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Welding Habitat

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Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Use of habitats
Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Prepared by the Working Together

for Safety Working Group:

15 May 2012


Working Together for Safety Project


Rev 00
Hugo Halvorsen

Applies from:

Next revision:

1 July 2012

June 2015

Approved by the Working Together

for Safety Board, Chairman:

yvind Norheim

Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3
Objective ................................................................................................................ 3
Definitions .............................................................................................................. 3
Best practice ......................................................................................................... 4
Planning ................................................................................................................. 4
Design construction of the habitat ............................................................... 4
Inspection prior to use ....................................................................................... 5
Operation of the habitat ..................................................................................... 6
Working environment ......................................................................................... 6
Maintenance of the habitat ................................................................................ 7
Removal of the habitat ....................................................................................... 7
Risk management ............................................................................................... 8
Appendix A: Checklist for approval of habitats ....................................... 9
Appendix B: Checklist for daily inspection of habitats ........................11
Appendix C: Duties of the habitat responsible .......................................12

Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00

Within the petroleum industry, the term habitat is used to describe an enclosed area with
overpressure. Habitats are constructed from flame retardant materials. The overpressure prevents
flammable gas from reaching hot work (e.g. welding) inside the habitat and igniting. With an
associated control and shutdown system, a habitat is able to ensure the safe execution of hot
work in classified areas under normal operating and production conditions. Conditions in
unclassified areas can also make it necessary to use a habitat.
This recommendation assumes that a risk assessment has already been carried out, including an
assessment of alternative methods (cold work, shutdown, etc.), and it has been decided that a
habitat shall be used.

This best practice (method) describes how a habitat should be planned, designed, inspected,
operated, maintained and removed if it is to constitute a safety barrier.

Habitat: A temporarily enclosed area with overpressure and associated control and shutdown
Classified area: Classified area refers to Zones 0, 1 and 2.
Safe area: Safe area refers to an area, generally unclassified, where there is the lowest possible
risk of the presence of gas in the air intake.

In this context, the ignition source control system and other habit equipment are defined as
temporary equipment in accordance with Norsok Standard Z-015N.

Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00

Best practice
Thorough planning prior to the use of a habitat is important in order to ensure safe execution of the
work. Planning forms the basis for being able to manage the risks associated with all sub-tasks
involved in establishing a habitat.
Best practice in planning a habitat includes:

Reviewing area classification drawings and undertaking an inspection to ensure that the
drawings match the actual conditions. This includes a review of the physical conditions, such
as electrical connections, air supply to the habitat, the size of the job (with regard to potential
heat and air flow) and special conditions at the installation/facility.

Identifying risks associated with the planning, design, control, operation, use, maintenance
and removal of the habitat. The identification of risks may involve an assessment of
HAZID/HAZOP needs, including an assessment of the activity level at the installation,
operating conditions, concurrent operations, etc.

Clarifying how compensatory measures should be implemented.

Design construction of the habitat

It should be verified that the necessary resources (scaffolding, electricity, air, etc.) identified
through the planning work are available at the location where the habitat shall be constructed.

The construction of the habitat must be managed by a competent habitat installer. Common
competence requirements for habitat installers do not currently exist, but work is being
carried out to establish a norm. Until such a norm is in place, the individual supplier must set
internal competence requirements and document these. The requirements must also be
approved by the individual operator.

The habitat, including its door, must be constructed from flame retardant materials, be
adequately stiffened, and constructed so that heat and sparks from the planned activity do
not constitute an ignition source risk outside the habitat.

The habitat must be equipped with a window so that the habitat responsible can monitor the
work inside the habitat. The window should be positioned so that flame detectors can remain

The habitat must be equipped with a manual emergency stop device, which cuts off the
electricity supply to equipment within the habitat.

A habitat must be constructed so that potential hydrocarbon leakage points are not located
inside the habitat. However, if it is decided that, for example, a flanged joint must be built in,
compensatory measures must be implemented.

Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00

Welding and heat treatment equipment must be placed inside the habitat, or in a separate
habitat if necessary.

The construction of the habitat and strength of the fabric must be able to withstand the
relevant wind stresses in the area in which the habitat is placed. Habitats are normally
designed to be able to withstand wind speeds of up to 30 m/s.

A habitat should be equipped with a self-closing door (a habitat can lose overpressure after
just a few seconds of the door being open). Creating good, labelled evacuation routes from
the habitat to a safe area should be prioritized. If necessary, alternative evacuation routes
should be constructed there must always be another escape route in addition to the door
of the habitat.

For work in the habitat which represents an ignition source (for example heat), even after the
electricity or gas supply to the habitat has been cut off, the fan unit and damper must be
independent of the working electrical current to ensure continued overpressure in such
situations. Electrical and pneumatic fans shall be EX approved for Zone 1. Fans must be
shut down and dampers closed automatically if gas is detected in the air intake. The air inlet
for fans should be placed in a safe area (well away from classified areas), in order to ensure
sufficient air supply to the habitat.

The habitat must be equipped with at least three external gas detectors. If gas is detected
(over 10% LEL) by one of these detectors, all equipment within the habitat shall be isolated
(trip) automatically. If overpressure within the habitat is lost, all equipment within the habitat
must also be isolated (trip) automatically or by the habitat guard. EX certified lights must be
set up inside the habitat. EX certified flashlights should be available in the habitat as a backup in the event of a loss of power.

Communication must be established with the central control room, and the habitat system
must be equipped with both audible and visual alarms.

If gases are used (propane oxygen/acetylene) the gas bottles must be placed outside the
habitat and the supply physically removed/disconnected before any hot work starts. One of
the gas detectors must also be connected to the automatic disconnection system for ignition
sources and gas sources (e.g. solenoid valves on propane bottles) and placed at the lowest
possible level in the habitat together with a hand-held O2 meter. Gas equipment, including
hoses, shall be tested for leaks and found to be in order.

The habitat must be constructed so that an overpressure of a minimum of 50 Pascals (Pa)

can be established. If the job requires it (e.g. during string bead welding), the overpressure
can be reduced for a short period (but to no lower than 15 Pa). This must be risk
assessed/documented in each individual instance.

Inspection prior to use

The area responsible/area technician, together with the habitat installer, HSE function and
executing worker, should carry out a checklist-based final inspection (ref. Appendix A). This
is done in order to verify that the habitat is constructed in accordance with requirements. A
copy of the checklist must be placed in a folder hung on the outside of the habitat.

Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00

A visual inspection is carried out in the form of a self-inspection, and the safety functions
inside the habitat are checked in accordance with Appendix B.

Operation of the habitat

The habitat installer should be available while the habitat is in use, unless other personnel
with competence in ensuring the habitats integrity are present during this period.

The detection of gas at the installation/facility shall automatically shut down ignition sources
inside the habitat.

Use of the habitat requires a dedicated habitat guard, whose main task is to monitor the
work site. A complete list of the habitat guards tasks can be found in Appendix C.

Working environment

The habitat should be constructed in a way that facilitates good working conditions. Good
communication with the executing personnel should therefore be maintained while the
habitat is constructed.


Work in the habitat often generates noise, in addition to other sources of noise in the area.
This must be taken into consideration when selecting equipment, assessing whether hearing
protection should be used, and evaluating how long personnel should be permitted to work
in the area.

Dust Chemicals

Work in overpressure habitats creates turbulent air conditions, and overpressure respirators
should therefore be used.


The habitat should be equipped with a zinc bucket for used welding electrodes, appropriate
fire extinguishing equipment (water or foam), flashlights, a knife, and water bottles/water
tanks for cooling the workpiece.

Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00

The need for extra personnel to monitor the work (in addition to the habitat guard) must be

The area around the work site inside the habitat must be covered with fire retardant material
so that no sparks or hot work can damage equipment or the habitat.

Maintenance of the habitat

During continual use, the habitat should be checked daily by the executing personnel in
accordance with the relevant checklist (Appendix B).

When the habitat is not in use, it should be opened to allow air to flow through it.

The supplier/owner of the habitat equipment must have a system for the maintenance and
inspection of all the elements included in the habitat system. Any need for help from the
operator, such as for routine checks of gas detectors and electrical equipment, should be
clarified at the individual installation/facility.

Removal of the habitat

After use, the habitat and other temporary equipment should be removed as quickly as possible
so that the installation/facilitys operations can be returned to normal.

There is often dust, etc. inside the habitat after use, so appropriate personal protective
equipment must be used when removing this.

The control room should be contacted to return any temporary safety measures (for use of the
habitat) to normal operation.

Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00

Risk management
The identification of risks should be based on single activities associated with the planning, design,
inspections, operation and maintenance, and removal of the habitat as described above. It can be
helpful to divide the individual activities into requirements, best practice, assessment by the
executing team and the actual execution of the activities as follows:

Identify requirements relating to the activity in order to ensure an understanding of what shall be

Method (procedure)
Identify best practice and ensure the understanding and use of this.

Assessment by the executing work team

The planning must ensure involvement from the executing team. This is in order to ensure that
the best practice (method) is sufficient to manage the risks and meet the requirements.

In the event of changes/any stop in the work, a new risk assessment should be carried out
before the work is resumed.

A: Checklist for approval of habitats
B: Daily checklist for habitats
C: Duties of the habitat guard

Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00

Appendix A: Checklist for approval of habitats









The habitat, including its door, is constructed from flame retardant

materials, adequately stiffened, and constructed so that heat and sparks
from the planned activity do not constitute an ignition source risk outside
the habitat.
The habitat is equipped with a window for visibility and constructed so
that the fire watcher outside the habitat can monitor the activity inside the
A self-closing door is fastened to the frame and the closing mechanism
functions correctly. The seal around the door is checked and OK.
The habitat fabric is secured against leaks around pipes and structures
with straps or tape.
The air inlet to the habitat is located in a safe area.


Overpressure inside the habitat is tested to at least 50 Pa (5mm VS).

Electrical contacts and valves for air that is used to run the fans are
labelled: For habitat, must not be closed/switched off and secured in
the open position.
The executing worker, area technician and habitat guard are familiar with
the automatic shutdown system and checklists.
The escape routes are checked and cleared also with respect to how a
stretcher can be evacuated. Alternative escape routes are labelled inside
the habitat.
A pressurised fire hose is positioned outside the habitat. The fire water
valve is labelled For habitat, must not be closed and secured in the
open position.
A function test of the control unit(s), including testing with gas, has been
carried out.
The habitat has been evaluated for HC leaks/sweating in the vicinity of
the habitat, e.g. plug leaks.
Exposed flame detectors are shielded or set to bypass.
(If in doubt, this must be tested in collaboration with the CCR).
Gas detectors are in position, connected to the control unit and the
placement is approved by the area technician.
The method of communication between the executing worker and habitat
responsible has been agreed upon, e.g. for opening the door of the
habitat, and the habitat responsible is familiar with the task to be carried
For welding: There is a zinc bucket for used electrodes inside the habitat,
as well as water for cooling the workpiece.
Sufficient welding/emery cloths are hung up to protect the fabric of the
habitat. There are no flammable materials inside the habitat.
EX certified lights that do not shut off when the electricity supply for
welding is disconnected are installed.
All electrical equipment that is used inside the habitat, with the exception
of EX certified emergency lighting, is connected to a control unit. Welding
equipment and heat treatment transformers are placed inside the habitat.
Preventive maintenance has been carried out on the electrical
Heat from the planned activity does not constitute an ignition source risk
outside the habitat.
When the habitat is used with any gas sources (propane
oxygen/acetylene) inside the habitat itself: One of the gas detectors
connected to the automatic disconnection system for ignition sources is
placed at the lowest possible level inside the habitat together with a
hand-held O2 meter. Gas bottles are placed outside the habitat and the
control valves on these are physically disconnected before welding
starts. Gas equipment, including hoses, is tested for leaks and found to







Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00


be in order.
The need for fresh air has been assessed, and online meters for
fresh/breathing air have been function tested and approved.


An Approved sign is installed when the habitat has been approved. The
habitat must be re-approved in the event of changes.


Habitat No.: _________Approved Date:________ Area/ Module: __________SJA No.:_________

Area Technician:
Operational system responsible:
Habitat expert:
Completed checklists shall be stored together with the active work permit.

Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats
Rev 00

Appendix B: Checklist for daily inspection of habitats




A pressurised fire hose is positioned outside the habitat. The fire

water valve is labelled For habitat, valve must not be closed and
secured in the open position. (If there is a risk of frost, the hose
should be positioned while dry and the valve labelled For habitat,
must not be disconnected).
The escape routes are checked and cleared also with respect to
how a stretcher can be evacuated.
Sufficient welding/emery cloths are hung up to protect the fabric of
the habitat, and there are no flammable materials inside the habitat.
None of the components of the habitats door are flammable.
Gas detectors are in position.





All electrical equipment that is used inside the habitat, with the
exception of EX certified emergency lighting, is connected to a
control unit. Welding equipment and heat treatment transformers
are placed inside the habitat. Normal preventive maintenance (PM)
has been carried out on the electrical equipment.
EX certified lights that do not shut off when the electricity supply for
welding is disconnected are installed.
Heat from the planned activity does not constitute an ignition source
risk outside the habitat. The need for protection under the floor, in
the ceiling or around pipes has been assessed.
When the habitat is used with any gas sources (propane
oxygen/acetylene) inside the habitat itself: One of the gas detectors
connected to the automatic disconnection system for ignition
sources is placed at the lowest possible level inside the habitat
together with a hand-held O2 meter. Gas bottles are placed outside
the habitat and the control valves on these are physically
disconnected before welding starts. Gas equipment, including
hoses, is tested for leaks and found to be in order.

Habitat No.: _________


skilled worker
skilled worker


Area/ Module: ___________

Executing worker:

Completed checklists shall be stored together with the active work permit.


Working Together for Safety Recommendation 036N/2012

Use of habitats

Rev 00

Appendix C: Duties of the habitat responsible

The Habitat guard shall be clearly identifiable from clothing featuring the words Habitat guard (Habitatvakt) or
Fire watcher (Brannvakt)

Duties of the habitat responsible when using habitats in process areas

Before the work starts,
the habitat responsible

- Review all the habitats safety functions together with the person responsible for work
in the habitat
- Become familiar with the requirements for overpressure, breathing air and extra
meters when using gas or propane
- Become familiar with the use and operation of the gas meters
- Agree upon stop signals with the personnel who shall work inside the habitat
- Participate in Safe Job Analysis
- Establish and maintain radio communication with the central control room (CCR)
- Inform involved personnel of escape routes
- Ensure that all lighting and other equipment is in accordance with instructions for
equipment used inside welding habitats
- Position the following equipment at the habitat and make it ready for immediate use:
EX certified flashlight
Pressurised fire hose
Foam/water fire extinguisher. Remember that CO2 should never be used on
fires in enclosed areas/habitats
Compressed air breathing apparatus with buddy mask or equivalent, if
Other rescue equipment as required by the work permit.

Before work starts, the

habitat responsible
shall become familiar

- The nearest trigger for the sprinkler/deluge system

- The circuit breaker for welding equipment/electrical equipment
- The location of the nearest telephone/fire alarm

During the work, the

habitat responsible

- Not participate in work that may disturb the task at hand

- Remain at the entrance to the habitat and visually monitor the work and surroundings
at all times
- Stop the work if incidents occur that may affect the safety of personnel or the work
that is being carried out

When the work is

interrupted or
completed, the habitat
responsible shall:

- Secure the equipment/work site

- Turn off electrical equipment and shut off any gas bottles
- Gas bottles shall be physically disconnected when personnel leave the habitat
- Notify the area technician/CCR

In the event of an
undesirable incident in
the entry area, the
habitat responsible

- Notify work colleagues, the CCR, and sound the alarm

- Administer life-saving first aid if this is possible without exposing oneself to danger
- Secure the work site and shut off any gas bottles

In an alarm situation,
the habitat responsible

- Notify work colleagues and stop the work

- Secure the work site, and shut off any electrical equipment and gas bottles

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