Splash Plumes
Splash Plumes
Splash Plumes
J.H. Davies School of Earth, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Cardiff University, Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3YE
Wales, UK
H.-P. Bunge Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Theresienstrasse 41,
Munich DEU D-8033, Germany
It has been claimed that focused hot cylindrical upwelling plumes cause many of the
surface volcanic hotspots on Earth. It has also been argued that they must originate from
thermal boundary layers. In this paper, we present spherical simulations of mantle circulation at close to Earth-like vigor with significant internal heating. These show, in addition to thermal boundary layer plumes, a new class of plumes that are not rooted in
thermal boundary layers. These plumes develop as instabilities from the edge of bowls of
hot mantle, which are produced by cold downwelling material deforming hot sheets of
mantle. The resulting bowl and plume structure can look a bit like the splash of a water
droplet. These splash plumes might provide an explanation for some hotspots that are not
underlain by thermal boundary layersourced plumes and not initiated by large igneous
provinces. We suggest that in Earths mantle, lithospheric instabilities or small pieces of
subducting slab could play the role of the model downwelling material in initiating splash
plumes. Splash plumes would have implications for interpreting ocean-island basalt geochemistry, plume fixity, excess plume temperature, and estimating core heat flux. Improved seismic imaging will ultimately test this hypothesis.
Keywords: mantle, hotspot, plume, convection.
Hotspots were explained by Morgan (1972)
as resulting from hot cylindrical upwelling
plumes rooted in the deep mantle, which it has
been argued must originate from instabilities
in thermal boundary layers (Schubert et al.,
2001). Therefore, it has been expected that
plumes are rooted at the core-mantle boundary
or possibly at the lower-mantleupper-mantle
boundary, if the mantle is layered.
Seismologically, plumes have been very
difficult to image (Nataf, 2000). Many studies
have claimed to trace plumes through parts of
the upper mantle (e.g., Ritsema and Allen,
2003; Wolfe et al., 1997), with fewer studies
extending them to the lower mantle (Bijwaard
and Spakman, 1999; Montelli et al., 2004; Nataf and Vandecar, 1993; Rhodes and Davies,
2001; Wolfe et al., 1997). The recent seismic
tomography of Montelli et al. (2004) imaged
a range of plumes, a small number of which
extended all the way through the mantle and
others which died out at various depths
through the mantle. While it is possible that
this difference could result from varying ray
coverage beneath different hotspots, could
some of them really not be rooted at the coremantle boundary?
It has been argued that plumes originating
from the core-mantle boundary will start with
large heads, which will lead to large igneous
provinces, followed by thin tails, which will
lead to a time-progressive chain of volcanoes
(Duncan and Richards, 1991; Richards et al.,
1989). There are, however, hotspots that do
not seem to start with a large igneous province
and/or have a time-progressive chain of vol-
! 2006 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or editing@geosociety.org.
Geology; May 2006; v. 34; no. 5; p. 349352; doi: 10.1130/G22193.1; 1 figure; 2 tables; Data Repository item 2006070.
Surface temperature
CMB temperature
Internal heat generation
Asthenosphere viscosity
Thermal conductivity
Coefficient of thermal expansion ($)
Gravitational acceleration
Specific heat
6 " 10#12
8 " 1020
Varies with depth
W Kg#1
Pa s
W m K#1
m s#2
J kg#1 K#1
Splash plumes?
diffract to join together and remove the signature of the slow features along the travel
path. This could be especially true with splash
plumes, since they are near fast waveguides of
subducting slabs or cold downwelling bodies.
Speculatively, one might combine regional
and local seismic studies to argue for imaging
of splash plumes, though, for example, the
very slow velocities imaged at depth beneath
Europe might in part reflect a large bowl
(Goes et al., 1999; Hoernle et al., 1995), while
the plumes imaged beneath Eifel and Massif
Central might then be a splash plume originating from that bowl (Granet et al., 1995;
Keyser et al., 2002). Ultimately, the hypothesis that splash plumes exist in the mantle will
be testable by improved seismic imaging.
In numerical mantle circulation simulations,
we have discovered upwelling plumes that are
not rooted in a thermal boundary layerwe
call them splash plumes. They have the potential to explain hotspots not initiated by
large igneous provinces, with moderate excess
temperatures, with tails that do not reach the
core-mantle boundary, and with short life
I. Thomas (Cardiff) and A. Heath (Liverpool) developed the visualization software used for Figure 1.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (Strategic
Research Infrastructure Fund) and Higher Education
Funding Council for England (Joint Research Equipment Initiative) funded the computing clusters Helix
(Cardiff) and Networked Earth Sciences Supercomputing Cluster (Liverpool). We acknowledge insightful
comments from J. Ritsema, A. Kerr, and anonymous
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Manuscript received 22 August 2005
Revised manuscript received 5 December 2005
Manuscript accepted 14 December 2005
Printed in USA