Evolution of Investment Banking in India
Evolution of Investment Banking in India
Evolution of Investment Banking in India
19 century when European merchant banks set-up their agency houses in the
country to assist in the setting of new projects. In the early 20 th century, large
business houses followed suit by establishing managing agencies which acted as
issue house for securities, promoters for new projects and also provided finance to
Greenfield ventures. The peculiar feature of these agencies was that their services
were restricted only to the companies of the group to which they belonged. A few
small brokers also started rendering Merchant banking services, but theirs was
limited due to their small capital base.
services, SBI capital markets, Andhra bank financial services, etc. leading private
sector players involved in the scam included Fairgrowth financial services and
Champaklal investments and finance (CIFCO).
The market turned bullish again in the end of 1993 after the tainted shares problem
was substantially resolved. There was a phenomenal surge of activity in the
primary market. The registration norms with the SEBI were quite liberal. The low
entry barriers coupled with lucrative opportunities lured many new entrants into
this industry. Most of the new entrants were undercapitalized with little or no
expertise in merchant banking. These players could hardly afford to be discerning
and started offering their services to all and sundry clients. The market was soon
flooded with poor quality paper issued by companies of dubious credentials. The
huge losses suffered by investors in these securities resulted in total loss of
confidence in the market.
Most of the subsequent issues started failing and companies
started deferring their plans to access primary markets. Lack of business resulted in
a major shake out in the industry.
Most of the small firms exited from the business. Many foreign
investment banks started entering Indian markets. These firms had a huge capital
base, global distribution capacity and expertise. However, they were new to Indian
markets and lacked local penetration. Many of the top rung Indian merchant banks,
who had string domestic base, started entering into joint ventures with the foreign
banks. This energy resulted in synergies as their individual strength complemented
each other.
In India, the investment banks have largely concentrated on serving their
foreign clients by using India as a base for their inter globe operations but with
rapid economic growth and demand for a professional in the field of finance have
created a lot of market for investment banks.
Indian (Govt.)
Indian (Pvt.)
According to the data issued by Silicon India the number of investment banks (ibank) in India is increasing day by day. Deepti Chaudhry of Mint says According
to industry estimates, at least 300 i-banks have been set up in India over the past
18 months, compared to only 50-60 new i-banks in 2006-07, when fund-raising
was at its peak
Experts say that the number Indian firms are raising funds for acquisitions now,
though investment-banks have been around for long. And investment-banks are
looking to have a share of benefit.
From the above data we can see that apart from the nationalized banks, others such
as private sector bank of the investment firms run by a single or two partners are
growing at a larger scale and yet the Multi National banks still have a strong hold
over the Indian investment sector.