DOHMH Patient Timeline 10-24-14
DOHMH Patient Timeline 10-24-14
DOHMH Patient Timeline 10-24-14
information is still being verified by the Health Department and is subject to
Patient is a 33-year-old male Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctor Without Borders)
medical doctor who last worked in Guinea on 10/12. While treating patients in Guinea,
he always wore personal protective equipment (PPE), and there were no known
breaches in protocol.
On 10/14, the patient departed Guinea on a flight to Brussels. Patient reported no
On 10/17, the patient boarded a flight to the U.S. on Brussels Airlines Flight SN0501.
Patient reported no symptoms.
On 10/17, the patient arrived at JFK. The patient was screened at JFK and had no
symptoms upon arrival.
On 10/21 at 7 AM, the patient reported fatigue and exhaustion. No fever, vomiting,
Ebola Patient Timeline
Patient departed
Guinea. Patient
reported no
Patient boarded a
flight to JFK on
Brussels Airlines
Flight SN0501.
Patient reported no
Patient reported
fatigue and
exhaustion. Patient
visited High Line and
The Meatball Shop.
Patient went running
on Riverside Drive
and Westside
Highway and also
visited The Gutter.
Patient first reported
a fever. He was
immediately taken to
Bellevue by FDNY
EMS for testing.
o Fatigue is a symptom of Ebola, but it is very unlikely that people he came into
close contact with on 10/21 are at risk. Out of an abundance of caution, we are
actively monitoring the health of these close contacts.
On 10/21, around 3:00 PM, the patient visited The Meatball Shop. The Meatball Shop is
located at 64 Greenwich Avenue.
o Spent 40 minutes at The Meatball Shop.
On 10/21, around 4:30 PM, the patient visited the High Line.
o Walked on High Line and stopped at the Blue Bottle Coffee stand (10th Ave & W
16th St)
On 10/21, around 5:30 PM, the patient got off the High Line at 34th Street and took the
1 train to the 145th Street station.
On 10/22, around 1:00 PM, the patient went running along Riverside Drive and
Westside Highway
On 10/22, around 2:00 PM, the patient went to pick up Community Supported
Agriculture (CSA) farm share at 143rd St and Amsterdam Avenue (Corbin Hill Farm)
o Patient picked up box and brought back to apartment
On 10/22, around 5:30 PM, the patient left for The Gutter bowling alley in Williamsburg,
Brooklyn with two friends. For his arrival at Gutter, the patient took the A train at 145
Street and transferred at 14
Street and took the L train to Bedford Avenue.
On 10/22, around 8:30 PM, the patient left The Gutter. For his return trip, the patient
used Uber as his means of transportation.
On 10/23, around 10:15AM, the patient first reported a fever. At this point, the patient
called Medecins Sans Frontieres and the New York City Health Department. He was
immediately taken to Bellevue by FDNY EMS. The patient was tested for Ebola at the
Health Departments Public Health Lab. Test results are presumptive positive for Ebola.
A confirmatory test will be conducted by the CDC; results will be available within the
next 24 hours.
Additional Notes:
The patients three contacts are healthy and are being quarantined.
There is a difference between quarantine and isolation.
o Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed
to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
o Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are
not sick.