This document provides instructions for using the GNS3 network simulator to configure virtual Cisco routers. It describes how to install and configure GNS3, download a Cisco IOS image, add a virtual router to a topology, and boot and configure the router. Basic router configuration is demonstrated to provide experience with Cisco's command line interface before more advanced network security configurations in later labs.
This document provides instructions for using the GNS3 network simulator to configure virtual Cisco routers. It describes how to install and configure GNS3, download a Cisco IOS image, add a virtual router to a topology, and boot and configure the router. Basic router configuration is demonstrated to provide experience with Cisco's command line interface before more advanced network security configurations in later labs.
This document provides instructions for using the GNS3 network simulator to configure virtual Cisco routers. It describes how to install and configure GNS3, download a Cisco IOS image, add a virtual router to a topology, and boot and configure the router. Basic router configuration is demonstrated to provide experience with Cisco's command line interface before more advanced network security configurations in later labs.
This document provides instructions for using the GNS3 network simulator to configure virtual Cisco routers. It describes how to install and configure GNS3, download a Cisco IOS image, add a virtual router to a topology, and boot and configure the router. Basic router configuration is demonstrated to provide experience with Cisco's command line interface before more advanced network security configurations in later labs.
Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 1
Lab 1: Network Device Simulation with GNS3
Rich Macfarlane 2013 1.1 Details Aim: The aim of this lab is to begin using the GNS3 network simulator and configure Cisco virtual routers. Cisco Routers will be added to a virtual network, and basic networking and security configurations will be performed on the devices.
This will give a foundation to investigate practical network security using virtual network devices within a virtual lab environment in the weeks to come.
1.2 Activities
1.2.1 (Optional) Install the GNS3 Network Simulator GNS3 is a graphical network simulator which can provide simulation/emulation of entire networks, containing many network devices as well as host machines. To allow realistic Cisco network simulations, GNS3 uses Dynamips; software which enables Cisco device emulation using actual Cisco Operating Systems (OS). This means the virtual devices are running the real Cisco OSs with the full functionality. GNS can also interface directly with network applications such as Wireshark, as shown in the screen shot below.
The GNS home page can be found at:
If the GNS3 is not installed on your machine, go to the GNS3 web page and click the download tab, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 2 - GNS3 Website
Download GNS3 latest version all-in-one (includes Dynamips, Qemu/Pemu, Putty and WinPCAP) for Windows. GNS3 also runs very well on a Linux system.
Run the Setup executable, and install any of the components which are not already installed.
1.2.2 Run and Configure GNS3 To run GNS3, from the Windows Start menu type GNS3, or navigate to the executable in Program Files (x86)>GNS3. The first time GNS3 is run, the setup wizard shown below will be displayed. This can be used to perform initial configuration of the simulator.
Figure 3 - GNS3 Setup Wizard
Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 3
1.2.3 Step 1 Setup Dynamips To configure Dynamips we use the Preferences Dialog>Dynamips Page, shown below. This can also be reached via Edit>Preferences>Dynamips.
Figure 4 - GNS3 Preferences Configuration
Change the Working directory for Dynamips to somewhere on a local drive, which you have permissions to write to, such as C:\temp. Click the Test Button (and wait), to check the underlying Dynamips engine is working correctly. You may need to Allow GNS3 access through the host firewall, as shown below.
The Dynamips test should be successful, as shown below. Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 4
Click the OK Button to save the changes.
1.2.4 Step 2 Setup Paths to Cisco IOS and Project Directories To configure paths to IOS files (called Images in GNS3), virtual network tolopogy files (called Projects in GNS3), and other general settings, use the Preferences Dialog>General Page, shown below. This can also be reached via Edit>Preferences>General.
We need to set up the Paths, both for GNS Projects (we will create a new project for each lab), and for the Cisco Device OS Images. Click the Project directory button , and create a new folder Projects, to save your simulated network topologies in - as shown below. This would typically be under the GNS directory but in the lab use the c:\temp\GNS locations.
Similarly set up the folder Images for the Cisco Network Device OS images we will use for Dynamips device emulation. Now we have an Images directory we can add a Cisco Router OS to it.
1.2.5 Download a Cisco Router Operating System. We now need to setup a Virtual Router. We need to add a Cisco router Operating System for GNS3 to emulate as a guest OS. Details of Cisco Networking Devices supported by GNS3 can be found at: If network device OSs are not already installed on your system, they can be downloaded to the GNS3 Images directory. Start with a Cisco Router OS from the link below. The Cisco 7200 Router OS can be downloaded from:
Figure 6 - Download the Cisco Router OS
Save the file in the GNS Images directory you created earlier, such as shown below.
Figure 7 - Cisco Router OS to GNS Images Directory Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 6
1.2.6 Step 3 - Configure a new Router Type using the Cisco OS We now need to setup a Virtual Router. We need to add a Cisco router Operating System for GNS3 to emulate as a guest OS. Go to the IOS Images Dialog, as shown below. This can be reached via Edit>IOS Images and Hypervisors.
In Settings>Platform, Select the c7200 Router Platform. We now need to tell GNS3 to use the downloaded OS to emulate this Router. Click the Image File button , and select the downloaded Cisco OS from the Images directory, as shown below.
Figure 8 - Select an OS for the 7200 Router Device
Remove the Base Config (blank it out), and Save the settings, and Close the dialog. Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 7
1.2.7 Using GNS3 to Configure a Virtual Router Add a virtual 7200 Router to the network, by dragging from the Node Types panel to the network topology panel, as shown belowFigure 9.
Figure 9 - Adding a Router to the network
Configure Virtual Router To configure the virtual router, on the router icon use Right Click>Configure, or double click the Router we want to configure. This shows the Node configuration dialog shown below.
Figure 10 - Configure the Routers Interfaces
Configure Network Interfaces The Cisco 7200 router, by default has empty network interface slots, and we need to add some adapters to the slots before we can use the routers networking capabilities. Images below show a router, and some of the empty slots which can be filled with network interface cards, and a FE Interface Adapter. Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 8
Select the Slots tab and a double Fast Ethernet 2FE Interface Adapter to the virtual router as shown below. This has 2 Fast Ethernet interfaces as shown above on the right.
This window simulates the adding/removal of network interface modules on a physical router. Compare the available modules, with the modules on the physical Cisco routers in the labs if you have access, or google for router/interface adapter details.
1.2.8 Boot the Virtual Router Boot the Router, with Right Click>Start. Open a console Window with Right Click>Console, and watch the router boot up, as shown below. Press the Enter key until there is a response from the router. Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 9
Figure 11 - Console Window - Router Booting
This console window simulates an administrator physically connecting to the router with a laptop, via the routers console port, and using a command line to configure, as illustrated below. This Command Line Interface (CLI) allows the configuration of the router using the Cisco IOS Command language. Router Console Interface System Administrator Router
If the router terminal is in the configuration mode, as shown below, exit by typing no
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no Press RETURN to get started! Router>
Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 10
1.2.9 Host System Performance Monitoring Before doing any configuration it is extremely important to monitor the performance of the host system running the GNS3, and configure the resource use of virtual devices. This is done by configuring the idlepc value for the device type being used. It prevents the Cisco OSs consuming all of the host machines resources. Run the Windows Task Manager using CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to monitor the hosts resource usage. Configure the idelpc for the virtual router by Right click on the Router>Idle PC. Select a preferred value which should be highlighted with an *, as shown below.
You should notice a drop in CPU usage immediately. If not try another idelpc value. Note: Setting the idlepc value for the IOS we are using is a very important step. When a Cisco IOS is running, it can consume up to 100% of the CPU. This will cause the system to become sluggish and will prevent building more complex topologies. However, if an idlepc value is set CPU usage is reduced dramatically. The IOS is put into a sleep state when it is not in use and is woken only when it is necessary.
1.2.10 Basic Cisco Router Configuration The router can now be configured using the console, the Command Line Interface (CLI). Its important to gain a good understanding of the basics of Cisco device configuration via the CLI, as this will be the foundation for most of the labs in the module.
To assist with the cisco router configuration commands the following can be used:
Cisco router CLI has many different Command Modes, each giving access to a range of commands. When the router boots, the command line is in User Exec Command Mode, with the Router> prompt.
Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 11
If the router prompt is Router# and not Router>, use the disable command until the prompt is Router>. Only a limited set of commands are available in this mode. Type ? to see the available commands for the current command mode. The figure below shows the commands being listed for user exec mode.
Figure 12 - User Exec Mode Commands
Try the show running-config command. An error should be generated, as this mode does not have permissions for the command.
Privileged Exec Command Mode From the user exec mode, enter Enable Command Mode, more commonly known as Privileged Exec Command Mode using the enable command as shown below. A Router# prompt is now shown, and more privileged commands are now available.
Router> enable Router#
View the available commands using ? and scroll back up the console window to compare the command sets.
Q: Are there more or less commands available in Privileged Exec Command Mode?
View the routers configuration file with the command show running-config. It should be similar to the figure below with no IP Addresses or Passwords set up. <SPACE> and <RETURN> can be used to scroll page or line at a time. A full default configuration for a Cisco router is shown in Appendix 1. Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 12
The following shows Router Command modes with the commands to navigate between them. The associated prompts are shown on the bottom right. Router> Router# Router(config)
Figure 13 - Router IOS Command Modes
Completing Partial Commands Parts of commands can be completed, as in Linux, using the TAB key with a unique partial command. Try the command show run <TAB>. The command should be automatically completed.
Global Configuration Command Mode From the privileged exec mode, enter Global Configuration Mode:
Router# configure terminal Router(config)#
Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 13
From this command mode, Router configuration changes can be made. Change the device hostname to Router1:
Router(config)# hostname Router17 Router17(config)# Note the prompt has now changed to show the new router name. Questions
Q: Does the Routers name in GNS change when we change the hostname?
If you want to remove a configuration command from the router, simply negate the command by using the no command in from of any command. For example: Router17(config)# no hostname Router17 Router(config)# To move from a higher command mode to a lower mode, use the exit command or CTRL+C, and to move from Priv Exec to User Exec use disable: Router# config terminal Router(config)# exit Router# disable Router>
1.2.11 Basic Router Security/Device Hardening Configure a Password for access to Privileged Exec Command Mode Cisco IOS supports two commands that set access to the privileged exec mode. The historical command, enable password, uses weak cryptography to secure the password, and should never be used if a more secure method is available. The enable secret command uses a one way MD5 cryptographic hash algorithm to store the password. Hash algorithms will be discussed in more detail in a later Cryptography unit.
Password security relies not only on the cryptographic algorithm used, but also the password selected. Weak, easy to remember password will be used in the labs, but longer, more complex passwords should always be used in production environments.
Set the privileged exec password to cisco. Router1#config t Router1(config)# enable secret cisco
The enable password is now set to cisco. The result of this can be seen by doing the following: Router1(config)# exit Router1# disable
Q: Why would setting a password on the privileged mode be a good idea?
View the routers configuration file again, using the show run command, from the appropriate command mode. Questions
Q: What are the last 5 characters of the privileged command mode password?
Try setting the privileged exec password a second time to the same value: cisco. Router1# config t Router1(config)# enable secret cisco
View the routers configuration file again, using the show run command, from the appropriate command mode. Questions
Q: What security are the last 5 characters of the privileged command mode password?
Q: Is this the same encrypted password?
The encrypted password is shown in the configuration details for the router which can be a problem if configurations are printed. The secret 5 shows it is a MD5 hash of the plaintext password. Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 15
To make things more secure the MD5 hash is salted. This means the same password gives a different hash output every time, and is harder to crack. The salt value is shown between the 2 nd and 3 rd
$ character.
1.2.12 Configure Banner Message Banners can be displayed to users trying to gain administrative access to a network device. The Cisco Message of the Day (MOTD) banner, which is displayed at login, is commonly used to greet the user. This can have legal and security implications for an organisation. For example, a welcome message should never be displayed, as this could be seen as an invitation to unauthorised users to try access the device. A banner should include information about authorization, penalties for unauthorized access, connection logging, and applicable local laws. An organisations security policy should provide policy on banner messages. To configure a banner use the following command in Global Configuration Mode: Router(config)# banner motd [delimited char] <message> [delimited char]
Try something similar to the following: Router> enable Router# config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# Router(config)# banner motd # Enter TEXT message. End with the character '#' ****************************************************** * * * WARNING * * YOU HAVE ACCESSED A RESTRICTED DEVICE * * USE OF THIS DEVICE WHITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORISATION * * IS PROHIBITED, AND WILL BE PROSECUTED * * ALL CONNECTIONS ARE LOGGED * * * ****************************************************** # Router1(config)# exit Router1#
Q: Why would details about the organisation, the network, or the device being logged into be a bad idea in a banner message?
Q: What would be the global configuration command to remove the MOTD banner?
Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 16
1.2.13 Router Network Interface Configuration
Configure the Routers Fast Ethernet Network Adapter To view the routers network interfaces and their current states, use the show ip interface command, from Priv Exec command mode, as shown below. R1# show ip interface brief Questions
Q: What are the routers interface names?
Q: What are the assigned IP Address?
Q: What is its current status of the interfaces?
The network adapter, we added to the router earlier has to be assigned a network layer address, or IP Address, to be able to communicate with other devices. Router1(config)# interface fa0/0 Router1(config-if)# description TO THE LAN 192.168.100.x NETWORK Router1(config-if)# ip address
The no shutdown command, is needed to enable the interface for communication
Router1(config-if)# no shutdown Router1(config-if)# exit Router1#
Watch as the interface becomes active: *Sep 14 10:41:13.843: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up Check the devices network interfaces and their current states again. Questions
Q: Does the interface have an IP Address, and what is the current state now?
Q: Why did we configure the administration security before the interfaces?
Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 17
1.2.14 Optional Challenge Extend Topology Add and Configure a 2 nd Router Add another router to the topology, and add a 2FE network interface adaptor. Start the router, and start a CLI terminal. Check the host machine resource usage and set idelpc is necessary. Set the hostname Router2. Assign its interface the IP Address Router2(config)# interface fa0/0 Router2(config-if)# description LAN TO THE 192.168.100.x NETWORK Router2(config-if)# ip address
Cable a link between the 2 network interfaces, using the button, selecting manual
Test Connectivity From the first Router use the ping command to test connectivity between the interfaces. The ping command uses ICMP packets and can be used to check if a device/interface exists, and is responding. Router1(config)# ping
Router2 should be able to ping Router1s interface
Q: How might the ping command be misused?
Q: Try to ping, and them Network Security Network Simulation with GNS3 Rich Macfarlane 18
1.3 Appendix 1 - default Cisco IOS router configuration Current configuration : 824 bytes ! version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname Router ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! no aaa new-model ip cef ! interface FastEthernet0/0 no ip address shutdown duplex auto speed auto ! interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address shutdown duplex auto speed auto ! interface Serial0/1/0 no ip address shutdown no fair-queue ! interface Serial0/1/1 no ip address shutdown clock rate 2000000 ! interface Vlan1 no ip address ! ip http server no ip http secure-server ! control-plane ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 login ! scheduler allocate 20000 1000 end