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Charlote Bronty JaneEyre

- A bildungsroman, classical love story, novel of education, destiny,

forgiveness, divinity, economic, politic class inequality
3 Genres, the Gothic novel (utilizes the mysterious, the supernatural), the
romance novel (emphasizes love and passion), bildungsroman
All the events are told from Jane point of view.
Jane Eyres tone both gothic and romantic
Themes: Love vs. Autonomy, religion, social class, gender relations
Jane Eyre is the story of a quest to be loved. Jane must learn to gain love
without sacrificing herself, her fear of losing her autonomy motivates her
refusal of Rochesters marriage proposal. Jane believes that marrying
Rochester while he remains legally tied to Bertha would mean sacrificing
her own integrity.
Religion. Jane struggle to find the right balance between moral beauty and
earthy pleasure, between obligation to her spirit and attention to her body.
Social Class: Brontes exploration of the complicated social position of
governess is perhaps the novels most important treatment of his theme.
Janes manners sophistication and education are those of an aristocrat.
Because victorian governesses who tutured children in etiquette as well as
academics were expected to possess the culture of the aristrocracy.

Emily Bronte Wutherings Heights
Wutherung Heights has two main narrators: Ellen Nelly and Lockwood
Themes: Revange. When Heathcliff cannot have the woman he loves, he
turns his attention to revenging his childhood, his adoptive brother,
Hindley. He succed in his revenge, he became owner of the 2 houses
Love: Catherine and Heathcliffs passion for one another seem to be center
of Wutherings Heights and is the source of most of major conflicts that
structure the novels plot. Their passion is obviously immoral, but is one of
the most memorable aspect of the book . the book is actually structured
around 2 parallel love stories: the first half of the novel centering on the
love between Catherine and Heathcliff and the second half of the novel
centering on the love between the young Catherine and Heathcliff an
contrast to the first, the latter tale end happily restoring piece and order, to
Wuthering Heights and Thruschross Grange. The difference between the
two love stories contribute to the readers understanding of why each ends
the way it does.
Social Class. Catherines decision to marry Edgar so that she will be the
greatest woman of the neighborhood, is only the most obvious example.
Doubles. Bronte organizes her novel by arranging its elements (characters,
places and themes) into pairs. Chaterines character is divided into two
warring slides, the side that wants Edgar and the side that wants Heathcliff.
Catherine and young Catherine are both remarkably and similar, the two
Wutherings Heights and Thruschross Grange represent opposing worlds
and values.
The story has 2 different narators: Nelly and Lockwood
Repetition is another tactic Bronte employs in organizing Wutherung
Height. Time seem to run in circles and the horrors of the post repeat
themselves in present.
Nature vs. Culture. Nature = Catherine and Heathcliff. This Character are
governed by their passion not by reflection or ideals of civility.
The Linton family represent culture convention and civilization. Everyone
is wuthering heights, suffers physicals and emotional trauma and many of
them even die from it (Chaterine and Heathcliff).

Thomas Hardy Tess of the dUbervilles

Theme of the Justice and Judgement
Tess isnt responsible for her action. Shes a victim of rope why she keep
getting punished in the novel.
Man dominating women.
Alecs act of abuse is clearly the most serious instance of male domination
over a female. Angel, her husband (when she told about Alecs abuse), left
Memory and the past.
Title. Tess of the dUbervilles is the name of the heroine Tess Durbeyfield
is a common name represent a country girl. But Tess of the dUbervilles
represent a great, aristocratic lady.
Fate and free wice
In the world of Tess her history determinate her future. It is the story of
innocence, and evil concentrate on the fate of a simple country girl.
Tess tries to escape her social background under the pressure of exterior
circumstances, she is forced to fight the principles of evil embodied by Alec
but she cannot resist.
Alec is the symbol of evil, the embodiment of the wickedness and
unscrupulousness of the implacable world.
Brazil a motif of the novel. The narrator choose Brazil when he must
decide when Angel go for establish a career in farming. For Angel, Brazil
represent the impossibility of ideals but also forgiveness and acceptance of
life in spite of those disappointed ideals.
Changing Ideas of Social class in Victorian England. Tess tries to escape
her social background under the pressure of her partens

Henry James The Portrait of a Lady

As the title of the novel indicates Isabel is the principal character of the
book and the main focus of the novel
Ambition. Isabels innocence is in contrast with the ambition of Madame
Independence. Isabel want to be independent. She declined many of
marriage requests
Woman and femininity. The portrait of a lady is not simply, portrait of a
single woman. It reveals to us a whole of different woman, all of whom are
emblematic of their time, the late nineteen century.
Pride. Our protagonist is a very proud young lady. Her pride certainly
causes her to make mistakes.
Love. Here is brutal, obsessive, possessive.
Money is all over the place in this novel. Everyone has some but everyone
wants more.
Marriage, the only successful marriage in terms of longevity and respect is
between Isabels aunt and her uncle.

Virginia Wolf Mrs. Dalloway
Memories and the Past.
She past affects each characters of the novel differently. Certain memories
are very pleasant for Clarissa such as getting a kiss from Sally Setan.
She remembers some of the best memories of her life.
For Peter, the past is mostly just painful (he still cant get over his love for
For Septimus memories are haunting and painful. He continues to
hallucinate that he is seeing Evans get killed and memories of the war
dominate his mind.
Time of the novel starts in the early morning in June and ends in the next
Isolation. Just about every character in Drs. Dalloway feels isolated in some
way. Although many of them are bound by tradition, class, history, love of
empire or survival of trauma.
They still very alone in the world.
Madness. A man who has gone mad because of the war (Septimus) Evans
is Septimuss friend and a officer in the war who died just before the war
Society and the class

Joseph Conrad The Heart of Darkness
Light vs. Dark
Good vs. Evil
He seems to be suggesting here really isnt so much difference black and
white people.
Difficulty of understanding the world
Critical view of European imperialism in Africa
Madness as a result of the absurdity of evil
Symbols: Rivers, fig
Narrator: There are 2 narrators, an anonymous passage on a pleasure ship
who listen Marlows story and Marlow himself, a middle age ships captain

James Joyce A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Youth, this book follow the development of the main character from
childhood to adulthood
Transformation. Growing up is simply a series of transformations
Identity. This is a story of a search for true identity. We know from the title
that the protagonist fate is to became an artist
Title. The book present a portrait of an artist, the artist is the author. In
calling this book by this title Joyce compares writing to the fine arts.
Religion. Stephan was born in a Catholic Family . Firstly, he believes in the
morals of the church. When he grows he make mistakes (he repeatedly
sleep with prostitutes) and after that he turn back on religion.
The role of the Artist. The book explores what it means to became an artist.
At the end of the novel, Stefan decide to leave his family and go into exile
in order to became an artist.
Music appear repeatedly in the book
Flight. His name (Deadalus) embodies the idea of the fight.

William Golding Lord of the Flies

The central concern of the Lord of the flies is the conflict between 2
1. The instinct to live by rules act peacefully, follow moral
2. Act violently to obtain supremacy
Civilization vs Savagery
Order vs Chaos
Reason vs Impulse
Law vs Anarchy
Ralph represent order and leadership the protagonist, capable to
comprehending the rules of civilization. Jack who represent savagery and
the desire for power
Alegorical novel
Religion. The novel does contain Christian images and themes. Scaling
does not move direct connection to Christian. This civilian elements
function as a motif in the novel

Antony Burgess The clockwork Orange

It is a novel about growing up rebellious vs maturity. Alex is the protagonist
of the novel; he is the leader of the gang
Fate can influence peoples life. Alex believes that humans are born evil
and need cultivation to avoid evil.
Transformation. Despite all crimes Alex commit at the end at the novel he
realize that and regret
Violence and criminality is a major theme of the book. Alexander her gang
make crime, rape the girls, going drugs
Classical music. Despite of these attitude Alex listens classic music
(Mozart, Beethoven)
Milk. Drinking of milk suggests the infantilization. The fact that milk is
associate with drugs is ironic.

Doris Lesaing The Golden Notebook

This book contains few notebooks. The Golden Notebook tells the story of
Ana Wolf and her four notebooks if different colors. That narrates aspect of
her life.
It is considered a feminist novel. She wrote about the man that she loves
Doris was awarded in 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature.
She speak about her experiences during the war. The Red notebook speak
about the moment when she was member is the Communist Party.
The yellow notebook speak about a love story
The blue notebook speak about her memories
She put together these notebooks in only one called The Golden

John Fawles The Magus
Tell the story of Nicolas Urfe, a young British graduate who is teaching
English on a small Greek Island.
A parable of a God Game
The story opens realistically in London, introducing Nicholas Urfe, a
inexperienced young Englishman, He received an education in magic,
He is made to explore the nature of failure in love and desire
The ambiguous role of Conchis is central to the drama
Important power of fiction
The struggle between reality and fantasy
Great part of the novel is devoted to freedom of choice between Alison
and Lili

John Fawles The Magus
Tell the story of Nicolas Urfe, a young British graduate who is teaching
English on a small Greek Island.
A parable of a God Game
The story opens realistically in London, introducing Nicholas Urfe, a
inexperienced young Englishman, He received an education in magic,
He is made to explore the nature of failure in love and desire
The ambiguous role of Conchis is central to the drama
Important power of fiction
The struggle between reality and fantasy
Great part of the novel is devoted to freedom of choice between Alison
and Lili

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