The Infinite Gamma Poisson Feature Model
The Infinite Gamma Poisson Feature Model
The Infinite Gamma Poisson Feature Model
Michalis K. Titsias
School of Computer Science,
University of Manchester, UK
We present a probability distribution over non-negative integer valued matrices
with possibly an infinite number of columns. We also derive a stochastic process
that reproduces this distribution over equivalence classes. This model can play
the role of the prior in nonparametric Bayesian learning scenarios where multiple
latent features are associated with the observed data and each feature can have
multiple appearances or occurrences within each data point. Such data arise naturally when learning visual object recognition systems from unlabelled images.
Together with the nonparametric prior we consider a likelihood model that explains the visual appearance and location of local image patches. Inference with
this model is carried out using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm.
Unsupervised learning using mixture models assumes that one latent cause is associated with each
data point. This assumption can be quite restrictive and a useful generalization is to consider factorial
representations which assume that multiple causes have generated the data [11]. Factorial models
are widely used in modern unsupervised learning algorithms; see e.g. algorithms that model text
data [2, 3, 4]. Algorithms for learning factorial models should deal with the problem of specifying
the size of the representation. Bayesian learning and especially nonparametric methods such as the
Indian buffet process [7] can be very useful for solving this problem.
Factorial models usually assume that each feature occurs once in a given data point. This is inefficient to model the precise generation mechanism of several data such as images. An image can
contain views of multiple object classes such as cars and humans and each class may have multiple
occurrences in the image. To deal with features having multiple occurrences, we introduce a probability distribution over sparse non-negative integer valued matrices with possibly an unbounded
number of columns. Each matrix row corresponds to a data point and each column to a feature
similarly to the binary matrix used in the Indian buffet process [7]. Each element of the matrix
can be zero or a positive integer and expresses the number of times a feature occurs in a specific
data point. This model is derived by considering a finite gamma-Poisson distribution and taking
the infinite limit for equivalence classes of non-negative integer valued matrices. We also present a
stochastic process that reproduces this infinite model. This process uses the Ewenss distribution [5]
over integer partitions which was introduced in population genetics literature and it is equivalent to
the distribution over partitions of objects induced by the Dirichlet process [1].
The infinite gamma-Poisson model can play the role of the prior in a nonparametric Bayesian learning scenario where both the latent features and the number of their occurrences are unknown. Given
this prior, we consider a likelihood model which is suitable for explaining the visual appearance and
location of local image patches. Introducing a prior for the parameters of this likelihood model, we
apply Bayesian learning using a Markov chain Monte Carlo inference algorithm and show results in
some image data.
Let X = {X1 , . . . , XN } be some data where each data point Xn is a set of attributes. In section
4 we specify Xn to be a collection of local image patches. We assume that each data point is
associated with a set of latent features and each feature can have multiple occurrences. Let znk
denote the number of times feature k occurs in the data point Xn . Given K features, Z = {znk } is
a N K non-negative integer valued matrix that collects together all the znk values so as each row
corresponds to a data point and each column to a feature. Given that znk is drawn from a Poisson
with a feature-specific parameter k , Z follows the distribution
P (Z|{k }) =
zknk exp{k }
k exp{N k }
znk !
n=1 znk !
where mk = n=1 znk . We further assume that each k parameter follows a gamma distribution
that favors sparsity (in a sense that will be explained shortly):
G(k ; , 1) = k
exp{k }
( K
The hyperparameter itself is given a vague gamma prior G(; 0 , 0 ). Using the above equations
we can easily integrate out the parameters {k } as follows
P (Z|) =
(mk +
( K
)(N + 1)mk + K
n=1 znk !
which shows that given the hyperparameter the columns of Z are independent. Note that the above
distribution is exchangeable since reordering the rows of Z does not alter the probability. Also as
K increases the distribution favors sparsity. This can be shown by taking the expectation of the sum
of all elements of Z. Since the columns are independent this expectation is K n=1 E(znk ) and
E(znk ) is given by
E(znk ) =
znk N B(znk ; , ) = ,
z =0
where N B(znk ; r, p), with r > 0 and 0 < p < 1, denotes the negative binomial distribution over
positive integers
(r + znk ) r
p (1 p)znk ,
N B(znk ; r, p) =
znk !(r)
D( K
denotes the symmetric Dirichlet. Marginalizing out and gives rise to the same
distribution P (Z|). The above process generates a gamma random variable and multinomial parameters and then samples the rows of Z independently by using the Poisson-multinomial pair. The
connection with the Dirichlet-multinomial pair implies that the infinite limit of the gamma-Poisson
model must be related to the Dirichlet process. In the next section we see how this connection is
revealed through the Ewenss distribution [5].
Models that combine gamma and Poisson distributions are widely applied in statistics. We point out
that the above finite model shares similarities with the techniques presented in [3, 4] that model text
To express the probability distribution in (3) for infinite many features K we need to consider equivalence classes of Z matrices similarly to [7]. The association of columns in Z with features defines
an arbitrary labelling of the features. Given that the likelihood p(X|Z) is not affected by relabelling
the features, there is an equivalence class of matrices that all can be reduced to the same standard
form after column reordering. We define the left-ordered form of non-negative integer valued matrices as follows. We assume that for any possible znk holds znk c 1, where c is a sufficiently
large integer. We define h = (z1k . . . zN k ) as the integer number associated with column k that is
expressed in a numeral system with basis c. The left-ordered form is defined so as the columns of Z
appear from left to right in a decreasing order according to the magnitude of their numbers.
Starting from Equation (3) we wish to define the probability distribution over matrices constrained in
a left-ordered standard form. Let Kh be the multiplicity of the column with number h; for example
K0 is the number of zero columns. An equivalence class [Z] consists of PcNK!
different matri1
Kh !
ces that they are generated from the distribution in (3) with equal probabilities and can be reduced
to the same left-ordered form. Thus, the probability of [Z] is
P ([Z]) = PcN 1
(mk +
mk + K
)(N + 1)
Kh ! k=1 ( K
n=1 znk !
We assume that the first K+ features are represented i.e. mk > 0 for k K+ , while the rest K K+
features are unrepresented i.e. mk = 0 for k > K+ . The infinite limit of (6) is derived by following
a similar strategy with the one used for expressing the distribution over partitions of objects as a
limit of the Dirichlet-multinomial pair [6, 9]. The limit takes the following form:
k=1 (mk 1)!
P (Z|) = PcN 1
(N + 1)
n=1 znk !
h=1 Kh !
where m = k=1
mk . This expression defines an exchangeable joint distribution over non-negative
integer valued matrices with infinite many columns in a left-ordered form. Next we present a sequential stochastic process that reproduces this distribution.
The distribution in Equation (7) can be derived from a simple stochastic process that constructs
the matrix Z sequentially so as the data arrive one at each time in a fixed order. The steps of this
stochastic process are discussed below.
When the first data point arrives all the features are currently unrepresented. We sample feature
occurrences from the set of unrepresented features as follows. Firstly, we draw an integer number
g1 from the negative binomial N B(g1 ; , 21 ) which has a mean value equal to . g1 is the total
number of feature occurrences for the first data point. Given g1 , we randomly select a partition
(z11 , . . . , z1K1 ) of the integer g1 into parts1 , i.e. z11 + . . . + z1K1 = g1 and 1 K1 g1 , by
drawing from Ewenss distribution [5] over integer partitions which is given by
P (z11 , . . . , z1K1 ) = K1
g1 !
(g1 + ) z11 . . . z1K1 i=1 v (1) !
where vi is the multiplicity of integer i in the partition (z11 , . . . , z1K1 ). The Ewenss distribution
is equivalent to the distribution over partitions of objects induced by the Dirichlet process and the
Chinese restaurant process since we can derive the one from the other using simple combinatorics
arguments. The difference between them is that the former is a distribution over integer partitions
while the latter is a distribution over partitions of objects.
Let Kn1 be the number of represented features when the nth data point arrives. For each feature
k, with k Kn1 , we choose znk based on the popularity of this feature in the previous n 1 data
The partition of a positive integer is a way of writing this integer as a sum of positive integers where order
does not matter, e.g. the partitions of 3 are: (3),(2,1) and (1,1,1).
points. This popularity is expressed by the total number of occurrences for the feature k which is
given by mk = i=1 zik . Particularly, we draw znk from N B(znk ; mk , n+1
) which has a mean
value equal to n . Once we have sampled from all represented features we need to consider a
sample from the set of unrepresented features. Similarly to the first data point, we first draw an
integer gn from N B(gn ; , n+1
), and subsequently we select a partition of that integer by drawing
from the Ewenss formula. This process produces the following distribution:
Q K+
k=1 (mk 1)!
P (Z|) = Qg
QgN (N )
! (N + 1)
n=1 znk !
i=1 vi ! . . .
i=1 vi
where {vi } are the integer-multiplicities for the nth data point which arise when we draw from
the Ewenss distribution. Note that the above expression does not have exactly the same form as the
distribution in Equation (7) and is not exchangeable since it depends on the order the data arrive.
However, if we consider only the left-ordered class of matrices generated by the stochastic process
then we obtain the exchangeable distribution in Equation (7). Note that a similar situation arises
with the Indian buffet process.
Conditional distributions
When we combine the prior P (Z|) with a likelihood model p(X|Z) and we wish to do inference over Z using Gibbs-type sampling, we need to express the conditionals of the form
P (znk |Z(nk) , ) where Z(nk) = Z \ znk . We can derive such conditionals by taking limits
of the conditionals for the finite model or by using the stochastic process.
Suppose that for the currentPvalue of Z, there exist K+ represented features i.e. mk > 0 for
k K+ . Let mn,k =
ek . When mn,k > 0, the conditional of znk is given by
e6=n zn
N B(znk ; mn,k , NN+1 ). In all different cases, we need a special conditional that samples from
new features2 and accounts for all k such that mn,k = 0. This conditional draws an integer number from N B(gn ; a, NN+1 ) and then determines the occurrences for the new features by choosing a
partition of the integer gn using the Ewenss distribution. Finally the conditional p(|Z), which can
be directly expressed from Equation (7) and the prior of , is given by
p(|Z) G(; 0 , 0 )
(N + 1)
Typically the likelihood model does not depend on and thus the above quantity is also the posterior
conditional of given data and Z.
An image can contain multiple objects of different classes. Each object class can have more than
one occurrences, i.e. multiple instances of the class may appear simultaneously in the image. Unsupervised learning should deal with the unknown number of object classes in the images and also
the unknown number of occurrences of each class in each image separately. If object classes are the
latent features, what we wish to infer is the underlying feature occurrence matrix Z. We consider
an observation model that is a combination of latent Dirichlet allocation [2] and Gaussian mixture
models. Such a combination has been used before [12]. Each image n is represented by dn local
patches that are detected in the image so as Xn = (Yn , Wn ) = {(yni , wni ), i = 1, . . . , dn }. yni
is the two-dimensional location of patch i and wni is an indicator vector (i.e. is binary and satisfies
=1 wni = 1) that points into a set of L possible visual appearances. X, Y , and W denote all
the data the locations and the appearances, respectively. We will describe the probabilistic model
starting from the joint distribution of all variables which is given by
joint = p()P (Z|)p({k }|Z)
p(n |Zn )p(mn , n |Zn )
P (sni |n )P (wni |sni , {k })p(yni |sni , mn , n ) .
Features of this kind are the unrepresented features (k > K+ ) as well as all the unique features that occur
only in the data point n (i.e. mn,k = 0, but znk > 0).
{k }
(mn, n)
The graphical representation of this distribution is depicted in Figure 1. We now explain all the
pieces of this joint distribution following the causal structure of the graphical model. Firstly, we
generate from its prior and then we draw the feature occurrence matrix Z using the infinite
gamma-Poisson prior P (Z|). The matrix Z defines the structure for the remaining part of the
model. The parameter vector k = {k1 , . . . , kL } describes the appearance of the local patches W
for the feature (object class) k. Each k is generated from a symmetric Dirichlet so as the whole
Q K+
set of {k } vectors is drawn from p({k }|Z) = k=1
D(k |), where is the hyperparameter of
the symmetric Dirichlet and it is common for all features. Note that the feature appearance parameters {k } depend on Z only through the number of represented features K+ which is obtained by
counting the non-zero columns of Z.
The parameter vector n = {nkj } defines the image-specific mixing proportions for the mixture
model associated with image n. To see how this mixture model arises, notice that a local patch in
image n belongs to a certain occurrence of a feature. We use the double index kj to denote the j
occurrence of feature k where j = 1, . . . , znk and k {e
k : znek > 0}. This mixture model has
PK +
Mn = k=1
znk components, i.e. as many as the total number of feature occurrences in image n.
The assignment variable sni = {skj
ni }, which takes Mn values, indicates the feature occurrence of
patch i. n is drawn from a symmetric Dirichlet given by p(n |Zn ) = D(n |/Mn ), where Zn
denotes the nth row of Z and is a hyperparameter shared by all images. Notice that n depends
only on the nth row of Z.
The parameters (mn , n ) determine the image-specific distribution for the locations {yni } of the
local patches in image n. We assume that each occurrence of a feature forms a Gaussian cluster
of patch locations. Thus yni follows a image-specific Gaussian mixture with Mn components. We
assume that the component kj has mean mnkj and covariance nkj . mnkj describes object location
and nkj object shape. mn and n collect all the means and covariances of the clusters in the image
n. Given that any object can be anywhere in the image and have arbitrary scale and orientation,
(mnkj , nkj ) should be drawn from a quite vague prior. We use a conjugate normal-Wishart prior
for the pair (mnkj , nkj ) so as
p(mn , n |Zn ) =
N (mnkj |, nkj )W (1
nkj |v, V ),
where (, , v, V ) are the hyperparameters shared by all features and images. The assignment sni
which determines the allocation of a local patch in a certain feature occurrence follows a multinoQ
mial: P (sni |n ) = k:znk >0 j=1
(nkj )sni . Similarly the observed data pair (wni , yni ) of a
local image patch is generated according to
P (wni |sni , {k }) =
K+ L
k=1 =1
p(yni |sni , mn , n ) =
The hyperparameters (, , , , v, V ) take fixed values that give vague priors and they are not
depicted in the graphical model shown in Figure 1.
Since we have chosen conjugate priors, we can analytically marginalize out from the joint distribution all the parameters {n }, {k }, {mn } and {n } and obtain p(X, S, Z, ). Marginalizing
out the assignments S is generally intractable and the MCMC algorithm discussed next produces
samples from the posterior P (S, Z, |X).
MCMC inference
Inference with our model involves expressing the posterior P (S, Z, |X) over the feature occurrences Z, the assignments S and the parameter . Note that the joint P (S, Z, , X) factorizes
according to p()P (Z|)P (W |S, Z) n=1 P (Sn |Zn )p(Yn |Sn , Zn ) where Sn denotes the assignments associated with image n. Our algorithm uses mainly Gibbs-type sampling from conditional
posterior distributions. Due to space limitations we briefly discuss the main points of this algorithm.
The MCMC algorithm processes the rows of Z iteratively and updates its values. A single step can
change an element of Z by one so as |znk
| 1. Initially Z is such that Mn = k=1
1, for any n which means that at least one mixture component explains the data of each image. The
proposal distribution for changing znk s ensures that this constraint is satisfied.
Suppose we wish to sample a new value for znk using the joint model p(S, Z, , X). Simply witting
P (znk |S, Z(nk) , , X) is not useful since when znk changes the number of states the assignments
Sn can take also changes. This is clear since znk is a structural variable that affects the number of
components Mn = k=1
znk of the mixture model associated with image n and assignments Sn .
On the other hand the dimensionality of the assignments Sn = S \ Sn of all other images is not
affected when znk changes. To deal with the above we marginalize out Sn and we sample znk from
the marginalized posterior conditional P (znk |Sn , Z(nk) , , X) which is computed according to
P (znk |Sn , Z(nk) , , X) P (znk |Z(nk) , )
P (W |S, Z)p(Yn |Sn , Zn )P (Sn |Zn ), (13)
where P (znk |Zn,k , ) for the infinite case is computed as described in section 3.2 while computing
the sum requires an approximation. This sum is a marginal likelihood and we apply importance
sampling using as an importance distribution the posterior conditional P (Sn |Sn , Z, W, Yn ) [10].
Sampling from P (Sn |Sn , Z, W, Yn ) is carried out by applying local Gibbs sampling moves and
global Metropolis moves that allow two occurrences of different features to exchange their data
clusters. In our implementation we consider a single sample drawn from this posterior distribution
so that the sum is approximated by P (W |Sn , Sn , Z)p(Yn |Sn , Zn ) and Sn is a sample accepted
after a burn in period. Additionally to scans that update Z and S we add few Metropolis-Hastings
steps that update the hyperparameter using the posterior conditional given by Equation (10).
In the first experiment we use a set of 10 artificial images. We consider four features that have
the regular shapes shown in Figure 2. The discrete patch appearances correspond to pixels and
can take 20 possible grayscale values. Each feature has its own multinomial distribution over the
appearances. To generate an image we first decide to include each feature with probability 0.5.
Then for each included feature we randomly select the number of occurrences from the range [1, 3].
For each feature occurrence we select the pixels using the appearance multinomial and place the
respective feature shape in a random location so that feature occurrences do not occlude each other.
The first row of Figure 2 shows a training image (left), the locations of pixels (middle) and the
discrete appearances (right). The MCMC algorithm was initialized with K+ = 1, = 1 and
zn1 = 1, n = 1, . . . , 10. The third row of Figure 2 shows how K+ (left) and the sum of all znk s
(right) evolve through the first 500 MCMC iterations. The algorithm in the first 20 iterations has
training image n
locations Yn
appearances Wn
Figure 2: The first row shows a training image (left), the locations of pixels (middle) and the discrete
appearances (right). The second row shows the localizations of all feature occurrences in three
images. Below of each image the corresponding row of Z is also shown. The third row shows how
K+ (left) and the sum of all znk s (right) evolve through the first 500 MCMC iterations.
Figure 3: The left most plot on the first row shows the locations of detected patches and the bounding
boxes in one of the annotated images. The remaining five plots show examples of detections and
localizations of the three most dominant features (including the car-category) in five non-annotated
visited the matrix Z that was used to generate the data and then stabilizes. For 86% of the samples
K+ is equal to four. For the state (Z, S) that is most frequently visited, the second row of Figure
2 shows the localizations of all different feature occurrences in three images. Each ellipse is drawn
using the posterior mean values for a pair (mnkj , nkj ) and illustrates the predicted location and
shape of a feature occurrence. Note that ellipses with the same color correspond to the different
occurrences of the same feature.
In the second experiment we consider 25 real images from the UIUC3 cars database. We used the
patch detection method presented in [8] and we constructed a dictionary of 200 visual appearances
by clustering the SIFT [8] descriptors of the patches using K-means. Locations of detected patches
are shown in the first row (left) of Figure 3. We partially labelled some of the images. Particularly,
for 7 out of 25 images we annotated the car views using bounding boxes (Figure 3). This allows
us to specify seven elements of the first column of the matrix Z (the first feature will correspond
to the car-category). These znk s values plus the assignments of all patches inside the boxes do not
change during sampling. Also the patches that lie outside the boxes in all annotated images are not
allowed to be part of car occurrences. This is achieved by applying partial Gibbs sampling updates
and Metropolis moves when sampling the assignments S. The algorithm is initialized with K+ = 1,
after 30 iterations stabilizes and then fluctuates between nine to twelve features. To keep the plots
uncluttered, Figure 3 shows the detections and localizations of only the three most dominant features
(including the car-category) in five non-annotated images. The red ellipses correspond to different
occurrences of the car-feature, the green ones to a tree-feature and the blue ones to a street-feature.
We presented the infinite gamma-Poisson model which is a nonparametric prior for non-negative
integer valued matrices with infinite number of columns. We discussed the use of this prior for
unsupervised learning where multiple features are associated with our data and each feature can
have multiple occurrences within each data point. The infinite gamma-Poisson prior can be used for
other purposes as well. For example, an interesting application can be Bayesian matrix factorization
where a matrix of observations is decomposed into a product of two or more matrices with one of
them being a non-negative integer valued matrix.
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