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International Journal of Research in Management &

Business Studies (IJRMBS 2014)

Vol. 1 Issue 1 Jan - March 2014

ISSN : 2348-6503 (Online)

ISSN : 2348-893X (Print)

Impact of ILO on Indian Labor Laws

Anurag Singh, IIDr. Amit Kumar Singh


Faculty, Dept. of Business Management, Sri Vishwnath P.G. Collage, Kalan, Sultanpur, U.P, India
Faculty, Dept. of Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mizoram, India
E-mail: I anuragsingh_hrd@rediffmail.com, II amitmzu@indiatimes.com

International labor organization has a great impact in labor law making exercise among the member countries, since its basic
objective to protect labor rights, it has some basic convention, and in this research article researchers try to explore what are the
impacts of ILO direction and guidelines on Indian labor law for the welfare of Indian labor class.
Labor laws, ILO, Factories Act, ID Act, Standing Order Act
I. Introduction
The International Labor Organization (ILO) was set up, with an aim
to develop the conditions of labors not only in India but around the
world, in the year 1919. India was the instituting member of ILO,
which now expanded its primary membership to 145 countries. Indian
Labor Organization through its resolutions and recommendations
supports countries to lure their own set of labor legislations for
the well conduct of the labor class, and the preservation of their
rights. The primary objective of action in the ILO is the creation
of the International Labor Standards in the form of Resolutions
and Recommendations. Resolutions are international treaties
and instruments, which generate legally binding responsibilities
on the nations that ratify those nations. Recommendations
are non-binding but better set out guidelines orienting
countrywide policies, procedure and help in developing actions.
Labor Law controls matters, such as, remuneration, labor
employment, and conditions of employment, trade unions,
industrial and labor management relations. They also include social
legislations regulating such characteristics as reimbursement for
accident triggered to a worker at work place, maternity benefits
fixation of minimum wages, and distribution of the companys
profit of the organizations workers, etc. Most of these acts regulate
rights and the responsibilities of employee.
History of Indian labor legislation is obviously interlaced with
the history of British colonialism. British political economy was
considered natural paramount in modeling some of these early
laws. In the initial phases it was very difficult to get adequate
regular Indian workers to run British organizations and hence labor
laws became essential. This was obviously labor law giving in
order to protect the interests of British bosses. The outcome was
the Factories Act. It is well known fact that Indian textile goods
offered unbending competition to British textiles in textile market
and hence in order to make Indian labor costlier. The Factories Act
was first time introduced in 1883 because of the pressure carried
on the British parliament by the then textile tycoons of Manchester
and Lancashire. Thus we acknowledged the first requirement of
eight hours of work for labor, the abolition of child labor, and
the rheostat of employment of women in night, and inaction of
overtime wages for labor who work beyond eight hours.
Further the attitude of India with respect to International Labor
Standards has always been very constructive. The Indian
Labor Organization tools have provided procedures and useful
framework for the development of legislative and administrative
procedures for the protection and progression in the interest of
labor. To that point the impact of ILO Resolutions as a regular
for reference for both labor legislation and practices in India,
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rather than legally binding norm, has been substantial. Ratification

of a Resolution enforces legally binding responsibilities on the
nation concerned and, consequently, India has been very careful
in ratifying Resolutions. It has always been in the exercise in India
that we ratify a Resolution when we are entirely satisfied that
these laws and practices are in conformity with the appropriate
ILO Resolution. It is now measured that a better course of action
is to proceed with progressive implementation of the standards,
leave the formal ratification for consideration at a later stage when
it becomes practicable. India have so far ratified 39 Conventions
of the ILO, which is much better than the position obtaining in
many other countries. Even where for special reasons, India may
not be in a position to ratify a Convention, India has generally
voted in favor of the Conventions reserving its position as far as
its future ratification is concerned.
II. Objective
The main objective of this article is to explore the impacts of ILO
direction and guidelines on Indian labor law for the welfare of
Indian labor class.
A. Methodology
In present study researchers used the narrative literature review
methods for describing the impact of ILO guidelines and directions
on India Labor Legislations.
B. Core Conventions of the ILO
The eight Core Conventions of the ILO (also called fundamental/
human rights conventions) are:
Forced Labor Convention (No. 29), Abolition of Forced Labor
Convention (No.105), Equal Remuneration Convention (No.100),
and Discrimination (Employment Occupation) Convention
(No.111) (The above four have been ratified by India).
Freedom of Association and Protection of Right to Organized
Convention (No.87),Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining
Convention (No.98),Minimum Age Convention (No.138),Worst
forms of Child Labor Convention (No.182) (These four are yet
to be ratified by India).
Consequent to the World Summit for Social Development in
1995, the above-mentioned Conventions (Sl.No.1 to 7) were
categorized as the Fundamental Human Rights Conventions or
Core Conventions by the ILO. Later on, Convention No.182 (Sl.
No.8) was added to the list.
According to the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work and its Supplement, each Member country of the
ILO is anticipated to give outcome to the principles restricted in



ISSN : 2348-6503 (Online)

ISSN : 2348-893X (Print)

International Journal of Research in Management &

Business Studies (IJRMBS 2014)

Vol. 1 Issue 1 Jan - March 2014

the Core Resolutions of the ILO, regardless of whether or not the

Core Resolutions have been approved by them.
Under the reporting procedure of the ILO, detailed reports are due
from the member States that have ratified the priority Conventions
and the Core Conventions every two years. Under the Follow-up
to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at
Work, a report is to be made by each Member State every year
on those Core Conventions that it has not yet ratified.
One of the foremost reforms introduced recently is the introduction
of the Active Partnership Policy whose main objective is to bring
ILO nearer to its constituent countries. The key instrument for
execution of the ILO policy is the multi-disciplinary team, which
will help in providing support and identify special areas of concern
to member States. For South-Asia the multi-disciplinary team is
in New Delhi. It consists of specialists on industrial relations,
employment, labors and employers activity, small-scale industries
and International Labor Ethics.
Also ILOs interest in child labor, young persons and their
problems is well known. It has adopted a number of Conventions
and Recommendations in this regard. In India, within a framework
of the Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulations) Act, 1986 and
through the National Policy on Child Labor, ILO has funded
the preparation of certain local and industry specific projects. In
two projects, viz. Child Labor Action and Support Programmes
(CLASP) and International Programme on Elimination of Child
Labor (IPEC), the ILO is playing a vital role.
The implementation of IPEC programmes in India has certainly
created a very positive impact towards understanding the problem
of child labor and in highlighting the need to elimination child labor
as expeditiously as possible. A major contribution of the IPEC
programme in India is that it has generated a critical consciousness
among all the 3 social partners for taking corrective measures to
eliminate child labor.
C. Major impact of ILO on Labor legislations in India
With the evolution and expansion of small plants, factories
and industries in the Indian subcontinent starting in the mid of
the nineteenth century, new possibilities for employment were
generated, resulting in a ongoing migration of the labor from poor
rural areas to factories and mills located basically in urban areas.
During time, in the lack of any control on organizations labor by
the state, the employers were very less concerned for the needs
of their workers; wages were very low, very long working hours,
and unsatisfactory the employees employment conditions. The
situation led to the depiction of a large number of labor legislations
beginning since the year of 1881. These labor legislations includes,
The Factories Act 1881, Workmens Compensation Act -1923,
Mines Act 1923, Trade Unions Act-1926, Trade Disputes Act
-1929, Payment of Wages Act -1936, Employment of children
act- 1938 and Maternity Benefit Act in 1939.
The Factories Act 1881
This act is the basis of all industrial and labor laws in India.
It contained requirements for working hours of women and
workers with the minimum age of children for employment.
When International Labor Organization was established in 1919,
this Act was amended and subsequently retracted, resulting in
the declaration of the Factories Act 1934. It makes provision for
health, safety, and hygienic condition of the workers, special
provision for women and young workers. It also forbids child
labor. It provides limits of work for a child in factories, including


seasonal factories.
Mines Act 1923
This Act make provisions for labors working in Indian mines. The
working hours for labor employed on surface were limited fifty
per week and ten per day. According to Mines Act periods of work
shall not be more than 12 hours in any day, this also include rest
period. For workers who are employed underground, the daily
limit for them is nine hours per day. The Act does not cover
provisions related to overtime work. No worker can work more
than six days in a week. The Act does not make any provision for
wages during the day of rest.
Trade Union Act and Payment of Wages Act
The Indian government under British set up an enquiry committee
in 1926 to determine the shortcomings for anomaly of payment
of wages to industrial labors. As the result Trade union act of
1926 come up. The Royal Commission on Labor was appointed
in 1929, the commission considered the reports and suggestions
of the enquiry committee and recommended for implementing
prevention of disorders relating to payment of wages. The Payment
of Wages Act 1936 was passed to regulate the payment of wages
to definite classes of people employed in industry. The object of
the Act obviously was to offer a low-priced and quick therapy
for employees to whom the Act applied and to recover wages
due to these employees. For this purpose, a special tribunal was
created, but due to some integral imperfections in the statute the
repossession of judgmental wages remained difficult.
The Weekly Holidays Act of 1942
This act recommends one paid holiday in a week for people
working in any restaurant, shop, or theatre excluding position
of management, and confidential positions. The government is
authorized to award additional paid half-day holiday in a week.
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
This act came into being on the 1st day of April 1947. The Act
provided for establishment of industrial tribunals by the appropriate
government in British India. It established a full-fledged industrial
tribunal for adjudication of industrial disputes for the first time
The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
This act came into force for the first time to employers in industrial
establishments which are employing hundred or more workers.
This act provides the way to define the terms and conditions of
employment of worker in the form of standing orders. The Merchant
Shipping Act, 1923 provided for an agreement between the master
of the ship and seaman concerning their terms of service.
Most of the labor legislations in India are before independence.
The Fundamental Rights of the Constitution for providing
safeguards to labors. Although most of the pre constitutional
labor legislations have been revoked or curtailed following the
Doctrine of Severability and Doctrine of Eclipse, but not a lot
of changes had been made to the labor legislation which were
came before the adoption of Constitution. The achievement of
these labor laws must be credited to the ILO. The ILO guidelines
provided basic principles on which most of labor legislations were
drawn. By observation on various amendments and enactments
in labor laws it can be easily seen that the ILO have a countless
All Rights Reserved, IJRMBS 2014

International Journal of Research in Management &

Business Studies (IJRMBS 2014)

Vol. 1 Issue 1 Jan - March 2014

ISSN : 2348-6503 (Online)

ISSN : 2348-893X (Print)

impact on the Indian Labor Laws. A large number of laws were

passed to incorporate the guidelines of the resolutions of the ILO.
All these revised and ratified legislations create provisions for the
common welfare and protection of importance of the Indian labors.
The constructive effect of ILO is seen in form of appreciation of
many new kinds of rights that were previously not available for
the Indian labor class, but were made available after creation of
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