The document discusses the periodic table and properties of groups 1 and 17 elements. Group 1 elements are alkali metals that are reactive metals. They become more reactive down the group as atomic size increases. Group 17 elements are halogens that exist as diatomic molecules. They have high melting/boiling points and become less reactive down the group as electronegativity decreases.
The document discusses the periodic table and properties of groups 1 and 17 elements. Group 1 elements are alkali metals that are reactive metals. They become more reactive down the group as atomic size increases. Group 17 elements are halogens that exist as diatomic molecules. They have high melting/boiling points and become less reactive down the group as electronegativity decreases.
The document discusses the periodic table and properties of groups 1 and 17 elements. Group 1 elements are alkali metals that are reactive metals. They become more reactive down the group as atomic size increases. Group 17 elements are halogens that exist as diatomic molecules. They have high melting/boiling points and become less reactive down the group as electronegativity decreases.
The document discusses the periodic table and properties of groups 1 and 17 elements. Group 1 elements are alkali metals that are reactive metals. They become more reactive down the group as atomic size increases. Group 17 elements are halogens that exist as diatomic molecules. They have high melting/boiling points and become less reactive down the group as electronegativity decreases.
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Chemistry Form 4 1
Chapter 4 Periodic Table of the Elements
Arrangement of elements in the Periodic Table 1. The Periodic Table consists of all the __________ on Earth. 2. They are arranged in ______________ order of their _____________ numbers. 3. This periodic table was created by _______________. 4. The elements are arranged ________________ in ascending order of their proton numbers. 5. Each ertical column is !nown as a ____________. ". Each group consists of elements that hae the same number of _____________. Group 1 Element Symbo l Proton number Electron arrangement Number of alence electrons !ydrogen "ithium Sodium Potassium #ubidium Caesium $rancium Group % Element Symbol Proton number Electron arrangement Number of alence electrons &eryllium 'agnesiu m Calcium Strontium &arium #adium Pusat Tuisyen Minda Inspirasi Chemistry Form 4 2 Group 1( Element Symbol Proton number Electron arrangement Number of alence electrons $lourine Chlorine &romine )odine Astatine Group 1* Element Symbol Proton number Electron arrangement Number of alence electrons !elium Neon Argon +rypton ,enon #adon #. Each hori$ontal row of elements in the Periodic Table is !nown as a ____________. %. Each period consists of elements arranged in increasing _____________. &. This means that it is increased in increasing order of _____________. P e r i o d
% Element "ithiu m &erylliu m &oro n Carbo n Nitroge n -.yge n $lourin e Neo n Symbol Proton number Electron arrangement Number of alence electrons Pusat Tuisyen Minda Inspirasi Chemistry Form 4 3 P e r i o d
% Element Sodiu m 'agnesiu m Aluminiu m Silico n Phosphoru s Sulphu r Chlorin e Argo n Symbol Proton number Electron arrangemen t Number of alence electrons Group 1 Elements 'roup 1 elements are __________( __________( __________( ___________( ____________( ___________. Physical properties 1. )ll al!ali metals are _______ solids with _______ surfaces at room conditions. 2. )ll al!ali metals are _______ solids and can be easily _____. 3. )ll al!ali metals hae _____ densities compared to ________ metals such as iron and copper. 4. )ll al!ali metals can conduct ____________ and ______. 5. )ll al!ali metals hae ____ melting and boiling points. This means they appear in ________ state at room temperatures and when heated will ______. This is unli!e metals such as iron and copper which will melt only at _____ temperatures. Group 1 elements Change in physical properties "i Na + #b Cs The atomic si$es of al!ali metals __________ when going down 'roup 1 #eason/ The number of shells occupied with electrons ____________ when going down The melting and boiling points ____________ when going down 'roup 1 #eason/ *ncreasing atomic si$es causes the elements to become ___________. ______ heat energy *ncreasing atomic si$es lead to _________ atomic mass +ence( density _________ when going down the )l!ali metals become ________ when going down the group Pusat Tuisyen Minda Inspirasi Chemistry Form 4 4 $r the group re,uired to oercome the bonds group Chemical Properties 1. )ll al!ali metals hae _____ alence electron. 2. This causes them to hae the _____ chemical properties. 3. -eactiity of the elements of 'roup 1 __________ when going down the group. a. )ll al!ali metals hae ____ alence electron. b. +ence( each atom of the al!ali metal will _________ one alence electron during chemical reactions. c. +ence an ion with a charge of _____ is formed. d. /hen going down 'roup 1( the atomic si$e __________. e. +ence the one alence electron gets __________ away from the nucleus. f. +ence the one alence electron becomes ________ pulled by the nucleus. g. +ence the one alence electron to be released more ________ when going down 'roup 1. h. The ionic e,uation is0 i. +ence( the reactiity of al!ali metals _________ when going down 'roup 1. 4. )l!ali metals are good ___________ agents. This means they can lower their number of electrons by _____ to achiee stability. 5. They are also ery __________ because they hae only _____ alence electron. This means that they can easily ________ one electron to become stable. ". )l!ali metals are ery _______________. This is means that they can release _____ alence electron easily to achiee a stable electron arrangement. Pusat Tuisyen Minda Inspirasi Chemistry Form 4 5 #. )l!ali metals can react with __________ gas or ___________ gas. %. This reaction produces metal ___________ or metal ____________. a. b. c. Group 1( elements Elements in 'roup 1# are __________( __________( __________( __________( __________. They are !nown as __________. )ll halogens e1ist as ___________( ____________ molecules. +ence( we write the chemical formulae as ______( ______( ______( ______( ______. +alogens are __________ and they are also __________. Physical Properties 1. )ll halogens hae _____ melting and boiling points. This is because they hae ______ 2an der /aals forces of attraction. 2. +ence ________ heat energy is re,uired to oercome the forces of attraction. 3. )ll halogens hae _____ densities. 4. )ll halogens are ____ metals and ______ conduct electricity. 5. )ll halogens are _____ conductors of heat. ". )ll halogens hae _____ electronegatiity because it has a tendency to ____ electrons towards its nucleus. Group 1( elements Change in physical properties Pusat Tuisyen Minda Inspirasi Chemistry Form 4 6 $l Cl &r ) At The atomic radius __________ when going down the group because the number of shells occupied with electrons ________ *ncreasing atomic si$es lead to ________ atomic mass +oweer the increase in atomic mass is _________ than atomic radius 3ue to increasing atomic si$e( atomic density ________ when going down the group The melting and boiling points ____________ when going down 'roup 1# This is because the molecular si$e of the halogens __________ when going down the group +ence the forces of attraction between the halogen molecules become ___________ +ence( _____ heat energy is re,uired to ___________ the forces of attraction )ll halogens hae _____ alence electrons +ence( they hae a tendency to ________ an electron to achiee octet electron arrangement This is !nown as _______________. )ll halogens are _____ electronegatie +oweer( electronegatiity _____ when going down the group. This is because of the _________ in the number of shells occupied with electrons. 4hemical Properties Pusat Tuisyen Minda Inspirasi