/CA 6! >?A 3?+PPA4 64 6&/A4 a. 3ole and pro7imate cause@ absolute defense b. Contributory@ partial defense. "Art. 1.$1# $. C?A4AC>A4 6! >?A G66)3 64 )A!AC>3 +/ >?A PACF+/G 64 +/ >?A C6/>A+/A4 Aven if the damage should be caused by the inherent defect'character of the goods, the common carrier must e7ercise due diligence to forestall or lessen the loss. "Art. 1.$2# >he carrier which, 5nowing the fact of improper pac5ing of the goods upon ordinary observation, still accepts the goods notwithstanding such condition, is not relieved of liability or loss or injury resulting therefrom. "3outhern %ines, +nc. v. CA, $ 3C4A 2(2# (. 64)A4 64 AC> 6! P8=%+C A8>?64+>H 3aid public authority must have the power to issue the order "Art. 1.$#. ConseGuently, where the o9cer acts without legal process, the common carrier will be held liable. "Gan0on v. CA 111 3C4A 1$1# )iligence in the selection and supervision of employees under Article 212: of the Civil Code cannot be interposed as a defense by the common carrier because the liability of the carriers arises from the breach of the contract of carriage. >he defense under said articles is applicable to negligence in Guasi*delicts under Art. 21.1. ")el Prado v. Danila Alectric Co., (2 Phil ;::# LIABILITY OF A COMMON CARRIER FOR DEAT) OR IN<9RIES TO PASSENGERS D9E TO ACTS OF ITS EMPLOYEES AND OT)ER PASSENGERS OR STRANGERS FOR ACTS OF ITS EMPLOYEES FOR ACTS OF OT)ER PASSENGE RS OR STRANGER S 4eGuired diligence and defense A7traordinary diligence 6rdinary diligence /ature of liability >ort< however, >he employee must be on duty at the time of the act. "Daranan v. Pere0# /ot absolute< limited by Art. 1.1 >he carrier is liable when its personnel allowed a passenger to drive the vehicle causing it to collide with another vehicle resulting to the injuries su-ered by the other passengers. "D44 vs. =allesteros, 11 3C4A 1$1# COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE C?A+4PA436/@ Garny %uisa Alegre A33>. C?A+4PA436/@ Bayson 6C3 4amos A)P@ =eatri7 +. 4amos 38=BAC> ?AA)3@ Darichelle )e Eera "/egotiable +nstruments %aw#< Bose !ernando %lave "+nsurance#< Aldrich )el 4osario ">ransportation %aws#< 3hirley Dae >abangcura, =on Eincent Agustin "Corporation %aw#< Farl 3teven Co "3pecial %aws#< Bohn %emuel Gatdula "=an5ing %aws#< 4obespierre C8 "%aw on +ntellectual Property# San Beda College of Law 5= MEMORY AID IN COMMERCIAL LAW CARRIAGE OF GOODS CARRIAGE OF PASSENGERS Pa'$!e 1. Common carrier 2. 3hipper . Consignee 1. Common carrier 2. Passenger Ca/e of l!a>!l!$0 )elay in delivery, loss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods )eath or injury to the passengers D/'a$!on of l!a>!l!$0 !rom the time the goods are unconditionally placed in the possession of, and received by the carrier for transportation until the same are delivered actually or constructively by the carrier to the consignee or to the person who has the right to receive them. "Art. 1.1# +t remains in full force and e-ect even when they are temporarily unloaded or stored in transit unless the shipper or owner has made use of the right of stoppage in transitu. "Art. 1..# +t continues to be operative even during the time the goods are stored in a warehouse of the carrier at the place of destination until the consignee has bee advised of the arrival of the goods and has had reasonable opportunity thereafter to remove them or otherwise dispose of them. "Art. 1.2# )elivery of goods to the custom authorities is not delivery to the consignee. "%u )o v. =inamira, 1:1 Phil 12:# >he duty of a common carrier to provide safety to its passengers so obligates it not only during the course of the trip, but for so long as the passengers are within its premises and where they ought to be in pursuance to the contract of carriage. "%4>A v. /avidad, I2::J# All persons who remain on the premises within a reasonable time after leaving the conveyance are to be deemed passengers, and what is a reasonable time or a reasonable delay within this rule is to be determined from all the circumstances, and includes a reasonable time to see after his baggage and prepare for his departure. "%a Dallorca v. CA, 1. 3C4A .; < Abioti0 3hipping Corporation v. CA, 1.; 3C4A ;(# +t is the duty of common carriers of passengers to stop their conveyances a reasonable length of time in order to a-ord passengers an opportunity to enter, and they are liable for injuries COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE C?A+4PA436/@ Garny %uisa Alegre A33>. C?A+4PA436/@ Bayson 6C3 4amos A)P@ =eatri7 +. 4amos 38=BAC> ?AA)3@ Darichelle )e Eera "/egotiable +nstruments %aw#< Bose !ernando %lave "+nsurance#< Aldrich )el 4osario ">ransportation %aws#< 3hirley Dae >abangcura, =on Eincent Agustin "Corporation %aw#< Farl 3teven Co "3pecial %aws#< Bohn %emuel Gatdula "=an5ing %aws#< 4obespierre C8 "%aw on +ntellectual Property# San Beda College of Law 5? MEMORY AID IN COMMERCIAL LAW su-ered from the sudden starting up or jer5ing of their conveyances while doing so. >he duty which the carrier of passengers owes to its patrons e7tends to persons boarding the cars as well as to those alighting therefrom ")angwa >rans Co., +nc. vs. CA 2:2 3C4A (.$#. P'e/+1$!on of negl!gen#e Art.1.( Civil Code 4eason@ As to when and how goods were damaged in transit is a matter peculiarly within the 5nowledge of the carrier and its employees. "Dirasol v. )ollar, ( P?+% 12$# Dere proof of delivery of goods to a carrier in good order and the subseGuent arrival of the same goods at the place of destination in bad order ma5es for a prima facie case against the carrier. "Coastwise %ighterage Corp. v. CA, 2$( 3C4A .;1# Art.1.(( Civil Code 4eason@ >he contract between the passenger and the carrier imposes on the latter the duty to transport the passenger safely< hence the burden of e7plaining should fall on the carrier. COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE C?A+4PA436/@ Garny %uisa Alegre A33>. C?A+4PA436/@ Bayson 6C3 4amos A)P@ =eatri7 +. 4amos 38=BAC> ?AA)3@ Darichelle )e Eera "/egotiable +nstruments %aw#< Bose !ernando %lave "+nsurance#< Aldrich )el 4osario ">ransportation %aws#< 3hirley Dae >abangcura, =on Eincent Agustin "Corporation %aw#< Farl 3teven Co "3pecial %aws#< Bohn %emuel Gatdula "=an5ing %aws#< 4obespierre C8 "%aw on +ntellectual Property# San Beda College of Law 3@ MEMORY AID IN COMMERCIAL LAW Defene 1. 6rdinary circumstance@ A7ercise of e7traordinary diligence "Art. 1.(# 2. 3pecial circumstances@ a. !lood, storm, earthGua5e, lighting, or other natural disaster or calamity "plus force majeure# b. Act of the public enemy in war, whether international or civil c. Act or omission of the shipper or the owner of goods d. >he character of the goods or defects in the pac5ing or in the containers e. 6rder or act of competent public authority "Art. 1.$# 1.A7ercise of e7traordinary diligence "Art. 1.(1# 2.Caso fortuito COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE C?A+4PA436/@ Garny %uisa Alegre A33>. C?A+4PA436/@ Bayson 6C3 4amos A)P@ =eatri7 +. 4amos 38=BAC> ?AA)3@ Darichelle )e Eera "/egotiable +nstruments %aw#< Bose !ernando %lave "+nsurance#< Aldrich )el 4osario ">ransportation %aws#< 3hirley Dae >abangcura, =on Eincent Agustin "Corporation %aw#< Farl 3teven Co "3pecial %aws#< Bohn %emuel Gatdula "=an5ing %aws#< 4obespierre C8 "%aw on +ntellectual Property# San Beda College of Law 34 MEMORY AID IN COMMERCIAL LAW (al!d $!1/la$!on 1. 4eduction of degree of diligence to ordinary diligence, provided it be@ a#+n writing, signed by the shipper or owner< b#3upported by a valuable consideration other than the service rendered by the carriers< and c#4easonable, just and not contrary to public policy. "Art. 1.$$# 2. !i7ed amount of liability@ A contract ,7ing the sum to be recovered by the owner or shipper for the loss, destruction or deterioration of the goods, if it is reasonable and just under the circumstances and has been fairly and freely agreed upon. "Art. 1.(:# . %imited liability for delay@ An agreement limiting the common carrierCs liability for delay on account of stri5es or riots "Art. 1.$2# $. 3tipulation limiting liability to the value of the goods appearing in the bill of lading, unless the shipper or owner declares a greater value. "Art. 1.$;# >he diligence reGuired in the carriage of the goods may be reduced by only one degree, from e7traordinary to ordinary diligence or diligence of a good father of a family. "Art. 1.$$, Art. 1.$(, no. $# 3tipulation limiting liability when a passenger is carried gratuitously, but not for willful acts or gross negligence. "Art. 1.(2# COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE C?A+4PA436/@ Garny %uisa Alegre A33>. C?A+4PA436/@ Bayson 6C3 4amos A)P@ =eatri7 +. 4amos 38=BAC> ?AA)3@ Darichelle )e Eera "/egotiable +nstruments %aw#< Bose !ernando %lave "+nsurance#< Aldrich )el 4osario ">ransportation %aws#< 3hirley Dae >abangcura, =on Eincent Agustin "Corporation %aw#< Farl 3teven Co "3pecial %aws#< Bohn %emuel Gatdula "=an5ing %aws#< 4obespierre C8 "%aw on +ntellectual Property# San Beda College of Law 37 MEMORY AID IN COMMERCIAL LAW (o!d $!1/la$!on 1. >hat the goods are transported at the ris5 of the owner or shipper< 2. >hat carrier will not be liable for any loss, destruction or deterioration of the goods< . >hat the carrier need not observe any diligence in the custody of the goods< $. >hat the carrier shall e7ercise a degree of diligence less than that of a good father of a family over the movable transported< (. >hat the carrier shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of his or its employees< 1. >hat the carrierCs liability for acts committed by thieves or robbers who do not act with grave or irresistible threat, violence or force is dispensed with or diminished< .. >hat the carrier is not responsible for the loss, destruction or deterioration of the goods on account of the defective condition of the car, vehicle, ship or other eGuipment used in the contract of carriage. "Art. 1.$(# )ispensing with or lessening the e7traordinary responsibility of a common carrier for the safety of passengers imposed by law by stipulation, by posting of notices, by statements on tic5ets or otherwise. "Art. 1.(.# COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE C?A+4PA436/@ Garny %uisa Alegre A33>. C?A+4PA436/@ Bayson 6C3 4amos A)P@ =eatri7 +. 4amos 38=BAC> ?AA)3@ Darichelle )e Eera "/egotiable +nstruments %aw#< Bose !ernando %lave "+nsurance#< Aldrich )el 4osario ">ransportation %aws#< 3hirley Dae >abangcura, =on Eincent Agustin "Corporation %aw#< Farl 3teven Co "3pecial %aws#< Bohn %emuel Gatdula "=an5ing %aws#< 4obespierre C8 "%aw on +ntellectual Property# R9LES ON PASSENGERSA BAGGAGE IN T)E C9STODY OF T)E PASSENGER S .)AND, CARRIED2 IN T)E C9STODY OF T)E COMMON CARRIER .C)ECBED, IN2 Legal na$/'e of $&e >aggage /ecessary deposit Considered as KgoodsL Re;/!'ed d!l!gen#e >0 $&e #o++on #a''!e' )iligence of a depositary "ordinary diligence# A7traordina ry diligence A11l!#a>le '/le Arts. 1;;2 and 2:::* 2:: Arts. 1.* 1.( CONC9RRING CA9SES OF ACTION ARISING FROM T)E NEGLIGENT ACT OF T)E COMMON CARRIER 1. Culpa contractual "breach of contract# 6nly the carrier is primarily liable and not the driver, because there is no privity between the driver and the passenger. =asis@ Art.1.(;, /CC. /o defense of due diligence in the selection and supervision of employees. 2. Culpa aquiliana "Guasi*delict# >he carrier and driver are solidarily liable as joint tortfeasors. =asis@ Art. 212:, /CC. )efense of due diligence in the selection and supervision of employees is available. A7ception@ maritime tort resulting in collision. "'ee notes on Collision# . Culpa cri(inal "criminal negligence# >he driver is primarily liable. >he carrier is subsidiarily liable only if the driver is convicted and declared insolvent. =asis@ Art. 1::, 4PC. +n case of injury to a passenger due to the negligence of the driver of the bus on which he is riding and of the driver of another vehicle, the drivers as well as the owners of the two vehicles are jointly and severally liable for damages. +t ma5es no di-erence that the liability of the bus driver and owner springs from contract while that of the owner and driver of the other vehicle arises from Guasi*delict. "!abre vs. CA# LIMITATIONS AS TO CARRIERAS LIABILITY IN(ALID AS BEING CONTRARY TO P9BLIC POLICY (ALID C ENFORCEA BLE 1. 6ne e7empting the carrier from any and all liability for loss or damage occasioned by its own negligence. 2. An unGuali,ed limitation of liability to an agreed valuation. 1. 6ne limiting the liability of the carrier to an agreed valuation, unless the shipper declares a higher value and pays a higher rate of freight "?.A. ?eacoc5 Company vs. Dacondray M Company +nc.# ?owever, the carrier cannot limit its liability for injury to, or loss of, goods shipped where such injury or loss was caused by its own negligence. "3hewaram vs. PA%, 1. 3C4A 1:1# SPECIAL R9LES ON LIABILITES OF AIRLINE CARRIERS 1. +n case of Night diversion due to bad weather or other circumstances beyond the pilotCs control, the relation between the carrier and the passenger continues until the latter has been landed at the port of destination and has left the carrierCs premises. >he carrier should necessarily e7ercise e7traordinary diligence in safeguarding the comfort, convenience and safety of its stranded passengers until they have reached their ,nal destination. "Philippine Airlines vs. CA, 221 3C4A $2# 2. Aven where overboo5ing of passengers is allowed as a commercial practice, the airline company would still be guilty of bad faith and still be liable for damages if it did not properly inform passenger that it could breach the contract of carriage even if they were con,rmed passengers. "Oalamea vs. CA, 222 3C4A 2# . An open*dated tic5et constitutes a complete contract between the carrier and passenger. ?ence, the airline company is liable if it refused to con,rm a passengerCs Night reservation. "3ingson vs. CA, 222 3C4A 1$;# $. An airline company which issued a con,rmed tic5et to a passenger covering successive trips on di-erent airlines can be held liable for damages occasioned by Kbumping o-L by one of the successive airlines. "%ufthansa German Airlines vs. CA, 22 3C4A 2;:# (. An airline tic5et providing that carriage by successive air carriers is to be regarded as a Ksingle operationL is to ma5e the issuing carrier liable for the tortuous conduct of the other carrier. A printed provision in the tic5et limiting liability only to its own conduct is not enough to rebut that liability. "F%D 4oyal )utch Airlines vs. CA, 1( 3C4A 2.# II* CODE OF COMMERCE A* O(ERLAND TRANSPORTATION .A'$* 64?,65?2 A11l!#a>!l!$0 1. )omestic land and water'maritime transportation. (Pandect o) Co((ercial Law and *urisprudence, *ustice *ose +itu,, $--. ed.& 2. )omestic Air >ransportation. (Co((ercial Law Re/iew, Cesar +illanue/a, !""# ed.&
IMPORTANT CONCEPTS% 1. =ill of lading 2. 6bligations of the carrier . 4ight of abandonment $. /otice of damage (. Combined carrier agreement BILL OF LADING >he written ac5nowledgment of receipt of goods and agreement to transport them to a speci,c place to a person named or to his order. Rules: 1. +t is not indispensable for the creation of a contract of carriage. "Compania Daritima vs. +nsurance Company of /orth America, 12 3C4A 21# 2. Ambiguity is construed against the carrier, the contract being one of adhesion. . >he consignee, although the instrument is oftentimes drawn up only by the consignor and carrier, becomes bound by all the stipulations contained therein by ma5ing a claim for loss on the basis of said bill of lading. "3ea* %and 3ervices +nc. vs. +AC# $. >he right of a party to recover for loss of shipment consigned to him under a bill of lading drawn up only by and between the shipper and the carrier, springs from either a relation of agency between him and the shipper, or his status as stranger in whose favor some stipulation is made in said contract, and who becomes a party thereto when he demands ful,llment of that stipulation. "Art. 111 "2#, "Dendo0a vs. PA% +nc.# (. Acceptance of the bill of lading without dissent raises the presumption that all the terms therein where brought to the 5nowledge of the shipper and agreed to by him and, in the absence of fraud or mista5e< he is estopped from thereafter denying that he assented to such terms. (Notes and Cases on the Law on Transportation and Public Utilities, Aquino, T. & ernando, R.P. !""# ed. p.!0$& B!nd% 1. 1n board * issued when the goods have been actually placed aboard the ship with very reasonable e7pectation that the shipment is as good as on its way. 2. Recei/ed * one in which it is stated that the goods have been received for shipment with or without specifying the vessel by which the goods are to be shipped. . Ne,otiable * one in which it is stated that the goods referred to therein will be delivered to the bearer or to the order of any person named therein. $. Non%ne,otiable * 6ne in which it is stated that the goods referred to therein will be delivered to a speci,ed person. (. Clean 2 6ne which does not indicate any defect in the goods. 1. 3oul P 6ne which contains a notation thereon indicating that the goods covered by it are in bad condition. .. 'pent P 6ne which covers goods that already have been delivered by the carrier without a surrender of a signed copy of the bill. 2. Throu,h P 6ne issued by the carrier who is obliged to use the facilities of other carriers as well as his own facilities for the purpose of transporting the goods from the city of the seller to the city of the buyer, which bill of lading is honored by the second and other interested carriers who do not issue their own bills. ;. Custod4 P 6ne wherein the goods are already received by the carrier but the vessel indicated therein has not yet arrived in the port. 1:. Port P 6ne which is issued by the carrier to whom the goods have been delivered, and the vessel indicated in the bill of lading by which the goods are to be shipped is already in the port where the goods are held for shipment. F/n#$!on% 1. =est evidence of the e7istence of the contract of carriage of cargo "Art. (# 2. )ocument of title . 4eceipt of cargo $. Contract to transport and deliver goods as stipulated (. 3ymbol of the goods OBLIGATIONS OF T)E CARRIER A* D/$0 $o a##e1$ $&e good 56N6RAL RUL6: A common carrier cannot ordinarily refuse to carry a particular class of goods. 67C6PT81N: !or some su9cient reason the discrimination against the tra9c in such goods is reasonable and necessary. "!isher vs. Hangco 3teamship Co. 1 Phil 1#. +nstances when the carrier may validly refuse to accept the goods include the -@ 1.# Goods sought to be transported are dangerous objects, or substances including dynamite and other e7plosives 2.# Goods are un,t for transportation .# Acceptance would result in overloading $.# Contrabands or illegal goods (.# Goods are injurious to health 1.# Goods will be e7posed to untoward danger li5e Nood, capture by enemies and the li5e ..# Goods li5e livestoc5 will be e7posed to disease 2.# 3tri5e ;.# !ailure to tender goods on time. (Notes and Cases on the Law on Transportation and Public Utilities, Aquino, T. & ernando, R.P. !""# ed. p.09& +n case of carriage by railway, the carrier is e7empted from liability if carriage is insisted upon by the shipper, provided its objections are stated in the bill of lading. ?owever, when a common carrier accepts cargo for shipment for valuable consideration, it ta5es the ris5 of delivering it in good condition as when it was loaded. "PA% vs. CA# B* D/$0 $o del!-e' $&e good /ot only to transport the goods safely but to the person indicated in the bill of lading. >he goods should be delivered to the consignee or any other person to whom the bill of lading was validly transferred or negotiated. T!+e of del!-e'0 S$!1/la$ed !n Con$'a#$/B!l l of Lad!ng No $!1/la$!on 1. Carrier is bound to ful,ll the contract and is liable for any delay< no matter from what 1. &ithin a reasonable time. 2. Carrier is bound to forward them in the 1 st shipment of cause it may have arisen. the same or similar goods which he may ma5e to the point of delivery. "A4>. (2 Code of Commerce# EDe#$ of dela0 a. Derely suspends and generally does not terminate the contract of carriage b. Carrier remains duty bound to e7ercise e7traordinary diligence c. /atural disaster shall not free the carrier from responsibility "Art.1.$:# d. +f delay is without just cause, the contract limiting the common carrierCs liability cannot be availed of in case of loss or deterioration of the goods "Art.1.$.# RIG)T OF CONSIGNEE TO ABANDON GOODS In$an#e% 1. Partial non*delivery, where the goods are useless without the others "Art. 1#< 2. Goods are rendered useless for sale or consumption for the purposes for which they are properly destined "Art. 1(#< and . +n case of delay through the fault of the carrier "Art. .1#. NOTICE OF DAMAGE .ART* 6332 Re;/!!$e fo' a11l!#a>!l!$0% 1. )omestic'inter*island'coastwise transportation 2. %and'water'air transportation . Carriage of goods $. Goods shipped are damaged R/le% a. Patent damage@ shipper must ,le a claim against the carrier immediately upon delivery "it may be oral or written# b. %atent damage@ shipper should ,le a claim against the carrier within 2$ hours from delivery. No$e% >hese rules does not apply to misdelivery of goods. "4oldan vs. %im Pon0o# Purpose o) notice: >o inform the carrier that the shipment has been damaged, and it is charged with liability therefore, and to give it an opportunity to ma5e an investigation and ,7 responsibility while the matter is fresh. >he ,ling of notice of claim is a condition precedent for recovery. 3horter period may be stipulated by the parties because it merely a-ects the shipperCs remedy and does not a-ect the liability of the carrier. "P?+%ADGA/ vs. 3weetlines, +nc.# P'e#'!1$!-e Pe'!od /ot provided by Article 11. >hus, in such absence, Civil Code rules on prescription apply. +f despite the notice of claim, the carrier refuses to pay, action must be ,led in court. 1. /o bill of lading was issued@ within 3 0ea' 2. =ill of lading was issued@ within 4@ 0ea'* ARTICLE 633 COGSA Se#*6 .32 A11l!#a>!l!$0 1. )om estic'inter* island'coastw ise transportatio n 2. %and , water, air transportatio n . Carri age of goods 1.+nternation al' overseas'for eign "from foreign country to Phils.# /ote@ subject to the rule on Paramount Clause 2. &ater'mariti me transportatio n . Carriage of goods No$!#e of da+age 1. Condition precedent 2. 2$*hour period for claiming latent damage 1./ot a condition precedent 2.*day period for claiming latent damage P'e#'!1$!-e 1e'!od /one provided< Civil Code applies. 6ne year from the date of delivery "delivered but damaged goods#, or date when the vessel left port or from the date of delivery to the arrastre "non* delivery or loss#. COMBINED CARRIER AGREEMENT .ART* 6562 56N6RAL RUL6: +n case of a contract of transportation of several legs, each carrier is responsible for its particular leg in the contract. 67C6PT81N: A combined carrier agreement where a carrier ma5es itself liable assuming the obligations and acGuiring as well the rights and causes of action of those which preceded it. 7* MARITIME COMMERC E .A'$* 556,=3?2 IMPORTANT CONCEPTS% 1. Derchant vessel 2. Daritime lien and Preference of Credit . )octrine of limited liability $. Causes of revocation of voyage (. Participants in maritime commerce 1. Charter party .. %oans on bottomry and respondentia 2. Accidents in maritime commerce MARITIME/ADMIRALTY LAW +t is the system of laws which particularly relates to the a-airs and business of the sea, to ships, their crews and navigation, and to maritime conveyance of persons and property. (Notes and Cases on the Law on Transportation and Public Utilities, Aquino & ernando, citin, 3rancisco, p.!:#& Daritime laws apply only to maritime trade and sea voyages. (Pandect o) Co((ercial Law and *urisprudence, *ustice *ose +itu,, $--. ed.& Arrastre service is not maritime in character. +t refers to a contract for the unloading of goods from a vessel. "+C>3+ vs. Prudential Guarantee, 2: 3C4A 2$$# C)ARACTERISTICS OF MARITIME TRANSACTION 1. Real * similar to transactions over real property with respect to e-ectivity against third persons which is done through registration. "4ubiso vs. 4ivera, . Phil. .2#. >he evidence of real nature is shown by@ 1# the limitation of the liability of the agents to the actual value of the vessel and the freight money< and 2# the right to retain the cargo and embargo and detention of the vessel "%u0on 3tevedoring Corp v. CA, 1(1 3C4A 11;#< 2. 4pothecar4 * the liability of the owner of the value of the vessel is limited to the vessel itself (;octrine o) Li(ited Liabilit4&. >he real and hypothecary nature of maritime law simply means that the liability of the carrier in connection with losses related to maritime contracts is con,ned to the vessel, which stands as the guaranty for their settlement. "Aboiti0 3hipping Corp. vs. General Accident !ire and %ife Assurance Corp. 21. 3C4A (;#. MERC)ANT (ESSEL Eessel engaged in maritime commerce, whether foreign or otherwise. (<ar Re/iew =aterials in Co((ercial Law, *or,e =ira/ite, !""! ed.& Constitutes property which may be acGuired and transferred by any of the means recogni0ed by law. >hey shall continue to be considered as personal property. "Arts. (., (2(# >hey are susceptible to (ariti(e liens such as for the repair, eGuipping and provisioning of the vessel in the preparation of a voyage, as well as mortgage liabilities, in satisfaction of which a vessel may be validly arrested and sold. "3hip Dortgage )ecree of 1;.2# MARITIME LIEN +t constitutes a present right of property in the ship, a jus in re, to be afterward enforced in admiralty by process in rem. "P/= vs. CA, . 3C4A 21# +f the maritime lien arose prior to the recording of a preferred mortgage, it shall have priority over the said mortgage lien. "P/= vs. CA, . 3C4A 21# ORDER OF PREFERENCE IN CASE OF SALE OF (ESSEL R*A* 34@3 P*D* 4574 EDe#$!-!$0 da$e 1;1; 1;.2 A11l!#a>!l!$0 6verseas shipping only =oth domestic and overseas shipping B!nd of ale Budicial Budicial and e7trajudicial O'de' of P'efe'en#e A preferred mortgage shall have priority over all claims against the vessel, e7cept the following preferences in the order stated@ 1. Budicial costs of the proceedings< 2. >a7es due the Philippine Government < . 3alaries and wages of the Captain and Crew of the vessel during its last voyage< $. General average or salvage including contract >he preferred mortgage lien shall have priority over all claims against the vessel, e7cept the following preferences in the order stated@ 1. A7penses and fees allowed and costs ta7ed by the court and ta7es due to the Government < 2. CrewCs wages< . General average< $. 3alvage, including contract salvage< (. Daritime liens arising salvage, bottomry loans, and indemnity due shippers for the value of goods transported but which were not delivered to the consignee< (. Costs of repair and eGuipment of the vessel, and provisioning of food, supplies and fuel during its last voyage< and 1. Preferred mortgages registered prior in time. prior in time to the recording of the preferred mortgage< 1. )amages arising out of tort< and .. Preferred mortgage registered prior in time. A-ect of sale@ All pre*e7isting claims in the vessel are terminated. >hey will then be satis,ed from the proceeds of the sale subject to the order of preference. DOCTRINE OF LIMITED LIABILITY .)YPOT)ECARY R9LE2 Cases where applicable@ 1. Art. (2. P civil liability for indemnities to third persons 2. Art. (;: P indemnities from negligent acts of the captain "not the shipowner or ship agent# . Art. 2. P collision $. Art. 1$ P liability for wages of the captain and the crew and for advances made by the ship agent if the vessel is lost by shipwrec5 or capture 56N6RAL RUL6: >he liability of shipowner and ship agent is limited to the amount of interest in said vessel such that where vessel is entirely lost, the obligation is e7tinguished. "%u0on 3tevedoring v. Ascano, 1(1 3C4A 11;# >he interest e7tends to@ 1# the vessel itself< 2# eGuipments< # freightage< and $# insurance proceeds. "Chua v. +AC, 111 3C4A 12# 67C6PT81N': 1. Claims under &or5menCs Compensation "Abueg vs. 3an )iego .. Phil .:#< 2. +njury or damage due to shipowner or to the concurring negligence of the shipowner and the captain< . >he vessel is insured "EasGue0 vs. CA 12 3C4A ((#. $. A7penses for repair on vessel completed before loss< (. +n case there is no total loss and the vessel is not abandoned< 1. Collision between two negligent vessels< Abandonment of the vessel is necessary to limit the liability of the shipowner. >he only instance were abandonment is dispensed with is when the vessel is entirely lost "%u0on 3tevedoring vs. CA 1(1 3C4A 11;#. RIG)T OF S)IPOWNER OR S)IP AGENT TO ABANDON (ESSEL +nstances@ 1. +n case of civil liability from indemnities to third persons "Art. (2.#< 2. +n case of lea5age of at least Q of the contents of a cargo containing liGuids "Art. 12.#< and . +n case of constructive loss of the vessel "3ec. 12, +nsurance Code#. RIG)T OF ABANDONMENT S)IPOWNE R OR S)IP CONSIGNEE AGENT W&a$ +a0 >e a>andoned Eessel Goods shipped In$an#e 1. +n case of civil liability from indemnities to third persons "Art. (2.#< 2. 3ec. 12, +nsurance Code< . +n case of lea5age of at least Q of the contents of a cargo containing liGuids "Art. 12.# 1. Partial non* delivery, where the goods are useless without the others "Art. 1#< 2. Goods are rendered useless for sale or consumption for the purposes for which they are properly destined "Art. 1(#< and . +n case of delay through the fault of the carrier "Art. .1#. EDe#$ 1. >ransfe r of ownership of the vessel from the shipowner to the shippers or insurer. 2. +n case of "2#, the insurer must pay the insured as if there was actual total loss of the 1.>ransfer of ownership on the goods from the shipper to the carrier. 2.Carrier should pay the shipper the mar5et value of the goods at the point of destination. vessel. CA9SES OF RE(OCATION OF (OYAGE 1. &ar or interdiction of commerce< 2. =loc5ade< . Prohibition to receive cargo at destination< $. Ambargo< (. +nability of the vessel to navigate. "Art. 1$:# Te'+% 1. +nterdiction of commerce P A governmental prohibition of commercial intercourse intended to bring about an entire cessation for the time being of all trade whatever. 2. =loc5ade P A sort of circumvallation of a place by which all foreign connection and correspondence is, as far as human power can e-ect it, to be cut o-. . Ambargo P A proclamation or order of a state, usually issued in time of war or threatened hostilities, prohibiting the departure of ships or goods from some or all the ports of such state until further order. PARTICIPANTS IN MARITIME COMMERCE A. 3hipowners and ship agents =. Captains and masters of the vessel C. 69cers and crew of the vessel ). 3upercargoes A. Pilot A* S)IPOWNERS AND S)IP AGENTS S&!1owne' .1'o1'!e$a'!o2 Person who has possession, control and management of the vessel and the conseGuent right to direct her navigation and receive freight earned and paid, while his possession continues. S&!1 agen$ .na-!e'o2 Person entrusted with provisioning and representing the vessel in the port in which it may be found< also includes the shipowner. /ot a mere agent under civil law< he is solidarily liable with the ship owner. Powers and functions@ 1. Capacity to trade< 2. )ischarge duties of the captain, subject to Art.1:;< . Contract in the name of the owners with respect to repairs, details of eGuipment, armament, provisions of food and fuel, and freight of the vessel, and all that relate to the reGuirements of navigation< $. 6rder a new voyage, ma5e a new charter or insure the vessel after obtaining authori0ation from the shipowner or if granted in certi,cate of appointment. C!-!l L!a>!l!$!e of $&e S&!1owne' And S&!1 Agen$ 1. All contracts of the captain, whether authori0ed or not, to repair, eGuip and provision the vessel< "Art. (21# 2. %oss and damage to the goods loaded on the vessel without prejudice to their right to free themselves from liability by abandoning the vessel to the creditors. "Art. (2.# D/$0 of S&!1 Agen$ $o D!#&a'ge $&e Ca1$a!n and Me+>e' of $&e C'ew +f the seamen contract is not for a de,nite period or voyage, he may discharge them at his discretion. "Art. 1:# +f for a de,nite period, he may not discharge them until after the ful,llment of their contracts, e7cept on the following grounds@ a. +nsubordination in serious matters< b. 4obbery< c. >heft< d. ?abitual drun5enness< e. )amage caused to the vessel or to its cargo through malice or manifest or proven negligence. "Art. 1:(# B* CAPTAINS AND MASTERS >hey are the chiefs or commanders of ships. >he terms have the same meaning, but are particularly used in accordance with the si0e of the vessel governed and the scope of transportation, i.e., large and overseas, and small and coastwise, respectively. /ature of position "*fold character#@ 1. General agent of the shipowner< 2. >echnical director of the vessel< . 4epresentative of the government of the country under whose Nag he navigates. Ruali,cations@ 1. !ilipino citi0en< 2. %egal capacity to contract< . Dust have passed the reGuired physical and mental e7aminations reGuired for licensing him as such. "Art. 1:;# +nherent powers@ 1. Appoint crew in the absence of ship agent< 2. Command the crew and direct the vessel to its port of destination< . +mpose correctional punishment on those who, while on board vessel, fail to comply with his orders or are wanting in discipline< $. Da5e contracts for the charter of vessel in the absence of ship agent. (. 3upply, eGuip, and provision the vessel< and 1. 6rder repair of vessel to enable it to continue its voyage. "Art. 11:# 3ources of funds to comply with the inherent powers of the captain "in successive order#@ 1. !rom the consignee of the vessel< 2. !rom the consignee of the cargo< . =y drawing on the ship agent< $. =y a loan on bottomry< (. =y sale of part of the cargo. "Art. 111# )uties@ 1. =ring on board the proper certi,cate and documents and a copy of the Code of Commerce< 2. Feep a %og =oo5, Accounting =oo5 and !reight =oo5< . A7amine the ship before the voyage< $. 3tay on board during the loading and unloading of the cargo< (. =e on dec5 while leaving or entering the port< 1. Protest arrivals under stress and in case of shipwrec5< .. !ollow instructions of and render an accounting to the ship agent< 2. %eave the vessel last in case of wrec5< ;. ?old in custody properties left by deceased passengers and crew members< 1:. Comply with the reGuirements of customs, health, etc. at the port of arrival< 11. 6bserve rules to avoid collision< 12. )emand a pilot while entering or leaving a port. "Art. 112# A shipCs captain must be accorded a reasonable measure of discretionary authority to decide what the safety of the ship and of its crew and cargo speci,cally reGuires on a stipulated ocean voyage "+nter*6rient Daritime Anterprises +nc. vs. CA#. /o liability for the following@ 1. )amages caused to the vessel or to the cargo by force majeure< 2. 6bligations contracted for the repair, eGuipment, and provisioning of the vessel unless he has e7pressly bound himself personally or has signed a bill of e7change or promissory note in his name. "Art. 12:# Sol!da'0 L!a>!l!$!e of $&e S&!1 Agen$/S&!1owne' fo' A#$ Done >0 $&e Ca1$a!n $owa'd Paenge' and Ca'goe 1. )amages to vessel and to cargo due to lac5 of s5ill and negligence< 2. >hefts and robberies of the crew< . %osses and ,nes for violation of laws< $. )amages due to mutinies< (. )amages due to misuse of power< 1. !or deviations< .. !or arrivals under stress< 2. )amages due to non*observance of marine regulations. "Art. 112# C* OFFICERS AND CREW 1. 3ailing Date'!irst Date 2. 3econd Date . Angineers $. Crew /o liability under the following circumstances@ 1. +f, before beginning voyage, captain attempts to change it, or a naval war with the power to which the vessel was destined occurs< 2. +f a disease brea5s out and be o9cially declared an epidemic in the port of destination< . +f the vessel should change owner or captain. "Art. 1$.# Sa!l!ng Ma$e/F!'$ Ma$e 3econd chief of the vessel who ta5es the place of the captain in case of absence, sic5ness, or death and shall assume all of his duties, powers and responsibilities. "Art. 12.# )uties@ 1. Provide himself with maps and charts with astronomical tables necessary for the discharge of his duties< 2. Feep the =innacle =oo5< . Change the course of the voyage on consultation with the captain and the o9cers of the boat, following the decision of the captain in case of disagreement< $. 4esponsible for all the damages caused to the vessel and the cargo by reason of his negligence. "Arts. 122 * 11# Se#ond Ma$e >a5es command of the vessel in case of the inability or disGuali,cation of the captain and the sailing mate, assuming in such case their powers and responsibilities. >hird in command )uties@ 1. Preserve the hull and rigging of the vessel< 2. Arrange well the cargo< . )iscipline the crew< $. Assign wor5 to crew members< (. +nventory the rigging and eGuipment of the vessel, if laid up. "Art. 12# Eng!nee' 69cers of the vessel but have no authority e7cept in matters referring to the motor apparatus. &hen two or more are hired, one of them shall be the chief engineer. )uties@ 1. +n charge of the motor apparatus, spare parts, and other instruments pertaining to the engines< 2. Feep the engines and boilers in good condition< . /ot to change or repair the engine without authority of the captain< $. +nform the captain of any damage to the motor apparatus< (. Feep an Angine =oo5< 1. 3upervise all personnel maintaining the engine. "Art. 12# C'ew >he aggregate of seamen who man a ship, or the shipCs company. ?ired by the ship agent, where he is present and in his absence, the captain hires them, preferring !ilipinos, and in their absence, he may ta5e in foreigners, but not e7ceeding 1'( of the crew. "Art. 1$# Clae of Sea+anA Con$'a#$ 1. =y the voyage< 2. =y the month< and . =y share of pro,ts or freightage. </$ Ca/e fo' $&e D!#&a'ge of Sea+an W&!le Con$'a#$ S/>!$ 1. Perpetration of a crime< 2. 4epeated insubordination, want of discipline< . 4epeated incapacity and negligence< $. ?abitual drun5enness< (. Physical incapacity< 1. )esertion. "Art. 1.# R/le !n #ae of Dea$& of a Sea+an >he seamanCs heirs are entitled to payment as follows@ 1. +f death is natural@ a. compensation up to time of death if engaged on wage b. if by voyage * half of amount if death occurs on voyage out< and full, if on voyage in c. if by shares * none, if before departure< full, if after departure 2. if death is due to defense of vessel * full payment< . if captured in defense of vessel * full payment< $. if captured due to carelessness * wages up to the date of the capture. "Art. 1$(# Co+1le+en$ of $&e (eel All persons on board, from the captain to the cabin boy, necessary for the management, maneuvers, and service, thus including the crew, the sailing mates, engineers, sto5ers and other employees on board not having speci,c designations. )oes not include the passengers or the persons whom the vessel is transporting. D* S9PERCARGOES Persons who discharges administrative duties assigned to him by ship agent or shippers, 5eeping an account and record of transaction as reGuired in the accounting boo5 of the captain. "Art. 1$;# E* PILOT A person duly Guali,ed, and licensed, to conduct a vessel into or out of ports, or in certain waters. >he term generally connotes a person ta5en on board at a particular place for the purpose of conducting a ship through a river, road or channel, or from a port. Daster pro hac /ice for the time being in the command and navigation of the ship. &hile in e7ercising his functions a pilot is in sole command of the ship and supersedes the master for the time being in the command and navigation of the ship, the master does not surrender his vessel to the pilot and the pilot is not the master. >here are occasions when the master may and should interfere and even displace the pilot, as when the pilot is obviously incompetent or into7icated "!ar Aastern 3hipping Company vs. CA#. Compulsory Pilotage P 3tates possessing harbors have enacted laws or promulgated rules reGuiring vessels approaching their ports to ta5e on board pilots licensed under the local laws. (Notes and Cases on the Law on Transportation and Public Utilities, Aquino, T. & ernando, R.P. !""# ed. p. :$9& L!a>l!$0 of P!lo$ 56N6RAL RUL6@ 6n compulsory pilotage grounds, the ?arbor Pilot is responsible for damage to a vessel or to life or property due to his negligence. 67C6PT: 1. Accident caused by force majeure or natural calamity provided the pilot e7ercised prudence and e7tra diligence to prevent or minimi0e damages. 2. Countermand or overrule by the master of the vessel in which case the registered owner of the vessel is liable. "3ec.11, Art.+++ PPA Admin 6rder :*2(# SPECIAL CONTRACTS OF MARITIME COMMERCE 1. Charter party 2. =ill of lading . Contract of transportation of passengers on sea voyages $. %oan on bottomry (. %oan on respondentia 1. Darine insurance C)ARTER PARTY A contract by virtue of which the owner or agent binds himself to transport merchandise or persons for a ,7ed price. A contract by which an entire ship, or some principal part thereof is let'leased by the owner to another person for a speci,ed time or use. "Planters Products, +nc. vs. CA, 221 3C4A $.1# Pa'$!e% 1. 3hip owner or ship agent 2. Charterer Clae% 1. =areboat or demise P >he charterer provides crew, food and fuel. >he charterer is liable as if he were the owner, e7cept when the cause arises from the unworthiness of the vessel. >he shipowner leases to the charterer the whole vessel, transferring to the latter the entire command, possession and conseGuent control over the vesselCs navigation, including the master and the crew, who thereby become the charterCs servants. +t transforms a common carrier into a private carrier. >he charterer becomes the owner of the vessel pro hac vice, just for that one particular purpose only. =ecause the charterer is treated as owner pro hac /ice, the charterer assumes the customary rights and liabilities of the shipowner to third persons and is held liable for the e7pense of the voyage and the wages of the seamen. 2. Contract of A-reightment E A contract whereby the owner of the vessel leases part or all of its space to haul goods for others. >he shipowner retains the possession, command and navigation of the ship, the charterer merely having use of the space in the vessel in return for his payment of the charter hired. Finds@ a. >ime charter P vessel is chartered for a ,7ed period of time or duration of voyage. b. Eoyage or trip charter P the vessel is leased for one or series of voyages usually for purposes of transporting goods for charterer. LEASE C)ARTER PARTY +f for a de,nite period, lessee cannot give up the lease by paying a Charterer may rescind charter party by paying half of the freightage agreed upon. portion of the amount agreed upon. +f the leased property is sold to one who 5nows of the e7istence of the lease, the new owner must respect the lease. >he new owner is not compelled to respect the charter party so long as he can load the vessel with his own cargo. "Art. 12;# Civil law concept Commercial law concept C)ARTER PARTY BILL OF LADING An entire or complete contract. Dore li5e a private receipt which the captain gives to accredit goods received from persons Consensual contract 4eal contract BAREBOAT OR DEMISE C)ARTER CONTRACT OF AFFREIG)T MENT .TIME OR (OYAGE C)ARTER2 Charterer becomes liable to others caused by its negligence 6wner remains liable as carrier and must answer for any breach of duty Charterer regarded as Charterer is not regarded owner pro hac vice for the voyage as owner. 6wner of vessel relinGuishes possession, command and navigation to charterer >he vessel owner retains possession, command and navigation of the ship Common carrier is converted to private carrier. Common carrier is not converted to a private carrier. PERSONS W)O MAY MABE A C)ARTER 1. 6wner or owners of the vessel, either in whole or in majority part, who have legal control and possession of the vessel 2. Charterer may subcharter entire vessel to rd person only if not prohibited in original charter. "Art.1.;# . 3hip agent if authori0ed by the owner's or given such power in the certi,cate of appointment. "Art.(;2# $. Captain in the absence of the ship agent or consignee and only if he acts in accordance with the instructions of the agent or owner and protects the latterCs interests. "Art.1:;# RE89ISITES OF A (ALID C)ARTER PARTY 1. Consent of the contracting parties 2. A7isting vessel which should be placed at the disposition of the shipper . !reight $. Compliance with Art. 1(2 of the Code of Commerce Cla/e W&!#& Ma0 Be In#l/ded In a C&a'$e' Pa'$0 <aon #la/e Cla/e 1a'a+o/n$ o' 1a'a+o/n$ #la/e A stipulation in a charter party that in case of a maritime accident for which the shipowner is not responsible by law, contract or otherwise, the cargo shippers, consignees or owners shall contribute with the shipowner in general average. "Pandect of Commercial %aw and Burisprudenc e, Bustice Bose Eitug, 1;;. ed.# A clause in a charter party providing that the C6G3A shall apply, even though the transportatio n is domestic, subject to the e7tent that any term of the bill of lading is repugnant to the C6G3A or applicable law, then to the e7tent thereof the provision of the bill of lading is void. "Pandect of Commercial %aw and Burisprudenc e, Bustice Bose Eitug, 1;;. ed.# R!g&$ and O>l!ga$!on of Pa'$!e S)IPOWNE R OR S)IP AGENT C)ARTERER 1. +f the vessel is chartered wholly, not to accept cargo from others< 2. >o observe represented capacity< . >o unload cargo clandestinely placed $. >o substitute another vessel if load is less than '( of capacity< (. >o leave the port if the charterer does not bring the cargo within the lay days and e7tra lay days allowed< 1. >o place in a vessel in a condition to navigate< .. to bring cargo to nearest neutral port in case of war or bloc5ade. "Arts. 11;* 1.2# 1. >o pay the agreed charter price< 2. >o pay freightage on unboarded cargo< . >o pay losses to others for loading uncontracte d cargo and illicit cargo< $. >o wait if the vessel needs repair< (. >o pay e7penses for deviation. "Arts. 1.;* 12.# Re#!!on of a C&a'$e' Pa'$0 A$ #&a'$e' A$ &!1ow Fo'$/!$ o/ e'A 'e;/e $ .A'$ 3==2 ne'A 'e;/e $ .A'$* 3=?2 #a/e .A'$* 3?@2 1. =y abando ning the charter and paying half of the freighta ge< 2. Arror in tonnage or Nag< . !ailure to place the vessel at the chartere rCs disposal < $. 4eturn of the vessel due to pirates, enemie s or bad weather < (. Arrival at a port for repairs. 1. +f the e7tra lay days termina te without the cargo being placed alongsid e the vessel< 2. 3ale by the owner of the vessel before loading by the chartere r< 1. &ar or interdict ion of commer ce< 2. =loc5ad e< . Prohibiti on to receive cargo< $. Ambarg o< and (. +nability of the vessel to navigat e. Te'+% 1. Primage * bonus to be paid to the captain after the successful voyage. 2. )emurrage P the sum ,7ed in the charter party as a remuneration to the owner of the ship for the detention of his vessel beyond the number of days allowed by the charter party for loading or unloading or for sailing. . )eadfreight P the amount paid by or recoverable from a charterer of a ship for the portion of the shipCs capacity the latter contracted for but failed to occupy. $. %ay )ays * days allowed to charter parties for loading and unloading the cargo. (. A7tra %ay )ays E days which follow after the lay days have elapsed. 9S9AL FORMS OF CONS9MMATING CONTRACTS 1. C.+.!. P cost, insurance and freight< 2. !.6.=. * free on board< . !.A.3. * free alongside ship< and $. C. M !. * cost and freight. TRANSS)IPMENT OF GOODS >he act of ta5ing cargo out of one ship and loading it in another, or the transfer of goods from the vessel stipulated in the contract of a-reightment to another vessel before the place of destination named in the contract has been reached, or the transfer for further transportation from one ship or conveyance to another. +t is not dependent on the ownership of the transporting ships or in the change of carriers, but rather on the fact of actual physical transfer of cargo from one vessel to another. +f done without legal e7cuse, however competent and safe the vessel into which the transfer is made, is a violation of contract and infringement of right of shipper and subjects carrier to liability if freight is lost event by cause otherwise e7cepted. "Dagellan Danufacturing vs. CA, 2:1 3C4A 1:2# LOAN ON BOTTOMRY AND RESPONDENTIA A real, unilateral, aleatory contract, by virtue of which one person lends to another a certain amount of money or goods on things e7posed to maritime ris5s, which amount, with its earnings, is to be returned if the things are safely transported, and which is lost if the latter are lost. LOAN ON BOTTOMRY LOAN ON RESPONDE NTIA )e,nition %oan made by shipowner or ship agent guaranteed by vessel itself and repayable upon arrival of vessel at destination. "Art. .1;# %oan ta5en on security of the cargo laden on a vessel, and repayable upon safe arrival of cargo at destination. "Art. .1;# &ho may contract 3hipowner or ship agent. 6utside of the residence of the owners * the captain. 6nly the owner of the cargo. Common elements@ 1. A7posure of security to marine peril< 2. 6bligation of the debtor conditioned only upon safe arrival of the security at the point of destination. !orms@ 1. Public instrument 2. Policy signed by the contracting parties and the bro5er ta5ing part therein . Private instrument "Art. .2:# Contents@ 1. Find, name and registry of the vessel< 2. /ame, surname and domicile of the captain< . /ames, surnames and domiciles of the borrower and the lender< $. Amount of the loan and the premium stipulated< (. >ime for repayment< 1. Goods pledged to secure repayment< .. Eoyage during which the ris5 is run "Art..21# BOTTOMRY / RESPONDE NTIA ORDINARY LOAN .M9T99M2 /ot subject to 8sury %aw 3ubject to 8sury %aw %iability of the borrower is contingent on the safe arrival of the vessel or cargo at destination /ot subject to any contingency "absolute liability# >he last lender is a preferred creditor >he ,rst lender is a preferred creditor W)EN LOAN ON BOTTOMRY OR RESPONDENTIA REGARDED AS SIMPLE LOAN 1. %ender loaned an amount larger than the value of the object due to fraudulent means employed by the borrower. "A4>..21# 2. !ull amount of the loan is not used for the cargo or given on the goods if all of them could not have been loaded, the balance will be considered a simple loan. "A4>..2.# . +f the e-ects on which the money is ta5en is not subjected to any ris5. "A4>..2;# No$e@ 8nder e7isting laws, the parties to a loan, whether ordinary or maritime, may agree on any rate of interest. "C= Circular ;:(# MARINE INS9RANCE LOAN ON BOTTOM RY OR RESPOND ENTIA +ndemnity is paid after the loss has occurred +ndemnity is paid in advance by way of a loan +n case of loss of the vessel due to a ris5 insured against, the obligation of the insurer becomes absolute +n case of loss of the vessel due to a marine peril, the obligation of the borrower to pay is e7tinguish ed Consensual contract 4eal contract )01o$&e#a'0 Na$/'e of Bo$$o+'0/ Re1onden$!a 56N6RAL RUL6: >he obligation of the borrower to pay the loan is e7tinguished if the goods given as security are absolutely lost by reason of an accident of the sea, during the voyage designated, and if it is proven that the goods were on board. 67C6PT81N': 1. %oss due to inherent defect< 2. %oss due to the barratry on the part of the captain< . %oss due to the fault or malice of the borrower< $. >he vessel was engaged in contraband< and (. >he cargo loaded on the vessel be di-erent in from that agreed upon. Con#/''en#e of Ma'!ne In/'an#e and Loan on Bo$$o+'0/Re1onden$!a 1. >he insurable interest of the owner of a ship hypothecated by bottomry is only the e7cess of the value over the amount secured by bottomry. "3ec. 1:1, +nsurance Code# 2. >he value of what may be saved in case of shipwrec5 shall be divided between the lender and the insurer in proportion to the interest of each one. "Art. .(# /ote@ +f a vessel is hypothecated by bottomry only the e7cess is insurable, since a loan on bottomry parta5es of the nature li5ewise of an insurance coverage to the e7tent of the loan accommodation. >he same rule would apply to the hypothecation of the cargo by respondentia. (Pandect o) Co((ercial Law and *urisprudence, *ustice *ose +itu,, $--. ed.& ACCIDENTS IN MARITIME COMMERCE 1. Averages 2. Arrival 8nder 3tress . Collision $. 3hipwrec5 A(ERAGE An e7traordinary or accidental e7pense incurred during the voyage in order to preserve the cargo, vessel or both, and all damages or deterioration su-ered by the vessel from departure to the port of destination, and to the cargo from the port of loading to the port of consignment. "Art. 2:1# >he person whose property has been saved must contribute to reimburse the damage caused or e7pense incurred if the situation constitutes general average. Classes@ 1. Particular or 3imple Average 2. Gross or General Average &here both vessel and cargo are saved, it is general average< where only the vessel or only the cargo is saved, it is particular average. A7penses incurred to reNoat a vessel, which accidentally ran aground, in order to continue its voyage, do not constitute general average. /ot only is there absence of a marine peril, common safety factor, and deliberateness. +t is the safety of the property, and not the voyage, which constitutes the true foundation of general average. "A. Dagsaysay, +nc. vs. Agan, G.4./o. %*1;, Ban. 1, 1;((# PARTIC9LA R OR SIMPLE GROSS OR GENERAL De"n!$!on )amages or e7penses caused to the vessel or cargo that did not inure to the common bene,t, and borne by respective )amages or e7penses deliberately caused in order to save the vessel, its cargo or both from real and 5nown ris5. owners. "Art. 2:;# "Art. 211# Re;/!!$e 1. common danger< 2. deliberate sacri,ce< . success< $. proper formalitie s and legal steps. L!a>!l!$0 >he owner of the goods which gave rise to the e7pense or su-ered the damage shall bear this average. "Art. 21:# All the persons having an interest in the vessel and the cargo therein at the time of the occurrence of the average shall contribute to satisfy this average. "Art. 212# >he insurers "Art.2(;# and lenders on bottomry and respondenti a shall li5ewise contribute. "Art..2#. N/+>e' of !n$e'e$ !n-ol-ed 6nly one interest involved 3everal interests involved S&a'e !n $&e da+age o' eF1ene 1::S share +n proportion to the value of the ownerCs property saved R!g&$ $o 'e#o-e' /o reimburseme nt >here may be reimbursem ent B!nd .no$ eF#l/!-e2 Art. 2:; Art. 211 P'o#ed/'e fo' 'e#o-e'0 1.Assembly and deliberation 2.4esolution of the captain .Antry of the resolution in the logboo5 $.)etailed minutes (.)elivery of the minutes to the maritime judicial authority of the ,rst port, within 2$ hours from arrival, 1.4ati,catio n by captain under oath. "Arts. 21* 21$# GOODS NOT CO(ERED BY GENERAL A(ERAGE E(EN IF SACRIFICED 1. Goods carried on dec5. "A4>.2((# 2. Goods not recorded in the boo5s or records of the vessel. "A4>.2(( "2## . !uel for the vessel if there is more than su9cient fuel for the voyage. "4ule +T, Hor5*Antwerp 4ule# <e$$!on Act of throwing cargo overboard in order to lighten the vessel. 6rder of goods to be cast overboard@ 1. >hose which are on the dec5, preferring the heaviest one with the least utility and value< 2. >hose which are below the upper dec5, beginning with the one with greatest weight and smallest value. "Art. 21(# Bettisoned goods are not res nullius nor deemed KabandonedL within the meaning of civil law so as to be the object of occupation by salvage. (Pandect o) Co((ercial Law and *urisprudence, *ustice *ose +itu,, $--. ed.& +n order that the jettisoned goods may be included in the gross or general average, the e7istence of the cargo on board should be proven by means of the bill of lading. "Art. 211# Yo'G,An$we'1 .Y,A2 R/le on De$e'+!n!ng L!a>!l!$0 fo' A-e'age W!$& Rega'd To De#G Ca'go 1. )ec5 cargo is allowed only in domestic'coastwise'inter*island shipping, and is prohibited in international'overseas'foreign shipping. 2. +f dec5 cargo is loaded with the consent of the shipper on overseas trade, it must always contribute to general average, but should the same be jettisoned, it would not be entitled to reimbursement because there is violation of the H*A 4ules. . +f dec5 cargo is loaded with the consent of the shipper on coastwise shipping, it must always contribute to general average and if jettisoned would be entitled to reimbursement. 4eason@ +n domestic shipping, voyages are usually short and the seas are generally not rough. +n overseas shipping, the vessel is e7posed for many days to perils of the sea. DOMESTIC INTERNATI ONAL )ec5 cargo is allowed )ec5 cargo is not allowed &ith shipperCs consent General average Particular average &ithout shipperCs consent Captain is liable Captain is liable ARRI(AL 9NDER STRESS .ARRIBADA2 >he arrival of a vessel at the nearest and most convenient port instead of the port of destination, if during the voyage the vessel cannot continue the trip to the port of destination. W&en lawf/l W&en /nlawf /l W&o >ea' eF1en e% >he inability to continu e voyage is due to lac5 of provisio ns, well* founded fear of sei0ure, private 1. %ac5 of provisio ns due to negligen ce to carry accordin g to usage and customs < 2. 4is5 of >he shipown er or ship agent is liable in case of unlawful arrival under stress. =ut they shall not be liable ers, pirates, or acciden ts of the sea disablin g it to navigat e. "Art. 21;# enemy not well 5nown or manifest . )efec t of vessel due to imprope r repair< and $. Dalic e, negligen ce, lac5 of foresigh t or s5ill of captain. "Art. 22:# for the damage s caused by reason of a lawful arrival. "Art. 221# +t is the duty of the captain to continue the voyage without delay after the cause of the arrival under stress has ceased failing in such duty renders him liable. ?owever, in case the cause has been ris5 of enemies, there must ,rst be an assembly before departure. "Art. 22(# 3teps@ 1. Captain should determine during the voyage if there is well founded fear of sei0ure, privateers and other valid grounds< 2. Captain shall assemble the o9cers and summon the persons interested in the cargo who may attend the meeting but without a right to vote< . >he o9cers shall determine and agree if there is well*founded reason after e7amining the circumstances. >he captain shall have the deciding vote< $. >he agreement shall be drafted and the proper minutes shall be signed and entered in the log boo5< (. 6bjections and protests shall li5ewise be entered in the minutes. COLLISION +mpact of two vessels both of which are moving. All!!on +mpact between a moving vessel and a stationary one. Na/$!#al R/le $o De$e'+!ne Negl!gen#e 1. &hen two vessels are about to enter a port, the farther one must allow the nearer to enter ,rst< if they collide, the fault is presumed to be imputable to the one who arrived later, unless it can be proved that there was no fault on its part. 2. &hen two vessels meet, the smaller should give the right of way to the larger one. . A vessel leaving port should leave the way clear for another which may be entering the same port. $. >he vessel which leaves later is presumed to have collided against one which has left earlier. (. >here is a presumption against the vessel which sets sail in the night. 1. >here is a presumption against the vessel with spread sails which collides with another which is at anchor and cannot move, even when the crew of the latter has received word to lift anchor, when there was not su9cient time to do so or there was fear of a greater damage or other legitimate reason. .. >here is a presumption against an improperly moored vessel. 2. >here is a presumption against a vessel which has no buoys to indicate the location of its anchors to prevent damage to vessels which may approach it. ;. Eessels must have Kproper loo5* outsL or persons trained as such and who have no other duty aside therefrom. "3mith =ell v. CA# Na/$!#al R/le a $o Sa!l!ng (eel and S$ea+&!1 1. &here a steamship and a sailing vessel are approaching each other from opposite directions, or on intersecting lines, the steamship from the moment the sailing vessel is seen, shall watch with the highest diligence her course and movements so as to be able to adopt such timely means of precaution as will necessarily prevent the two boats from coming in contact. 2. >he sailing vessel is reGuired to 5eep her course unless the circumstances reGuire otherwise. Hone of T!+e !n $&e Coll!!on of (eel 1. 3irst >one P all time up to the moment when ris5 of collision begins. /o rule is as yet applicable for none is necessary. 2. 'econd >one P time between moment when ris5 of collision begins and moment it becomes a practical certainty. +t is in this period where conduct of the vessels is primordial. +t is in this 0one that vessels must strictly observe nautical rules, unless a departure therefrom becomes necessary to avoid imminent danger. . Third >one P time when collision is certain and time of impact. An error in this 0one would no longer be legally conseGuential. 6rror in 6?tre(is * sudden movement made by a faultless vessel during the third 0one of collision with another vessel which is at fault during the 2nd 0one. Aven if such sudden movement is wrong, no responsibility will fall on said faultless vessel. "8rrutia and Co. v. =aco 4iver Plantation Co., 21 P?+% 12# Cae Co-e'ed B0 Coll!!on and All!!on $. 1ne /essel at )ault Eessel at fault is liable for damage caused to innocent vessel as well as damages su-ered by the owners of cargo of both vessels. "Art. 221# 2. <oth /essels at )ault Aach vessel must bear its own loss, but the shippers of both vessels may go against the shipowners who will be solidarily liable. "Art. 22.# . +essel at )ault not @nown Aach vessel must bear its own loss, but the shippers of both vessels may go against the shipowners who will be solidarily liable. "Art. 222# ;octrine o) 8nscrutable 3ault P +n case of collision where it cannot be determined which between the two vessels was at fault, both vessels bear their respective damage, but both should be solidarily liable for damage to the cargo of both vessels. #. Third /essel at )ault >he third vessel will be liable for losses and damages. "Art. 21# :. 3ortuitous e/entA)orce (aBeure /o liability. Aach bears its own loss. "Art. 2:# >he doctrine of res ipsa loGuitur applies in case a moving vessel stri5es a stationary object, such as a bridge post, doc5, or navigational aid. "!ar Aastern 3hipping v. CA, %u0on 3tevedoring vs. CA# Aven if the cause of action against the common carrier is based on Guasi* delict, the defense of due diligence in the selection and supervision of employees is unavailing in case of a maritime tort resulting in collision. +t is not a civil tort governed by the Civil Code but a maritime one governed by Arts. 221*2; of the Code of Commerce. "Danila 3teamship vs. +nsa Abdulhaman# )octrine of %ast Clear Chance and 4ule on Contributory /egligence cannot be applied in collision cases because of Art.22. of the Code of Commerce. (Notes and Cases on the Law on Transportation and Public Utilities, Aquino, T. & ernando, R.P. !""# ed.& MARITIME PROTEST Condition precedent or prereGuisite to recovery of damages arising from collisions and other maritime accidents. +t is a written statement made under oath by the captain of a vessel after the occurrence of an accident or disaster in which the vessel or cargo is lost or damaged, with respect to the circumstances attending such occurrence, for the purpose of recovering losses and damages. A7cuses for not ,ling protest@ 1# where the interested person is not on board the vessel< and 2# on collision time, need not be protested. "Art. 21# Cases applicable@ 1. Collision "Art. 2(#< 2. Arrival under stress "Art. 112"2##< . 3hipwrec5s "Arts. 112"1(#, 2$#< $. &here the vessel has gone through a hurricane or when the captain believes that the cargo has su-ered damages or averages "Art. 12$#. &ho ma5es@ Captain &hen made@ within 2$ hours from the time the collision too5 place. =efore whom made@ competent authority at the point of collision or at the ,rst port of arrival, if in the Philippines and to the Philippine consul, if the collision too5 place abroad. "Art. 2(# S)IPWRECB +t is the loss of the vessel at sea as a conseGuence of its grounding, or running against an object in sea or on the coast. +t occurs when the vessel sustains injuries due to a marine peril rendering her incapable of navigation. +f the wrec5 was due to malice, negligence or lac5 of s5ill of the captain, the owner of the vessel may demand indemnity from said captain. "Art. 2$1# >he rules on collision or allision, as may be pertinent, can eGually apply to shipwrec5s. SPECIAL CONCEPTS ARRASTRE SER(ICE A contract for the unloading of goods from a vessel. A11l!#a>!l!$0% 1/erseas trade only. (Co((ercial Law Re/iew, C. +illanue/a, !""# ed.& S!gn!"#an#e% &hen a person brings in cargo from abroad, he cannot unload and deliver the cargo by himself. >he unloading must be done by the arrastre operator, which will then deliver the cargo to the importer. (Co((ercial Law Re/iew, C. +illanue/a, !""# ed.& Na$/'e of >/!ne% +t is a public utility, discharging functions which are heavily invested with public interest. L!a>!l!$0% 1. 3imilar to a warehouseman "%ua Fian v. Danila 4ailroad# 2. 3imilar to a common carrier "/orthern Dotors v. Prince %ine# . 3olidary liability with the common carrier No$e% +n order that the arrastre operator may be held liable, the consignee must prove that the damage was due to the negligence and while the goods are in the custody of the arrastre operator. "?artford !ire +nsurance v. A. 4a0on, +nc.# STE(EDORING SER(ICE >he carriage of goods from the warehouse or pier to the holds of the vessel. "Chief of 3ta- vs. C+4# As understood in the port business, the term consists of the handling of cargo from the hold of the ship to the doc5, in case of pier*side unloading< or to a barge, in case of unloading at sea. "Anglo*!il >rading Corp. vs. %a0aro# >he loading on the ship of outgoing cargo is also part of stevedoring wor5. "+bid.# CONTAINERIHATION/ ISAID,TO, CONTAINJ/ IS)IPPERAS LOAD AND CO9NTJ SYSTEM 3ystem whereby the shipper loads his cargoes in a specially designed container, seals the container and delivers it to the carrier for transportation. >he carrier does not participate in the counting of the merchandise for loading into the container, the actual loading, and the sealing of the container. "83 %ines v. Comm. 6f Customs, +C>3+ v. Prudential Guarantee# >he matter of Guantity, description and conditions of the cargo inside the container is the sole responsibility of the shipper, unless there is stipulation to the contrary. "83 %ines vs. Comm. 6f Customs, 4eyma =ro5erage v. Phil. ?ome Assurance# No$e% +n order to attribute to the carrier any damage to the shipment that may be found, inspection o) the ,oods should be done at pier%side. "=an5ers vs. CA#
III* CARRIAGE OF GOODS BY SEA ACT/COGSA .C*A* No* 352 APPLICABILITY >he transportation must be@ 1. &ater'maritime transportation< 2. for the carriage of goods< and . overseas'international'foreign "from foreign port to Philippine port#. +t can be applied in domestic sea transportation if agreed upon by the parties. "Clause para(ount or para(ount clause# IMPORTANT FEAT9RES% 1. Amount of carrierCs liability 2. /otice of damage . Prescriptive period AMO9NT OF CARRIERAS LIABILITY 8nder the 3ec. $"(#, the liability limit is set at U(:: per pac5age or customary freight unit unless the nature and value of such goods is declared by the shipper. >his is deemed incorporated in the bill of lading even if not mentioned in it. "Aastern 3hipping vs. +AC, 1(: 3C4A $1# /ote that Art. 1.$;, /CC applies to domestic'inter*island'coastwise trade. NOTICE OF DAMAGE .SEC* 6.322 R/le% a. Patent damage@ shipper should ,le a claim with the carrier immediately upon delivery b. %atent damage@ shipper should ,le a claim with the carrier within three days from delivery. No$e@ >he ,ling of a notice of claim is not a condition precedent. PRESCRIPTI(E PERIOD Action for loss or damage to the cargo should be brought within one year after@ a. )elivery of the goods "delivered but damaged goods#< or b. >he date when the goods should have been delivered "non* delivery#. "3ec. I1J# K%oss or )amageL as applied to the C6G3A contemplates a situation where no delivery at all was made by the shipper of the goods because the same had perished, gone out of commerce, or disappeared in such a way that their e7istence is un5nown or they cannot be recovered. >hus, it is inapplicable in case of misdelivery or conversion. "Ang vs. American 3teamship Agencies +nc.# and damage arising from delay or late delivery "Ditsui 6.3.F. %ines %td. vs. CA#. +n such instance the, Civil Code rules on prescription shall apply. >he one*year prescriptive period is suspended by@ 1. >he e7press agreement of the parties "8niversal 3hipping %ines, +nc. vs. +AC, 122 3C4A 1.:# 2. >he ,ling of an action in court until it is dismissed. "3tevens M Co. vs. /ordeutscher %loyd, 1 3C4A 12:# >he one*year period shall run from delivery of the last pac5age and is not suspended by e7trajudicial demand. ")ole Phils.,+nc. vs. Daritime Co.,1$2 3C4A 112# >he one*year period shall run from delivery to the arrastre operator and not to the consignee. "8nion Carbide Phils, +nc. vs. Danila 4ailroad Co.,3C4A (;# >he insurer e7ercising its right of subrogation is bound by the one*year prescriptive period. ?owever, it does not apply to the claim against the insurer for the insurance proceeds. "!il. Derchants +ns. Co. vs. Alejandro< Dayer 3teel Pipe Corp. vs. CA# I(* WARSAW CON(ENTION OF 4?7? .WC2 P9RPOSE% >o protect the emerging air transportation industry and to secure the uniformity of recovery by the passengers. APPLICABILITY >he transportation must be@ 1. +nternational transportation< 2. Air transportation< and . Carriage of passengers, baggage or goods. >he &C shall also apply to fortuitous transportation by aircraft performed by an air transportation enterprise. 8nternational transportation * any transportation in which the place of departure and the place of destination are situated either@ 1. &ithin the territories of two ?igh Contracting Parties regardless of whether or not there be a brea5 in the transportation or transshipment, or 2. &ithin the territory of a single ?igh Contracting Party, if there is an agreed stopping place within a territory subject to the sovereignty, mandate or authority of another power, even though that power is not a party to the Convention. "Kround tripL, Am. Bur.# >ransportation to be performed by several successive air carriers shall be deemed to be one undivided transportation, if it has been regarded by the parties as a single operation, whether it has been agreed upon under the form of a single contract or of a series of contracts, and it shall not lose its international character merely because one contract or a series of contracts is to be performed entirely within a territory subject to the sovereignty, su0erainty, mandate, or authority of the same ?igh Contracting Party. "Art. 1 3ec.# W)EN INAPPLICABLE 1. &hen public policy is contradicted< 2. +f the reGuirements under the Convention are not complied with. IMPORTANT CONCEPTS% 1. >ransportation documents a. Passenger tic5et b. =aggage chec5 c. Air way bill 2. %iability of the carrier for damages a. )eath or injury to passengers b. %oss or damage to baggage or goods c. )elay . 3uccessive carrier agreement $. Burisdiction (. Combined transportation agreement PASSE NGER TICBET BAGGA GE C)ECB AIR WAYBIL L Passeng er Chec5e d*in baggag e Goods to be shipped LIABILITY OF CARRIER FOR DAMAGES 1. )eath or injury of a passenger if the accident causing it too5 place on board the aircraft or in the course of its operations of embar5ing or disembar5ing< "Art. 1.# 2. )estruction, loss or damage to any baggage or goods, if it too5 place during the Ktransportation by airL< "Art. 12# and Transportation b4 air P >he period during which the baggage or goods are in the charge of the carrier, whether in an airport or on board an aircraft, or, in case of a landing outside an airport, in any place whatsoever. +t includes any transportation by land or water outside an airport if such ta5es place in the performance of a contract for transportation by air, for the purpose of loading, delivery, or transshipment. . )elay in the transportation of passengers, baggage or goods. "Art. 1;# No$e@ >he ?ague Protocol amended the &C by removing the provision that if the airline too5 all necessary steps to avoid the damage, it could e7culpate itself completely "Art. 2:"1##. "Alitalia vs. +AC, 1;2 3C4A ;# LIMIT OF LIABILITY .A'$* 77K a a+ended >0 G/a$e+ala P'o$o#olK 4?54L Al!$al!a -* IAC2 4* Paenge' 56N6RAL RUL6: U1::,::: per passenger 67C6PT81N: Agreement to a higher limit 7* C&e#Ged,!n >aggage 56N6RAL RUL6: U2: per 5ilogram 67C6PT81N: +n case of special declaration of value and payment of a supplementary sum by consignor, carrier is liable to not more than the declared sum unless it proves the sum is greater than actual value. 6* )and,#a''!ed >aggage U1:::'passenger 4* Good $o >e &!11ed 56N6RAL RUL6: U2: per 5ilogram 67C6PT81N: +n case of special declaration of value and payment of a supplementary sum by consignor, carrier is liable to not more than the declared sum unless it proves the sum is greater than actual value. An agreement relieving the carrier from liability or ,7ing a lower limit is null and void. "Art. 2# Carrier is not entitled to the foregoing limit if the damage is caused by willful misconduct or default on its part. "Art. 2(# >hus, the &C does not operate as an e7clusive enumeration of the instances of an absolute limit of the e7tent of liability. +t does not preclude the application of the Civil Code and other pertinent local laws. +t does not regulate or e7clude liability for other breaches of contract by the carrier, or misconduct of its employees, or for some particular or e7ceptional type of damage. "Alitalia vs. CA# +n PanAm v. +AC, the &C was applied as regards the limitation on the carrierCs liability, there being a simple loss of baggage without any improper conduct on the part of the o9cials or employees of the airline or other special injury sustained by the passenger. +n F%D 4oyal v. >uller, the &C has invariably been held inapplicable, or as not restrictive of the carrierCs liability, where there was satisfactory evidence of malice or bad faith attributable to its o9cers and employees. "Alitalia vs. +AC# ACTION FOR DAMAGES 1. /otice of claim A written complaint must me made within@ a. days from receipt of baggage b. . days from receipt of goods c. +n case of delay, 1$ days from receipt of baggage'goods >he complaint is a condition precedent. &ithout the complaint, the action is barred e7cept in case of fraud on the part of the carrier. "Art. 21# 2. Prescriptive period Action must be ,led within 2 years from@ a. date of arrival at the destination b. date of e7pected arrival c. date on which the transportation stopped. "Art. 2;# +n 8nited Airlines vs. 8y the two* year prescriptive period was not applied where the airline employed delaying tactics. R9LE IN CASE OF (ARIO9S S9CCESSI(E CARRIERS 1. Carriage of passengers 56N6RAL RUL6: Action is ,led only against the carrier in which the accident or delay occurred. 67C6PT81N: Agreement or contract whereby the ,rst carrier assumed liability for the whole journey. 2. Carriage of baggage or goods a. Passenger or consignor can ,le an action against the Crst carrier and the carrier in which the damage occurred b. Passenger or consignee can ,le an action against the last carrier and the carrier in which the damage occurred. >hese carriers are jointly and severally liable. "Art. :# A contract of international carriage by air, although performed by di-erent carriers under a series of airline tic5ets constitutes a single operation. Dembers of the +nternational Air >ransportation Association "+A>A# are under a general pool partnership agreement wherein they act as agent of each other in the issuance of tic5ets to contracted passengers to boost tic5et sales worldwide and at the same time provide passengers easy access to airlines which are otherwise inaccessible in some parts of the world. "American Airlines vs. CA# 8nder a general pool partnership agreement, the tic5et*issuing airline is the principal in a contract of carriage while the endorsee*airline is the agent. >he obligation of the former remained and did not cease even when the breach occurred not on its own Night but on that of another airline which had underta5en to carry the passengers to one of their destinations. "China Airlines vs. Chio5# <9RISDICTION At the option of the plainti-, the action for damages may be ,led in the@ a. Court of domicile of the carrier< b. Court of its principal place of business< c. Court where it has a place of business through which the contract has been made< or d. Court of the place of destination. "Art. 22"1## NOTE% +t is the passengerCs Kultimate destinationL not Kan agreed stopping placeL that determines the country where suit is to be ,led. >he forum of action provided in Art. 22"1# is a matter of jurisdiction rather than of venue. "3antos +++ vs. /orthwest< 2A C.B.3.# (* SAL(AGE LAW .A#$ No* 73432 SAL(AGE Two #on#e1$% 1. 3ervices one person renders to the owner of a ship or goods, by his own labor, preserving the goods or the ship which the owner or those entrusted with the care of them have either abandoned in distress at sea, or are unable to protect or secure. 2. Compensation allowed to persons by whose voluntary assistance a ship at sea or her cargo or both have been saved in whole or in part from impending sea peril, or such property recovered from actual peril or loss, as in cases of shipwrec5, derelict or recapture. Re;/!!$e% 1. Ealid object of salvage< 2. 6bject must have been e7posed to marine peril "not perils of the ship#< . 3ervices rendered voluntarily "neither an e7isting duty nor out of a pre*e7isting contract#< $. 3ervices are successful, total or partial. S/>Me#$ of Sal-age% 1. 3hip itself< 2. Betsam P goods which are cast into the sea, and there sin5 and remain under water< . !loatsam or !lotsam P goods which Noat upon the sea when cast overboard< $. %igan or %agan P goods cast into the sea tied to a buoy, so that they may be found again by the owners (p.$.D, *ud,e ;ia>&. Pe'on w&o &a-e no '!g&$ $o a 'ewa'd fo' al-age@ 1. Crew of the vessel saved< 2. Person who commenced 3alvage in spite of opposition of the Captain or his representative< . +n accordance with 3ec. of the 3alvage %aw, a person who fails to deliver a salvaged vessel or cargo to the Collector of Customs. Derelict P a ship or her cargo which is abandoned and deserted at sea by those who are in charge of it, without any hope of recovering it, or without any intention of returning to it. >he intention of those in charge must be ascertained. +f those in charge left with the intention of returning, or of procuring assistance, the property is not derelict, but if they Guitted the property with the intention of ,nally leaving it, it is derelict and a change of their intention and an attempt to return will not change its nature "Arlanger M Galinger vs. 3wedish Aast Asiatic Co. %td.#. +f it is clear that the intention to return is slight, the salvage which was done thereafter is considered valid. (Notes and Cases on the Law on Transportation and Public Utilities, Aquino, T. & ernando, R.P. !""# ed. p. 0$0& CONTRACT OF TOWAGE A contract whereby one vessel, usually motori0ed, pulls another, whether loaded or not with merchandise, from one place to another, for a compensation. +t is a contract for services rather than a contract of carriage. SAL(AGE TOWAGE Governed by special law "Act /o. 2111# Governed by Civil Code on contract of lease 4eGuires success, otherwise no payment 3uccess is not reGuired Dust be done with the consent of the captain'cre wmen 6nly the consent of the tugboat owner is needed Eessel must be involved in an accident Eessel need not be involved in an accident !ees distributed among crewmen !ees belong to the tugboat owner R9LES ON SAL(AGE REWARD 1. >he reward is ,7ed by the 4>C judge in the absence of agreement or where the latter is e7cessive. "3ec. ;# 2. >he reward should constitute a su9cient compensation for the outlay and e-ort of the salvors and should be liberal enough to o-er an inducement to others to render services in similar emergencies in the future. . +f sold "no claim being made within months from publication#, the proceeds, after deducting e7penses and the salvage claim, shall go to the owner< if the latter does not claim it within years, (:S of the said proceeds shall go to the salvors, who shall divide it eGuitably, and the other half to the government. "3ecs. 11*12# $. +f a vessel is the salvor, the reward shall be distributed as follows@ a. (:S to the shipowner< b. 2(S to the captain< and c. 2(S to the o9cers and crew in proportion to their salaries. "3ec. 1# >a5ing passengers from a sin5ing ship, without rendering any service in rescuing the vessel, is not a salvage service, being a duty of humanity and not for reward. (I* P9BLIC SER(ICE ACT .C*A* No* 4432 P9RPOSES% 1. >o secure adeGuate, sustained service for the public at the least possible cost< 2. >o protect the public against unreasonable charges and poor, ine9cient service< . >o protect and secure investments in public services< $. >o prevent ruinous competition. A9T)ORITY TO OPERATE P9BLIC SER(ICES 56N6RAL RUL6: /o public service shall operate without having been issued a certi,cate of public convenience or a certi,cate of public convenience and necessity. 67C6PT81N': 1. &arehouses< 2. Animal drawn vehicles and bancas moved by oar or sail< . Airships, e7cept for the ,7ing of ma7imum rates for fare and freight< $. 4adio companies, e7cept for rates ,7ing< (. Public services owned or operated by the government, e7cept as to rates ,7ing< 1. +ce plants< and .. Public mar5ets.
P9BLIC SER(ICE A person who owns, operates, manages or controls in the Philippines for hire or compensation, with general or limited clientele, whether permanent, occasional or accidental, and done for general business purposes, any common carrier or public utility, ice plants, power and water supplies, communication and similar public services. "3ec. 1b, CA 1$1# A casual or incidental service devoid of public character and interest is not brought within the category. >he Guestion depends on such factors as the e7tent of services, whether such person or company has held himself or itself out as ready to serve the public or a portion of the public generally. "%u0on 3tevedoring vs. P3C# NOTE@ >he Public 3ervice Commission created under the Public 3ervice %aw has already been abolished under P.). /o. 1 and other issuances. +t has been replaced by the following government agencies@ %>6< %>!4=< A>6< =6A< />C< /AA< A4=< /&4C< CA=< and D+A. CERTIFICA TE OF P9BLIC CON(ENIE NCE .CPC2 CERTIFICAT E OF P9BLIC CON(ENIE NCE AND NECESSITY .CPCN2 An authori0atio n issued by the appropriate government agency for the operation of public services for which no franchise, either municipal or legislative, is reGuired by law, e.g., common carriers. An authori0atio n issued by the appropriate government agency for the operation of public service for which a prior franchise is reGuired by law< e.g. telephone and other services. A CPC or a CPC/ constitutes neither a franchise nor a contract, confers no property right, and is a mere license or a privilege. >he holder of said certi,cate does not acGuire a property right in the route covered thereby. /or does it confer upon the holder any proprietary right or interest or franchise in the public highways. 4evocation of this certi,cate deprives him of no vested right. /ew and additional burdens, alteration of the certi,cate, or even revocation or annulment thereof is reserved to the 3tate. "%uGue vs. Eillegas, : 3C4A $:2# +t is a KpropertyL and has a considerable value and can be the subject of sale or attachment. "Cogeo* Cubao 6perators and )rivers Assn. vs. CA, 2:. 3C4A $, 4aymundo vs. %uneta Dotor Co.# RE89REMENTS FOR GRANTING CPC OR CPCN 1. Applicant must be a citi0en of the Philippines or a corporation or entity 1:S of the capital of which is owned by such citi0ens< 2. Applicant must prove public necessity< . Applicant must prove that the operation of the public service proposed and the authori0ation to do business will promote the public interest on a proper and suitable manner< $. Applicant must have su9cient ,nancial capability to underta5e the proposed services and meeting the responsibilities incident to its operation. POWERS RE89IRIN G PRIOR NOTICE AND )EARING POWERS E:ERCISAB LE WIT)O9T PRIOR NOTICE AND )EARING 1. +ssuance of CPC or CPC/< 2. !i7ing of rates, tolls, and charges< . 3etting up of standards and classi,catio ns< $. Astablish 1. +nvestigat ion any matter concerning public service< 2. 4eGuiring operators to furnish safe, adeGuate, and proper service< . 4eGuiring public ment of rules to secure accuracy of all meters and all measuring appliances< (. +ssuance of orders reGuiring establishme nt or maintenanc e of e7tension of facilities< 1. 4evocati on, or modi,catio n of CPC or CPC/< .. 3uspension of CPC or CPC/, e7cept when it is necessary to avoid serious and irreparable damage or inconvenien ce to the public or private interest, in which case, a suspension not more than : days may be ordered, prior to the hearing. "3oriano v. Dedina, 11$ 3C4A services to pay e7penses of investigation < $. Ealuation of properties of public utilities< (. A7aminati on and test of measuring appliances< 1. Grant of special permits to ma5e e7tra or special trips in territories speci,ed in the certi,cate< .. 8niform accounting system and furnishing of annual reports< 2. Compellin g compliance with the laws and regulations. 1# 9NLAWF9L ACTS OF P9BLIC 9TILITY COMPANIES 1. Angagement in public service business without ,rst securing the proper certi,cate< 2. Providing or maintaining unsafe, improper or inadeGuate service as determined by the proper authority< . Committing any act of unreasonable and unjust preferential treatment to any particular person, corporation or entity as determined by the proper authority< $. 4efusing or neglecting to carry public mail upon reGuest. "3ecs. 12 and 1;# ACTS RE89IRING PRIOR APPRO(AL 1. Astablish and maintain individual or joint rates< 2. Astablish and operate new units< . +ssue free tic5ets< $. +ssue any stoc5 or stoc5 certi,cates representing an increase of capital< (. Capitali0e any franchise in e7cess of the amount actually paid to the Government< 1. 3ell, alienate, mortgage or lease property, certi,cates or franchise. 8nder 3ec. 2:"g# of C.A. /o. 1$1, the sale, etc. may be negotiated and completed before the approval by the proper authority. +ts approval is not a condition precedent to the validity of the contract. >he approval is necessary only to protect public interest. PRIOR OPERATOR/OLD OPERATOR R9LE >he rule allowing an e7isting franchised operator to invo5e a preferential right within the authori0ed territory as long as he renders satisfactory and economical service. >he policy is not to issue a certi,cate to a second operator to cover the same ,eld and in competition with a ,rst operator who is rendering su9cient, adeGuate and satisfactory service. >he prior operator must ,rst be given an opportunity to improve its service, if inadeGuate or de,cient. Purpose@ >o prevent ruinous and wasteful competition in order that the interests of the public would be conserved and preserved. +t subordinates the prior applicant rule which gives the ,rst applicant priority only if things and circumstances are eGual. &here the operator either fails or neglects to ma5e the improvement or e-ect the increase in services, especially when given the opportunity, new operators should be given the chance to give the services needed by the public. PRIOR APPLICANT R9LE Presupposes a situation when two interested persons apply for a certi,cate to operate a public utility in the same community over which no person has as yet granted any certi,cate. +f it turns out, after the hearing, that the circumstances between the two applicants are more or less eGual, then the applicant who applied ahead of the other, will be granted the certi,cate. RATE,FI:ING POWER >he rate to be ,7ed must be just, founded upon conditions which are fair and reasonable to both the owner and the public. A rate is just and reasonable if it conforms to the following reGuirements@ 1. 6ne which yields to the carrier a fair return upon the value of the property employed in performing the service< and 2. 6ne which is fair to the public for the service rendered. REGISTERED OWNER R9LE >he registered owner of a certi,cate of public convenience is liable to the public for the injuries or damages su-ered by third persons caused by the operation of said vehicle, even though the same had been transferred to a third person. >he registered owner is not allowed to escape responsibility by proving that a third person is the actual and real owner Reason@ +t would be easy for him, by collusion with others or otherwise, to transfer the responsibility to an inde,nite person, or to one who possesses no property with which to respond ,nancially for the damage or injury done. "Are0o, et al. vs. Bepte 1:2 Phil 1:#. BABIT SYSTEM A system whereby a person who has been granted a certi,cate of public convenience allows other persons who own motor vehicles to operate under such license, for a fee or percentage of such earnings. +t is void and ine7istent under Art. 1$:;, Civil Code. EDe#$% 1. >he transfer, sale, lease or assignment of the privilege granted is valid between the contracting parties but not upon the public or third persons. "Gelisan vs. Alday, 1($ 3C4A 22# 2. >he registered owner is primarily liable for all the conseGuences Nowing from the operations of the carrier. >he public has the right to assume that the registered owner is the actual or lawful owner thereof. +t would be very di9cult and often impossible, as a practical matter, for the public to enforce their rights of action that they may have for injuries inNicted by the vehicle i) the4 should be required to pro/e who the actual owner is. "=enedicto vs. +AC, 12. 3C4A ($.# . >he thrust of the law in enjoining the 5abit system is to identify the person upon whom responsibility may be ,7ed with the end in view of protecting the riding public "%im vs. CA . 3C4A ;$#. $. >he registered owner cannot recover from the actual owner and the latter cannot obtain transfer of the vehicle to himself, both being in pari delicto. ">eja Dar5eting vs. +AC# (. !or the better protection of the public, both the registered owner and the actual owner are jointly and severally liable with the driver. "Oamboanga >ransportation Co. vs. CA#