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Math Year 6 Final Examination

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Final Year Examination

PAPER 1 (Time: 1 hour)

This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions. Every question is followed by four options A, B, C
and D. Choose the correct answer.

1 787 908 rounded off to the nearest ten thousand is 11 68 × (12 + 4) =

A 780 000 C 790 000 A 810 C 1 088
B 788 000 D 800 000 B 820 D 1 188

1 3 12 Which of the following is the longest?

2 2 –1 =
3 4 A 7 000 mm C 70 m
7 1 B 700 cm D 0.007 km
12 2
2 11 13 Round off 92.867 to the nearest hundredth.
B D A 90 C 92.87
3 12
B 92 D 92.9
3 0.62 million =
A 6 200 C 620 000 7 25 4
14 2 +3 +1 =
B 62 000 D 6 200 000 1000 100 10
A 6.057 C 7.035
4 Convert 7% to a decimal. B 6.657 D 7.35
A 7.0 C 0.07
B 0.7 D 0.007 15 38 – 14.3 – 1.082 =
A 21.88 C 22.608
5 270 + 600 ÷ 5 = B 22.88 D 22.618
A 174 C 390
B 184 D 490 16 Bala spent RM86, which was 40% of his pocket
money on books. Calculate Bala’s pocket money.
6 0.07 million – 6 384 = A RM21.50 C RM215.00
A 616 C 63 616 B RM34.40 D RM344.00
B 6 160 D 683 616
17 Cindy’s monthly salary is RM4 200. She saves
7 Diagram 1 shows a number line. 8
of her salary every month. How much does she
save in one year?
A RM1 075 C RM12 900
Diagram 1 B RM1 575 D RM18 900
Find the value of P + Q.
1 1
A 5 C 5 18 of 12 days =
2 9
1 3 A 1 day 2 hours
B 5 D 5
4 4 B 1 day 8 hours
C 2 days 2 hours
8 Which of the following is true? D 2 days 8 hours
A 590 cm = 59 mm
B 59 m = 590 cm 19 (41 × 30) – (20 × 12) =
C 0.59 km = 590 m A 980 C 13 520
D 5.9 m = 0.59 km B 990 D 14 520

9 2 hours = _______ minutes 20 × 9 kg = 2 kg 700 g
4 100
A 125 C 140 What number must be written in the ?
B 135 D 215 A 0.3 C 3
B 30 D 300
10 RM100 – 89 sen =
A RM1.11 C RM99.10
B RM11.10 D RM99.11
1 , 4 , 27 Diagram 4 shows two isosceles triangles and two
21 Calculate the average of 1 0.71  and
4 5 squares.
6  in m.
A 194
B 219
C 1 940
D 2 190
Diagram 4
22 Diagram 2 shows the time in the 24-hour system. Calculate the perimeter, in cm, of the whole
A 44 C 56
Diagram 2 B 50 D 62
1 hour 20 minutes before the time shown is
A 6:45 a.m. 28 Table 2 shows the number of Year 6 pupils
B 7:45 a.m. participated in four uniform groups.
C 6:45 p.m. Uniform group Number of pupils
D 7:45 p.m. Scouts 40
Girl Guides 4 less than Scouts
23 A radio which costs RM200 is sold for RM150. PBSM 1
Find the percentage loss. of Scouts
A 15% C 25% Puteri Islam 50% of PBSM
B 20% D 33% Table 2
Calculate the total number of pupils in these
24 Which of the following shows the characteristics of uniform groups.
a cube? A 81 C 106
A C B 91 D 116
6 flat faces 6 flat faces
10 sides 10 sides
4 vertices 6 vertices 29 Diagram 5 shows the date and time Alan departed
from his home to Germany for vacation.
5 flat faces 6 flat faces
10 sides 12 sides
8 vertices 8 vertices
Diagram 5
25 Table 1 shows the mass of three objects, A, B and C. Calculate the duration he was away from home.
Object A B C A 8 days 6 hours C 9 days 6 hours
Mass 1 2 kg 80 g 2.3 kg B 8 days 7 hours D 9 days 7 hours
2 kg
Table 1 30 An aquarium has a capacity of 18  60 m. An
Find the difference between the heaviest and the artificial pond has a capacity that is 3 times the
lightest object in g. capacity of the aquarium. What is the capacity of
A 0.17 C 170 the artificial pond in ?
B 0.22 D 220 A 54.18 C 541.8
B 55.8 D 558.0
26 Diagram 3 shows the volumes of water in 3
different containers. 31 The bar graph in Diagram 6 shows the number of
visitors who visited a petting zoo in four days.

Diagram 3
Calculate the total volume of water, in , of the
A 6.8
B 6.88 Diagram 6
C 7.6
D 7.68
of the visitors are adults and the rest are children. Calculate the total mass, in kg, of all the boxes.
Calculate the number of children who visited the A 1.56
petting zoo. B 1.66
A 44 C 69 C 15.6
B 66 D 110 D 16.6

32 Diagram 7 shows several squares of equal size. 36 Diagram 10 is a pictograph showing the number of
clothes sold by a shopkeeper in 4 months.

Diagram 7
What is the area, in cm2, of the shaded region?
A 64 C 24 Diagram 10
B 48 D 12 What is the difference between the number of
clothes sold in March and the average number of
33 Diagram 8 shows the combination of two cuboids, clothes sold in the four months?
X and Y and a cube, Z. A 12
B 15
C 36
D 51

37 The pie chart in Diagram 11 shows the percentage

of pupils who scored grade A in the Mathematics
test in four classes.

Diagram 8
Calculate the volume, in cm3, of the composite solid.
A 400 C 1 400
B 525 D 1 525

34 Diagram 9 shows the volume of a cup of water and Diagram 11

an empty glass. The total number of pupils who scored A in the
four classes is 60. How many pupils scored grade
A from Class 6 Ramah?
A 6 C 12
B 9 D 51

38 Diagram 12 shows the total mass of a banana and a

Diagram 9 mango.
A cup of water can fill up of the glass. What is
the capacity of the glass in ?
A 0.36 C 3.6
B 0.9 D 9

35 Table 3 shows the masses of three different boxes.

Box Mass
S 480 g
Diagram 12
T 1 The mango weighs 250 g. It is replaced with an
of 360 g
2 apple which weighs 120 g. What is the reading, in
V 3 kg, of the weighing scale now?
of 1.2 g
4 A 0.7 C 1.67
Table 3 B 1.27 D 1.7
39 Table 4 shows the savings of 3 pupils in a month. 40 Diagram 13 shows the volume of a bottle of milk.
Pupil Money saved
Kwan RM9.30
June RM12.40
Aira RM8
Table 4 Diagram 13
Each pupil was given RM30 as the pocket money Pak Hashim bought 8 bottles of milk. His family
by their parents. Find their average expenditure in 1
drank of the total volume of milk. Calculate the
the month. 5
A RM0.30 C RM20.10 volume of milk, in , of the remaining milk.
B RM9.90 D RM60.30 A 2.4 C 9.6
B 5.6 D 12

PAPER 2 (Time: 40 minutes)

This question paper consists of 20 questions. Answer all questions. Write your answer clearly in the spaces provided in
the question paper. Show your working. It may help you to get marks.

1 Write 1 740 018 in words. [1 mark]

2 State the digit value of the digit 9 in 319 037. [1 mark]

3 0.729 ÷ 9 = [1 mark]

4 Convert 1.9 to a percentage. [1 mark]

5 Diagram 1 shows the length of a pencil is measured using a ruler.

Diagram 1
Write the length of the pencil in cm. [1 mark]

1 2
6 6 –1 –2= [2 marks]
4 3

7 43 + 19 × 8 = [2 marks]

8 × 72 kg = ______ g [2 marks]
9 How many RM50 notes are there in RM610 000? [2 marks]

10 Shamila has 210 cards. 60% of the cards are blue and the rest are pink. How many pink cards does she have?
[2 marks]

11 9.2  – 854 m = _____  [2 marks]

12 Diagram 2 shows a composite shape consists of a triangle and a square.

Diagram 2
Find the area, in cm2, of the whole diagram. [2 marks]

13 2 years 8 months + 3 years 6 months = _____ years _____ months [2 marks]

14 Diagram 3 shows two equilateral triangles.

Diagram 3
What is the perimeter, in cm, of the whole diagram? [2 marks]

15 Diagram 4 shows several squares of similar size.

Diagram 4
What is the percentage of the shaded parts in the whole diagram? [2 marks]
16 Diagram 5 shows three places, P, Q and R, along a straight road. [3 marks]

Diagram 5
The distance of QR is of the distance of PR. Calculate the distance between P and Q in m.

17 Table 1 shows the volume of three containers.

Container A B C
Volume 3.14  610 m
Table 1
The average volume of liquid of the three containers is 1  900 m. Calculate the volume of liquid, in , of container C.
[3 marks]

18 Diagram 6 shows the time when an event started at night.

Diagram 6

The event lasted for 3 hours 50 minutes. When did the event end? Give your answer in the 24-hour system.
[3 marks]

19 A cake weighing 4.0 kg is shared among Khairul, Lim and Muthu according to the percentages shown in Diagram 7.

Diagram 7
Find the mass of cake, in g, that Lim received. [3 marks]

20 Diagram 8 shows three similar cubes.

Diagram 8
Calculate the total volume, in cm3, of the cubes. [3 marks]
1 C 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 C
6 C 7 B 8 C 9 B 10 D
11 C 12 C 13 C 14 B 15 D
16 C 17 D 18 B 19 B 20 B
21 D 22 C 23 C 24 D 25 D
26 B 27 A 28 B 29 C 30 A
31 B 32 B 33 B 34 B 35 A
36 B 37 B 38 C 39 C 40 C
1 One million seven hundred forty thousand and eighteen
2 9 000
3 0.081
4 190%
5 7.4 cm
6 2 7
7 195
8 27 000 g
9 12 200
10 84 pink cards
11 8.346 
12 88 cm2
13 6 years 2 months
14 24 cm
15 40%
16 480 m
17 1.95 
18 2305 hrs
19 1 000 g
20 648 cm3

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