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Mathematical Aesthetics in A Beautiful Town: Bridges Coimbra 2011

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Mathematical Aesthetics

in a Beautiful Town:
Bridges Coimbra 2011
Kristf Fenyvesi

Interdisciplinary discussions on the relations between mathematics and the arts, science, aesthetics, and artistic practice have a long history. At the
present time, various cultural phenomena under
the influence of mathematics and the arts continue
to inspire people working in different fields of science. Similarly, several artists and scholars share
a common interest in combining creative thinking,
intellectual curiosity, and aesthetic sensibility in
their work and research. The Bridges Conferences
(http://www.BridgesMathArt.org), founded
and lead by Reza Sarhangi (Towson University)
and running annually since 1998, aim to initiate a
dialogue between the mathematical and the artistic
points of view in various fields where artistic and
mathematical thinking and practice merge. Unique
components of the Bridges Conferences, in addition to formal presentations, are gallery displays
of visual art; hands-on workshops designed for
professional educators as well as for families and
children; working sessions with artists and mathematicians who are crossing the mathematicsarts boundaries; mathematical poetry readings;
and musical, th;atrical, and movie events in the

Coimbra: The City of Sciences, Arts, and

The 2011 Bridges Conference, codirected by
Penousal Machado, was held at the University of
Coimbra, Portugal, during July 2731, 2011. The
Kristf Fenyvesi is a researcher in the Art and Culture
Studies Department at Jyvskyl University, Finland; curator-in-chief of the Ars Geometrica International Conference series, Pcs, Hungary, which hosted the Bridges World
Conference in 2010; leader of the Experience Workshop
Math-Art Movement; art curator of the Ars Geometrica
Math-Art Gallery (Eger College, Hungary); and coordinator of community events of the Bridges Organization. His
email address is fenyvesi.kristof@gmail.com.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/noti846



University of Coimbra was established in 1290 as

the first university in Portugal and the first Portuguese language university in the world. After
the much larger metropolitan areas of Lisbon and
Porto, Coimbra is the most important urban focal
point of the central part of the country. It is situated on the Rio Mondego, the longest river located
exclusively in Portugal. The river, which flows
through the city, provides a scenic setting for the
town, which invites all to walk along its river banks
and across its four bridges. It was a beautiful setting for the Bridges Conference!

Math Goes Fashion

Since last year when Bridges visited Hungary,1 the
conference has grown again and set new records.
The conference received almost 300 paper, artwork, and proposal submissions, more than ever
before, presenting intriguing ideas in mathematics,
in the arts, and in several other cultural domains.
This year the keynote paper was coauthored
by Fields medalist William P. Thurston (Cornell
University) and was presented by Kelly Delp (Buffalo State College). The spectacular presentation
described a process that was inspired by modern
fashion design and that can be adapted to construct many different surfaces out of paper and
craft foam.
Another plenary paper was presented by Paulus
Gerdes, the president of ISGEm, the International
Study Group on Ethnomathematics and vice president of Southern Africa in the African Academy
of Sciences. Gerdes analyzed instances of mathematical ideas interwoven in the artistic decoration
of handbags, hats, mats, and other products of
basketry from several regions of Mozambique. He
shared instructive stories about field encounters
with local handcrafters and touched upon such
exciting phenomena as the tradition of geometrical
1 Paul Gailiunas, Bridges Pcs 2010, Notices of the
American Mathematical Society 58, no. 2 (February
2011), 289290.



imagination and the cultural role of the so-called

mental geometry and their links to the future of
mathematics education in Africa.
Among the many memorable presentations, it is
also important to mention the joint paper by artist Jim R. Paulsen and Reza Sarhangi on Paulsens
impressive sculptures Sentinels. As an addition to
the keynote talks, George W. Hart, a member of the
Bridges board of directors and the chief of content
at the Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) in New
York City, offered exclusive insight for the conference participants into MoMaths most interesting
innovations of interactive presentation techniques
of mathematical contents in the museum.
The local organizers also realized a Portuguese
math/art day, which featured invited talks by
Manuel Arala Chaves (University of Porto, a member of the directing board of the Atractor ProjectInteractive Mathematics), Paulus Gerdes, and Joo
Paulo Xavier (University of Porto), complemented
by workshops on the symmetry of plane patterns,
on Roman architecture in Portugal, and on Lunda
art, inspired by sona geometry from Angola.

Nick Sayers: Show Home, 2011.

Mathematics Is Art
An exhibition of mathematical art has been an
annual feature of Bridges since 2001, and it has
grown steadily over the years under the dedicated
leadership of Robert Fathauer. This year, work
was submitted by more than seventy artists from
twenty countries. Diverse artistic media were
represented, including wood, metal, and stone
sculptures; beadwork; fabric; and a variety of twodimensional media. Mathematical ideas at play in
the art exhibition encompassed tilings, fractals,
polyhedra, hyperbolic geometry, anamorphosis,
knots, topology, and magic squares.
On the threshold of the digital age, it was a great
pleasure to see the acrylic, watercolor, pigment,
and oil paintings of Aurora, Anita Chowdry, and
Jnos Saxon-Szsz at the exhibition. The process of
creation and the pure sensation of the color, just
like the materiality of the medium, play a central
role in their art: I do not use a calculator in order
to create these paintings; I use my mind to do
the math. The value of this process is that, as the
painting is completed, I embody these patterns
and concepts and carry them within myself. So
writes Aurora in her artists statement. Chowdrys
techniques are based on her research into the
methods and materials of painting and illuminating in Indian and Persian manuscripts.
Browsing among the great variety of 3D artworks, the visitors could play with Xavier De Clippeleirs tricky transforming bodies and admire
Nicholas Durnans carved alabaster sculptures (a
Mbius and two variations on the theme of Borromean rings) and Bente Simonsens beautifully
mirroring steel objects. They could also study
the magical skillfulness of woodcarving by Bjarne
MAY 2012

Nicholas Durnan: Borromean Rings 2, 50 x 220

x 220 mm, English alabaster, 2011.
Jespersen.2 From the exhibited photographs of
Nick Sayerss artworks, we could also get a taste
of using mathematics in contemporary conceptual
Unlike much mathematical art that is purely
abstract, Sayers uses recognizable household objects to create work that is accessible, real, and fun.
The largest work he presented, as a photograph,
at the exhibit was Show Home: a four-meter-indiameter, three-meter-high geodesic shelter built
from 135 estate agent (realtor) For Sale and To
Let boards. The piece made a statement about
homelessness, the housing market, and sustainable architecture.
2 Bjarne

Jespersen, Woodcarving Magic. How to Transfer

a Single Block of Wood Into Impossible Shapes, East Petersburg, PA: Fox Chapel Publishing, 2012.





Carlo H. Squin, University of California, Berkeley.

Mike Naylor: Pentamen, 16 x 12, digital print,


Carlo Squin: The World of Wild and Wonderful

Tori, 24 x 24, composite of computer images,
After seeing the pieces of Mike Naylors geometric body art, the audience could be convinced
about the naked truth of the artists simple statement: Mathematics is part of us, and we are
part of mathematics. Moving away from the
mathematically obsessed nude people towards
the dressed ones, we could enjoy remarkable examples of mathematically inspired fashion design
by Jasmin Schaitl and Eunsuk Hur. By the fusion of
mathematics and fashion Schaitls model shapes
and defines the body in a new context and opens
up a variety of exciting design processes. Hurs
modular textile pieces also encourage the end user
to participate in the design process by allowing the
user freedom to personalize the design through
playful experimentation.



Computer-generated graphics and animation

art were also represented on a high-quality level.
Mingjang Chen used the Structural Cloning Method
(SCM) and the Leaping Iterated Function System
(LIFS) to explore abstract and landscape paintings.
Gary Greenfields Transport Network Overlay series are based on simulations that are inspired by
mathematical models of physical and biological
processes. Mehrdad Garousi used Mandelbulb 3D
for adventurous explorations into his extended,
three-dimensional fractal worlds. Daniela Rinaudo,
in a philosophical piece called Geometric Man, used
computer animation to offer a virtual journey for
the spectator into imaginary time in search of
another dimension into space. Nathan Selikoff
experimented with chaotic attractors. Carlo Squin
(University of California, Berkeley), a plenary
speaker, who together with Reza Sarhangi, took
a major role in the organization of the scientific
program of the conference, exhibited his 3D artworks. He also exhibited his computer graphics to
visually support his plenary talk, the Tori-Story.
His presentation elaborated on the classification
of all topological tori into four regular homotopy
classes, where the members in one class cannot be
smoothly transformed into members of another
class. His art submissions depicted some intriguing
structures that topologically are torus surfaces but
with enough surprising contortions so that most
people would not immediately see them as your
everyday donut.
We saw innovative approaches in uniting fractals and tessellation art by Robert Fathauer,
through the combination of traditional art forms
like photography with digital techniques to create
tree-like and knotted spiral designs that have an
intriguing blend of complexity and beauty.
Design works are always in high favor at
the Bridges exhibits, especially when broadly
celebrated designers like Fabien Vienne from
France bring the honor of their presence to the
exhibition. Viennes beautiful creations convey the
notion that geometry is no mere tool of composition; its an epistemology. Each of his works seeks
to employ the principle of economy to find the
essential in a problem and to then substantiate
it in a least action solution, which brings that essence to light and to life.

Mathematics Is Culture
In 2011, for the second time in the Bridges history,
the music night was organized by Dmitri Tymoczko, a composer and music theorist at Princeton
University. Coimbras professional orchestra, the
Orquestra Clssica do Centro, had graciously
agreed to play mathematically inspired and inspiring works, both new and old. The concert featured
a newly composed piano concerto by Dmitri Tymoczko based on the idea of cellular automata, a
recent piece by Giovanni Albini based on the idea



of symmetry, and an older piece by Tom Johnson

in which a mathematics theorem is proved before
ones very ears! Maestro Artur Pinhos orchestra
performed magnificently.
The theater night was orchestrated by Steve
Abbott (Middlebury College), a researcher of the
intersections of mathematics and theater and
the coeditor of Math Horizons. The performance
focused on a single dramatic piece: The Physicists,
by Friedrich Drrenmatt, performed in the form
of a staged reading by the conference participants
A rapidly growing number of artists and educators are using movies, videos, and animations for
applications spanning education, industry, and the
arts. The Bridges math/art short movie festival,
which was directed by Amy Christie and Nathan
Selikoff, screened many short movies, including a
virtual reenactment of Eschers Drawing Hands,
a demonstration of the bubble-sort algorithm
via Hungarian folk dance, and an animation, the
Adventures of the Klein Bottle, by Konstantin Weixelbaum and Ilkay Sakalli, supervised by Konrad
Polthier (Free University, Berlin).
Poetry day was a new addition this year to the
Bridges Conference. This event was coordinated
by Sarah Glaz, a mathematics professor from the
University of Connecticut and a poet. There was a
reading of poems with strong links to mathematics. Reading their own poems were Emily Grosholz,
JoAnne Growney, Amy Uyematsu, and Sarah Glaz.
Saeed Ghahramani (a mathematician and the dean
of arts and sciences at Western New England University) read translated modern Iranian poems.
Coimbra University mathematician and translator
Francisco Craveiro was joined by other poets for
a bilingual reading of mathematical poems that
he translated into Portuguese. Craveiro read the
Portuguese translations, while the other poets
read the English originals. The event ended with
an open microphone period in which Bridges
participants could share their own mathematical
poems with the audience.

Mathematics Is Fun
Mathematics can be scientific, and it can be artistic as well. But can mathematics be playful? Can
MAY 2012

Above: Artpiece: Jasmin Schaitl;

Photo: Jasmin Schaitl and Debora Dubl.

Jasmin Schaitl: Body-Index-Cloth III, 83 x 50 x 30 cm, fashion, 100 percent cotton with satin ribbon, 2011.

Mehrdad Garousi: Space Shelter, 20 x 20,

digital print, 2010.
it be fun? We gave it a try at Bridges family day
(http://www.familyday.hu). The participating
children, parents, and all the visitors had the possibility, during the workshops, to test themselves
as math-fashion designers with the leadership of
the enthusiastic artist team of Ruth Mateus-Berr
from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna; or
as mathematical sculptors with Nicholas Durnan;
or as weavers or quilters with Elaine Krayenke Ellison. We made geometry with our own bodies at
the Human Geometry Workshop led by Mike Naylor
and Vi Hart; enjoyed the miracle of kaleidoscopes
with Curtis Palmer; practiced mathematical origami with Wojtek Burczyk; learned some tricks
from a real mathe-magician, Fernando Blasco;
played amazing puzzles with the internationally
renowned designer Jean-Marc Castera; took a quick
tour in the Vasarely Playhouse with Slavik Jablan;
played with the giant triangles of Simon Morgan
and Jacqueline Sack; worked with clay under the
direction of Jouko Koskinen; immersed ourselves
in the secrets of Islamic mosaic design with Sarah
Abdellahi and Tom Goris; and tried the Zometool




The Zometool Pentigloo construction team at work.

Derek Vorthman (left), Lszl Vrs (left, background), Scott Vorthman (middle), George W. Hart
(right), Kelly Delp (right, foreground). (Photo by
Samuel Verbiese.)

modeling kit with Paul Hildebrandt, Mike Stranahan, and Samuel Verbiese. The Zometool modeling
kit was in use during the conference in the Castro
Machado Museum of Coimbra to build up the
ambitious Pentigloo: an incredible construction of
44,771 parts with a diameter of almost nineteen
feet by Fabien Vienne, the noted 86-year-old designer who was present and worked together with
the construction team (led by Paul Hildebrandt and
Jim Hausman) during the construction process.
Such a rich and mosaic-like event, which brought
participants from more than thirty countries in the
world, could not be put together by just a few official chair persons. In addition to the 2011 Bridges
Program Committee of about forty individuals and
the organizers of the many events described above,
I should mention the important roles of the organizing team in Coimbra, including Ana Almeida
from the Department of Physics and Mathematics,
ISEC-Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra;
Amlcar Cardoso, the president of the Centre for
Informatics and Systems, University of Coimbra,
Portugal; and Penousal Machado from the Department of Computer Science, University of Coimbra,
The next Bridges event will take place on
July 2529, 2012, at Towson University, located in
the Baltimore metropolitan area, Maryland, USA.
Please find more information at http://www.

Above: Bridges around the clock: Fabien Viennes Pentigloo at day and at night in the Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro, Coimbra. (Photos by Samuel Verbiese.)





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