Shigellosis, the acute enteric infection caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella, has a worldwide distribution with an estimated annual incidence of 164.7 million cases, of which 163.2 million occur in developing countries, and 1.1 million deaths. Sixty-nine percent of all episodes and 61 percent of all Shigella-related deaths involve children younger than 5 years old. In the United States, 10,000 to 15,000 cases of shigellosis are reported each year. Although usually conned to the colonic mucosa, shigellosis sometimes can cause extraintestinal complications. Recent publications have shed light on the clinical charac- teristics of Shigella-induced bacteremia, surgical complications, urogenital symptoms, and neurologic manifestations, and on the unique manifestations in the neonatal period. The mainstay of treatment of shigellosis in children is correction of the uid and electrolyte loss, which often is achieved by the administration of oral rehydration solutions. Appro- priate antibiotic therapy shortens the duration of both clinical symptoms and fecal excretion of the pathogen. However, the increasing antimicrobial resistance of shigellae worldwide constitutes a major problem. Regarding the pathophysiology of shigellosis and its compli- cations, recent data not only elucidated the molecular mechanisms involved but also linked manifestations of disease to the interplay of bacterial virulence factors and host responses. The improved understanding of the pathophysiology is hoped to lead to innovative thera- peutic approaches against shigellosis and new generations of vaccine candidates. Semin Pediatr Infect Dis 15:246-252 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. S higella is a genus of gram-negative bacilli that causes hu- man gastrointestinal infections, sometimes with extraint- estinal manifestations. 1 Four species (serogroups) are dened on the basis of serologic or biochemical reactions, namely, Shigella dysenteriae, serogroup A; Shigella exneri, serogroup B; Shigella boydii, serogroup C; and Shigella sonnei, serogroup D. 1,2 Species classication has important therapeutic impli- cations because the species differ in both geographic distri- bution and antimicrobial susceptibility. 1,3-5 In developed countries, S. sonnei is the most common species; reports from several locations showan increase in its relative prevalence in the last several years. 2,4,6-9 In developing countries, S. exneri is most common, with outbreaks that often are caused by S. dysenteriae. 1,2,9 The serogroups are further classied into at least 37 serotypes and 13 subserotypes. 1,2 To determine the global burden of Shigella infections, Kotloff and coworkers 9 analyzed published reports from var- ious locations and then estimated the number of cases world- wide according to the worlds population as categorized into developed and developing countries and into age groups. 9 They found that the annual number of Shigella episodes throughout the world was 164.7 million, of which 163.2 million occurred in developing countries, with 1.1 million deaths. 9 Sixty-nine percent of episodes and 61 percent of all shigellosis-related deaths involved children younger than 5 years of age. According to surveillance reports of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10,000 to 15,000 cases of shigellosis have been documented each year during the last 30 years in the United States, for annual incidence rates of 5 to 10 per 100,000. 7 During this period, the relative preva- lence of S. sonnei, the most common species, has increased. 7 This increase also was noted in other locations. 4,6,8 Shigella infection spreads by the fecal-oral route. Because of the low infectious dose10 to 100 organismsperson- to-person transmission probably is the most common. 1,8 However, transmission by contaminated food, drinking wa- ter, swimming pools, and ies also has been documented. 2,10 The highest incidence of shigellosis is in young children, usually those 1 to 5 years old. 2-4,8,9 Recent studies have shed new light on the pathophysiologic, clinical, therapeutic, and preventive aspects of Shigella infection in children. They are discussed in detail below. Department of Pediatrics A, Schneider Childrens Medical Center of Israel; FMRC, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Address reprint requests to: Shai Ashkenazi, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Director, Department of Pediatrics A, Schneider Childrens Medical Cen- ter of Israel, 14 Kaplan Street, Petah Tikva 49202, Israel. E-mail: 246 1045-1870/04/$-see frontmatter 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1053/j.spid.2004.07.005 Pathophysiology A key element in the pathogenesis of shigellosis is the ability of the bacteria to invade colonic mucosa. The invasion pro- cess depends on a 210- to 220-Kb plasmid, which is neces- sary, but not sufcient, for full virulence. 2,10,11 New data not only have elucidated the molecular mechanisms involved but also have revealed that manifestations of disease depend on the interplay of bacterial virulence factors and host re- sponses, which results in inammation. 12,13 In addition, new insights have been reported on the cellular and molecular effectors of the innate immune system that eradicate the bac- teria during primary infection and prevent systemic dissem- ination, sometimes at the price of local tissue destruction in the colon. 11,14-16 Shigella Determinants of Pathogenicity Virulence Plasmid Sequencing the virulence plasmid of the S. exneri 5a strain M90T has allowed investigators to identify the genes encod- ing approximately 25 proteins secreted by the type III secre- tion system. 16 This secretion system, like that in some other gram-negative bacteria, translocates the Shigella effector mol- ecules from the bacterial cytoplasm to the membrane and cytoplasmof the host cell. 17 A31-kb segment of the virulence plasmid, called the entry region or ipa/mxi-spa locus, com- prises the pathogenicity island, which actually is sufcient for entry of Shigella into intestinal epithelial cells, for apoptotic death of macrophages, and for activation of polymorphonu- clear leukocytes. 18,19 The island is organized into two diver- gently transcribed operons. 15,18 One of the regions of the virulence plasma that is most extensively studied is the invasive plasmid antigen (ipa) re- gion. 11,18 It contains four genes, ipaA to ipaD, that encode four proteins, IpaA to IpaD, necessary for invasion. 11,16,20 After the shigellae contact the host cells, IpaB and IpaC are inserted as a single complex into the host membrane to form a 25A pore, through which the other invasive proteins are transported. 21 IpaB is essential for inducing apoptosis in mac- rophages; 13 IpaB combined with IpaC, together with cyto- plasmic chaperon IpgC, are required for lysis of the cell mem- brane, which is needed for cell-to-cell spread. 22 The icsA (virG), virK, and sopA (icsP) genes play a role in the ability of shigellae to move within the cytoplasm of in- fected cells and to spread to other cells. 23 They encode, re- spectively, the outer membrane protein directly involved in intracellular spread, 24 the protein required for proper local- ization of icsA, 25 and the outer membrane protease that causes cleavage of icsA. 26 The virF gene regulates the virB locus, which is required for positive regulation of the ipa genes. The inv region is required for orientation of the Ipa proteins into the outer membrane of the bacteria. 11,27 The function of the 5-copy ipaH gene has not been claried yet. Chromosomal Genes Several chromosomal loci participate in the pathogenic pro- cess by complementing the core virulence of the invasion plasmid genes and are, therefore, needed for full virulence. They can be categorized into two groups: 1. Genes regulating the expression of the plasmid viru- lence genes. The virR gene encodes a histone-like mol- ecule controlling the temperature-dependent expres- sion of the Ipa and Mxi-Spa proteins, and the keratoconjunctivitis provocation (kcpA) gene posi- tively regulates virG. 11,28 2. Genes needed for bacterial survival in the intestine and for resisting host defense mechanisms, such as those encoding lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and siderophores. Shigellae lacking complete LPS (rough colonies) are avirulent. 2 Shigella Toxins Shiga toxin, encoded chromosomally and found mainly in S. dysenteriae serotype 1, is a potent protein-synthesis inhibitor that targets primarily the vascular endothelium. 29,30 This toxin mediates the severe complication of hemolytic-uremic syndrome. 29,31 A similar syndrome may be seen after infec- tions with enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, which produce closely related toxins. 30,31 In addition, Shiga toxin might play a role in the increased duration and severity of the diarrhea caused by S. dysenteriae serotype 1. 2,32 Shigella spp. also produce two enterotoxins, ShET-1 and ShET-2. 33 ShET-1 is produced mainly by S. exneri serotype 2a, whereas ShET-2 is produced by all Shigella spp. 33 These enterotoxins may contribute to the high-volume, watery di- arrhea often seen in the initial stages of the disease. Host Responses to Shigella Infection Interactions of shigellae with host cells trigger inammatory responses that lead to the histopathological changes that oc- cur in the gut and the clinical presentation of shigellosis. 12,15 Cytokine and chemokine responses have been shown by im- munohistochemistry studies of rectal samples both in the sera and locally. 12,34 Although host responses cause the in- ammation, they also are mandatory for controlling the in- fection. 16 In a murine model, natural killer cell-mediated interferon-gamma production was found to be essential for host resistance to shigellosis. 14 Because the responses of the various host cells to Shigella infection are somewhat distinct, they are discussed briey below. Shigella and Intestinal Epithelial Cells Shigellae cross the colonic epithelium through M cells in the follicle-associated epitheliumoverlying the Peyer patches. 2,15 At the dome area of the lymphoid follicle, the bacteria are phagocytized by macrophages, which are killed by apopto- sis. 13,35 With this strategy, shigellae reach the subepithelial tissue and invade the colonic epithelial cells through their Shigella infections in children 247 basolateral surface. 11 During the initial step of the entry pro- cess, shigellae induce actin polymerization in the epithelial cells with the formation of lopodes. 36 The process involves activation of the Rho family of GRPases. 36,37 After entry, the bacteria disrupt their membrane-bound vacuole, proliferate in the cytoplasm, and use the actin-based motility, which is dependent on the IcsA (virG) protein. 11,38 This process en- ables their spread to neighboring cells by the formation of nger-like protrusions. 15 In addition, intracellular shigellae programthe colonic epithelial cells to express pro-inamma- tory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8, augment- ing the local inammation. 12,39,40 Shigella and Macrophages After crossing the colonic epithelium through the M cells, shigellae are taken up by local macrophages. They later es- cape fromthe phagosome and within 2 hours induce apopto- sis of the macrophages and an inammatory reaction. 13,35,40 IpaB protein mediates the apoptosis by binding to caspase-1 or IL-1--converting enzyme, which cleaves the proinam- matory cytokines IL-1- and IL-18 into their mature form. 13,41 This inammatory response has been shown to be important for eradicating the infection. 15 Shigella and Leukocytes The massive recruitment of polymorphonuclear leukocytes is mediated mainly by postinvasion intracellular Shigella LPS via transcription factors. 15 The Shigella LPS also induce the trafcking of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), the dominant me- diator of the innate immune response. 16,42 The leukocyte transmigration disrupts the intestinal epithelium. 15 Although this disruption initially contributes to virulence by aiding bacterial invasion, it actually limits the infection to the mu- cosa and submucosa and ultimately eradicates it because the bacteria are killed by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. This process has been well demonstrated in the severe combined immunodeciency decient mouse-human intestinal xeno- graft model. 43 Clinical Features Symptoms appear abruptly after an incubation period of 12 hours to approximately 2 days and include high fever, gen- eralized toxicity, anorexia, nausea, crampy abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 1,3,10 Typically, the diarrhea initially consists of high-volume watery stools (small bowel disease), which may be followed by frequent, small-volume, bloody, mucous stools associated with urgency and painful defecation (large bowel disease). 1,10 In children, most cases (50%) never progress to bloody stools, although in some patients, the initial stools are bloody. 1,3,10 Extraintestinal Complications of Shigellosis Shigella Bacteremia Although usually conned to the colonic mucosa, shigellosis sometimes can cause extraintestinal complications. Bactere- mia or septicemia rarely occurs during shigellosis and has been reported mainly in developing countries. 2,44 For exam- ple, according to one study from Bangladesh, 4 percent of patients with shigellosis had Shigella bacteremia. 44 Bactere- mia occurred more frequently in malnourished young infants and in patients infected with S. dysenteriae serotype 1, and it was associated with a signicant mortality rate. A recent study from southern Israel described 15 children with Shi- gella bacteremia. 45 Mean age was 20 months; 13 patients (87%) failed to gain weight. Most (87%) of the isolates were S. exneri, and none was S. dysenteriae serotype 1. No deaths were reported. 45 Of note is that in patients with acquired immunodeciency syndrome (AIDS), 46 shigellosis is not only more common and more severe, but it also more often is associated with bacteremia. 47,48 Surgical Complications Miron and coworkers 49 reviewed reports published during a 40-year period of 57 children with surgical complications of shigellosis. The complications were categorized into four groups: appendicitis with or without perforation (n 16, 28%); colonic perforation (n 10, 17%); intestinal obstruc- tion (n 30, 53%); and intraabdominal abscesses (n 1, 2%). 49 Thirteen children (23%) died, often despite having received antimicrobial therapy. Many of the reports were from developed countries. 49 Pediatricians should be alerted to the risk of surgical com- plications of shigellosis, despite their rarity, because of the signicant morbidity and mortality associated with a delayed diagnosis. Establishing a diagnosis often is hampered by the overlap of the signs and symptoms of shigellosis with those of peritonitis. 49 Some authors recommend avoiding laparotomy in the acute phase, even if signs of peritonitis are present, unless the patient has evidence of perforation. 49 Nonetheless, the pediatric surgeon should be consulted as soon as perito- nitis is suspected. Neurologic Manifestations The neurologic manifestations of shigellosis usually are asso- ciated with a favorable outcome, although a study from Ban- gladesh noted a 29 percent mortality rate in affected children compared with 6 percent in those without neurologic symp- toms. 50 Seizures are the most common neurologic manifes- tation, followed by lethargy and disorientation or coma, which often are referred to as encephalopathy. 1,50,51 In the minority of patients, the encephalopathy may be severe, un- responsive to antibiotic therapy, and fatal, even in developed countries. 52 The pathogenesis has not been elucidated. In developed countries, where hypoglycemia and electrolyte ab- normalities do not play a signicant pathogenic role, hypo- natremia and early development of brain edema have been reported. 50,51,53 Complementary studies in a murine model documented the early development of brain edema and the major pathogenetic role of host response factors, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha, IL-1, and nitric oxide produc- tion. 54-56 248 S. Ashkenazi Urogenital System Although rare occurrences, vulvovaginitis and urinary tract infections caused by Shigella spp. are well-documented. 2,57 Recent publications from developed countries highlight the problems in establishing the diagnosis and treating this in- fection. 57,58 One case report fromthe United States described a prepubertal child with chronic vulvovaginitis caused by S. exneri. 58 Vaginal discharge and bleeding were the present- ing symptoms. Nonspecic vulvovaginitis and hemorrhagic cystitis initially were suspected, delaying the diagnosis. Fur- thermore, several empiric antimicrobial courses failed be- cause of the antimicrobial resistance of the pathogen. Finally, after 3 years, 14-day treatment with ciprooxacin led to res- olution of the vaginal discharge. In another study, resistant S. sonnei caused a urinary tract infection that was cured only after treatment with a third-generation cephalosporin. 57 Thus, because of the rarity of their infections, their diagnoses often are delayed, and because of the antibiotic resistance of Shigellae, empiric therapy often fails. 57,58 Neonatal Shigellosis Arecent publication emphasized the unique problemof shig- ellosis in the neonatal period. 59 Newborn infections account for only 0.6 percent of all cases of shigellosis in the 0- to 10-year age group. Only 1.6 percent of all infants exposed to the infection become ill. 2,4,59 This nding is explained by the presence of maternal protective factors that pass through the placenta or are transferred during breastfeeding. 2,60 Neonates with shigellosis may have only low-grade fever with mild diarrhea, often not bloody. Complications, how- ever, occur more commonly than in older children and in- clude septicemia, meningitis, dehydration, colonic perfora- tion, and toxic megacolon. 59 The mortality rate also is twice as high as in older children, reaching 30 to 40 percent in developing countries, although less than 1 percent in devel- oped regions. 59 On logistic regression analysis, predictors of infant mortality in developing countries were gram- negative bacteremia, hyponatremia, hypoproteinemia, and ileus. 59 Diagnosis Stool culture to isolate the pathogen is still the cornerstone of diagnosis. 2 This technique, however, has certain limitations: it takes a few days, the organisms may not survive transpor- tation, sensitivity is not higher than 80 percent, and the cul- ture may become negative in children given previous antibi- otic therapy. 2 Additional diagnostic techniques show promise, but they have not been incorporated into practice yet. One large study (n 300) reported that improved direct polymerase chain reaction of stool specimens increased diagnosis by 50 percent compared with culture. 61 Other authors successfully identi- ed shigellae by microarrays using the gyrB genes. 62 This novel approach also renders it possible to identify simulta- neously other enteric pathogens, such as Salmonella spp. and diarrheogenic Escherichia coli. 62 Immune assay with mono- clonal antibodies to the IpaC protein detected both Shigella spp. and enteroinvasive E. coli in 165 stool speci- mens, with high sensitivity and specicity. 63 Treatment Fluids and Nutrition The mainstay of treatment of shigellosis in children is correc- tion of the uid and electrolyte loss, which often can be achieved by administering oral rehydration solutions. 2,64 Early feeding, even with a high-protein diet, is important, especially in developing countries, to prevent malnutrition and encourage optimal growth. 65 Antimicrobial Therapy Appropriate antimicrobial therapy of shigellosis shortens the duration of fever and diarrhea, and it apparently also reduces the risk of developing complications. 10 Concomitantly, the duration of excretion of the pathogen in stools is shortened signicantly, thereby reducing the spread of infection. 10,66 However, the increasing antimicrobial resistance of shigellae constitutes a major problem. 10 Although initially susceptible, most Shigella isolates currently are resistant to ampicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TPM-SMX). These antimi- crobial agents often are recommended for the treatment of shigellosis, 5 but they currently are inappropriate for empiric therapy unless local microbiologic data suggest susceptibil- ity. Table 1 67-76 shows the percent of resistance by geographic location. One should note that these values are based on all Shigella isolates; S. sonnei, which is the most prevalent species in developed countries and relatively more common in chil- dren, 6 tends to be more resistant than is S. exneri. 5 For example, in Israel, between 1998 and 2000, 97 percent of S. sonnei were resistant to TMP-SMX, compared with 69 percent of S. exneri (P 0.0001). 5 Quinolones Although nalidixic acid proved to be efcacious against shig- ellosis in one pediatric clinical study, other studies from Bangladesh, Hong Kong, and Taiwan reported high resis- tance to this agent (Table 1). 69,70,73 Rates of resistance in most developed countries are below 2 percent (Table 1). 5,67,74 The new uoroquinolones appear to have a high clinical and mi- crobiological efcacy against shigellosis and frequently are used in adults with suspected Shigella infections. 10,66,69 They are not approved for children younger than 18 years of age because of a risk of drug-induced damage to the immature joints. 66 Some authors question this policy, owing to the proven effectiveness of quinolones in children 77,78 and the apparent safety of a short course. 10 Reduced susceptibility of Shigella spp., especially S. dysenteriae serotype 1, to uoro- quinolones has been reported and may be mediated by a proton motive force (pmf)-dependent efux system. 79,80 Cephalosporins First- and second-generation cephalosporins, such as cepha- lexin, cefamandole, and cefaclor, are ineffective against shig- Shigella infections in children 249 ellosis, often despite the susceptibility of the pathogen in vitro. 10 Their main limitation is the delayed fecal eradication of shigellae. Third-generation cephalosporins hold promise. Among this group, ceftriaxone has been the one investigated most extensively. Response was excellent, with two doses of ceftriaxone being as effective as ve. 10,81 Cexime was effec- tive in children infected mostly with S. sonnei, but it was less effective in adults with severe shigellosis caused mostly by S. dysenteriae and S. exneri. 10,82 Resistance to third-generation cephalosporins, mediated by extended-spectrum beta-lacta- mases, has been reported in several locations. 10,83 Azithromycin Azithromycin, an azalide with a broad spectrum of antimi- crobial activity, was found to be efcacious in adults with shigellosis. 69 In a comparison of azithromycin and cexime in a controlled study of 75 children with culture-proven shig- ellosis in Paraguay, 84 researchers noted a similar clinical ef- cacy for the two drugs but a better bacteriologic efcacy of azithromycin (P 0.01), perhaps due to its better penetra- tion into cells. 84 In summary, two parenteral doses of ceftriaxone is sug- gested as the treatment of choice for severe shigellosis in children, especially hospitalized patients. Oral treatment of milder cases is more problematic and depends on local resis- tance patterns. One should remember that many of the agents discussed here are not approved yet by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of shigellosis. Prevention Clean running water, appropriate sanitation, control of ies, good personal hygiene, and breastfeeding are the main mea- sures to reduce the spread of shigellosis. 2 Despite continuing efforts for the last 50 years, researchers so far have failed to produce a vaccine against Shigella spp. Several strategies to develop a Shigella vaccine are being studied. The current status of vaccine development is addressed elsewhere in this volume with the other enteric vaccines (Nataro). References 1. Ozuah PO: Shigella update. Pediatr Rev 19:100, 1998 2. Edwards BH: Salmonella and Shigella species. Clin Lab Med 19:469- 487, 1999 3. Finkelstein Y, Moran O, Avitzur Y, et al: Clinical dysentery in hospital- ized children. 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