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The vision with creative insight is of great significance in the field of the management & the
business. The marketing management needs to be must creative in its vision to the management
of the customers. To achieve the business goals the roadways to the customers heart would be
known. The business of gift & greetings is one of such business.

This is the business which serves The most special way to say you care. When you want to
express your felling, you want to great someone on some special occasion, when you like some
body, this is the best way to materialize the feeling & express it in words.

One would definitely seek for the product that simplifies the communication of feelings. The
handiest products are gifts & greeting cards. Archies says you care i.e. every feelings or
emotion that comes within us can be expressed through Archies cards & gifts easily. It is an
general hard to express otherwise feelings and emotions without Archies is rightly said by
many of youngsters in India.

Lets take an insight study about the marketing information regarding the interesting product of
most popular card & gift co. Archies.



My project is titled as marketing mix of archies. It emphasizes on the marketing mix and its
4Ps i.e product, price , place and promotion . It also gives us a deeper insight into the company
and what its future plans are.

Objectives of the study :
(1) To study about the marketing mix of archies
(2) To study about the performance of archies in each part of the marketing mix.

This study helps us to know the company archies in quiet detail and lets us know the
marketing mix of the company and how archies performs in each part of the marketing mix .

Secondary sources: the data collection was done with the help of secondary sources such as
different published books, journals and websites.




Marketing Mix is the set of controllable variable that a firm can use to influence the buyers
response within a given marketing environment, which consists of political, social, cultural,
economical and other factors. The blend of these ingredients constitutes the marketing mix which
is expected to being the turn with the environmental influences. The marketing mix will be
changing environmental factors. The elements or variables that market up a marketing mix are
only four. They are:
1) Decision on products
2) Decision on price
3) Decision on place
4) Decision on promotion

These four ingredients are closely inter related. Marketing mix is optimum combination of all
marketing ingredients so that marketing manager can have realization of companys goals such
as profit, return of investment, sales volume, and market share and so on. It is profitable formula
of marketing operation.

For achieving goals of market, company has to select specific marketing targets in the form of
market segment. For each segment types of marketing activities that are coordinated in to a

single marketing program to reach a particular target. The combination of these market devices is
known as marketing mix.

Here, internal marketing includes the work done by the company to contact its customer and
motivate employee to work as a team to provide customer satisfaction.
So long as interacting marketing is concerned with employees skill to handle the customers.
They can retain its customers through earning an innovative reputation over its competitors. This
company believes that their product and services must enrich peoples lives and enhance their
relationship that creativity and quality is their concept, product and services are essential to
3.1 Elements of Marketing Mix

Now, we know that marketing mix is nothing but a combination of four inputs which frame the
elements of the marketing mix.

1) Product Mix:
The product is the most tangible and important single component of marketing programme. It is
the thing possessing utility.

2) Price Mix:
Price mix is an important element in the marketing. It is the valuation placed upon the product by
the offerer. It covers pricing, discount, allowances etc.


3) Place Mix:
Place is the area where the finished products or goods are deliver to the customers. Moreover the
easy availability of the product at right place is necessary for every company.

4)Promotion Mix:
Promotion is the process of marketing communication involving information, persuasion and
influence. It includes advertising, personnel selling, sales promotion, publicity etc.


Product is a bundle of utilities consisting of various product features and accompanying services.
The bundle of utilities is composed of those physical and psychological attributes that the buyer
receives when he buys the product and which the sales provides by selling a particular
combination of product features and associated services, without product all activities become
fertile and useless, people satisfy their need and wants with products.
Product mix is the set of all product line and items that a particular seller offers for the sale to
buyers. It needs not consists related products. It consists of product line which has certain depth,
width, length and depends upon number of product in group of production. Consistency of
product mix refers to the question that weather the product has product differentiation or not.
Good product is the key to market success. If the product fails to satisfy customer demand, no
additional cost on any of the other ingredients of the marketing mix will improve the product
performance in the market place.


The 4 ingredients of product mix provides for defining the companys product strategy. The
company can expand business in 4 ways. It can increase each product line by adding more
product variables to each product.
The product may be tangible or intangible. There is a vast difference between this two. But the
ultimate aim in both the cases is the satisfaction of customer needs and wants. Customers are
first needed to be convinced. It is highly necessary to gain their confidence by providing them
good quality services.
Archies aims to satisfy the customer by producing want satisfactory products. So Archies put
their heart into creation of the best quality products.


Archies is most popular card and gift company in Asia and India. Communication and self
expression of feelings is possible through the Archies product development. Every month
Archies manufactures 400 to 500 new designs of cards and so many other related products, such
as decorated mugs, life like posters, fun toys, party wise different items and an excellent range of
stationary. All their products are based on what people want out of life and all meet the highest
standards of quality and creativity.

Archies has to materialize imagination and dreams in to greeting and gifts. To have brief outline
of product mix of Archies, lets refer the following chart and then utilize the designs of cards to
explain the point.



As we have seen before, that there are so many cards available in different design and as per the
occasion also. In the present marketing environment, segmentation offers way to add competitive
value for the company. And company has to segment their customers into similar order
according to the product and services to each group. So company divides the customer as per
their age and they survey that at which age people purchase which type of cards and more as we
can see it as under:


Birthday Diwali
Below 18 70 %

40 % 70 % 30 %
18-30 10 % 40 % 15 % 50 %
Above 30 10 % 10 % 5 % 10 %

Any product has some features. The term features refers to those inner characteristics of the
product, which make it different from the other product. Each feature has a chance of capturing
the fancy of additional buyers. In other words, features means any special point differentiating

that particular product from other product. They are the biggest competitive tools in the hands of
company. Each feature born from the suggestion given by the unsatisfied customers.

As like others, Archies products are also constantly involving and reflect cultural changes,
fashion, trends, customer demand. But as per the company their main features of their product
are that it appeals to the Indian customers and people directly as it is a rightly Indian.
Products running and absorbed in India are totally vice versa to that of running abroad.

Brand Name
Brand name is the sign, symbol, design or a mix of there uses to identity the product of any firm
and to distinguish it form the competitive products. In developing a marketing strategy, the
sellers have to confront the branding decision. Each and every company tries its level best to be
brand leader or company leader.
Archies has become and alternate Brand name to its products like Xerox machines etc. Archies
is the popular and expand all over India and Asia. Greeting cards help people to communicate
their feeling. They are symbol expressing love, thoughtfulness, and the whole warm of human
feelings. An every person feels that you can get it only through Archies product and it is its
brand name because its famous slogan is:

The most special way to say you care.
In todays competitive era, quality is the most important aspect so far as the success of any
product is concerned. Quality here means the part of the physical object for which the ultimate

customer is paying in terms of money.According to Archies quality is not just physical
satisfaction or approval. In Archies, product quality means customer will mentally satisfied and
happy to what he pays and to what he get in qualitative, physical and mental terms. It is
something related with personnel feeling and emotions that can be achieved and expressed easily
through Archies product.

Design of the product is one of the important tools to attract the customer. It is nothing but the
out look of the product. A product should be designed in such a way that it adds the
attractiveness of the particular product. But the other aspect of product like its features, quality,
and so on should be considered while designing that particular product. Design reflects the
features of the product and the features of the product which make it different from other

Archies has very efficient team of written and designers, communication being the prime
objective, message and designs are specifically designed to suit the tastes of the every day
customer as well as occasional buyers and seasons like, Diwal, Idd, Holi, Rakhi,etc. They
perform their job very best in providing the most memorable moving and impressive messages
and designs.

They believe that there is no competition in designs for Archies product. Go and ask any of the
regular person writing cards. He would just tell you that out of 10 cards he writer of receives for
8 are of Archies brand.

Sensing the growth and demand for good designs in the regional market also, Archies took the
eminent decision to produce cards in Marathi also.

The term size means the dimension or the measure of thing. In other words size refers to the
magnitude of the product to product size has also direct relationship with price of the product.

In Archies from two inches to thirty inches in length cards are available. In general six to ten
inches cards are in more absorption in the market and are focused more also.

Once the decision is taken on the brand, the company has to consider the design and the make up
of the package. Packing can be defined as the activities of designing and producing the container
for the product. Almost all physical products going to the market are packed. Packing plays a
major role in case of expensive products. It becomes so important thing when the product are
delicate has a high percentage or chances of packages. In modern view packing is considered as
P of the marketing mix. Modern method of packing is valuable to the manufacturers to
establish his branded product of distinct from those of his rivals. Now a days packing is also use
for attractiveness.
In Archies there are different type of covers are used to pack the cards. Matched packing cover
of same design of cards is also there for some type of product. Paper bags, plastic bags, colorful
boxes, funny packing are also available according to the matched products.

Product Life Cycle
The thing gone out of date quickly in the market where innovation is frequent and customer are
dynamic. The company always accepts to lengthen the product life cycle. So that long life of the
product yield more and more returns. But it is not possible always as competitors, customers and
market as whole under gone continuous changes.

In the market of gifts and greetings one thing is a customary, the same customer never
repurchases same gift article or a greeting card for presenting to different persons. Under this
situation he every time searches for something new. And Archies take in to consideration this
thing for ever for their beloved customers.

It has shortened its product life cycle for most of the product and kept on changing the designs.
The maximum life of the paper products is 2 months and company takes are that designs are not
repeated so that freshness is maintained. Its creativity proves in the fact that every month 400 to
500 new designs of cards are introduced and sold. It also resort to practices life interchanging
designs and layout for different occasion under different product categories and even utilizing a
same design for different purposes. Its object is to give the best alternatives to the customers.

A Dream A Vision A Belief

In the year 1970, a young man graduated from Ramjas College, Delhi University, and like any
other fresh graduate, he was filled with the burning desire to achieve something big in life He

was belonging to a business family, involved in the trade where one of this regular customers is
presented him with two posters purchased from U.S.A. These, he displayed in the sari shop. This
young man started putting posters for sales at the sari shop.
He felt that if the sales of the posters were such a success in the sari shop, may be he could take
up a full time corner.
It was the momentous decision of this young man which eventually laid the foundation of an
industry that sells happiness. This is how Archies was born.
This young man did not know how life would chart its course, but he has a dream, a vision, and a
belief and this is what kept him going, and reach to achieve milestones in his journey of 20
eventful years.

This man is Mr. Anil Moolchandani.

Archies at a Glance
Asias and Indias No. 1 Card Company.
100% Indian Co. with foreign collaborations under its name Archies.
They are Paper Rose, Paper Magic, Fine Expressions, & Kingsley.
It is also providing free sale service & donatesfund through the sale of Helping India cards.
It is the largest producer & seller of greeting cards in India & Asia.
Co. having a very high share price maintaining the level along with other share of A group
It has the largest & skillful staff, executive officers, printers and management in India for the
card industry.

More than 400 franchise outlets of Archies Gallery & Archies the card shop in Asia which
is in itself the No. 1 in any field throughout Asia.
Business along with fun & flourish is the slogan for the traders of Archies Products.

Gift & Greeting Business
Since there historic era, people are very much interested in celebrating the incidents of joys and
happiness. The celebration involves the dance, music, attractive dresses, tasty dishes and world
today exchange of gifts. In the gifts emerge to an attractive business.
Man by nature is pleasure seeking and there arises the basic need for the things that can be
exchanged merely in signature of feelings rather than any material rewards. The use increasing
cards and gifts kept increasing with the increasing levels of education and thrust for celebrating
the every possible occasion. From festival to birthday, from journeys to success one find a long
list where exchange of feelings is through the medium of greeting and gifts.
This has open new operations for the earning of handsome profit by creating the substitute of
feelings. At present it is a big business and Archies is the biggest name in Asia for cards and
gifts business. More than 50% of market share is covered by Archies which is largest by any
single company in India in field of card and gift related.




Price is the exchange value of the goods or services in terms of money.
Price is the only element in the marketing that crated sale revenue; The other elements
are cost.

Pricing Objectives
The company first has to decide what it want to accomplish with the particular market
positioning carefully then its marketing mix strategy including price will be fairly straight
forward. The clear the companys pricing objectives the easier to price. But it should be noted
that the firm has to consider many factors in selecting the objectives. Some specific objectives of
companys pricing policy may be noted below:
1) Survival
2) Maximum current profit
3) Current revenue
4) Maximum sales growth
5) Maximum market skimming
The pricing objectives of Archies
Since price is a powerful strategic weapon in the market place, it should be used to accomplish
specified objectives. In one of the most comprehensive studies ever completed on Archies, I
found that Archies use above five stated objectives to fix a price.

1) Survival:
Archies pressure survival as its main objectives planned with other companies, interest,
competition or changes in customer behavior.

2) Maximum Current Profit:
Archies try to set the prices that will maximize current profit. It estimates the demands and costs
associated with alternative prices and choose the prices and that produces maximum profit and
cash flow as rules of return on investment.

3) Current Revenue:
Archies sets its prices in such a manner that maximize sales revenue and customer satisfaction.
Revenue maximization requires only estimating the demand function many managers of Archies
believe that revenue maximization will lead to long run maximization.

4) Maximum Sales Growth:
Archies wants to maximize units sales. It believes that highest sales volume leads to lower unit
cost and highest long run profit so it sets the prices of cards assuming a market is price sensitive.

5) Maximum Market Skimming:
Archies sets it prices to skim the market. The company believes in skim for the cream profit.


Generally the company considers the following factors for determining final price of cards:

1) Dealers margin:
While setting a final price, company takes into consideration the dealers margin which is given
according to the terms and condition agreed between company and dealers.

2) Competition:
At present company has no any competitors in this field, but there are some other units who
producing cards. The company considers the price of cards of its competitors.

3) Customer Expectation:
Some times company also consider customer view point pertaining to price level i.e. how much
they are ready to pay for particular product.
Pricing Policy
After identifying what are the objectives, management must establish price policy. Policies are
guidelines for achieving the objectives.
Decision concerning price to follow for a period of time may called price policies.
Although price policies vary in degree and scope among business firm of cards. The most
common in use may be identified in the following categories.
1) Price variation policies
2) Competition oriented price policy
3) Price policy

Discount Policy
Discount is a popular term in the hands of top management to increase their sales. The term
discount refers to the deduction from product. Discount being reduction is the original prices of
the product are relatively cheap which attract new customers and sustaining old ones.
Archies do not believe in such discount policy. They give some extra benefits with every sale but
not in form of discount because it has covered sufficient market share through its best quality.

Allowances are the other type of reduction from the list price. For example, trade in allowance is
price reduction granted for turning all item when buying a new one. Promotion as allowance is
payment or price reduction to reward the dealers and distributors for participating in advertising
and sales support programme.
Such allowances are not given to dealers because all the trade promotion activity are directly
carried on by the company itself.
Using competitive pricing
The pricing decision becomes difficult because the current dynamic environment becomes
complex due to competition on one hand and the growing demand of customers to get more
value at law price on the other hand. Under such a scenario a company can not afford to
determine their price on the old policies in use. Instead company should ensure that its price
matches its value and offer more utility and satisfaction then the competitors price.


The pricing in the popular product are well within the range of affordable capacity pf general
masses and the company has an interesting element attached to its pricing. The gift and greetings
cannot be valued in terms of care products but to match the purchasers perception. There are 4
division of the pricing of the Archies in case of greeting cards for the different purposes.

Segment Price Range

Economic 4 to 10
Popular 25 to 70
Sophisticated 25 to 50
Exclusive 50 to 175



Among the four parts of the marketing mix, third stands for place mix. Once, products are
produced by the production department, in the place the finished product at right place to deliver
the finished goods to ultimate users. Place is the customer marketing tool and stands for various
activities which the company undertakes to make the product easily available to the target
A company must identify, recruit and link various middleman and marketing facilitators, so that
its products and services are effectively supplied to the target market. The company should
understand the ends of various types of retailers, wholesaler and physical distribution firms and it
should be appointed according to the requirement of company to distribute the finished goods.
Most of the producers do not sale their goods directly to the users. Between producer and final
user stands a marketing channel host of marketing intermediaries such as wholesalers and
retailers performing a variety of functions and bearing a variety of names.
Marketing channels are sets of independent organization involved in the process of
marketing product or service as available for use or consumption.

Channel decision is among the most critical decision facing management. The companys chosen
channel ultimately affects all the other marketing decisions. The companys pricing depends on
whether it uses mass merchandisers or exclusive show rooms. In distribution system various
objectives are to be covered. It is very essential that channels are managed efficiently. For the
distribution of finished goods various means are used. For the distribution of finished goods

various means are used. Transportation, warehousing, and inventory are involved in the place
Distribution Network
A distribution network may bee defined as the systematic arrangement of various factors
responsible for the physical dispersion of goods from the primary producer to the ultimate user.
A firm can arrange its distribution network in different ways depending upon requirement and
the financial capacity of that firm
Archies has 400 gallery and more than 75 distributors for its products all over India. Moreover, it
has nearly 200 wholesalers and thousand retailers.

Types of Distribution channel

Channel of distribution are the means employed by manufacturers and sellers to get their
products to the market and into the hands of users. This channel decision is most critical decision
because channel chosen for the companys products ultimately affect every other marketing
decision, i.e. pricing decision, advertising decision, sales force decision, etc.
The choice of channel of distribution is not limited for producers because there are many types of
channels available for the distribution purpose. Various channels available to the manufacturers
are as follows:
Zero level channel
One level channel
Two level channel
Three level channel


The problem of selecting the most suitable channel of distribution for a product is complex one.
The most fundamental factor for channel choice and channel management is cost and profit
creation. A firm has to consider a number of factors such as the nature of the product, market
brands, competition outlook, pricing policy, typical consumer needs as well as needs of
manufacturers himself. Archies considers following factors:
Unit value of the product
Generally the unit value of the cards and gifts articles of Archies is high so shorter and costly
channel is used.
Company Factors
Archies being a large unit is financially strong and has full capacity. Thus it has developed
shorter channel for physical distribution of goods.
Competitors channel
Marketers closely watch the channel used by rivals. Many a times similar channel may be
desirable to being about the distribution of the product.
Cost of channel
The total cost of distribution channel is also an important factor. Therefore manager should
select that channel which is suitable as well as affordable.


This is the fourth and the last topic of marketing mix according to out study. Promotion is a
communicate activity whole main object is to move forward or push forward a product, service,
idea, in a channel of distribution. It is an effort by a marketer to inform and persuade buyers to
accept the services or product. In short, promotion means to push forward in such a way as to
gain its acceptance and approval. The promotional activity always attempts to afford knowledge,
attitudes, performances and behavior of buyers.
If you have best product with fair price people will not buy it they have no many ideas regarding
our products. So, it is very important to aware the people from the existence of product, its
features, uses, benefits etc. This aspect helps in awaking stimulating consumer demand for the
product. Not only that but it also helps in capturing and maintaining demand for product.
In modern marketing it is more important to attract the customer by various promotional tools
rather than good product. Every company directly or indirectly plays the role of communicate
and promoters. To communicate effectively, companies like advertisement agencies to develop
effective advertisement and sales promotion. Specialists are requiring designing sales incentives
programs. The communication in promotion mix includes sales promotion, advertising, sales
force, publicity tools.

Advertising is one of the, most important tool in promotion mix that a company can use to
promote its product. For the new product, to introduce in to market, advertising is very
important. Advertising is one of the common tools that companies use to direct persuasive
communication to target buyers the public. Advertising may be defined as:

Any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion if ideas, goods or services by an
identified sponsor.
Advertisements are a cost effective way to disseminate messages. Advertising by facilitating
mass production and mass distribution has provided employment opportunity to people. It has
made possible tremendous industrialization and economic development in many countries. It is
the backbone of modern marketing. Many modern one amenities like refrigerators, motor cars,
radio, cameras, vacuum cleaners and other appliances are sold in mass market at very reasonable
process with the help of proper advertising. The main objectives behind the advertising are as
To increase the sales.
To make a brand image.
To educate, inform and guide the people.
To promote the new product.
To bring immediate buying action.
Archies also adopt these tools of advertising far its products. They give ads in television and
different magazines.
The first ad of Archies was shown on screen in 1991. They are for Anniversary, Teenagers and
birthday party. Then on Radio also they advertise. The program was Archies Best of Both
Words. And this goes on and on.

Advertising Budget
After determining advertising objectives, the company can proceed to establish its ad budget.
The role of advertisement is to shift the product demand curve upward. The company wants to

spend the amount required to achieve the sales goals. But how does a company knows if it is
spending the right amount? If the company spends too much, some money is wasted. Hence a
proper advertisement budget should be fixed. Following are the factors which effect the budget
1) Stage in the product life cycle:
New brands needs to build awareness and having large budget established brands usually have
lower budgets.
2) Market share:
High market share brands require lower budget as compare to low market share brands.
3) Competition:
For high competition markets high advertising budgets are required and vice-versa.
4) Advertising Frequency:
The number of repetitions needed to put across the brands message to consumers also
determines the advertising budget.
5) Product Sustainability: More does substitutes and more advertising budget is requiring for
any product.

Advertising Message
The advertising message is nothing but the theme of advertising expressed is desired manner to
the target audience. It requires a very high degree of creativity. Ad companies differ in their
creativity. Advertiser therefore of through 3 steps to develop and creative strategy: message
generation, message evaluation and selection, message execution.


Message generation:
In principle, the products message should be decided as part of developing the product concept.
It expresses the major benefits that the brand offers. Yet, within this concept there may be a
number of options.

Message evaluation & selection:
Alternative messages should be evaluated by the advertiser. A good ad normally focuses on
selling proportion. Message must say something desirable of interesting about the product. It
must also say something exclusive which does not apply to every brand is the product category.
Finally the message must be believable and approvable.

Message Execution:
The messages impact depends not only upon what is said but also on how it is said. This is
particularly important for television. The T.V. ads are most important for the company to take
into consideration because through T.V. you can give your ideas and your product features and
its uses.
Archies gives ads on television with emotional appeals to satisfy those who are yours. Archies
gives ads at different time with different ideas and different type of product features. Its main
message is always
The most special way to say you care.
Advertising Media
After taking decision regarding the ad message, the advertisement has to carry choose
advertising media to carry that massage. The steps are deciding on desired research, frequency

and impact, choosing among major media vehicles, deciding on geographical media allocation.
Media selection is the problem of finding the most cost effective media to deliver the desired
number of exposures to the target audience.

Reach: Number of different persons exposed to the given media vehicle at least once during the
specified period.
Frequency: Number of time one average person is exposed to the message in specific time
Impact: The qualitative value of an exposure through a given medium.
Hence, the media planner must decide that within the given budget what are the most cost
effective combination o reach, frequency and impact. The major media available are as follows:

News Paper
Direct male
Out door
Archies gone for following medias:
1) Television: This technique has maximum impact on audience since it involves sound and
sight which helps it to communicate messages. Though it is expensive media but its impact is for
a long time than any other media. Their first ad on T.V. was come in 1991.

2) Newspapers: Economic times, The times of India and other national newspapers are used for
advertising the product. Since newspaper are very widely by the group of readers this is very
helpful in transmitting messages very quick up. It also helps in sending message to inaccessible

3) Magazines: For attractive advertising and class appeal this is a very good. Sort of media since
magazines are printed of standard paper. They remain longer with the readers. Though it costly
medium Archies is able to afford it since it is useful as well.

4) Posters and Banners: This is also one ad tool used by them which is the best and very
effective one. They use posters and banners in their own galleries on some special days like
Diwali, Friendship Day, and Valentines Day etc. Archies also give colored paper ad to give
brief history of the different days and about different occasions.

Sales Promotion is simply meaning by a program of goods and services promotion. It can be
defined as: Sales Promotion consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short
term, assigned to stimulate quicker or grater purchase of particular products or services by
consumer or traders.

Advertising offers a reason to buy, and Sales Promotion offers an incentive to buy. Sales
Promotion includes tools for consumer promotion, trade promotion and sales force promotion. It

is a plus ingredient in marketing mix where as advertising and personal selling is basic and
essential ingredient in the marketing mix. Today, Sales Promotion is a necessary and not merely
to luxury or fashion. It is not expenditure but an investment which can pay rich dividend.
Archies also accepted this tool of Sales Promotion very effectively. There are various
complementary gifts available to customer on every visit or every season like, calendars on new
year, cassettes on valentine day etc.

There latest adventure is: They arrange a contest for kids named- Design a card contest with
the association of Discovery Channel. By sending the drawings, they won the fabulous prices.

Future Plans

Company wants to increase the sales in Indian market as well as foreign market. As Cards &
Gifts market is boosting and on the other hand competition is also increasing day by day, the
company has to put continuous efforts on sales promotion activities. Moreover, they have to
satisfy the demand of the customer at any cost. So that continuous changes in design and
improvement in quality is essential for the better sales promotion to compete in the market.



Conclusion is the last thing to do after diagnosis the company. The marketing at Archies has the
spark to fire on the marketing front. It has the vision to reach the success from the air and
intelligence to produce the success through innovations.

Its strategies, programs, innovations, style & designs of the cards and type of gift articles are
most suitable to the dynamic era and it has a smooth path to travel on the marketing front. Its
approach is resulted to the consumer value chain and customer delight which provides the
instance to the many marketers to succeed.

Instead of enlarging the discussion, we may conclude that Archies is take a flexipack of what
you want for your feelings and heartily words to say someone about anything & everything.
Thats why all say that Archies cards are..

The most special way to say you care.



Reference Books:

Marketing Management -by Phillipe Kotler
Consumer Behavior by LucK& Rubin


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