November 16, 2014 Sunday Bulletin
November 16, 2014 Sunday Bulletin
November 16, 2014 Sunday Bulletin
nov e m b e r 16, 2 01 4
s t. m at t h e w t h e a p o s t l e a n d e va ng e l i s t
The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew, was also named Levi (Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27); he was one of the
Twelve Apostles (Mark 3:18; Luke 6:45; Acts 1:13), and was brother of the Apostle James Alphaeus (Mark 2:14).
He was a publican, or tax-collector for Rome, in a time when the Jews were under the rule of the Roman Empire.
He lived in the Galilean city of Capernaum. When Matthew heard the voice of Jesus Christ: Come, follow Me
(Mt. 9:9), left everything and followed the Savior. Christ and His disciples did not refuse Matthews invitation
and they visited his house, where they shared table with the publicans friends and acquaintances. Like the host,
they were also publicans and known sinners. This event disturbed the pharisees and scribes a great deal.
Publicans who collected taxes from their countrymen did this with great profit for themselves. Usually greedy
and cruel people, the Jews considered them pernicious betrayers of their country and religion. The word publican for the Jews had the connotation of public sinner and idol-worshipper. To even speak with a tax-collector
was considered a sin, and to associate with one was defilement. But the Jewish teachers were not able to comprehend that the Lord had come to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Mt. 9:13).
Matthew, acknowledging his sinfulness, repaid fourfold anyone he had cheated, and he distributed his remaining possessions to the poor, and he followed after Christ with the other apostles. St Matthew was attentive to
the instructions of the Divine Teacher, he beheld His innumerable miracles, he went together with the Twelve
Apostles preaching to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Mt. 10:6). He was a witness to the suffering, death,
and Resurrection of the Savior, and of His glorious Ascension into Heaven.
Having received the grace of the Holy Spirit, which descended upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost,
St Matthew preached in Palestine for several years. At the request of the Jewish converts at Jerusalem, the holy
Apostle Matthew wrote his Gospel describing the earthly life of the Savior, before leaving to preach the Gospel in
faraway lands.
In the order of the books of the New Testament, the Gospel of Matthew comes first. Palestine is said to be the
place where the Gospel was written. St Matthew wrote in Aramaic, and then it was translated into Greek. The
Aramaic text has not survived, but many of the linguistic and cultural-historical peculiarities of the Greek translation give indications of it.
The Apostle Matthew preached among people who were awaiting the Messiah. His Gospel manifests itself as
a vivid proof that Jesus Christ is the Messiah foretold by the prophets, and that there would not be another (Mt.
The preaching and deeds of the Savior are presented by the evangelist in three divisions, constituting three
aspects of the service of the Messiah: as Prophet and Law-Giver (Ch. 5-7), Lord over the world both visible and
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holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew, make intercession to our merciful God, that He grant our
souls forgiveness of offenses.
Apolytikion for the Church. Mode pl. 1.
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Kontakion. Mode 4.
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No-one can be a Christian outside the Divine Eucharist, that is, on his own, by means of a direct union with
God. Christ said that whosoever does not eat His Body
and does not drink His Blood would, has no life inside him
( John 6:53).
Outside the Divine Eucharist, a man can have the
Holy Bible, the kerygma, prayer, and moral life. But outside the Divine Liturgy, one cannot have the Body and
the Blood of the Lord, which would grant him salvation
and true life. It is necessary for us to underline this point,
because there are some who incorrectly believe that they
are supposedly Christians, without participating in the
Eucharistic Synaxis of the faithful, that is, in the Divine
Next to this, we must underline that in the divine Liturgy it is impossible to have mere spectators among the
faithful, that is, people who have not come to the Holy
This, however, does not mean that anyone can come
forward unprepared (1 Cor. 11:27- 29). Saint Ambrose
says, regarding this matter, in a very characteristic way:
Receive every day that which is useful for that day. Live in a
manner that makes you worthy of it.
3. Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father
came internally alienated and dispersed. By his incarnation, Christ assumed the entire humanity which became
mortified through Christs death and was resurrected
with Him into a new life, united again with Gods love.
So Christ restored humanity to its former unity with
When the faithful gather together to celebrate the
Divine Liturgy and they participate in the Divine Eucharist, then they are reunited again into one body, the risen
and deified Body of Christ. Then they come together as a
Church (1 Cor.11:18) and they constitute and manifest
again the Body of the Lord, that is, the Church. Then the
basic and essential Mission of the Incarnation and the
Sacrifice of Christ, by means of which the Lord sought
to gather together in one [Body] the scattered children of
God, is fulfilled ( John 11:52).
This event of gathering into one [Body] all the scattered children of God is perfectly expressed in the liturgical texts of our Church.
A beautiful prayer of the Divine Liturgy of the first
Christians says this with the following words: Just as
this portion was scattered over the mountains and, being gathered, became one, so may Your Church be gathered from the ends of the earth, into Your kingdom...
In other words, just as this piece of bread, which we use
in the Divine Eucharist, used to be wheat scattered over
the mountains and, after being gathered, became one,
may Your entire Church be gathered together, from the
ends of the earth, into Your kingdom, during the celebration of the divine Eucharist.
And in the divine Liturgy of Basil the Great, the priest
prays as follows: Unite together all of us, who partake from
the one Bread and the one Chalice, with each other and in
the communion of the one Spirit... that we might find mercy
and grace together with all the Saints who pleased You from
the beginning.
So then, the Divine Communion gathers the scattered members of Christ who, together with Him, who
is the Head, constitute His Body and are an organic
unity. This is the reason why we can unhasitedly identify the Church with the event of Synaxis of the faithful,
with the celebration of the divine Eucharist and with the
event of consuming the Body of the Lord and drinking
His Precious Blood.
e p i s t l e r e a di ng
g o s p e l r e a di ng
Matthew 9:9-13
There are many obstacles obstructing the way to humility; but no obstacles bar the way to belief in the
words of God. As soon as we wish
with all our heart, straightway we
believe. For faith is a gift of the allmerciful God, which He gave us to
possess by nature, subjecting its use
to the authority of our own will.
ST. symeon
the theologian
daayy, JJa
uaarr y 2
5, G
reeaat Ve
s, 5pm
u p c om i ng c h u rc h s e r v ic e s:
Friday, November 21, Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple, Orthros / Div. Liturgy, 8:30am
Saturday, November 22, Great Vespers, 5pm.
general assembly
The annual Fall General Assembly of the parish will be held today following Divine Services.
All members in good standing are encouraged to
community christmas card
If you would like to be included in our Community Christmas card, please see Elly Aslanidis
to sign up. A minimum $10 donation is requested.
Proceeds benefit Philoptochos for their charitable work. Extra sign-up sheets are in the narthex.
Deadline is December 7.
craft club
Craft club will meet this Wednesday, November
19, at 6pm. All are welcome please join us on the
first and third wednesdays of the month Bring a
craft project that you are working on.
flower donations for st. nektarios
We still need 2x$100 donations for flowers to
decorate the icon of St. Nektarios.
angel wreath - donations needed
Angel Wreath: We are once again participating in
the Voluntary Action Center Christmas Program,
and will sponsor four single parent families with
two to three children each. If you would like to participate, take one or more angels from the wreath
in the Narthex, buy the suggested gift listed on the