Joseph Haydn's 'Clock' Symphony As Representative of His 'London' Symphonic Style
Joseph Haydn's 'Clock' Symphony As Representative of His 'London' Symphonic Style
Joseph Haydn's 'Clock' Symphony As Representative of His 'London' Symphonic Style
as an
e"ample o# $he s$yle o# his %ondon symphonies.
Joseph Haydn's Symphony no. 101 in D Major ('The Clock') received is
premiere in he Hanover S!"are #ooms in $ondon on he %
March 1&'(. )
series o* concers had +een or,anised +y he impresario Johann Salomon hree
years previo"sly- his +ein, he momen ha Haydn .as released *rom service
o he /serh01y co"r *, he deah o* his employer- 2rince 3ikola"s 'he
Ma,ni4cen'. The aim o* his iniial series .as o inrod"ce Haydn o he ar5
h"n,ry arisocracy or beau monde o* $ondon- in li,h o* he declinin,
2ro*essional Concer o* $ord )+in,don.
The endeavo"r .as received .ih s"ch
elaion +y he $ondon p"+lic ha in 1&'% Salomon or,anised *or Haydn o
make a re"rn visi .ih a *"rher si6 symphonies- 'The Clock' +ein, he hird o*
hese and receivin, similar acclaim. ) revie. in he &ornin' Chronicle o* his
7ne. ,rand 8ver"re +y... he s"+lime Haydn9 remarked ha:
7()ery ne* +)er$ure he *ri$es, *e #ear ,$ha$- he can only repea$
himsel#. and *e are e)ery $ime mis$aen. /o$hin' can be more
ori'inal $han $he subjec$ o# $he 0rs$ mo)emen$... no man no*s
lie Haydn ho* $o produce incessan$ )arie$y, *i$hou$ once
depar$in' #rom i$.1
Here- one can +e,in o see he emer,ence o* a ne. symphonic syle o* .hich
Haydn- aided +y l"ck and +y he speci4c sociohisoric condiions o* he ime (o
.hich he so compeenly adaped)- .as he creaor. The .rier- in "sin, he
cr"cial descripor 7s"+lime9- and in commenin, on ori,inaliy and on variey
hro",h developmen- +e,ins o ideni*y he key sylisic characerisics o*
Haydn's $ondon symphonies ; characerisics .hich are .ell e6empli4ed in
'The Clock'.
1 McVeigh, Simon, 'The Professional Concert and Rival Subscription Series in London, 1!"#1$"', Royal Musical
Association Research Chronicle, no% && 'London( Ro)al Musical *ssociation, 1$!$+, 1#&
& Mercure de France '*pril 1&, 1!!+, #!, ,uoted in -olan, .mil) /%, The Orchestral Revolution: Haydn and the
Technologies of Timbre 'Cambridge 0P, &11"+, $
Haydn and $he sublime
<riin, in 1=10- /.T.). Ho>man says o* insr"menal m"sic ha 7is sole o+jec
is he e6pression o* he in4nie9.
This and oher s"ch descripions
"nmisaka+ly re*er o he aesheic o* he s"+lime. ? is ineresin,- here*ore-
o noe ho. closely Ho>mann's early romanic ideas a+o" he s"+lime mach
hose o* modern hisorians a+o" Haydn.
<. Dean S"cli>e- !"oin, )dam Smih- .ries ha insr"menal m"sic in he
cen"ry .as ho",h o 4ll he mind o capaciy. #e,ardin, Haydn's m"sic
and his lae symphonies speci4cally- he says ha 7i 4s /dm"nd @"rke's
noion o* he s"+lime as 'asonishmen' 9- and ha- in is a+iliy o evoke
impressions o* 7vasness and ,reaness9 i can creae he 7ari4cial in4nie9.
$aer in he same so"rce S"cli>e noes ha- prior o Haydn's 4nal
composiion- Harmoniemesse- his $ondon symphonies and heir slo.
inrod"cions .ere he prime e6amples o* he s"+lime .ihin his m"sic. ?n
hese inrod"cions- he .ries- 7AHaydnB avoids clear melodies and periodic
phrasin, in *avo"r o* shor- irre,"lar phrases and conrasin, moi*s9.
*ea"res are no more clear han in he )da,io inrod"cion o 'The Clock'.
The slo. inrod"cion .as a *ea"re "ncommon o he period +" common o
all +" no. 'C o* Haydn's $ondon symphonies. Here- s*or1andi a+o"nd and are
*re!"enly conrased +y piano dynamic markin,s- j"s as lar,e ,ro"pin,s o*
insr"mens are *re!"enly ans.ered +y small ones (in m. %- seven insr"mens
marked #or$e are ans.ered .o +ars laer +y a rio marked piano).
)dven"ro"s- heavily chromaic harmony and phrases .ih "nclear +o"ndaries
and irre,"lar len,hs serve o creae a sense o* insa+iliy and even mysery.
The s"dden conras in he ransiion o he jovial 2reso- as i* .akin, *rom a
sran,e dream o 4nd he symphony +e,innin, as per 1=
cen"ry e6pecaion-
.as Haydn's key ool in porrayin, he s"+lime.
" Loc2e, *rthur 3are 4 5offmann, .% T% *%, '6eethoven's /nstrumental Music( Translated from .% T% *% 5offmann's
78reisleriana7 9ith an /ntroductor) :ote', The Musical Quarterly, Vol% ", :o% 1 ';<ford 0P, 1$1+, 1&"#1""
= 6otstein, Leon, 'The conse,uences of presumed innocence( the nineteenth#centur) reception of >oseph 5a)dn', in 3%
-ean Sutcliffe 'ed%+, Haydn Studies, 'Cambridge 0P, &11?+, &#&!
@ /bid%, p%?@
? See Aig% 1
? is even ar,"a+le (en"o"sly) ha he ransiion *rom +roodin, D minor o
jovial D major .as a *, o* he 3amp# und 4ie' symphonic radiion
and is heavy associaion .ih he s"+lime- as his precise onal movemen
(noa+ly 4rs "ilised o similar ends +y Mo1ar- *or e6ample in he D minor o*
Don 5io)anni) +ecame esa+lished as a rope o* he syle in laer years.
#e,ardless- e6aminin, he openin, o* 'The Clock' provides a ,ood e6ample o*
he pervasive presence o* he s"+lime in Haydn's $ondon symphonies.
6... ou$ o# $he aris$ocra$ic salon and in$o $he public sphere1
#ichard Tar"skin's descripion nealy o"lines he a*oremenioned sociohisoric
condiions ha .ere so ine,ral o Haydn's dramaic and momeno"s sylisic
rans*ormaion. 2rior o his ime in $ondon- he symphony .as lile more han
he li,h pary m"sic o* he "pper class: ,alan$ and inconse!"enialE reserved
*or per*ormance a paries in ,ardens and small cham+ers (hence 'cham+er
m"sic')E and per*ormed *or small ,ro"ps- "s"ally o* *riends .ihin he "pper
echelons o* sociey. Haydn dramaically chan,ed all o* his.
$i*e "nder 2rince 3ikola"s- a m"sic *anaic a.are o* Haydn's special alen-
,ave he composer an "n"s"al *reedom o* li*esyle and o* composiional
creaiviy. This- as .ell as his relaive isolaion *rom he m"sical c"l"res o* +i,
ciies as a res"l o* his conrac"al con4nemen o /isensad- had ,rea
imporance in erms o* he developmen o* his m"sical syle. He did no lose
his personaliy- "nlike many keen yo"n, composers .ho .o"ld cr"m+le "nder
press"re o pander o he ases o* he ciy concer,oer. @ein, "na+le o visi
hese ciies himsel*- Haydn insead +e,an composin, *or .ha $0s1lF Som*ai
calls he 'ima,inary a"dience'.
/veryhin, he .roe +e*ore $ondon- he did .ih
he "limae ,oal in mind o* pleasin,- aracin, he aenion o* and s"rprisin,
he conemporary concer a"dience ; .iho" ever +ein, a+le o receive
reacion o or here*ore revise his e6perimenaions. ?n he .ords o* Haydn
himsel* (accordin, o his mos r"sed +io,rapher- Geor, )","s Griesin,er): 7?
received approval *or anyhin, ? did... ? co"ld make e6perimens... ? .as c" o>
*rom he .orld... ? .as *orced o +ecome ori,inal9.
This ori,inaliy mani*esed isel* in a ne. syle .hich .o"ld even"ally lead
Tarus2in, Richard, The Oford History of !estern Music, Vol% // ';<ford 0P, &11@+, @1?
! Somfai, LBsClD, 'The London Revision of 5a)dn's /nstrumental St)le', "roceedings of the Royal Musical
Association# Vol% 111, ';<ford( Ta)lor 4 Arancis Ltd%, 1$$"#=+, 1@$#1=
$ Eriesinger, $iogra%hische &oti'en (ber )ose%h Haydn, 'LeipCig( 6reit2opf und 5Frtel, 1!11+, 1
o he crysallisaion o* he symphony as he +edrock o* <esern ar m"sic and
cemen in he annals o* m"sic hisory he conceps ha .o"ld *orm he +asis
*or he advancemen o* his m"sic. 'The Clock'- once more- serves as an
e6cellen e6ample o* his syle and hese conceps.
8The Cloc8 and Haydn8s %ondon s$yle
Haydn is remem+ered as +ein, one o* he mos h"moro"s composers in hisory
5 indeed- his is one o* he reasons his .orks so o*en conain s"+iles. Hamo"s
e6amples incl"de he e6emplarily s"+iled Srin, I"are in /+ major ('Joke')
8p. %% no. J ; .ih is *alse endin,s a he clos"re o* he 4nale ; and he "i
*orissimo chords on he o>5+ea in he )ndane o* he Symphony no. '( in G
The eponymo"s m"sical e>ec in 'The Clock' rec"rs in he second movemen-
in he *orm o* he ickin, rhyhm and oscillain, hirds mainained in he
accompanimen pars. Hirs seen a he openin, o* he )ndane in he +assoon
and srin, pars- i is laer aken in a hi,her re,iser +y K"es and +assoons.
Jane 2erry5Camp p"s i more analo,o"sly: 7) clock icks *amiliarly in Haydn's
Symphony 3o. 101- 4rs as i* a very lar,e ime5piece .ere a hand- and hen as
i* a minia"re mechanism ook over he ,ian one.9
This endency o 4nd
'e6ram"sical' meanin, .ihin hemes and moi*s .as ypical o* lae 1=
cen"ry sociey.
The m"sical c"l"re o* he ime .as +"il on he idea ha vocal m"sic is he
pinnacle o* he ar and here*ore ha all e6pression and emoion sho"ld +e
channeled o.ards some descri+a+le- earh5+o"nd represenaion. This is
anoher reason *or he *re!"en s"+ilin, o* Haydn's .orks. Tar"skin calls his
'e6roversive semioics'- and one o* he hin,s ha Haydn achieved so pivoally
.as he creaion o* a m"sic ha conveyed emoion hro",h 'inroversive
11 See Aig% &
11 Perr)#Camp, >ane, '* Laugh a Minuet( 5umor in Late .ighteenth#Centur) Music', College Music Sym%osium# Vol%
1$, :o% & 'Montana( College Music Societ), 1$$+, 1$#&$
semioics' insead ; hro",h a kind o* m"sical sel*5re*erence- .here he
developmen o* m"sical hemes +ecame he prime creaive caalys- as
opposed o he j"6aposiion o* di>eren maerial.
This idea- appro6imaely
e!"ivalen o he one o* $hema$ische 9rbei$ (lierally meanin, 'heme .ork'- or
developmen)- .as pivoal +eca"se i 4nally allo.ed insr"menal m"sic o
reach an e6pressive poenial +eyond ha o* vocal m"sic- and here+y paved
he .ay *or #omanicism. Haydn achieved his hro",h his consisen "se and
pop"larisaion o* he sonaa *orm- .hich is *o"nd hro",ho" his $ondon
symphonies ; 'The Clock' incl"ded.
The openin, movemen o* 'The Clock' is in he sonaa *orm ypical o*
Haydn's lae symphonies. <ha is less ypical is is monohemaic e6posiion ;
.hich s",,ess an even ,reaer reliance on developmen as a creaive ool
han "s"al. Movin, ino he developmen- he harmony +ecomes more *orei,n-
mod"laory and "nsa+le. The openin, hemes and moi*s are reieraed
conrap"nally- in di>eren insr"mens and .ih *ra,menaion. ) ri"mphan
do"+le re"rn (anoher idiomaic *ea"re o* Haydn's m"sical syle) +rin,s in he
The 4nal movemen is .orh menionin, +rieKy: i is also monohemaic- and
akes a #ondo5Sonaa *orm ; ho.ever in a massive +"ckin, o* he rend- each
repeion o* he main heme is drasically alered. Co"ple his .ih he *ac ha
each 'conrasin,' heme is ac"ally +ased on he same +asic m"sical maerial
as he main and one can appreciae Haydn's creaive ,eni"s ; his capaciy *or
7incessan variey and orchesral ,ro.h9- as /mily ?. Dolan calls i.
<ih his $ondon symphonies- Haydn displayed an a+iliy o creae a .ork ha
.as a once immensely varied and pleasin, o he avera,e lisener- and also
hi,hly echnical and learned. Srikin, his +alance .as one o* his cro.nin,
achievemens- as +y doin, his he ook hi,h ar do.n *rom is lo*y pedesal
and presened i o he masses. Haydn's oher menioned achievemens
incl"de his esa+lishmen o* he sandard symphonic *orm and pop"larisaion
o* i as a ,enre- his ranscendence o* he +o"nds o* physical espressiviy in
1& Tarus2in, The Oford History, Vol% //, @1?
1" -olan, The Orchestral Revolution, $
'poinin, in.ards' hro",h inroversive semioics- and his srikin, incorporaion
o* he s"+lime ino his m"sic. The syle o* Haydn's $ondon symphonies is .ha
em+odied hese achievemens- and 'The Clock' serves as a 4ne mashead and
e6ample *or hem.
Hi,"re 1: Hran1 Joseph Haydn- Symphony no. 101 in D ('The Clock')- ?- mm. 15JC
Hi,"re J: Hran1 Joseph Haydn- Symphony no. 101 in D ('The Clock')- ??- mm. 15JJ
@osein- $eon- 'The conse!"ences o* pres"med innocence: he nineeenh5
cen"ry recepion o* Joseph Haydn'- in <. Dean S"cli>e (ed.)- Haydn 4$udies-
(Cam+rid,e L2- J00D)- J&5J=
ed. Clark- Caryl- The Cambrid'e Companion $o Haydn- (Cam+rid,e L2- J00C)
Griesin,er- :io'raphische /o$i;en <ber Joseph Haydn- ($eip1i,: @reikop* "nd
HMrel- 1=10)- 1&
/MSLP, 'Symphony 3o.101 in D major- Ho+.?:101 (Haydn- Joseph)'-
Nhp:OOimslp.or,O.ikiOSymphonyP3o.101P(Haydn-PJoseph)Q- accessed
$ocke- )rh"r <are R Ho>mann- /. T. ).- '@eehoven's ?nsr"menal M"sic:
Translaed *rom /. T. ). Ho>mann's STreislerianaS .ih an ?nrod"cory 3oe'-
The &usical =uar$erly- Uol. %- 3o. 1 (86*ord L2- 1'1&)- 1J%51%%
McUei,h- Simon- 'The 2ro*essional Concer and #ival S"+scripion Series in
$ondon- 1&=%51&'%'- >oyal &usical 9ssocia$ion >esearch Chronicle- no. JJ
($ondon: #oyal M"sical )ssociaion- 1'=')- 15J
&ercure de ?rance ()pril 1J- 1&==)- &&5&=- !"oed in Dolan- /mily ?.- The
+rches$ral >e)olu$ion: Haydn and $he Technolo'ies o# Timbre (Cam+rid,e
L2- J01%)
2erry5Camp- Jane- ') $a",h a Min"e: H"mor in $ae /i,heenh5Cen"ry M"sic'-
Colle'e &usic 4ymposium, Uol. 1'- 3o. J (Monana: Colle,e M"sic Sociey-
1'&')- 1'5J'
Som*ai- $0s1lF- 'The $ondon #evision o* Haydn's ?nsr"menal Syle'-
@roceedin's o# $he >oyal &usical 9ssocia$ion, Uol. 100- (86*ord: Taylor R
Hrancis $d.- 1''%5() 1C'51&(
Tar"skin- #ichard- The +"#ord His$ory o# Aes$ern &usic- Uol. ?? (86*ord L2-