Children have always been playing their influential role in family purchase decisions but we find lack of
research on this topic within Pakistan. Keeping this in mind we conducted this research with a sample of
125 Pakistani Parents. The data collection process was completed with the help of structured
questionnaires, designed to especially meet the researchers criteria. The results were quite a setback
forthe local stereotypes (marketers). The results reflected a great degree of influence from the children
i.e.around 40% towards the family purchasing decisions.
Childrens Influence on Family Purchase Decision in India By TANVI DESAI (2007-2008)
The importance of children in purchase decision making has grown over the years.
They not only make purchase decisions for personal consumption but they also
influence family purchase decision-making (Kaur and Singh, 2006). This research
looks at available literature, which is discussed with respect to childrens influence on
product categories, decision-making stages, socialising agents like parents, peers and
media and role of family communication in purchase decision making. Demographic
variables like age and gender of the children reflect their purchase decision in the
research. This study is particularly focussing on India. Indian literature gives a brief
scenario of Indian culture and its impact on childrens purchase behaviour.
relevant to them (like cereal, juice, soft drinks, and mobile phones). Childrens influence varies with
subdecision stages
and children who are initiators influence the subsequent decision making more than non-initiators.
Older children influence
more than younger children, but gender does not contribute significantly to parents perception of their
influence. Thus, marketers should explicitly acknowledge childrens role in the family decision making.
Children constitute an important target market segment and merit attention from a marketing
perspective. The role that children play in making decisions concerning the entire family unit has
prompted researchers to direct attention to the study of influence of children. The amount of
influence exerted by children varies by product category and stage of the decision making
process. For some products, they are active initiators, information seekers, and buyers; whereas
for other product categories, they influence purchases made by the parents. The purchasing act is
governed by how they have been socialized to act as consumers. Family, peers, and media are key
socializing agents for children wherein family-specific characteristics such as parental style,
familys Sex Role Orientation (SRO), and patterns of communication play key roles. More so,
changes taking place in the socio-cultural environment in India (such as emergence of dualcareer,
single parent families) entail that dimensions of childrens influence in family purchase
decision making be investigated in a specific context. Indian society vastly differs from the West
in terms of family composition and structure, values, norms, and behavior, which affect the role
that children play in purchase decision making in families. Hence, the aim of this paper is not
only to explore the dimensions already investigated by previous researchers in India and Western
countries but also to identify directions for future research.
The influence of children on the processes of family purchase decision depends on a number of
parameters and situations. Children exercise various methods to influence their parents decision
of buying. This influence varies from one product to another. It depends on the education of the
parents, their profession, income, whether the parent is single and working, or both parents work
and also the family type, types of product (high, low, and child centric product) among others.
This research considers children in the age group of 8-12 in India. Descriptive statistics are used to
summarize variables in terms of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Reliability test has
been done using Cronbachs alpha. Pearsons product correlation, one-way ANOVA, Two-way
ANOVA has been done using SPSS version 18.0. Regression is used to prove the causality
between independent variables on dependent variable. The childrens influence is maximum for
products like bicycle, Ice Creams/chocolates/Juice and CDs/DVDs. There are a few products like
CDs/DVDs, video games and hobby activities, which are used by the whole family and still
childrens influence is higher than their parents on family purchase decision. The ANOVA analysis
of parents perception of children influence indicates that parents income impacts the childrens
influence. The quadratic relation is observed between children influence and family income.
and parental profession on children in Delhi (India). A sample of 60 parents and 60 children between the
age group 6-16 years were studied by two
different close ended questionnaires. Analysis of the data showed that children especially boys in the
age group of 14-16 years have more influence
than the girls in the same age group. Moreover this influence increases when parents are professionally
more involved than otherwise. This study will help
in understanding the purchase behavior of children in Delhi and it can also serve as guideline for
marketers in targeting a particular children segment.
Childrens Influence on the Family Decision-Making Process in Food Buying and Consumption
An Empirical Study of Childrens Influence in Jakarta-Indonesia
Children represent an important target market segment and gain respective attention from the
marketing point of view. Kids today are customers, buyers, spenders, shoppers, consumers
(MCNEAL 1992). Children play an important role in the consumer market by influencing
their parents purchases either for the product used in the household or for the children
themselves (BELCH ET AL. 1985, FOXMAN ET AL. 1989). Mother and child is a buying team
as quoted in COOK 2003. The marketers and advertisers have observed and analyzed the
mother-child bond as a primary market relationship (COOK 2003). Children today are spoiled,
have more power to decide on what they want, especially what comes on the table (HEYER
purchasing power of a child has increased beyond what he or she can earn when their
purchase influence is considered (KRAAK 1998).
Who is the decision-maker: the parents or the child in group package tours?
Family decision-making research has frequently examined role relationshipbetween husband and wife
across stages and
vary over decision-making stages for the grouppackage tour (GPT). A total of 240 different families
(mother or father as
respondents) purchasing GPTs were surveyed, among them, 35 families also included children.
Results indicated that family has a tendency to make a joint decision in problem recognition and the
nal decision stages, and
wives were found to play a dominant role in the information search stage. This study broadens the
theoretical domains used in
understanding family decision-making for the GPT. For practitioners, marketing implications are
provided and recommendations
for future research are also discussed.