Bulletin 2895 Protein Blotting Guide
Bulletin 2895 Protein Blotting Guide
Bulletin 2895 Protein Blotting Guide
Third Edition
About This Manual
This reference manual provides information on the fundamentals of protein transfer and
detection chemistries. It is also a guide to the methods, equipment, and reagents used
in protein blotting experiments, and offers troubleshooting tips and technical advice.
As a researcher using the blotting technique, you know that each research objective,
experimental approach, and protein sample can be different. Your equipment, sample,
antibody, and detection chemistries all can impact your results. The goal of this manual is to
provide you with a broad understanding of the variables you face when blotting, and how
best to work with each of them to achieve the optimal results.
Bio-Rad offers superior products and expert technical service. Our goal is to support
your research with the necessary tools and materials to optimize the analysis of complex
protein samples.
For detailed protocols on the use of any of the products mentioned in this guide, please refer to
their instruction manuals, available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format at discover.bio-rad.com
Membrane/Filter Paper Sandwiches . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Assembling the Gel and Membrane Sandwich . . . . . .28
Performing the Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Electrophoretic Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Poor Electrophoretic Transfer
Swirls or Missing Patterns; Diffuse Transfers
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Reagents Conditions
Power Conditions
Protein blotting involves two major phases: transfer and detection (see overview opposite).
The transfer step involves moving the proteins from a solution or gel and immobilizing them
on a synthetic membrane support (blot). Transfer may be performed by direct application or
dot-blotting of proteins that are in solution, or by electrophoretic transfer of proteins from a
gel to a membrane. In performing a protein transfer, the researcher must choose the
appropriate method, apparatus, membrane, buffer, and transfer conditions.
Detection entails probing the membrane with either a total protein stain or primary antibodies
specific to the protein(s) of interest and subsequent visualization of the labeled proteins.
Detection involves a number of steps and the selection of the appropriate method, reagents,
and imaging equipment.
The most commonly used protein blotting technique, western blotting (immunoblotting), was
developed as a result of the need to probe for proteins that were inaccessible to antibodies
while in polyacrylamide gels. Western blotting procedures involve the transfer of proteins that
have been separated by gel electrophoresis onto a membrane, followed by immunological
detection of these proteins. Western blotting combines the resolution of gel electrophoresis
with the specificity of immunoassays, allowing individual proteins in mixtures to be identified
and analyzed. Since the development of immunoblotting techniques, other probing and
detection techniques have been developed for functional protein characterization.
Many applications and methods for protein blotting have been previously reviewed (Beisiegel
1986, Bers and Garfin 1985, Carr and Scott 1992, Crisp and Dunn 1994, Dunn 1994, 1999,
Egger and Bienz 1994, Garfin and Bers 1989, Gershoni 1985, 1987, 1988, Gershoni and
Palade 1983, Gooderham 1984, Harper, et al. 1990, Kurien and Scofield 2003, Tovey and
Baldo 1987, Wisdom 1994). This manual summarizes the most commonly used techniques,
provides information about the wide selection of blotting apparatus and detection reagents
available from Bio-Rad, and offers troubleshooting tips and technical advice.
The initial step in any blotting experiment is the transfer of proteins from a solution or gel
and immobilization of those proteins on a solid membrane support. Immobilization of proteins
on a membrane makes the proteins accessible to probes for specific proteins and enables
quantitative detection.
This chapter reviews the options that are available for blotting instruments and power
supplies. Chapter 2 describes the various membranes, transfer buffers, and power conditions
that may be used for transfer. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the steps and workflow
involved in performing protein transfer. Subsequent processing of the protein blots for
detection and identification is discussed in Chapter 4.
Electrophoretically Protein Sample
Sample Matrix
Separated in a Gel in Free Solution
Electrophoretic Microfiltration
Transfer (Dot-Blotting)
Transfer Method
Transfer Methods
Proteins can be transferred to membranes by a number of methods. The most common are
electrophoretic transfer and microfiltration (dot-blotting). Although diffusion or capillary blotting
methods may also be used to transfer proteins from gels, generally electrophoretic transfer is
used to transfer proteins following electrophoretic separation by SDS-polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) or by native PAGE — whereas microfiltration is used to transfer
proteins that are in solution (Figure 1.1). Electrophoretic transfer of proteins is fast, efficient,
and preserves the high-resolution separation of proteins by PAGE. Microfiltration is particularly
useful to determine working conditions for a new blotting assay or in any other situation
where the resolving power of gel electrophoresis is not needed.
Filter paper
of its speed and precision in replicating the The heat generated during a transfer
pattern of separated proteins from a gel to (Joule heating) is proportional to the power
+ a membrane. consumed by the electrical elements (P),
which is equal to the product of the current
Fig. 1.2. Gel and membrane The Principle of Electrophoretic (I) and voltage (V).
setup for electrophoretic Transfer
In an electrophoretic transfer, the membrane P = I x V = I2 x R
and protein-containing gel are placed Joule heating increases temperature and
together with filter paper between two decreases resistance of the transfer buffer.
electrodes (Figure 1.2). Proteins migrate to Such changes in resistance may lead to
the membrane following a current (I) that is inconsistent field strength and transfer, or
generated by applying a voltage (V) across may cause the transfer buffer to lose its
the electrodes, following Ohm’s law: buffering capacity. In addition, excessive
V=IxR heat may cause the gel to deteriorate and
stick to the membrane. The major limitation
where R is the resistance generated by the of any electrophoretic transfer method is the
materials placed between the electrodes ability of the chamber to dissipate heat.
(that is, the transfer buffer, gel, membrane,
and filter papers). Types of Electrophoretic Transfer
The electric field strength (V/cm) that is There are two main types of electrophoretic
generated between the electrodes is the blotting apparatus and transfer procedures:
driving force for electrophoretic transfer. tank, or wet transfer, where gels and
Though a number of other factors, including membranes are submerged under transfer
the size, shape, and charge of the protein buffer in tanks, and semi-dry transfer, where
and the pH, viscosity, and ionic strength of gels and membranes are sandwiched
the transfer buffer and gel %T may influence between buffer-wetted filter papers that are
the elution of particular proteins from gels, in direct contact with flat-plate electrodes.
both the applied voltage and the distance The two types of transfer systems are
compared in Table 1.1.
Fig. 1.4. The Trans-Blot Plus
cell. 1, buffer tank and lid; 2, gel
holder cassette and fiber pads;
3, plate electrodes; 4, super
cooling coil.
Microfiltration Apparatus
Microfiltration units allow use of easy, reproducible methods for binding proteins in solution
onto membranes.
The Bio-Dot and Bio-Dot SF units may be easily sterilized by autoclaving or by washing in
alcohol or sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The units feature a unique, patented sealing gasket that
eliminates lateral leakage and possible cross-contamination between wells. Both sample
templates are spaced similarly to microplates so that samples can be applied with a standard
or multichannel pipet. Specifications for the Bio-Dot units are listed in Table 1.4.
Bio-Dot Bio-Dot SF
Sample format 96-well, 8 x 12 format 48-slot, 6 x 8 format
Well size 3 mm diameter 7 x 0.75 mm
Sample volume 50–600 µl 50–500 µl
Membrane size (W x L) 9 x 12 cm 9 x 12 cm
Autoclavability Yes Yes
Membrane Selection
Though nitrocellulose was once the only Nitrocellulose and
choice for protein blotting, advances in Supported Nitrocellulose
membrane chemistries have made a variety Nitrocellulose was one of the first membranes
of membrane types available, each offering used for western blotting and is still a popular
key attributes to suit particular experimental membrane for this procedure. Protein binding
conditions. The physical properties and to nitrocellulose is instantaneous, nearly
performance characteristics of a membrane irreversible, and quantitative up to 80 to
should be evaluated when selecting the 100 µg/cm 2. Nitrocellulose is easily wetted in
appropriate transfer conditions (Table 2.1). water or transfer buffer and is compatible with
Membranes are commonly available in two a wide range of protein detection systems.
pore sizes: the 0.45 µm pore size Supported nitrocellulose is an inert support
membranes are recommended for most structure with nitrocellulose applied to it.
analytical blotting experiments, while the The support structure gives the membrane
0.2 µm pore size membranes are most increased strength and resilience.
suitable for transfer of low molecular weight Supported nitrocellulose can withstand
(<15,000) proteins that might move through reprobing and autoclaving (121°C) and
larger membrane pores. retains the ease of wetting and protein
binding features of nitrocellulose.
Membrane Pore Size (µg/cm2) Notes
Nitrocellulose 0.45 µm 80–100 General-purpose protein blotting membrane
0.2 µm
Supported 0.45 µm 80–100 Pure nitrocellulose cast on an inert synthetic
nitrocellulose 0.2 µm support; increased strength for easier handling
and for reprobing
Sequi-Blot PVDF 0.2 µm 170–200 High mechanical strength and chemical stability;
used for protein sequencing
Immun-Blot PVDF 0.2 µm 150–160 High mechanical strength and chemical stability;
recommended for western blotting
Fig. 2.1. Superior retention
of proteins by Bio-Rad’s
Sequi-Blot PVDF membrane. Gel holder
Protein samples were blotted to
PVDF membrane support Fiber pad
(diagrammed on left) using Towbin Filter paper
buffer containing 0.1% SDS. Gel
Membrane A, the membrane sheet
closest to the gel; membrane B, a PVDF membrane A
second sheet of membrane layered PVDF membrane B
behind the first. Filter paper
Fiber pad
Sequi-Blot PVDF Sequi-Blot PVDF
Gel holder
Membrane A Membrane B
Blotting Apparatus Precut Membranes Precut Blot Filter Papers
Trans-Blot® cell 13.5 x 16.5 cm 15 x 20 cm
Trans-Blot® Plus cell 26.5 x 28 cm 26.5 x 28 cm
Trans-Blot SD cell 7 x 8.4 cm 15 x 15 cm (extra thick)
11.5 x 16 cm
15 x 15 cm
15 x 9.2 cm
20 x 20 cm
Mini Trans-Blot® cell 7 x 8.4 cm 7.5 x 10 cm
Criterion™ blotter 8.5 x 13.5 cm 9.5 x 15.2 cm
Bio-Dot® apparatus 9 x 12 cm N/A
Bio-Dot SF apparatus 9 x 12 cm 11.3 x 7.7 cm
Table 2.3. General guidelines on transfer buffer and membrane selection by gel type.
Table 2.4. General guidelines on transfer buffer and membrane selection by application.
The applied voltage and current are • Alterations to buffer makeup; that is,
determined by the user and the power addition of SDS or changes in ion
supply settings; the resistance is inherent concentration due to addition of acid or
in the system. base to adjust the pH of a buffer
The second equation, the power equation, • Gel pH, ionic strength, and percentage of
describes the power (P) used by a system, acrylamide, especially if the gel has not
which is proportional to the voltage (V), been properly equilibrated
current (I), and resistance of the system (R). • Number of gels (current increases slightly
P=IxV= I2 xR= V2/R as the number of gels increases)
Cooling is generally required for all high-intensity transfers (except for the Trans-Blot SD) and
is recommended for long, unsupervised runs.
Table 2.5. Guide to power settings for SDS-PAGE gels (Towbin buffer).
Table 2.6. Guide to power settings for native gels (Towbin buffer, no methanol).
Table 2.7. Guide to power settings for isoelectric focusing gels, native gels, basic proteins, and
acid-urea gels (0.7% acetic acid).
Electrophoretic Transfer
Overall, the procedures and principles for semi-dry and tank transfers are the same. Gels and
membranes must be prewet and equilibrated with transfer buffer and the gel/membrane
sandwich must be placed into the transfer apparatus in the correct orientation to ensure
transfer of proteins to the membrane.
2. Rinse gels briefly in ddH2O and equilibrate for 15 min in transfer buffer.
• All gels should be equilibrated in transfer buffer to remove contaminating electrophoresis
buffer salts. If salts are not removed, they will increase the conductivity of the transfer
buffer and the amount of heat generated during the transfer. Also, gels will shrink or
swell to various degrees in the transfer buffer depending on the acrylamide percentage
and the buffer composition. Equilibration allows the gel to adjust to its final size prior to
electrophoretic transfer. Equilibration is not necessary when the same buffer is used for
both electrophoresis and transfer (for example, native gel transfers)
3. Place the transfer tank onto a magnetic stirplate and assemble the transfer tank with the
anode and cathode cards in the correct position and orientation.
4. Add enough transfer buffer to the tank to fill it approximately halfway, add a stirbar, and
begin stirring.
• The transfer buffer should be stirred during the course of all tank transfers. This will
help to maintain uniform conductivity and temperature during electrophoretic transfer.
Failure to properly control transfer buffer temperature results in poor transfer and poses
a potential safety hazard
5. If needed, set up the cooling system for the tank transfer system. Follow instructions in
the instruction manual.
• Electrophoretic transfer entails large power loads and, consequently, heat generation.
The tanks are effective thermal insulators and limit the efficient dissipation of heat.
Therefore, placing blotting cells in a coldroom is not an adequate means of controlling
transfer buffer temperature. The use of additional cooling devices, such as the cooling
coil or Bio-Ice™ units, is required for high-intensity field transfers and is recommended
for long unsupervised runs
11. Carefully place the preequilibrated membrane on top of the gel. Make sure the membrane
is correctly positioned as it touches the gel. To avoid ghost prints and other artifacts, do
not move the membrane after it is positioned. Use the roller to remove any air bubbles
and to ensure proper contact between the gel and membrane.
12. Wet a second piece of filter paper in transfer buffer and place it on top of the membrane.
13. Soak a fiber pad in transfer buffer and place it on top of the filter paper.
14. Once the cassette is closed and locked, insert it into the tank with the latch side up.
Make sure the black cassette plate faces the black electrode plate.
• If thick or thin filter paper is used, two or three sheets on each side of the gel must be
used, respectively
3 The amount of filter paper used for semi-dry transfers is important because the filter paper
4 serves as the only reservoir for the transfer buffer. To prevent contamination, always wear
5 gloves when handling the gels, membranes, and filter paper.
3. For each gel, cut one piece of membrane and two to six pieces of filter paper to the
7 dimensions of the gel. Precut membranes and filter papers are available (see Ordering
4. Soak the filter paper in transfer buffer.
5. Equilibrate the membranes in transfer buffer.
• Membranes must be thoroughly wetted in transfer buffer prior to assembly of the gel
and membrane sandwich. Nitrocellulose membranes may be wetted directly with
9 transfer buffer, while PVDF membrane must be thoroughly soaked in 100% methanol
before being soaked in transfer buffer
Fig. 3.2. Transfer assembly for 6. Remove the safety cover and stainless-steel cathode assembly.
the Trans-Blot SD semi-dry
transfer system. 7. Place a presoaked sheet of extra thick filter paper onto the platinum anode. Roll a pipet
1. Safety lid
2. Cathode assembly with latches
or roller over the surface of the filter paper (like a rolling pin) to push out all air bubbles. If
3. Filter paper thick or thin filter paper is used instead, repeat with one or two more sheets of buffer-
4. Gel soaked paper.
5. Membrane
6. Filter paper 8. Carefully place the presoaked membrane on top of the filter paper. Roll out all air bubbles.
7. Spring-loaded anode platform
mounted on four guideposts 9. Gently place the preequilibrated gel on top of the membrane, aligning the gel on the
8. Power cables center of the membrane. Transfer will be incomplete if any portion of the gel is outside of
9. Base
the membrane. The membrane and filter paper should be cut to the same size as the gel.
Remove all air bubbles.
• To avoid ghost prints and other artifacts, do not move the membrane and/or gel after it
is positioned. Use the roller to remove any air bubbles and to ensure proper contact
between the gel and membrane
10. Wet a second piece of presoaked extra thick filter paper on top of the membrane. Roll a
pipet or roller over the surface of the filter paper to push out all air bubbles. If thick or thin
filter paper is used instead, repeat with one or two more sheets of buffer-soaked paper.
Wipe up any excess buffer around the gel/membrane sandwich to prevent current leaks.
11. Carefully place the cathode onto the stack.
12. Place the safety cover back onto the unit.
Microfiltration with the Bio-Dot® and Bio-Dot SF involves presoaking the transfer membrane
as described, assembly of the transfer apparatus, application of the vacuum, and application
of the sample. Detailed protocols are provided in the Bio-Dot and Bio-Dot SF instruction
manuals. Some advice for microfiltration transfers is provided below.
During the assay, do not leave the unit with the vacuum on. This may dehydrate the
membrane and may cause halos around the wells.
Proper Drainage
Proper positioning of the flow valve relative to the level of the apparatus is important for
proper drainage. The speed of drainage is determined by the difference in hydrostatic
pressure between the fluid in the sample wells and the opening of the flow valve that is
exposed to the atmosphere. When the flow valve is positioned below the sample wells,
proper drainage may be achieved.
Air Bubbles
Air bubbles trapped in the wells will prevent the sample from binding to the membrane. Air
bubbles may be removed by gently pipeting the solution up and down.
Membrane Removal
The best method for removing the membrane from the Bio-Dot units is to leave the vacuum on
while loosening the screws and removing the sample template. Then, turn off the vacuum and
remove the membrane.
Detection Methods
Once proteins have been transferred to a membrane, they can be visualized using a variety
of specialized detection reagents (Figure 4.1). Protein standards are useful for monitoring
transfer efficiency of the experiment and serve as molecular weight markers for calibration of
blot patterns. Total protein stains allow visualization of the protein pattern on the blot and
immunological detection methods, employing antibody or ligand conjugates, allow
visualization of specific proteins of interest. This chapter reviews the various protein
standards, total protein stains, and immunological detection methods available.
Chemiluminescence Other
Autoradiography Bioluminescence Chemifluorescence Fluorescence
Protein Standards
Protein standards are mixtures of well-characterized or recombinant proteins and are
routinely used in electrophoresis and blotting applications. Protein standards:
• Provide a reference for determining the molecular weight of proteins identified by antibody
or ligand probes
Precision Plus Precision Plus Precision Plus Prestained Prestained Prestained Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope
Protein Protein Protein SDS-PAGE SDS-PAGE SDS-PAGE Prestained Polypeptide
Kaleidoscope Dual Color All Blue Standards, Standards, Standards, Standards,* Standards*
Standards Standards Standards Broad Range* Low Range* High Range* Broad Range*
Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog #
161-0375 161-0374 161-0373 161-0318 161-0305 161-0309 161-0324 161-0325
Table 4.2. Composition and molecular weights (in kD) of prestained standards.
A, recombinant prestained standards; B, natural prestained standards.
Precision Plus Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope
Protein Standards Prestained Polypeptide Prestained Prestained Prestained
Family* Standards** Standards** High Range** Low Range** Broad Range** Protein
250 202 – 205 – 208 Myosin
150 133 – 118 – 115 -Galactosidase
100 – – – 107 – Phosphorylase b
75 71 – 85 76 79.5 BSA
50 – – 47 52 49.5 Ovalbumin
37 41.8 38.6 – 36.8 34.8 Carbonic anhydrase
25 30.6 25 – 27.2 28.3 Soybean trypsin
20 inhibitor
1.5 optimized, their molecular weight does not making them less desirable for molecular
1.0 vary from lot to lot. Dye labeling can be weight estimations.
0.5 controlled more effectively, delivering
0.0 homogeneous staining and tight, sharp Kaleidoscope Standards
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
bands. All Precision Plus Protein prestained Kaleidoscope prestained standards contain
Rf individually colored proteins that allow
standards (all blue, dual color, Kaleidoscope)
deliver the most linear (r2 >0.995) standard instant band recognition on western blots or
curve available for prestained standards gels. The molecular weights of the proteins
(Figure 4.3). As a result, these standards may in each lot are calibrated against unstained
be used for highly accurate estimation of SDS-PAGE standards. The Kaleidoscope
molecular weight across a broad size range. standards are available in broad or low
molecular weight (polypeptide) formulations;
polypeptide standards are designed for use
with Tricine gels when resolving small
proteins and peptides.
Fig. 4.4. Bio-Rad’s unstained
Prestained SDS-PAGE Standards
and biotinylated protein
blotting standards. The Naturally occurring prestained SDS-PAGE
biotinylated standards were standards are available in specific size
detected with avidin-AP and
BCIP/NBT color development ranges: low, high, and broad.
200 kD
250 kD 200 kD
97.4 kD 200 kD
200 kD
150 66.2 97.4 kD 200 kD 97.4 kD
66.2 97.4 66.2 200 kD
116.3 26.6 kD
100 97.4 116.3 116.3 116.3
45 45 97.4 45
66.2 97.4 17.0 97.4 66.2 116.3
14.4 31 97.4
50 31 45
45 45
31 66.2 66.2
37 66.2 31 21.5
31 21.5 31
3.5 21.5
25 1.4
21.5 14.4 14.4 45
20 21.5 21.5 6.5
14.4 14.4
15 14.4
6.5 45 45
10 6.5
Precision Plus Unstained SDS-PAGE SDS-PAGE Polypeptide Silver Stain Silver Stain SDS-PAGE Biotinylated Biotinylated Biotinylated
Unstained Standards, Low Range High Range Standards Standards, Standards, SYPRO Standards, Standards, Standards,
Standards Broad Range Low Range High Range Orange, Broad Range Low Range High Range
Broad Range
Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog # Catalog #
161-0363 161-0317 161-0304 161-0303 161-0328 161-0314 161-0315 161-0332 161-0319 161-0306 161-0311
Table 4.3. Composition and molecular weights (in kD) of unstained standards.
A, recombinant unstained standards; B, natural unstained standards.
Precision Plus
Protein Unstained SDS-PAGE and Biotinylated Standards
Standards Low Range High Range Broad Range Protein
250 – 200 200 Myosin
150 – 116.25 116.25 -Galactosidase
100 97.4 97.4 97.4 Phosphorylase b
75 66.2 66.2 66.2 BSA
50 45 45 45 Ovalbumin
37 31 – 31 Carbonic anhydrase
25 21.5 – 21.5 Soybean trypsin
20 inhibitor
10 – – 6.5 Aprotinin
Biotinylation Fluorescence
Bio-Rad’s Biotin-Blot total protein detection Fluorescent protein stains like SYPRO Ruby,
kit provides a sensitive total protein detection SYPRO Red, SYPRO Orange, and Deep
method that takes advantage of the high- Purple provide highly sensitive detection of
affinity binding of avidin to biotin. This proteins on blots as well as in gels. SYPRO
method uses NHS-biotin to biotinylate all Ruby protein blot stain allows detection as
proteins on the membrane surface, followed low as 2–8 ng. After staining, target proteins
by incubations with an avidin-horseradish can be detected by colorimetric or
peroxidase (avidin-HRP) conjugate and the chemiluminescent immunodetection
HRP color-development reagent to detect methods, or analyzed by microsequencing or
the biotinylated proteins. The assay is 10–50 mass spectrometry with no interference from
times more sensitive than the anionic stains, the protein stain.
and does not require methanol. Exact
comparison of the immunologically detected
membranes and membranes stained for
total protein is possible.
Following transfer, unoccupied binding sites part of the detection process (Figure 4.8). 4
on the membranes must be blocked to
Antibody incubations are generally carried
prevent nonspecific binding of probes; 3
out in antibody buffer containing Tris-
failure to adequately saturate the membrane
buffered saline with Tween (TTBS) and a
can lead to high background, since many
blocking reagent. Various formulations of
probes are also proteins, and can also bind
antibody buffer are provided in the Appendix
to the membrane. 2
of this manual.
A variety of blocking reagents are available, 1
including gelatin, nonfat milk, and bovine Primary Antibodies
serum albumin (BSA), which are compared The primary antibody recognizes and binds
in Table 4.5. It is often useful to optimize to the target antigen on the membrane. For
Fig 4.8. Specific enzymatic
the detection system for minimal incubations with primary antibody, the entire detection of membrane-bound
background with no loss of signal by blot must be covered with antibody- antigens. 1, gelatin blocks
unoccupied sites on the
testing several blocking agents. The type of containing solution. The appropriate membrane; 2, primary antibody to
membrane will also affect the selection of concentration or dilution (titer) of the primary a specific antigen is incubated with
blocker. Formulations for the different antibody must be determined empirically for the membrane; 3, a blotting grade
antibody-enzyme conjugate is
blocking solutions are available in the each new lot of primary antibody. added to bind to the primary
Appendix of this manual. antibody; 4, substrate reagent is
The optimal antibody concentration is then added to the blot. The enzyme
usually considered to be the greatest catalyzes the substrate (S) to form
Antibody Incubations dilution of antibody still resulting in a strong
a detectable product (P) at the site
of the antigen-antibody complex.
An antibody is a protein that is synthesized positive signal without background or
by an animal in response to exposure to a nonspecific reactions. Generally, when
foreign substance, or antigen. Antibodies serum or tissue culture supernatants are the
(also called immunoglobulins) have specific source of primary antibody, a 1:100–
affinity for the antigens that elicited their 1:1,000 dilution of the primary antibody in
synthesis. buffer is used. Chromatographically purified
A typical experimental system utilizes two monospecific antibodies may be used at
layers of antibody in the detection procedure. dilutions of 1:500–1:10,000, and a
The primary antibody is directed against the 1:1,000–1:100,000 dilution may be used
target antigen; the antigen may be a ligand when ascites fluid is the source of antibody.
on a protein, the protein itself, a specific The Mini-PROTEAN® II multiscreen
epitope on a protein, or a carbohydrate apparatus and mini incubation trays
group. The secondary antibody is specific described at the end of this chapter are
for the primary antibody; it is usually useful tools for determining antibody titer.
conjugated to an enzyme such as alkaline
phosphatase (AP) or horseradish peroxidase
lower sensitivity. Because only one ligand molecule binds to each Target protein
antibody, the enhancement of a multiple-binding detection system,
such as a species-specific polyclonal antibody, is lost. Generally, the Primary antibody
species-specific antibody is 10–50 times more sensitive than the
Secondary antibody
ligand reagent when the same detection system is used.
Enzyme conjugate
Washes Substrate
Between the two antibody incubations and prior to detection, the A. Colorimetric detection
blot must be washed to remove excess antibody to prevent
Label (radiolabel or fluorophore)
nonspecific binding. Though the washing solutions and times may
vary, depending on the antibodies and detection systems used, Emitted light or radiation
Colorimetric Detection
Enzymes such as AP and HRP convert several substrates to a
colored precipitate. As the precipitate accumulates on the blot, a
colored signal develops that is visible on the blot (Figure 4.9A). The
enzyme reaction can be monitored and stopped when the desired
signal over background is produced. Colorimetric detection is easier E. Fluorescence/
to use than any film-based detection method, which must be autoradiography
developed by trial and error, and uses costly materials such as X-ray
film and darkroom chemicals. Au
F. Immungold detection
Sensitivity 500 pg (4CN and DAB) 100 pg (Immun-Blot®)
1–3 pg (Immun-Star™ HRP) 10 pg (Immun-Star AP)
10 pg (Immun-Blot amplified AP)
Substrates 4CN — purple BCIP/NBT — purple
DAB — brown CDP-Star — emits light
Luminol — emits light
Comparative cost Least expensive More expensive
Stability of stored blots Poor for 4CN and DAB Good
Good for Immun-Star kits
Restrictions Azide inhibits peroxidase Endogenous phosphatase
activity activity also detected
Detection Detection
Method Substrate Sensitivity Signal Color Product Options Advantages Disadvantages
Colorimetric HRP 4CN 500 pg Purple • Dry powder, liquid • Fast color development, • Results fade over time;
substrate, Immun-Blot kits low cost, low background azide inhibits
enzyme activity
DAB 500 pg Brown • Dry powder • Fast color development, • More safety
low background precautions than for
other substrates
• Azide inhibits
enzyme activity
Opti-4CN 100 pg Purple • Liquid substrate, • High sensitivity, nonfading • More expensive
Opti-4CN kit color, low background than 4CN
Amplified 5 pg Purple • Amplified Opti-4CN kit • Best sensitivity available; • More steps than
Opti-4CN no extra materials (such unamplified protocol
as X-ray film) needed
Colorimetric AP BCIP/NBT 100 pg Purple • Dry powder, liquid • Stable storage of data • Detects endogenous
substrate, Immun-Blot kits phosphatase activity
Amplified 10 pg Purple • Amplified AP • High sensitivity • More steps than
BCIP/NBT Immun-Blot kit unamplified protocol
HRP + H2O2 Fig. 4.10. Colorimetric
OH detection options with HRP.
DAB and 4CN are commonly used
HRP–O chromogenic substrates for HRP. In
the presence of H2O2, HRP
H2N NH2 catalyzes the oxidation of the
substrate into a product that is
visible on a blot. Left, reaction with
H2N NH2 DAB; right, reaction with 4CN.
–1e– CI
HRP + H2O2
• ••
NH + HRP–O + H2O
Polymerization to complex
brown precipitate
Insoluble purple
H2N NH2 product
Amplified Opti-4CN Substrate and Detection Kits Premixed and Individual HRP
Amplified Opti-4CN substrate and detection Colorimetric Substrates
kits are based on proprietary HRP-activated Premixed enzyme substrate kits and
amplification reagents from Bio-Rad. These development reagents, including powdered
kits allow colorimetric detection to 5 pg, 4CN and DAB color development reagents,
which is comparable to or even exceeds the are also available. The premixed kits are
sensitivity that is achieved with radiometric convenient and reliable and reduce
or chemiluminescence systems, without the exposure to hazardous reagents used in the
cost or time involved in darkroom color development of protein blots.
development of blots.
+ N N +
2 H
+ C C
BC indoxyl intermediate H
–O +
Br H
N Br
Indigoid dye CI
(purple precipitate)
–O +
O Insoluble diformazan O
(blue precipitate)
HRP + H2O2
– OPO32–
O CH3 NH2 O–
O– N
O Peroxy
O intermediate
O CH3 *
O Fig. 4.13. Chemiluminescent
Detection Method Substrate Sensitivity Product Options Advantages Disadvantages
Chemiluminescent HRP Luminol 1–3 pg • Conjugates • Short (30 sec) exposure • Azide inhibits enzyme activity
• HRP substrate • Signal duration 6–8 hr
• Immun-Blot kits • Compatible with PVDF
and nitrocellulose
• Working solution stable for
24 hr at room temperature
Film Densitometry CCDs Systems
Exposure Time
Dynamic range 1.8 3.0 2–4.8 4.8
(orders of magnitude)
Linear response through- No Yes Yes Yes
out dynamic range
Cost Initial investment Initial investment Initial investment Initial investment
of processor plus of densitometer of imaging system of imaging system
recurring consumable
Detection Method
Bioluminescent No No Yes No
Chemiluminescent Yes No Yes No
Chemifluorescent No No Yes Yes
Fluorescent No No Yes Yes
Colorimetric No Yes Yes Yes
Autoradiography Yes No No Yes
Detection System N/A GS-800™ ChemiDoc XRS Molecular
or VersaDoc Imager FX
4000/5000 Pro Plus
Membrane size (W x L) 8 x 7 cm
Number of sample templates 2
Channels per template 20
Sample volume per channel 200–600 µl
Dimensions (W x L x H) 27 x 11 x 6 cm
Transfer Detection
Multiscreen Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Blotting Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Leakage or Cross-Well Contamination
Missing Bands Bubbles Trapped Within the Channels
Molecular Weight Assignments for Natural (Nonrecombinant) Prestained Halos Around the Wells
Standards Differ From Lot to Lot
A Protein’s Molecular Weight Differs From Expected Molecular Weight
Variation in Mobility Between Recombinant and Natural Prestained Total Protein Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Standards of the Same Molecular Weight Colloidal Gold Total Protein Stain — High Background
Colloidal Gold Total Protein Stain — Low Sensitivity
Biotin-Blot™ Total Protein Detection — High Background
Microfiltration Blotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Biotin-Blot Total Protein Detection — No Reaction or Weak Color
Leakage or Cross-Well Contamination
Uneven Filtration or No Filtration
Anionic Dyes — High Background
Halos Around the Wells
Anionic Dyes — Low Sensitivity
Electrophoretic Transfer
Poor Electrophoretic Transfer
1. Transfer time was too short.
• Increase the transfer time (thicker gels require longer transfer time)
2. Power conditions were inappropriate.
• Always check the current at the beginning of the run. The current may be too low for a
particular voltage setting. If the buffer is prepared improperly, the conductivity may be
too low, and not enough power will be delivered to the cell. See the power guidelines
for specific applications in Chapter 2
• Remake the buffer or increase the voltage
• Try the high-intensity blotting option
• Make sure the power supply being used has a high current limit. If an incorrect power
supply is used, it is possible to not reach the set voltage if the current of the power
supply is at its maximum limit
3. Proteins were transferred through the membrane.
• If the power conditions are set too high, or the transfer run too long, proteins may be
transferred through the membrane and into the filter paper. See “Poor Binding to the
Membrane” for hints on how to improve binding
4. Proteins moved in the wrong direction.
• The gel/membrane sandwich may have been assembled in the wrong order or the
cassette inserted in the tank in the wrong orientation. Check the polarity of the
connections to the power supply
5. The detection system is not working or is not sensitive enough.
• Include proper positive and negative control antigen lanes to test for kit sensitivity;
consult kit manual
• Stain the gel after transfer with a total protein stain such as Coomassie Blue, Bio-Safe™
Coomassie, or SYPRO Ruby to make sure that proteins have left the gel
6. The charge-to-mass ratio is incorrect (native transfers).
• Try a more basic or acidic transfer buffer to increase protein mobility. Proteins near their
isoelectric points will be transferred poorly (buffer pH should be 2 pH units higher or
lower than the pI of the protein of interest for optimal transfer efficiency)
7. Protein precipitated in the gel.
• Use SDS in the transfer buffer. SDS can increase transfer efficiency, but note that it can
also reduce binding efficiency to nitrocellulose and affect reactivity of some proteins
with antibodies
• Reduce or eliminate the amount of alcohol in the transfer buffer
8. Methanol in the transfer buffer is restricting elution.
• Reducing the amount of methanol results in increased transfer efficiency of proteins
from the gel, but it also decreases binding to nitrocellulose membranes; 20% methanol
is generally optimal for protein binding
9. The power supply circuit is inoperative, or an inappropriate power supply was used.
• Check the fuse and make sure the voltage and current output of the power supply
match the needs of the blotting instrument
• Check the output capacity of the power supply
• Place an additional piece of nitrocellulose membrane in the gel sandwich and analyze
this added piece for evidence of proteins that may have been transferred completely
through the first piece
3. Proteins with molecular weight <15,000 may show decreased binding to 0.45 µm
nitrocellulose, or may be washed from the membrane during assays.
• Use PVDF or nylon membrane, which have higher binding capacities
• Use 0.2 µm nitrocellulose
• Use Tween 20 detergent in the wash and antibody incubation steps. Reduce or
eliminate the more stringent washing conditions
4. SDS in the transfer buffer reduces the binding efficiency of proteins.
• Reduce or eliminate the SDS from the transfer buffer
5. The membrane was not completely wet.
• White spots on the membrane indicate dry areas where protein will not bind. If wetting
does not occur immediately on immersion of the sheet in transfer buffer, heat distilled
water until just under the boiling point, and soak the membrane until it is completely
wet. Equilibrate in transfer buffer until ready for use
6. Contact between the membrane and the gel was poor. Air bubbles or excess buffer
remain between the blot and gel.
• Carefully move the roller over the membrane in both directions until air bubbles or
excess buffer are removed from between gel and membrane, and complete contact
is established
• Use thicker filter paper in the gel/membrane sandwich
• Replace the fiber pads. Pads will compress and degrade with time, and will not hold
the membrane to the gel
Poor Binding to the Membrane — PVDF
1. The membrane was not completely wet.
• Because of the hydrophobic nature of PVDF, the membrane must be completely
soaked in methanol prior to equilibration in aqueous transfer buffer. Follow the
directions in the product insert
2. The membrane was allowed to dry during handling.
• A completely wet membrane has a gray, translucent appearance. A membrane that
has been allowed to dry will show white spots. Since proteins will not bind to the dry
spots, rewet the membrane with methanol and reequilibrate in transfer buffer
3. Proteins passed through the membrane.
• Decrease the voltage if transferring under high-intensity conditions
• Place a second piece of PVDF membrane in the gel sandwich and analyze this piece
for evidence of proteins that may have been transferred completely through the first
• Reduce transfer time
4. SDS in the transfer buffer reduces the binding efficiency of proteins.
• Reduce or eliminate the SDS from the transfer buffer
5. Contact between the membrane and the gel was poor. Air bubbles or excess buffer
remain between the blot and gel.
• Carefully move the roller over the membrane in both directions until air bubbles or
excess buffer are removed from between gel and membrane, and complete contact
is established
• Use thicker filter paper in the gel/membrane sandwich
• Replace the fiber pads. Pads will compress and degrade with time, and will not hold
the membrane to the gel
Blotting Standards
Missing Bands
1. Transfer was incomplete.
• See “Poor Electrophoretic Transfer” for suggestions on how to enhance transfer
2. Gel used can only resolve part of the molecular weight range of the standard used.
• Use the standard with the appropriate molecular weight range for protein of interest gel
3. Detection was poor using biotinylated standards.
• See “No Reaction or Weak Signal” for suggestions on how to enhance detection
Molecular Weight Assignments for Natural (Nonrecombinant) Prestained
Standards Differ From Lot to Lot
1. Addition of the dye causes proteins to migrate differently from their true molecular weight,
and their apparent molecular weight can vary by as much as 10%.
• The molecular weights of the standards in each lot of prestained and Kaleidoscope™
standards are calibrated against Bio-Rad’s Precision Plus Protein™ unstained
standards. The lot-specific molecular weight information is included in every vial to
roughly estimate the molecular weight of sample proteins
A Protein’s Molecular Weight Differs From Expected Molecular Weight
1. The protein is posttranslationally modified.
• Posttranslational modifications of natural proteins, such as the addition of
carbohydrate units, phosphorylation, and hydroxylation, will alter both the mass and
the mobility of proteins
2. The protein contains an unusual proportion of basic or acidic amino acids.
• The primary amino acid composition may affect a protein’s mobility. A protein with a
large number of basic amino acids residues such as lysine, arginine, or histidine
(including His tags or patches) will migrate at a higher apparent molecular weight than
anticipated, compared to a recombinant protein of the same molecular weight. For
instance, lysozyme, a protein containing many lysine residues, will migrate more slowly
than other proteins of the same molecular weight. Conversely, proteins with a net
negative charge due to the presence of glutamate or aspartate residues will migrate
more quickly, resulting in a lower apparent molecular weight
3. Previous estimates of the molecular weight of the protein were made using a different
• Due to differences in protein composition between standards, the r2 values for two
standards will not be identical. Using different standards to estimate the molecular
weight of an unknown protein at different times, or to compare one protein to another,
can produce different results. Once an unknown protein is calibrated to a particular
protein standard, the same standard should be used for all subsequent molecular
weight estimations
Microfiltration Blotting
Leakage or Cross-Well Contamination
1. The instrument was assembled incorrectly.
• The screws must be retightened under vacuum following initial assembly to form a
proper seal
2. The membrane was not rehydrated after assembly.
• Rehydrate the membrane prior to loading samples. Apply vacuum only until solutions
are removed from the sample wells, then disconnect the vacuum
Uneven Filtration or No Filtration
1. The membrane became clogged with particulates.
• Centrifuge samples or filter solutions prior to application to remove particulates
2. The flow valve was positioned higher than the apparatus.
• The flow valve must be lower than the level of the sample wells or drainage will
not occur
3. Bubbles obstructed the flow of liquid.
• Use a needle to carefully break any bubbles, being careful not to puncture the
• Pipet liquid up and down to displace the bubbles
4. Improper blocking or antibody buffers were used.
• Gelatin clogs the membrane; BSA or Tween 20 can be substituted for gelatin in the
detection procedure
5. Fluid pressure was not uniform.
• Seal off unused wells or add solution to unused wells
Halos Around the Wells
1. The membrane was not rehydrated after assembly.
• Rehydrate the membrane prior to loading samples. Apply vacuum only until solutions
are removed from the sample wells, then disconnect the vacuum
2. Too much protein was loaded, overloading the capacity of the membrane.
• Determine optimal loading conditions by performing serial dilutions of samples
3. The blocking step was too short.
• Make sure blocking step is as long as the longest incubation period
4. Loading volume was too low.
• The meniscus contacted the center of the well causing uneven distribution of protein
sample. The minimum loading volume is 100 µl
Immunological Detection
Overall High Background
1. Blocking was incomplete.
• Match the blocker to the membrane. For example, PVDF membranes require more
extensive blocking, usually with nonfat milk
• Increase the concentration or blocking time as necessary
• The blocker must be a pure protein. The blocker may be contaminated with material
that binds probes nonspecifically
2. Insufficient wash protocols were used.
• Increase the number, duration, or stringency of the washes. Include progressively
stronger detergents in the washes; for example, SDS is stronger than Nonidet P-40
(NP-40), which is stronger than Tween 20. Also, include Tween 20 in the antibody
dilution buffers to reduce nonspecific binding
3. The blot was left in the substrate too long.
• Remove the blot from the substrate solution when the signal-to-noise level is acceptable.
Do not overdevelop. Stop the reaction immediately by immersing the blot in ddH2O
4. Contamination occurred during electrophoresis or transfer.
• Discard and remake the gel and transfer solutions
• Replace or thoroughly clean contaminated fiber pads if a tank blotter was used
5. Excessive amounts of protein were loaded on the gel, or too much SDS was used in the
transfer buffer. Proteins can pass through the membrane without binding and recirculate
through a tank blotting system.
• Reduce the amount of protein on the gel or SDS in the transfer buffer. Add a second
sheet of membrane to bind excess protein
6. The primary or secondary antibody was too concentrated.
• Increase the dilution of the antibodies. Perform a dot-blot experiment to optimize the
working concentrations
7. The incubation trays were contaminated.
• Clean the trays or use disposable trays
Nonspecific Reactions Between Bound Proteins and Probes
1. The primary or secondary antibody is contaminated with nonspecific IgG or with IgG
cross-reactive between species.
• Use purified IgG primary antibody fractions and affinity-purified blotting-grade
secondary antibody
2. Monoclonal antibodies may have reacted nonspecifically with SDS-denatured proteins.
• Compare the binding of other monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies
• Blot native proteins as a comparison
3. Nonspecific interactions are occurring due to ionic associations. For example, avidin,
a glycosylated protein, may bind to more acidic proteins on blots.
• Increase the ionic strength of the incubation buffers. Increase the number, duration,
or stringency of the washes. Include progressively stronger detergents in the washes;
for example, SDS is stronger than Nonidet P-40 (NP-40), which is stronger than Tween
20. Include Tween 20 in the antibody dilution buffers to reduce nonspecific binding
Multiscreen Apparatus
Leakage or Cross-Well Contamination
1. The instrument was assembled incorrectly.
• Tighten the screws using a diagonal crossing pattern to ensure uniform pressure on
the membrane surface. Do not overtighten, because this will cause the channels to cut
into the membrane
2. The sample template has warped and can no longer provide a proper seal. (Heating the
apparatus to >50°C will warp the acrylic plates.)
Bubbles Trapped Within the Channels
1. Tilt the instrument backwards during sample application to help bubbles rise to the top.
• Slow and careful delivery of reagent also prevents trapping bubbles inside the channels
Halos Around the Wells
1. The membrane was not rehydrated after assembly.
• Rehydrate the membrane prior to loading samples. Apply vacuum only until solutions
are removed from the sample wells, then disconnect the vacuum
2. Too much protein was loaded, overloading the capacity of the membrane.
• Determine optimal loading conditions by performing serial dilutions of samples
3. The blocking step was too short.
• Make sure blocking step is as long as the longest incubation period
3. The stain was exhausted, as evidenced by the loss of the dark burgundy color and
longer staining times.
• Discard the reagent
4. Buffer salt contamination has occurred; the solution is light blue instead of dark burgundy.
• Discard the reagent
5. The sample load was too low for the reagent to detect.
• Use the gold enhancement kit for detection as sensitive as 10 pg of protein per band
Biotin-Blot™ Total Protein Detection — High Background
1. The membrane was left in the color development solution too long.
• Remove the membrane from the color development solution when the signal is
apparent and no background has developed. Transfer the blot to distilled water
immediately to stop development
2. Excessive amounts of protein were loaded on the gel, or too much SDS was used in the
transfer buffer. Proteins can pass through the membrane without binding and recirculate
through a tank blotting system.
• Reduce the amount of protein on the gel or SDS in the transfer buffer. Add a second
sheet of membrane to bind excess protein
Biotin-Blot Total Protein Detection — No Reaction or Weak Color
1. Transfer was incomplete.
• See “Poor Electrophoretic Transfer” for suggestions on how to enhance
transfer efficiency
2. The sample load was too low for the reagents to detect.
• Increase the amount of protein loaded on the gel
3. The NHS-biotin solution was inactive.
• NHS-biotin hydrolyzes in aqueous solutions. Equilibrate the reagent vial to room
temperature before opening to prevent condensation of water inside the container. To
prevent contamination, use a sterile syringe to remove reagent
• Add the NHS-biotin reagent to the borate-Tween solution just prior to use
4. Amine-containing buffer salts competed for the biotinylation reagents.
• Wash the membrane thoroughly in borate-Tween to remove any residual buffer salts
from electrophoresis and transfer
5. The avidin-HRP conjugate was inactive.
• Follow the reagent activity test procedures to determine whether reagent is inactive
6. The color development solution was inactive.
• Follow the reagent activity test procedures to determine whether reagent is inactive
Anionic Dyes — High Background
1. Destaining was insufficient.
• Increase the number and duration of washes with the destaining solution
2. The dye solution was too concentrated.
• Remake the solution
Anionic Dyes — Low Sensitivity
1. Anionic dye stains do not detect protein bands below ~100 ng.
• Use a more sensitive stain such as the colloidal gold stain or the Biotin-Blot protein
detection kit
• Increase the sample load to achieve a similar staining intensity to that of the anionic
dye stains
Transfer Buffer Formulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Assay Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Immun-Blot® Assay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Total Protein Detection Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Note: Do not add acid or base to adjust the pH of the following buffers unless indicated. Addition of acid or base may change the ionic strength and conductivity
of the buffer.
Only reagent-grade or electrophoresis-grade chemicals and deionized water should be used when preparing transfer buffers. If needed, methanol should be
added last to prevent buffer precipitation problems. The formulas listed provide a total volume of 1 L.
Towbin buffer 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, 20% (v/v) methanol (pH 8.3)
Dissolve 3.03 g Tris base and 14.4 g glycine in 500 ml deionized H2O; add 200 ml of methanol; adjust volume to 1 L
with deionized H2O.
Note: the pH will range from pH 8.1 to 8.5 depending on the quality of the Tris, glycine, methanol, and deionized H2O.
Towbin buffer with SDS 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, 20% methanol (v/v), 0.025–0.1% SDS (pH 8.3)
Add 2.5 to 10 ml of 10% SDS to 1 L of buffer prepared above.
Bjerrum and Schafer-Nielsen buffer 48 mM Tris, 39 mM glycine, 20% methanol (pH 9.2)
Dissolve 5.82 g Tris base and 2.93 g glycine in 500 ml deionized H2O; add 200 ml methanol; adjust volume to 1 L with
deionized H2O.
Bjerrum and Schafer-Nielsen 48 mM Tris, 39 mM glycine, 20% methanol, 1.3 mM SDS (pH 9.2)
buffer with SDS Add 0.0375 g SDS (or 3.75 ml of 10% SDS) to 1 L of buffer prepared above.
0.7% Acetic acid Add 7 ml of glacial acetic acid to 1 L with deionized H2O.
TTBS wash solution 20 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl, 0.05% Tween 20 (pH 7.5)
Add 0.5 ml Tween 20 to 1 L TBS.
Wash solution for chemiluminescence 20 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl, 0.1% Tween 20 (pH 7.5)
Add 1 ml Tween 20 to 1 L TBS.
TCBS wash solution 20 mM citrate, 500 mM NaCl, 0.05% Tween 20 (pH 5.5)
Add 0.5 ml Tween 20 to 1 L CBS.
Note: Gelatin will clog the membrane and cut off the vacuum flow of the microfiltration units; an alternative blocking
solution and antibody buffer must be used with the Bio-Dot® or Bio-Dot SF apparatus.
Note: Gelatin will clog the membrane and cut off the vacuum flow of the microfiltration units; an alternative blocking
solution and antibody buffer must be used with the Bio-Dot or Bio-Dot SF apparatus.
Primary antibody solution Dilute the primary antibody to the appropriate titer in 100 ml antibody buffer.
Secondary antibody solution Dilute the secondary antibody conjugate at 1:3,000 by mixing 33 µl antibody conjugate in 100 ml antibody buffer.
Other Stains
Borate-Tween solution (BT) 0.05 M Na2B4O7•10 H2O, 0.2% Tween 20, pH 9.3
for Biotin-Blot™ detection Dissolve 38.14 g Na2B4O7•10 H2O in 1.9 L deionized H2O. Add 4 ml Tween 20; adjust volume to 2 L with deionized H2O.
Coomassie Blue R-250 0.1% Coomassie Blue R-250, 40% methanol, 10% acetic acid
staining solution Dissolve 1 g Coomassie Blue R-250 in 500 ml deionized H2O, 400 ml methanol, 100 ml acetic acid.
HRP conjugate substrate solution Dissolve the contents of the premixed color development buffer in deionized H2O to a final volume of 1 L. Add 600 µl
(kit format) color reagent B to 100 ml color development buffer. Add 20 ml HRP color reagent A to this solution. Use immediately.
Diaminobenzidine (DAB) Dissolve 50 mg DAB in 100 ml TBS (see above). Add 100 µl 3% hydrogen peroxide. Use immediately.
AP Substrate Buffers
AP color development 0.1 M Tris, 0.5 mM MgCl2 (pH 9.5)
buffer Dissolve 0.233 g MgCl2•H2O and 12.1 g Tris base in 800 ml deionized H2O. Adjust pH to 9.5 with HCl; adjust volume to
1 L with deionized H2O.
5-bromo-4-chloroindolyl Prepare 1.0 ml 70% dimethylformamide (DMF) by mixing 0.7 ml DMF with 0.3 ml deionized H2O.
phosphate/Nitroblue Dissolve 30 mg NBT in the 70% DMF. Dissolve 15 mg BCIP in 1.0 ml DMF. Add both solutions to 100 ml AP
Tetrazolium (BCIP/NBT) color development buffer (see above). Use immediately. Alternatively, use AP conjugate substrate solution in kit format.
Use AP conjugate substrate kit.
AP conjugate substrate solution Dissolve the contents of the premixed color development buffer in deionized H2O to a final volume of 1 L. Add 1.0 ml
(kit format) AP color development reagent A and 1.0 ml AP color development reagent B to 100 ml color development buffer. This
solution can be stored overnight, but prompt use is recommended.
Immun-Star HRP substrate solution For nitrocellulose and PVDF membrane blots:
(kit format) A 1:1 mixture of luminol/enhancer to peroxide buffer is recommended.
(12 ml of solution is sufficient for one 8.5 x 13.5 cm Criterion™ blot.)
Assay Procedures
The following is a generalized protocol for colorimetric immunological detection with the Immun-Blot HRP and AP kits. Notes on how this general procedure is
modified for other detection systems are provided below. Consult the instruction manual for the particular assay you are using for complete instructions.
Immun-Blot Assay
Consult the Immun-Blot assay kit manual for complete instructions.
1. Wash Following transfer or protein application, wash the membrane for 5–10 min in TBS.
3. Wash Wash the membrane twice in TTBS, 5–10 min per wash.
4. Primary antibody Incubate the membrane for 1–2 hr in the primary antibody solution.
5. Wash Wash the membrane twice in TTBS, 5–10 min per wash.
6. Conjugate Incubate the membrane for 30 min to 2 hr in the enzyme conjugate solution.
7. Wash Wash the membrane twice in TTBS, 5–10 min per wash.
8. Final wash Wash the membrane in TBS to remove the Tween 20 from the membrane surface prior to color development.
9. Signal development Incubate the membrane for 5–30 min, depending on the detection method, in the color development/substrate solution.
10. Stop Immerse the membrane for 10 min in deionized H2O to stop color development. Change the water at least once
during this time to remove residual color development solution.
11. Read, dry, store Take photographs while the membrane is wet to enhance the color. Dry membrane on filter paper and store between
sheets of polyester. See procedural notes for chemiluminescent signal development.
• Wash the membrane 2–4 times in 20% DMSO/PBST for 5 min each time
• While the blot is incubating in the biotinylated antibody solution, prepare the streptavidin-biotinylated AP complex. Allow the complex to form for 1 hr at room
• Incubate the membrane for 3–5 min in the chemiluminescent substrate solution
• Drain excess liquid from the blot and seal the membrane in a bag
• Expose the blot to X-ray film (for example, Kodak XAR or BioMax) or instant photographic film, such as Polaroid Type 667 or 612. Typical exposure times are
30 sec to 5 min. Develop the film according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Alternatively, an imager such as the Bio-Rad VersaDoc™ or ChemiDoc™ system
can be used.
1. Wash Following transfer or protein application, wash the membrane 3 times for 20 min in high-Tween TBS.
2. Water rinse Rinse for 2 min in deionized H2O to remove interfering buffer salts.
3. Stain Incubate in colloidal gold stain. Incubation times will vary with the concentration of protein present on the membrane. Most bands will
be visible in 1–2 hr. If increased sensitivity is required, continue the assay using the gold enhancement procedure.
1. Wash Following transfer or protein application, wash the membrane 3 times for 10 min in BT solution to remove interfering
amine compounds.
2. Biotinylation Place the membrane in a suitable container with 100 ml fresh BT solution. Add 200 µl NHS-biotin. Incubate for 15 min.
6. Wash Wash the membrane twice in TTBS, 5–10 min per wash.
7. Final wash Wash the membrane in TBS to remove the Tween 20 from the membrane surface prior to color development.
8. Signal development Incubate the membrane for 5–30 min in an HRP color development/substrate solution.
9. Stop Immerse the membrane for 10 min in deionized H2O to stop color development. Change the water at least once during this time to
remove residual color development solution.
4-Chloro-1-naphthol (4CN) a color development reagent used with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), which
produces an insoluble purple reaction product at the site of an enzyme-
antibody complex
5-Bromo-4-chloro- a color development reagent used with alkaline phosphatase (AP), which in
indolyl phosphate (BCIP) the presence of NBT produces an insoluble purple reaction product at the site
of the enzyme-antibody complex
Alkaline phosphatase (AP) an enzyme used as a detection reagent, usually conjugated to a secondary
antibody probe
Amido Black 10B an anionic dye used in the total protein detection of blots
Amplified AP kit a highly sensitive detection kit that utilizes a streptavidin-biotin system
Anionic dye a negatively charged compound used as a stain; used in blotting to stain
proteins immobilized on membranes such as nitrocellulose or PVDF
Avidin a glycoprotein found in egg white that binds biotin with high specificity
Background nonspecific signal or noise that can interfere with the interpretation of valid
Bio-Dot® apparatus a microfiltration device, used in the immobilization of proteins in free solution
onto a membrane; samples are loaded onto a 96-well template and filtered
through the membrane by gravity or vacuum flow
Bio-Dot SF apparatus a microfiltration device, used in the immobilization of proteins in free solution
onto a membrane; sample are loaded onto a 48-slot template and filtered
through the membrane by gravity or vacuum flow
Biotin-Blot kit
™ a total protein staining kit; utilizes biotinylation of the proteins on a membrane
and the subsequent detection by avidin-HRP and 4CN
Biotinylated standards a mixture of proteins used as molecular weight markers, which have been
treated to incorporate a limited number of biotin molecules. Because the
relatively small biotin molecule does not appreciably alter the standard
proteins’ mobility in SDS-PAGE, accurate determination of antigen molecular
weights directly on the membrane is possible
Bjerrum and Schafer- a commonly used transfer buffer (48 mM Tris, 39 mM glycine, 20% methanol,
Nielsen buffer pH 9.2)
Blocking reagent a protein used to saturate unoccupied binding sites on a blot to prevent
nonspecific binding of antibody or protein probes to the membrane
ChemiDoc™ systems CCD camera-based imaging systems for visualization and documentation of
fluorescent, chemifluorescent, and colorimetric samples
Chemiluminescence the emission of light due to a chemical reaction; used in the specific detection
of blotted molecules
Colloidal gold a stabilized sol of gold particles; used as a blot detection reagent when
conjugated to antibodies or ligands. It produces a rose-red color on the
membrane at the site of deposition
Color development reagent an enzyme substrate used in blotting to visualize the location of an enzyme-
antibody complex
Coomassie Blue an anionic dye used in the total protein staining of gels and blots
Criterion™ blotter a tank blotting apparatus, made specifically to transfer Criterion gels
Diaminobenzidine (DAB) a color development reagent used with HRP and other peroxidases, which
produces an insoluble brown reaction product at the site of the peroxidase-
antibody complex
Electrophoretic blotting the use of the driving force of an electric field to move proteins from gels to
Enhanced colloidal gold a procedure for amplification of detection sensitivity, where silver is deposited
onto gold particles on a membrane after colloidal gold staining; the resulting
black color increases the visibility of lightly stained positive signals
Fiber pad a pad used in the Trans-Blot®, Mini Trans-Blot, and Criterion blotter cassettes
that helps hold the gel and membrane sandwich in place
Filter paper cotton fiber paper used in blotting applications and gel drying
High-intensity transfer a higher-power option available in the Trans-Blot cell and Criterion blotter,
accomplished by moving the electrodes closer together, from 8 cm to 4 cm apart
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) an enzyme used in the specific detection of molecules on blots, usually
conjugated to a secondary antibody probe
Kaleidoscope™ standards a mixture of molecular weight marker proteins from Bio-Rad that have
covalently attached dyes of various colors, which make the bands visible
during electrophoresis and transfer; when used to assess the transfer
efficiency of proteins onto the membrane, the individually colored bands allow
unambiguous identification of the standard proteins
Membrane/filter paper blotting membrane and filter paper precut for a specific gel size
Microfiltration blotting the use of a microfiltration device, such as the Bio-Dot apparatus, to
immobilize protein in free solution onto a membrane
Mini Trans-Blot cell a tank blotting apparatus, made specifically to transfer Ready Gel® and
Mini-PROTEAN® gels; part of the modular Mini-PROTEAN line of products
Multiscreen apparatus an instrument that allows the screening of two blots with up to 40 different
antibody samples
Native PAGE a version of PAGE that retains native protein configuration, performed in
absence of SDS and other denaturing agents
Nitroblue Tetrazolium (NBT) a color development reagent used with AP, which with BCIP produces an
insoluble purple reaction product at the site of the AP-antibody complex
Nonenzymatic probe a molecule used in blot detection that does not involve an enzyme-catalyzed
reaction; for example, a radioactive, chemiluminescent, or colloidal gold-
labeled molecule
Nonfat dry milk a material used in solution as a blocking reagent for western blots
Nonspecific binding the interaction between bound proteins and probes that is not a result of a
specific reaction; results in spurious signals on the membrane
Polyvinylidene difluoride a membrane used in protein blotting, which has high chemical resistance,
(PVDF) membrane tensile strength, binding, and retentive capacity, making it ideal for use in
protein sequencing
Power supply an instrument that provides the electric power to drive electrophoresis and
electrophoretic blotting experiments
Precision Plus recombinant protein standards used in blotting and electrophoretic applications;
Protein™ standards available in all blue, unstained, dual color, and Kaleidoscope formats
Prestained standards a mixture of molecular weight marker proteins that have covalently attached
dye molecules, which render the bands visible during electrophoresis and
transfer; used to assess the transfer efficiency of proteins onto the membrane
Protein A a protein derived from Staphylococcus aureus that binds a wide range of
immunoglobulins from various species
Secondary antibody an antibody that binds a primary antibody; used to facilitate detection
Semi-dry blotting the use of a semi-dry blotting apparatus, which consists of two horizontally
oriented plate electrodes. The gel and membrane sandwich is positioned
between them with buffer-soaked filter paper on either side of the sandwich
serving as buffer reservoirs
Signal-to-noise ratio the relative difference in detection level between the specific and background
StrepTactin a genetically engineered form of streptavidin, used with the Precision Plus
Protein unstained standards for detection
Strep-tag sequence an amino acid sequence that can be used to tag a protein, enabling its
detection by StrepTactin binding; this sequence is present in Precision Plus
Protein unstained standards
Streptavidin a protein that binds biotin with high affinity; generally regarded as superior to
avidin because it is not glycosylated
Super cooling coil an optional accessory of the Trans-Blot cell, which can be attached to a
refrigerated water recirculator to cool the buffer during high-intensity transfers
Supported nitrocellulose a high-tensile-strength blotting membrane; nitrocellulose that has been cast
on an inert high-strength support
Tank blotting the use of a tank blotting apparatus, which consists of a tank of buffer with
vertically oriented platinum wire or plate electrodes; the gel and membrane are
held in place between the electrodes by a porous cassette
Total protein stain a reagent that binds nonspecifically to proteins; used to detect the entire
protein pattern on a blot or gel
Towbin buffer a common protein blotting transfer buffer (25 mM Tris, pH 8.5, 192 mM
glycine, 20% methanol)
Trans-Blot SD cell a semi-dry blotting apparatus for large and mini gels
Western blotting the immobilization of proteins onto a membrane, and the subsequent
detection by protein-specific binding and detection reagents
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Burnette WN, “Western blotting”: electrophoretic transfer monoclonal and other antibodies, Anal Biochem 119,
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Acrobat is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. BioMax and Kodak are trademarks of Eastman Kodak Co.
CDP-Star is a trademark of Tropix, Inc. Coomassie is a trademark of BASF Aktiengesellschaft. Nonidet is a trademark of
Shell International Petroleum Co. Polaroid is a trademark of Polaroid Corporation. StrepTactin and Strep-tag are
trademarks of Institut für Bioanalytik GmbH. Strep-tag technology for western blot detection is covered by U.S. patent
5,506,121 and by UK patent 2,272,698. StrepTactin is covered by German patent application P 19641876.3. Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Inc. is licensed by Institut für Bioanalytik GmbH to sell this product for research use only. SYPRO and
Texas Red are trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc. Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. is licensed by Molecular Probes, Inc. to
sell SYPRO products for research use only, under US patent 5,616,502. Tween is a trademark of ICI Americas, Inc.
Ordering Information
Electrophoretic Transfer Cells 170-3989 Mini Trans-Blot Cell and PowerPac Basic Power Supply
170-3836 Mini Trans-Blot Cell and PowerPac HC Power Supply
Catalog # Description 165-3323 Mini-PROTEAN 3 Cell, Mini Trans-Blot Module, and
Trans-Blot Cells and Systems PowerPac Basic Power Supply
170-3939 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil, 165-3324 Mini-PROTEAN 3 Module, Mini Trans-Blot Module, and
includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power PowerPac Basic Power Supply
cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper Mini Trans-Blot Cell Accessories
170-3853 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes, Super Cooling Coil, and 170-3931 Mini Gel Holder Cassette
PowerPac HC Power Supply 170-3932 Mini Trans-Blot Filter Paper (Thick), 7.5 x 10 cm, 50 sheets
170-3946 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes,* includes 2 gel holder 170-3933 Fiber Pads, 8 x 11 cm, 4
cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 170-3934 Bio-Ice Cooling Unit
1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper 800-2105 Central Core Assembly, for Mini Trans-Blot cell
170-3850 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and PowerPac HC
Power Supply Criterion Blotters and Systems
170-3910 Trans-Blot Cell With Wire Electrodes, includes 2 gel holder 170-4070 Criterion Blotter With Plate Electrodes, includes cell
cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, assembled with plate electrodes, lid with cables, 2 Criterion
1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper gel holder cassettes, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot
170-3825 Trans-Blot Cell With Wire Electrodes and PowerPac HC absorbent filter paper, gel/blot assembly tray, roller, sealed
Power Supply ice block, instructions
170-4071 Criterion Blotter With Wire Electrodes, includes cell
Trans-Blot Cell Accessories assembled with wire electrodes, lid with cables, 2 Criterion
170-3914 Fiber Pads, 15.5 x 20.5 cm, 6 gel holder cassettes, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot
170-3956 Trans-Blot Thick Blot Paper, 15 x 20 cm, 25 sheets absorbent filter paper, gel/blot assembly tray, roller, sealed
170-3960 Extra Thick Blot Paper, 15 x 20 cm, 30 sheets ice block, instructions
170-3943 Trans-Blot Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 165-6024 Criterion Cell/Plate Blot System, includes Criterion cell and
170-3944 Trans-Blot Stainless Steel Cathode Plate Electrode Criterion blotter with plate electrodes
170-3945 Trans-Blot Plate Electrode Pair, platinum anode and 165-6025 Criterion Cell/Wire Blot System, includes Criterion cell and
stainless steel cathode Criterion blotter with wire electrodes
170-3920 Trans-Blot Standard Wire Electrode Card, cathode 170-3872 Criterion Blotter With Plate Electrodes and PowerPac HC
170-3921 Trans-Blot Standard Wire Electrode Card, anode Power Supply
170-3912 Super Cooling Coil,* required for all high-intensity transfers 170-3874 Criterion Blotter With Wire Electrodes and PowerPac HC
170-3913 Gel Holder Cassette, includes 2 fiber pads Power Supply
170-3922 Trans-Blot Cell Buffer Tank
170-3923 Trans-Blot Cell Lid With Cables Criterion Blotter Accessories
170-4076 Optional Criterion Blotter Cooling Coil
Trans-Blot Plus Cell and Systems 170-4080 Criterion Gel Holder Cassette
170-3990 Trans-Blot Plus Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super 170-4081 Criterion Blotter Platinum Anode Plate Electrode
Cooling Coil, includes 3 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, 170-4082 Criterion Blotter Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode
lid with power cables, 6 fiber pads, 1 pack blot absorbent 170-4083 Criterion Blotter Wire Electrode Card, anode
filter paper (26.5 x 28 cm, 30 sheets), roller, stirbar 170-4084 Criterion Blotter Wire Electrode Card, cathode
170-3991 Trans-Blot Plus Cell With Plate Electrodes, Super Cooling 170-4085 Criterion Blotter Filter Paper, 9.5 x 15.2 cm, 50 sheets
Coil, and PowerPac HC Power Supply 170-4086 Criterion Blotter Fiber Pads, 9.5 x 15.2 cm, 4
170-3992 Trans-Blot Plus Cell With Plate Electrodes, Super Cooling 170-4087 Sealed Ice Block, 2
Coil, and PowerPac Universal Power Supply 170-4089 Criterion Gel/Blot Assembly Tray
Trans-Blot Plus Cell Accessories 165-1279 Roller
170-3994 Trans-Blot Plus Gel/Cassette Assembly Tray 170-4077 Criterion Blotter Buffer Tank
170-3995 Fiber Pads, 27 x 28.5 cm, 2 170-4079 Criterion Blotter Lid With Cables
170-3996 Trans-Blot Plus Filter Paper, 26.5 x 28 cm, 60 sheets Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry Cell and Systems
170-3997 Stirbar 170-3940 Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry Electrophoretic Transfer Cell,
170-3998 Trans-Blot Plus Roller, 6" wide includes Trans-Blot SD transfer cell, Trans-Blot SD agarose
170-3999 Trans-Blot Plus Gel Holder Cassette With Clamps gel support frame, extra thick blot paper, instructions
170-4990 Trans-Blot Plus Super Cooling Coil 170-3848 Trans-Blot SD Cell and PowerPac HC Power Supply
170-4991 Trans-Blot Plus Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 170-3849 Trans-Blot SD Cell and PowerPac Universal Power Supply
170-4992 Trans-Blot Plus Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode
170-4995 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Buffer Tank Trans-Blot SD Cell Accessories
170-4996 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Lid With Cables 170-3947 Cathode Plate, stainless-steel upper electrode
170-4997 Gel Holder Cassette Clamps, set of 3 170-3942 Anode Plate, platinum-coated lower electrode
170-3966 Extra Thick Blot Paper, for Mini-PROTEAN 3 or Ready Gel®
Mini Trans-Blot Cell and Systems precast gels, 7 x 8.4 cm, 60 sheets
170-3930 Mini Trans-Blot Electrophoretic Transfer Cell, includes 2 gel 170-3967 Extra Thick Blot Paper, for Criterion gels, 8 x 13.5 cm,
holder cassettes, 4 fiber pads, modular electrode assembly, 60 sheets
Bio-Ice cooling unit, lower buffer tank, lid with cables, 1 170-3968 Extra Thick Blot Paper, for PROTEAN® II xi gels, 14 x 16 cm,
pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (thick), instructions 30 sheets
170-3935 Mini Trans-Blot Module, without lower buffer tank and lid 170-3969 Extra Thick Blot Paper, for PROTEAN II XL gels, 18 x 18.5 cm,
30 sheets
* Trans-Blot cells require a super cooling coil for high-intensity transfers; the super cooling coil is recommended for all applications using plate electrodes.
Electrophoresis Buffers
161-0732 10x Tris/Glycine/SDS, 1 L
161-0772 10x Tris/Glycine/SDS, 5 L cube
161-0734 10x Tris/Glycine, 1 L
161-0771 10x Tris/Glycine, 5 L
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