Application of Knowledge-Based Expert System Model For Fishing Ground Prediction in The Tropical Area
Application of Knowledge-Based Expert System Model For Fishing Ground Prediction in The Tropical Area
Application of Knowledge-Based Expert System Model For Fishing Ground Prediction in The Tropical Area
A geographical information system (GIS) may be viewed as a database system in which most of the
data is spatially indexed, and upon which a set of procedures operate in order to answer queries about spatial
entities represented in the database. Geo-study deals with answering What, Where, and Why questions.
Despite the fact that GIS is a powerful tool dealing the first two questions, GIS is inferior for answering the
Why question in geo-study (Zhang and Giardino, 1992). One of the possibility way to overcome the
inferiority of GIS for answering the Why question of Geo-Studies is by integrating expert system in a GIS
to form a Knowledge-Based Expert System GIS Model. In this study, we present the result of the application
Knowledge-Based Expert System GIS Model on the prediction of the fishing ground for pelagic fish in the
coastal area of Tomini Bay (Central Sulawesi) and South Sulawesi. As input data, we used and applied a
series satellite data of sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface chlorophyll-a (SSC) and turbidity derived
from Aqua MODIS in period of 2003-2005 to understand the temporal and seasonal variability of the marine
environment of the study area, and identified the oceanographic phenomena, i.e. upwelling, front or eddy. To
generate spatial configuration of fishing ground prediction map, we developed and integrated the result of
Knowledge-Based Expert System into GIS model by using ERDAS Macro Language (EML) of ERDAS
Imagine 9.0 software. To verify this result, a series of the in-situ fishing ground spots data of the study area
were collected for the similar periods and location, and they were then analyzed by using a simple statistical
method. The result shows that fishing ground prediction derived from Knowledge-Based Expert System GIS
Model has a high accuracy level with a range of 80-90 % against the in-situ data. This result has
demonstrated that the Knowledge-Based Expert System GIS Model can be applied to predict, localize and
determine fishing ground spot areas in which their accuracy level will be determined by the completeness of
spatial knowledge of the domain expertise and the sophistication level of the programming utilities being
Keywords: Remote sensing, Knowledge-based, Expert Systems, GIS, Fishing Ground
It is simplest form, a geographical
information system (GIS) may be viewed as a
database system in which most of the data is
spatially indexed, and upon which a set of
procedures operate in order to answer queries
about spatial entities represented in the database.
Geo-study deals with answering What, Where,
and Why questions. Despite the fact that GIS is
a powerful tool dealing the firs two questions, GIS
is inferior for answering the Why question in
Expert systems, or knowledge-based systems,
are branch of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is the
capability of a device such as a computer to
perform tasks that would be considered intelligent
3.1 Knowledge-Based Expert System-GIS
A Knowledge-based Expert Systems GIS is
defined as an integrated GIS and Expert System
that is specially designed to answer the three
questions of a geo-study. A module that integrates
these two components is employed (Figure 1).
The GIS component is composed of two
main modules that facilitate answering the
What and Where questions: GIS database and
spatial analysis. The expert system component is
composed of two main modules for facilitating
answering the Why question: knowledge-base
and inference engine.
The knowledge-base of an expert system is
built based on the result of knowledge acquisition
in the form of production rules. A production rule
is composed of sets of heuristics. One of the
typical characteristics of heuristics is the use of
IFTHEN statements that represent knowledge
or guidelines through which a system may be
An inference engine is a knowledge
processing tool of the expert system component.
Its main task is to merge facts with rules to
develop or to infer or to draw conclusions about
new facts. If the rules of a knowledge base relate
to a specific domain or expertise, those of the
inference engine pertain to more general control
and search strategy for deriving inferences based
on screening, filtering, and pruning mechanism.
3.3.2 Chlorophyll
- FG, non FG
- Ocean Physical
3.3.3 Turbidity
Prediction Model
(Fishing Ground)
Analysis and
Modeling and
3.3.4 Predictive model for Fishing Ground (A
proposed cyclical modeling approach)
(a). Observation
characteristics of fish behavior, physical
condition of ocean and use the pattern
recognition method to cluster fishing
ground and non fishing ground.
(b). Analysis and interpretation of data (SST,
Chl-a, Turbidity images.
(c). Modeling and testing/verification: using a
knowledge-based expert system GIS model
for fishing ground prediction.
We would like to acknowledge The
Ministry of Research and Technology (KMNRT)
Republic of Indonesia through the Incentive
Research Program (Program Riset Insentif) for
funded this research. Also we would like to thank
to all members of the Center of Technology for
Natural Resources Inventory (P-TISDA), BPPT
for their support of the project.
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