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MISON 8C Shielding Gas

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MISON 8C Shielding Gas

MISON 8C Shielding Gas

Due to Mison 8C's ability to improve deposition rates, better "wetting" and reduced spatter, it is the mixture most recommended for
high speed and Robotic applications.

Mison 8C shielding gas is used as a replacement for similar CO2 containing welding mixtures. It is used in MIG
welding applications for mild and low alloys steels. Mison 8C is superior due to its Ozone reducing properties,
providing for a more stable arc, and higher welding efficiency.

Ar + 8% CO2
and 0.03% NO

Higher deposition rates and faster welding travel speeds

Better working conditions
No compromise


Shielding gas for MIG-welding of mild steel and low alloy steels.
Recommended for robotic and high speed welding applications.


Reduces the production of ozone

Deeper penetration compared to similar
CO2 mixtures
A more stable arc due to the NO content
The best alternative for robotic and
semi-automatic applications

Material: Mild steel

Welding Current: 240A

Ozone level in
MIG welding

92% Argon MISON 8C

Balance CO2

3 MISON 8C Shielding Gas

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Mison attacks when and where ozone is formed.

The nitric oxide content of mison gases reacts with
the ozone formed by the UV radiation emitted by
the arc to form oxygen and nitrogen dioxide. The
result is a signicantly lower content of ozone
pollutants in the welders immediate area.

Relative Ozone Generation

Mison reduces ozone formation in most types of


Short Arc


Spray arc

Standard Shielding gas

MISON shielding gas




Shielding the Weld and the

Superior Arc Starts
Lower Spatter
Seeing is Believing

MISON shielding gases contain small concentrations of nitric oxide which reacts with ozone generated around the
weld, reducing it at its source. Production usage has realized several other benefits.
Initial arc transmission is a critical factor in elimination of spatter and weld faults during arc start. MISON gases
perform extremely well in arc starts.
A major cost in welding. Spatter means wasted wire and costly cleanup. Switching to MISON gases has
significantly reduced spatter in actual production.
Contact your local Linde facility for an on-site demonstration. Once youve seen it, youll believe in the MISON
line of shielding gases.
CWB approval for Mison 8C for solid wire and metal core products. Ask for an in shop demonstration.
Eliminate gas variability in weld quality.


Get what you pay for, every time.

For more information, contact your local Linde representative at 1-888-256-7356 or go to www.lindecanada.com
Linde Canada Limited is a member of The Linde Group. Linde is a trading name used by companies within The Linde Group. The Linde logo and the Mison 8C mark are trademarks of The Linde Group. The Linde Group 2009.

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