Insurance Audit
Insurance Audit
Insurance Audit
Historically, the word auditing has been derived from Latin word audire which means to
hear. In fact, such an expression conveyed the manner in which the auditing was conducted
during ancient time. However, over a period of time, the manner of conducting audit has
undergone revolutionary change.
According to Dicksee, traditionally auditing can be understood as an examination of accounting
records undertaken with a view to establishing whether they completely reflect the transactions
correctly for the related purpose. But this is not the end of matter. In addition the auditor also
expresses his opinion on the character of the statements of accounts prepared from the
accounting records so examined as to whether they portray a true and fair picture. Auditing along
with other disciplines such as accounting and law, equips you with all the knowledge that is
required to enter into auditing as a profession.
Definition of Auditing
According to General Guidelines on Internal Auditing issued by the ICAI, Auditing is defined
as a systematic and independent examination of data, statements, records, operations and
performances (financial or otherwise) of an enterprise for a stated purpose. In any auditing
situation, the auditor perceives and recognizes the propositions before him for examination,
collects evidence, evaluates the same and on this basis formulates his judgment which is
communicated through his audit report.The nature of the propositions which an auditor is called
upon to review varies. Thus an auditor may review the financial statements of an enterprise to
ascertain whether they reflect a true and fair view of its state of affairs and of its working results.
An audit is independent examination of financial information of any entity, whether profit
oriented or not, and irrespective of its size or legal form, when such an examination is conducted
with a view to expressing an opinion thereon. The person conducting this process should
perform his work with knowledge of the use of the accounting statements discussed above and
should take particular care to ensure that nothing contained in the statements will ordinarily
mislead anybody. This he can do honestly by satisfying himself that:
(i) the accounts have been drawn up with reference to entries in the books of account;
(ii) the entries in the books of account are adequately supported by underlying papers and
documents and by other evidence;
(iii) none of the entries in the books of account has been omitted in the process of compilation
and nothing which is not in the books of account has found place in the statements;
(iv) the information conveyed by the statements is clear and unambiguous;
(v) the financial statement amounts are properly classified, described and disclosed in conformity
with accounting standards; and
(vi) the statement of accounts taken as an integrated whole, present a true and fair picture of the
operational results and of the assets and liabilities.
The aforesaid definition is very authoritative. It makes clear that the basic objective of auditing,
i.e., expression of opinion on financial statements does not change with reference to nature, size
or form of an entity. The definition given above is restrictive since it covers financial information
aspect only. However, the scope of auditing is not restricted to financial information only, but,
today it extends to variety of non-financial areas as well. That is how various expressions like
marketing audit, personnel audit, efficiency audit, production audit, etc. came into existence.
Expression of opinion:. The objective of audit, naturally, should be to see that what the
statements of account convey is true and not misleading and that such errors and frauds do not
exist as to distort what the accounts really should convey.
Errors and Frauds: The audit objective, in the past was, primarily concerned with the detection
of errors and frauds and now, though the general audit engagement do not specifically require
their detection, they do not rule them out and in fact stipulate their detection on the premise that
no statements of account can be considered true and fair if substantial errors and frauds remain to
distort the picture. Another presumption about errors and frauds which has wide recognition, is
that the audit techniques and processes, if carried on conscientiously would bring to light errors
and frauds even though the examination was not specifically directed to reveal them.
Self-revealing errors: These are such errors the existence of which becomes apparent in the
process of compilation of accounts. A few illustrations of such errors are given hereunder,
1. Integrity, objectivity and independence: The auditor should be straightforward, honest and
sincere in his approach to his professional work. He must be fair and must not allow prejudice or
bias to override his objectivity. He should maintain an impartial attitude and both be and appear
to be free of any interest which might be regarded, whatever its actual effect, as being
incompatible with integrity and objectivity.
2. Confidentiality: The auditor should respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the
course of his work and should not disclose any such information to a third party without specific
authority or unless there is a legal or professional duty to disclose.
3. Skills and competence: The audit should be performed and the report prepared with due
professional care by persons who have adequate training, experience and competence in auditing.
The auditor requires specialised skills and competence which are acquired through a combination
of general education, knowledge obtained through study and formal courses concluded by
qualifying examination recognised for this purpose and practical experience under proper
supervision. In addition, the auditor requires a continuing awareness of developments including
pronouncements of the ICAI on accounting and auditing matters, and relevant regulations and
statutory requirements.
4. Work performed by others: When the auditor delegates work to assistants or uses work
performed by other auditors and experts he continues to be responsible for forming and
expressing his opinion on the financial information. However, he will be entitled to rely on work
performed by others, provided he exercises adequate skill and care and is not aware of any
reason to believe that he should not have so relied. In the case of any independent statutory
appointment to perform the work on which the auditor has to rely informing his opinion, as in the
case of the work of branch auditors appointed under the Companies Act, 1956 the auditors
report should expressly state the fact of such reliance. The auditor should carefully direct,
supervise and review work delegated to assistants. The auditor should obtain reasonable
assurance that work performed by other auditor or experts is adequate for his purpose.
5. Documentation: The auditor should document matters which are important in providing
evidence that the audit was carried out in accordance with the basic principles.
6. Planning: The auditor should plan his work to enable him to conduct an effective audit in an
efficient and timely manner. Plans should be based on knowledge of the clients business. Plans
should be made to cover, among other things:
(a) Acquiring knowledge of the clients accounting system, policies and internal control
(b) Establishing the expected degree of reliance to be placed on internal control;
(c) Determining and programming the nature, timing, and extent of the audit procedures to be
performed; and
(d) Coordinating the work to be performed.
Plans should be further developed and revised as necessary during the course of the audit.
7. Audit Evidence: The auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence through the
performance of compliance and substantive procedures to enable him to draw reasonable
conclusions there from on which to base his opinion on the financial information. Compliance
procedures are tests designed to obtain reasonable assurance that those internal controls on
which audit reliance is to be placed are in effect. Substantive procedures are designed to obtain
evidence as to the completeness, accuracy and validity of the data produced by the accounting
system. They are of two types:
(i) Test of details of transactions and balances; and
(ii) Analysis of significant ratios and trends including the resulting enquiry of unusual
fluctuations and items.
9. Audit conclusions and reporting : The auditor should review and assess the conclusions
drawn from the audit evidence obtained and from his knowledge of business of the entity as the
basis for the expression of his opinion on the financial information. This review and assessment
involves forming an overall conclusion as to whether:
(a) The financial information has been prepared using acceptable accounting policies, which
have been consistently applied;
(b) The financial information complies with relevant regulations and statutory requirements;
(c) There is adequate disclosure of all material matters relevant to the proper presentation of the
financial information, subject to statutory requirements, where applicable. The audit report
should contain a clear written opinion on the financial information and if the form or content of
the report is laid down in or prescribed under any agreement or statute or regulation, the audit
report should comply with such requirements.
The scope of an audit of financial statements will be determined by the auditor for having regard
to the terms of the engagement, the requirement of relevant legislation and the pronouncements
of the Institute. The terms of engagement cannot, however, restrict the scope of an audit in
relation to matters which are prescribed by legislation or by the pronouncements of the Institute.
The audit should be organized to cover adequately all aspects of the enterprise as far as they are
relevant to the financial statements being audited. The auditor assesses the reliability and
sufficiency of the information contained in the underlying accounting records and other source
data by:
(a) making a study and evaluation of accounting systems and internal controls on which he
wishes to rely and testing those internal controls to determine the nature, extent and timing of
other auditing procedures; and
(b) Carrying out such other tests, enquiries and other verification procedures of accounting
transactions and account balances as he considers appropriate in the particular circumstances.
The auditor determines whether the relevant information is properly disclosed in the financial
statements by :
(a) Comparing the financial statements with the underlying accounting records and other
source data to see whether they properly summarize the transactions and events recorded therein;
(b) considering the judgments that management has made in preparing the financial statements
accordingly, the auditor assessees the selection and consistent application of accounting policies,
the manner in which the information has been classified, and the adequacy of disclosure. In
forming his opinion on the financial statements, the auditor follows procedures designed to
satisfy him that the financial statements reflect a true and fair view of the financial position and
operation results of the enterprise. The auditor recognizes that because of the test nature and
other inherent limitations of an audit together with inherent limitations of any system of internal
control, there is an unavoidable risk that some material misstatements may remain undiscovered.
Inherent Limitations of Audit
As per SA 200 Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in
Accordance with Standards on Auditing, the objectives of an audit of financial statements,
prepared with in a framework of recognised accounting policies and practices and relevant
statutory requirements, if any, is to enable an auditor to express an opinion on such financial
statements.. The process of auditing, however, is such that it suffers from certain limitations, i.e.
the limitation which cannot be overcome irrespective of the nature and extent of audit
procedures. The limitations of an audit arise from:
The Nature of Audit Procedures: There are practical and legal limitations on the
auditors ability to obtain audit evidence. For example: 1. There is the possibility that
management or others may not provide, intentionally or unintentionally, the complete
information that is relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial
statements or that has been requested by the auditor.
Timeliness of Financial Reporting and the Balance between Benefit and Cost:
The relevance of information, and thereby its value, tends to diminish over time, and
there is a balance to be struck between the reliability of information and its cost.
There is an expectation by users of financial statements that the auditor will form an
opinion on the financial statements within a reasonable period of time and at a
reasonable cost, recognising that it is impracticable to address all information that
may exist or to pursue every matter exhaustively on the assumption that information
is in error or fraudulent until proved otherwise.
Other Matters that Affect the Limitations of an Audit: In the case of certain
assertions or subject matters, the potential effects of the limitations on the auditors
ability to detect material misstatements are particularly significant. Such assertions or
subject matters include:
Types of Audit
Audit is not legally obligatory for all types of business organizations or institutions. On this basis
audits may be of two broad categories i.e., audit required under law and voluntary audits.
(i) Audit required under law: The organizations which require audit under law are the following:
(a) Companies governed by the Companies Act, 1956;
(b) Banking companies governed by the Banking Regulation Act, 1949;
(c) Electricity supply companies governed by the Electricity Supply Act, 1948;
(d) Co-operative societies registered under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912;
(e) Public and charitable trusts registered under various Religious and Endowment Acts;
(g) Corporations set up under an Act of Parliament or State Legislature such as the Life
Insurance Corporation of India.
(h) Specified entities under various sections of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
(ii) In the voluntary category are the audits of the accounts of proprietary entities, partnership
firms, Hindu undivided families, etc. In respect of such accounts, there is no basic legal
requirement of audit. Many of such enterprises as a matter of internal rules require audit. Some
may be required to get their accounts audited on the directives of Government for various
purposes like sanction of grants, loans, etc. But the important motive for getting accounts audited
lies in the advantages that follow from an independent professional audit. This is perhaps the
reason why large numbers of proprietary and partnership business get their accounts audited.
Government companies have some special features which will be seen later.
The general insurance business in India is governed by the Insurance Act, 1938 which is based
on the British Insurance Act. The Act was amended in 1969 for social control to govern the
general insurance business on healthy lines. However, it was felt that there still existed some
scope for improvement. In view of this, on May 13, 1971 the government nationalized the
general insurance industry by an ordinance which became the General Insurance
(Nationalization) Act, 1972. At that time there were 63 domestic insurance companies and 44
foreign, insurance companies operating in India. The managements of all the 107 companies
were taken over by the Government and accordingly the General Insurance Corporation (GIC)
was formed as a government company on November 22, 1972. The GIC as the holding company
is entrusted with the task of superintending, controlling and carrying on the general insurance
business in the country. Its subsidiaries in all the four zones of the country viz., the Oriental Fire
& General Insurance Company (now known as the Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.), the National
Insurance Company Ltd., the New India Assurance Company Ltd. and the United India
Insurance Company write all classes of direct business of general insurance except aviation
which is written by the GIC. The liberalisation of insurance sector has changed the nature of
State involvement in insurance from controlling operations to establishing and monitoring
market functioning rules, prudential regulations, focussing on solvency requirements and
customer protection measures. Accordingly, the Government of India, with a view to achieving
effective regulation, decided to establish a regulator of the insurance industry. The decision of
the Government was translated into reality by the enactment of Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority (IRDA) Act in the year 1999. The Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority Act, 1999 (Authority in brief) provided for the establishment of an
Authority to protect the interests of holders of insurance policies, to regulate, promote and ensure
orderly growth of the insurance industry and for matters connected therewith or incidental
thereto. The Authority has been assigned the duty to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth
of the insurance business and re-insurance business.
It is important for the auditor to familiarize himself with various statutes governing the insurance
industry. The auditor, while familiarizing himself with various rules, regulations, relevant
notifications, should also look into the important aspects arising out of those which might have
an effect on determination of nature, timing and extent of audit procedures, while performing his
role as an auditor. The primary legislations which deal with the insurance business in India are
the Insurance Act, 1938 and the IRDA Act, 1999. Various aspects relating to audit are dealt with
around the framework of the following statutes and rules made there under:
(a) The Insurance Act, 1938 (including Insurance Rules, 1939);
(b) The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999;
(c) The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Regulations framed under the IRDA,
Act, 1999;
(d) The Companies Act, 1956; and
(e) The General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972 (including Rules framed there
(c) any person who in India has a standing contract with underwriters who are members of the
Society of Lloyds whereby such person is authorized within the terms of such contract to issue
protection notes, cover notes, or other documents granting insurance cover to others on behalf of
the underwriters, but does not include a principal agent, chief agent, special agent, or an
insurance agentor a provident society.
Policy Holder - Section 2(2) of the Insurance Act, 1938 defines the term policy holder as a
person to whom the whole of the interest of the policy holder in the policy is assigned once and
for all, but does not include an assigner thereof whose interest in the policy is defensible or is for
the time being subject to any condition.
Registration of Indian Insurance Companies - Section 3 of the Insurance Act, 1938 requires
every insurer to obtain a certificate of registration before commencement of insurance business
in India. The section empowers the Authority to make regulations for registration of insurers. It
may be noted here that no insurer other than an Indian insurance company can commence the
insurance business after the enactment of the IRDA Act, 1999.
Obligations of Insurance Companies to the Rural and Social Sectors - Like any other
industry, the insurance industry also has certain social obligations. For effective discharge of
these obligations, the IRDA Act, 1999 inserted sections 32B and 32C in the Act. Section 32B
empowers the Authority to prescribe the percentages of life insurance business, and general
insurance business in the rural or social sector. Section 32C makes it mandatory for every insurer
to discharge his obligations mentioned under section 32B of the Act. The obligations include
providing life insurance and general insurance cover to the persons residing in the rural sector
including insurance for crops, workers in the unorganized or informal sector or for economically
vulnerable or backward classes of the society and such other categories of persons as maybe
specified by the Regulations made by the Authority.
Requirements as to the Minimum Paid-up Capital - The minimum paid-up equity share
capital of an Indian insurance company carrying on general insurance business should be ` 100
crores or more, excluding deposits under Section 7 of the Insurance Act, 1938 and preliminary
expenses incurred in the formation and registration of company. The transitional period of six
months for existing insurance companies is allowed from the date of commencement of the
IRDA Act, 1999 for achieving the minimum paid up capital. The management of an insurance
company needs to certify the pattern of shareholding as on every Balance Sheet date.
Deposits - Section 7 of the Insurance Act, 1938 requires every insurer, carrying a general
insurance business, to deposit and keep deposited with RBI in its one of the offices in India a
sum equivalent to three percent of total gross premium written in India in any financial year. The
maximum limit of deposit under this section is Rupees ten crores. The deposit is to be for and on
behalf of the Government of India.
Under section 12 of the Insurance Act, 1938, the financial statements of every insurer are
required to be audited annually by an auditor. Section 2(4) of the Insurance Act, 1938 defines the
term auditor as a person qualified under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 to act as an
auditor of a company. The auditor, for audit of financial statements, has the powers to exercise
the rights vested in, and discharge the duties and be subject to the liabilities and penalties
imposed on auditors of companies under the Companies Act, 1956. The provisions of Section 12
of the Insurance Act, 1938 apply only in a case where the financial statements of the insurer are
not subject to audit under the Companies Act, 1956. A company carrying on general insurance
business is subject to audit requirements laid down under the Companies Act, 1956. The
financial statements under section 12 include Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and
Revenue Account. Section 12 of the Insurance Act, 1938 does not cover the requirement for
audit of the Receipts and Payments Account of an insurer. It may be noted that the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 inserted a new sub-section (1A) in Section 11
of the Insurance Act, 1938.
Auditors Report - The Authority has prescribed the matters to be dealt with by the Auditors
Report vide Regulation 3 under Schedule C of IRDA (Preparation of Financial Statements and
Auditors Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2000. The Schedul C is reproduced
below The report of the auditors on the financial statements of every insurer shall deal with the
specified herein 1. (a) That they have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of their
knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of their audit and whether they have
found them satisfactory;
(b) Whether proper books of account have been maintained by the insurer so far as appears from
an examination of those books;
(c) Whether proper returns, audited or unaudited, from branches and other offices have been
received and whether they were adequate for the purpose of their audit;
(d) Whether the Balance Sheet, Revenue Accounts and Profit and Loss Account dealt with by the
report and the Receipts and Payments Account are in agreement with the books of account and
(e) Whether the actuarial valuation of liabilities is duly certified by the appointed actuary,
including to the effect that the assumptions for such valuation are in accordance with the
guidelines and norms, if any, issued by the authority and/or the Actuarial Society of India in
concurrence with the Authority.
(b) The insurer has complied with the terms and conditions of the registration stipulated by the
4. A certificate signed by the auditors (which is in addition to any other certificate or report
which is required by law to be given with respect to the balance sheet) certifying that :
(a) They have verified the cash balances and the securities relating to the insurers loans,
reversions and life interests (in the case of life insurers) and investments;
(b) The extent, if any, to which they have verified the investments and transactions relating to
any trusts undertaken by the insurer as trustee; and
(c) No part of the assets of the policyholders funds has been directly or indirectly applied in
contravention of the provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938) relating to the application
and investments of the policyholders funds.
Tax Audit - It is necessary for general insurance companies to get their accounts audited under
Section 44AB of the said Act. For this purpose, the tax auditor(s) may be appointed by the
company itself by means of a resolution of the Board of Directors or by the Chairman/Managing
Director if so authorized in this behalf. The company is expected to fix separate remuneration for
the auditor (s) appointed for this purpose. The Form of tax audit report applicable would be Form
3C and the prescribed particulars would have to be given in Form 3CD, in accordance with Rule
6G of the Income Tax Rules, 1962, pursuant to Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961. It is
recommended that, wherever applicable, a common audit programme be framed for statutory
audit and for certification of the prescribed particulars under the aforesaid rules for tax audit.
Premium - Premium is the consideration received by an insurer from the insured under an
insurance contract, whereby the insurer agrees to undertake certain sum of risk on behalf of the
insured. The objectives of internal controls over premium is to ensure that correct premium is
calculated and collected before acceptance of any risk, that premium is accounted for in an
appropriate manner and that the premium is collected only in respect of such riskswhich are
assumed by the company.
Commission - The commission is the consideration payable for getting the insurancebusiness.
The term commission is used for the payment of consideration to get Directbusiness. In case of
reinsurance, the term used is Commission on reinsurance accepted. Theinternal control with
regard to commission is aimed at ensuring that commission is paid in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the company and in accordance with the agreement with the agent,
commission is paid to the agent who brought the business and the legal compliances, for
example, tax deduction at sources and provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 have been complied
Reinsurance - The key control objectives generally associated with reinsurance transaction
involve determination of correct amounts for reinsurance ceded, proper valuation of assets and
liabilities arising out of reinsurance transactions and adherence to legal provisions, regulations
and reinsurance agreements.
Claims -A demand for payment of policy benefit because of the occurrence of an insured event
is known as claim. Cost of claims to the company includes all the expenses incurred in
settlement of claims. Internal controls are established over claims to ensure that only bonafide
claims are paid. Cost of claims are properly recorded and disclosed in the financial statements.
The important part of the business operations of general insurance companies comprises the
issuance of policies for risks assumed and to indemnify the insured for losses to the extent
covered by such policies. In financial terms, these operations get translated into the receipt and
recording of premiums and the recording and settlement of claims. Both premiums and claims
have a significant impact on the insurance companies revenues, it would be an important part of
the duty of the auditor to satisfy himself that the financial transactions involving both these
operations have been fairly and properly recorded in the relevant books of account. The auditor
should also ensure that the legal requirements as to the disclosure of these items are complied
with in the financial statements.
Premium - Insurance premium is collected upon issuing policies. It is the consideration for
bearing the risk by the insurance company. The assumption of the risk starts on the issue of
receipt based on the acceptance of proposal form or cover note by the respective underwriting
department. This receipt is recorded as the premium income in the books of the insurance
No Risk Assumption without Premium - No risk can be assumed by the insurer unless the
premium is received. According to section 64VB of the Insurance Act, 1938, no insurer should
assume any risk in India in respect of any insurance business on which premium is ordinarily
payable in India unless and until the premium payable is received or is guaranteed to be paid by
such person in such manner and within such time, as may be prescribed, or unless and until
deposit of such amount, as may be prescribed, is made in advance in the prescribed manner.
The auditor should ascertain that all the cover notes relating to the risks assumed have
been serially numbered for each class of business. The auditor should also verify that there is an
adequate internal check on the issue of stationery comprising of cover notes, policy documents,
stamps, etc. The auditor may apply sampling techniques for verification of larger volume of
The auditor should ensure that premium in respect of risks incepting during the relevant
accounting year has been accounted as premium income of that year on the basis of premium
revenue recognition discussed in this Chapter. The auditor, as part of his audit procedures,
should make an assessment of the reasonability of the risk pattern established by the
management. The auditor should also see whether the premium received during the year but
pertaining to risk commencing in the following year has been accounted for under the head
Premium Received in Advance and has been disclosed separately.
The auditor should examine whether the reinsurance company is not under a risk in respect of
amount lying at credit and outstanding as at the year-end in the following accounts:
(a) Deposit Premium Account;
(b) Premium Received in Advance Account;
(c) Inspectors Deposits Account; and
(d) Agents Premium Accounts
The auditor should verify the collections lodged by agents after the balance sheet date to see
whether any collection pertains to risk commencing for the year under audit. The auditor should
also check that the premium has been recorded originally at the gross figure, i.e., without
providing for unexpired risks and reinsurances.
In case of co-insurance business, where the company is not the leader, because of the nonavailability of the relevant information in many cases the premium is not booked even though the
risk has commenced during the relevant accounting year. The auditor should see that the
companys share of the premium has been accounted for on the basis of the available information
on nature of risk and the provisional premium charged by the leading insurer. The auditor should
examine the communications issued to the company by the leading insurers advising them of the
companys share of premium income. Such communications should be seen even in respect of
the post-audit period. Where the company is the leader, the auditor should obtain a reasonable
assurance that only the companys own share of premium has been shown as income and
accounts of the other companies have been credited with their share of the premium collected.
The auditor should check whether Premium Registers have been maintained chronologically,
for each underwriting department, giving full particulars including service tax charged as per
acceptance advice on a day-to-day basis. The auditor should verify whether the figures of
premium mentioned in the register tally with those in General Ledger.
Where policies have been issued with a provision to collect premium periodically (i.e., under
installment clause, special declaration policy or periodical declaration under open policies in
marine insurance), the auditor should check whether premium are collected as and when they
become due.
The auditor should verify whether installments falling due on or before the balance sheet date,
whether received or not, have been accounted for as premium income as for the year under audit.
Also examine whether installments of premium falling due in the subsequent year have not been
recognized in the accounts as outstanding premium.
The auditor should verify the year end transactions to check that amounts received during the
year in respect of risks commencing/ instalments falling due on or after the first day of next
financial year are not credited to premium account but credited to Premium Received in Advance
Claims -The components of the cost of claims to an insurer comprise the claims under policies
and claim settlement costs. Claims under policies comprise the claims paid for losses incurred,
and those estimated or anticipated claims pending settlements under the policies. Settlement cost
of claims includes surveyor fee, legal expenses, etc. A liability for outstanding claims should be
brought to account on the following:
Direct Business;
The liability includes future payments in relation to unpaid reported claims and claims incurred
but not reported including inadequate reserves which would result in future cash or asset outgo
for settling liabilities against those claims. Change in estimated liability represents the difference
between the estimated liabilities for outstanding claims in respect of claims under policies,
whether due or intimated at the beginning and at the end of the financial period. The accounting
estimate also includes claims cost adjusted for salvage value if there is sufficient degree of
certainty of its realisation. Check that service tax so collected on premium charged trained from
the insured by the company have been regularly deposited in the Governments Account.
Claims Provisions - The auditor should obtain from the divisions/branches, the information for
each class of business, categorizing the claims value-wise before commencing verification of the
claims provisions, so that appropriate statistical sampling techniques may be applied, to ensure
that representative volume of claims is verified for each class of business. The auditor should
determine the total number of documents to be checked giving due importance to claim
provisions of higher value. The outstanding liability at the year-end is determined at the
divisions/branches where the liability originates for outstanding claims. Thereafter, based on the
total consolidated figure for all the divisions/branches, the Head Office considers a further
provision in respect of outstanding claims. The auditor should satisfy himself that the estimated
liability provided for by the management is adequate with reference to the relevant claim
files/dockets, keeping in view the following:
(i) That provision has been made for all unsettled claims as at the year-end on the basis of claims
lodged/communicated by the parties against the company. The date of loss (and not the date of
communication thereof) is important for recording/ recognizing the claim as attributable to a
particular year. In certain circumstances, the claims are incurred by the insurance company but
are not reported at the balance sheet date by the insured.
(ii) That provision has been made for only such claims for which the company is legally liable,
considering particularly, (a) that the risk was covered by the policy, if in force, and the claims
arose during the currency of the policy; and (b) that claim did not arise during the period the
company was not supposed to cover the risk, e.g., where the premium was not paid or where
cheques covering premium have been dishonored (refer section 64 VB of the Insurance Act,
1938) or where a total loss under a policy has already been met/settled.
(iii) That the provision made is normally not in excess of the amount insured except in some
categories of claims where matters may be sub-judice in legal proceedings which will determine
the quantum of claim, the amount of provision should also include survey fee and other direct
(iv) that in determining the amount of provision, events after the balance sheet date have been
considered, e.g., (a) claims settled for a materially higher/lower amount in the postaudit period;
(b) claims paid by other insurance companies during the year under audit and communicated to
company after the balance sheet date where other companies are the leaders in co-insurance
arrangements; and (c) further reports by surveyors or assessors.
(v) That the claims status reports recommended to be prepared by the Divisional Manager on
large claims outstanding at the year-end have been reviewed with the contents of relevant files or
dockets for determining excess/short provisions. The said report should be complete as to
material facts to enable the auditor to take a fair view of the provision made.
(vi) That in determining the amount of provision, the average clause has been applied in
case of under-insurance by parties.
(vii) That the provision made is net of payments made on account to the parties wherever such
payments have been booked to claims.
(viii) That in case of co-insurance arrangements, the company has made provisions only in
respect of its own share of anticipated liability.
(ix) that wherever an unduly long time has elapsed after the filing of the claim and there has been
no further communication and no litigation or arbitration dispute is involved, the reasons for
carrying the provision have been ascertained.
(x) that wherever legal advice has been sought or the claim is under litigation, the provisions is
made according to the legal advisors view and differences, if any, are explained.
Claims Paid - The auditor may determine the extent of checking of claims paid on the same line
as suggested for outstanding claims. Other aspects in respect of claims paid to be examined by
the auditors are as follows:
(i) That in case of co-insurance arrangements, claims paid have been booked only in respect of
companys share and the balance has been debited to other insurance companies.
(ii) That in case of claims paid on the basis of advices from other insurance companies (where
the company is not the leader in co-insurance arrangements), whether share of premium was also
received by the company. Such claims which have been communicated after the year-end for
losses which occurred prior to the year end must be accounted for in the year of audit.
(iii) That the claims payments have been duly sanctioned by the authority concerned and the
payments of the amounts are duly acknowledged by the claimants;
(iv) That the salvage recovered has been duly accounted for in accordance with the procedure
applicable to the company and a letter of subrogation has been obtained in accordance with the
laid down procedure;
(v) That the amounts of the nature of pure advances/deposits with Courts, etc., in matters under
litigation/arbitration have not been treated as claims paid but are held as assets till final disposal
of such claims. In such cases, full provision should be made for outstanding claims;
Legal and Professional Charges - As far as legal and professional changes are concerned,
attention is drawn to the head Claims Incurred under Schedule 2 where it is clearly stated that
survey fees, legal and other expenses should form part of claim cost, and therefore, are not to be
included under the head Legal and Professional Charges. Hence, all other expenses which are not
covered under the claims cost are required to be included under this head.
Employees Remuneration and Welfare Benefits -The employees remuneration includes all
kinds of payments made to employees in consideration of their services. The reimbursement of
medical expenses or premium in respect of employees health cover is covered under the
employees remuneration and welfare. Any medical fees incurred towards maintenance of health
care policies (which are not for employees) are required to be debited to the claims cost under
the health care and not to be included under this head. Any expenses towards medical treatment
of employees incurred by the company should also be included under this head. Non training
expenses have to be shown separately.
Interest and Bank charges - All expenses incurred towards maintenance of Bank Account,
interest and other charges levied by bankers to the normal course of business other than bank
expenses relating to investments (interest, bank charges, custodial charges, etc.) are shown under
the head, Interest and Bank Charges. Any other interest charged on the borrowings which
could not form part of the Revenue Account not to be included under this head.
Depreciation -The rates of depreciation are governed by the provisions of the Companies Act,
1956. Attention of the students is also invited to Accounting Standard (AS) 6,
Depreciation Accounting and Guidance Note on, Depreciation in Companies, issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Interest, Dividend and Rent -An insurance enterprise, like any other, earns interest dividend
and rent through its assets. The interest, dividend and rent earned are to be apportioned between
Revenue Account and Profit and Loss Account. The Regulations require that basis of allocation
of interest, dividend and rent between the Revenue Account and Profit and Loss Account should
be clearly indicated in the companys accounting policy. The interest or dividend earned as
against the policyholders funds is required to be apportioned to the Revenue Account. The
interest earned on, say, grant of vehicle loans, housing loans, deposits with banks of the
shareholders, funds, rent received on let out properties owned by the company, by way of
investments shareholders, funds, etc. are required to be shown under the
Cash and Bank Balances - Cash and Bank balances at Branch Office/Divisional Office level
also constitute significant items related to balance sheet. The auditor should apply the following
audit procedures for verification of claims.
The auditor should physically verify cash balance collection and imprest for meeting day to
day expenditures, postage stamps balance, revenue, policy, licence fees, franking machine
balance. The auditor should also obtain a certificate from the management for the above
mentioned balances as at the balance sheet date. If for some reason, the physical verification of
the above on the balance sheet date is not possible then the same can be done at a subsequent
date and by way of backward calculations, cash in hand at the balance sheet date can be verified.
The auditor should also check whether late collections of cash and cheques on the last working
day of the financial year, which could not be deposited into bank account on the same day, have
been identified and booked as Cash in Hand and Cheques in Hand Account, respectively.
The auditor may apply test check on the bank transactions.
The auditor should also check Bank Reconciliation statement and long outstanding entries
The auditor should obtain confirmation of Bank Balances for all operative and inoperative
The auditor should physically verify Term Deposit Receipts issued by bankers.
The auditor should verify the deposits and withdrawals transactions at random and check
whether the Account is operated by authorised persons only
The auditor should verify the subsequent realisations for all items appearing in the
In case of funds, in-transit, he should verify that the same are properly reflected as part of bank
Outstanding Premium and Agents Balances -The following are the audit procedures to be
followed for verification of outstanding premium and agents balances:
Scrutinize and review control account debit balances and their nature should be enquired
Examine inoperative balances and treatment given for old balances with reference to
company rules.
Enquire into the reasons for retaining the old balances
Verify old debit balances which may require provision or adjustment. Notes of explanation
may be obtained from the management in this regard.
Check age-wise, sector-wise analysis of outstanding premium.
Verify whether outstanding premiums have since been collected.
Check the availability of adequate bank guarantee or premium deposit for outstanding
Provision for Taxation - The steps to be conducted by the auditor for audit and verification are
given below:
(i) The auditor should check whether the provision for taxation has been made after taking into
account the above specific provisions applicable to insurance companies carrying on general
insurance business.
(ii) It should be seen by auditor whether for the purpose of computation not only the profit as
disclosed by the annual accounts, copies of which are required under the Insurance Act, 1938 to
be furnished to the Controller of Insurance, is taken but also all the other accounts furnished by
the company to the Controller of Insurance is taken into account.
(iii) The auditor should assess the past trend regarding the approach of the Income Tax
Department, the decision of the various appellate forums including the High Court and the
Supreme Court vis-a-vis the computation made.
(iv) The compliance with the provisions of Chapter III provisions the Income Tax Act, 1961
which provides for income which do not form part of total income is also to be seen.
(v) The auditor should see whether deductions under Chapter VI A of the Income Tax Act, 1961
which provides for deduction have been made in computing total income is properly taken into
Unexpired Risks Reserve - The need for Unexpired Risks Reserve arises from the fact that all
policies are renewed annually except in specific cases where short period policies are issued.
Since the insurers close their accounts on a particular date, not all risks under policies expire on
that date. Many policies normally extend beyond this date into the following year during which
risks continue. In other words, at the closing date, there is unexpired liability under various
policies which may occur during the remaining term of the policy beyond the year end. The
effort involved in calculating unexpired portion of premium under each policy is very time
consuming therefore, a simple formula to derive a percentage of premium income to be allocated
to reserve for unexpired risks is adopted. According to the requirements of the Insurance Act,
1938, for the purpose of maintaining solvency margin, it is sufficient if the provision is made for
unexpired risks at 50 per cent for Fire, Marine Cargo and Miscellaneous business except for
Marine Hull which has to be 100 per cent. It may be mentioned that the insurance companies are
governed by the provisions of Section 44 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. In this regard Rule 5 of
the First Schedule to the Income Tax Rules-Computation of Profit & Loss of General Insurance
Business-provides for creation of a reserve for unexpired risks as prescribed under Rule 6E of
the said rules. According to this Rule, the insurance companies are allowed a deduction of 50 per
cent of net premium income in respect of Fire and Miscellaneous Business and 100 per cent of
the net premium income relating to Marine Insurance business. In view of this, the reserves are
created at the rates allowed under the Income -tax Act.
A reinsurance transaction may be defined as an agreement between a ceding company and a
reinsurer whereby the former agrees to cede and the latter agrees to accept a certain specified
share of risk or liability upon terms as set out in the agreement. A ceding company is the
original insurance company which has accepted the risk and has agreed to cede or pass on that
risk to another insurance company or the reinsurance company. It may, however, be emphasised
that the insured does not acquire any right under a reinsurance contract. In the event of loss, the
insureds claim for full amount is against the original insurer only. The original insurer in turn,
lodges a claim with the reinsurer.
Type of Reinsurance Contracts - There are broadly two types of reinsurance contracts, viz.,
facultative reinsurance and treaty reinsurance. A diagrammatic presentation is as
Insurance is a subject listed in the Union list in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India
where only centre can legislate. The insurance sector has gone through a number of phases by
allowing private companies to solicit insurance and also allowing foreign direct investment of up
to 26%, the insurance sector has been a booming market. However, the largest life-insurance
company in India is still owned by the government. Considering the high level of underwriting
losses, going forward adjustment in premium rates would occur when the industry matures
and consolidation takes place. The ability to price effectively will also imply an increased focus
on risk management by the insurance companies. The continual entry of new private players
the intense
by the detoxification of
insurance sector has also resulted in strengthening the bargaining power of the customer and
development of customer centric insurance products. On the whole, while short term scenario for
the general insurance sector appears to be challenging the long term prospects definitely present
ample opportunities for growth. While the governments plan to raise FDI cap in insurance
companies from 26 to 49 per cent will lead to more capital flowing in, the untapped market
potential holds the opportunity to grow faster.