Mass Transfer
Mass Transfer
Mass Transfer
Mass transfer as the term implies deals with transport of material. A simple example
of mass transfer is the movement of a scent from one end of a room to the other. Mass
transfer basically deals with transport of species:
within a medium.
across an interface, i.e. from one medium to another.
The medium could be stationary or mobile. There are two types of mass transfer:
1. Purely diffusive mass transfer (molecular diffusion)
2. Convective mass transfer (occurs in moving fluids)
Molecular diffusion is governed by a random walk process and involves the transport
of molecules from a region of high concentration to one where its concentration is
lower. Steady state molecular diffusion of species A (e.g. sucrose) in a diffusion
medium B (e.g. water) can be expressed by Fick's first law (see Fig. 3.1):
The flux is the amount or concentration of solute carried by a fluid past a plane
perpendicular to direction of flow or velocity, and having a 1 cm2 of surface area. JA
unit is mol/cm2 s.
Our study of the molecular diffusion type of mass transfer will cover the following
three cases:
If we consider a simple case of molecular diffusion e.g. that of an amino acid (A) in
water (B), the flux of the A from point 1 to 2 in the liquid medium is given by (see
Fig. 3.3):
This is referred to as equimolar counter-diffusion. This means that the molar flux of
the amino in a certain direction is matched by the molar flux of water in the opposite
Estimation of diffusivity
The diffusivity of a solute in a liquid medium at a particular temperature can be
estimated using different mathematical correlations. These correlations link diffusivity
to solute and liquid properties such as molar volume, molecular weight and liquid
viscosity. The three most widely used correlations are:
1. Stokes-Einstein correlation:
VA = solute specific molar volume at its normal boiling point (m3/kg mol)
2. Wilke-Chang Correlation:
= association parameter of solvent (equals 2.6 for water)
MB = molecular weight of liquid medium
Polson Correlation:
Estimate the diffusivity of the protein lysozyme in water at 25 degrees celsius.
The diffusivity of a solute can be calculated from its molecular weight using Polson
correlation above. From table, the molecular weight of lysozyme is 14,100 kg/kgmole. The viscosity of water at 25 degrees centigrade is 0.001 kg/m s. Therefore:
The hindered diffusion of a solute through a porous solid from point 1 to 2 is given
ds = solute diameter (m)
dp = pore diameter (m)
It should be appreciated that when the pore size is very large as compared to particle
or molecular size, the term in the parenthesis will essentially equal 1, and thus:
Deff = D
Which is of course the case for unhindered diffusion.
Glucose is diffusing at 25 degrees centigrade in water within a porous medium having
a porosity of 0.5, tortuosity of 1.8 and average pore diameter of 8.6x 10-3 microns.
Determine the steady state flux of glucose between two points within the medium
separated by a distance of 1 mm and having concentrations 1.5 g/1 and 1.51 g/1
Table 2.2, gives the molecular weight of glucose as being 180 kg/kgmole. The
diffusivity of glucose at 25 degrees centigrade can be determined using Poison
The size of glucose can be obtained from Table 2.1. The effective diffusivity of
glucose in the porous structure can be obtained using the equation:
NA = kcA(C0 CA), or
NA = kcACA
NA is the flux in convective mass transfer
kcA is the convective mass transfer coefficient
(C0 CA) is the solute concentration difference between two points
Convective mass transfer is observed in flowing fluids can be emphasized for two
1. Transport of a solute in a liquid flowing past a solid surface (see Fig. 3.5)
2. transport of a solute in a liquid flowing past another immiscible liquid (see
Fig. 3.6).
An example of the first type is the transfer of urea from blood towards the surface of a
dialyser membrane in haemodialysis.
An example of the second type is the transfer of penicillin G within filtered aqueous
media flowing past an organic solvent in a liquid-liquid extractor.
When a liquid flows past a solid surface a stagnant boundary liquid layer is formed
close to the surface. Similarly when two liquids flow past one another, two boundary
liquid layers are generated on both sides of the interface.
Within these boundary layers, the transport of solute mainly takes place by molecular
diffusion. If the flow of liquid is laminar, the transfer of solute in the directions
indicated in Figs. 3.5 and 3.6 would be by molecular diffusion. However, if the flow
were turbulent in nature, mass transfer would take place by a combination of
molecular diffusion and eddy diffusion. This is referred to as convective mass
Another argument of convective mass transfer can be mentioned for a solute band
progresses along a column, where the solute molecules are continually transferring
from the mobile phase into the stationary phase and back from the stationary phase
into the mobile phase. This transfer process is not instantaneous, because a finite time
is required for the molecules to traverse (by diffusion) through the mobile phase in
order to reach, and enter the stationary phase. Thus, those molecules close to the
stationary phase will enter it almost immediately, whereas those molecules some
distance away from the stationary phase will find their way to it a significant interval
of time later. However, as the mobile phase is moving, during this time interval while
they are diffusing towards the stationary phase boundary, they will be swept along the
column and thus dispersed away from those molecules that were close and entered it
rapidly. The dispersion resulting from the resistance to mass transfer in the mobile
phase is depicted in the figure below. The diagram shows 6 solute molecules in the
mobile phase and those closest to the surface (1 and 2) enter the stationary phase
immediately. During the period, while molecules 3 and 4 diffuse through the mobile
phase to the interface, the mobile phase moves on. Thus, when molecules 3 and 4
reach the interface they will enter the stationary phase some distance ahead of the first
two. Finally, while molecules 5 and 6 diffuse to the interface the mobile phase moves
even further down the column until molecules 5 and 6 enter the stationary phase
further ahead of molecules 3 and 4. Thus, the 6 molecules, originally relatively close
together, are now spread out in the stationary phase. This explanation is a little oversimplified, but gives a correct description of the mechanism of mass transfer
The same phenomenon occurs when solutes transfer between two immiscible moving
liquids in contact with one another.
NA = molar flux of solute A
m = amount of solute transferred (kg-moles)
a = mass transfer area (m2)
t = transfer time (s)
Also we have:
NA = kcA(C0 CA), or
NA = kcACA
Therefore, the mass transfer coefficient can be obtained from the relation:
Assuming that the benzoic acid concentration on the surface of the slab is the same as
its solubility, the concentration difference across the transfer zone is calculated and
inserted in the equation:
In the system of fluids 1 and 2 with solute A, CA1 and CA2 are the bulk phase
concentrations in fluids 1 and 2, respectively, CAi is the concentration of A at the
interface, and NA is the molar flux of A. For steady state conditions, we can define the
flux of A as: NA = Kc (CA1 CA2)
kc = individual mass transfer coefficient defined in terms of the concentration
difference in a single phase.
Kc = overall mass transfer coefficient defined in terms of the overall difference in
NA = kc1(CA1 CAi)
NA = kc2(CAi CA2)
Kc is defined by the equation:
Kc = (1/kc1) + (1/kc2)
This equation can be rewritten as:
Kc = kc1*kc2/(kc1+kc2)
Substituting for kc1 and kc2 from NA = kc1(CA1 CAi) and NA = kc2(CAi CA2) in the
equation of Kc above, we get:
NA = Kc (CA1 CA2)
Unsteady state mass transfer
In many separations, particularly in rate processes, complete equilibration does not
really take place, and the concentrations do change with time. Therefore, it is
important to understand what happens in an unsteady state mass transfer process. The
nature of the process is such that no identifiable equilibrium is reached. An example
of this is haemodialysis where maintenance of a concentration gradient throughout the
process is essential. Such processes are referred to as non-equilibrium or rate
Using the following equation the solute concentration at any point x, at any time t, can
be calculated. The flux of solute across the interface at any time t is given by: