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Integrated Tire Analysis and Simulation

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Integrated Tire Analysis and Simulation

T. Yamanishi
K. Matsuda
The Ohtsu Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan

An effective way of improving the efficiency of product development is integrating analysis and
simulation into design, testing and manufacturing processes. To allow designers and engineers to
carry out analysis and simulation as an integrated part of the tire development process, thus
greatly reducing prototypes and physical testing, Ohtsu Tire Co. Ltd is teaming with MSC to
develop automated analysis and simulation tools using MSC.Acumen. These tools are to be
integrated together, also with testing and feedback from the field to allow efficient tire
This paper describes the ongoing process of analysis automation, data management and
integration. MSC.Acumen based Examples of automated analysis are presented together with
performance data and comparisons with experimental results.

I. Introduction
Ohtsu Tire and Rubber Co. Ltd. is established in 1944 as an airplane tire manufacturer. Today it
is better known for its High Performance automotive tires Falken. Ohtsu takes pride in Its
High Performance tires, also in its Energy Saving tires, for which it received many awards.
Ohtsu also produces tires for agricultural and industrial equipment, tire related products, and
non-tire products. Ohtsu tires are used in more than 80 countries including Japan, Germany and
USA. Sales have been steadily growing over the past years and are now slightly over US$ 1
Billion a year.
Ohtsu immediate objectives include improving the profitability of tire operations by reducing
cost and securing higher tire market share through enhancing service capabilities and prompt
development of new tires that accurately anticipate market needs. To this objective, Ohtsu aims
to enhance tire development process. Safety comfort and maneuverability are the targets of the
tire engineering technology that Ohtsu has developed for passenger cars tires and has improved
over the years. Ohtsu also developed Technology for truck and buss tires to maximize safety,
economy and comfort. A next generation technology benefits from an automated analysis and
simulation system that integrates analysis and simulation into design, testing and manufacturing
processes, in contrast to performing simulation and analysis as an independent function that
supports design.
To allow designers and engineers to carry out analysis and simulation as an integrated part of the
tire development process, Ohtsu is teaming with MSC to develop automated analysis and
simulation tools using MSC.Acumen, a modeling, analysis and post processing automation
package. These tools are to be integrated together, also with testing and feedback from the field
to allow efficient tire optimization. The anticipated outcome is an improved design quality and a
shorter tire development cycle. This paper describes the ongoing process of analysis automation,
data management and integration. An MSC.Acumen based example of automated analysis is
presented together with performance data and comparisons with experimental results.

II. Tire development Process

In this section, the current tire development process at Ohtsu tire is outlined. Modifications to the
process and the introduction of automated analysis and simulation tools are also outlined.
Planned time frame and expected benefits are discussed.
II.1. Tire development process at Ohtsu Tire
The tire development process so far at Ohtsu of a new tire from design concept to manufacturing
is shown in Fig.1. The process starts by a study of customer needs from which a

Pattern Design



NP Plain








Fig. 1. Current tire development process






Test tire




Process before integration


Integrated Design, Simulation

and Analysis

Test Tire




Process after integration

Fig. 2. a. Iterative process in new tire development before and after integration


Construction Design





Mold Production

Process before integration


Construction Design




Mold Production

Process after integration

Fig. 2. b. Iterative process in size expansion before and after integration



design concept is developed. Competition research then follows and tire target performance is
defined. Several Pattern designs and construction designs are then carried out in parallel for each
of a number of selected sizes. Several candidate designs of each size are selected and test tires
are then molded in a no-pattern plain mold. Pattern is manually cut on each tire to produce test
tires. Each of these candidates is evaluated through an extensive laboratory test program. Road
tests are then carried out on a selected successful design of each size. A Design Chart that defines
sizes to be produced of this series is then prepared and submitted for further evaluation, then
production. Based on this chart, mold drawings are prepared. Construction design is carried out
for each size in the design chart. In parallel to construction design, molds are manufactured.
Once the molds are ready, experimental tires are produced and evaluation is carried out of
selected sizes in laboratory and road tests. The FMEA (Failure mode effective analysis) is
carried out to ensure compliance to specifications and requirements. After evaluation and FMEA,
mass production starts.
The processes in Blocks A and C / D in Fig 1 are iterative in nature as shown in Figs. 2.a and
2.b. Figure 2.a shows the iterative process in a new tire development (block A in Fig. 1) before
and after integration of analysis and simulation in the design process. Before integration, and
within the design phase, repeated cycles of design modification by designers, then simulation by
analysts are carried out to come up with candidates for testing. These candidates are
manufactured and tested. Most promising candidates are then returned to design for
improvements, then manufactured and tested again, until a satisfactory design is obtained. After
integration, as simulation is much faster and carried out by designers, more extensive simulation
is carried out to ensure that only one candidate is selected and optimized, then manufactured and
tested for confirmation of performance predicted by simulation. Iteration is limited to design
modification, simulation and optimization, all carried out by the designer before physical testing.
Figure 2.b shows the iterative process in size expansion development (blocks C and D in Fig. 1)
before and after integration. As with new tire development, before integration, and within the
construction design phase, repeated cycles of design modification by designers, then simulations
by analysts are carried out to come up with candidates of selected sizes for testing. These
candidates are manufactured in the production mold, now available, and tested. These candidates
are then returned to design for improvements, now limited to tire construction, then
manufactured and tested again, until satisfactory designs are obtained. After integration, with
more extensive simulation, satisfactory designs are obtained and optimized without the need for
design modifications after physical testing. Iteration is limited to design modification,
simulation and optimization, all carried out by the designer in the construction design stage
before physical testing. As calibration and confidence in extensive simulation takes root,
experimental confirmation of performance of selected sizes may be much reduced, or
completely eliminated.
II.2. Design using automated analysis and simulation tools
As outlined above, the purpose of the ongoing work is to automate analysis and simulation tools
and let designers carry out analysis and simulation by themselves to accelerate the iterative

processes using virtual tires and computers rather than physical testing. In this way, iteration is
limited to design modification and simulation before physical testing. Simulation acts as virtual
testing that replaces much of the physical testing. Designers would have easy and quick access to
modern analysis and simulation results that help them in creating better designs and further
reduce the necessary iteration in design modification and virtual testing. Physical testing would
be reduced to only confirming the performance of final designs.
Figure 3 outlines the concept of tire design using automated analysis and simulation tools as
applied to a new tire. Once target performances are decided, design of each of a selected number
of sizes goes into two parallel branches, pattern design and construction design. In pattern design,
proposed patterns are defined in a 2-D CAD system for engineering evaluation purposes, and
also in a 3-D CAD system for visualization and later, when the final design is achieved, for mold
production. Proposed patterns undergo various evaluation processes based on experience.
Several candidates are selected for eva luation by virtual testing together with the rest of the tire.
Most promising candidates are modified and reevaluated, still by virtual testing, until a
satisfactory pattern is selected.
In the other branch, Construction design, several tire layouts are defined in 2-D CAD, then
evaluated through virtual testing using a temporary pattern, then with selected pattern candidates
once these are available. Design iteration continues until a satisfactory tire is obtained. This
satisfactory tire goes into optimization cycles to further improve performance and reduce
production cost. The final design is then submitted for physical testing to confirm performance.
In size Expansion, tread is already fixed. Only construction design is necessary and only the
second branch of the above process is carried out.
A key factor in this concept is that extensive virtual evaluation is carried out by designers as they
develop the design. This is in contrast to carrying out analysis and simulation by analysts. In
order to allow designers to carry out such an extensive virtual evaluation, it is necessary to have
automated analysis and simulation tools. Further, for designers to have easy access to these
automated analysis and simulation tools, ease of use is an uncompromising must. The analysis
automation package MSC.Acumen offers this ease of use while providing high quality
automated analysis and simulation.
- Designers do not need to know the theories of numerical analysis and the Finite Element
- Designers do not need to study and memorize how to use general purpose solvers and
pre/post processors,
- MSC.Acumen guides designers through the analysis definition process using designers
- MSC.Acumen incorporates tire analysis and simulation expert knowledge that allows high
quality analysis and simulation to be carried out by designers.
- All modeling, analysis, simulation and post processing are automatic, fast and reliable.

Pattern Design





Stresses and strains

Tire spring constant



Contact patch shape and pressure



Material properties
Boundary conditions
Results visualization


Contour (dimensions)
Rolling resistance
Eigen values
Wet traction
Wear prediction


Cornering characteristics
Tread pattern stiffness



Test Tire

Mass and cost

Design Chart
Construction Design

Fig. 3. Outline of tire design (new tire development) using automated analysis and simulation tools

Mold Drawing

In this way, Designers can quickly carry out analysis or simulation, and get high quality results
any time such an analysis or simulation is needed. The resulting final design is extensively
virtually tested and ensured to have the required performance. Physical testing is reduced to tire
performance confirmation with no iteration carried out in this stage. The range of work covered
by MSC.Acumen is shown in Fig. 3.
II.3. Benefits and implementation
Benefits of this design procedure using automated analysis and simulation tools may be
summarized as follows.
- Reduction of designers and analysts time spent in each design,
- Reduction of mold costs,
- Reduction of experimental production costs,
- Reduction of physical testing costs,
- Much faster product development cycle,
- Better design quality.
Further, it provides virtual visual images for management and customer consideration.
These automated tools are incrementally introduced at Ohtsu. Types of analysis and simulation
are incrementally increased to cover those listed in Fig. 3 over three years. Figure 4 shows the
reduction in product development cycle of a typical passenger tire after one year, and planned
reduction in years 2 and 3 due to this incremental introduction of analysis and simulation types.

Fig.4. Development cycle time reduction of a typical passenger tire


Further, these tools are incrementally applied to more new designs and size expansions. Figure 5
shows the percentage at Ohtsu of new tire designs, size expansions for domestic use and export,
and size expansions of tires with special features for export. Tires in the last two categories are
the vast majority. As they need less analysis and simulation types than new tire designs, they are
targeted for early application o f automated tools. Therefore, a design in these two categories will
benefit from the automated tools earlier than a new tire design. Further, more designs in these
two categories are expected to benefit from these tools earlier than new tire designs. In this way
early benefits are maximized. Ultimately, all tire design at Ohtsu will be carried out using these

1- New designs
2- Size expansion, domestic and export
3- Size expansion, especial for export

Fig. 5. Percentage of size expansions, size expansions for export and new tire designs
III. Automated tools development
MSC.Acumen is an automation package that is used to develop specific automated analysis and
simulation applications. The development process has two steps. The first is the development of
best analysis and/or simulation practice that is best suited to its purpose. The second is
incorporating this best practice into Acumen to come up with the required automated tool. In the
following these two steps are discussed and an example is presented.
III. 1. Development of best practice
When analysis or simulation is carried out by dedicated analysts, an analyst, based on his

knowledge and experience, would define approach, model and analysis conditions to suit the
particular task he is performing and his purpose of this task. Also he would check validity of
analysis as he views a wide range of output, then extracts needed results and submit them to the
designer. An analyst can afford to have an ill-conditioned analysis that he can improve in a
second run. Each analyst develops his own implicit style and rules to carry out valid analyses and
simulations without an urging need to explicitly spell his style and rules out.
On the other hand, in an automated analysis carried out by a designer, approach, modeling and
analysis conditions must be well defined to ensure that when they are automatically created, they
will give highest possible reliability and suitability of the analysis to its purpose. There must be
no need for the designer to check the validity. Also required analysis results should be predefined
and readily obtained once the analysis is complete. Best practice is this predefined set of
approach, modeling rules, analysis and simulation conditions, validity checks and selected
results. These must be predefined for each type of analysis and are indispensable for a successful
automated procedure.
Best practice development criteria
Best practice of an analysis or a simulation task is judged based on two main criteria: Accuracy
and, Time and resources required to complete the task. These are two contradicting criteria and a
correct balance between them differs according to the purpose of the task. In design, a design
engineer may be willing to accept less accuracy in favor of having quick results. On the other
hand in research, researchers may be willing to wait for longer times to get better accuracy.
Management will always be interested in less resource spent on each task to minimize
In analysis and simulation, deviation of predicted performance from actual performance is
unavoidable. Reasons can be summarized as follows
1) Difference between the modeled design and the actual tire,
2) Simplifications during modeling,
3) Ability of the theories used in solvers to reproduce actual behavior,
4) FEM discretization error.
In best practice development, the first is reduced by reducing such differences based on
knowledge of fabrication and curing processes. These knowledge are incorporated in
MSC.Acumen to modify a modeled design to get closer to an actual tire produced to this design.
For example, corrections to belt cord angles can be incorporated in the model. The second may
be reduced by incorporating design standards in MSC.Acumen. These can provide much of the
details without having to define them one by one each time a model is created. Unnecessary
details may be overlooked based on numerical studies. A step forward would be parametric
modeling based on standard configurations (Templates). The third difference is reduced through
correct selection of the simulation tool from commercially available tools as well as in- house
tools. Further, software development may be carried out to enhance such tools to suit the analysis
or simulation task. Here also efficiency of simulation tools is considered. The last reason can be

controlled by creating coarse or fine meshes as required. However, here, better accuracy directly
means more computer resources: time, memory and disc space.
Best practice development for mounting/inflation, stiffness and footprint analysis.
1) Purpose of analysis
This analysis is carried out to predict one or more of the following:
a) Inflated dimensions,
b) Stresses in the inflated tire,
c) Vertical tire stiffness,
d) Footprint configuration under a specified load,
e) Pressure distribution in footprint under a specified load. The analysis is intended for design as
well as for research
2) Modeling
a) Tire model
Numerical tests are carried out with several finite element mesh densities. Figure 6 shows one of
the considered mesh densities in cross section. The number of elements along the circumference
is also varied. Meshes are graded in the circumference with dense mesh in the part in contact
with road surface and coarser mesh elsewhere. Finally three meshes are selected for three levels
of analysis: Easy, standard and accurate. A designer assigns a mesh to an analysis based on the
purpose of the analysis. Two material models are considered: elastic and hyper-elastic (rubber).
A designer also assigns a material model to an analysis depending on the purpose.

b) Rim model

Fig. 6. Tire model cross-section


Rim is modeled as a rigid surface using axi-symmetric bar elements.

c) Road model
Road is also modeled as a rigid surface.
d) Contact definition
Contact is defined in two locations, between he tire and the wheel rim, and between the tire and
the road. Several contact definitions are tested to select the most stable contact definition in each
e) Constraints
Only the rim is prevented from motion.
f) Applied load
Load is applied as enforced displacement or as a pressure load as outlined later.
3) Analysis procedure
Tire model is based on cured dimensions. Ana lysis is carried out in two steps, inflation and
vertical load.
a) Inflation
In this step, contact between wheel rim and the parts of tire surface that would be in contact with
it is defined. Internal pressure is then applied to inflate the tire and fit it in the wheel rim. Fig. 7
shows the inflated configuration of the tire. Fitting of tire into wheel rim may also be seen in the
b) Vertical load
Vertical load is applied by applying enforced displacement to road surface towards the tire. Road
is moved unt il the tire-road contact force (road reaction) becomes equal to the predefined vertical
load. Figure 8 shows the loaded profile.

Fig. 7. Displacement after inflation

Fig. 8. Displacement after vertical load


Results obtained from the analysis may be listed as follows
a) Inflation profile
b) Spring constant as defined by vertical load / vertical deflection
c) Loaded profile
d) Contact patch
e) Cost and weight
5) Comparison with Experimental measurements
Accuracy of analysis results depends on the model and analysis level selected: easy, standard or
accurate. The following are typical differences found between analysis results and
experimentally measured values.
Cost and weight
< 5%
Inflated dimensions
< 1%
Displacement due to inflation
< 10%
Loaded profile dimensions
< 2%
Displacement due to vertical load
< 10%
Spring constant
< 10%
It is considered that these differences are small and that the accuracy of analysis is satisfactory to
design purposes.
III.2. MSC.Acumen application
As pointed out before, the purpose of developing MSC.Acumen applications is three- fold.
Firstly, to automate analysis and simulation in a fashion tailored to the specific process at Ohtsu.
Secondly, to encapsulate the knowledge of expert analysts in this MSC.Acumen application to
allow a non-expert user to do analysis and simulation at the same level of proficiency as an
expert analyst. This allows a large community of tire designers to swiftly do credible analysis
and simulation as they develop tire designs. Thirdly, to free the expert analysts to carry out
further challenging analyses and simulations.
MSC.Acumen applications act as drivers to the underlying MSC.Patran. It takes advantage of all
MSC.Patran capabilities and advanced algorithms. All development is done in PCL (Patran
Command Language). This ensures that maintenance effort is minimized as new versions of
MSC.Acumen and MSC.Patran are released. PC with Windows NT operating system is selected
as the main analysis and simulation platform for several reasons.
1. Designers are already familiar with PCs and Windows operating systems. A PC Windows NT
platform is much easier for designers to use than UNIX platforms.
2. PC performance has drastically improved over the past few years and now competes with
fastest Engineering Workstations, while the cost remains much less.
3. Many Software companies are adopting this platform as their main software development
platform. Adopting this platform improves Ohtsus access to the latest software technology

One of MSC.Acumen applications that are developed is an application that automates the
simulation of inflated dimensions, stiffness and footprint. In the following this application is
Analysis procedure
The starting tire dimensions are those defined in 2-D CAD system as pointed out in II.2 above.
These are the cured tire dimensions. These dimensions are transferred to MSC.Acumen and
materials are then defined. Tire weight and cost may now be estimated. Then, as explained
before, contact is defined between the wheel rim and the tire. Internal pressure is applied to
inflate the tire and fit it in the wheel. The road surface is then moved toward the tire until the
tire-road contact force (road reaction) becomes equal to a predefined vertical load. Inflation
profile, vertical tire stiffness, loaded profile and footprint are then observed.
Figure 9 shows data flow to and from MSC.Acumen application.


Design Project

for FEA
Material database


Rim database
Tire model creation

Advanced FEA

Cost and weight


Results evaluation

Static properties, HTML, CSV

Footprint plots, HTML, CSV

RR Report, HTML, CSV

Loaded profile

Stress, strain & deformation plots

Other results

Fig. 9. Data flow to and from MSC.Acumen


GUI and imbedded expert Knowledge

Once the MSC.Acumen application is started, the MSC.Acumen drive form shown in Fig. 10 is
displayed. The form requests the designer to open an analysis file. The Designer assigns a file
name and clicks on the apply button. Analysis steps are then displayed in the Workflow
Manager of the drive form as shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 10 Starting MSC.Acumen Drive Form



Fig. 11 Workflow steps


The designer just follows these steps and replies to inquiries appearing in the Dialog Area as
he goes through workflow steps. Work flow steps consists of:
1) Open analysis file
The designer specifies a file name to keep analysis information
2) Specify design project file
The designer specifies a project file where the location of CAD data, design parameters, used
materials, wheel rim and analysis conditions are defined. MSC.Acumen displays the specified
tire cross section as a set of control points as shown by small circles in Fig 12.
3) Line creation of structural parts
Using mouse clicks, the designer connects these control points by lines to create the tire cross
section as sho wn in Fig 12. It is found that specifying such control points before hand in CAD
system, then connecting them by lines in MSC.Acumen is more efficient than transferring CAD
data as an IGES file then healing it in MSC.Acumen.
4) Surface creation of structural parts
The designer then clicks on each surface in the cross section to specify the component it is apart
of and its material.

Fig. 12 Line creation screen


5) Create test conditions

The designer then specifies test conditions (analysis conditions) as requested in the Dialog Area.
The designer also selects the level of analysis: easy, standard or footprint. MSC.Acumen
then automatically creates necessary model, boundary conditions, contact definitions and
loading conditions based on the embedded knowledge of best practice and selected level of
The designer may also request to confirm his parameters. MSC.Acumen displays the
confirmation form shown in Fig. 13. The designer can confirm analysis conditions and/or make
any necessary changes.
6) Submit analysis
The designer clicks on submit analysis to submit his design for analysis.
7) Evaluate results and create report
As the analysis is completed and results are available, the designer clicks on evaluate results to
get an analysis report.

Fig. 13. Create Test Conditions screen and Confirmation form


Designers are using this MSC.Acumen application at present to complete in 15 minutes what an
analyst needed 4 hours to complete.

IV. Conclusions
In the above, tire development process so far at Ohtsu Tire and rubber Co. is outlined.
Modifications to this process to reduce iteration cycles and physical testing are also outlined.
These modifications pivot on automated analysis and simulation tools that will allow designers
to carry out analysis and simulation by themselves. The concept of design using automated
analysis and simulation tools is also pointed out. Benefits expected by Ohtsu are mentioned
together with a time frame to collect these benefits. An MSC. Acumen based example of automated
analysis is presented together with comparisons with experimental results and performance data. These
comparisons and performance data confirm the benefits that Ohtsu is expecting from the integrated tire
development process and automation tools.


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