Modeling Propagation and Inundation of The 11 March 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
Modeling Propagation and Inundation of The 11 March 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
Modeling Propagation and Inundation of The 11 March 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
Natural Hazards
and Earth
System Sciences
Abstract. On 11 March 2011 the Tohoku tsunami devastated the east coast of Japan, claiming thousands of casualties and destroying coastal settlements and infrastructure.
In this paper tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation are modeled to hindcast the event. Earthquake source
models with heterogeneous slips are developed in order to
match tsunami observations, including a best fit initial sea
surface elevation with water levels up to 8 m. Tsunami simulations were compared to buoys in the Pacific, showing good
agreement. In the far field the frequency dispersion provided
a significant reduction even for the leading wave. Furthermore, inundation simulations were performed for ten different study areas. The results compared well with run-up measurements available and trim lines derived from satellite images, but with some overestimation of the modeled surface
elevation in the northern part of the Sanriku coast. For inundation modeling this work aimed at using freely available,
medium-resolution data for topography, bottom friction, and
bathymetry, which are easily accessible in the framework of a
rapid assessment. Although these data come along with some
inaccuracies, the results of the tsunami simulations suggest
that their use is feasible for application in rapid tsunami hazard assessments. A heterogeneous source model is essential
to simulate the observed distribution of the run-up correctly,
A hindcast of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami is important not
only to understand this particular tsunami, but also to prepare for possible future events. Rapid tsunami hazard assessments, although often based on coarse data, particularly
valuable for risk assessment and mitigation, since they allow
for a fast and cost-efficient hazard mapping. Therefore, the
aim of this investigation is to simulate the generation, near
and far field propagation, as well as the local and regional
inundation of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami event to explore the
possibility to model and map the tsunami event accurately
based on medium-resolution and freely available data and
within a short period of time. This study is not supposed
to be a detailed local assessment.
Source description
Presently, there are a number of available seismic and geodetic inversions of the earthquake rupture (e.g. Ozawa et al.,
2011; Lay et al., 2011; Ammon et al., 2011; Saito et al.,
2011); see also GEO Geohazards Supersite (2011) for a more
extensive compilation. Most of the inversions have in common that the maximum slip is located in the area east offshore from Minamisanriku in the South to Miyako in the
North. As an example Ozawa et al. (2011) report a maximum slip of 27 m close to the epicenter just north of the 38
latitude, whereas Lay et al. (2011) report a maximum slip of
63 m. From the GEO Geohazards Supersite (2011) compilation, we found that the maximum slip varied between 10
40 m, and the range of inverted slip distribution also appears
differently. Hence, using such inversions in tsunami simulations would imply largely different water levels. Nevertheless, the earthquake source applied to the tsunami simulations is implemented to roughly comply with the main trends
from the slip inversions, but even more so to make the modeled tsunami match the one observed from the offshore wave
gauges and the inundation pattern. Scenario slip distributions and resulting initial surface elevations are displayed in
Figs. 1 and 2. Whereas scenario A represents one of the simplest cases with a uniform slip, the other scenarios are all
heterogeneous. Moment magnitudes range from 8.85 to 8.95
(see also Fig. 1), and maximum initial elevation range from
4 to 13 m. In all cases, the scenarios are surface rupturing,
and a shear stiffness of 40 GPa is assumed. Dip angles are
25 except for scenario A, which has a dip angle of 15 . The
simulation that overall matched the field observations best
is described below. The best fit source (scenario D) comprises 6 6 segments along the strike and dip direction, respectively. Source D has a maximum slip of 1520 m located
between latitudes 38 and 40 and a total width of 150 km.
The total length of the modeled source rupture is approximately 400 km. Compared to the co-seismic slip distribution
of Ozawa et al. (2011), the slip distribution of scenario D
is extending slightly further north. Some of the segments
display a slight overlap due to the bending of the source, resulting in small areas of locally increased slip. However, the
overlapping areas are mostly displaying short wavelengths
and therefore vanish due to the smoothing. The maximum
sea surface response is slightly above 8 m.
Fig. 1. Slip distribution for the four different earthquake source scenarios AD. Upper left, scenario A, Mw = 8.89. Upper right, scenario B,
Mw = 8.85. Lower left, scenario C, Mw = 8.95. Lower right, scenario D, Mw = 8.87.
Fig. 2. Initial surface elevations for the four different earthquake source scenarios AD.
Fig. 3. Maximum surface elevation for scenario D and DART locations for entire Pacific Ocean. Contour lines are drawn for every 20 cm.
we find that the tsunami may be influenced by dispersions after travelling a distance
d = 6 h (/ h)3 P 3 .
Inundation simulations
Sendai, in Ishinomaki city, and along Minamisanriku, Kesennuma, Rikuzentakata, Otsuchi, Miyako and Kuji (Fig. 6).
The size of the study areas varies from 298 km2 to 1969 km2 .
For the inundation simulations the ComMIT model was used
with varying resolution for the A-grid (700 m 500 m), Bgrid (178 m 140 m) and C grid (90 m 90 m). GEBCO
data with a resolution of 30(910 m) were applied and 90 m
resolution data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission,
SRTM (Jarvis et al., 2008) were used to represent land elevation in the model. It is stressed that the SRTM data set
is not corrected for the subsidence due to the earthquake,
which is reported to be up to 1.2 m (Mimura et al., 2011a).
This gives rise to a slight underestimation of the run-up expected to be of the same order of the subsidence, which is
typically an order of magnitude less than the typical mean
run-up. Several studies on tsunami inundation modeling have
shown the need for high resolution topographic and bathymetric elevation data to simulate local inundation patterns
sufficiently well (e.g. Taubenbock et al., 2009). However,
high resolution data are not available in many parts of the
world and often not suitable for rapid assessments due to the
demands on time and effort to handle huge data sets and related computational requirements. For these reasons SRTM
is an important data source for many tsunami risk studies. As
other elevation models derived from space or airborne, the
SRTM data describe the Earths surface, including vegetation and settlement structures in the height description (Sun
et al., 2003; Hofton et al., 2006). In some of the study areas, this required some manual adjustments of the SRTM
Fig. 4. Source sensitivity for a range of DART locations exemplified for scenarios AD.
Fig. 5. Comparisons of the time history of the surface elevation at eight DART buoys for scenario D only. LSW and disp refer to the
linear non-dispersive and linear dispersive solutions.
Fig. 6. Comparison of the modeled maximum surface elevation with field measurements published by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami
Joint Survey Group. Mean values summarizing point measurements in each study area and the corresponding mean values of the modeled
surface elevation in these points are shown.
Fig. 7. Trim lines for scenarios B, C, and D for Sendai, Rikuzentakata, and Ishinomaki compared to the trim lines derived from pre-/posttsunami satellite images by the Tsunami Damage Mapping Team, Association of Japanese Geographers (2011).
Fig. 8. Comparison of the maximum modeled inundation extent with trim lines derived from pre-/post-tsunami satellite images by the
Tsunami Damage Mapping Team, Association of Japanese Geographers (2011). Results are shown for the Kitakami River close to Minamisanriku, Soma, Kesennuma, Minamisoma, and Sendai.
Concluding remarks
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