13 Reminders That Will Help You in Tough Times
13 Reminders That Will Help You in Tough Times
13 Reminders That Will Help You in Tough Times
blaming anyone for the situation you are currently in. Take your life in your ha
nds and learn that if you wont to start fresh and change your life, you should f
irst change your thought, habits and mindset.
8. Recognize your fears. That is the first step to overcoming them. Exploring yo
ur fears helps you face them because you will already know what exactly you have
to be cautious about (be it your mindset, your body language, emotions). Overco
ming fears is not an easy job and often times it takes practice to master them.
One of the top three fears people have is the fear of speaking in public. If you
look at the situation (speaking in front of public) clearly, you will see that
the viewers aren t scary, it is just that the person who is speaking has a differe
nt vision in his head about them and about themself, too. It s important to remind
yourself that fear is forged inside your mind and it s not impossible to beat it.
9. Failing is a way to learn. If nobody ever failed, the world wouldn t be the way
it is right now. Some people learn best through failure. We should stop viewing
failure as a bad thing because it does not mean that we are unsuccessful when w
e fail. It means that we are still searching for ways to reach our success. The
path to it isn t easy and by overcoming the obstacles, we learn new skills and see
which ways don t work and which-do.
10. Be grateful for what
t you don t have because
gratitude every day and
ugh and you will feel at
11. If you are feeling sad, just know that this is not going to last forever. No
thing does. This too shall pass. When you feel stuck, think of that as a normal
phase that every person goes through. Evaluate your situation, experience it, do
n t fight it too much. It is better to express your feelings, even the sad ones, r
ather than to suppress them. In that way, when you are done being sad, you will
see the world with a clearer vision.
12. Don t let jealousy make you a bitter person. It is human to feel a little jeal
ous at someone from time to time, but some people tend to get so obsessed with o
ther people s lives that they start acting grumpy and mad because of their jealous
y. When you feel that a jealousy feeling is arising in you, don t hate yourself. J
ust try to acknowledge that feeling and explore it. Ask yourself what triggered
your jealousy and when you find the answer, focus on how you can improve yoursel
f in order to get that thing you are jealous about. For example, if you are jeal
ous of your friend who has learned 2 languages, is successful at their job and t
ravels the world, then that means that you should work harder and dedicate yours
elf to the activities that will help you achieve these goals.
13. Have faith. Believe that anything can happen. You just have to believe that
miracles happen and you will see it for yourself.