This document contains a practice quiz on arterial blood gases (ABGs) consisting of 45 multiple choice and interpretation questions. The questions cover normal ABG values, acid-base disorders including respiratory and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis, and interpreting ABG results to determine the acid-base status and degree of compensation. Correct answers are provided for the interpretation questions to assess understanding of how to analyze ABG results.
This document contains a practice quiz on arterial blood gases (ABGs) consisting of 45 multiple choice and interpretation questions. The questions cover normal ABG values, acid-base disorders including respiratory and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis, and interpreting ABG results to determine the acid-base status and degree of compensation. Correct answers are provided for the interpretation questions to assess understanding of how to analyze ABG results.
This document contains a practice quiz on arterial blood gases (ABGs) consisting of 45 multiple choice and interpretation questions. The questions cover normal ABG values, acid-base disorders including respiratory and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis, and interpreting ABG results to determine the acid-base status and degree of compensation. Correct answers are provided for the interpretation questions to assess understanding of how to analyze ABG results.
This document contains a practice quiz on arterial blood gases (ABGs) consisting of 45 multiple choice and interpretation questions. The questions cover normal ABG values, acid-base disorders including respiratory and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis, and interpreting ABG results to determine the acid-base status and degree of compensation. Correct answers are provided for the interpretation questions to assess understanding of how to analyze ABG results.
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ABG Practice Quiz
1. The normal value for the pH is:
a. 7.53 b. 7.48 c. 7.40 d. 7.30
2. The normal value for the Pa!2 is: a. 38 b. 2" #. 80 d. 48 3. The normal ran$e for the bi#arbonate %H!3&' is: a. 35&45 b. 7.35&7.45 #. 80&120 d. 22-26 4. The metaboli# parameter of the arterial blood $as set is the: a. pH b. Pa!2 c. HCO3- d. Pa!2 5. The respirator( parameter of the arterial blood $as set is the: a. Pa!2 b. )*T c. PaCO2 d. H!3& ". *#idemia +ould be indi#ated b(: a. pH less tha 7.3! b. Pa!2 $reater than 45 #. H!3& more than 2" d. pH more than 7.45
7. *l,alemia +ould be indi#ated b(: a. H!3& less than 22 b. pH less than 7.35 #. Pa!2 less than 35 d. pH "#re tha 7.4!
8. The a#id&base disorder asso#iated +ith elevated respirations is: a. -a#ti# a#idosis $. %espirat#r& al'al#sis #. .etaboli# a#idosis d. H(perventilation a#idosis
/. *n abnormall( lar$e a##umulation of ,etones in the blood +ould $ive rise to a%n': a. (eta$#lic acid#sis b. pH $reater than 7.45 #. .etaboli# depression d. 0espirator( a#idosis 10. 0espirator( failure is often asso#iated +ith a%n': a. *n1iet( b. 2levated Pa!2 1 #. 3epressed Pa!2 d. PaC02 a$#)e 4! 11. 4n a lon$&standin$ metaboli# a#idosis5 the respirator( rate ma( in#rease. This is an e1ample of: a. .i1ed a#idosis b. H(po1emia c. C#"pesati# d. * primar( respirator( a#idosis 6or items 12 & 18 sele#t the #orre#t interpretation for the $iven arterial blood $as set. 12. pH 7.515 Pa!2 405 H!3& 31: a. 7ormal b. *c#"pesated "eta$#lic al'al#sis #. Partiall( #ompensated respirator( a#idosis d. 8n#ompensated respirator( al,alosis 13. pH 7.335 Pa!2 2/5 H!3& 1": a. 8n#ompensated respirator( al,alosis b. 8n#ompensated metaboli# a#idosis #. Partiall( #ompensated respirator( a#idosis d. Partiall& c#"pesated "eta$#lic acid#sis
14. pH 7.405 Pa!2 405 H!3& 24: a. +#r"al b. 8n#ompensated metaboli# a#idosis #. Partiall( #ompensated respirator( a#idosis d. Partiall( #ompensated metaboli# a#idosis 15. pH 7.125 Pa!2 "05 H!3& 2/: a. 8n#ompensated metaboli# a#idosis b. 8n#ompensated respirator( a#idosis #. Partiall& c#"pesated respirat#r& acid#sis d. Partiall( #ompensated metaboli# a#idosis 1". pH 7.485 Pa!2 305 H!3& 23: a. 8n#ompensated metaboli# al,alosis b. *c#"pesated respirat#r& al'al#sis #. Partiall( #ompensated respirator( al,alosis d. Partiall( #ompensated metaboli# al,alosis
17. pH 7."25 Pa!2 475 H!3& 30: a. 8n#ompensated metaboli# al,alosis b. 8n#ompensated respirator( al,alosis #. Partiall( #ompensated respirator( al,alosis d. Partiall& c#"pesated "eta$#lic al'al#sis 18. pH 7.305 Pa!2 5/5 H!3& 28: a. 8n#ompensated metaboli# a#idosis b. 8n#ompensated respirator( a#idosis #. Partiall& c#"pesated respirat#r& acid#sis d. Partiall( #ompensated metaboli# a#idosis 1/. pH 7.31 Pa!2
Chapter 39: Fluid, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance Yoost & Crawford: Fundamentals of Nursing: Active Learning For Collaborative Practice, 2nd Edition