Acsm Cnews 20-1
Acsm Cnews 20-1
Acsm Cnews 20-1
J A N UA RY MA RC H, 2 010 VOLU M E 2 0 ; I S S U E 1
Agility Training
page 5
Prescribing Exercise in
Without an Exercise Test
page 7
for the Frail
page 3
Making Sense
of the Exercise
page 13
Effects of Strength
Training on
Resting Energy
page 10
Continuing Education
page 15
In this Issue
Exercise Recommendations for the
Frail Population...................................................... 3
Agility Training For the General Population ......... 5
Prescribing Exercise in Cardiac
Rehabilitation Without an Exercise Test ............. 7
Coaching News........................................................... 9
Effects of Strength Training
on Resting Energy Expenditure.............................10
Making Sense of the Exercise Prescription..............13
Self-Tests ........................................................................15
Paul Sorace, M.S., James R. Churilla, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Committee on Certification
and Registry Boards Chair
Madeline Bayles, Ph.D., FACSM
CCRB Publications Subcommittee Chair
Jan Wallace, Ph.D., FACSM
Editorial Board
Chris Berger, Ph.D.
Brian Coyne, M.Ed.
Yuri Feito, M.S., M.P.H.
Tom LaFontaine, Ph.D., FACSM
Peter Magyari, Ph.D.
Jacalyn McComb, Ph.D., FACSM
Peter Ronai, M.S.
Larry Verity, Ph.D., FACSM
Stella Volpe, Ph.D., FACSM
Jan Wallace, Ph.D., FACSM
James R. Churilla, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Paul Sorace, M.S.
Frail Population
adults.6 Exercise can slow the process of frailty and may even prevent
it from developing.
Exercise Recommendations
Due to a variety of health conditions that may be present in this
population, obtaining medical clearance prior to initiating an exercise
program is prudent. Exercise testing should be performed whenever
possible to determine what the persons abilities are prior to beginning an exercise program. Additionally, baseline testing will provide
the necessary information for developing an exercise prescription.
Some of the exercise tests that can be done include a 6-minute walk
to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness, a handgrip dynamometer to
measure upper body strength and a sit and reach test to measure
flexibility.2 Resting heart rate, resting blood pressure and body composition also should be measured. If a medical condition such as
hypertension or diabetes is present, monitoring blood pressure or
blood glucose levels pre- and post-exercise should be performed.
Increasing the functional abilities of the individual should be kept
in mind when developing the exercise program. Depending on the
individual, different modes of exercise should be considered. Walking
is the most common aerobic activity in older adults.1 Large muscle
groups and weight bearing aerobic exercises should be emphasized
whenever possible. Non-weight bearing aerobic activities (e.g.,
cycling, swimmimg) should be used when weight bearing exercises
are too strenuous. Aerobic training should be performed 3 to 5 or
more days per week.1,2 However, this may not always be possible and
a lesser frequency might be all the individual can tolerate during the
early stages of an exercise program. The certified personal trainer or
health/fitness specialist should encourage increased daily physical
activity (e.g., climbing stairs, short walks) to improve aerobic conditioning and functional abilities.
Flexibility training (e.g., static stretching) for frail persons is important to increase joint range of motion, which can increase ease of
movement with daily activities. Yoga is a form of exercise that is suitable for many frail persons. DiBenedetto and colleagues4 suggest that
yoga can improve hip extension, stride length and pelvic tilt in the eld-
Asthma; Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD)
Parkinsons Disease
Alzheimers Disease
Adapted from reference 2.
erly population. Yoga as a lifestyle intervention has been shown to
assist in improving cardiovascular disease risk factors (e.g., blood
lipids, blood glucose).3 Also, yoga can improve balance and coordination to help promote fall prevention.
Sarcopenia (muscle loss) is very common in older adults and contributes to a loss of functional abilities. This emphasizes the importance of resistance training for this population. Resistance training
increases muscle mass, muscular strength, power and endurance.
Maintained or increased muscular strength can enhance functional
abilities in older, frail individuals.2
All major muscle groups and multi-joint exercises should be
emphasized. Modes of resistance training include resistance bands,
free weights, resistance machines, medicine balls and calisthenics.
Resistance training should be performed two to three times per
week.1,2 The resistance training program should start at a low level
(e.g., with little or no resistance/weight) in those who are very
deconditioned. However, the resistance training program should be
gradually progressed, as tolerated. Muscle hypertrophy (accompanied by increases in strength) occurs at all ages as a result of regular
resistance training. Gradual progression to heavier weights (i.e., more
resistance) in the properly risk stratified individual is just as important in older populations as it is in their younger counterparts.
Functional training can improve body awareness and balance,
increase neuromuscular coordination, flexibility, ambulation and
lower body strength.2 This is important for frail individuals, particularly in reducing the risk of falls. Examples include a chair sit and stand,
one-foot stand, balance board walking and activity-specific exercises
(e.g., carrying objects). Other activities such as obstacle courses can
enhance reaction time and coordination.
Tai Chi, a form of martial arts that enhances balance and body
awareness through slow, graceful and precise body movements, has
been shown to reduce the risk of falling by approximately 47.5% in
frail older adults.7 Like yoga, Tai Chi is an activity that many frail individuals can perform at their own pace.
Some general exercise recommendations include:
Properly supervised aerobic exercise 3 to 5 or more days per
week; exercise heart rate should not be the focus; use a 5 to 8
on a 1 to 10 rating of perceived exertion scale to measure moderate to vigorous exertion; accumulate 20 to 60 minutes; large
muscle group activities (e.g., walking, cycling, swimming).
Flexibility training 3 to 7 days per week; static stretching to a
1. American College of Sports Medicine. ACSMs Guidelines for
Exercise Testing and Prescription, 8th ed. Thompson WR, Gordon
NF, Pescatello LS, editors. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2009:190-194.
2. American College of Sports Medicine. ACSMs Exercise
Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities,
2nd ed. Durstine JL, Moore GE, editors. Champaign, IL: Human
Kinetics 2003:157-163.
3. Bijlani RL, Vempati RP, Yadav RK, et al. A brief but comprehensive
lifestyle education program based on yoga reduces risk factors
for cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. J Altern
Complement Med. 2005;11:267-74.
4. DiBenedetto M, Innes KE, Taylor AG, et al. Effect of a gentle
Iyengar yoga program on gait in the elderly: an exploratory study.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005;86:1830-7.
5. Fried LP, Tangen CM, Walston J, et al. Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci.
6. Villareal DT, Banks M, Sinacore DR, Siener C, Klein S. Effect of
weight loss and exercise on frailty in obese older adults. Clin J
Sport Med. 2006;166:860-6.
7. Wolf SL, OGrady M, Easley KA, Guo Y, Kressing RW, Kutner M.
The influence of intense Tai Chi training on physical performance
and hemodynamic outcomes in transitionally frail, older adults. J
Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006;61:184-9.
For the General Population
In most sports, an athlete must be able to accelerate,
decelerate and change directions rapidly with good body
control in order to perform well and reduce their risk of
injury. For this reason, agility drills are commonly utilized by
athletes to enhance their on-field performance. However,
these same types of drills can easily be incorporated into
training programs for the general fitness population in
order to improve performance in recreational and daily
activities and help them respond faster in emergency situations. In this article, a few suggestions for implementing
these drills into a comprehensive training program for the
non-athlete will be discussed.
Prior to beginning any agility training, it is important to make certain the client can safely participate in this type of activity. Clients
with orthopedic limitations that affect their ability to balance either
statically or dynamically, and those that lack the strength or ability
to maintain proper position should refrain from this type of training
until they have adequately developed their performance levels. Table
1 lists individual characteristics that would preclude participation in
agility training. It also is recommended that before these individuals
participate in agility training for the first time, they have at least 2 to
3 months of consistent resistance training experience.
Drill Selection
When selecting drills, an emphasis should be placed on improving
fundamental movement skills. These skills include locomotor, nonlocomotor, manipulative, and movement/body awareness skills
(Table 2).These movements are required in all activities in varying
amounts, and should
be performed at a
Table 1:Those Who Should
wide array of speeds,
Not Participate in Agility
amplitudes, and
forces based on the
Very old and frail
specific population.
Severe neuromuscular disorders
(e.g., stroke, Parkinsons
For ins tance, the
s a m e m ove m e n t s
being produced by an
Morbidly obesity
athlete in a game or
Manipulative Awareness
with auditory cue: The client
should begin this drill by running forward to the second
cone, and upon reaching the
second cone decelerate the
body and backpedal to the
first cone. Periodically the
trainer will provide an auditory cue by blowing a whistle to
signal the client to immediately stop where they are and
change directions.
Agility training can provide fun and variety to a traditional training program aimed at improving health and fitness. Enhanced agility
also may help improve performance in basic activities of daily living,
and even assist in the prevention of some types of injuries, especially falls. However, it is important to remember that for individuals in
the general fitness population appropriate modifications to accommodate their current levels of health and skill related fitness must be
made to promote safety. It is recommended that agility drills be progressed slowly with an emphasis on technique mastery, before progressing the speed of movements and adding complex variations,
such as open, or non-programmed agility training.
1. Dawes J, Mooney C. 101 Conditioning Games and Drills for
Athletes. Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Press. 2006:9.
2. Dawes J. ONE-ON-ONE: Creating Open Agility Drills. Strength &
Conditioning Journal. 2008;30: 54-55.
3. Dawes J. Learning to React. Professional Strength & Conditioning.
4. Schmidt RA, Lee TD. Motor Control and Learning: A Behavioral
Emphasis, 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2005:91-101, 280285, 401-431
5. Young W, Farrow D. A Review of Agility: Practical Applications for
Strength and Conditioning. Strength & Conditioning Journal.
It is not uncommon for patients to begin
phase II cardiac rehabilitation without a
recent exercise test. According to a survey
by Andreuzzi et al.,2 60% of programs do
not require an exercise test prior to program entry. However, there are few evidence-based recommendations for establishing a target heart rate (HR) in patients
with heart disease in the absence of an exercise test. ACSMs Guidelines for Exercise
Testing and Prescription, 8th edition1 improves
on prior editions by providing some guidance for these situations (see Table 9.1, p.
214). These guidelines will be refined as
more evidence-based data become available.
This article will discuss challenges faced by
the exercise physiologist when prescribing
exercise without an exercise test.
When an exercise test is not available, clinicians will typically set a target HR based on the patients resting HR plus 20 beats per minute
(bpm; rest plus 20), or they will guide exercise based solely on ratings
of perceived exertion (RPE). Establishing a target HR using rest plus 20
was originally intended to be a temporary recommendation following
hospital discharge until the patient had a symptom-limited exercise test
in conjunction with an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program. In
some programs it is viewed as a safe and conservative initial training
intensity in the absence of an exercise test. Practical experience, however, suggests that some patients may not undergo an exercise test
(n= 46)
The following case study illustrates the challenges of depending solely on RPE. A 55-year-old male with heart failure was referred to cardiac
rehabilitation. Based on an exercise test, his peak HR was 115 bpm and
the target HR range based on 60-70% HR reserve was set at 89 to 102
bpm. During the first few exercise sessions he exercised at a HR of 105
bpm and a RPE of 10 (Borg 6 to 20 scale). Because of the low RPE, the
exercise staff decided to forgo using HR and guide exercise solely by
RPE. He then began to exercise at a HR of 115 bpm and a RPE of 14.
Following these exercise bouts he reported extreme fatigue and subsequently missed several visits. When he returned to exercise he was
instructed to keep his HR within his previously defined target range and
he tolerated exercise much better without complaints of excessive, postexercise fatigue. This individual did not interpret his RPE well. Optimally,
exercise staff would have looked for reasons the target HR range and
RPE were discordant (e.g., patient not taking medications, change in
beta blockade). If none were identified, then the importance of the prescribed target HR range should have been emphasized and the patient
educated on the RPE that corresponds with this range. Alternative subjective methods, such as the talk test, also may have been useful.
What is Curiosity?
Curiosity has received more than a century
of psychological study and many definitions
have been offered over the years. What all definitions have in common, however, is that
curiosity is (1) a motivational state; (2)
approach-oriented and; (3) associated with
exploration. A good working definition of
curiosity, offered by Kasdan, is: The recognition, pursuit, and intense desire to explore
In Coaching
Perhaps most important for coaching,
curiosity promotes new ways of thinking and
acting. Perspective change is the bread and butter of coaching. Kashdan writes, People who
feel curious challenge their views of self, others,
and the world with an inevitable stretching of
information, knowledge and skills.4 Coaches
know that this is an important route to meaningful change.
Curiosity also helps in goal fulfillment.
Kashdan and Steger (2007)3 studied people
over the course of 21 days and found that people who were highly curious were more likely
to persist in attaining their goals, even in the
face of obstacles, and were also more likely to
express gratitude to their benefactors. This led
to higher levels of perceived meaning and
Curiosity also can help our clients build neurological connections as they explore new
experiences and seek out new information.
Finally, according to Kashdan, curiosity
leads to more efficient decision-making and
helps us grow in our ability to see the relationships among disparate ideas, leading to more
It is not surprising that curiosity and achieving our best life have been found to be linked.
Coaching News (continued on page 11)
Although a Gallup poll6 found that 52% of American adults are
attempting to reduce their body weight through dieting, approximately
one-third of our population is overweight and another one-third is
obese. Contrary to the August 17, 2009 cover story in Time magazine,
dieting alone is not a productive means for attaining permanent weight
A comprehensive research review titled,
Medicares search for effective obesity interventions:
Diets are not the answer stated that dieters who
manage to sustain a weight loss are the rare exception,
rather than the rule. Dieters who gain back more
weight than they lost may very well be the norm
(page 230).4
If diets dont work what does? Most of us would
agree that regular aerobic activity is an appropriate
recommendation for increasing energy expenditure,
and indeed it is. However, during the past two
decades, there has been considerable interest in the
role of resistance exercise for enhanced fat loss due to
its positive impact on resting energy expenditure.
In 1994, two landmark studies were published
regarding the effects of standard strength training on
resting metabolic rate in older adults. Campbell et al.1
at Tufts University conducted a carefully controlled
study in which subjects ate measured meals and performed no physical training except for three sets of
four resistance exercises, three days each week. After
12 weeks on this basic strength training program, the
participants increased their lean weight by about three
pounds and their resting metabolic rate by about 7%.
This represented approximately 100 additional calories burned at rest on a daily basis.
That same year, Pratley and associates5 conducted
a similar study with senior men. The research subjects
performed relatively brief strength training sessions
(one set of 14 resistance exercises) three days each
1. Campbell WW, Crim MC, Young VR, Evans WJ.
Increased energy requirements and changes in
body composition with resistance training in
older adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994;60:167-175.
2. Hackney KJ, Engels HJ, Gretebeck RJ. Resting energy expenditure and
delayed-onset muscle soreness after full-body resistance training
with an eccentric concentration. J Strength Cond Res.
3. Hunter GR, Wetzstein CJ, Fields DA, et al. Resistance training
increases total energy expenditure and free-living physical activity in
older adults. J Appl Physiol. 2000;89:977-984.
4. Mann TA, Tomiyama J, Westlin E, et al. Medicares search for effective obesity treatments: Diets are not the answer. Am Psychol.
5. Pratley R, Nicklas B, Rubin M, et al. Strength training increases
resting metabolic rate and norepinephrine levels in healthy 50 to 65
year old men. J Appl Physiol. 1994;76:133-137.
6. Research Alert. Gallup poll of American adults on diets. 17(6): 1-3,
1. Deci EL. The relation of interest to the motivation of behavior: A selfdetermination theory perspective. In: Renninger KA, Hidi S, Krapp A,
editors. The Role of Interest in Learning and Development. Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1992.
2. Kashdan T. Curious? New York: HarperCollins, 2009.
3. Kashdan TB, Steger MF. Curiosity and pathways to well-being and
meaning in life: Traits, states, and everyday behaviors. Motiv Emot.
4. Kashdan TB, Silvia PJ. Curiosity and interest: The benefits of thriving
on novelty and challenge. In: Snyder CR, Lopez SJ, editors. Oxford
Handbook of Positive Psychology, 2nd edition. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2009.
5. Naylor FD. A state-trait curiosity inventory. Aust Psychol. 1981;16:172183.
6. Park N, Peterson C, Seligman MEP. Strengths of character and wellbeing. J Soc Clin Psychol. 2004;23:603-619.
7. Pecina S. Opiod reward liking and wanting in the nucleus accumbens. Physiol Behav. 2008;94:675-680.
8. Ryan RM, Deci EL. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of
intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. Am Psychol.
9. Swan GE, Carmelli D. Curiosity and mortality in aging adults: A 5year follow-up of the Western Collaborative Group Study. Psychol
Aging. 1996;11:449-453.
10. Vitterso J. Flow versus life satisfaction: A projective use of cartoons to
illustrate the difference between the evaluation approach and the
intrinsic motivation approach to subjective quality of life. J Happiness
Stud. 2003;4:141-167.
4. Brawner CA, Ehrman JK, Keteyian SJ. Identifying a target heart rate
in patients with ischemic heart disease without an exercise stress
test. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2005;37 (5 suppl): S226.
5. Brawner CA, Vanzant MA, Ehrman JK, et al. Guiding exercise using
the talk test among patients with coronary artery disease. J
Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2006;26:72-75.
6. Cannon C, Foster C, Porcari JP, Skemp-Arlt KM, Fater DCW, Backes
R. Prescribing exercise using the talk test: avoidance of exertional
ischemia. Am J Sports Med. 2004;6:52-56.
7. Dehart-Beverly M, Foster C, Porcari JP, Fater DCW, Mikat RP.
Relationship between the talk test and ventilatory threshold. Clin
Exerc Physiol. 2000;2:34-38.
8. Dishman RK. Prescribing exercise intensity for healthy adults using
perceived exertion. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1994;26(9):1087-1094.
9. Gibbons RJ, Balady GJ, Bricker JT, et al. ACC/AHA 2002 guideline
update for exercise testing: a report of the American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice
Guidelines (Committee on Exercise Testing). Available from:
10. Joo KC, Brubaker PH, MacDougall A, Saikin AM, Ross JH, Whaley
MH. Exercise prescription using resting heart rate plus 20 or perceived exertion in cardiac rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil.
11. Kraus WE. Utility of graded exercise testing in the cardiac rehabilitation setting. In: Kraus WE, Keteyian SJ, editors. Contemporary
Cardiology: Cardiac Rehabilitation. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press,
12. McConnell TR, Klinger TA, Gardner JK, Laubach CA, Herman CE,
Hauck CA. Cardiac rehabilitation without exercise tests for postmyocardial infarction and post-bypass surgery patients. J Cardiopulm
Rehabil. 1998;18:458-463.
13. Whaley MH, Brubaker PH, Kaminsky LA, Miller CR. Validity of rating of perceived exertion during graded exercise testing in apparently healthy adults and cardiac patients. J Cardiopulm Rehabil.
1. American College of Sports Medicine. ACSMs Guidelines for
Exercise Testing and Prescription, 8th edition. Thompson WR,
Gordon NF, Pescatello LS, editors. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2009:214-219.
2. Andreuzzi RA, Franklin BA, Gordon NF, Haskell WL. National survey of exercise practices in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004;34 (suppl 5), S181.
3. Brawner CA, Ehrman JK, Schairer JR, Cao JJ, Keteyian SJ.
Predicting maximum heart rate among patients with coronary heart
disease receiving beta-adrenergic blockade therapy. Am Heart J.
2004;148: 910-914.
Effective exercise prescription
requires that an exercise professional
be able to translate scientific principles
and theory into language and ideas
that are easy for a client to understand
and apply. In addition, an understanding of some of the theories of behavior
change may help the practitioner to
tailor the exercise prescription to each
clients individual needs.
The first step in developing an exercise prescription is to
determine the clients goals. Goals must be realistic, measurable,
and achievable. By applying behavioral change theory, such as
the theory of self-efficacy3 and the readiness for change model,8
the exercise professional involves the client in the goal-setting
process. Asking about a clients self-efficacy (self-confidence) to
make lifestyle changes regarding exercise, determining the barriers to exercise that may be encountered, and helping the individual make a plan to address those barriers, increases ownership in the exercise plan and may help the client adhere to the
When the goals have been determined, apply the FITT principle2 to address those goals. The FITT principle stands for
Frequency, Intensity, Time (duration), and Type (mode) of exercise; it provides a simple way to outline the components of any exercise
prescription. Whether a client wants to improve cardiorespiratory fitness or gain muscular endurance, whether he/she wants to lose weight,
recover from heart surgery, or train for the Olympics, the exercise professional can use the acronym FITT to delineate an appropriate exercise prescription.
The first three components must actually be considered together as
the total volume of physical activity will have an impact on the
health/fitness benefits achieved.5 When frequency (F) of exercise is
increased, it may be prudent to cut down on the intensity (I) or the time
(T) spent exercising. Alternatively, when intensity (I) is low, a person may
need to exercise for a longer duration (T) to reach their specific goals.
Considering the fourth component, type (T) of exercise, the principle of
specificity of training9 informs us that the mode of activity needed for
cardiorespiratory benefits is aerobic; resistance training exercises will be
interrupted for any extended time needs to be reminded that is important to re-start slowly and not expect to pick up where one left off.
In summary, while the client does not need to understand all the scientific principles of exercise, the exercise professional must be aware of
all of these guidelines to help each individual determine an appropriate
prescription that will make SENSE and FITT their unique needs.
1. Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Whitt MC, et al. Compendium of physical
activities: An update of activity codes and MET intensities. Med Sci
Sports Exerc. 2000;32(suppl.):S498-S516.
2. American College of Sports Medicine. ACSMs Guidelines for Exercise
Testing and Prescription, 8th ed. Thompson WR, Gordon NF, Pescatello
LS, editors. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
3. Bandura A. Social foundations of thought and action, a social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1994.
4. Borg GAV. Borgs perceived exertion and pain scales. Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics, 1998.
5. Haskell WL, Lee I-M, Pate RR, et al. Physical activity and public health:
Updated recommendation for adults from the American College of
Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 2007;39:1423-1434.
6. Heyward VH. Advanced Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription, 5th ed.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2006.
7. Nelson ME, Rejeski WJ, Blair SN, et al. Physical activity and public
health in older adults: Recommendations from the American College of
Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 2007;39:1435-1445.
8. Prochaska JO, Redding CA, Evers KE. The transtheoretical model and
stages of change. In: Glanz K, Rimer BK, Lewis FM, Eds. Health behavior
and health education, theory research and practice. San Francisco:
John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
9. Wilmore JH, Costill DL, Kenney WL. Physiology of Sport and Exercise,
4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2008.
TEST #1:
TEST #2:
TEST #3:
TEST #4:
a. heart rate.
c. MET level.
b. VO2.
d. Rate of Perceived
Exertion (RPE).
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