Diagnosis2 (1) 1 PDF
Diagnosis2 (1) 1 PDF
Diagnosis2 (1) 1 PDF
Despite the increasing sophistication of vascular
surgical practice, more than three decades after its
introduction into clinical practice, the ankle to brachial
pressure index (ABI or ABPI) remains the cornerstone
of non-invasive assessment of the patient with
symptomatic peripheral arterial disease (PAD). While
Travis Winsor was the first to report in 1950 that the
ankle pressure is usually decreased if the arteries in
the lower limb are obstructed, Yao from St Marys
Hospital in London was the first to report in 1970 that
the severity of disease correlated to the drop in the
* Corresponding author. Mr D.J. Adam, Research Institute, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Lincoln House, Bordesley Green East,
Birmingham B9 5SS, UK.
E-mail address: donald.adam@heartsol.wmids.nhs.uk
10785884/000443 + 09 $35.00/0
A MEDLINE (19662004) and Cochrane library search
looking for articles relating to ABPI was performed.
The terms ankle pressure, ABI, ABPI, ankle arm index
M. F. Caruana et al.
ABPI methodology
Several methods for measuring ABPI have been
described.4 As well as producing different results in
individual patients, these different methodologies are
open to different forms of bias and will, therefore, be
associated with different levels of reproducibility
depending on the clinical circumstances. The higher
of the two pressures in the dorsalis pedis (DP) or the
posterior tibial (PT) arteries (or the peroneal artery if
no audible signal is forthcoming from these two
vessels) is conventionally taken as the ABPI numerator
and the higher of the two brachial pressures as the
denominator. In the absence of significant stenosis or
occlusion in these vessels the two values are usually
within 10 mmHg of each other5 even in the presence of
more proximal disease. Other workers have suggested
that averaging the DP and PT pressures correlates
more closely with limb function.6 Sometimes brachial
blood pressures are averaged and/or the brachial
pressure is only measured in one arm; usually the
right.7,8 It is worth noting that a pressure difference
between the right and left brachial arteries of at least
20 mmHg is present in 3.5% of the normal healthy
population8,9 and over 20% of patients with PAD.10 As
such, the pressure should be measured in both arms.
Although the higher of the two pressures will most
closely reflect central aortic pressure, it is possible for
patients with PAD to have bilateral subclavian-axillary
artery occlusive disease although the precise incidence
of this situation is difficult to determine. In these
circumstances, both brachial pressures will be artificially low and the ABPI artificially elevated.
Another potential source of variability, particularly
in longitudinal studies, is the non-linear relationship
between the central and ankle systolic pressures and
between central pressure and ABPI.10 In other words,
for the same degree of lower limb disease, ABPI will be
relatively lower in the presence of hypertension.1113
Furthermore, as hypertension is treated the ABPI will
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg Vol 29, May 2005
M. F. Caruana et al.
and incompressible crural vessels leading to spuriously elevated ABPI.51 The degree to which the ABPI
can be raised is variable and difficult to quantify, once
again emphasising the need to interpret the index in
the light of clinical findings and other investigations. If
there is doubt about the validity of the ABPI then two
alternatives are to use toe pressures to calculate the
TBPI52,53 or to utilize the pole test.54,55 In the latter,
with the patient supine, the foot is elevated against a
calibrated pole. The height above the heart at which
the ankle or toe Doppler signal disappears approximates the perfusion pressure at the site of the probe in
centimetres of water from which a value in mmHg can
be derived (1.36 cm of water equals 1 mmHg). In
practice, if the Doppler signals are still present at the
ankle with the hip elevated to 908 then this effectively
excludes CLI (i.e. the perfusion pressure exceeds
50 mmHg) and is a useful semi-quantitative screening
Effect of exercise on the ABPI
Exercise results in local vasodilation and this rapidly
overcomes the vasoconstrictive response to postural
changes. In normal individuals this results in a
significant increase in the total blood flow and the
blood pressure is maintained.37 This increased flow
would amplify the resistance across both a significant
stenosis in an arterial trunk feeding the intramuscular
arterioles and across a collateral system bypassing an
occluded artery. Consequently, the pressure in a
vascular bed distal to such a lesion would fall and
remains low while exercise continues and until the
local vasodilator mediators are washed out of the limb.
This explains how the presence of mild to moderate
PAD causes the ABPI to drop after exercise and why
the length of the recovery period is proportional to the
severity of the disease. To obtain a true resting ABPI, it
is necessary for the patient to rest supine for 1020 min
after walking to the clinic.
ABPI and the outcome of vascular surgery
It is widely accepted that successful aorto-iliac and
infra-inguinal arterial reconstruction is accompanied
by a significant increase in ABPI.37 The magnitude as
well as time scale over which this increase occurs
depends very much upon the extent of the underlying
disease as well as the type and extent of intervention.35
For instance, following an aorto-bifemoral bypass for
isolated iliac vessel disease, one would expect a near
instantaneous rise in the ABPI to normal.56 Following
a femoro-popliteal bypass the rise in ABPI may take
M. F. Caruana et al.
Although it is used day-in day-out across the
world in primary and secondary care, it is clear
that there is more to the ABPI than first meets the
eye and that its apparent simplicity may beguile
the unwary. In particular, care needs to be taken
with methodology and training, reproducibility,
interpretation, clinical recording and scientific
reporting. However, when used properly, the
ABPI remains an invaluable tool in assessment of
vascular patients, especially those with atypical
presentation, and in determining the success or
otherwise of surgical, endovascular and medical
interventions. But perhaps the most exciting area is
the extended utility of the ABPI as a basis for
community and occupational health screening and
the opportunities that would herald for the early
detection and evidence-based, clinically and costeffective, treatment of vascular disease.
Table 1. Studies examining the relationship between ABPI and cardiovascular outcome
McKenna M et al.74
Vogt MT et al.75
Fishbane S et al.76
Study method
Major findings
13 years
1 year
Leng GC et al.
Newman AB et al.73
10 years
Tsai AW et al.78
7 years
Powell J et al.79
5.7 years
Jonsson B et al.
Murabito JM et.al.81
Haemodialysis patients
5 years
10 years
4 years
RR, relative risk; CHD, coronary heart disease; MI, myocardial infarction; CVA, stroke; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.
1 Yao ST. Haemodynamic studies in peripheral arterial disease. Br
J Surg 1970;57:761766.
2 Hirsch AT, Criqui MH, Treat-Jacobson D et al. Peripheral
arterial disease detection, awareness, and treatment in primary
care (the partners study). JAMA 2001;286(11):13171323.
3 Burns P, Gough S, Bradbury AW. Management of peripheral
arterial disease in primary care. Br Med J 2003;326:584588.
4 Ouriel K, Zarins CK. Doppler ankle pressure: an evaluation
of three methods of expression. Arch Surg 1982;117(10):1297
5 Carter SA. Clinical measurement of systolic pressures in limbs
with arterial occlusive disease. JAMA 1969;207:1869.
6 Mcdermott MM, Criqui MH, Liu K. Lower ankle/brachial
index, as calculated by averaging the dorsalis pedis and posterior
tibial arterial pressures, and association with leg functioning in
peripheral arterial disease. J Vasc Surg 2000;32(6):11641171.
7 Aboyans V, Lacroix P, Lebourdon A, Preux PM, Ferrieres J,
Laskar M. The intra- and inter-observer variability of ankle-arm
blood pressure index according to its mode of calculation. J Clin
Epidemiol 2003;56(3):215220.
8 Smith FB, Lee AJ, Price JE, Van Wijk MCW, Fowkes FGR.
Changes in ankle brachial index in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects in the general population. J Vasc Surg 2003;
9 Lane D, Beevers M, Barnes N et al. Inter-arm differences in
blood pressure: when are they clinically significant? J.Hypertens
10 Frank SM, Norris EJ, Christopherson R, Beattie C. Rightand left-arm blood pressure discrepancies in vascular surgery
patients. Anaesthesiology 1991;75(3):457463.
11 Belcaro G, Nicolaides AN. Pressure index in hypotensive or
hypertensive patients. J Cardiovasc Surg 1989;30(4):614617.
12 Carser DG. Do we need to reappraise our method of interpreting the ankle brachial pressure index? J Wound Care 2001;
13 Hugue CJ, Safar ME, Aliefierakis MC et al. The ratio between
ankle and brachial systolic pressure in patients with sustained
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