This document provides a list of common food vocabulary in English and Spanish. It includes categories for fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, beverages, poultry, seafood, dairy products, prepared foods, and containers/measurement units. The vocabulary is presented in a table format with the English term on the left and the Spanish translation on the right.
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This document provides a list of common food vocabulary in English and Spanish. It includes categories for fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, beverages, poultry, seafood, dairy products, prepared foods, and containers/measurement units. The vocabulary is presented in a table format with the English term on the left and the Spanish translation on the right.
This document provides a list of common food vocabulary in English and Spanish. It includes categories for fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, beverages, poultry, seafood, dairy products, prepared foods, and containers/measurement units. The vocabulary is presented in a table format with the English term on the left and the Spanish translation on the right.
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This document provides a list of common food vocabulary in English and Spanish. It includes categories for fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, beverages, poultry, seafood, dairy products, prepared foods, and containers/measurement units. The vocabulary is presented in a table format with the English term on the left and the Spanish translation on the right.
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Apple - C Manzana Carrot - C Zanahoria
Banana - C Plátano Peppers - C Pimientos Morrones Grapes - C Uvas Broccoli - U Brocoli Orange - C Naranja Cauliflower - U Coliflor Pineapple - C Piña Cabbage - U Col Watermelon - C Sandía Lettuce - C Lechuga Honeydew Melon - C Melón Verde Spinach - U Espinacas Cantaloupe - C Melón Celery - U Apio Pear - C Pera String bean - C Ejotes Strawberry - C Fresa Beans - C Frijoles Blackberry - C Zarzamora Lima beans - C Habas Gooseberry - C Grosella Peas - C Chicharos Blueberry - C Mora Azul Brussels Sprouts - C Coles de Bruselas Raspberry - C Frambuesa Tomato - C Jitomate Cranberry - C Arándano Green tomato - C Tomate verde Plum - C Ciruela Cucumber - C Pepino Cherry - C Cereza Potato - C Papa Plantain - C Plátano Macho Garlic - U Ajo Peach - C Durazno Pumpkin - C Calabaza gigante Apricot - C Chabacano Zucchini - C Calabacita larga Coconut - C Coco Squash - C Calabacita redonda Mango - C Mango Mushroom - C Champiñones / Hongos Papaya - C Papaya Beet - C Betabel Lemon - C Limón Radish - C Rábano Lime - C Lima MEAT CARNE GRAINS GRANOS
Lamb - U Ternera Pasta - U Pasta
Sausage - U Longaniza/Chorizo Rice - U Arroz Beef - U Carne de Res Noodles - C Fideos Ground beef - U Carne Molida Bread - U Pan Stewing meat - U Retazo Wheat - U Trigo Steak - C Bisteck Oats - C Avena Spare Ribs - C Costillas Cereal - U Cereal Chops - C Chuletas Corn Flakes - C Hojuelas de Maíz Pork - U Carne de Puerco Froasted Flakes - C Hojuelas escarchadas Leg - U Pierna Toast - C Pan tostado Bacon - U Tocino Ham - U Jamón BEVERAGES BEBIDAS POULTRY AVES
Chocolate - U Chocolate Turkey - U Pavo / Guajolote
Water - U Agua Chicken - U Pollo Mineral water - U Agua Mineral Duck - U Pato Juice - U Jugo Whole (Chicken) - C Pollo Entero Soda/Soft Drink - C Refresco Split - C Medio / mitad Beer - C Cerveza Thigh - C Muslo Wine - U Vino Leg - C Pierna White Wine - U Vino Blanco Breast - C Pechuga Red Wine - U Vino Tinto Wing - C Ala Rum - U Ron Whiskey - U Whisky Wodka - U Vodka Brandy / Cognac - U Brandy / Coñac OTHERS OTROS SEAFOOD MARISCOS
Mayonnaise - U Mayonesa Fish - U Pescado
Mustard - U Mostaza Clams - C Almejas Ketchup - U Salsa Catsup Shrimp - C Camarón Vinegar - U Vinagre Crab - C Cangrejo/Jaiba Mermelade - U Mermelada Squid - C Calamar Toffy - U Cajeta Filet - C Filete Honey - U Miel Lobster - U Langosta Sugar - U Azúcar Salt - U Sal DAIRY PRODUCTS PRODUCTOS LÁCTEOS Salad dressing - U Aderezo Cake - U Pastel Butter - U Mantequilla Pie - U Pay Cheese - U Queso Eggs - C Huevos Milk - U Leche Yogurt - U Yoghurt Cream - U Crema Milk fat - U Nata
Pizza - C Pizza Carton Envase de cartón
Hamburger - C Hamburguesa Container Envase Hot dog - C Perro caliente Bottle Botella Spaghetti - U Espagueti Stick Barra Meatballs - C Albóndigas Package Paquete French fries - C Papás a la francesa Tub Batea Potato chips - C Papás Fritas Bag Bolsa Mashed potatoes - U Puré de papa Jar Tarro/Frasco Sauce - U Salsa Can Lata Salad - U Ensalada Spray can Lata rociadora Roast Chicken - U Pollo rostizado Roll Rollo Fried Chicken - U Pollo Frito Box Caja Fried eggs - C Huevos fritos/estrellados Pump (bomba) despachador Scrambled eggs - U Huevos revueltos Tube Tubo Hard-boiled eggs - C Huevos duros cocidos Pack Cajetilla / Paquete Ham and eggs - C Huevos con jamón Bar Barra Soup - U Sopa Slice Rebanada Vegetables soup - U Sopa de verduras Piece Pedazo Sandwich - C Emparedado Loaf Pieza / hogaza de pan Spoon Cucharada Pinch Pizca Cup Taza Glass Vaso Bowl Tazón / Plato (hondo) Kilogram Kilogramo Pound Libra Ounce Onza Liter Litro Gallon Galón Quarter Cuarto Half Medio