Configuration Steps in SAP FICA
Configuration Steps in SAP FICA
Configuration Steps in SAP FICA
This post will describe you briefy, which basic confguration steps to be followed for SAP
FICA module implementation.
Other detailed confguration & business transaction related posts would be updated
separately in same blog.
Start With Organizational Structure:-
01 Set up Company Codes for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Organizational Units- Set Up Company
Codes for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne the company codes that want to use in Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Confguration Instructions
Assign the attributes required for controlling postings in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable to each
company code
Client dependency: Yes
02 Defne Company Code Groups
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Organizational Units- Defne
Company Code Groups
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne the company codes to be used for posting to the
contract account. These company codes are
summarized in company code groups
Confguration Instructions
Defne a company code group for each combination.
The groups must not overlap.
Client dependency: Yes
03 Assign Company Codes to Company Code Groups
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Organizational Units- Assign
Company Codes to Company Code Groups
Transaction Code: SPRO
Assign the required company codes to the company
code groups that defned in the previous activity.
Confguration Instructionse.g. Co Code 1010 to Co Code Group 1010
Client dependency: Yes
04 Application Area
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Application
Transaction Code: SPRO
The application area active within the client. As a rule
use one application area, such as the application area
Utility company.
Confguration Instructionse.g. R for Utility company as per the client domain.
Client dependency: Yes
05 Defne Number Ranges
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Basic Functions- Contract Accounts- Number
Ranges and Contract Account Categories- Defne Number
Transaction Code: SPRO
In the following activities, will create defnitions for number
ranges and contract account categories.
Confguration InstructionsDefne the From Number to To Number range.
Client dependency: Yes
06 Confgure Contract Acct Categories and Assign Number Ranges
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Basic Functions- Contract Accounts- Number
Ranges and Contract Account Categories-Confgure Contract
Acct Categories and Assign Number Ranges
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne contract account categories for the contract account.
The defned contract account categories are assigned to
contract accounts when contract account master data is
e.g. 01 for IS-U Contract Account,02 for Collective Bill
Client dependency: Yes
07 Defne Sender Structure
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Contract
Accounts- Data Transfer- Defne Sender Structure
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne the structure for external data.Also create an
assignment between the structure of external data and
the transfer program. It is important to assign a transfer
Confguration InstructionsEnter sender structure & sender structure text.
Client dependency: Yes
08 Account Determination IDs for Contracts
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Contract
Accounts- Defne Account Determination IDs for
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne the account determination ID for contracts in
connection with a company code and a division. The
account determination ID is needed along with the
company code, the division, the main transaction and
the sub-transaction for determining a G/L account in
automatic account determination.
Confguration Instructions
e.g. Defne account determination ID 01 along with
company code 1010 and division 01 for Local
Client dependency: Yes
09 Defne Account Determination IDs for Contract Accounts
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Contract
Accounts- Defne Account Determination IDs for
Contract Accounts
Transaction Code: SPRO
In the following IMG step, Defne the account
determination ID for contract accounts. The account
determination ID is used for determining a G/L account
during automatic account determination.
Confguration Instructionse.g. Account determination 01 for Local Customer.
Client dependency: Yes
10 Maintain Central Settings for Posting
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Postings
and Documents- Basic Settings- Maintain Central
Settings for Posting
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity defne whether use certain functions for
posting and editing documents. Whether or not require
these functions depends on which business
transactions for posting.
Confguration Instructions
Find out whether the functions ofered are required
for company.
Select the functions require.
11 Maintain User-Specifc Posting Settings
IMG Access path Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Postings
and Documents- Basic Settings- Maintain User-Specifc
Posting Settings
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Maintain User Specifc Settings for Posting
Confguration InstructionsChose the user name & select manual posting.
12 Maintain Document Number Ranges
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions-Postings
and Documents- Basic Settings- Maintain Document
Number Ranges
Transaction Code: FPN1
In this activity, maintain the number ranges that are
used for posting documents. In the Maintain document
types activity, assign the number ranges to the
document types.
Confguration Instructions
Analyze the documents posted up until now and
establish how many documents were posted for each
year and each document type. Then create number
ranges accordingly, so that they cover several years.
13 Defne Lock Reasons for Posting Locks
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions-Postings
and Documents- Basic Settings- Defne Lock Reasons
for Posting Locks
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity Defne posting lock reasons.The lock
reasons defned can be assigned at the contract
account/ business partner level in the master record of
the contract account.
Posting locks in the clearing lock category can also be
entered in the line item and prevent the line item from
being cleared
Confguration Instructions
Check the standard lock reasons and change, if
14 Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions Postings
and Documents- Document- Maintain Document
Assignments- Document Types-Maintain Document
Types and Assign Number Ranges
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity maintain the document types for
business transactions in contract accounts
receivable/payable.Document types diferentiate
diferent business transactions. The number ranges
assigned to them also control the way documents are
stored. During document posting, the system
determines the document number from these number
Confguration Instructions
Check and where necessary change these predefned
document types.
15 Document Type Specifcations for Collective Bills
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions Postings
and Documents- Document- Maintain Document
Assignments- Document Types-Maintain the Document
Type Specifcations for Collective Bills
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne the document type for the
document that is created when post a collective bill.
Confguration Instructions
Maintain the document type for the collective bill
16 Document Types for Invoicing
IMG Access path Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Postings
and Documents- Document- Maintain Document
Assignments- Document Types- Maintain Default
Document Types for Invoicing
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this step, defne document types for invoicing.
maintain document types for: Invoicing document,
Budget Interest calculation documents, Cash security
deposit interest calculation, SD billing documents
(provided to the billing, SD billing document, Debit
entry documents etc.
Confguration InstructionsMaintain the document type for the invoice document.
17 Document Types for Invoicing Reversal
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Postings
and Documents- Document- Maintain Document
Assignments- Document Types- Maintain Default
Document Types for Invoicing Reversal
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this IMG activity, defne the document type and an
alternate document type for the document that is
created during an invoicing reversal.
Confguration Instructions
Maintain the document type and the alternate document
type for the invoicing reversal document.
18 Document Types for Consumption and Partial Bills
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions Postings
and Documents- Document- Maintain Document
Assignments- Document Types- Maintain Standard
Document Types for Consumption and Partial Bills
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: In this IMG activity, Defne the document types for
consumption billing and partial billing. When the
generate joint bills for consumption and partial bills,
Maintain the document types for the contract accounting
document for consumption billing, partial billing, budget
billing clearing, clearing, interest calculation, and cash
security deposit interest calculation documents, as well
as for invoices from SD billing documents and other
debit entries resulting from statistical documents.
Confguration Instructions
Maintain the document type for the
Contract accounting document from consumption
Contract accounting document from partial billing
Clearing document
Interest calculation document
Document for interest on cash security deposit
Billing document from SD billing document
Debit entry from statistical documents
19 Sales/Purchase Tax Determination
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Postings
and Documents- Maintain Document Assignments
Defne Sales/Purchase Tax Determination
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne the tax on sales and purchases determination
code and assign this to the corresponding tax on sales
and purchases codes of the component Financial
Accounting. In contrast to the tax on sales and
purchases codes (FI), for the tax on sales and
purchases determination codes can defne the start of
the validity.
Confguration Instructions
Defne the tax on sales and purchases determination
code and assign this to the corresponding tax on sales
and purchases codes of the component Financial
Accounting (FI)
20 Maintain Main Transactions
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Postings and
Documents- Document- Maintain Document
Assignments Maintain Main Transactions
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Main Transaction
Enter new 4 digit Main Transaction and respective
21 Maintain Sub Transactions
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Basic Functions- Postings and Documents-
Document- Maintain Document Assignments Maintain Sub
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne Sub Transaction for the Corresponding Main
Instructions Enter new 4 digit Sub Transaction with the Main Transaction.
22 Transactions for Charges IS-U
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Basic Functions Postings and Documents-
Document- Maintain Document Assignments-Maintain
Transactions for IS-U- Maintain Transactions for Charges
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne the main transactions and sub transactions for
Confguration Instructions
Here you specify MT-ST combination to determine the
postings (Actual / Statistical).
23 CO Account Assignment Keys
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Basic Functions- Postings and Documents-
Document -Defne Account Assignments for Automatic
Postings- Defne CO Account Assignment Keys
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity ,defne short keys that provide information on
account assignments for cost accounting (such as the cost
centre), in conjunction with the company code
Confguration Instructions
Defne the account assignment key Cost Center / Proft
24 Store CO Account Determination Key
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Basic Functions- Postings and Documents-
Document -Defne Account Assignments for Automatic
Postings Store CO Account Determination Key for IS-U
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne the CO account assignment key that is used together
with the company code to derive account assignments for
cost accounting (like the cost centre).
Map the account assignment key with the company code and
cost center
25 Maintain Payment Terms
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Basic Functions- Postings and Documents-
Document Maintain Payment Terms
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: In the following section, maintain the payment terms. The
rules for determining the due dates are copied as payment
terms from the Financial Accounting (new) (FI)
component.Carry out diferent assignments for incoming and
outgoing payments. Make a calendar assignment which will
then be valid for both incoming and outgoing payments.
e.g. Enter Payment term & Name such as P001 for Local
26 Defne List Category for Account Balance
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Account
Balance Display- Defne List Category
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Display list for Account Balance
Confguration Instructions
List Type
27 Defne Line Layout Variants for Account Balance
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Basic Functions- Account
Balance Display- Defne Line Layout Variants for
Account Balance
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne line layout Variant for Account Balance
DisplayDefne totals variants. Specify subsequent
variants for each total variant so as to display variants
which are well-suited to each other in a hierarchy.
Specify both using the attributes for a variant.
Confguration Instructions
Check and, if required, change the standard line layout
variants.Create line layout variants if necessary.
28 Number Ranges for Security Deposits
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Security Deposits- Defne Number Ranges for Security
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Number Ranges for Security Deposits.
Confguration InstructionsEnter the number range From Number to To Number.
29 Defne General Parameters for Security Deposits
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Security Deposits -Defne General Parameters for
Security Deposits
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne a number range that uses internal number
assignment, and a document type with which the
request document is posted when cash security
payments are made.
Confguration Instructions
Assign the number range defne in pervious activityAlso
assign the document type
30 Request Reasons for Securities
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions-Security Deposits-
Defne Request Reasons for Securities
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Request Reasons for Securities Deposits.
Defne security deposit reason code and their description.
Such as P001 is for connection cost deposit Local
31 Status of Noncash Security Deposits
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Security Deposits- Defne Status of Noncash Security
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Status of Noncash Security Deposits
Confguration Instructions
e.g. Defne the additional statuses required in the
system , such as 10 is for Bank Guarantee / LOC
received Local Customers.
32 Noncash Security Deposit Categories
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Security Deposits- Defne Noncash Security Deposit
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne the categories of non-cash
security deposit.
Confguration Instructions
Defne the categories code and their description. E.g.
P1 is for Bank Guarantee Local Customers & P2 for
33 Reversal Reasons for Security Deposits
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Security Deposits- Defne Reversal Reasons for
Security Deposits
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne the reversal reasons for cash security deposits.
Confguration InstructionsDefne reasons code and text (description).
34 Cash Desk/Cash Journal
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions- Payments-
Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments- Cash
Desk/Cash Journal-Maintain Specifcations for Cash
Desk/Cash Journal
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: In this activity, activate the cash journal and make settings for
the following basic functions of the cash journal:
Application of user roles to the cash journal functions
Cash desk closing
Chose application area
Select general control parameter
Select option for printing receipt
35 Defne Cash Desk Clearing Accounts
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions- Payments- Processing
Incoming and Outgoing Payments- Cash Desk/Cash Journal-
Defne Cash Desk Clearing Accounts
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity ,defne cash desk clearing accounts for the
cash desk for the following payment types:
Incoming and outgoing cash payment
Incoming and outgoing check payment
Confguration Instructions
The cash desk clearing accounts must be maintained in the
IMG activity Defne Bank Clearing Accounts for Payment Lot.
36 Default Account Assignments
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions- Payments-
Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments- Cash
Desk/Cash Journal- Defne Default Account Assignments
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, enter the default values for postings using the
cash journal or a cash desk. These values include the proft
Instructions Enter the branch name, Cash counter and proft centre.
37 Document Type for Payment Category
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Processing Incoming and Outgoing
Payments- Cash Desk/Cash Journal-Defne Document
Type for Payment Category
Transaction Code: FQH2
In this activity, for each company code and payment
category defne a document type. The document type
is used on entry of a payment in the cash desk or on
posting of special documents in the cash journal.
Confguration InstructionsAssign the document type with the payment category.
38 Master Data for Cash Journal
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions- Payments-
Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments- Cash
Desk/Cash Journal-Defne Master Data for Cash Journal
Transaction Code: FPCJM
Defne the master data for the cash journal, such as counter
number, branch & description as cash desk name.
Instructions Maintain Cash Desk Matrix as per the requirement.
39 Posting Cash Desk Deposits and Withdrawals
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions- Payments-
Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments- Cash
Desk/Cash Journal-Cash Journal: Specifcations for Posting
Cash Desk Deposits and Withdrawals
Transaction Code: FQH1
In this activity, defne the accounts for withdrawal and deposit
postings per company code, branch, payment category,
payment type, and bank clearing account.
Make sure that enter the cash desk clearing accounts that
enter here in the activity Defne Bank Clearing Accounts for
Payment Lots.
40 Number Ranges for Receipt Printing
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Processing Incoming and Outgoing
Payments- Receipt Management-Maintain Number
Ranges for Receipt Printing
Transaction Code: FPNRPT
In this activity, check whether the number ranges for
receipt printing has been created correctly in the
system. If receipts are printed in receipt management,
the program requires at least number range 01 to
assign receipt numbers automatically:
Confguration InstructionsEnter the From Number to To Number range.
41 Reasons for Repeat Print
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Processing Incoming and Outgoing
Payments- Receipt Management- Defne Reasons for
Repeat Print
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne the reasons for repeating the
receipt print. Dependent on these reasons, determine
which receipt form is to be used for printing. In addition,
for each repeat print reason,
Confguration InstructionsAssign the application form for duplicate receipt printing.
42 Default Values for Payment Lot
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Processing Incoming and Outgoing
Payments- Defne Default Values for Payment Lot
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity defne a document type, a clearing
reason and up to three selection types. These
specifcations are proposed when entering payment lots
and used for posting the clearing documents
Confguration Instructions
Defne document type, clearing reason & selection
category such business partner, contract account
43 Default Values for Check Lot
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Processing Incoming and Outgoing
Payments- Defne Default Values for Check Lot
Transaction Code: FQ1031
In this activity, defne a document type, a clearing
reason and up to three selection categories. These
entries are proposed as default when creating check
lots and used for posting clearing documents.
Confguration Instructions
Select document type, clearing reason and selection
category such business partner, contract account.
44 Bank Clearing Accounts for Payment Lots
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions- Payments-
Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments- Defne Bank
Clearing Accounts for Payment Lots
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Bank Clearing Accounts for Payment Lots.
Instructions Map the bank clearing account with the house bank.
45 Defne Clarifcation Account
IMG Access path Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Processing Incoming and Outgoing
Payments- Defne Clarifcation Account
Transaction Code: FQZJ
In this activity defne an interim account diferentiated by
keys.The incoming payment is automatically posted to
this G/L account if the selection specifcations in a
payment lot are not sufcient.
Confguration InstructionsDefne the interim account for the payment lot.
46 Clearing Account for Check Deposit
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Processing Incoming and Outgoing
Payments- Defne Clearing Account for Check Deposit
Transaction Code: FQZT
In this activity, defne clearing accounts required for
posting incoming checks.Two accounts are necessary
to post incoming checks:
Check deposit account
Check clearing account
Confguration Instructions
Defne the clearing accounts for check payment
47 Repayment
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Processing Incoming and Outgoing
Payments- Defne Specifcations for Repayment of
Incoming Payments
Transaction Code: FQZN
Defne Specifcations for Repayment of Incoming
Confguration Instructions
Defne bank clearing account, refund account & house
48 Own Bank Details and User Numbers
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation-
Defne Own Bank Details and User Numbers
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity defne the key under which store the
house bank ID, account ID, and (optionally) the user
numbers at the bank and the user names registered at
the bank.
Confguration InstructionsDefne house bank & account ID.
49 Payment Medium
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation-
Defne Bank User Numbers for Payment Medium
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne a user number for each set of
bank details to be used. This is required for the correct
transmission of data media to a bank or processing
Confguration InstructionsMap the house bank with Company code.
50 Paying Company Code
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions- Payments-
Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation- Defne Specifcations
for Paying Company Code
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Specifcations for Paying Company Code.
Instructions Chose paying company code, company name and city
51 Payment Lock Reasons
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Payments- Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation-
Defne Payment Lock Reasons
Transaction Code: SPRO
Use payment lock reasons to prevent contract accounts
or individual line items from being paid with the payment
program. Payment lock reasons also give the
opportunity to explain why an item has been locked for
payment. Locked items are output in an exception list by
the payment program.
Confguration InstructionsEnter payment lock type & there description.
52 Confgure Returns Reasons
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Returns- Confgure Returns Reasons
Transaction Code: SPRO
Confgure Returns Reasons. (e.g. Check Bounce,
processing failed)
Confguration InstructionsConfgure Returns Reasons as per bank guidelines.
53 Assign Return Reasons to House Banks
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Returns- Assign Return Reasons to House Banks
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Assign Return Reasons to House Banks.
Confguration InstructionsAssign Return Reasons to House Banks.
54 Bank Clearing Account for Returns
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Returns- Defne Bank Clearing Account for Returns
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Bank Clearing Account for Returns.
Confguration Instructions
Map the bank clearing account & house bank with
company code.
55 Clarifcation Accounts for Returns
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Returns- Defne Clarifcation Accounts for Returns
Transaction Code: FQ1041
Defne Clarifcation Accounts (Intermediate accounts)
for Returns.
Confguration InstructionsDefne house bank & bank clearing account.
56 Account Determination for Returns
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Returns- Defne Charges Accounts for Returns
Transaction Code: FQZF
Description: Defne Charges Accounts for Returns.
Confguration Instructions
Defne return type with bank clearing account & general
ledger account.
57 Document Type and Clearing Reason
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Returns- Determine Document Type and Clearing
Reason for Returns
Transaction Code: SPRO
Determine Document Type and Clearing Reason for
Confguration InstructionsDefne Document Type and Clearing Reason.
58 Transfer Reasons
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions-
Transfers- Defne Transfer Reasons
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity defne the transfer reasons that are
possible as a reference in the transfer document.
Confguration Instructions
Enter the appropriate transfer reasons and there
59 Default Value for Transfer Reason
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Transfers- Defne Default Value for Transfer Reason
Transaction Code: FQU1
In this activity defne the transfer reason to be proposed
for Post a transfer.
Confguration InstructionsAssign transfer reason code for posting.
60 Specifcations and Default Values for Transfer
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new)- Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
-Transfers- Defne Specifcations and Default Values for
Transaction Code: FQZ16
Description: Defne Specifcations and Default Values for Transfer.
Confguration Instructions
Specifcations and Default Values for Transfer clearing
reason and document type.
61 Specifcations Dependent on Transfer Reason
IMG Access path Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
-Transfers- Defne Specifcations Dependent on Transfer
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Specifcations Dependent on Transfer Reason.
Confguration InstructionsEnter transfer reason code e.g. P1.
62 Defne Specifcations for Clearing Item
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Reversal- Defne Specifcations for Clearing Item
Transaction Code: FQZK
Description: Defne Specifcations for Clearing Item.
Confguration InstructionsAssign main & sub transaction to clearing reason.
63 Categories for Instalment Plan
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions Deferral and
Installment Plans Defne Categories for Installment Plan
Transaction Code: FQ06
In this activity, maintain the categories for the installment
plan. Using the installment plan category, split the installment
plans into diferent groups. This enables to create levels for
granting installment plans.
Defne installment plan category, e.g. 01 is for Local
Customer with 10 Instalments.
64 Defne Installment Plan Type
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions Deferral and
Installment Plans Defne Installment Plan Type
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity defne default values for an installment plan
type that call up when entering an installment plan.
Instructions Defne plan type with their description.
65 Deactivation Reasons for Installment Plan
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Deferral and Installment Plans- Defne Deactivation
Reasons for Installment Plan
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Deactivation Reasons for Installment Plan.
Confguration InstructionsDefne Deactivation reason with their description.
66 Defne Reference Interest Rates
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculation-Item Interest Calculation-Defne
Reference Interest Rates
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity defne reference interest rates under a
key.Defne date-dependent interest values to the
reference interest rates defned in the activity Maintain
values for reference interest rates.
Reference interest rates apply to all clients.
Confguration Instructions
The reference interest rates are used in various
application components. Therefore it may be that
reference interest rates have already been maintained
at this point.
67 Defne Percentage Rates for Reference Interest Rates
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculation-Item Interest Calculation- Defne
Percentage Rates for Reference Interest Rates
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity maintain the required percentage rates
(date-dependent) for the reference interest rate.The
reference interest rates are assigned to the interest
calculation rules in the activity Defne interest
calculation rules.
Confguration Instructions
Assign the reference interest rates, description & From
To range of validity.
68 Defne Interest Calculation Rules
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculation-Item Interest Calculation- Defne
Interest Calculation Rules
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne interest calculation rules.The interest calculation
rules defned are assigned to the interest keys in the
IMG activity Defne Interest Key.
Confguration Instructions
Defne the rule & their description e.g. SECINT for
Interest on security deposit.
69 Defne Interest Key
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculation- Item Interest Calculation- Defne
Interest Key
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne interest keys for contract
Confguration InstructionsEnter the interest key code & description.
70 Maintain Amount Limits for Debit/Credit Interest
IMG Access path Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculation- Item Interest Calculation- Maintain
Amount Limits for Debit/Credit Interest
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, maintain amount limits for posting debit
and credit interest.
Confguration Instructions
Defne amount limits for posting debit and credit
71 Defne Interest Lock Reasons
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculation- Item Interest Calculation-Defne
Defne Interest Lock Reasons
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity defne interest block reasons.These block
reasons can then be assigned to individual line items
Confguration InstructionsDefne lock reason code with their description.
72 Defne Clearing Reasons for Which Interest is not calculated
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculation- Item Interest Calculation- Defne
Clearing Reasons for Which Interest is not Calculated
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne the clearing reasons for which
interest calculation is not possible retroactively.
Confguration InstructionsDefne the code & items.
73 Assign Withholding Tax Code to Main and Sub-Transactions
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculation- Balance Interest Calculation-
Assign Withholding Tax Code to Main and Sub-
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity assign interest keys, withholding tax
codes and country keys to main and sub-transactions.
This means that the appropriate main and sub-
transaction is written in the withholding tax line of every
interest document. The document can then be easily
identifed for further processing.
Confguration Instructions
Assign interest keys, withholding tax codes and country
keys to main and sub-transactions.
74 Defne Interest Slabs on Overdue Items
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculation- Interest Calculations India- Defne
Interest Slabs on Overdue Items
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Interest Slabs on Overdue Items.
Confguration InstructionsDefne Interest Slabs on Overdue Items.
75 Defne Security Deposit Interest Limits
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Interest Calculations India -Defne Defne Security
Deposit Interest Limits
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne Security Deposit Interest Limits.
Confguration InstructionsDefne Security Deposit Interest Limits.
76 Defne Write-Of Reasons
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Write-Ofs- Defne Write-Of Reasons
Transaction Code: SPRO
Specify the write-of reasons that the system updates as
a reference in line items that were written of.
Confguration Instructions
Enter write-of reasons. In the Write-Of Reason
Admissibility column, specify the areas.
77 Defne Specifcations and Default Values for Write-Of
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Write-Ofs- Defne Specifcations and Default Values for
Transaction Code: FQZ02
Defne the fxed values document type and clearing
reason and the default values check level and charge-
of currency) that are used when posting a charge-of
Confguration Instructions
The fxed value for the clearing reason is 04 = mass
78 Defne Specs and Default Values for Mass Write-Ofs
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Write-Ofs- Defne Specs and Default Values for Mass
Transaction Code: FQZ03
Defne the fxed values check level and clearing reason
and the default values document type and charge-of
currency, that are used when posting a charge-of
document in a mass run.
Confguration Instructions
The fxed value for the clearing reason is 14 = mass
79 Automatic G/L Account Determination for Write-Ofs
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Write-Ofs Automatic G/L Account Determination for
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne the expense and revenue accounts for write-
ofs. diferentiate these with the following key felds:
Company code
General ledger account
Write-of reason
Main transaction
Account determination characteristic
Confguration Instructions
The G/L accounts required are created in the chart of
accounts and for the company code.
80 Automatic G/L Account Determination for Writing Of Value Adjustments
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Write-Ofs- Automatic G/L Account Determination for
Writing Of Value Adjustments
Transaction Code: SPRO
Automatic G/L Account Determination for Writing Of
Value Adjustments.
Confguration InstructionsAssign the general ledger account for write of items.
81 Maintain Alternative Expense and Revenue Account
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Write-Ofs- Maintain Alternative Expense and Revenue
Transaction Code: SPRO
Description: Defne alternative revenue and expense accounts to
those defned in posting area 0120 in the activity Write-
Of: Automatic G/L Account DeterminationDiferentiate
these with the following key felds:
Company Code
G/L Account
Confguration InstructionsEnter the required G/L accounts.
82 Defne Percentage Rates for Writing-Of Value Adjusted Items
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Write-Ofs- Defne Percentage Rates for Writing-Of
Value Adjusted Items
Transaction Code: SPRO
Defne Percentage Rates for Writing-Of Value Adjusted
Confguration InstructionsMap the write of reason code with the company code.
83 Defne Charge Categories for Dunning
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Dunning- Defne Charge Categories for Dunning
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne the dunning charge
categories.These charge categories are assigned to the
charge schedules in the Confgure Charge Schedules
for Dunning Procedure activity.
Confguration Instructions
The charge categories are used in various application
components. It is possible to maintain existing charge
categories here.
84 Defne Document Types for Dunning Charge Categories
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Dunning- Defne Document Types for Dunning Charge
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne a document type for each dunning
charge category. The system then uses the document
categories defned here to create documents when post
the dunning charges.
Confguration InstructionsDefne dunning charge category and document type.
85 Confgure Charge Schedules for Dunning Procedure
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Dunning- Confgure Charge Schedules for Dunning
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, confgure the charge schemas for
dunning procedures. These charge schemas are then
assigned to the dunning levels in the activity Confgure
dunning procedure.
Confguration Instructions
Enter the charge category
Name of charge schedule
86 Confgure Dunning Activities
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Business Transactions Dunning- Confgure
Dunning Activities
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne dunning activities for dunning open,
overdue items.Then assign the activities to the dunning
levels in the activity Confgure Dunning Procedure.
Confguration InstructionsThe function modules required exist in the system.
87 Defne Dunning Lock Reasons
IMG Access path Financial Accounting(new) Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable Business Transactions
Dunning- Defne Dunning Lock Reasons
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity defne dunning lock reasons.Then assign
these reasons to contract accounts or individual line
Confguration Instructions
Defne dunning lock reason code and describe lock
reason in text.
88 Defne Withholding Tax Code
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Basic Functions- Withholding Tax- Defne
Withholding Tax Code
Transaction Code: SPRO
The system requires a withholding tax indicator to be able to
determine withholding tax. For every indicator stipulate the
Taxable portion
Here it is possible to calculate withholding tax with a calculation
basis of over 100%. This procedure is sometimes used in
Withholding tax rate
Percentage to be applied to the withholding tax base amount to
calculate the withholding tax amount. In this feld also enter the
German reunifcation tax as a percentage.
Reduced withholding tax rate if a valid exemption
certifcate is in hand
Withholding tax formula
Only select the withholding tax formula feld if the tax
percentages are graduated.
Withholding tax indicators must be defned country-specifc.
Instructions Enter Withholding Tax Code & Description.
89 Defne Formulas for Withholding Tax Calculation
IMG Access path
Financial Accounting(new) -Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable Basic Functions- Defne Formulas for
Withholding Tax Calculation
Transaction Code: SPRO
In this activity, defne the formulae for calculating
withholding tax, if the tax percentage rate is scaled
dependent on the base amount.
For each withholding tax country and withholding tax code
need to enter the amount and the withholding tax rate
according to which the withholding tax is calculated.