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SST 101 Geography Ad 1 Sem 2014-2015

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Lesson 1: Definition and Concept of Geography

Geography deals mainly with the study of space.

- comes from the Greek words geo and graphein.
geo means Earth
graphein means to write aout or to descrie
- it means to write aout or to descrie the Earth.
- the study of the Earth as the home of mankind
!ome "asic #nderstandings and $oncepts aout Geography
1. Geography is the study of the areal differentiation of the Earth%s surface.
&. Geography is the study of the natural relationships etween people and their en'ironment.
(. Geography is the study of the physical features of the Earth%s surface and the 'arious human
acti'ities that take place on it.
a. )hysical Geography descries and e*plains the distriution of the natural features of
the Earth and defines the regions that are continually affected y forces and processes in
. +uman Geography deals with the distriution of people, their cultural attriutes and
their acti'ities on the Earth%s surface.
Geography is linked with the study of the:
1. -atural !ciences geology, iology, astronomy, meteorology, pedology and oceanography.
&. !ocial !ciences - history, economics, political science, anthropology, sociology and
Lesson &: The Earth in Space
!olar !ystem
1. )lanets
a. .ercury - planet closest to the !un. /t is also the smallest planet in our !olar !ystem.
-o moons.
. 0enus -o moons.
c. Earth third planet from the !un. /t is aout 112, 222, 222 kilometers 34(,222,222
miles5 away from the !un. /t has one moon.
d. .ars /t has & moons.
e. 6upiter /t is the largest planet. /t has 17 moons.
f. !aturn /t has 18 moons.
g. #ranus /t has 11 moons.
h. -eptune - /t has 8 moons.
&. .oons
(. 9steroids
(. $omets
:. )articles of ;usts
1. .olecules of Gases and 9toms
<he planets in the solar system can e di'ided into two groups:
1. /nner )lanets= <errestrial )lanets
- the first four planets from the !un 3.ercury, 0enus, Earth and .ars5.
- <hese are the dense and solid planets.
&. >uter )lanets=6o'ian )lanets
- the other four planets 36upiter, !aturn, #ranus and -eptune5
- these are the planets hat are gaseous
- they ha'e deep atmospheres that thicken into hot li?uid until they reach the core
Life on our )lanet Earth is possile ecause of:
1. the energy coming from the !un@
- !olar radiation that reaches makes possile the process of photosynthesis.
&. the layers of gaseous elements that comprise the atmosphere@ and
(. the odies of water 3hydrosphere5 that add to the life support system of the planet Earth
Sst 101 Geography AD 1
Sem 2014-2015

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