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Roco Aros Carrillo
Jessica Melipil Catrin
Course: Error Analysis
Teacher: Hctor Turra Chico
Date: June 27th, 201
Error analysis
I. Introduction
!t"s un#erstoo# that e$ery ti%e that a person starts to stu#y a secon# lan&ua&e, he or
she #oesn"t ha$e a 'i#e (no'le#&e o) the tar&et lan&ua&e as they aren"t i%%erse# in a
conte*t that allo's the% to ha$e #irect contact 'ith nati$e spea(ers+ That is the reason
'hy at the %o%ent that a stu#ent #eci#e# to stu#y En&lish as a secon# lan&ua&e, he or
she 'ill %a(e errors in the pro#uction o) oral or 'ritten lan&ua&e ,-.pe/, 20001+
!n this conte*t, the o23ecti$es o) this research are )ocuse# on the analysis o) errors
%a#e 2y stu#ents 'ho stu#y En&lish Teachin& i%parte# 2y 4ni$ersi#a# Cat.lica #e
Te%uco, in or#er to i#enti)y the strate&ies use# 2y the% at the %o%ent o) 'ritin& or
spea(in& in the secon# lan&ua&e+ 5or this research 'ere use# t'o types o) clinical
elicitation+ The )irst one is an au#io transcript o) a con$ersation 2et'een a nati$e
spea(er o) En&lish an# three En&lish learners+ The type o) interpretation applie# 'as a
nor%al one 'hich 2y #e)inition re)ers to the assi&nation o) %eanin& to an utterance on
the 2asis o) the rules o) the tar&et lan&ua&e ,En&lish1+ The three learners, nati$e
spea(ers o) 6panish, are in an inter%e#iate le$el+ This con$ersation too( place #urin&
the so7calle# En&lish con$ersation, in 'hich all the learners o) this %a3or ha$e to ta(e
e$ery 'ee(+ The type o) #iscourse is planne# as the learners %a(e appoint%ents in
or#er to ha$e con$ersations+ The topic o) this recor#e# con$ersation 'as a2out %atters
concernin& 'ith %usic an# 'hat they li(e# an# #isli(e#+
The secon# #ata are three 'ritin& co%positions %a#e 2y En&lish learners+ The type
o) interpretation applie# 'as also a nor%al one, 'hich %eans assi&nation o) %eanin&s
to utterances 2ase# on the tar&et lan&ua&e ,En&lish1+ The three learners, 'hose %other
ton&ue is 6panish, are in an inter%e#iate le$el+ The learners ha# to 'rite a story+ All the
'ritin& co%positions 'ere a2out #i))erent topics ta(en )ro% 5CE tas(s, 'hich is the
appropriate le$el )or inter%e#iate stu#ents+ The types o) #iscourses 'ritten 2y the
learners 'ere planne# as they %ust ha$e starte# or en#e# their 'ritin&s 'ith a speci)ic
II. Theoretical framework
Error analysis has ser$e# as an i%portant tool )or in$esti&atin& ho' learners ac8uire a
secon# lan&ua&e+ !n a##ition, the e$aluation o) these errors has allo'e# the i%pro$e%ent o) the
lan&ua&e pe#a&o&y+
9urin& the process o) ac8uisition o) a secon# lan&ua&e, Ellis ,1::71 consi#ere# that
learners #on"t ac8uire# tar&et lan&ua&e co%pletely , instea#, they #e$elop a syste% 'hich
contains rules co%e )ro% their %other ton&ue an# their secon# lan&ua&e+ This pheno%enon,
accor#in& to Cor#er ,1:711, is calle# ;!#iosyncratic #ialect< that su&&ests the i#ea that the
lan&ua&e an# rules #e$elope# 2y a learner are uni8ue to that in#i$i#ual alone+ 6elin(er ,1:721
#e)ine# the sa%e process as ;!nterlan&ua&e< in or#er to #escri2e that the lan&ua&e syste%
#e$elope# 2y the learner, has )eatures o) the lan&ua&e 2ein& learne# in the )irst lan&ua&e+
=hen learners ac8uire a ne' lan&ua&e, they constantly hypothesi/e a2out the operation o)
it, so they are suscepti2le to %a(e errors, #e)ine# as un'ante# )or%s 'hich ta(e place at the
learner"s co%petence le$el+ These errors can 2e classi)ie# as local errors ,they #on"t pre$ent
%essa&e un#erstan#in&1 an# &lo2al errors ,they hin#er co%%unication1+ The i%portance o)
analy/in& these errors, accor#in& to Cor#er ,1:>71, is 2ecause ?a learner"s errors pro$i#e to
researchers e$i#ence a2out ho' lan&ua&e is learne# or ac8uire# an# 'hat strate&ies or
proce#ures the learner is e%ployin& in the #isco$ery o) the lan&ua&e@ ,Cor#er, 1:>71+
!n this process o) ac8uisition, learners apply a nu%2er o) strate&ies to assist this process
,ABMalley C Cha%ot, 1:>1+ 6o%e o) these strate&ies are classi)ie# into )or%al re#uction
strate&ies, 'hich are strate&ies use# in or#er to a$oi# pro#ucin& non7)luent utterances throu&h
the re#uction o) syste%s+ =e ha$e the )ollo'in& types o) re#uctionD
a. Phonological level: the a$oi#ance or &enerali/ation o) a speci)ic phonolo&ical
structure at the se&%ental or suprase&%ental le$el+
b. or!hological level: o%ission or su2stitution o) %orpholo&ical co%ponents+
c. Syntactic level: %isuse, su2stitution or o%ission o) a syntactic rule+ -earners
#istin&uish 2et'een o2li&atory an# optional structures+
d. "e#ical level: incorrect %eanin& to a le*ical structure ,'or#, phrase, collocations,
i#io%atic e*pressions, etc1+
Also, 'e ha$e )unctional re#uction strate&ies, 'hich are strate&ies use# 'hen learners 'ant
to re#uce their co%%unicati$e &oal in or#er to a$oi# a particular pro2le%+ 5unctional re#uction
strate&ies %ay a))ect any o) the three ele%ents o) the co%%unicati$e &oalD
a. $ctional: #eals 'ith the a$oi#ance to'ar#s so%e speech acts 'hich can 2e
pro2le%atic to han#le, pro$o(in& a re#uction o) the &oal+
b. odal: re#uction o) co%%unicati$e intentions in or#er not to #a%a&e the other
person"s )ace+
c. Pre!ositional content: co%prises three strate&ies,
c%. To!ic avoidance: the spea(er a$oi#s )or%ulatin& co%%unicati$e &oals on
topics that she Ehe %i&ht consi#er pro2le%atic+
c&. essage abandonment: the learner starts the co%%unication on a topic
an# then he cuts it 2ecause the rise o) a pro2le% 'ith a -2 rule or )or%+
c'. eaning re!lacement: the learner e*presses his i#eas in &eneral ter%s
preser$in& the topic+
5inally, 'e ha$e the achie$e%ent strate&ies, 'hich are use# to sol$e a co%%unicati$e
pro2le% 2y usin& all the a$aila2le resources to reach a co%%unicati$e &oal 'ithout re#ucin& it+
=e can re)er to achie$e%ent strate&ies as co%pensatory strate&ies 'hich are classi)ie# inD
a. Code switching: learners use their %other ton&ue to e*plain so%ethin&+
b. Interlingual transfer: co%2ination o) lin&uistic )eatures )ro% -1+
c. Inter(intralingual transfer: &enerali/ation o) a -1 rule in)luence 2y the -1+
d. I" based strategies:
7 Fenerali/ationD the e*tension o) an ite% to an inappropriate conte*t+
7 GaraphraseD learner can #escri2e the ite% 2ein& a%2i&uous+
7 =or# coina&eD in$ol$es learners in a creati$e construction o) a ne' -2 'or#+
7 Restructurin&D the #e$elopin& o) an alternati$e plan to co%%unicate the
inten#e# %essa&e+
e. Coo!erative strategies: %utual atte%pt o) interlocutors to a&ree on a %eanin&+
f. )on*linguistic strategies: learners resort to non7lin&uistic strate&ies such as
%i%es, &estures an# soun# i%itation+
g. +etrieval strategies: learners reali/e, at the %o%ent o) spea(in&, the lac( o)
(no'le#&e a2out a speci)ic concept+
III. Presentation of data
1+ Re2eccaD !t"s $ery hot
2+ AD HeDDs it isI
+ Re2eccaD !t"s a , 1 to stay outsi#e
J+ KD Hes, ,0+21 2ecause the #ay is 2eauti)ul
L+ Re2eccaD 6orry ,0+L1 , &i$e a little o) ti%e 2ecause ! nee# to a## your na%es to the
>+ AD 9on"t 'oDDrryI
7+ Re2eccaD ! thin( ! ha$en"t %et you 2e)oreM ,thin(in&1
0+ KD NoDD
:+ Re2eccaD 6o, the )irst 8uestion is D tell %e a2out you
10+ MD A( , 'ell ,,%o$es the )in&ers11 My na%e is Marly, !"% t'enty one, ! li$e en
Cunco 2ut !DDD a% li$in& in Te%uco 'ith %y cousin+ Eh DDDDD + ! li$e in Cunco 'ith
%y parents an# %y three sisters aDDDDn# O
11+ Re2eccaD Any ho22ie or interestM
12+ MD HeahI Rea#in&
1+ Re2eccaD Heah
1J+ MD an# #ancin& an# listenin& to %usic
1L+ Re2eccaD A(
1>+ MD HeDDs
17+ Re2eccaD =hat a2out youM
10+ KD My na%e is Keln, ,0+11 !"% $ete&etarianist an# !"% t'enty three years ol# an#
eDDDh + ! li$e in Te%uco ,0+21 ! ha$e 2 sister an# three 2rothers+ ! li$e 'ith %y %o%
here in Te%uco an# %y )ather li$e in 6antia&o 'ith three o) %y 2rothers !, !, 'haDDt
%ore+ ! li(e %o$ies, &o to shoppin&, eat ice crea%+ ! #on"t (no' 'hat %ore ,,%o$es
the shoul#ers11
1:+ Re2eccaD ADDh that"s o(
20+ KD An# 'hat a2out youM
21+ Re2eccaD Hi+ T'enty three years ol#+
22+ KD the sa%e, the sa%e , 1
2+ Re2eccaD ! co%e )ro% En&lan#+ ! li$e in a s%all city calle# , 1 + ! )inishe#
uni$ersity in July ,0+21 an# ! stu#ie# in the 4ni$ersity o) Hor( + =ell, ! li(e rea#in&,
! li(e 'atch %o$ies an# ! lo$e eatin& ice crea%+
2J+ MD Ah , that"s &reat
2L+ Re2eccaD 9o you 'ant to say so%ethin&M ,0+1 Just tal( ,,lau&hs11
2>+ AD =ell, !"% Ashtley+ ! li$e 'ith %y parents an# %y youn&er 2rother+ ! en3oy
rea#in& an# 'ritin& an# listenin& to %usic an# 'atchin& %o$ies+
27+ Re2eccaD A(, so + =hat #o you li(e to rea# thenM ,0+11 =hat (in# o) 2oo(M
20+ MD ! liDD(e to rea# 2oo(s a2out ,0+21 youn& people, 'ith #ru& pro2le%s, alcohol
pro2le%s, an# so oDDDn
2:+ KD ,,lau&hs11 Hes, she has a pro2le%
0+ Re2ecca, A,K,MD ,,lau&hs11
1+ MD NoDDD that"s a 3o(e+ 9o you (no' ,0+1 Carlos Cuauht%oc 6nche/M A Me*ican
authorM NoM
2+ Re2eccaD !"% not sureDD
+ MD =ell, the 'ay he 'rite ! li(e
J+ Re2eccaD ADDh o(
L+ MD Hes
>+ Re2eccaD =haDDt a2out you ,0+11 AshtleyM
7+ AD -ately, !"$e 2e rea#in& 2est sellers li(e t'ili&ht, those (in#s
0+ Re2eccaD Ha$e you trie# ,0+21 rea# , 1 Ja%esM
:+ AD NoDD + ! 'atch ,0+11 the %o$ie 3ust , 1 2ut ! #on"t (no' to %uch
J0+ Re2eccaD HeDDDah+ !t"s 8uite si%ilar
J1+ AD Hes, ! thin( ,0+1 the sa%e
J2+ Re2eccaD Ha$e you trie# ,0+1 rea# , 1 M
J+ AD No, ,0+21 ! ha$e not
JJ+ Re2eccaD =ell, he tra$ele# to %any places an# stu))+ Any'ay, it"s pretty &oo#, an#
it"s easy to rea# you (no'
JL+ AD That"s &oo#, %ay2e to 2e rea# to chil#ren
J>+ Re2eccaD Hes, that"s &oo#+ =hat a2out you KelnM =hat (in# o) %usic #o you
J7+ KD ! thin( that ,0+1 ! li(e pop %usic, such as Kritney 6pears, Rihanna, Keyonce,
J0+ Re2eccaD 9o you li(e any Chilean %usicM
J:+ K D No really
L0+ Re2eccaD NoM
L1+ KD ! thin( that ,0+21 the %usic that ! li(e is ehhh DDD ehDD ! li(e the sin&er Chico
Tru3illo+ ,0+21 Kut it"s not a popular %usic it"s %oDDre li(e cu%2ia an# the letter o)
the %usic ! li(e ,0+11 it 2ecause it tal( a2out %any thin&s+
L2+ Re2eccaD ADh A(, that"s ho' it 'oDDDr(s, e%otions an# stu))
L+ KD Hes
LJ+ Re2eccaD an# 'hat , 1 M
LL+ MD Ah, A#ele
L>+ Re2eccaD A#ele is pretty cool, althou&h , she has an a%a/in& $oice the (in# o %usic
is the sa%e+ Ha$e you hear# , 1M
L7+ AD Hes, ! ha$e ,0+1 + The son& &i$e %e lo$e+
L0+ Re2eccaD Ah yeah, ! li(e that one
L:+ AD ! lDDDi(e e$erythin& a2out it
>0+ Re2eccaD Ah yes, he is a%a/in&
>1+ KD Re2ecca ,0+21 , 'hat #i# you stu#yM
>2+ Re2eccaD ! stu#ie# , 1 lin&uistic
>+ MD -in&uisticsM
>J+ Re2eccaD yeah+ =hat #o you (no' a2out lin&uisticM Hou #on"t li(e -in&uisticM
>L+ MD ! liD(e 2ut ,0+1 it"s $ery co%plicate# + -ast se%ester 'e ha# a course in
>>+ Re2eccaD 'hat , 1 lin&uisticM
>7+ KD This se%ester 'e ha$e #iscourse analysis+ -ast se%ester ,0+J1 te*t lin&uistic,
&ra%%ar, &ra%%ar t'o
>0+ AD HeDDs ! li(e lin&uistic
>:+ Re2eccaD HeDDah it"s interestin&+ Ha$e you #one eDDDh , 1 phoneticM
70+ MD HeDDDDs, ! lo$e phonetics
71+ Re2eccaD HeDDs it"s har# an# it"s )unnyI
72+ MD HeDDDs, so%eti%es
7+ Re2eccaD yes, an# 'hat classes you &ot to#ayM
7J+ AD Chil#ren literature
7L+ MD 9iscourse Analysis, 'e ha# a test ,, %o$es her hea#11 oDDDh
7>+ Re2eccaD Ho' #i# you #oM A( ,0+1 2a#ly
77+ MD 6o, so ,, %o$es her han#s11+ =e #i# our 2est, o) course
70+ KD ! ha# %y %i#ter% test
7:+ Re2eccaD yeDDahM Ho' #i# it , 1 M
00+ K D ! #on"t (no' ! hope 'ell,,0+J1 2ut ! #on"t (no'
01+ Re2eccaD ADDn# 'hen #o you )in# out your eDDh resultsM
02+ KD ! hope sooDDn+ !t"s #epen#s on our teacher ,0+11 2ecause ! ha$e len&ua 'ith Miss
Mily so 'e ha$e to as( )or our &ra#es, 2uDt i) the &ra#es are not rea#y she say 2ye
2ye ,,lau&hs11
0+ Re2eccaD A(
0J+ KD Heah, so all #epen#s
0L+ Re2eccaD yes, 'eDDl + 6o 'hat are you #oin& in chil#ren literatureM
0>+ AD M%DD Analy/in& tales
07+ KD HeDDs
00+ Re2eccaD ADDh )airy talesM
0:+ AD yes, )airy tales
:0+ Re2eccaD =haDt )airy tales ha$e you 2een ,0+21 analy/in&M
:1+ AD There are presentations )or each &roup ,0+1 , so 'e ha$e to choose one
:2+ KD Hes,0+21 , 'e ha$e to choose one an# present it
:+ Re2eccaD 6o, 'hat #i# you chooseM
:J+ KD The %other , 1
:L+ M D NoDDD the , 1 an# the se$en #uc(lin&s
:>+ Re2eccaD Tell %e a2out it
:7+ MD Mother #uc( &et out to eat an# tol# the #uc(lin&s that ,0+1 they #o not ha$e to
open the #oor + 6o, the #uc(lin& 'ere insi#e the house 'hen so%eone (noc(e# the
#oor+ That person 'as the 'ol) ,0+11 an# he 'ante# to eat the%+ Kut the #uc(lin&
reco&ni/e the $oice an# they #i#n"t open the #oor ,0+1 +EDDh the 'oo) trie# 2ut the
#uc(lin&s #i#n"t open+ The 'oo) ate honey to %a(e his $oice s'eet an# tries a&ain
2ut the #uc(lin& opene# the #ooDDr 2ecause the $oice 'as s'eet+ The 'ol) ate > o) 7
#uc(lin&, not the little one+ 6oDD , the #uc(lin& 'as hi#e an# 'hen the %other
arri$e# she as(e# the little one to e*plain ,0+1 + Mother loo(e# )or the 'ol) that
'as sleepin& search )or a ne##le an# opene# the sto%ach an# too( the > #uc(lin&s
an# then )ill the sto%ach 'ith stones+ =hen the 'ol) 'a(e up 'as thirsty ,0+11
2ecause o) the stones an# #rin( 'ater 2ut ,0+1 he )all to the 'ater an# #ie#+
:0+ Re2eccaD oDDDh that"s so sa#I
::+ MD HeDDDs, 2ut 'e ha$e to rea# that one
100+ Re2eccaD yes, an# there are a lot o) )airy tales+
101+ MD Hes, li(e An#ersen )or e*a%ple+
102+ KD ! #on"t re%e%2er another )airy tale ahhh la #e ,, %o$in& her han#s11
10+ Re2eccaD !n En&lish, 'e are spea(in& En&lish
10J+ KD 6orry, 2ut ! can )in# a 'or#
10L+ Re2eccaD tell %e an# ! %ay )in# one
10>+ KD noDD ,,%o$in& her hea#11 , it"s o(+ ! 3ust cannot re%e%2er a 'or#
107+ Re2eccaD A(, 2ut 'e 3ust spea( in En&lish
100+ KD yes, ! (no' + 6orry
10:+ Re2eccaD an# 'hat #o you ha$e to #o thenM =hat #o you ha$e to present or
eDDh M
110+ MD the%e, teacha2ility hhh
111+ Re2eccaD oh yes, a2out the author, $ery i%portant eDDh
112+ KD aDDn# the )inal, ,0+1 )inal is the personal opinion+
11+ Re2eccaD oDh o( + An# ho' lon& is the presentationM
11J+ MD Ten or )i)teen %inutes, %ore less ,,%o$in& her han#s11
11L+ Re2eccaD oDDh, that"s not %uch ti%e,0+J1 + ! %ean prepare e$erythin& you (no'
11>+ KD yeDDs, 'e ha$e to %a(e a su%%ary
117+ Re2eccaD yes, ! (no'
110+ KD aDDDh an# also, 'e ha$e ,0+1 to %a(e a su%%ary o) all the story
11:+ Re2eccaD oDDh that"s a lot then
120+ MD yeDDDs, 2ut 'e ha$e to #o it
121+ Re2eccaD yes, ! %ean that stories ,0+1 ha$e to 2e 8uite en3oya2le, 2ecause they
are )or chil#ren + 9o you thin( soDDM
122+ AD ADDD% 'ell, ! li(e the%
12+ KD NoDDD ! #on"t
12J+ Re2eccaD =ell,0+21 , ! li(e the% in the 'aDDy, ! %ean, the 'ay that they in)luence
12L+ AD ! en3oy rea#in& 2ut ! thin( that the class is a little 2it 2orin&
12>+ KD a little 2itM ,,lau&h11
127+ AD 'ell, a lDDDot
120+ KD yes, it is 2ecause she sho' us a po'er point
12:+ MD an# she hateDDs us, !"% sure o) that ,,lau&hter11
10+ KD ! li(e )airy tales so%eti%es,0+1 , 2ecause last se%ester 'e rea# one ,0+1
an# ! li(e it $eDDry %uch
11+ Re2eccaD ! li(e the%,0+1 , 2ecause there are 2i& chan&es #urin& the story an# it"s
so%ethin& li(e 'o' ,,openin& the %outh an# shoutin&11+ 6o, it %a(es the
12+ AD yes, that"s the 2est
1+ Re2eccaD 6o, 'hat is the 2est )airy taleM
1J+ AD EDhh ! ha$en"t thou&ht a2out it
1L+ KD ! #on"t too
1>+ Re2eccaD 9o you rea# )airy tales 'hen you 'ere littleM
17+ AD ! #on"t re%e%2er
10+ MD ! li(e little thin sol#ier
1:+ AD ADDDh yDDeah
1J0+ KD 'hen 'e 'ere chil#ren 'e use# to rea# Gapelucho
1J1+ Re2eccaD yeDDah, ! rea# that one in 6panish an# it 'as $ery #i))icult+ 6o !
rea# li(e t'o pa&es an# that"s all+
1J2+ MD ADh, you shoul# try a&ain
1J+ Re2eccaD Heah, #o you (no' the 2eauty an# the 2eastM
1JJ+ AD yes
1JL+ Re2eccaD Then, e*plain it to %e
1J>+ AD o(+ !t"s a2out a poor &irl an# the 2east, all thin&s %o$e in a castle an# the
&irl (iss the 2east an# 2ro(e the , 1
1J7+ Re2eccaD yes, 2ecause the 2east 'ante# to 2e a prince
1J0+ KD Kut ,0+1 ! #on"t (no' another one
1J:+ Re2eccaD ADDhhh ! #on"t too + No', are there any thin&s that 3ust really piss
you o)),
1L0+ MD =oul# ,0+21 you li(e a liDDDstM There are %aDDnyI ,,lau&hter11
1L1+ Re2eccaD EDDDrr ,0+21 , no seriously ,,lau&hter11 +
1L2+ MD HeDDs, let %e thin(+ =ell ,0+21 so%ethin& that ! ha$e 3ust thou&ht o)
to#ay, 'hen ! 'as 'al(in& Ou%%Ois 'hen people let their #o&s in the streets+
1L+ KD ADDDh yes+ Here ,0+1 in Chile 'e ha$e a lot o) pro2le%s 'ith #o&s ,0+1+
There are %any an# in the street, aloneDD +
1LJ+ AD That"s true ,0+1+ 5or instance,0+21 , ! ha$e a #o& an# %y )a%ily #eci#e#
to ha$e it in a responsi2le 'ay+ Kut, so%e people, they 3ust are not 2othere#, they
are li(e 'hate$er, an# itOit"s a')uDDl+
1LL+ Re2eccaD HeDDah, ! a&ree ,0+21 you all ha$e so%e pro2le%s 'ith that here in
Chile+! ha$e seen a lot o) #o&s here tooDDI
1L>+ MD HeDDDs, they are so%eti%es in the casino ,0+1 + !t"s #is&ustin& )or %e ,0+11
2e eatin& 'ith #o&s 2y %y si#e+
1L7+ KD=ell ,0+21, so%e people are &eDDnerally &oo# a2out, 2ut e$en so, you"ll
see so%eone 3ust not #oin& ,0+1 the sa%e+
1L0+ Re2eccaD RiDD&ht+ Tha"s ri&ht ,,%o$in& her hea#11+
1L:+ AD There ha$e 2een a lot o) pro&ra%s ,0+1, li(e to %a(e people #o the ri&ht
1>0+ MD HeDDah, 2ut you (no', spea(in& to people ,0+1 'ill not #o the ri&ht
1>1+ AD =hDat #o you ,0+11 %eanM
1>2+ MD That 'hen you tal( to people, they #on"t un#erstan# so it"s not necessary+
To sol$e the pro2le% they nee# to consi#er other thin&s+
1>+ Re2eccaD May2eD that 'oul# help +
1>J+ KD AnoDDther thin& that really, really %a(es %e an&ryOit"s totally irrational
2ut it %a(es %eO ,,lau&hter11
1>L+ Re2eccaD ADD(
1>>+ KD =hen s%o(ers stan# ri&ht ne*t to %eI
1>7+ MD ReDDallyM
1>0+ KD A) course, an# instea# o) puttin& their ci&arettes in the , 1 'hen they"re
)inishe#, they 3ust thro' the% on the &roun# an# step on the%+
1>:+ Re2ecca D E$en thou&h there is an ashtray pro$i#e# + That"s the 'orst thin&I
170+ MD =ell, here in Chile you"re not allo'e# to s%o(e insi#e so%e thin&s , so
the s%o(ers &o outsi#e O
171+ AD HeDDDs + Kecause there is no other 'ay tooI
172+ Re2eccaD =ell ,0+1 so%e #ays a&o ! 'ent to a pu2 an# ! reali/e# ,0+21 that
aroun# the e#&es o) these ashtrays, you al'ays see tons an# tons an# tons o)
ci&arette 2utts+ !t"s craDDD/yI
17+ MD Ah yeah, that"s 'eir#, !"$eO!"$e seen thatO
17J+ KD HeDDDah+ !t"s so stupi#I
17L+ MD Kut, ,0+1 at the en# there is a pile on the )looDDr ,,lau&hter11
17>+ AD HeDDah an# ! 3ust , 1 ! #on"t (no' ,0+1 'hy they #o that+
177+ KD Kecause ,0+1 they are not 'ell e#ucate#
170+ Re2eccaD ADDn# it"s so u&ly an# o))ensi$e loo(in&, an# s%elly, that ! , 1 3ust
really ,0+21 #on"t uDn#erstan#+
17:+ AD HeDDs, that"s the 'ay it is here in Chile
100+ KD 6oDD that really ,0+J1 2other %e 'hen ! see that+
101+ Re2eccaD ! a&reeDD
102+ MD Me tooI
10+ Re2eccaD=ell ,0+21 ! thou&ht o) another one, uDD%%OThis is so%ethin&O
u%% that !"$e reali/e# o$erO!"$e (no'n so %any people 'ho #o this+ Not only
here+ Kut ,0+1, #o you (no' 'hen you"re tellin& so%e2o#y a little ,0+21 perhaps a
little story or an anec#ote that you thin( so%eone %i&ht )in# interestin&+ 6uch asO
eDDrrr+ -et"s see, 'hen ! 'ent on holi#ay to so%e'here last year, the 'eather 'as L
#e&rees, an# you"re tellin& the% ,0+1 ho' hot it 'as, an# rather than the%
respon#in& 'ith so%ethin& li(e ,0+21 , oDDDh reallyM That"s interestin&+ They ha$e to
respon# 2y tellin& you ,0+21 that either they 'ent so%e'here 'here it 'as hoDDtter
,0+21 than 'hat you e*perience# ,0+21 , or i) they #i#n"t #o it the%sel$es, they (ne'
so%eone else, 'ho #i#+ That"s )unny 2ut ,0+21 2other %eDDD I ,,lau&hter11
10J+ KD ADDDDh, yes, that usually happenI
10L+ MD!t"s li(e, youDD (no' that %y uncle Jos 'ent to Geru , 'here it 'as J0
#e&rees in the sha#eI ,,lau&ther11
10>+ AD HeDDs I That"s so%ethin& that al'ays happen, ,0+21 in e$ery person ! thin(
107+ Re2eccaD HeeaDhh+ Hou (no', 'hate$er it is ,0+1 , it has to 2e 2i&&er ,0+11,
2etter ,0+11 , )aster, stron&er ,0+21 or 'haDDte$er , 'hen you (no' ,0+21 , you"re not
startin& this as a co%petition, 2ut it"s al%ost li(e people see it as a co%peDtition, #o
you un#erstan#M
100+ AD HeDDDs that"s is li(e a co%petition
10:+ KD ! a&reeDDD , it"s really annoyin& ,0+1 2ecause you are 3ust li(e ,0+21 %a(in&
1:0+ AD JuDDst a2out si%ple thin&s, 2ut ,0+21 then is not the sa%e
1:1+ Re2ecca D HeDDDs, e*actlyI
1:2+ MD !t can 2e anythin&, you coul# saDDy ,0+1 , ! ha$e a )rien# 'ho 'ent on a
2icycle tour an# ro#e )ro% the northern%ost point in 6'e#en to the southern%ost
point in Europe+ ThaDDD t"s nothin&I ! (no' this &uy 'ho ha# a cousin, 'hose
&irl)rien# 'ho ro#e her 2i(e aroun# the 'orl#I@ it"s li(e so stupi#
1:+ Re2eccaD HeDDDsI That"sOyeahI HeahI
1:J+ KD NoDDD %atter 'hat , 1
1:L+ MD !) you e$er %eet that person li(e this , slap the%I ,,lau&hter11+
1:>+ Re2eccaD ! (no' ,0+21 , it"s soDDD annoyin&, Pcause there"s so%e people 'ho
ha2itually 3ust act that 'ay ,0+21 , it #oesn"t %ean e$eryone %i&ht ha$e an occasion
to #o that, 3ust to %a(e con$ersation, 2ut there"s so%e people 'ho haDD2itually , 1
1:7+ AD !n so%e 'ay ,0+1 , they al'ays ha$e to say so%ethin& to %a(e the% )eel
2etter, stron&er, )aster, an# soDDD oDDDDn
1:0+ MD HeDDs, it"s so%eone else, they can )eel prou# o) that, yeaDDDhI
1::+ Re2eccaD HeDDDahI
200+ MD !t"s ,0+1 'eDDDir#+ 6oDD ho' a2out you, can you thin( o) another oneM
201+ Re2eccaD 4hhhO(nee73er( contrarians, 'hat ! li(e to call the%+
202+ MD =haDt ,0+J1 #oes it %eanM
20+ Re2eccaD Are thoDDse annoyin& ,0+21 , annoyin& people 'ho no %atter 'hat
you say to the% ,0+11 , they al'ays ha$e to put soDD%e ,0+1 (in# o) ne&ati$e slant
on it, or #isa&ree, or point out a )la', orOyeDDDah no %atter 'hat+
20L+ AD ADDn# it"s al'ays the sa%e people ,0+1 , an# it #oesn"t %atter 'hat you
say, they 'ill al'ays, al%ost li(e it, it"s a , hoDD' #i# you say itM The 'oDr# )or
those people M
20>+ Re2eccaD Qnee73er( reaction+
207+ MD They aDDDl'ays ha$e to #isa&reeDDD ,,%o$in& her han#s11
200+ Re2eccaD HeDDah, yeah, the #e)auDDlt is no , 1
20:+ MD HeeDDs that"s so 6aDD# )or the peopleDD ,0+1 + ! thiDDn( so
210+ KD Hes, ! thin( ,0+1 they are 'ron&
211+ Re2eccaD Ri&ht, they 3ust say ,0+11 the opposite o) 'hate$er it is you"re
212+ AD E*actlyI
21+ KD An# thoDse people ,0+1 , it"s the (in# o) people 'ho,0+21 'ill 3ust 'ant a
#i))erent li)e
21J+ AD !t"s li(e &reatI Hou are #oin& a &oo# 3o2 li(e this+
21L+ MD !t"s $ery ne&ati$e ,0+1 isn"t iDDtM
21>+ Re2eccaD HeDDah, ! %ean ,0+1 healthy s(epticis% an#Oan# criticis% is
&ooDDD#, 2ut that"s not 'hat !"% tal(in& a2out+ 6oDD%e people are 3ust ne&ati$e to the
217+ AD HeDDah ,0+1 ! thin( you see a lot o) that soDDrt o) stu)) on the !nternet ,0+1
, you (no' ,0+21 , 'ith )oru%s an# that sort o) thin&+
210+ Re2eccaD ADDDh )oru%s ,0+21 , they"re the spa'n o) eDD$il ,,lau&hs11
21:+ MD is a #eno%inator co%%on
220+ Re2ecca D RiDDD&htI
221+ Re2eccaD ADDDh it"s ti%e
222+ KD Hes, it"s ,0+21 ti%e to &o
22+ Re2eccaD HaDDD$e a nice #ay &irlsI
22J+ KD HouDD tooDD
22L+ MD HeDDDs 'e really en3oye# this con$ersationI
22>+ Re2eccaD Than( youI Nice to %eet you &irls, 2ye
-riting te#ts
-+ITI). %:
/ou have seen a story writing com!etition in an English* language maga0ine and you
decide to enter. /ou story must begin with this sentence: 1$t last the weekend had
arrived and $nna was both nervous and e#cited2.
The )ewborn
-riting &:
/our teacher has asked you to write a story for an international maga0ine.
The story must begin with the following words: 1$nna had a very s!ecial reason for
getting u! early the ne#t day3 so she set the alarm for 4 am2
The buildings block the view to the sky
-riting ':
-rite a story in an a!!ro!riate style. /our story must start or finish with the
words: .rand!a 5o would be !roud of him.
5oey 6eys
I7. $nalysis
10+ KD My na%e is Keln, ,0+11 !"% vetegetarianist an# !"% t'enty three years ol#
an# eDDDh + ! li$e in Te%uco ,0+21 ! ha$e 2 sister an# three 2rothers+ ! li$e 'ith %y
%o% here in Te%uco an# %y )ather li$e in 6antia&o 'ith three o) %y 2rothers !, !,
'haDDt %ore+ ! li(e %o$ies, &o to shoppin&, eat ice crea%+ ! #on"t (no' 'hat %ore
,,%o$es the shoul#ers11
Strategy: =or# Coina&e
Error: 9e$elop%ental
E#!lanation: !n the e*a%ple a2o$e, the spea(er 'as intro#ucin& to hersel)+
Consi#erin& this chun( o) the con$ersation, 'e can i#enti)y a
?#e$elop%ental error@ 2ecause the learner #e$elops a hypothesis 'hich %ay
not coinci#e 'ith the tar&et lan&ua&e on the 2asis o) her li%ite# store#
in)or%ation+ !n this e*a%ple, the learner create# a 'or# ;$e&etarianist<,
'hich #oesn"t e*ist in En&lish, in or#er to say the 'or# ;$e&etarian<+ The
strate&y use# 2y the learner is ?'or# coina&e@ 2ecause she create# a ne'
'or# 2ase# on her (no'le#&e o) %orpholo&ical rules thin(in& that it %i&ht
'or( %a(in& an alternati$e use o) a -2 )or%+
+ MD =ell, the 'ay he write ! li(e
Strategy: A%ission
Error: Gost7 6yste%atic
E#!lanation: !n the e*a%ple a2o$e, the spea(er tal(e# a2out her )a$ourite
2oo( 'riters+ !n this chun( o) the con$ersation, 'e can i#enti)y a ?Gost7
6yste%atic@ error 2ecause, throu&h the con$ersation, she ten#e# to o%it the R
s ,usin& this ite% inconsistently1 'hen she use# the pronouns in thir# person
sin&ular, creatin& an ill structure ,%a(in& a %ista(e1+ The reason to pro#uce
that (in# o) error coul# 2ecause o) )ati&ue or carelessness in the pro#uction
o) lan&ua&e+ The strate&y use# 2y the learner is ?A%ission@ in 'hich there is
an a2sence o) a speci)ic ite% ,especially in )or%1 that %ust appear in a 'ell7
)or%e# utterance+ That (in# o) error ta(es place 2ecause it"s not necessary in
the leaner"s -1+
:7+ MD Mother #uc( &et out to eat an# tol# the #uc(lin&s that ,0+1 they #o not ha$e
to open the #oor + 6o, the #uc(lin& were insi#e the house 'hen so%eone (noc(e#
the #oor+ That person 'as the 'ol) ,0+11 an# he 'ante# to eat the%+ Kut the #uc(lin&
reco&ni/e the $oice an# they #i#n"t open the #oor ,0+1 +EDDh the 'oo) trie# 2ut the
#uc(lin&s #i#n"t open+ The 'oo) ate honey to %a(e his $oice s'eet an# tries a&ain
2ut the #uc(lin& opene# the #ooDDr 2ecause the $oice 'as s'eet+ The 'ol) ate > o) 7
#uc(lin&, not the little one+ 6oDD , the #uc(lin& 'as hi#e an# 'hen the %other arri$e#
she as(e# the little one to e*plain ,0+1 + Mother loo(e# )or the 'ol) that 'as
sleepin& search )or a ne##le an# opene# the sto%ach an# too( the > #uc(lin&s an#
then )ill the sto%ach 'ith stones+ =hen the 'ol) 'a(e up 'as thirsty ,0+11 2ecause
o) the stones an# #rin( 'ater 2ut ,0+1 he )all to the 'ater an# #ie#+
Strategy: Re#uction 6yntactic
Error: Gost7 6yste%atic
E#!lanation: !n the e*a%ple a2o$e, the spea(er tal(e# a2out her
)a$ourite 2oo( 'riters+ !n this chun( o) the con$ersation, 'e can
i#enti)y a ?Gost76yste%atic@ error 2ecause the learner use# the ite%
;'ere< 'ith the su23ect ;#uc(lin&< 'hich is incorrect 2ecause the
su23ect nee#s to 2e plural so that it can 2e use# 'ith ;'ere<+ 6o here
the leaner (no's that rule 2ut she use# inconstantly+ =e can
in)erence this 2ecause at the en# o) this utterance she use# the
correctly the 'or# ;#uc(lin&< ,in plural1+ Here the reason o) this
situation coul# 2e carelessness in pro#uction o) lan&ua&e+ The
strate&y use# is ?Re#uction syntactic@ in 'hich the learner is a'are
o) the o2li&atory structures use# in the secon# lan&ua&e+
11>+ KD yeDDs, 'e ha$e to make a su%%ary
Strategy: Fenerali/ation
Error: Gre7 6yste%atic
E#!lanation: !n the e*a%ple a2o$e, the spea(er tal(e# a2out the
tas(s that she ha# to %a(e in her course+ !n this chun( o) the
con$ersation, 'e can i#enti)y a ?Gre76yste%atic@ error 2ecause the
learner #oesn"t (no' the e*istence o) a speci)ic rule to use the 'or#
;su%%ary< that shoul# &o 'ith the $er2 ;'rite< instea# o) ;%a(e<
creatin& rules at ran#o%+ Ho'e$er, the structure 'or(e# in the
conte*t, 2ut still it not loo(e# natural to use+ The strate&y use# 2y the
learner is ?&enerali/ation@ in 'hich it can 2e )in# a le*ical ite% that
can 2e applie# to -2 co%%unicati$e situations creatin& an unnatural
e*pression in or#er to )ill the &ap o) the utterance, so the learner
&enerali/es the use o) #eter%ine# ite%s in the secon# lan&ua&e+
1J+ AD EDhh ! ha$en"t thou&ht a2out it
1L+ KD ! don8t too
Strategy: 6i%pli)ication
Error: Gre7 6yste%atic
E#!lanation: !n the e*a%ple a2o$e, the interlocutors tal(e# a2out
'hich 'as their )a$ourite )airy tales+ !n this chun( o) the
con$ersation, 'e can i#enti)y a ?Gre76yste%atic@ error 2ecause the
learner #i#n"t (no' the rule to reply to 8uestions usin& the present
per)ect, yet+ Here, as there is an a2sence o) (no'le#&e in or#er to use
e))ecti$ely the present per)ect in replies, the learner use# si%pli)ie#
&ra%%atical structure ;! #on"t too< so that she coul# )ill the &ap+ The
strate&y use# 2y the leaner is ?6i%pli)ication@ in 'hich the learner
chooses si%ple )or%s an# constructions o) -2 instea# o) co%ple*
20J+ AD That"s true ,0+1+ 5or instance,0+21 , ! ha$e a #o& an# %y )a%ily
#eci#e# to ha$e it in a responsi2le 'ay+ Kut, so%e people, they 9ust are not
bothered3 they are li(e 'hate$er, an# itOit"s a')uDDl+
Strategy: Misor#erin&
Error: Gre R 6yste%atic
E#!lanation: !n the e*a%ple a2o$e, the spea(ers 'ere tal(in& a2out
situations that irritate# the%+ Consi#erin& this speci)ic chun( o) the
con$ersation 'e can i#enti)y a ?Gre7 6yste%atic@ error 2ecause the error
'as %a#e 2ecause the learner #i#n"t (no' the rule o) the tar&et lan&ua&e
yet+ !n this case, the pro2le% 'as the 'ron& use o) the a#$er2ial ?3ust@
,)ocusin& a#$er21, 2ecause the position is a)ter the $er2 to 2e+ The
strate&y use# in this case, 'as ?Misor#erin&@ 2ecause there is an
incorrect place%ent o) a %orphe%e or &roup o) %orphe%es in a
particular utterance+
170+MD =ell, here in Chile you"re not allo'e# to s%o(e insi#e some things , so
the s%o(ers &o outsi#e O
Strategy: -e*ical su2stitution
Error: !ntralin&ual
E#!lanation: !n this part o) the con$ersation the spea(ers 'ere
#iscussin& a2out #i))erent thin&s that 2othere# the%+ !n this case, one o)
the spea(ers ar&ue# a2out people 'ho s%o(e# insi#e pu2lic areas or
places+ Consi#erin& that situation the error i#enti)ie# in this part is
consi#ere# an intralin&ual error+ This, 2ecause the spea(er re)erre# as
?so%e thin&s@ instea# o) sayin& ?pu2lic places or areas@ 'hich 'as the
correct concept in this conte*t+ !t"s an intralin&ual error 2ecause it
re)lecte# the &eneral characteristic o) a rule learnt such as the inco%plete
application o) rules an# )ailure to learn con#itions un#er 'hich rules are
applie#+ This (in# o) error result as a conse8uence o) the #e$elop%ent
o) interlan&ua&e in 'hich 'e ha$e %ainly the o$er&enerali/ation o)
rules. This error is 2ase# on the strate&y calle# ?le*ical su2stitution@
2ecause in this case the spea(er trie# to i#enti)ie# a su2stitute )or a 'or#
in a particular conte*t, in this case the &eneral i#ea 'as ?pu2lic places or
1:2+ MD !t can 2e anythin&, you coul# saDDy ,0+1 , ! ha$e a )rien# 'ho 'ent on a
2icycle tour an# ro#e )ro% the northern%ost point in 6'e#en to the
southern%ost point in Europe+ ThaDDD t"s nothin&I ! (no' this &uy 'ho ha# a
cousin, 'hose &irl)rien# who ro#e her 2i(e aroun# the 'orl#I@ it"s li(e so
Strategy: A##ition
Error: Gost7 6yste%atic
E#!lanation: !n this part o) the con$ersation the spea(er 'ere still
#iscussin& thin&s that 2othere# the%+ !n this case one o) the% sai# that
she really hate# people 'ho al'ays 'ante# to 2e the 2est on e$erythin&+
!n this con$ersation e*tract 'e can i#enti)y a Gost R 6yste%atic error+
This 2asically 2ecause the learnerBs interlan&ua&e syste% is pretty %uch
%astere#+ That is, the learner (no's the rules 2ut uses it inconsistently
%a(in& a %ista(e 'hich can 2e sel)7correcte# 'ithout pro%ptin&+ !n this
case 'e can i#enti)y this, 2ecause the learner repeate# the relati$e
pronoun ?'ho@ , 2ut pre$iously she use# it correctly+ That"s 'hy 'e can
interpret it as a Gost76yste%atic error+ At the sa%e ti%e, it"s 2ase# in the
strate&y o) ?a##ition@ 2ecause there is the presence o) an ite% 'hich
%ust not appear in a 'ell )or%e# utterance, in this case, the ite% is
21:+ MD is a denominator common
Strategy: -iteral translation
Error: !nter)erence
E#!lanation: !n this e*a%ple o) the typescript the spea(ers 'ere
tal(in& a2out people that are al'ays ne&ati$e+ Ane o) the spea(ers &a$e
the e*a%ple o) #i))erent )oru%s in 'hich people co%%ent a2out their
pro2le%s+ Ha$in& sai# this, the other interlocutor sai# that this is a
?#eno%inator co%%on@ to e*plain that %ost o) that (in# o) people ha$e
the sa%e characteristics an# search those (in#s o) sites to sho' their
opinions+ The error present here, is an inter)erence error 2ecause this
represents or re)lect a particular structure o) the interlan&ua&e in the
spea(er on its -2+ !n this case, the use o) a co%%on e*pression o) the
spea(er 2y sayin& ?#eno%inator co%%on@, to re)er to people that share
sa%e characteristics+ At the sa%e ti%e, the strate&y use# here 2y the
spea(er is ?-iteral translation@, 2ecause the spea(er here %a(es a
translation o) an utterance that )ollo's closely the )or% o) the tar&et
27+ Kut she )elt as i) she ha# the world on her back+
Strategy: !nter lin&ual trans)er
Error: !nter)erence
E#!lanation: !n this part o) the story, the spea(er 'ante# to e*press that
she 'as 2ein& a))ecte# 2y se$eral pro2le%s+ =hen the spea(er use# the
e*pression ?the 'orl# on her 2ac(@ 'e are in presence o) an
?!nter)erence error@, 2ecause this error occurs as the result o) the use o)
so%e ele%ents )ro% one lan&ua&e 'hen you are spea(in& another one+
!n this case, the learner use# the e*pression )ro% her tar&et lan&ua&e
'hen she 'as in )act tryin& to e*plain so%ethin& in the lan&ua&e that
she 'as ac8uirin&+ The strate&y use# here is interlin&ual trans)er,
2ecause the learner )aile# in the use o) lin&uistic 2y trans)errin& )ro%
the %other ton&ue to the -2 lan&ua&e +
7. Conclusion
Ha$in& in %in# that the %ain &oals o) this )inal research 'ere to analy/e the errors
%a#e 2y stu#ents o) En&lish Teachin&, %a3or i%parte# 2y the 4ni$ersi#a# Catolica #e Te%uco,
an# to i#enti)y the strate&ies use# 2y the% at the %o%ent o) 'ritin& or spea(in& in the secon#
lan&ua&eS 'e can #escri2e the )ollo'in&D
!n &eneral ter%s, this research sho'e# that 0T o) the analy/e# #ata 2elon& to pres7
syste%atic errors, the sa%e percenta&e as post7syste%atic errors in the oral pro#uction+ At the
sa%e ti%e, in oral pro#uction there is %ore presence o) o$ert errors 'hereas in the 'ritten
pro#uction there is %ore presence o) co$ert errors+ Accor#in& to Farca ,1::01, that is 2ecause
as the oral pro#uction is a spontaneous per)or%ance, learners #on"t ha$e enou&h ti%e to thin(
a2out &ra%%ar )or%ation as they are )ocuse# on co%%unication o) i#eas+ Mean'hile in the
'ritten pro#uction, learners are a2le to analy/e 'hat they 'ant to e*press ha$in& ti%e to )ocus
on &ra%%ar structures an# i#eas or#erin&+ At the sa%e ti%e, the 8uantity an# type o) errors 'ill
#epen# on the tas(+ !) the stu#ents ha$e tas(s 'hich contain )a%iliar topics they are %ore a2le
to achie$e the #eter%ine# &oal, 2ut on the other han#, i) the topics are not )a%iliar that 'oul#
lea# learners to re#uce their &oals an# lin&uistic structures+
Here 'e ha$e a lot o) trans)er errors in inter%e#iate stu#ents 'hich su&&est that they
ha$e not reache# the use o) the -2 properly %a(in& use o) -1 strate&ies to cope 'ith the lac( o)
(no'le#&e+ That can 2e appreciate# 'hen the learners %a(e use o) inter7intrali&ual strate&ies,
'or# coina&e an# &enerali/ation+
Another aspect is that error can ha$e %ore than a source+ Mean'hile J0T o) the #ata
ha$e the %other ton&ue ,6panish1 as a source that can 2e o2ser$e# in the use o) strate&ies such
as le*ical su2stitution, %isor#erin&, &enerali/ation an# literal translationS >0T o) the #ata are !-
2ase# strate&ies such as 'or# coina&e an# inter7intralin&ual strate&y+
Here 'e can see that as the in)or%ants are ta(in& part o) learnin& an# teachin&
processes, there are e*pose# to #e$elop uni8ue error+ As they recei$e instruction )ro% non7
nati$e spea(ers" teachers, they %ay in#uce the pro#uction o) errors as the learners interiori/in&
)aulty rules lea#in& to )ossili/ation o) errors+ An the other han#, nati$e spea(ers" teachers can
also in#uce# the internali/ation o) errors as they only correct the errors 'hich hin#er
co%%unication %a(in& that the other errors ,local1 'ill 2e )ossili/e# too ,5ernn#e/, 1::L1+

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