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Lords Prayer-E

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Some advantages of using "The Lord's Prayer" to pray to God

by individual or group:
(1) The contents covered in "The Lord's Prayer" are quite wide, we some-
times as individual may not be aware of some of the contents.
(2) When being used by a group, each person can take turn in a rota
basis to participate, so that every person has chance to pray.
(3) Help to encourage and stimulate christians to discipline and practise
(4) "The Lord's Prayer" quote a lot of scriptures to pray according
to God's will, and also help christians to get familiar with the
Word of God (136 scripture verses).
(5) Each christian has a copy of "The Lord's Prayer" can enhance and
help to pray to God in the atmosphere of unity and oneness.
(6) For the young and new christians, it helps them to get rid of the
pressure and stress, for they often don't know how to pray? What to
(7) All the process of finishing "The Lord's Prayer" just take a short time
of 30 minutes.
(8) There are a lot of Bible examples of prayers being written down as a
record for us to learn such as: Moses (Psa90), David (Psa51), Solomon
(2Chron6:12-7:3), Paul (Ephl:15-23), Early christians (Act4:23-31),
and also our best example of Jesus' prayer in John17 was being
written down as a record for us to learn how to pray? What to pray?
so that we can learn to pray more effectively and fruitful.
(9) We also need other forms of prayer methods, since we have our dif-
ferent individual circumstances and different needs. But "The Lord's
Prayer" is one of the very effective and fruitful form of prayers.
(10) Please always bring the "The Lord's Prayer" with you, so that
you can pray anytime. It is best to pray "The Lord's Prayer"
once or twice a week.


Matthew 6:9-13 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is
in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And
forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For
thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
forever. Amen.

The LordÕs Prayer

Lord Jesus, we thank you and praise you, for you are the Messiah,
you are the Great King. 1 Eph 1:7we thank you for your precious blood sheded
to redeem us, to deliver us from satanÕs power of darkness; your precious
blood set us free from the bondages of sin, your precious blood delivered
us from the wrath and the judgment of God. Your precious blood bought
us and gave us salvation with peace , joy and freedom. 2 Phil 4:4-7We rejoice
in the Lord always: and again we say, Rejoice. Let our gentleness, consid-
erateness and forbearing spirit be known to all men, for the Lord is com-
ing soon. Lord Jesus, we pray that you teach us do not be anxious about
anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and
supplication, with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding and
comprehension, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.

Our Father which art in heaven (v9)

Oh God, we thank you for you gave us the right and power to
3 Jn 1:12

become the children of God, 4 Ro 8:15-16so that we cry out to God as our,
ÒABBA, FATHER!Ó. Holy Spirit Himself testifies and bears witness with
our spirit that we are GodÕs children. Father God, thank you for giving us
an intimate and close relationship with you. Because GodÕs relationship
with us is our heavenly Father, we really need GodÕs presence in our life
and participate and lead our everydayÕs life. We need you and yearn for
FatherÕs love, care and protection over us. Father God, you are the mean-
ing of our life and existence; You can meet all the needs of our hearts. 5 1 Jn
Thank you Father God that we love you because you first loved us. We
call you God as our Abba, Father, because you love us and initiate an
intimate relationship with us, instead of a set of religious rituals and rules.
Thank you Father God, you also give us a big spiritual family, we
are all the children of Father God, 6 Gal 3:28we are brothers and sisters in
Christ; there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for
we are all one in Christ Jesus. 7 Eph 4:31-32Lord Jesus, we pray that you teach
us to be kind to one another, tender-hearted and compassionate, forgiving
each other readily and freely, just as in Christ God forgave us. In the church,
we must get rid of all bitterness, wrath and resentment, quarreling and
slander, along with all malice. Lord Jesus, help our churches to break down
all prejudice and denominational barrier, to lay down all the pride of ex-
clusiveness attitude, because we are one body in Christ; we are brothers
and sisters of Father GodÕs big family, and God is our Abba, Father. 8 Jn 17:
Lord Jesus, we pray that you help all of us may be one, as Father God
and you are one, that we may be made perfect in unity, that the world may
know that Father God sent you and have loved us even as Father God have
loved you.
9 Ps 29:10-11
Father God, we pray that you shine upon and illuminate the
eyes of our hearts to recognize and know that you are Jehovah the Lord
sits enthroned as King in HEAVEN, the Lord sits enthroned over the flood;
the Lord is enthroned as king forever. The Lord will give unyielding and
impenetrable strength to your people; the Lord will bless your people
with peace. Father God, help us not to look upon and be moved by what
the cirumstances we see, what we hear, what others see and think about us
and our own insufficiency; but instead we must trust and have faith in your
Word and to look upon our Lord Jesus, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author
and perfecter of our faith. 10 Col 3:1-3Since then, we have been raised up with
Christ, set our hearts to seek the things above, where Christ is seated at the
right hand of God. Set our minds and affection on things above, not on
earthly things. For we have died, and our life is now hidden with Christ in
God. 11 Phil 4:8-9Lord Jesus, we pray that you teach us to think about and let
our mind dwell on those things whatever is true, whatever is honorable,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admi-
rable - if anything is excellent or praise worthy - think about such things.
Lord Jesus, help us to live on this earth first of all to have a good and
intimate relationship with our heavenly Father, so that we can be also able
to have good relationship with our fellow men on earth.
Thank you Lord Jesus, although we are living in this world,
12 Jn 17:16
but we are not of the world; we pray that you help us not to love
13 1 Jn 2:15-17

the world or anything in the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes
and the boastful pride of what we have and do, for all these things in the
world come not from the Father but from the world. The world and its
lusts pass away but the one who does the will of God lives forever. 14 Jn 15:
Lord Jesus, you are the true vine, we are the branches, for apart from
you we can do nothing. We pray that you help us everyday to abide and
unite with you through reading the Bible, prayers and worship, to have a
close and intimate relationship with you; 15 Jn 15:16so that we can bear much
fruit - fruit that will last and abide. Lord Jesus, help us not to go astray
from you, for we as your branches not to abide and unite with you, then
our life will receive no nourishment and life from you, we as your branches
will wither, dry up and will be defeated, lost in the world, being deceived
and bounded in the hands of the devil.

(1) Hallowed be thy name (v9)

Heavenly Father, the first priority and meaning of our existence and
our life is first to PRAISE AND WORSHIP you. 16 Rev 4:11You are worthy,
our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power and dominion,
for you have created all things, and by your will and for your pleasure all
things were created and have their being. As we everyday praise and wor-
ship you; your presence, your life, joy, power and peace will abundantly
fill our life to the full, till it overflows. Help us to practise in our life to
praise and worship you as the way of our lifestyle, so that we will be more
transformed into the image of our Lord Jesus through continually wor-
shipping Him. 17 Ro 5:5Thank God for pouring out your love into our hearts
through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us; Holy Spirit helps us to
be joyful always; pray continually without ceasing; 18 1 Thes 5:18give thanks
to God in all circumstances, for this is GodÕs will for us in Christ Jesus. 19
Ps 100:4-5
Heavenly Father, we enter your gates with thanksgiving and enter
your courts with praise; give thanks to you and praise your name. For the
Lord is good and your love endures forever; your faithfulness continues
through all generations. 20 Ps 29:1-2Thank you Father God, you are holy, we
give to the Lord the glory due to your name; we worship the Lord in the
beauty of holiness. We give to the Lord glory and strength. 21 Ps 22:3You are
holy, you inhabit and are enthroned upon the praises of Israel. Heavenly
Father, we pray that you teach us everyday to worship and serve you in our
life, help us to live daily not to worship and serve money, reputation, power,
career, education, marriage/family or hobby/interests; teach us to have a
reverential fear of God and put God first and foremost in our life; 22 Heb 10:
let us not neglecting and give up meeting together, as is the habit of some
people, but let us encouraging one another - and all the more as we see the
Day approaching and drawing near.
Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you, as we worship and
praise you, your presence manifested in our midst, because of your pres-
ence and you are with us, we will not fear about any difficult circum-
stances and problems; we will yet again to worship and praise you God,
for God is with us in our midst, let God arise and our enemies will flee and
scatter. 23 Jos 1:9,9,5We determine to worship and praise our God, God will be
with us and we will defeat our enemies, we shall rise and not afraid for we
fear not any difficulties and problems, for we shall have victory overcom-
ing all things; in all circumstances we are more than conquerors through
Him who loves us. Heavenly Father, we pray that you teach us not to
forget that whenever we approach to you and seek your face, you will
approach to us and surround us with your love. Help us to have faith and
trust in you in any situation, help us to worship and praise you in any
circumstance, for you will be with us and not forsaking us; through our
praise and worship, we can pull down and destroy all spiritual strongholds
and fortressess.We will not fear, we will believe and have faith in God, for
God has called us with a calling, you are with us, because God is with us,
we shall have victory and be prosper in whatever we do. We pray that God
will be with us as God in the past with Moses, Joshua, Joseph and Daniel
in the same manner. As we worship and praise God, we will be delivered
and saved form all bondages and prisons of the enemy, for we are being
set free as a free man and woman in Christ Jesus, we are a victor in Christ.
Hallelujah! 24 1 Cor 13:7-8Because of GodÕs love to us, we shall bears all things,
believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. Love never
Heavenly Father, hallowed be THY NAME, we praise and
25 Mt 6:9

thank God for your Names.

Jehovah (Yahweh), you are the ÒI AM WHO I AMÓ, Òthe
26 Ex 3:14-16

self Existing OneÓ God, we thank you and praise you, your goings forth
are from of old, from the days of eternity and everlasting, without begin-
ning of days or end of life, the eternal God who does not change. You are
the Lord who revealed your name to Moses.
27 Gen 2:4
Jehovah Elohim (The Lord, our Creator), we thank you and
praise you, for you are the Creator who has created the universe and all
things. 28 Ps 50:10-12For every animal of the forest is yours, and the cattle on a
thousand hills; the creatures of the field are yours, for the world is yours,
and all that is in it. 29 Ps 69:34Let heaven and earth praise you, the seas and
everything that moves in them.
Jehovah Hosenu (The Lord, the Maker), you have created us in your
own image. 30 Ps 95:6Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before
the Lord our Maker.
Jehovah El-Elyon (The Lord, the Most High God, the
31 Gen 14:22

Owner), you are God Most High, Possessor and Maker of heaven and
earth, God who gave victory to Abram (Abraham), all blessings and pros-
perity are from you, 32 Mal 3:8-10we bring the whole tithe and offerings into
the storehouse, so that there may be food in Your House. Thank you that
you will open the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessing that
we will not have room enough for it. 33 Mt 12:29Because the Most High God is
with us, we can bind the ÒStrongmanÓ, and rob the goods of his house as
the inheritance given to us by God.
Jehovah Adonai (The Lord, the Maker), you are our Lord,
34 Gen 15:2

the Master, we are your servant; we are willing to surrender and submit to
you totally as a servant to serve you.
Jehovah El-Olam (The Lord, the Everlasting), you are the
35 Gen 21:33

Lord with everlasting life, we thank you for giving us the eternal life. 36 Phil
We count all things to be loss compared to the surpassing value and
worth of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord, for to know Jesus Christ is eter-
nal life.
Jehovah Zidkenu (The Lord, our Righteousness), you are the
37 Jer 23:6

righteous God, 38 1 Cor 1:30we thank you for giving us your righteousness in
Christ Jesus.
Jehovah Shalom (The Lord, our Peace), you are the Lord of
39 Judg 6:24

Peace, we thank you for giving us your peace; 40 Jn 16:33in this world we will
have trouble and tribulation, but you have overcome the world; 41 Is 26:3you
will keep us in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because we
trust in you. We pray that Father God fills our hearts with your peace to
guide our life every day to obey and to do your will.
Jehovah Elyon (The Lord, the Blesser), thank you for the bless-
42 Ps 7:17

ings that you give to us, we praise your Name!

Jehovah Raah (The Lord, the Shepherd), the Lord is our
43 Ps 23:1

shepherd, we shall not lack. Praise your Name!

Jehovah Jireh (The Lord, the Provider), you are our Provider,
44 Gen 22:14

thank you for giving us richly of your supply to us. Praise your
45 Phil 4:19

Jehovah Rapha (The Lord, the Healer), you are the Lord who
46 Ex 15:26

heals us, we will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord our God
47 Ex 23:25-26

and do what is right in your eyes, and we will pay attention to your com-
mandments and keep all your statutes.
Jehovah Nissi (The Lord, the Banner), you are our Banner,
48 Ex 17:15

you are our Victory. 49 Ps 20:7Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but
we trust in the name of the Lord our God. 50 Ex 17:11 Whenever we lift up our
hands to pray, we will overcome and have victory, praise the Lord!
Jehovah Saboath (The Lord of Hosts), you are the Lord of
51 1 Sam 1:3

Hosts, you are the Lord who gives us victory over our enemies, praise
your Name!
Jehovah Gibbor (The Lord, the Mighty), you are the Mighty
52 Is 42:13

Warrior, you are the Lord who changed Gideon and also us to be
53 Judg 6:12

the mighty warriors. Praise your Name!

Jehovah Makaddeshkem (The Lord, our Sanctification), you
54 Ex 31:13

are the Holy God, you are the Lord who sanctifies us and makes us holy in
Christ Jesus, praise your Name!
Jah-Jehovah (The Lord, the Jehovah), you are the Lord Jehovah,
55 Is 12:2

you have everything under your control and dominion, you

56 1 Chron 29:11-12

overrule everything. 57 Eph 1:11Your Sovereignty rule all things in heaven and
earth, praise your Name
Jehovah Shammah (The Lord, the Everpresent), you are
58 Ezek 48:35

the Everpresent God, you are the Lord of Omini-presence. You fill heaven
and earth. No matter where we are, you are with us, your presence sur-
round us, praise your Name!
Jehovah El-shaddai (Elohim, Mighty God), you are the Almighty
59 Is 9:6

God, there is nothing too difficult for you, praise your Name!
60 Jer 32:17-19

Jehovah Shaphat (The Lord, the Judge), you are God who
61 Judg 11:27

judges all man, 62 Ro 8:1; Ac 2:36there is now no condemnation for us who are in
Christ Jesus, praise your Name!
Jehovah Jehoshua Messiah (The Lord Yeshua HaMcshiach, The Lord
Jesus Christ), praise you Jesus for God has made You, Whom was crucified,
both Lord and Christ! Praise the Name of Jesus!

(2) Thy Kingdom Come (v10)

Thank you Lord Jesus, you are the Anointed One - you are the Mes-
siah prophesied in the Bible, you are the promised Seed of king David -
You are the Word become flesh coming into the world, you are not only
the Messiah and King of Israel, you are also the Messiah/Saviour and
King of the whole world. 63 1 Jn 3:8Jesus Christ, the Son of God appeared for
this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil, Christ redeemed
us from the curse of the law, sin, sicknesses, poverty and death. For Jesus
Christ manifests the Kingdom of God to give us freely the salvation, the
gift of the Holy Spirit, healings and health, deliverance and freedom, peace
and joy, righteousness and eternal life. Praise the Lord! Father God is the
King of heaven and earth, your Kingship and Sovereignty rule the whole
universe. Hallelujah!
We pray that the Kingdom of God, the Dominion and Rulership
of the Lord Jesus will manifest in our individual life, families, pastors,
elders, deacons, christian brothers and sisters, churches, house groups/
small groups/cell groups, fellowships, Sunday schools, mission
organisations, bible colleges/seminaries, prayer mountains, cities, nations,
governments, youth and teenagers, relatives and friends, neighbours and
colleagues. 64 Ro 14:17The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but
righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Each one of us as an individual is willing to let King Jesus to rule
over our life and has the first priority to our life, so that King Jesus can
help us to love one another, to accept, forgive, encourage each other to
build up the Body of Christ (The church); so that the Kingdom of God and
Dominion and Rulership of King Jesus will extend from individuals,
families, societies, cities, nations and all over the world through His Body,
the Church of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

(3) Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (v10)

Heavenly Father, by the mercies of God, we offer our bodies
65 Ro 12:1-2

as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God which is our reasonable and
spiritual act of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what GodÕs
Will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will. We pray that Father God
teach us to be willing to present our bodies as a devoted living sacrifice to
commit our life and submit to GodÕs will of all the things we do and deci-
sions we choose. Teach us to do even small things not according to our
way and not to compromise with the world, but to do it according to your
Heavenly Father, we pray that you open our spiritual eyes and illu-
minate our spiritual eyes, so that we will have faith to enlarge our spiritual
vision to see and believe that your will surely be done in the Whole Earth,
help us to have a spiritual vision of the whole earth. Although there are
more and more crimes, wickedness, darkness and evils appeared in the
world, but the gospel of the Kingdom of God will be preached to all the
nations and creatures of the world, before the second coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ, praise the Lord! Lord Jesus, we pray that you help us to be
full of Zeal and power as your witnesses and disciples to preach the gospel
of the kingdom of God. Help us to deny our self, to lay down our own
interests, feelings and comfort; because of love, let us willing to pay the
price to sacrifice our time, money, talents and love to share Christ with
others, to encourage and care for the needs of others. 66 Phil 2:5Let our attitude,
mind and purpose should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, 67 Lk 9:23that we
are willing to take up our cross Daily to follow Christ. 68 Ro 14:7-8For if we
live, we live for the Lord. And if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether
we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Let Christ lives in us and through us
for we live by faith in the Son of God. 69 2 Cor 4:10-12Let the power of the
resurrection life of Christ through our bodies to manifest in our life to bear
much fruit. Glory to the Name of the Lord!

(4) Give us this day our daily bread (v11)

Heavenly Father, thank you for your promise to meet all our Physi-
cal and Material needs. 70 1 Thes 5:17We pray that You teach us to commune
with you and Pray to you Everyday, let us live a life of prayers, for God
loves and pleases to have fellowship with us and meet all our needs of the
spirit, soul and body. 71 Mt 6:33seek first your kingdom and your righteousness,
and all these things shall be added to us.
Heavenly Father, teach us to start each day to believe and trust in
you, 72 Eph 5:18
let the Holy Spirit fills our life to lead us daily, so that we can
see and experience the presence of Jesus in our life through our eyes of
faith. 73 2 Tim 3:1-6We pray that Heavenly Father help us to live each day not to
grumble, judge, murmur, complain, slander, criticise against God and man
with negative words, thoughts and attitude.
Heavenly Father, we pray that you reveal to us to know that
74 Gen 22:14

you are Jehovah Jireh, you will supply us all our daily needs, 75 Ps 23:1for the
Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not lack. 76 Phil 4:19And our God will meet all
our needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Heavenly Father, we thank you that the silver is yours and the
77 Hag 2:8

gold is yours; we will not rob you in tithes and offerings, we are willing to
hear your Word and also mix the Word with faith to obey your Word so
that we will not sin against God and that there may be food in your house.
We will wisely choose blessing and not the curse upon our life. 78 Mal 3:8-
Thank you for GodÕs promise says, ÒBring the whole tithe into the
storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and test Me in this,Ó says
the Lord of hosts, Òand see if I will not throw open for you the windows of
heaven and pour out for you so much blessing that you will not have room
enough for it.Ó 79 Pr 3:9-10Honor the Lord with your wealth, and with the first
fruits of all your income; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and
your vats will overflow with new wine.Ó
Heavenly Father, apart from the physical and material needs, finan-
cial needs and what we will eat or drink; or about our body, what we will
wear, 80 1 Pet 2:2we should like newborn babies, thirst for the pure spiritual
milk(Word), so that by it we may be nurtured and grow up in our salvation.
81 Jn 6:63
The Word of the Lord Jesus is our spiritual food. 82 Jude 20We build
ourselves up in our most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. 83 Jn 4:34Lord
Jesus, teach us to learn to follow you, for your food is to do the will of God
and to finish His work; hence our food is also to do GodÕs will and to
finish His work of our calling. 84 Lk 8:15We hear GodÕs Word, retain it in our
hearts and mix it with faith, 85 Mk 4:20and by persevering bear fruit thirty-
fold, sixty and a hundred-fold what is sown. 86 Heb 10:35-36Lord Jesus, we pray
that you help us not to throw away our confidence, so that our faith can
hold fast and persevere to fully accomplish GodÕs will, and we will be
richly rewarded and will receive what God has promised. 87 Ro 4:17For God
calls into being the nonexistent things as if they already existed. Praise the
Lord! Hallelujah!
(5) And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
debtors (v12)
Heavenly Father, thank you for forgiving us our sins, we have re-
ceived your peace and joy of our salvation in our souls and hearts. 88 Ps 32:
Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.
Thank you Father for meeting the needs of our hearts and souls. 89 Heb 9:
Thank you Lord Jesus for your precious blood cleanse our consciences
from dead works to serve the living God. 90 Ex 23:25-26We will worship and
serve the Lord our God, and you will bless our food and water; and you
will remove sickness from our midst. No one will miscarry or be barren in
our land; you will fulfill the number of our days.
Heavenly Father, we pray that you give us a heart of true repentance,
so that we can receive your cleansing and forgiveness by the precious
blood of Jesus. Let us determine to change our mind and hearts to correct
our behaviour and ways of life that the purpose of our living is in focus
with GodÕs will.
Heavenly Father, we are willing to Confess and acknowledge our
sins, to renounce and forsake all our sins, so as to turn to Christ, enter-
ing into the kingdom of God. Lord Jesus, we plead your precious blood to
cleanse and purge all our sins, your precious blood to break all our chains
and bondages of sins, there is power in your precious blood to break all
our curses, evil habits, bondages of sins, sicknesses and infirmities; let the
power of your precious blood loose us, deliver us and gives us freedom of
peace, joy, love, health and purity in the Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father, we
pray that you help us not to lust for the pleasures of sins, not to tempt God
and to perish in the wilderness of worldly lusts and fleshly passions. We
desire to receive and experience your life and life abundantly. 91 2 Tim 2:
Therefore, we cleanse and purge ourselves from these wicked things, we
will be a vessel for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and
prepared for every good work. 92 1 Pet 1:15-16As He Who called us is holy, so
be holy ourselves also in all our behavior.
Heavenly Father, teach us to have the simplicity, trust and humility
like the children, 93 1 Pet 5:5let our hearts be humble and submissive to the
Lord Jesus and the people over us to lead us. We desire and to hunger to be
teachable by your Word and Truth, let us receive your Word with a humble
heart so that we can grow and be mature in our spiritual life.
Heavenly Father, help us be transformed by the renewing of our mind,
94 Ro 8:14
teach us be submissive to the guiding and correction of the Holy
Spirit, so that we can bear much fruit in our life. 95 Eph 4:30; 96 1 Thes 5:19Help us to
be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, to have an intimate fellow-
ship and relationship with the Holy Spirit, so that we will not grieve the
Holy Spirit and quench the Spirit.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your love to us, thank you for your
mercy and forgiveness to our sins; 97 Jn 20:23please help us also to have mercy
to love and forgive others. 98 Mt 6:14For if we are willing to humble ourselves
to forgive others, 99 Mk 11:25then we can pray with authority. 100 Lk 17:4As we
humble ourselves to forgive others, Jesus will come to our midst and GodÕs
presence is among us. As we forgive our debtors, God will have mercy to
us and forgive us, thank you Father for your love to us. 101 Mt 18:18-20We will
determine to be merciful and forgive the sins of others, so that we can pray
and intercede with authority and power, 102 1Jn 3:8to pull down the strong-
holds and fortresses of satan and destroy his works against the people. 103
2Cor 10:4-5
For the weapons of our warfare are not physical and carnal weap-
ons of the world, but mighty through God to demolish strongholds. Cast-
ing down imaginations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowl-
edge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obedient to

(6) And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us

from evil (v13)
Heavenly Father, we pray that you help us to live a life of Holiness,
Righteousness and Upright, so that we can overcome sin and satan in our
life. 104 Jas 4:7Submit ourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he
will flee from us. 105 Eph 6:12For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the powers and authorities, against the rul-
ing spirits of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of wickedness
in the heavenly realms. 106 Jude 20-21But we build ourselves up on our most
holy faith and the Word, which is the sword of the Spirit. 107 Eph 6:18And pray
in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Be
alert and always keep on praying for all the saints, and keep ourselves in
the love of God.
Heavenly Father, Lead us each day to live a life that pleasing you;
let your Word, peace and the conviction of the Holy Spirit guide us to
accomplish your plan and will in our life. Thank you for your faithfulness,
love and power to keep us and guide us to walk in your way.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your Protection to our life, so that
we will not be hurt and fear no evil. 108 Jn 14:14For the Name of the Lord
Jesus and the precious blood of the Lord Jesus will overshadow us and our
families, so that we will worship and serve you for our whole life. 109 Ac 16:
Believe in the Lord Jesus, and we and our household will be saved. 110 Rev
In the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the precious blood of The Victo-
rious Lamb, Jesus; 111 1 Tim 2:1-2we bind and rebuke satan and his evil spiritsÕ
lies, deceit, disturbances, curses, barriers, infirmities that against us as
individuals, families, pastors, elders, deacons, christian brothers and sisters,
churches, house groups/small groups, sunday schools, fellowships, mis-
sion organisations, bible colleges/theological seminaries, prayer mountains,
cities, nations, governments, youth and teenagers, friends and relatives,
neighbours and colleagues, we take authority to bind and destroy the pow-
ers and attacks of satan and his demonic works against all these people in
the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the power of the precious blood of
Jesus, 112 Eph 2:2and in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by JesusÕ precious
blood, We bind and stop the evil spirits who are now at work in all these
peoplesÕ hearts, mind and bodies. In the Name of Jesus and by His blood,
we command satan and his evil spirits to flee from the people of God and
the churches of Jesus Christ. 113 Jas 4:7We submit to God and resist the devil,
and he will flee from us, Halellujah! 114 Mt 18:18In the Name of the Lord
Jesus, we invite the Holy Spirit Who is our Lord to loose His works and
ministries to our life individually, families, pastors, elders, deacons,
christian brothers and sisters, churches, house groups/small groups, sunday
schools, fellowships, mission organisations, bible colleges/theological
seminaries, prayer mountains, cities, nations, governments, youth and
teenagers, friends and relatives, neighbours and colleagues, 115 2 Cor 3:17we
thank you Holy Spirit, for where there is Your presence, there is freedom.
Lord Jesus, we pray that you help us all to believe and trust in you, to
surrender and submit to you, 116 Phil 2:13for it is God who is at work in us,
both to will and to act according to his good purpose and pleasure. 117 Eph 3:
God is able to do exceeding abundantly more than all that we ask or
think, according to his power that is at work within us. Glory to the Name
of the Lord!
Heavenly Father, thank you for you have Delivered us from
118 Col 1:13

the dominion of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of your be-

loved son, in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the for-
giveness of our sins. We firmly believe that Father God will save and de-
liver us from all the perplex and difficult circumstances to give us freedom
and victory, so that we can overcome sins and satan. Lord Jesus, let you be
our strength to overcome the temptations of sins and the attacks of satan.
119 1 Thes 4:3-5
For it is GodÕs will that we should be sanctified; that we should
avoid sexual immorality; that each of us should learn to control our own
body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in lustful passion, like the
heathen who do not know God. 120 1 Pet 1:16We have to be holy, for God is
holy, 121 Heb 12:14without holiness, we cannot see God and the glory of God
manifested in our life.
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us your GRACE. 122 1 Cor 15:
We believe and trust in GodÕs grace, that the indwelling Holy Spirit works
in our hearts, for Christ lives in us and through us, to manifest the love and
holiness of God in our life. 123 1 Thes 5:23May the God of peace Himself pre-
serve our spirits and souls and bodies, and sanctify us entirely. Thank God
for giving us your grace, and your grace is sufficient for us.

(7) For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the
glory, forever. Amen. (v13)
Heavenly Father, thank you for the Kingdom of God is in
125 Lk 17:21

our hearts, we pray that our hearts are filled with faith, 126 Ro 10:17and faith
comes from hearing and hearing your Word; your Word brings us faith to
see the invisible God and the powerful works of the Holy Spirit. Faith
opens our eyes to see the kingdom of God and the Kingly authority of the
Lord Jesus manifested in the life of the people.
Heavenly Father, you are God of All Power and Authority, teach
us to live a life of humility and submissive to you; for through our humil-
ity and submission to the Lord Jesus, we will have your authority to ac-
complish the works that you call us to do. 127 Jas 4:10Humble ourselves in the
sight of the Lord, and you will lift us up, 128 Ps 75:6-7for promotion come not
from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south; But God is the judge!
He puts down one and lifts up another.
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us Your Glory through
124 Jn 17:22

Christ Jesus, Your glory fill the whole earth forever! Be still and cease
striving, and know that you are God; You will be exalted among the nations,
you will be exalted in the earth! Heavenly Father, you are God of Glory,
grant us a heart of reverential fear to you; 129 Num 14:10as we fear God, we will
see your glory manifested in our life. Father God, we pray that your Glory
will shine upon the faces of your children, so that we will fear and worship
you; and we will not worship and serve money, career, reputation, fame,
immorality, and power.
Heavenly Father, You are the Everlasting God, we pray that you
reveal yourself to us and illuminate the eyes of our hearts, so that we know
and hold fast the eternal vision in our life! 130 Heb 11:9,13We admit that we are
only temporary strangers and pilgrims on the earth, 131 Eph 5:15-17therefore we
have to be careful to live wisely, making the most of every opportunity to
invest our time for the eternal rewards, and work diligently as a living
sacrifice to serve God and not to serve the world and satan. Therefore do
not be foolish, but understand what the LordÕs will is, 132 1 Jn 2:17for the
world and its lusts is passing away, but the one who does the will of God
lives forever.
Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you. 133 2 Cor 1:20For all the
promises of God in Christ are ÒYesÓ, and also through Christ ÒAmenÓ to
the glory of God through us. The promises of God are firmly secured and
guaranteed, 134 Heb 6:12we shall firmly hold fast our faith with perseverance,
135 Ro 4:20-21
for the fulness of the times, God will fulfill all His promises. 136
Rev 7:12
To God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be power and
riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise!
forever and ever! ÒAmen.Ó
Scriptures quotation from (KJV, NIV, NAS, Amplified Bible)

Author: Rev. Eric K.C. Pang (B.Sc., B.A., M.Sc., M.B.A., M.Div.)

Publisher: Elisha Revival Ministries

P.O. Box 879

Fanling, N.T.,

Hong Kong.

Design & Printing: Signal Printing Co., Hong Kong.

Date of Publishing: 1st Printing, August, 2002.

Copyright Reserved.

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