Little Down M Local: Locals Mysterious Death
Little Down M Local: Locals Mysterious Death
Little Down M Local: Locals Mysterious Death
18 NOV 2014
Moose Count
Granny wins
World Wrestling
the first two rounds, but as Johnson became more confident her superior strength came to the fore and
she clawed back two rounds to take
the contest into a decider. By this
time Luttis body language indicated
that he already felt overawed by the
pretender to his crown, and the newcomer took advantage of this to engage a mutual headlock which she
held for three hours until the Vatican man retired from exhaustion.
The next seven matches were barely
a contest as the news of Johnsons
supremacy overawed all her opponents who became too indimidated to
fight properly.
Nigerian Tommy Thompson is
also a relative newcomer to the
wrestling scene, but with his 210lb
frame he was expected to fare well
against Johnson who weighs in at
only 90lb. However Johnsons lithe
and slender, some would say scrawny,
figure belies her agility and strength
which she demonstrated by holding
Thompson above her head several
times during the bout and throwing
him into the crowd once. With the
scores tied at 2-2 time ran out and the
contest went to a panel of judges to be
assessed. They awarded Thompson a
C grade whilst Johnson received an
A, becoming the first grandmother to
ever win the title.
The new champion explained her
success as the result of a strict training regimen instituted by her coach
and grandson five-year-old Sammy
Johnson. "Ive been drinking ten
raw eggs for breakfast every morning,
sprinting fifty miles a day and carrying my daughters car to the end of
the road and back whenever I felt my
arthritis was OK" she said. Sammy
added "I always knew she could do
it. Shes my grandma.". The youngster is also her manager and has reportedly arranged sponsorship deals
which will dwarf her one million dollar prize fund. Her new contract with
headband designer Nike alone is set
to earn her fourteen billion dollars
over the next year. She will also be
promoting Tupperware, Halliburton,
the Republic of Macedonia, and Gala
Bingo. Her continued participation in
the sport is not assured as she wants
to spend more time on her bungeejumping business, and knitting. Everyone here at the World Championships, however, hopes for her return.