This Week at Aldersgate: Edi Tion of Now Ava Ilabl E! Hex Toda y
This Week at Aldersgate: Edi Tion of Now Ava Ilabl E! Hex Toda y
This Week at Aldersgate: Edi Tion of Now Ava Ilabl E! Hex Toda y
Today, November 30
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:15 am
11:30 am
3:15 pm
4:30 pm
5:30 pm
Monday, December 1
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
COSA (111)
Boy Scouts Troop 119 (OS)
Families Anonymous (108)
Member Care (HR)
Tuesday, December 2
10:00 am
10:00 pm
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
5:30 pm
5:30 pm
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Wednesday, December 3
1:00 pm
6:15 pm
7:30 pm
Thursday, December 4
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Friday, December 5
Saturday, December 6
8:00 am
CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall
HR = Hospitality Room
K = Kitchen
OS = Old Sanctuary
Unfin. FH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
WC = Welcome Center
November 30, 2014 First Sunday in Advent 10:00 AM Combined Worship Service
United Methodist Student Sunday
Rev. Scott Davis
Welcome to Aldersgate and to this worship experience! Please take a moment to sign the
attendance pad found at the end of each pew and then pass it down to your neighbor. If you
have a prayer request please complete the blue card found in your pews and pass it to the
ushers during the opening hymn.
*Opening Prayer
O God of our people and Lord of every nation, let your Word ring out from the mountains
and your Spirit shine forth in the earth, so that all may hear your teaching and all may do
your will, through Jesus Christ our peace. Amen.
Come Now Children
All children are invited to come forward as the congregation sings:
Come, now, children, this is your time; God loves you, we love you,
you are the gift of our church!
The Lighting of the Advent Wreath
Response Hymn 204
Advent Study "Not a Silent Night" by Adam Hamilton Imagine Jesus from Marys point of
viewproud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person and
so much more. In this book, Adam Hamilton begins at the end, with Mary at the crucifixion
and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses his life and ministry; and ends at the
beginning, with the Christ child born in a stable, Marys beautiful baby.
Three times to choose from, beginning TODAY:
*Call to Worship
Myron Ripley
I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord!
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
that we may learn Gods ways and walk in Gods paths.
*Opening Hymn 211
Please join us in preparing for our upcoming Nativity Play! We will have practices on
November 30 and December 7 from 5:30-6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. Please write down what
favorite dish you are bringing to our Nativity Potluck by signing up during Sip n Chat. Our
Nativity Play performance will be on Sunday, December 14th at 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary.
Emmanuel, Emmanual
Childrens Message
Rev. Chris Fuss
Following the Children's Message children may return to sit with their families or
attend Children's Church (for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade) in the room next
door where Sip & Chat is held for a special Advent Children's Church program!
Parents may pick their child(ren) up on the way down to the Advent Brunch.
Wednesday Night Prayer: Scripture, prayer, silence, and conversation: Wednesdays 5:30 6:30 PM - Room 108. All are welcome to just show up and join us in prayer. No weekly
commitment required - if the Holy Spirit is moving you to prayer come join us for an hour!
Are you interested in leading/hosting or becoming part of a small group with a relaxed and
causal atmosphere that includes Scripture, food, and fellowship? Contact Mike Thornton at
Christmas Eve needs: Extra ushers and communion servers are needed for all 3 Christmas Eve
services. No prior experience needed, just a willing and joyful spirit! We will train you, answer
any questions, etc. If you are feeling the calling or nudge to give this wonderful gift of service,
please contact either Anita Ratliff by email at; or Laura Nelson at or 434-227-0340.
AUMC Christmas Ornament Sale A special brass Christmas tree ornament depicting our
church was created for the 50th reunion last year. These ornaments will be on sale this Sunday
in the SipNChat area. The cost of each is $15.00.
2014 Veterans List at AUMC: If you would like to have a copy of our church's updated list of
veterans, please email me or call me and I will be glad to send the list to you. My contact
information is or 589-5956. Don MacNicoll
AGAPE Class will not meet today so everyone can attend the Advent Brunch. Please join us
next week at 9:00 am in Room 108.
The Charlottesville District 5th Sunday Worship will be held at Hinton Ave UMC (750 Hinton
Ave, Charlottesville, VA 22902) on Sunday, November 30th from 3-5pm. Our very own Ashley
Oliver will be helping give the message so please try your best to attend to support her!!!
There will be an exciting hymn sing! This is a great way to support one (of many) of our great
youth and begin the Advent season!
Tuesday is #GivingTuesday: On December 2, you can extend the spirit of giving thanks into the
Advent season by participating in UMC #GivingTuesday. Every gift made online through The
Advance at on Dec. 2 will be matched up to $1 million.
Last year on UMC #GivingTuesday, United Methodists collectively raised a record $6.5 million
on line in through The Advance. 11,000 individuals and churches in 34 countries gave more
than 16,300 gifts to mission and ministries they believe in. It was a wonderful sign of
commitment and extravagant generosity, maximizing the impact of thousands of United
Methodists coming together on one day to transform the world. UMC #GivingTuesday is part
of an international movement to extend the spirit of giving thanks into the Advent season. It
offers an opportunity to start off the holiday season by giving instead of getting by supporting
organizations that are transforming the world.
Go to Bethlehem
Chancel Choir
Scripture Lesson
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
Hymn of Prayer 328
Jay Althouse
Acts 1:8-14
Pastoral Prayer
The Lords Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as
we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Offering Prayer
*Passing of the Peace
The peace of the Lord be always with you.
And also with you.
You are invited to join in food and conversation at our annual Advent Brunch, to your left as
you exit the sanctuary.
*stand as you are able
Please Pray For Peggy Aglubat; Irylanna Butler; Alli Callender; Sandy Checchi; Nancy Clark;
Victor Connor; Helen Counsell; Eugene Deane; Harry Fluharty; Tammy Fritz; June Moon
Gaedecke; Chad Gittings; Kathryn Gray; Thomas Hamlin; Liz Hood; Nan Hutcherson; Roy Jones;
Jeremy Long; Zander Mawyer; Ralph Miller; Don & Pat Milleson; Art Oliver; Renee Parson;
Nancy Reed; Schwaner Family; Paula Smith; Bunny Taylor; Penny Troutman; Travis Whetzel;
Ernestine Williams; Dannie Wright
The Altar flowers today are given to the glory of God
and in loving memory of their parents by Mary and Tom Howard.
Have an announcement to put in the bulletin or e-Note? Please send your submissions to AND Weekly deadline is Wednesday NOON.
Our church is in need of a Treasurer - if you are interested please call Greg Brown 434-3278763. Sybil Robertsons term as treasurer has ended, but she continues to hold the position
while we are searching for our new treasurer. Sybil has been a wonderful treasurer and we
thank her for all the great work she did and continues to do.
As you prepare to celebrate the holidays this year with family and friends, please remember
those less fortunate than we are and contribute food items to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.
Food that is needed includes:
Sunday, December 21
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Luke 1:26-33
NOTE: Please check expiration dates and NO jumbo size containers please. Food Collection Bins
will be placed in the Welcome Center and outside the former Sanctuary/Sip n Chat area. Food
will be collected through TODAY.
Did you know Aldersgate has a virtual prayer wall? Just go to our website,,
and take a look at the "prayer wall" tab on the menu at the homepage. You may post a prayer
request and also pray for those requests that have already been posted. Be sure to stop by and
check out the virtual prayer wall today!
Advent Daily Devotional, a collection of spiritual writings from your Aldersgate friends, is
designed to help prepare you for Christmas. Pick up a copy today.