Bextex Limited
Bextex Limited
Bextex Limited
thisreportonBextex Ltd.ThenIwouldliketoexpressmydeepestthankstomycourse
instructor Dr. A. N. M. Shibly Noman Khanforgivingmethiswonderfulopportunityto
Table of Content
Objective of the report...04
Company Background, profile & products.5-12
HR policy13-27
Problem Identification ..27
This report is prepared as a requirement of the course Human Resource Planning and
Forecasting (360). I wanted to choose a prominent and established company so I chose
Bextex Ltd. While preparing this report I came to know about their HRM policy. I
followed the guidelines and structure provided by our course instructor. I did the
background check and then focused on the HRM practice. I discussed elaborately about
all the HR related activity in different segments of the report.
To prepare this report I have collected data from different published materials. Then I
have conducted a secondary study. After that I have prepared a questionnaire and took
interview one of the executive serving in this Company. I also collect data from internet.
This way I collected the primary data. Both primary and secondary data are used to report
to prepare this report
Company Background:
Bextex Ltd. (the "Company") was incorporated in Bangladesh as a Public Limited
Company with limited liability on 8 March 1994 and commenced commercial operation
in 1995 and also went into the public issue of shares and debentures in the same year. The
shares of the Company are listed in the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges of
Bextex Ltd. is the most modern composite mill in the region. Bextex Ltd. has an installed
capacity of 288 high-speed air-jet looms in its weaving section and a high-tech dyeing
and finishing section with a capacity of 100,000 yards of finished fabric per day. This
company is located at the Beximco Industrial Park .
Bextex Ltd. has a state of the art composite knit fabric production mill, which serves the
growing needs of high-quality knit garments exporters in Bangladesh. The project was set
up as a state of the art knit fabric knitting, dyeing and finishing facility. During the year
the Company produced and sold high quality of knit fabrics and bringing forth all the
latest in hard and soft technologies in knitting, dyeing and finishing of knit fabric.
Bextex Ltd. also has cotton and polyester blended yarn-spinning mill, with 122,000
spindles is one of the largest spinning mills of the country. The mill was set up to feed the
country's export oriented industries.
Bextex Ltd. produces specialized finishes of denim cloth for export in finished as well as
cloth only form.
BEXTEX Ltd. is a full service vendor with strong vertically integrated production
facilities as well as creative & analytical capabilities which clearly sets us apart from
most other South Asian vendors.
Gain market leadership in high value added apparel in USA & Europe .
Use Innovation & Speed as prime drivers, rather than cotton & cheap labour .
Dominate these markets in high quality:
The entire management process comprises the following units:
Executive Management:
The Managing Director, the CEO is the head of the Executive Management Team which
comprises senior members of the Management Apparatus. Within the limits of delegated
authority and responsibility by the Board of Directors, Executive Management operates
through further delegation of authority at every echelon of the line management. The
executive Management operates within the framework of Policy & Planning strategies set
by the Top Management with periodic performance reporting for guidance. The
Executive Management is responsible for preparation of segment plans / sub segment
plans for every profit centers with budgetary targets for every items of goods & services
and are held accountable for deficiencies, with appreciation for outstanding and
exceptional performances. These operations are continuously carried out by the Executive
Management through series of Committees, sub Committees, Committees & standing
Committees assisting the line management.
Management Committee:
Comprising top executives, deal with entire organizational matters.
Standing Committee:
Standing Committee comprises the following committee:
Audit Committee:
Internal Audit Committee
ISO Audit Committee
Social / Environment Committee
Performance Evaluation Audit Committee
Employment Relations Committee:
Remuneration Committee
Work Environment Committee
Performance Evaluation Audit Committee
Management Committee:
Product Planning & Development Committee
Quality Control & Research Committee
Production & Inventory Management Committee
Export Promotion Committee
air free from pollution but also help save cost of water treatment & air conditioning. Your
company uses only AZO-free dyes and is dedicated to ensure a healthy and eco-friendly
Yarn Products:
TC - 65% polyester-35% cotton; 100% polyester both regular and sewing thread
Lyocell, Tencel, Modal, Rayon, Viscose etc.
Fabric Products
Solid Dyed
Ribstops in 100% Combed Cotton
Yarn Dyed
Plaids in 100% Combed Cotton
Wrinkle Free
Easy Care
Paper Touch
Teflon Coated
Water Repellent
Water Resistance
Dobby Designs
Bedford Cords/Coteles
Waffles and various structures in 100% Combed Cotton
Yarn Count
Knit Products:
Denim products:
Denim (blue) : In classic indigo colors ranging from 4oz to 15oz/ Yd2
Denim (black) : In sulfur black color ranging from 4oz to 15oz/ Yd2
Over dyed Denim : In a variety of colors on indigo blue & sulfur black
Bull Denim : In a variety of reactive colors ranging from 10oz to 13oz/ Yd2
(piece dyed)
Stretch Denim : In classic indigo colours ranging from 4.5 oz to 13.75 oz/Yd
Embedded filament core, which makes it permanently wrinkle-free. No resins or
chemicals are used making the fabric ecologically friendly as well as highly durable.
The technology provides the soft, natural comfort of cotton and the wrinkle-free
convenience and strength of synthetic fiber. Beximco is the manufacturer and exclusive
licensee in Bangladesh of Cortex-2000, USA.
Sources of recruitment:
There are two kinds of source Bextex Ltd uses for recruitment .They are
1. External source
2. Internal source.
1. Internal source
The company thinks that current employees are a major source of recruits for all but
entry-level positions. Whether for promotions or for Lateral job transfers, internal
candidates already know the informal organization and have detailed information about
its formal policies and procedures. Promotions and transfer are typically decided by
operating managers with little involvement by HR department.
Job-posting programs
HR departments become involved when internal job openings are
publicized to employees through job positioning programs, which informs employees
about opening and required qualifications and invite qualify employees to apply. The
notices usually are posted on company bulletin boards or are placed in the company
newspaper. Qualification and other facts typically are drawn from the job analysis
information. The purpose of job posting is to encourage employees to seek promotion and
transfers the help the HR department fill internal opening and meet employees personal
objectives. Not all jobs openings are posted .Besides entry level positions, senior
management and top stuff positions may be filled by merit or with external recruiting. Job
posting is most common for lower level clerical, technical and supervisory positions.
Departing Employees
An often overlooked source of recruiters consists of departing employees. Many
employees leave because they can no longer work the traditional 40 hours work week.
School, child care needs and other commitments are the common reason. Some might
gladly stay if they could rearrange their hours of work or their responsibilities .Instead,
they quit when a transfer to a part-time job may retain their valuable skill and training.
Even if part-time work is not a solution, a temporary leave of absence may satisfy the
employee and some future recruiting need of the employer.
2. External source
When job opening cannot be filled internally, the HR department of Bextex Ltd must
look outside the organization for applicants. We discuss all the external source of
recruitment at bellow:
Walk-ins and Write-ins:
Walk-ins are some seekers who arrived at the HR department of this particular company;
Write-ins are those who send a written enquire. Both groups normally are ask to complete
and application blank to determine their interest and abilities. Usable application is kept
in an active file until a suitable opening occurs or until an application is too old to be
considered valid, usually six months.
Employee referrals:
Employees may refer job seekers to the HR department. Employee referrals have several
advantages .Employees with hard to find job skill may no others who do the same
work. Employees referrals are excellent and legal recruitment technique, but they tend to
maintain the status quo of the work force in term of raise, religions, sex and other
characteristics, possibly leading to charges of discrimination.
Want ads describe the job and the benefits, identify the employer, and tell those who are
interested how to apply .They are most familiar form of employment advertising .for
highly specialist requites, ads may be placed in professional journal or out of town
newspaper in areas with high concentration of the desired skills
General Manager- production (ref: PM)
-Age: 28-35 years; Graduate with specialization in garment mfg
technology from NIFT or equiv.
-Minimum 10 years experience in similar position of a unit with a
minimum of 1000machines.
-Must have detailed hands on knowledge of industrial engineering.
We offer competitive salary which is commensurate with experience and qualification.
If you aspire to an exiting and rewarding career , send your detailed resume, quoting your
present and expected salaries to jobs.
Now today no body thinks anything without internet. So Bextex Ltd give
their advertisement in internet.
Bextex Ltd - Training and Development Program
Training and Development program of Bextex Ltd:
Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is application of
knowledge. It gives people an awareness of the rules procedures to guide their behavior.
It attempts to improve their performance on the current job or prepare them for an
intended job. Development is a related process. It covers not only those activities which
improve job performance but also those which bring growth of the personality; help
individuals to the progress towards maturity and actualization of their potential capacities
so that they become not only good employees but better men and women. In
organizational terms, it is intended to equip person to earn promotion and hold grater
responsibility. There are many types of method practices in Beximco .I have discuss those
methods at bellow:
On the job training
On the job training is a training that shows the employee how to perform the job and
allows him or her to do it under the trainers supervision. On the job training is normally
given by a senior employee or a manager like senior merchandiser or a manager. The
employee is shown how to perform the job and allowed to do it under the trainers
Job rotation
Job rotation is a training that requires an individual to teach several different some in a
work unit or department and performer each job for a specified time period. In job
rotation, individuals learn several different jobs within a work unit or department. One
main advantages of job rotation is that it makes flexibilities possible in the department.
When one employee like junior merchandiser absence another merchandiser can easily
perform the job.
Apprenticeship training
Apprenticeship training provides beginning worker with comprehensive training in the
practical and theoretical expect of work required in a highly skilled occupation.
Apprenticeship program combined of the job and classroom training to prepare worker
for more than eight hundred occupation such as computer operator, sewing technician.
Length of selected apprenticeship courses of Bextex Ltd:
Occupation length (months)
1. Quality control manager 13
2. Quality control officer 15
3. Cutting Astt. Manager 7
4. Packing Astt. Manager 7
5. Ware house Astt. Manager 5
6. Production officer 3
7. Sewing technician 5
8. Sewing Supervisor 5
Classroom training
Classroom training is conducted off the job and probably the most familiar training
method .It is an effective means of imparting information quickly to large groups with
limited or no knowledge of subject being presented. It is useful for teaching factual
material, concepts principle other theories. Portion of orientation programs, some expects
of apprenticeship training and safety programs are usually presented utilizing some form
of classroom instruction. More frequently however, classroom instruction is used for
technical, professional and managerial employee
1. Employee safety
Bextex Ltd provides the employee safety .It ensure the all kinds of job safety such as
insurance of each employee not this it provide insurance to the labor.
2. Employee health
Free medical checkup, provide health card and also provide necessary medical facilities
for each employee.
3. Employee working condition
The working condition of employee is very hygienic
Bextex Ltd is ISO 9001-2000 Certified company
Job analysis
Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill requirement of a job and
the kind of person who should be hired for it. The supervisor or HR specialist of Beximco
normally collects one of the following types of information:
Work activities
First he or she collects information about the job actual work activities such as marketing,
sewing, production. This list also include how, why and when the worker performance
each activity.
Education and qualification
Collects the information about education background and qualification.
Experience must be needed for any job in Bextex Ltd
Sample of job analysis of Bextex Ltd
Task identity
Task identity means doing something from beginning to end rather than just part of it.
Task significance
It is the degree to which a job has substantial impact on an organization.
Feedback is the degree to which employees can tell how well they are
doing based on information from the job.
Environmental considerations
Social expectations
In designing jobs, the surrounding social expectations must be considered to avoid
possible worker dissatisfaction. Workforce availability Job requirements should be
balanced against the availability of the people who are required to do the work.
Work practices
Work practices are set methods of performing work. These methods may arise from
tradition or the collective wishes of employees.
Depends on the countrys policy, medicare facilities are generally
government services to citizens.Organizations add some value to
medicare facilities. In some countries medicare is financed together by
employees tax, employers and the government.
Provided insurance coverage for
Hospitalization - Covers inpatient & outpatient hospital care & services.
Major doctor bills Charges of visiting a doctor or specialist.
Prescription drug costs.
Provides unlimited in-home care in certain situations.
Workers Compensation
Workers compensation is a legally required benefit is included in the compulsory
disability laws of many countries. Mostly, employer is seen liable regardless of the fault.
Objectives of Workers compensation:
Provide income & medical benefits
Reduce litigation
Unskilled labor
Conflict within company environment
Large span of supervision
Resource problem is very common in Bangladesh. To overcome this combined effort of
government and business is needed. From governments point of view it is very important
to find new gas fields as it is the primary source of energy.
Increasing price of the yarn is also a big problem. We will have to elaborate our search
for cheaper yarn. Recently government of Bangladesh is thinking to import cotton from
South Africa. I think its a good move.
From the analysis I found that companys span of super vision is too large. A number of
departments report directly to the general manager. If the number were less the efficiency
and productivity of the organization might be increased.
Quality control department should remain prompt always. So that it can maintain a
certain level of standard as per the market demand to capture the foreign market share it
should strive more.
The development of any industry requires combined efforts and cooperation from several
parties. Social, political and macro economic environment play pivotal role in this regard.
Though Benetex Industries is a newly Ventured Company in the respective sector, its
growth and expansion is praiseworthy. Its contributing in the process of the countries
economic development and serving the nation in many different ways as well. If it can up
hold its much toward advancement, it will be able to set a role model in our country.
And overall from our hard work and co- operation from course instructor and as well as
from the companies labors & management I gained practical knowledge on RMG sector
in Bangladesh & their HR practices, their views on IR etc.
It was a pleasant experience and I sincerely hope more educated people will come &
work for the betterment of this sector as well as our countries economy.