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Expenses Regarding Service Tax Return Submited by Babai in The Month of June - 09

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Expenses regarding Service Tax Return submited by Babai in the month

of June -09

Expenses Regarding Service Tax

1. Half Yearly Service Tax Return (2-3 Return) due Rs.1000/- (for each return)

2. For Pan based Registration Rs.1500/-

3. Annual Consultancy charges Rs.3000/-

4. Penalty Rs.2000/- (each return)

68. Payment of service tax. –
(1) Every person providing taxable service to any person shall pay service tax at the rate
specified in section 66 in such manner and within such period as may be prescribed.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), in respect of any taxable service
notified by the Central Government in the Official Gazette, the service tax thereon shall be paid
by such person and in such manner as may be prescribed at the rate specified in section 66 and
all the provisions of this chapter shall apply to such person as if he is the person liable for paying
the service tax in relation to such service.

69. Registration -
(1) Every person liable to pay the service tax under this chapter or the rules made there under
shall, within such time and in such manner and in such form as may be prescribed, make an
application for registration to the Superintendent of Central Excise.
(2) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify such other person
or class of persons, who shall make an application for registration within such time and in such
manner and in such form as may be prescribed.

70. Furnishing of Returns. –

(1) Every person liable to pay the service tax shall himself
assess the tax due on the services provided by him and shall furnish to the Superintendent
of Central Excise, a return in such form and in such manner and at such frequency [and
with such late fee not exceeding two thousand rupees, for delayed furnishing of return, as
may be prescribed”]*
(2) The person or class of persons notified under sub-section (2) of section 69, shall furnish to the
Superintendent of Central Excise, a return in such form and in such manner and at such
frequency as may be prescribed.

71. Scheme for Submission of Returns through Service Tax Preparers

(1) Without prejudice to the provisions of section 70, the Board may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, frame a Scheme for the purposes of enabling any person or class of persons to prepare
and furnish a return under section 70, and authorise a Service Tax Return Preparer to act as
such under the Scheme.

(2) A Service Tax Return Preparer shall assist the person or class of persons to prepare and
furnish the return in such manner as may be specified in the Scheme framed under this section.

(3) For the purposes of this section,—

(a) “Service Tax Return Preparer” means any individual, who has been authorised to act as a
Service Tax Return Preparer under the Scheme framed under this section;
(b) “person or class of persons” means such person, as may be specified in the Scheme,
who is required to furnish a return required to be filed under section 70.

(4) The Scheme framed by the Board under this section may provide for the following, namely:—
(a) the manner in which and the period for which the Service Tax Return Preparer shall be
authorised under sub-section (1);
(b) the educational and other qualifications to be possessed, and the training and other
conditions required to be fulfilled, by a person to act as a Service Tax Return Preparer;
(c) the code of conduct for the Service Tax Return Preparer;
(d) the duties and obligations of the Service Tax Return Preparer;
(e) the circumstances under which the authorisation given to a Service Tax Return Preparer
may be withdrawn;
(f) any other matter which is required to be, or may be, specified by the Scheme for the
purposes of this section.
[ Section (71) Inserted vide Finance Bill 2008, w.e.f. 16th May, 2008 ]

71A. Filing of return by certain customers –

Notwithstanding any thing contained in the provisions of Sections 69 and 70, the provisions there
of shall not apply to a person referred to in the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 68 for the
filing of return in respect of Service Tax for the respective period and service specified therein
and such person shall furnish return to the Central Excise officer within six months from the day
on which the Finance Bill, 2003 receives the assent of the President in the prescribed manner on
the basis of the self assessment of the Service Tax and the provisions of Section 71 shall apply
accordingly. [inserted for the period 16.7.97 to 16.10.98 by Section 158 of Finance Act,2003 and
shall have effect and be deemed always to have had effect from 16.7.97.]

72. Best Judgment Assessment—

(a) fails to furnish the return under section 70;

(b) having made a return, fails to assess the tax in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter
or rules made thereunder, the Central Excise Officer, may require the person to produce such
accounts, documents or other evidence as he may deem necessary and after taking into account
all the relevant material which is available or which he has gathered, shall by an order in writing,
after giving the person an opportunity of being heard, make the assessment of the value of
taxable service to the best of his judgment and determine the sum payable by the assessee or
refundable to the assessee on the basis of such assessment.

[ Section (72) Inserted vide Finance Bill 2008, w.e.f. 16th May, 2008 ]

73. Recovery of Service tax not levied or paid or short levied or short paid or erroneously
refunded –
(1) Where any service tax has not been levied or paid or has been short-levied or short-paid or
erroneously refunded, the Central Excise Officer may, within one year from the relevant date,
serve notice on the person chargeable with the service tax which has not been levied or paid or
which has been short-levied or short-paid or the person to whom such tax refund has erroneously
been made, requiring him to show cause why he should not pay the amount specified in the
notice :

Provided that where any service tax has not been levied or paid or has been short-levied or
short-paid or erroneously refunded by reason of —
(a) fraud; or
(b) collusion; or
(c) wilful mis-statement; or
(d) suppression of facts; or
(e) contravention of any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the rules made there under
with intent to evade payment of service tax, by the person chargeable with the service tax or his
agent, the provisions of this sub-section shall have effect, as if, for the words “one year”, the
words “five years” had been substituted.
Explanation. — Where the service of the notice is stayed by an order of a court, the period of
such stay shall be excluded in computing the aforesaid period of one year or five years, as the
case may be.

(1A) Where any service tax has not been levied or paid or has been short-levied or shortpaid or
erroneously refunded, by reason of fraud, collusion or any wilful mis-statement or suppression of
facts, or contravention of any of the provisions of this Chapter or the rules made thereunder, with
intent to evade payment of service tax, by such person or his agent, to whom a notice is served
under the proviso to sub-section (1) by the Central Excise Officer, such person or agent may pay
service tax in full or in part as may be accepted by him, and the interest payable thereon under
section 75 and penalty equal to twenty-five per cent. of the service tax specified in the notice or
the service tax so accepted by such person within thirty days of the receipt of the notice.”;

(2) The Central Excise Officer shall, after considering the representation, if any, made by the
person on whom notice is served under sub-section (1), determine the amount of service tax due
from, or erroneously refunded to, such person (not being in excess of the amount specified in the
notice) and thereupon such person shall pay the amount so determined.

“Provided that where such person has paid the service tax in full together with interest and
penalty under sub-section (1A), the proceedings in respect of such person and other persons to
whom notices are served under sub-section (1) shall be deemed to be concluded:

Provided further that where such person has paid service tax in part along with interest and
penalty under sub-section (1A), the Central Excise Officer shall determine the amount of service
tax or interest not being in excess of the amount partly due from such person.”;

(3) Where any service tax has not been levied or paid or has been short-levied or short-paid or
erroneously refunded, the person chargeable with the service tax, or the person to whom such
tax refund has erroneously been made, may pay the amount of such service tax, chargeable or
erroneously refunded, on the basis of his own ascertainment thereof, or on the basis of tax
ascertained by a Central Excise Officer before service of notice on him under sub-section (1) in
respect of such service tax, and inform the Central Excise Officer of such payment in writing,
who, on receipt of such information shall not serve any notice under sub-section (1) in respect of
the amount so paid :

Provided that the Central Excise Officer may determine the amount of short payment of service
tax or erroneously refunded service tax, if any, which in his opinion has not been paid by such
person and, then, the Central Excise Officer shall proceed to recover such amount in the manner
specified in this section, and the period of “one year” referred to in sub-section (1) shall be
counted from the date of receipt of such information of payment.

Explanation. — For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that the interest under section
75 shall be payable on the amount paid by the person under this sub-section and also on the
amount of short payment of service tax or erroneously refunded service tax, if any, as may be
determined by the Central Excise Officer, but for this sub-section.

(4) Nothing contained in sub-section (3) shall apply to a case where any service tax has not been
levied or paid or has been short-levied or short-paid or erroneously refunded by reason of—
(a) fraud; or
(b) collusion; or
(c) wilful mis-statement; or
(d) suppression of facts; or
(e) contravention of any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the rules made thereunder
with intent to evade payment of service tax.
(5) The provisions of sub-section (3) shall not apply to any case where the service tax had
become payable or ought to have been paid before the 14th day of May, 2003.

(6) For the purposes of this section, “relevant date” means, —

(i) in the case of taxable service in respect of which service tax has not been levied or paid or
has been short-levied or short-paid —
(a) where under the rules made under this Chapter, a periodical return, showing particulars of
service tax paid during the period to which the said return relates, is to be filed by an
assessee, the date on which such return is so filed;
(b) where no periodical return as aforesaid is filed, the last date on which such return is to be
filed under the said rules;
(c) in any other case, the date on which the service tax is to be paid under this Chapter or the
rules made thereunder;
(ii) in a case where the service tax is provisionally assessed under this Chapter or the rules
made thereunder, the date of adjustment of the service tax after the final assessment thereof;
(iii) in a case where any sum, relating to service tax, has erroneously been refunded, the date
of such refund.’;

73A. Service Tax collected from any person to be deposited with Central Government:-
(1) Any person who is liable to pay service tax under the provisions of this Chapter or the rules
made thereunder, and has collected any amount in excess of the service tax assessed or
determined and paid on any taxable service under the provisions of this Chapter or the rules
made thereunder from the recipient of taxable service in any manner as representing service tax,
shall forthwith pay the amount so collected to the credit of the Central Government.

(2) Where any person who has collected any amount, which is not required to be collected, from
any other person, in any manner as representing service tax, such person shall forthwith pay
the amount so collected to the credit of the Central Government.

(3) Where any amount is required to be paid to the credit of the Central Government under sub-
section (1) or sub-section (2) and the same has not been so paid, the Central Excise Officer
shall serve, on the person liable to pay such amount, a notice requiring him to show cause
why the said amount, as specified in the notice, should not be paid by him to the credit of the
Central Government.

(4) The Central Excise Officer shall, after considering the representation, if any, made by the
person on whom the notice is served under sub-section (3), determine the amount due from
such person, not being in excess of the amount specified in the notice, and thereupon such
person shall pay the amount so determined.

(5) The amount paid to the credit of the Central Government under sub-section (1) or subsection
(2) or sub-section (4), shall be adjusted against the service tax payable by the person on
finalisation of assessment or any other proceeding for determination of service tax relating to
the taxable service referred to in sub-section (1).

(6) Where any surplus amount is left after the adjustment under sub-section (5), such amount
shall either be credited to the Consumer Welfare Fund referred to in section 12C of the
Central Excise Act, 1944 or, as the case may be, refunded to the person who has borne the
incidence of such amount, in accordance with the provisions of section 11B of the said Act
and such person may make an application under that section in such cases within six months
from the date of the public notice to be issued by the Central Excise Officer for the refund of
such surplus amount.

73B.Interest on amount collected in excess-

Where an amount has been collected in excess of the tax assessed or determined and paid
for any taxable service under this Chapter or the rules made thereunder from the recipient of such
service, the person who is liable to pay such amount as determined under sub-section (4) of
section 73A, shall, in addition to the amount, be liable to pay interest at such rate not below ten
per cent. and not exceeding twenty-four per cent. per annum, as is for the time being fixed by the
Central Government, by notification in the Official Gazette, from the first day of the month
succeeding the month in which the amount ought to have been paid under this Chapter, but for
the provisions contained in sub-section (4) of section 73A, till the date of payment of such

Provided that in such cases where the amount becomes payable consequent to issue of an
order, instruction or direction by the Board under section 37B of the Central Excise Act, 1944, and
such amount payable is voluntarily paid in full, without reserving any right to appeal against such
payment at any subsequent stage, within forty-five days from the date of issue of such order,
instruction or direction, as the case may be, no interest shall be payable and in other cases, the
interest shall be payable on the whole amount, including the amount already paid.

Explanation 1.—Where the amount determined under sub-section (4) of section 73A is reduced
by the Commissioner (Appeals), the Appellate Tribunal or, as the case may be, the court, the
interest payable thereon under this section shall be on such reduced amount.
Explanation 2.—Where the amount determined under sub-section (4) of section 73A is
increased by the Commissioner (Appeals), the Appellate Tribunal or, as the case may be, the
court, the interest payable thereon under this section shall be on such increased amount.

73C. Provisional attachment to protect revenue in certain cases

(1) Where, during the pendency of any proceeding under section 73 or section 73A, the Central
Excise Officer is of the opinion that for the purpose of protecting the interests of revenue, it is
necessary so to do, he may, with the previous approval of the Commissioner of Central Excise,
by order in writing, attach provisionally any property belonging to the person on whom notice is
served under sub-section (1) of section 73 or sub-section (3) of section 73A, as the case may be,
in such manner as may be prescribed.

(2) Every such provisional attachment shall cease to have effect after the expiry of a period of six
months from the date of the order made under sub-section (1):

Provided that the Chief Commissioner of Central Excise may, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, extend the aforesaid period by such further period or periods as he thinks fit, so,
however, that the total period of extension shall not in any case exceed two years.

73D. Publication of information in respect of persons in certain cases

(1) If the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient in the public
interest to publish the name of any person and any other particulars relating to any proceedings
under this Chapter in respect of such person, it may cause to be published such names and
particulars in such manner as may be prescribed.

(2) No publication under this section shall be made in relation to any penalty imposed under this
Chapter until the time for presenting an appeal to the Commissioner (Appeals) under section
85 or the Appellate Tribunal under section 86, as the case may be, has expired without an
appeal having been presented or the appeal, if presented, has been disposed of.
Explanation.—In the case of a firm, company or other association of persons, the names of the
partners of the firm, directors, managing agents, secretaries and treasurers or managers of
the company, or the members of the association, as the case may be, shall also be published
if, in the opinion of the Central Government, circumstances of the case justify it.”;

74. Rectification of mistake. –

(1) With a view to rectifying any mistake apparent from the record, the Central Excise Officer
who passed any order under the provisions of this Chapter may, within two years of the date on
which such order was passed, amend the order.

(2) Where any matter has been considered and decided in any proceeding by way of appeal or
revision relating to an order referred to in sub-section (1), the Central Excise Officer passing such
order may, notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, amend the
order under that sub-section in relation to any matter other than the matter which has been so
considered and decided.

(3) Subject to the other provisions of this section, the Central Excise Officer concerned
(a) may make an amendment under sub-section (1) of his own motion; or
(b) shall make such amendment if any mistake is brought to his notice by the assessee or
the [Commissioner] of Central Excise or the [Commissioner] of Central Excise (Appeals).

(4) An amendment, which has the effect of enhancing the liability of the assessee or reducing a
refund , shall not be made under this section unless the Central Excise Officer concerned has
given notice to the assessee of his intention so to do and has allowed the assessee a reasonable
opportunity of being heard.

(5) Where an amendment is made under this section, an order shall be passed in writing by the
Central Excise Officer concerned.

(6) Subject to the other provisions of this Chapter where any such amendment has the effect of
reducing the the liability of the assessee or increasing the refund, the Central Excise Officer shall
make any refund which may be due to such assessee.

(7) Where any such amendment has the effect of enhancing the liability of the assessee or
reducing the refund already made, the Central Excise Officer shall make an order specifying the
sum payable by the assessee and the provisions of this Chapter shall apply accordingly.

75. Interest on delayed payment of Service Tax –

Every person, liable to pay the tax in accordance with the provisions of section 68 or rules made
thereunder, who fails to credit the tax or any part thereof to the account of the Central
Government within the period prescribed, shall pay simple interest [at such rate not below ten per
cent and not exceeding thirty-six per cent per annum as is for the time being fixed by the Central
Government, by Notification in the Ofiicial Gezette for the period] by which such crediting of the
tax or any part thereof is delayed.

75A. [ Omitted ] 14

76. Penalty for failure to pay service tax

Any person, liable to pay service tax in accordance with the provisions of section 68 or the
rules made under this Chapter, who fails to pay such tax, shall pay, in addition to such tax and
the interest on that tax amount in accordance with the provisions of section 75, a penalty which
shall not be less than two hundred rupees for every day during which such failure continues or at
the rate of two per cent. of such tax, per month, whichever is higher, starting with the first day
after the due date till the date of actual payment of the outstanding amount of service tax:
Provided that the total amount of the penalty payable in terms of this section shall not exceed the
service tax payable.

X, an assessee, fails to pay service tax of Rs. 10 lakhs payable by 5th March. X pays the
amount on 15th March. The default has continued for 10 days. The penalty payable by X is
computed as follows:—
2% of the amount of default for 10 days = 2 x 10, 00, 000 x 10/31= Rs. 6,451.61
Penalty calculated @ Rs. 200 per day for 10 days =Rs. 2,000
Penalty liable to be paid is Rs. 6,452.00.”;

77. Penalty for contravention of rules and provisions of Act for which no penalty is
specified elsewhere. —
(1) Any person,—

(a) who is liable to pay service tax, or required to take registration, fails to take registration in
accordance with the provisions of section 69 or rules made under this Chapter shall be liable to
pay a penalty which may extend to five thousand rupees or two hundred rupees for every day
during which such failure continues, whichever is higher, starting with the first day after the due
date, till the date of actual compliance;

(b) who fails to keep, maintain or retain books of account and other documents as required in
accordance with the provisions of this Chapter or the rules made thereunder, shall be liable to
a penalty which may extend to five thousand rupees;

(c) who fails to—

(i) furnish information called by an officer in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter
or rules made thereunder; or
(ii) produce documents called for by a Central Excise Officer in accordance with the
provisions of this Chapter or rules made thereunder; or
(iii) appear before the Central Excise Officer, when issued with a summon for appearance to
give evidence or to produce a document in an inquiry, shall be liable to a penalty which may
extend to five thousand rupees or two hundred rupees for every day during which such
failure continues, whichever is higher, starting with the first day after the due date, till the
date of actual compliance;

(d) who is required to pay tax electronically, through internet banking, fails to pay the tax
electronically, shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to five thousand rupees;

(e) who issues invoice in accordance with the provisions of the Act or rules made thereunder,
with incorrect or incomplete details or fails to account for an invoice in his books of account,
shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to five thousand rupees.

(2) Any person, who contravenes any of the provisions of this Chapter or any rules made
thereunder for which no penalty is separately provided in this Chapter, shall be liable to a penalty
which may extend to five thousand rupees.”;

[ Section (77) substituted vide Finance Bill 2008, w.e.f. 16th May, 2008 ]

78. Penalty for suppressing value of taxable service. –

Where any service tax has not been levied or paid or has been short-levied or short-paid or
erroneously refunded, by reason of —
(a) fraud; or
(b) collusion; or
(c) wilful mis-statement; or
(d) suppression of facts; or
(e) contravention of any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the rules made thereunder
with intent to evade payment of service tax, the person, liable to pay such service tax or
erroneous refund, as determined under sub-section (2) of section 73, shall also be liable to pay
a penalty, in addition to such service tax and interest thereon, if any, payable by him, which
shall not be less than, but which shall not exceed twice, the amount of service tax so not levied
or paid or short-levied or short-paid or erroneously refunded:”;

Provided that where such service tax as determined under sub-section (2) of section 73, and the
interest payable thereon under section 75, is paid within thirty days from the date of
communication of order of the Central Excise Officer determining such service tax, the amount of
penalty liable to be paid by such person under this section shall be twenty-five per cent. of the
service tax so determined :

Provided further that the benefit of reduced penalty under the first proviso shall be available only
if the amount of penalty so determined has also been paid within the period of thirty days referred
to in that proviso :

Provided also that where the service tax determined to be payable is reduced or increased by
the Commissioner (Appeals), the Appellate Tribunal or, as the case may be, the court, then, for
the purposes of this section, the service tax as reduced or increased, as the case may be, shall
be taken into account :

Provided also that in case where the service tax determined to be payable is increased by the
Commissioner (Appeals), the Appellate Tribunal or, as the case may be, the court, then, the
benefit of reduced penalty under the first proviso shall be available, if the amount of service tax so
increased, the interest payable thereon and twenty-five per cent. of the consequential increase of
penalty have also been paid within thirty days of communication of the order by which such
increase in service tax takes effect.

Provided also that if the penalty is payable under this section, the provisions of section 76 shall
not apply. [ Inserted vide Finance Bill 2008, w.e.f. 16th May, 2008 ]

Explanation. - For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that -

(1) the provisions of this section shall also apply to cases in which the order determining the
service tax under sub-section (2) of section 73 relates to notices issued prior to the day on which
the Finance Bill, 2003 receives the assent of the President;
(2) any amount paid to the credit of the Central Government prior to the date of communication of
the order referred to in the first proviso or the fourth proviso shall be adjusted against the total
amount due from such person.”

79. [Omitted] 15

80. Penalty not to be imposed in certain cases. –

Notwithstanding anything contained in the provisions of section 76, section 77 or section 78, no
penalty shall be imposable on the assessee for any failure referred to in said provisions, if the
assessee proves that there was reasonable cause for the said failure.

81. [Omitted] 16
82. Power to search premises –
(1) If the Commissioner of Central Excise has reason to believe that any documents or book or
things which in his opinion will be any useful for or relevant to proceedings under this Chapter are
secreted in any place, he may authorize any Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or, as the
case may be, Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise to search for and seize or may himself
search for and seize, such documents or books or things.
(2) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), relating to searches,
shall, so far as may be, apply or searches under this section as they apply to searches under that

83. Application of certain provisions of Act 1 of 1944 –

The provisions of the following section of the Central Excise Act, 1944 ( 1 of 1944), as in force
from time to time, shall apply, so far as may be, in relation to service tax as they apply in relation
to a duty of excise: -
9C, 9D, 11B, 11BB, 11C,12 12A, 12B. 12C, 12D, 12E, 14, [14AA]*, 15, 33A, 35F, 35FF to
35-O (both inclusive), 35Q, 36, 36A, 36B, 37A, 37B, 37C, 37D, [38A] * and 40. [ Inserted vide
Finance Bill 2008, w.e.f. 16th May, 2008 ]

83A Power of adjudication.

Where under this Chapter or the rules made thereunder any person is liable to a penalty, such
penalty may be adjudged by the Central Excise Officer conferred with such power as the Central
Board of Excise and Customs constituted under the Central Boards of Revenue Act, 1963 (54 of
1963), may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify.

84. Revision of orders by the Commissioner of Central Excise.-

(1) The Commissioner of Central Excise may call for the record of a proceeding under this
Chapter in which an adjudicating authority subordinate to him has passed any decision or order
and may make such inquiry or cause such inquiry to be made and, subject to the provisions of
this Chapter, pass such order thereon as he thinks fit.

(2) No order, which is prejudicial to the assessee shall be passed under this section unless the
assessee has been given an opportunity of being heard.

(3) The Commissioner of Central Excise shall communicate the order passed by him under
sub-section (1) to the assessee, such adjudicating authority and the Board.

(4) No order under this section shall be passed by the Commissioner of Central Excise in
respect of any issue if an appeal against such is pending before the Commissioner of Central
Excise (Appeals).

(5) No order under this section shall be passed after the expiry of two years from the date on
which the order sought to be revised has been passed.

85. Appeals to the Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals). –

(1) Any person aggrieved by any decision or order passed by an adjudicating authority
subordinate to the Commissioner of Central Excise may appeal to the Commissioner of Central
Excise (Appeals).

(2) Every appeal shall be in the prescribed form and shall be verified in the prescribed manner.

(3) An appeal shall be presented within three months from the date of receipt of the decision or
order of such adjudicating authority relating to service tax, interest or penalty under this Chapter:
Provided that the Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals) may, if he is satisfied that the
appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from presenting the appeal within the aforesaid
period of three months, allow it to be presented within a further period of three months.

(4) The Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals) shall hear and determine the appeals and,
subject to the provisions of this Chapter, pass such orders as he thinks fit and such orders may
include an order enhancing the service tax, interest or penalty :

Provided that an order enhancing the service tax, interest or penalty shall not be made
unless the person affected thereby has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause
against such enhancement.

(5) Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, in hearing the appeals and making orders under
this section, the Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals) shall exercise the same powers and
follow the same procedure as he exercise and follows in hearing the appeals and making orders
under the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944).

86. Appeals to Appellate Tribunal –

(1) Any assessee aggrieved by an order passed by a Commissioner of Central Excise under
section 73 or section 83A or section 84, or an order passed by a Commissioner of Central Excise
(Appeals) under section 85, may appeal to the Appellate Tribunal against such order.

(1A) (i) The Board may, by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute such Committees as
may be necessary for the purposes of this Chapter.
(ii) Every Committee constituted under clause (i) shall consist of two Chief Commissioners
of Central Excise or two Commissioners of Central Excise, as the
case may be.

(2) The Committee of Chief Commissioners of Central Excise may, if it objects to any order
passed by the Commissioner of Central Excise under section 73 or section 83A or section 84,
direct the Commissioner of Central Excise to appeal to the Appellate Tribunal against the order.

Provided that where the Committee of Chief Commissioners of Central Excise differs in its
opinion against the order of the Commissioner of Central Excise, it shall state the point or points
on which it differs and make a reference to the Board which shall, after considering the facts of
the order, if is of the opinion that the order passed by the Commissioner of Central Excise is not
legal or proper, direct the Commissioner of Central Excise to appeal to the Appellate Tribunal
against the order.

[Proviso inserted vide Finance Bill 2008, w.e.f. 16th May, 2008 ]

(2A) The Committee of Commissioners may, if he objects to any order passed by the
Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals) under section 85, direct any Central Excise Officer to
appeal on his behalf to the Appellate Tribunal against the order.

Provided that where the Committee of Commissioners differs in its opinion against the order of
the Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals), it shall state the point or points on which it differs
and make a reference to the jurisdictional Chief Commissioner who shall, after considering the
facts of the order, if is of the opinion that the order passed by the Commissioner of Central Excise
(Appeals) is not legal or proper, direct any Central Excise Officer to appeal to the Appellate
Tribunal against the order.
Explanation.— For the purposes of this sub-section, “jurisdictional Chief Commissioner” means
the Chief Commissioner having jurisdiction over the concerned adjudicating authority in the

[Proviso and Explanation inserted vide Finance Bill 2008, w.e.f. 16th May, 2008 ]

(3) Every appeal under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) or sub-section (2A) shall be filed
within three months of the date on which the order sought to be appealed against is received by
the assessee, the Committee of Chief Commissioners or the Committee of Commissioners as
the case may be.

(4) The Commissioner of Central Excise or any Central Excise Officer subordinate to him or the
assessee, as the case may be, on receipt of a notice that an appeal against the order of the
Commissioner of Central Excise or the Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals) has been
preferred under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) or sub-section (2A)] by the other party may,
notwithstanding that he may not have appealed against such order or any part thereof, within
forty-five days of the receipt of the notice, file a memorandum of cross-objections, verified in the
prescribed manner, against any part of the order of the Commissioner of Central Excise or the
Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals), and such memorandum shall be disposed of by the
Appellate Tribunal as if it were an appeal presented within the time specified in sub-section (3).

(5) The Appellate Tribunal may admit an appeal or permit the filing of a memorandum of
cross-objections after the expiry of the relevant period referred to in sub-section (3) or sub-section
(4) if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for not presenting it within that period.

(6) An appeal to the Appellate Tribunal shall be in the prescribed form and shall be verified in
the prescribed manner and shall, irrespective of the date of demand of service tax and interest or
of levy of penalty in relation to which the appeal is made, be accompanied by a fee of, —
(a) where the amount of service tax and interest demanded and penalty levied by any
Central Excise Officer in the case to which the appeal relates is five lakh rupees or less, one
thousand rupees;
(b) where the amount of service tax and interest demanded and penalty levied by any
Central Excise Officer in the case to which the appeal relates is more than five lakh rupees but
not exceeding fifty lakh rupees, five thousand rupees;
(c) where the amount of service tax and interest demanded and penalty levied by any
Central Excise Officer in the case to which the appeal relates is more than fifty lakh rupees, ten
thousand rupees:
Provided that no fee shall be payable in the case of an appeal referred to in sub-section (2) or
sub-section (2A) or a memorandum of cross-objections referred to in sub-section (4).
Service tax paid till September 2009 by Balajee Services


Oct ’05 TO Dec.05 Rs.15920.00

April 2006 to June ‘2006 Rs.17094.00

July 2006 to September 2006 Rs.48704.00
October 2006 to December 2006 Rs.41125.00
January 2007 to March2007 Rs.20508.00
April 2007 to June 2007 Rs.86813.00
July 2007 to September 2007 Rs.12652.00
October 2007 to December 2007 Rs.39320.00
October 2007 Rs.111444.00

April 2008 to June 2008 Rs.69607.00

April 2008 Rs.52651.00
July 2008 to September 2008 Rs.68857.00
Oct 2008 to December 2008 Rs.16397.00
December 2008 Rs.16524.00
January 2009 to March 2009 Rs.32689.00
April 2009 to June 2009 Rs.22790.00
July 2009 to September 2009 Rs.14049.00

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