What Are Operator Spaces?
What Are Operator Spaces?
What Are Operator Spaces?
January 7, 2001
1 Short History 3
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 2
5 Multiplicative Structures 20
5.1 Operator modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.2 Completely bounded module homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.3 Operator algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6 Tensor Products 26
6.1 Operator space tensor products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.2 Injective operator space tensor product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.2.1 Exact operator spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6.3 Projective operator space tensor product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.4 The Haagerup tensor product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.5 Completely bounded bilinear mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6.6 Module tensor products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.6.1 Module Haagerup tensor product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
10 Convexity 48
10.1 Matrix convexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
10.1.1 Separation theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
10.1.2 Bipolar theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
10.2 Matrix extreme points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
10.3 C ∗ -convexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
10.3.1 Separation theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
10.4 C ∗ -extreme points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
11 Mapping Spaces 56
11.1 Completely nuclear mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
11.2 Completely integral mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
12 Appendix 59
12.1 Tensor products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
12.1.1 Tensor products of operator matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
12.1.2 Joint amplification of a duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
12.1.3 Tensor matrix multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
12.2 Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
13 Symbols 63
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 3
1 Short History
The theory of operator spaces grew out of the analysis of completely positive and
completely bounded mappings. These maps were first studied on C ∗ -algebras, and later
on suitable subspaces of C ∗ -algebras. For such maps taking values in B(H) represen-
tation and extension theorems were proved [Sti55], [Arv69], [Haa80], [Wit81], [Pau82].
Many of the properties shared by completely positive mappings can be taken over to
the framework of operator systems [CE77]. Operator systems provide an abstract de-
scription of the order structure of selfadjoint unital subspaces of C ∗ -algebras. Paulsen’s
monograph [Pau86] presents many applications of the theory of completely bounded
maps to operator theory. The extension and representation theorems for completely
bounded maps show that subspaces of C ∗ -algebras carry an intrinsic metric structure
which is preserved by complete isometries. This structure has been characterized by
Ruan in terms of the axioms of an operator space [Rua88]. Just as the theory of C ∗ -
algebras can be viewed as noncommutative topology and the theory of von Neumann
algebras as noncommutative measure theory, one can think of the theory of operator
spaces as noncommutative functional analysis.
This program has been presented to the mathematical community by E.G. Effros
[Eff87] in his address to the ICM in 1986. The following survey articles give a fairly
complete account of the development of the theory: [CS89], [MP94], [Pis97].
The mappings
A linear mapping Φ between vector spaces X and Y induces a linear mapping Φ(n) =
idMn ⊗ Φ ,
Φ(n) : Mn (X) → Mn (Y )
[xij ] 7→ [Φ(xij )] ,
Using the disjoint union
M (X) := Mn (X),
B(H) is an operator space by the identification Mn (B(H)) = B(Hn ). Generally, each
C ∗ -algebra A is an operator space if Mn (A) is equipped with its unique C ∗ -norm. Closed
subspaces of C ∗ -algebras are called concrete operator spaces. Each concrete operator
space is an operator space. Conversely, by the theorem of Ruan, each operator space is
completely isometrically isomorphic to a concrete operator space.
Commutative C ∗ -algebras are homogeneous operator spaces.
The transposition Φ on l2 (I) has norm kΦk = 1, but kΦkcb = dim l2 (I). If I is
infinite, then Φ is bounded, but not completely bounded.
If dim H ≥ 2, then B(H) is not homogeneous [Pau86, p. 6].
Smith’s lemma
For a matricially normed space X and a linear operator Φ : X → Mn , we have kΦkcb =
kΦ(n) k. In particular, Φ is completely bounded if and only if Φ(n) is bounded [Smi83,
Thm. 2.10].
Rectangular matrices
For a matricially normed space X, the spaces Mn,m (X) = Mn,m ⊗ X of n × m-matrices
over X are normed by adding zeros so that one obtains a square matrix, no matter of
which size.
holds isometrically.
The norms on the matrix levels Mn (X) are then one mapping M (X) → lR. The amplifications of
Φ : X → Y can be described as one mapping Φ : M (X) → M (Y ). We have
Φ is completely isometric if kxk = kΦ(x)k for all x ∈ M (X), and Φ is a complete quotient mapping
if kyk = inf{kxk | x ∈ Φ−1 (y)} for all y ∈ M (Y ) or Φ(Ball◦ X) = Ball◦ Y , where Ball◦ X = {x ∈
M (X) | kxk < 1}.
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holds isometrically. Analogously Mp,q (X) becomes a matricially normed space lMp,q (X)
by the identification
Then lMp always stands for the C ∗ -algebra of p × p-matrices with its operator space
structure. The Banach space Mp is the first matrix level of the operator space lMp .
M1 (Cp (X)) = Mp,1 (X) and M1 (Rp (X)) = M1,p (X), respectively.
If X 6= {0}, the spaces Cp (X) and Rp (X) are not completely isometric. In general even
the first matrix levels Mp,1 (X) and M1,p (X) are not isometric.
Cp := Cp (Cl ) is called the p-dimensional column space and Rp := Rp (Cl ) the
p-dimensional row space.
The first matrix levels of Cp and Rp are isometric to l2p , but Cp and Rp are not
completely isometric.
T : X → lMn (Y )
x 7→ [Tij (x)] .
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Some formulae
For matricially normed spaces X and Y , m ∈ IN, y ∈ Mm (Y ) and T ∈ CB (X, Y ) we
kyk = sup {kΦ(y)k | n ∈ IN, Φ ∈ CB (Y, lMn ), kΦkcb ≤ 1}
kT kcb = sup{kΦ(n) ◦ T kcb | n ∈ IN, Φ ∈ CB (Y, lMn ), kΦkcb ≤ 1}.
A matrix [Tij ] ∈ Mn (X ∗ ) defines an operator
T : Mn (X) → Cl
[xij ] 7→ Tij xij .
This follows from lMn (X ∗∗ ) = lMn (X)∗∗ and the above mentioned formula
kT kcb = sup{kΦ(n) ◦ T kcb | n ∈ IN, Φ ∈ CB (Y, lMn ), kΦkcb ≤ 1}.
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X is called reflexive, if X = X ∗∗ . An operator space X is reflexive if and only if
its first matrix level M1 (X) is a reflexive Banach space.
and, if X0 is closed,
(X/X0 )∗ = X0⊥ .
1-direct sums
Let I be an index set and Xi for each i ∈ I an operator space. Then there are an
operator space X and complete contractions ιi : Xi → X with the following universal
mapping property: For each family of complete contractions ϕi : Xi → Z there is exactly
one complete contraction ϕ : X →LZ such that ϕi = ϕ ◦ ιi for all i. X is called 1-direct
sum of the Xi and is denoted by 1 (Xi | i ∈ I).The ιi are completely isometric.
One can construct a 1-direct sum∗ for instance as the closure of the sums of the
Xi∗∗ →i ( ∞ (Xi∗ | i ∈ I))∗ , where πi is the projection
Lof the∗ mappings Xi ,→
from ∞ (Xi | i ∈ I) onto Xi∗ .
The equation
( (Xi | i ∈ I))∗ = (Xi∗ | i ∈ I)
1 ∞
holds isometrically.
p-direct sums
p-direct sums of operator spaces for 1 < p < ∞ can be obtained by interpolation between
the ∞- and the 1-direct sum.
holds isometrically.
We have [Ble92a]
MIN (E)∗ = MAX (E ∗ ),
MAX (E)∗ = MIN (E ∗ ).
For dim(E) = ∞,
idE : MIN (E) → MAX (E)
MAX is the left adjoint and MIN the right adjoint of the forgetfull functor which maps an operator
space X to the Banach space M1 (X).
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Construction of MIN :
For a commutative C ∗ -algebra A = C(K), each bounded linear mapping Φ : M1 (X) → A
is automatically completely bounded with kΦkcb = kΦk [Loe75].16
Each normed space E is isometric to a subspace of the commutative C ∗ -algebra
l∞ (Ball(E ∗ )). Thus the operator space MIN (E) is given as a subspace of l∞ (Ball(E ∗ )).
For x ∈ Mn (MIN (E)) we have
n o
kxk = sup kf (n) (x)k f ∈ Ball(E ∗ ) .
The unit ball of MIN (E) is given as the absolute matrix polar of Ball(E ∗ ).
Construction of MAX :
For a index set I, l1 (I) = c0 (I)∗ . l1 (I) is an operator space as dual of the commutative
C ∗ -algebra c0 (I), and each bounded linear mapping Φ : l1 (I) → M1 (X) is automatically
completely bounded with kΦkcb = kΦk.17
Each Banach space18 E is isometric to a quotient of l1 (Ball(E)). Thus the operator
space MAX (E) is given as a quotient of l1 (Ball(E)).
For x ∈ Mn (MAX (E)) we have
The unit ball of MAX (E) is given as the absolute matrix bipolar of Ball(E ) .
2.8.3 Characterizations
For a matricially normed space X the following conditions are equivalent:
a) X is injective.
b) For each complete isometry ι : X → Z there is a complete contraction π : Z → X
such that πι = idX . I. e. X is completely contractively projectable in each space
containing it as a subspace.
c) For each complete isometry ι : X → Z and each complete contraction ϕ : X →
Y there is a complete contraction ϕ̃ : Z → Y such that ϕ̃ι = ϕ. I. e. Complete
contractions from X can be extended completely contractively to any space conaining
X as a subspace.19
d) X is completely isometric to a completely contractively projectable subspace of
B(H) for some Hilbert space H.
e) X is completely isometric to pAq, where A is an injective C ∗ -algebra and p and
q are projections in A.[]
Robertson[] characterized the infinite dimensional injective subspaces of L B(l2 ) up
to isometry (not complete isometry!). They are B(l2 ), l∞ , l2 , l∞ ⊕ l2 and n∈IN l2 .
(Countable L -direct sums of such are again comletely isometric to one of these.) If an
injective subspace of B(l2 ) is isometric to l2 , it is completely isometric to Rl2 or Cl2 .[]
Injective envelopes
Let X be a matricially normed space.
An operator space Z together with a completely isometric mapping ι : X → Z is
called an injective envelope of X if Z is injective, and if idZ is the unique extension
of ι onto Z.
This is the case if and only if Z is the only injective subspace of Z which contains
the image of X.[]
Each matricially normed space has an injective envelope. It is unique up to a canon-
ical isomorphism.
Equivalently: Completely bounded mappings from X can be extended with the same norm.
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A cone K is a subset of a vector space, such that K + K ⊂ K and lR+ K ⊂ K. If moreover
(−K) ∩ K = {0} holds, K is a proper cone.
If V + = M1 (V )+ is a proper cone, by the matrix condition all the cones Mn (V )+ will be proper.
Note that some authors don’t include surjectivity in the definition.
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The well-known Stinespring theorem for completely positive maps reads [Pau86,
Theorem 4.1]:
Let A be a unital C ∗ -algebra and let H be a Hilbert space. If ψ : A → B(H)
is completely positive then there are a Hilbert space Hπ , a unital ∗-homomorphism
π : A → B(Hπ ) and a linear mapping V : H → Hπ , such that ψ(a) = V ∗ π(a)V for all
a ∈ A.
Let H be a Hilbert space. Then, obviously, B(H) is an ordered unit space with
order unit the identity operator. Using the identification Mn (B(H)) = B(H n ) we let
Mn (B(H))+ = B(H n )+ . So we see that B(H) is an operator system.
Let L be an operator system. Then any subspace S ⊂ L that is selfadjoint, i.e.
S ⊂ S, and contains the order unit of L is again an operator system with the induced
matrix order. So unital C ∗ -algebras and selfadjoint subspaces of unital C ∗ -algebras
containig the identity are operator systems.
Note that a unital complete order isomorphism between unital C ∗ -algebras must be
a ∗-isomorphism [Cho74, Corollary 3.2]. So unital C ∗ -algebras are completely charac-
terized by their matrix order. They are not characterized by their order. For instance
take the opposite algebra Aop of a unital C ∗ -algebra A. Then A+ = Aop
+ but A and A
are not ∗-isomorphic. Obviously M2 (A)+ 6= M2 (A )+ .
3.2 Characterization
Choi and Effros [CE77, Theorem 4.4] showed the following characterization theorem:
Let V be an operator system. Then there are a Hilbert space H and a unital complete
order isomorphism from V to a selfadjoint subspace of B(H).
A unital complete order isomorphism is obtained by
Φ:V → lMn
n∈IN ϕ∈Sn
x 7→ (ϕ(x))ϕ ,
for all n ∈ IN and x ∈ Mn (L). With these norms L becomes an operator space.
If Φ is any unital completely positve embedding from L into some B(H) (cf. section
3.2) then kΦ(n) (x)k = kxkn for all n ∈ IN and x ∈ Mn (L). This holds because kyk ≤ 1
if and only if
1l y
y ∗ 1l
for all y ∈ B(H) and all Hilbert spaces H.
Let L and S be operator systems and let ψ : L → S be completely positive. We
supply L and S with the norms from equation (1). Then ψ is completely bounded and
kψ(1l)k = kψk = kψkcb (cf. [Pau86, Proposition 3.5]).
For each Hilbert space H there is a unique completely self dual homogeneous operator
space, the operator Hilbert space OH H [Pis96, §1]:
OH ∗H = OH H .
The intersection and the sum of two homogeneous hilbertian operator spaces are
again homogeneous hilbertian operator spaces [Pis96].
Many, but not all s.n. ideals can be represented as spaces of completely bounded maps
between suitable homogeneous hilbertian operator spaces.
The first result in this direction was
Tensor products
Let X be an operator space. We have complete isometries [ER91, Thm. 4.3 (a)(c)]
[Ble92b, Prop. 2.3 (i)(ii)]:
cb ∨
CH ⊗h X = CH ⊗ X
and ∧
X ⊗h CH = X ⊗ CH .
∨ ∧
Herein, ⊗h is the Haagerup tensor product, ⊗ the injective tensor product and ⊗ the
projective tensor product.
For Hilbert spaces H and K, we have complete isometries [ER91, Cor. 4.4.(a)]
[Ble92b, Prop. 2.3(iv)]
cb ∨ cb ∧ cb
CH ⊗h CK = CH ⊗ CK = CH ⊗ CK = CH⊗2 K .
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4.3.1 Characterizations
In connection with the column Hilbert space, it is enough to calculate the row norm
1. X is completely isometric to CH .
2. For all operator spaces Y and all T : X → Y we have kT kcb = kT krow , and
for all S : Y → X we have kSk = kSkrow . For all operator spaces Y and
all T : Y → X we have kT kcb = kT kcol , and for all S : X → Y we have
kSk = kSkcol .
3. X coincides with the maximal hilbertian operator space on columns and with
the minimal hilbertian operator space on rows. That means isometrically
5 Multiplicative Structures
For an abstract C ∗ -algebra the GNS construction provides a concrete representation
of its elements as bounded operators on a Hilbert space. For non-selfadjoint algebras
there is, hitherto, no analogue in the framework of classical functional analysis. But
endowed with an operator space structure (which is compatible with the multiplica-
tive structure), these non-selfadjoint algebras do have a representation in some B(H)
(theorem of Ruan type for operator algebras).
The so-called operator modules (over algebras) are also characterized by
Axioms of Ruan type; here, matrices whose entries are algebra elements
take the place of the scalar ones. The corresponding morphisms are the
completely bounded module homomorphisms, the most important properties of which
make their appearance in Representation, Decomposition and Extension Theorems.
B(X, Mn (A)) resp. Mn (CB (Y, A)) = CB (Y, Mn (A)). These become A-operator bimod-
ules, when endowed with the natural module operations as follows ([ER88, p. 140]):
(a · ϕ · b)(x) = aϕ(x)b
(a) (cf. [Pau86, Thm. 7.4]) For each completely bounded (A, B)-module homo-
morphism Φ : M → B(H), there exist a Hilbert space K, a ∗ -representation
π : M → B(K) and linear operators v, w ∈ B(H, K) sharing the following proper-
(b) (cf. also [Smi91, Thm.3.1]) If, in addition, M ⊂ B(H) is a von Neumann algebra
and Φ : M → B(H) is a normal completely bounded (A, B)-module homomor-
phism, one can require the ∗ -representation π of part (a) to be normal. There
exist families (ai )i∈I and (bi )i∈I in the commutant of A and B, respectively, with
the following properties (the sums are to be taken in the WOT topology):
(b1) Φ(x) = i∈I ai xbi for all x ∈ M
∗ ∗
(b2) i∈I ai ai ∈ B(H), i∈I bi bi ∈ B(H) and kΦkcb =
1 P 1
∗ ∗
k i∈I ai ai k k i∈I bi bi k .
2 2
Extension theorem ([Wit84a, Thm. 3.1], cf. also [MN94, Thm. 3.4] and [Pau86, Thm.
Let F be an injective C ∗ -algebra, and let A, B ⊂ F be two unital C ∗ -subalgebras.
Consider furthermore two (A, B)-operator modules E0 and E with E0 ⊂ E. Then for
each φ0 ∈ CB (A,B) (E0 , F ), there exists an extension φ ∈ CB (A,B) (E, F ) with φ|E0 = φ0
and kφkcb = kφ0 kcb .
The decomposition theorem for completely bounded module homomorphisms can be
found in the corresponding chapter.
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Φ : A1 → A2
is called self-adjoint if
Φ(x)∗ = Φ(x∗ )
for all x ∈ A1 .
Dealing with completely bounded module homomorphisms, we have at our disposal
a representation theorem, an extension theorem and the following decomposition
theorem of Wittstock ([Wit81, Satz 4.5] and cf. [Pau86, Thm. 7.5]):
Let A, E and F be unital C ∗ -algebras. Let moreover F be injective, and A be a
subalgebra of E and F with 1lE = 1lF = 1lA . Then for each self-adjoint completely
bounded A-bimodule homomorphism φ : E → F , there exist two completely positive
A-bimodule homomorphisms φ1 and φ2 sharing the properties φ = φ1 −φ2 and kφkcb =
kφ1 + φ2 kcb .
Consider two von Neumann algebras M and N , and two C ∗ -algebras A1 , A2 ⊂ B(H),
where 1lH ∈ A1 , A2 and A1 ∪ A2 ⊂ M ∩ N . We then have the decomposition theorem
of Tomiyama-Takesaki (cf. [Tak79, Def. 2.15]): Each operator φ ∈ CB (A1 ,A2 ) (M, N )
has a unique decomposition φ = φσ + φs , φσ , φs ∈ CB (A1 ,A2 ) (M, N ) normal resp.
singular, where kφσ kcb , kφs kcb ≤ kφkcb . We thus obtain the algebraically direct sum
CB (A1 ,A2 ) (M, N ) = CB σ(A1 ,A2 ) (M, N ) ⊕ CB s(A1 ,A2 ) (M, N ). (2)
Here, the notions ”normal” and ”singular”, repectively, are built in analogy to the
framework of linear functionals on a von Neumann algebra M .24
We list some basic facts about the spaces and mappings mentioned in (2):
Let M∗ denote the (unique) predual of M . Then we have the `1 -direct sum decomposition
M ∗ = M∗ ⊕`1 (M ∗ )s
of M ∗ into normal (i.e. w∗ -continuous) and singular functionals. [In the literature, one usually writes
M∗⊥ instead of M ∗s , corresponding to M∗ (= M ∗σ ).] Analogously, an operator φ ∈ B(M, N ), M , N von
Neumann algebras, is called normal (i.e. w∗ -w∗ -continuous), if φ∗ (N∗ ) ⊂ M∗ , and it is called singular,
if φ∗ (N∗ ) ⊂ M ∗s .
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(b) The following properties of φ are hereditary for the normal part φσ and the singular
part φs : completely positive, homomorphism, ∗ -homomorphism.
Let H be a Hilbert space, and let A1 , A2 ⊂ B(H) be two C ∗ -algebras with 1lH ∈ A1 , A2 .
Then we obtain [Pet97, Prop. 4.2.5]:
CB σ(A1 ,A2 ) (B(H)) = CB (A1 ,A2 ) (K(H), B(H)) (3)
CB s(A1 ,A2 ) (B(H)) = CB (A1 ,A2 ) (Q(H), B(H)) (4)
completely isometrically. Hence we see that CB (B(H)) itself and (looking at (3), (4)),
just so, CB σ(A1 ,A2 ) (B(H)) and CB s(A1 ,A2 ) (B(H)) are dual operator spaces [Pet97, p. 70].
In the sequel we will equip the spaces `p (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) with the pointwise product and
consider them as Banach algebras. We will further consider the Schatten classes Sp
(1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) endowed with either the usual multiplication or the Schur product.
In the literature, e.g. in [BRS90, p. 190], the bilinear amplification Φ(n,n) is often referred to as the
amplification and is noted by Φ(n) .
In order to define the notion of complete boundedness of bilinear mappings, it suffices to consider
only the Φ(n,n) instead of all the Φ(n,l) ; this definition is usually chosen in the literature about completely
bounded bi- and, analogously, multilinear maps [BRS90, p. 190], [CES87, p. 281].
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2. The spaces 27 MIN (`p ), MAX (`p ) and O`p = (MIN (`∞ ), MAX (`1 )) 1
On the contrary, the operator space structure on the `p spaces obtained via
complex interpolation always defines an operator algebra structure. More
precisely [BLM95, Cor. 3.3]:
For each 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, O`p is completely isometrically isomorphic to an operator
(a) Let us first consider the usual product on the Schatten classes Sp . Here we
have the following negative result [BLM95, Thm. 6.3]: For each 1 ≤ p < ∞,
the operator space OSp with the usual product is not completely isomorphic
to an operator algebra.
(b) Consider now the Schur product on the Schatten classes Sp . Here we obtain
positive results, even for different operator space structures:
(b1) MAX (Sp ) with the Schur product is, in case 1 ≤ p ≤ 2, completely
isometrically isomorphic to an operator algebra [BLM95, Thm. 6.1].
(b2) OSp with the Schur product is, in case 2 ≤ p ≤ ∞, completely isometri-
cally isomorphic to an operator algebra [BLM95, Cor. 6.4].
Caution is advised: The space OS1 (and likewise OS1op ), whether endowed with the
usual or the Schur product, is not completely isomorphic to an operator algebra
[BLM95, Thm. 6.3].
6 Tensor Products
An operator space tensor product is an operator space whose structure is deduced from
the operator space structure of the factors. Operator space tensor products are defined
for all operator spaces and have functorial properties. On the tensor product of two fixed
operator spaces one usually considers operator space norms which are cross norms.
A lot of spaces, especially spaces of mappings, may be considered as operator space
tensor products of simpler ones. The theory of operator space tensor products follows
the lines of the theory of tensor products of Banach spaces. But at some points tensor
products of operator spaces have new properties not found for tensor products of Banach
spaces or even better properties as their counterparts. So in some cases the theory of
operator space tensor products gives solutions to problems not solvable within the theory
of Banach spaces (cp. [ER90a, Thm. 3.2]).
The Haagerup tensor product ⊗h has a variety of applications in the theory of op-
erator spaces and completely bounded operators.
The injective operator space tensor product ⊗ is the least28 and the projective oper-
ator space tensor product ⊗ is the greatest 29 among all operator space tensor products.
[BP91, Prop. 5.10].
On the algebraic tensor product X ⊗ Y of operator spaces X, Y one can compare an
operator space tensor norm k · kα with the injective tensor norm k · kλ and the projective
tensor norm k · kγ of normed spaces:
Cl ⊗α Cl = C
2. For all S ∈ CB (X1 , X2 ) and T ∈ CB (Y1 , Y2 ) the operator S⊗T : X1 ⊗Y1 → X2 ⊗Y2
has a continuous extension
S ⊗α T ∈ CB (X1 ⊗α Y1 , X2 ⊗α Y2 ).
is estimated by
S ⊗α T ∈ CB (X1 ⊗α Y1 , X2 ⊗α Y2 ),
This complete contraction is called the shuffle map of the α-operator space tensor
We apply the shuffle map A : lMp (X2 ) ⊗α lMq (Y2 ) → lMpq (X2 ⊗α Y2 ) and obtain from 4
[Sij ⊗α Tkl ] = A(S ⊗α T ) ∈ M1 (CB (X1 ⊗α Y1 , lMpq (X2 ⊗α Y2 ))) = Mpq (CB (X1 ⊗α Y1 , X2 ⊗α Y2 ),
k[Sij ⊗α Tkl ]kcb ≤ kS ⊗α T kcb ≤ k[Sij ]kcb k[Tkl ]kcb .
cross norms
Sometimes one considers an operator space norm on the algebraic tensor product of two
fixed operator spaces. Then one usually demands that this norm and its dual norm are
at least cross norms. Operator space tensor norms always have these properties.
An operator space norm k · kα on the algebraic tensor product X ⊗ Y of two operator
spaces X and Y is said to be a cross norm, if
ϕ⊗ψ :X ⊗Y → Cl
hx ⊗ y, ϕ ⊗ ψi := hx, ϕihy, ψi
Then the dual operator space norm k · kα∗ is defined on the algebraic tensor product
X∗ ⊗ Y ∗ by the algebraic embedding
X ⊗ Y ⊂ (X ∗ ⊗α Y ∗ )∗ .
There is a smallest operator space norms among the operator space norms on X ⊗ Y ,
for which k · kα and the dual norm k · kα∗ are cross norms. This is the injective operator
space tensor norm k · k∨ . [BP91, Prop. 5.10].
The conditions (i)-(iii) are equivalent to the following: The bilinear maps
X × Y → X ⊗α Y, (x, y) 7→ x ⊗ y
∗ ∗ ∗
X × Y → (X ⊗α Y ) , (ϕ, ψ) 7→ ϕ ⊗ ψ
There is a greatest operator space norm among the operator space norms on X ⊗ Y ,
for which k · kα and the dual norm k · kα∗ are cross norms. This is the projective operator
space tensor norm k · k∧ [BP91, Prop. 5.10].
On the algebraic tensor product X ⊗ Y one can compare the operator space norms
k · kα for which k · kα and the dual norm k · kα∗ are cross norms with the injective tensor
norm k · kλ and the projective tensor norm k · kγ of normed spaces:
The injective operator space tensor norm is the least cross norm whose dual norm
again is a cross norm.
The injective operator space tensor product is symmetric, associative and injective.
But it is not projective [BP91, Cor. 5.2].
The injective norm is the dual norm of the projective operator space tensor norm
[BP91, Thm. 5.6]; but the projective operator space tensor norm is not in general the
dual of the injective operator space tensor norm even if one of the two spaces involved
is finite dimensional [ER90a, p. 168], [ER91, p. 264].
For this reason the injective operator space tensor product is also called spatial tensor product of
operator spaces and denoted by X ⊗min Y .
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 31
where linear mappings are identified in the usual way with bilinear forms.
One can also characterize the projective operator space tensor product by the fol-
lowing universal property [BP91, Def. 5.3]
∧ cb
CB (X ⊗ Y, Z) = JCB (X × Y ; Z),
completely isometrically.
∧ cb ∨ cb cb
(iii) CH ⊗ CK = CH ⊗ CK = CH ⊗h CK = CH⊗2 K
∧ cb ∨ cb cb
(iv) RH ⊗ RK = RH ⊗ RK = RH ⊗h RK = RH⊗2 K
∧ cb cb
(v) RH ⊗ CK = RH ⊗h CK = T (H, K)
∧ cb ∧ ∧ cb
(vi) X ⊗ T (H, K) = RH ⊗ X ⊗ CK = RH ⊗h X ⊗h CK
cb ∧ ∧ cb
(vii) CB (X, B(K, H)) = (RH ⊗ X ⊗ CK )∗ = (RH ⊗h X ⊗h CK )∗ ,
where the space of trace class operators T (H, K) is endowed with its natural op-
erator space structure: T (H, K) := K(K, H)∗ .
3. Let M and N be von Neumann algebras and denote by M ⊗N the von Neumann
tensor product35 . For the preduals one has
∧ cb
M∗ ⊗ N∗ = (M ⊗N )∗
where bilinear forms are identified with linear maps in the usual fashion.
We can also characterize the Haagerup tensor product by the following universal
property: For an operator space Z we have
CB (X ⊗h Y ; Z) = CB (X × Y ; Z)
completely isometrically.
Here, CB (X × Y ; Z) denotes the operator space of completely bounded bilinear
For operator spaces X and Y the Haagerup operator space tensor norm of
u ∈ Mn (X ⊗ Y ) is explicitly given by (cf. [ER91, Formel (2.11)], [BP91, Lemma 3.2])
where l ∈ IN, x ∈ Mn,l (X), y ∈ Ml,n (Y ) and u is the tensor matrix product u = x y.
The Haagerup tensor product X ⊗h Y then of course is the completion of the algebraic
tensor product X ⊗Y with respect to this operator space tensor norm. There are several
other useful formulae 2 3, 4 for the Haagerup norm.
The Haagerup tensor product is not symmetric as shown by concrete examples. But
it is associative, injective [PS87, p. 272; Thm. 4.4], [BP91, Thm. 3.6], projektiv [ER91,
Thm. 3.1] and selfdual [ER91, Thm. 3.2]. Thus the embedding
X ∗ ⊗h Y ∗ ,→ (X ⊗h Y )∗
is a complete isometry.
The extension of the identity mapping on the algebraic tensor product of two oper-
ator spaces X, Y from the Haagerup tensor product into the injective tensor product is
injective. One therefore obtains a canonical embedding
X ⊗h Y ⊂ X ⊗ Y.
The complex interpolation of operator spaces and the Haagerup tensor product com-
mute [Pis96, Thm. 2.3]. Let (X0 , X1 ) and (Y0 , Y1 ) be compatible pairs of operator
spaces. Then (X0 ⊗h Y0 , X1 ⊗h Y1 ) is a compatible pair of operator spaces and we have
completely isometrically
(X0 ⊗h Y0 , X1 ⊗h Y1 )ϑ = (X0 , X1 )ϑ ⊗h (Y0 , Y1 )ϑ
for 0 ≤ ϑ ≤ 1.
On normed spaces there is no tensor norm which at the same time is associative,
injective, projective and selfdual. The Haagerup tensor product can be interpreted as
a generalization of the H-tensor product introduced by Grothendieck39 for normed
This tensor norm also is known as γ2 [Pis86].
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 35
spaces E and F [BP91, pp. 277-279, Prop. 4.1]. In fact, on the first matrix level we
MIN (E) ⊗h MIN (F ) = E ⊗H F,
MAX (E) ⊗h MAX (F ) = E ⊗H ∗ F
isometrically. The non-associativity of the H-tensor product is reflected by the fact that
in general MIN (E) ⊗h MIN (F ) and MIN (E ⊗H F ) are not completely isometric.
where n ∈ IN, aν ∈ A, bν ∈ B.
The Haagerup norm of Pnν=1 aν ⊗bν ∈ A⊗B equals the cb–norm of the elementary
operator B(H) 3 x 7→ nν=1 aν xbν . The Haagerup tensor product A ⊗h B is the
completion of the algebraic tensor product A ⊗ B with respect to the above norm.
The following more general definition in particular yields a completely isometric
embedding A ⊗h B ,→ CB (B(H)).
2. We have
kukh = inf{ kκ=1 kxκ kkyκ k : u = kκ=1 xκ yκ }
where k, l ∈ IN, xκ ∈ Mn,l (X), yκ ∈ Ml,n (Y ). In fact, one summand suffices [BP91,
Lemma 3.2].
3. For elements u ∈ Mn (X ⊗ Y ) in the algebraic tensor product there is an l ∈ IN
and elements x ∈ Mn,l (X), y ∈ Ml,n (Y ) such that
u = xy
kukh = kxkkyk.
The infimum occuring in the formula describing the norm in this case is actually
a minimum [ER91, Prop. 3.5].
4. The Haagerup norm of an element u ∈ Mn (X ⊗h Y ) can also be expressed using
a supremum:40
kukh = sup khu, ϕ ψikMn2 ,
For x ∈ X, y ∈ Y , we have:
" l #
(ϕ ψ)(x ⊗ y) = hx ⊗ y, ϕ ψi = hx ⊗ y, ϕij ⊗ ψjk i = ϕ(x)ψ(y) ∈ Mn .
Here, we used the definitions of two fundamental notions in operator space theory: the
tensor matrix multiplication ϕ ψ of mappings ϕ, ψ and the joint amplification of the duality of tensor
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 36
This follows from the equivalence of the property 2 and the properties 3 and 4 of operator space
tensor products.
This method can be applied to obtain this complete isometry itself. It is easy to see that on the
first matrix level we have
M1 (Cn (X) ⊗h Rn (Y )) = Mn (X ⊗h Y )
isometrically. From this the complete isometry follows – for all p ∈ IN we have:
Mp (Cn (X) ⊗h Rn (Y )) = M1 (Cp (Cn (X)) ⊗h Rp (Rn (Y ))) = M1 (Cpn (X) ⊗h Rpn (Y ))
= Mpn (X ⊗h Y ) = Mp (lMn (X ⊗h Y ))
isometrically .
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 37
Here we list some special cases of the Lemma of Blecher and Paulsen:
Cn ⊗h Rn = lMn ,
Cn ⊗h X = Cn (X),
X ⊗h Rn = Rn (X),
Cn ⊗h X ⊗h Rn = lMn (X).
10. Let H and K be Hilbert spaces. Taking the Haagerup tensor product of the
column Hilbert space C and the row Hilbert space R one obtains completely iso-
metrically the space of compact operators K resp. of trace class46 operators T
[ER91, Cor. 4.4]:
RH ⊗h CK = T (H, K),
CK ⊗h RH = K(H, K).
This example also shows that the Haagerup tensor product is not symmetric.
In the literature, there are two different notions of an amplification of a bilinear mapping.
We shall call the first kind 1 of amplification the joint amplification. This joint
amplification is needed to obtain a matrix duality – which is fundamental in the duality
theory of operator spaces –, starting from an ordinary duality hX, X ∗ i.
The notion of joint amplification leads to the jointly completely bounded bilinear
maps as well as the projective operator space tensor product.
We will speak of the second kind 2 of an amplification as the amplification of a
bilinear mapping. This notion leads to the completely bounded bilinear maps and the
Haagerup tensor product.
In the sequel, we will use the notation Φ : X × Y → Z for a bilinear mapping and
Φ̃ : X ⊗ Y → Z for its linearization.
Both notions of an amplification of a bilinear map Φ are formulated in terms of the
amplification of its linearization:
Φ̃(n) : Mn (X ⊗ Y ) → Mn (Z).
1. The joint amplification of Φ produces the bilinear mapping
Φ(p×q) : (x, y) 7→ Φ̃(pq) (x ⊗ y) = [Φ(xij , ykl )] ∈ Mp (Mq (Z)) = Mpq (Z).
of the operator matrices x = [xij ] ∈ Mp (X) and y = [ykl ] ∈ Mq (Y ). Here, the
tensor product of operator matrices is defined via
x ⊗ y = [xij ] ⊗ [ykl ] := [xij ⊗ ykl ] ∈ Mpq (X ⊗ Y ) = Mp (Mq (X ⊗ Y )).
2. In the case of completely bounded bilinear maps one deals with the tensor matrix
multiplication [Eff87]
hP i
x y = [xij ] [yjk ] := j=1 xij ⊗ y jk ∈ Mn (X ⊗ Y )
Complete boundedness
For the definition of the completely bounded bilinear maps we need the amplification
Φ(n) , the linearization Φ̃ : X ⊗ Y → Z. and the tensor matrix multiplication x y of
operator matrices x, y.
A bilinear mapping Φ : X × Y → Z, n ∈ IN is called completely bounded if
kΦkcb := sup kΦ(n) (x, y)k < ∞
where n ∈ IN, x ∈ Ball(Mn (X)), y ∈ Ball(Mn (Y )).
The norm kΦkcb equals the norm kΦ̃kcb of the linearization
Φ̃ : X ⊗h Y → Z
on the Haagerup tensor product.
Furthermore, the norms kΦkn are obtained using the tensor matrix products of all
49 rectangular matrices of n rows resp. n columns:
The norm kΦkn equals the norm kΦ̃(n) k of the amplification of the linearization
Φ̃(n) : Mn (X ⊗h Y ) → Mn (Z)
Corresponding to the completely bounded bilinear maps we have the linear maps
which are completely bounded on the Haagerup tensor product. The identification
CB (X × Y ; Z) = CB (X ⊗h Y ; Z)
Completely bounded bilinear forms were first studied on C∗ -algebras A, B [EK87]. For
a bilinear form Φ : A × B → Cl the following properties are equivalent:
(1) Φ is completely bounded.
for all a ∈ A, b ∈ B.
⊗hA : X × Y → X ⊗hA Y,
such that the following holds true: For each bilinear, completely bounded balanced map
Ψ:X ×Y →W
1. Let
N := lin{(x · a) ⊗ y − x ⊗ (a · y) | a ∈ A, x ∈ X, y ∈ Y }.
The quotient space (X ⊗h Y ) N with its canonical matrix norms is an operator
space which satisfies the defintion of X ⊗hA Y [BMP].
For further references see [CS89, Sec. 4].
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 43
2. Let us denote byX ⊗A Y the algebraic module tensor product, i.e. the quotient
space (X ⊗alg Y ) N . For n ∈ IN and u ∈ Mn (X ⊗A Y ), by
( " l # )
pn (u) := inf kSkkT k u = Sik ⊗A Tkj , l ∈ IN, S ∈ Mnl (X), T ∈ Mln (Y )
and the semi-norms pn give an operator space norm on (X⊗A Y )/Kern(p1 ) [Rua89].
The completion of this space satisfies the definition of X ⊗hA Y [BMP].
Let X be an operator space. Then the space of completely bounded (A1 , A2 )-
module homomorphisms between X and B(H) can be identified with the dual of a
module Haagerup tensor product in the following way ([Pet97, p. 67], cf. also [ER91,
Cor. 4.6], [Ble92b, Prop. 2.3]):
CB (A1 ,A2 ) (X, B(H)) = (RH ⊗hA1 X ⊗hA2 CH )∗
completely isometrically.
2. CB (L∗ , X ∗∗ ) = CB (L∗ , X)∗∗ ,
∧ cb ∨ ∧
3. L∗ ⊗ X ∗ = (L ⊗ X)∗ , where ⊗ denotes the projective operator space tensor
product and ⊗ denotes the injective operator space tensor product,
4. CN (X, L∗ ) = CI (X, L∗ ), where CN (·, ·) denotes the completely nuclear and
CI (·, ·) the completely integral mappings,
5. ι(ϕ) = ι(ϕ∗ ) for all ϕ ∈ CI(X, L∗ ).
In the conditions 1), 2) and 3) it suffices to check the usual isometry to prove the
complete isometry.
The following classes of operator spaces are completely locally reflexive [EJR98, 6.1,
6.2], [EH85, Prop. 5.4]:
1. reflexive operator spaces (e.g. finite dimensional operator spaces L),
2. nuclear C ∗ - algebras (e.g. K(H) or commutative C ∗ - algebras),54
3. preduals of von Neumann algebras, especially duals of C ∗ -algebras (e.g. T (H) =
K(H)∗ = B(H)∗ ).
equivalently [Kirchberg ’96, Cor. 1], the similarity problem). One should note that in the framework
of operator spaces and completely bounded maps, considerable progress has been made in attacking
these problems. For instance, Christensen [Christensen ’82, Thm. 3.1] was able to show that the inner
derivations from a C ∗ -algebra into B(H) are precisely the completely bounded ones.
possibly footnote!
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 45
where KG denotes the Grothendieck constant. Furthermore, KG is the least such con-
One often studies completely bounded multilinear maps by considering the lineariza-
tion on the Haagerup tensor product, where the following relation holds [Paulsen/Smith
’87, Prop. 1.3; cf. also Sinclair/Smith ’95, Prop. 1.5.1]: If X1 , . . . , Xn are operator spaces
and H is a Hilbert space, then a multilinear mapping Φ : X1 × · · · × Xn → B(H) is
completely bounded if and only if its linearization ϕ is a completely bounded mapping
on X1 ⊗h · · · ⊗h Xn . In this case, kΦkcb = kϕkcb .
Also compare the chapter: Completely bounded bilinear mappings.
Representation theorem [Paulsen/Smith ’87, Thm. 3.2, cf. also Thm. 2.9; Sin-
clair/Smith, Thm. 1.5.4]:
Let A1 , . . . , Ak be C ∗ -algebras, X1 ⊂ A1 , . . . , Xk ⊂ Ak operator spaces and H a Hilbert
space. Let further be Φ : X1 × · · · × Xk → B(H) a completely contractive multi-
linear mapping. Then there exist Hilbert spaces Ki (i = 1, . . . , k), ∗ -representations
πi : Ai → B(Ki ) (i = 1, . . . , k), contractions Ti : Ki+1 → Ki (i = 1, . . . , k − 1) and two
isometries Vi : H → Ki (i = 1, k) such that
Φ(n) (A1 , . . . Ak ) ≥ 0
for all n ∈ IN and (A1 , . . . , Ak ) = (A∗k , . . . , A∗1 ) ∈ Mn (A)k , where A k+1 ≥ 0 for odd k.
Caution is advised: In the multilinear case complete positivity does not necessar-
ily imply complete boundedness! For an example (or more precisely a general method
of constructing such), cf. Christensen/Sinclair ’87, p. 155.
There is a multilinear version of the decomposition theorem for completely bounded
symmetric multilinear mappings:
Decomposition theorem [Christensen/Sinclair ’87, Cor. 4.3]:
Let A and B be C ∗ -algebras, where B is injective, and let further Φ : Ak → B be a
completely bounded symmetric k-linear mapping. Then there exist completely bounded,
completely positive k-linear mappings Φ+ , Φ− : Ak → B such that Φ = Φ+ − Φ− and
kΦkcb = kΦ+ + Φ− kcb .
For example, cyclic C ∗ -algebras are quasi-cyclic. A von Neumann algebra M is quasi-cyclic if every
Φ(aeb, f c) = aΦ(e, bf )c
10 Convexity
Since convex sets are important in the study of ordered or normed vector spaces, it
is only natural to ask for a non-commutative version of convexity that is more suited
for vector spaces of operators. Thus matrix convex sets were introduced, which play
the same role in operator space theory as ordinary convex sets in classical functional
Some time earlier C ∗ -convex sets were defined for C ∗ -algebras. Both notions are
different but similar, so a section about C ∗ -convex sets is also included in this survey.
Some publications about non-commutative convexity are [EW97b], [WW99], [FZ98],
[Mor94], [Fuj94].
x ⊕ y ∈ Kn+m ,
α∗ xα ∈ Km .
A set K of matrices over V is called absolutely matrix convex [EW97a] if for all
x ∈ Kn and y ∈ Km
x ⊕ y ∈ Kn+m ,
αxβ ∈ Km .
A set K of matrices over V is called a matrix cone [Pow74] if for all x ∈ Kn and
y ∈ Km
x ⊕ y ∈ Kn+m ,
α∗ xα ∈ Km .
A set K of matrices over V is matrix convex if and only if all matrix convex combi-
nations of elements of K are again in K. K is absolutely matrix convex if and only if all
absolutely matrix convex combinations of elements of K are again in K. Here, Pn a∗ma-
trix convex combination of x1 , . .P . , xn (xi ∈ Kki ) is a sum of the form i=1 αi xi αi
with matrices αi ∈ Mki ,j such that ni=1 αi∗ αi = P 1lj . An absolutely matrix convex
combination of x1 , . . . , P
xn is a sum of the form i=1 αi xi βi with matrices αi ∈ Mj,ki
and βi ∈ Mki ,j such that ni=1 αi αi∗ ≤ 1lj and ni=1 βi∗ βi ≤ 1lj .
If V is a topological vector space, topological terminology is to be considered at all
matrix levels: For instance, a set K of matrices over V is called closed if all Kn are
K is called absolutely matrix convex if
matrix convexity
2. The set of matrix states of a unital C ∗ -algebra A, given by the family CS(A)n =
{ϕ : A → Mn | ϕ completely positive and unital} for all n ∈ IN, is matrix convex
and weak-∗-compact.
3. If A is a C ∗ -algebra, the positive cones Mn (A)+ for all n ∈ IN form a closed matrix
Note that the matrices, ordered by the cone of the positive semidefinite matrices,
are not totally ordered; 6≤ does not imply ≥.
Theorem:62 Let hV, W i be a duality of complex vector spaces, K a closed set of
matrices over V and v0 ∈ Mn (V ) \ Kn for some n.
b) If K is matrix convex and 0 ∈ K1 , then there are w ∈ Mn (W ) and ε > 0 such that for all m ∈ IN
and v ∈ Km
d) If K is absolutely matrix convex, then there are w ∈ Mn (W ) and ε > 0 such that for all m ∈ IN
and v ∈ Km
c) [Bet97, p. 57] If K is a matrix cone, then there is w ∈ Mn (W ) sucht that for all
m ∈ IN and v ∈ Km
One can prove Ruan’s theorem using the separation theorem for absolutely matrix con-
vex sets, applied to the unit ball of a matricially normed space [].
If V is a complex involutive vector space, one can find selfadjoint separating func-
Theorem: 63 Let hV, W i be a duality of complex involutive vector spaces, K a
closed set of selfadjoint matrices over V and v0 ∈ Mn (V ) \ Kn for some n.
b) If K is matrix convex and 0 ∈ K1 , then there is a w ∈ Mn (W )sa such that for all
m ∈ IN and v ∈ Km
a) [EW97b] K equals its matrix bipolar if and only if K is closed and matrix convex
and 0 ∈ K1 .
b) [EW97a] K equals its absolute matrix bipolar if and only if K is closed and abso-
lutely matrix convex.
The matrix bipolar of a set K of matrices over V is therefore the smallest closed and
matrix convex set which contains K and 0.
The absolute matrix bipolar of a set K of matrices over V is therefore the smallest
closed and absolutely matrix convex set which contains K.
So we get a characterization of the unit balls of MIN (E) and MAX (E) for a normed
space E.
Let V be a vector space. A matrix convex set of matrices over V is called matrix
convex set in V for short. Let A be a set of matrices over V . The matrix convex hull
of A is the smallest matrix convex set in V containing A. Its closure is the smallest
closed matrix convex set containing A because the closure of matrix convex sets is
matrix convex. Two elements x, y ∈ Mn (V ) are unitarily equivalent, if there is a
unitary u ∈ Mn such that x = u∗ yu. Let U (S) be the set of all elements, that are
unitarily equivalent to elements of S ⊂ Mn (V). x ∈ Mn (V ) is called reducible, if it is
unitarily equivalent to some block matrix y0 z0 ∈ Mn (V ). A matrix convex combination
Pk ∗
i=1 αi xi αi is called proper, if all αi are square matrices different from 0.
Let K be a matrixPconvex set in V . Then x ∈ Kn is a structural element66 of
Kn , if whenever x = ki=1 αi∗ xi αi is a proper matrix convex combination of xi ∈ Kn ,
then every xi is unitarily equivalent to x. The set of all structural elements of Kn is
denoted by str(Kn ). The set of structural elements of K is the set of matrices over V
consisting of str(Kn ) for all n ∈ IN.
mappings which are pure. To every compact and matrix convex set K there is an
operator system which has K as its generalized state space [WW99, Prop. 3.5].
Let V be a locally convex space and induce the product topology on Mn (V ). The
matrix convex Krein-Milman Theorem is: Let K be a compact matrix convex set
in V . Then K is equal to the closed matrix convex hull of the structural elements of K.
If V has finite dimension, then K is the matrix convex hull of its structural elements.
The converse result is: Let K be a compact matrix convex set in V . Let S be a
closed set of matrices, such that Sn ⊂ Kn and v ∗ Sl v ⊂ Sm for all partial isometries
v ∈ Mlm and for all n, m, l ∈ IN, l ≥ m. If the closed matrix convex hull of S equals K,
then all structural elements of K are in S.([WW99], [Fis96]).
It is possible to sharpen these results for more special matrix convex sets. A matrix
convex set K is called simple, if there are n ∈ IN and A ⊂ Mn (V ), such that K is equal
to the matrix convex hull of A. K is a simple matrix convex set, if and only if there is
n ∈ IN such that str(Km ) = ∅ for all m > n.
Suppose that K is a matrix convex set in V . Then x ∈ Km is a matrix extreme
point, if x ∈ str(Km ) and
Let mext(K) be the set of matrices consisting of all matrix extreme points of K.
Suppose that K is a simple compact matrix convex set in V . Then K is equal to
the closed matrix convex hull of mext(K). If V has finite dimension, then the closure
is not needed, that means K is the matrix convex hull of mext(K). In this case the
following result also holds: Let S be a set of matrices over V not containing reducible
elements such that the matrix convex hull of S equals K, then mext(K)m ⊂ U (Sm ) for
all m ∈ IN ([Mor94], [Fis96]).
If K is compact and not simple, mext(K) may be empty. As an example take the
generalized state space CS(A) of a C ∗ -algebra A. Its matrix extreme points are exactly
the irreducible finite dimensional representations of A. These need not exist in general.
10.3 C ∗ -convexity
Let A be a unital C ∗ -algebra. A subset K ⊂ A is a C ∗ -convex set, if
a∗i xi ai ∈ K
Pn ∗
Pn ∗
for all xi ∈ K and ai ∈ A such that i=1 ai ai = 1l. The sum i=1 ai xi ai is called a
C ∗ -convex combination.
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 54
In particular C ∗ -convex sets are convex and C ∗ -absolutely convex sets are absolutely
Example: Let H be a Hilbert space and T ∈ B(H). The n-th matrix range of T is
the set
for all xi ∈ K and ai ∈ A such that ni=1 a∗i ai = 1l. In the case Y = A this definition is
equivalent to the definition of C ∗ -convex sets.
In order to get a somewhat more general result, the definition of the extreme points
can be changed. Suppose that R is a hyperfinite factor andPthat K ⊂ R is C ∗ -convex.
n ∗
Then x ∈ K is a R-extreme point, if whenever x = i=1 ai xi ai is a C -convex
combination of xi ∈ K such that all ai ∈ A are positive and invertible, then it follows
that x = xi and ai x = xai forr i = 1, . . . , n.67
With this definition following theorem hold: Let K ⊂ R be C ∗ -convex and weak*
compact. Then K is equal to the weak* closure of the C ∗ -convex hull of its R-extreme
If R = Mn the R-extreme points are exactly the C ∗ -extreme points. In general every R-extreme
point is also C ∗ -extreme, but not vice versa.
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11 Mapping Spaces
Let E, F be Banach spaces. We consider a linear subspace A(E, F ) of the space B(E, F )
of the continuous operators between E and F which contains all finite rank maps and is
a Banach space with respect to a given norm. Furthermore, it is usually required that
A(E, F ) be defined for all pairs of Banach spaces E and F . Such a space is called –
according to A. Grothendieck – a mapping space .
Analogously, we call an operator space A(X, Y ) which is a linear subspace of
CB (X, Y ) a CB -mapping space. Note that generally the algebraic identification
of Mn (A(X, Y )) with A(X, Mn (Y )) fails to be isometric and that the norms on
A(X, Mn (Y )) do not generate an operator space structure for A(X, Y ).
There is a close relationship between mapping spaces and tensor products: The space
F (X, Y ) of all finite rank maps between X and Y and the algebraic tensor product of
X ∗ with Y are isomorphic:
X ∗ ⊗alg Y ∼
= F (X, Y ).
This identification enables us to transfer norms from one space to the other one. To this
end, we consider the extension of the mapping X ∗ ⊗ Y → F (X, Y ) to the completion
with respect to an operator space tensor norm X ∗ ⊗Ye :
Φ : X ∗ ⊗Y
e → CB (X, Y ).
Im(Φ) ⊂ CB (X, Y )
(X ∗ ⊗Y
˜ )/Ker(Φ).
We consider now assignments that assign a mapping space A(·, ·) with operator space
norm α(·) to every pair of operator spaces. In the Banach space theory A. Pietsch inten-
sified the notion of mapping spaces to that of the operator ideals [Pie78]. Analogously,
we consider operator ideals which are mapping spaces with the CB -ideal property
[ER94], i.e , the composition
Here a, b are Hilbert-Schmidt operators defining the mapping M (a, b) : x 7→ axb. For
the completely nuclear norm we have: ν(ϕ) = 1 precisely if for all > 0 there exists a
factorization with krkcb kak2 kbk2 kskcb ≤ 1 + 69 [ER94, Thm. 2.1].
The completely nuclear mappings owe their definition to the one of the nuclear mappings of the
Banach space theory. There, one considers a corresponding mapping ΦB : E ∗ ⊗γ F → B(E, F ) for two
Banach spaces E and F .
In the Banach space theory one has an analogous statement: A mapping ϕ is nuclear, if and only if
there’s a diagram
`∞ → `1
r↑ ↓s
E → F,
where d is a diagonal operator, i.e. , there is a (di ) ∈ `1 , such that d((ai )) = (di ·ai ) for all (ai ) ∈ `∞ . The
nuclear norm is then computed as: νB (ϕ) = inf krkkdk`1 ksk, where the infimum runs over all possible
What are operator spaces ? January 7, 2001 http://www.math.uni-sb.de/∼wittck/ 58
is a complete isometry [EJR98, Cor. 4.3]. One has moreover that [EJR98, Cor. 4.6] ϕ is
completely integral, if and only if there is a factorization of the form:
M (ω)
B(H) → B(K)∗
↑r ↓s
X → Y ,→ Y ∗∗
with weak∗ -continuous s . The mapping M (ω) : B(H) → B(K)∗ is for two elements
a ∈ B(H), b ∈ B(K) given by (M (ω)(a))(b) = ω(a ⊗ b). We have for the norm ι(ϕ) = 1,
if there is a factorization with krkcb kωkkskcb = 1 (note that generally kM (ω)kcb 6= kωk).
The completely integral mappings enjoy also the CB -ideal property. Contrasting
the situation of completely nuclear mappings they are local. In general one only has
ι(ϕ) ≤ ι(ϕ∗ ) [EJR98].
ϕα → ϕ in the point norm topology, if kϕα (x) − ϕ(x)k → 0 for all x ∈ X.
The unit ball of the integral mappings of the Banach space theory is just the point norm closure
of the unit ball of the nuclear mappings. One should note that the formulas ιB (ϕ) = ιB (ϕ∗ ) and
IB (E, F ∗ ) = (E ⊗λ F )∗ have no counterparts for completely integral mappings.
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12 Appendix
12.1 Tensor products
12.1.1 Tensor products of operator matrices
As usual we define the algebraic tensor product of operator matrices x = [xij ] ∈ Mp (X),
y = [ykl ] ∈ Mq (Y ) by setting
Here we have used the definition Mp (X) = Mp ⊗ X and the associative law
In view of the next identification one should note that the shuffle-map is an algebraic
X ⊗ (Mq ⊗ Y ) → Mq ⊗ (X ⊗ Y ), (6)
x ⊗ (β ⊗ y) 7→ β ⊗ (x ⊗ y),
x ⊗ y = [xij ⊗ [ykl ]k,l ]i,j = [[xij ⊗ ykl ]k,l ]i,j ∈ Mp (Mq (X ⊗ Y )).
to obtain
hMp (X ⊗ Y ), Mq (X ∗ ⊗ Y ∗ )i.
(U ⊗ X) ⊗ (V ⊗ Y ) → (U ⊗ V ) ⊗ (X ⊗ Y ),
(u ⊗ x) ⊗ (v ⊗ y) 7→ (u ⊗ v) ⊗ (x ⊗ y),
U ,V ,X,Y operator spaces, has been studied for various combinations of operator space tensor products
[EKR93, Chap. 4].
The duality hX ⊗ Y, X ∗ ⊗ Y ∗ i is defined by hx ⊗ y, ϕ ⊗ ψi := hx, ϕihy, ψi for x ∈ X, y ∈ Y , ϕ ∈ X ∗ ,
ψ ∈ Y ∗.
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Φ = [Φij ] : x → Mn,l (V ),
Ψ = [Φjk ] : x → Ml,n (W )
Φ Ψ : x ⊗ y 7→ Φij (x) ⊗ Ψjk (y) .
We then have
12.2 Interpolation
Intersection and sum
Let X and Y be operator spaces such that M1 (X) and M1 (Y ) are embedded in a
Hausdorff topological vector space. Mn (X ∩ Y ) is given a norm via Mn (X ∩ Y ) :=
Mn (X) ∩ Mn (Y ). So we have:
n o
k[xij ]kMn (X∩Y ) = max k[xij ]kMn (X) , k[xij ]kMn (Y ) .
Let E0 , E1 be Banach spaces continuously embedded in a Hausdorff topological vector
space. The pair (E0 , E1 ) is called a compatiple couple in the sense of interpolation theory
[BL76]. Then we can define the interpolation space Eθ := (E0 , E1 )θ for 0 < θ < 1.
Pisier introduced the analogous construction for operator spaces [Pis96, §2]: Let Xi
(i = 0, 1) be operator spaces continuously embedded in a Hausdorff topological vector
space V . Then we have specific norms on Mn (Xi ) and continuous linear inclusions
Mn (Xi ) ,→ Mn (V ) for all n ∈ IN.76 The interpolated operator space Xθ is defined
via Mn (Xθ ) := (Mn (X0 ), Mn (X1 ))θ .
Let X be an operator space, H a Hilbert space and V : H → X a bounded linear and
injective mapping with dense range such that the mapping77 V V ∗ : X ∗ → X also is
bounded, linear and injective with dense range. Then we have completely isometrically
[Pis96, Cor. 2.4]:
(X ∗ , X) 1 = OH H .
cb cb
1. (RH , CH ) 1 = OH H = (MIN H , MAX H ) 1
2 2
Let E, F be Banach spaces. Then we have their 1-direct sum E ⊕1 F with the norm
We identify Mn (V ) with V n .
As usual we identify H with its dual.
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cb cb
2. (CH ⊗h RH , RH ⊗h CH ) 1 = OH H ⊗h OH H = OH H⊗H
In this manner one also obtains operator space structures on the Schatten ideals Sp =
(S∞ , S1 ) 1 for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞.
13 Symbols
IN the set of natural numbers
ZZ the set of integers
Ql the set of rational numbers
lR the set of real numbers
Cl the set of complex numbers
Banach spaces
E, F Banach spaces
LK Hilbert spaces
2 Hilbert
Ln space direct sum
Hn i=1 H
`n2 the n-dimensional Hilbert space
B(H) the algebra of bounded linear operators on H
A, B C ∗ -algebras
Aop the opposite algebra of an algebra A
1lA the identity in A
M, N von Neumann algebras
Sp the Schatten-p-classes
K(·, ·) the ideal of compact operators
K(·, ·) the closed linear span of the elementary operators; ideal in B ad (·, ·)
N (·, ·) the ideal of nuclear operators
HS (·, ·) the ideal of Hilbert-Schmidt operators (S2 )
Π2 (·, ·) the ideal of absolutely 2-summing operators
π2 (·) the absolutely 2-summing norm
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Mapping spaces
Γ2 (·, ·) operators factorizing through the column Hilbert space
γ2 (·) the norm on Γ2
CN (·, ·) completely nuclear operators
ν(·) the norm on CN
CI (·, ·) completely integral operators
ι(·) the norm on CI
Operator spaces
X, Y operator spaces
B(H) aqlgebra of bounded linear operators on H
Mn (X) Mn ⊗ X matrices with entries from X (algebraically)
M1 (X) first level of the operator space X
CB (X, Y ) the operator space of completely bounded mappings
CB (X, Y )A the operator space of completely bounded right A-module homomor-
CB (X × Y ; Z) the operator space of completely bounded bilinear mappings
JCB (X × Y ; Z) the operator space of jointly completely bounded bilinear mappings
k · kjcb norm of a jointly completely bounded bilinear mapping
X0 , Y0 operator subspace of the corresponding operator spaces
X∗ dual of the operator space X
k · kcb completely bounded norm
k · krow row norm
k · kcol column norm
k · kn norm on Mn (X)
k · km,n norm on Mm,n (X)
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Mn,m (X) n × m-matrices over X
Mn (X) Mn,n (X)
Mn,m Mn,m (Cl )
Mn Mn,n
lMn,m (X) the operator space of n × m-matrices over X
lMn (X) lMn,n (X)
lMn,m lMn,m (Cl )
lMn lMn,n
Cn (X) lMn,1 (X), the columns of an operator space
Rn (X) lM1,n (X), the rows of an operator space
Tensor products
tensor matrix product
⊗ algebraic tensor product
⊗A algebraic module tensor product
e completion of the algebraic tensor product
⊗α operator space tensor product
⊗α∗ dual operator space tensor product
⊗h the Haagerup tensor product
⊗hA the module Haagerup tensor product
⊗ the injective tensor product
⊗ the projective tensor product
⊗λ the injective Banach space tensor product
⊗γ the projective Banach space tensor product
⊗ext the external tensor product
⊗Θ the internal tensor product
S ⊗α T α-tensor product of the completely bounded operators S, T
Tensor norms
k · kα α-operator space tensor norm
k · kα,n α-operator space tensor norm on the nth level
k · kα∗ dual operator space tensor norm of k · kα
k · k∨ injective operator space tensor norm
k · k∧ projective operator space tensor norm
k · kh Haagerup operator space tensor norm
k · kλ injective Banach space tensor norm
k · kγ projective Banach space tensor norm
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Operator modules
A1 , A2 C ∗ -algebras
M, N von Neumann algebras
Aut(M ) the set of ∗ -automorphisms of M
CB (A1 ,A2 ) (X, Y ) the operator space of completely bounded left A1 - right A2 -module
homomorphisms between X and Y
CB σ(A1 ,A2 ) (X, Y ) the operator space of normal completely bounded left A1 - right A2 -
module homomorphisms between X and Y
CB s(A1 ,A2 ) (X, Y ) the operator space of singular completely bounded left A1 - right A2 -
module homomorphisms between X and Y
Hilbert-C ∗ -modules
X conjugate Hilbert-C ∗ -module
B(·, ·)A the space of bounded right A-module homomorphisms
h·, ·iA inner product of a right Hilbert-A-module
A h·, ·i inner product of a left Hilbert-A-module
h·, ·i inner product of a Hilbert space
B ad (X, Y ) the operator space of adjointable A-module homomorphisms between
Hilbert-C ∗ -modules X and Y
1lB(H) the identity of B(H)
1ln the identity of Mn
π representations
Φ(n) nth amplification of a linear mapping Φ
Φ(n,l) (n, l)th amplification of a bilinear mapping Φ
Φ(n) Φ(n,n) , nth amplification of a bilinear mapping Φ
Φ(n) nth amplification of a multilinear mapping Φ
Φ(p×q) joint amplification of a bilinear mapping Φ
Φ̃ linearization of a bilinear mapping Φ
Φσ the normal (=w∗ -w∗ -continuous) part of a mapping Φ between dual
Φs the singular part of a mapping Φ between dual spaces
Θ faithful non-degenerate ∗-representation of a C ∗ -algebra
= completely isometrically isomorphic
' completely isomorphic
' isomorphic
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Ln unit ball
Li=1 Xi nth direct sum
n∈IN Xn countable direct sum
T∗ the adjoint of the operator T
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Subindex completely bounded, 23, 37, see
see amplification Haagerup tensor product, 39
see axioms norm k·kcb , 39
see bilinear mapping representation, 40
see C ∗ -algebra space CB (X × Y ; Z), 40
see completelely bounded mapping transposition, 40
see examples joint amplification, 38
see Haagerup tensor product Φ(p×q) , 38
see Hilbertian operator space matrix duality, 38
see injective op. space tensor product jointly completely bounded, 37, 37,
see lemma of see
see mapping projective operator space tensor product,
see mapping space 39
see module homomorphism norm k·kjcb , 39
see multilinear mapping space JCB (X × Y ; Z), 39
see operator algebra transposition, 39
see operator module linearization Φ̃, 38
see operator space transposed mapping Φt , 39, 40
see operator space tensor product bipolar theorem, 50
see projective op. space tensor product
see special operator spaces Calkin algebra, 22
see theorem of CB -ideal property, 55
absolutely matrix convex, 48 CB -mapping space, 54
absolutely matrix convex combination, characterization
48 completely locally reflexive operator
abstract operator space, see spaces, 42
operator space Christensen
algebra homomorphism, 24 theorem of, 43
amplification, 4, bilinear mapping, see column Hilbert space, see
bilinear mapping hilbertian operator space
joint, see column norm, 17
bilinear mapping column space Cp , 7
automatic complete boundedness, 45 complete quotient mapping, see
axioms, of Ruan completely bounded mapping
operator module, 20 completely bounded mapping, 4, com-
operator space, 3 plete quotient mapping, 4
completely contractive, 4
bilinear mapping, amplification, 23, 38 completely isometric, 4
to quadratic matrices Φ(n) , 38 completely contractive, see
to rectangular matrices Φ(n,l) , 38 completely bounded mapping
completely isometric, see
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