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ACF in Rajasthan

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Chirawa, Mundwa and Rabriyawas in Rajasthan are characterised by dry, arid climate
and water scarcity. ACF promotes farm practises that enable optimum utilisation of the
available water and water harvesting techniques in the region, so that water is available
for cultivation and domestic use for longer periods. ACF also promotes low water
intensive crops. Marwar Mundwa got an award for Excellence in Water Management,
Beyond the Fence from CII this year. The Rabriyawas unit promotes the use of biomass
and plastic collection as an alternative fuel resource for Ambuja Cements Limited.
For more information on SEDI and its courses, please refer to page 92.

Agro-based Livelihood
Despite the erratic rainfall, agriculture is the main
occupation in the villages. Soil health is poor, with
low nutrient content; alkalinity and salinity further
reduce its productivity. Until recently, scarce rainfall
led farmers to cultivate a single traditional crop during
the kharif season. With innovative water conservation
methods introduced by ACF, farmers are now able to
grow a variety of crops throughout the year.
Fourteen small and marginal farmers have taken up
wadi plantation with trees like ber, amla, lemon and
pomegranate that do not need much water, with a
survival rate of 75%. ACF introduced various irrigation
methods on farms in collaboration with the National
Horticulture Mission (NHM) to encourage judicious
use of water. Farmers have adopted systems like drip
irrigation, mulching, tank irrigation and sprinkler
systems with support from various government
schemes. These practices have enabled farmers
to save up to 70% of water in comparison with
traditional methods of irrigation. Farmers have begun
vegetable farming with ACFs support, procuring



good quality seeds through the NHM scheme on a

cost-sharing basis. They receive training and technical
guidance on cultivation and marketing as part of the
Eighteen farmers have come together to grow
vegetables on a commercial scale on about 50 acres
of land, working as a team to ensure proper irrigation,
growing, storage and sale of vegetables. Much of
this work is supported through collaboration with
agencies like the National Seeds Corporation (NSC),
Gujarat State Seeds Corporation, Rajasthan State
Seeds Corporation (RSSC) and other private suppliers.
We also held trials on various kharif crops like green
gram and cluster beans, and discussed the results with
farmers to ascertain the most preferred crop.
A small scale initiative to introduce and implement
a seed production programme has begun with
support from NSC, RSSC and the Rajasthan State Seed
Certification Agency (RSSCA). These agencies supply
good quality seeds to farmers through cooperative
societies. With technical guidance and regular
inspection of the crops, 141 farmers from Balada,
Amarpura, Sevaria, Kotadiya Ras, Thakarwas,Talakiya,
Asarlai and Rabriyawas villages successfully grew

Wadi plantations with fruit bearing trees are helping small and
marginal farmers to enhance their crop output each year.



gram during the kharif season. Today, farmers are

implementing the seed production programme across
80 acres of land, reaping profit, and ensuring seed
conservation in Rajasthan.
Based on the results of soil fertility tests, ACF
supported farmers to apply for gypsum under the
Agriculture Departments soil reclamation scheme.
Farmers obtained over 7,600 bags, each containing
50 kg of gypsum at a subsidised rate, and it has
helped improve the soil quality in many farms.
ACF-initiated farmer clubs have grown to 50 this
year. In collaboration with NABARD, these farmer
groups are implementing many agricultural activities.
These include selling field crops and fertilizers; and
supplying biomass to the ACL plant to be used as
alternative fuel.
As part of its allied agricultural activities, ACF held
25 animal vaccination camps in coordination with the
Government Veterinary Department, attending to
about 17,000 livestock. Farmers also participated in
training programmes on livestock management and
disease prevention.

Green fodder, necessary to improve milk production

among cattle, is in short supply in the region. To
address this need, ACF has been promoting multi-cut
fodder amongst 125 farmers in an area of 70 acres.
Since the fodder is a quick growing species, they are
able to harvest it up to three times a year, and provide
cattle with year-long fodder for better health and
milk production. ACF has developed an innovative
cattle feed cum drinking water system installing 60
units in 12 villages. Milk yield has now increased by
about 30%. and more than 100 farmers were trained
on preparing homemade cattle feed using their own
ACF has been supporting the Deenbandhu model
of biogas plants in villages around Rabriyawas as part
of an initiative to promote non-conventional sources
of energy. In 2012, ACF helped install 30 biogas plants
in the region on a cost-sharing basis with farmers,
supported by the Department of Renewable Energy
Sources, Government of India.ACF also implements
the Rajasthan Forestry and Biodiversity programme in
three forest ranges of Bali, Desuri and Sendada in 37
villages of Pali district.

Given the erratic rainfall

pattern, water resource
management is a key
initiative in Rajasthan,
with ACF facilitating
construction of ponds,
renovation of traditional
waterbodies, building
checkdams and working
with communities on the
repair and maintainence
of old and defunct water
harvesting structures.



The objective of this project is to enhance the forest

area and livelihood opportunities of forest dependent
people; and to undertake afforestation and
biodiversity conservation measures through the JFM
approach. These measures contribute to environment
conservation and the socio-economic development of
In collaboration with NABARD, ACF is implementing
the Tribal Development Fund Wadi Project in five
villages. This is a three year-long project, during which
279 pomegranate and lemon wadis will be cultivated.
Each wadi farmer will receive continuous support
and inputs. In its first year, 129 wadis have been
established across farms in five villages.
ACF works extensively in collaboration with Ambuja
Cements to promote clean energy by promoting
clean fuels. The Companys plants are surrounded by
agricultural land and we promote the use of biomass
as an alternative fuel. The biomass procured locally is
from mustard, cumin and cotton husk. About 6,500
tonnes of biomass were supplied to ACL through
farmer clubs in 2012.

Water Resource Management

Rainfall in the region is usually erratic, adversely
affecting households and agricultural activities.
However, in 2012 Rajasthan received good rainfall,
and that, complemented by our work in water
resource management over the past few years, helped
conserve and save rainwater. During the year, ACF
facilitated the construction of 30 ponds across 22
villages, increasing the total storage capacities of
ponds and bringing relief to communities.
Three check dams were reconstructed in the project
villages of Ras, Kurki and Paliyawas this year. ACF also
took up repair & maintenance of old and defunct
water harvesting structures in the area. We helped
strengthen earthen bunds and repaired khadins in
Balada, Rabriyawas, Rawatokidhani and Dholadhanta
villages, ensuring better rainwater harvesting.
The khadin system of water harvesting is proving
to be extremely effective in improving soil fertility for
rabi crops. With the land irrigated with water from the

A win-win situation
Most of the ACL plants are based in rural areas,
surrounded by farms. A farmer grows his crops
according to the season and once the season is over,
the left over is usually burnt or thrown away. In an effort
to match the fuel needs of the Company, and benefit
to the community ACF began facilitating the process
of using left over biomass as a fuel resource for the
Having convinced the community about the
importance of biomass, ACF helped start farmers club
(farmers institution supported by NABARD) so that bulk
produce could be collected in an organised manner.
Based on the fuel needs of the compnay, purchase
orders are created addressing farmers clubs. The clubs
then procure and sell biomass to the Company at
specific rates.
Many farmers in ACF in Rabriyawas, Rajasthan have
benefitted tremendously from this project. With
increasing numbers of these farmers club, a producer
company with the name of Shri Balaji Farmers Producer
Company limited has been formed. To date Balaji
Company has supplied a total bio mass of 1317.80 MT.
For farmers in the community, this project has
become an extra source of income. Many farmers have
started growing their assets in the house and also invest
the income in educating their children.



khadins, farmers are able to plan for crops like gram

that require high moisture content during the rabi
Farm ponds developed at Rabriyawas, Amarpura
and Balada villages today have a storage capacity of
4,275 cubic metres and ensure the supply of water for
agriculture as well as for livestock needs.
Although contour bunds help arrest soil erosion
and improve the moisture content of the soil, they
frequently lead to irregular division of the farmland.
To address this problem, ACF helped construct bunds
within the farm boundaries. This was carried out on
more than 52 Ha of land, with the participation of 23
farmers from Patan, Keserpura, Rabriyawas, Balada,
and Amarpura villages.
Setting up of RRWHSs has ensured the availability
of clean drinking water to households, since the
groundwater in the region has high fluoride content.
In 2012, thirty such structures have been set up in
Patan, Keserpura, Rabriyawas, Amarpura, Ras and
Bakahatawarpura villages through community
participation. Farmers have also benefitted from the
deepening of wells in villages, with water availability
increasing by 2-3 hours per day.
To support its water conservation efforts, ACF has
been developing a green environment zone with
tree plantation along the roads. A 120-acre pasture
has been developed at Gopaldhuni-Balada and
Pratappura villages and includes indigenous trees.
In 2012, we facilitated 12 technical training
programmes for farmers, women, village level
animators & youths to discuss ways to conserve
water in the region.ACF works in collaboration with
the Rajasthan Minor Irrigation Improvement Project
(RAJAMIIP) towards capacity building initiatives
of water users associations (WUAs). As part of the
initiative, ACF has been building capacity of water
users associations through 50 minor irrigation
projects in the Pali, Sirohi, Jalore, Jodhpur and Barmer

Comprehensive Healthcare
ACFs mobile dispensary reaches out to 15 villages
around Rabriyawas on a weekly basis, providing
medical care and referral services. The healthcare



programme is supported by 28 trained sakhis. These

trained village-based sakhis also work on issues
related to sanitation, ANC and PNC for pregnant
women and young children, vaccinations and
promotion of institutional deliveries. Their work under
the sanitation programme led to the construction of
250 toilets, improved drainage systems and better
access to clean drinking water. Some sakhis are now
involved in income generation activities, while others
are part of the NRHM as ASHA workers.
This has resulted in continuous service to the
community, even after withdrawal of financial support
from ACF. However, ACF still extends its support
through regular training of the sakhis as and when
required. ACF has been working in collaboration
with the villagers of Amarpura to develop it into a
model village. Sanitation was one of the prime issues
that had arisen during village discussions; through
active participation of the VDC, the entire village was
covered under the total sanitation programme.

Water Resource Management

Initiatives by ACF

Toilets have been constructed in almost all houses, and

open defecation has reduced considerably due to the
villagers efforts.
ACF promotes awareness on HIV and AIDS amongst
Company staff, truckers, cleaners and the community with
support from 50 peer educators. The peer educators run
regular sensitisation programmes through one-to-one
contact, group and community meetings, and counselling
sessions. Free condoms are distributed through 16 outlets
installed in different locations in and around the Companys
plants. We reach out to students with information on HIV
and AIDS through Red Ribbon clubs formed in secondary
schools. We also work closely with the Pali Marwar Network
of Positive people (PNP+) towards rehabilitation of people
living with HIV and AIDS.

Womens Empowerment
ACF supports 90 SHGs, with a membership of 972
women. Many members have taken loans for various

Creating awareness through school rallies,

village camps, training and exposure visits.

Promotion of efficient irrigation methods like

drips and sprinklers

In situ moisture conservation through

construction of farm bunds, gabions, and

Groundwater recharge through tube well

recharge and construction of khadins, dykes,
and percolation wells.

Water harvesting through construction of

tanks, check dams and farm ponds.

Revival of traditional water sources like ponds

and rivulets.

A robust post-maintenance system through

empowered pani samities and WUAs

agricultural businesses or construction work, education

or medical purposes. A number of events, meetings, and
training programmes aimed at building capacity of women
were held during the year. A workshop was organised with
18 branch managers of regional rural banks and State Bank
of Bikaner and Jaipur, to draw on support for the SHGs.
In 2012, five project monitoring and implementation
committees were setup for the smooth functioning of SHGs
and to resolve internal issues. Other training programmes
for womens groups were organised in consultation with
Peoples Education and Development Organisation, Mada.
Following a ban on plastic bags, there has been a high
demand for paper bags. ACF has promoted training to
understand the processes involved in the manufacture and
sale of paper bags. ACF has been functioning as SHPI in
collaboration with NABARD, to promote and facilitate SHGs
in various villages. In 2012, we helped set up 50 SHGs in 12
villages; the members participated in training, exposure
visits and other activities to learn ways on making their
SHGs sustainable.



The programme will be extended to the Jaitaran

block, for the formation and facilitation of 350 SHGs.
The Centre for Micro-finance (CMF) is supporting
ACF to identify and explore livelihood opportunities
and create a replicable model on a cluster basis.
This project reaches out to SHG members in six
villages; the project also focuses on deployment of
community resource persons (CRPs) like krishisakhis
and pashusakhis. Under this project, SHG members
will be trained in livelihood activities like vegetable
cultivation and goat rearing.

Supporting Education
In 2012, ACF conducted a series of programmes to
provide quality education and generate awareness
on career options among senior students. Career
counselling camps were held for students of class XII
and X, facilitated by experts from the engineering,
medical, and banking fields, and the armed forces.
We also conducted exposure visits for students;
celebrated events showcasing creativity; and

supported schools with infrastructure. A vaakpeet

(assembly of headmasters) was hosted for 200
headmasters by the Kesarpura School, during which
they discussed highlights of their experiences and
issues during the year; the vaakpeet formulated an
action plan for the next year. In 2012, we started a
Village Knowledge Centre at Amarpura, providing
access to computers, information and markets to
students and farmers. ACF also opened an additional
balwadi to reach out to the children of rag pickers.

Non Conventional Energy

Plastic supplied through four self help groups of rag
pickers is used as an alternative fuel by the Company.
To date, they have supplied 147 tonnes of plastic
to ACL. ACF also works with them on health and
education; organising health camps, and a balwadi to
provide education to the children. ACF promotes solar
lighting with the help of NABARD in villages with little
or no electricity. Subsidised solar-powered lights have
been installed in 16 villages.

Mitigating Poverty in Western

Rajasthan (MPOWER)
Mitigation of Poverty in Western Rajasthan is a
poverty reduction initiative with special emphasis
on relatively poor and backward blocks within the
drought-prone and food-insecure districts of western
Rajasthan. It reaches out to all BPL households in the
project area.
ACF has been implementing the MPOWER project
in 63 villages of Pali district in collaboration with
Panchayati Raj, Rural Development Department
of Rajasthan and IFAD for a period of 56 months.
Currently, we have supported the formation of 336
SHGs, 43 VDCs and are strengthening village level
institutions through training on credit planning and
financial literacy. In 2012,120 youths were identified
for skill and entrepreneurship training. Six hundred
and fifty crop demonstrations were conducted for
farmers in the region.



Agro-based Livelihood
Agriculture in the region depends on the rains and
ground water. Techniques like drip irrigation have been
adopted to develop wadis. Supported by the government
and ACF, in 2012, twenty-five farmers were able to develop
anar wadis on over 35 acres of land. ACF also promotes
vegetable cultivation through the use of drip irrigation
on 10 acres of land; new varieties of seeds like methi
(fenugreek) and barley were promoted amongst farmers.
Regular training programmes and exposure visits were
held with the support of KVK, Jhunjunu and the State
Agriculture Department. A two-acre demonstration farm
at Chirawa, developed by ACF, displays drip and sprinkler
irrigation systems that support creeper vegetables,
floriculture, aloe vera, biogas, and cattle feeding systems.
Equipment to collect daily weather data has been installed,
thus enabling agricultural decisions like determination of
sowing and irrigation time.

A two-acre demonstration farm

developed by ACF at Chirawa has
enabled farmers to observe, learn
and implement a variety of agricultral
practices in their own feilds

generating awareness about water conservation amongst

the communities. At Dhattar Wala Ka Bas and Parasnagar
villages, ACF introduced the Gaon Ka Pani Gaon Mein
concept. Under this programme, all household roofs are
connected through pipelines that discharge water into the
village pond with a percolation well. This has ensured an
increase in the ground water level. ACF was also involved in
de-silting and renovation of 15 traditional water harvesting
structures called johads in the villages. The work was
carried out with the active participation of the community.
ACF facilitated 52 RRWHSs in fluoride-affected villages
to ensure clean and safe drinking water for the people.
We also helped in constructing 12 percolation wells in the
village ponds to recharge the ground water. More than
0.2 million cubic metres of water was recharged through
these percolation wells in 2012. The Foundation conducts
regular monitoring visits and water-testing exercises in
coordination with the Public Health and Engineering
Department. These reports are shared with the community
and the pani samittee of the village.

Womens Empowerment
ACF supports 19 SHGs at Chirawa, with a membership
of 231 women. These SHGs are linked with local banks.
To date, the groups have availed of loans for various
entrepreneurial activities. Apart from economic activities,
the SHGs also discuss issues like education of girl children,
female foeticide, domestic violence and womens

Non Conventional Energy

More than 450 farmers have visited these demonstration
farms. ACF conducts awareness-cum-treatment camps
with the help of the Animal Husbandry Department in 10
villages. More than 550 cattle were treated in 2012. Thirty
Integrated Cattle Feeding Systems (ICFSs) were installed,
which increase productivity and save time for the farmers.

Water Resource Management

Chirawa, in Jhunjunu district, falls under category of
desert district and over exploited area with respect to
ground water. Over the years, the condition has gone from
bad to worse, with growing imbalance between demand
and supply of water. To overcome these problems, ACF
took an integrated approach towards water harvesting and

ACF has been promoting biogas in various locations to

promote non conventional energy sources and reduce
dependency on traditional fuels like wood, cow dung
and agricultural residue. Use of biogas for domestic
purposes will help in reducing our carbon footprint and the
generation of green-house gases.
To date, we have promoted 100 biogas units across
the state. During the first phase of implementation,
finding trained masons to construct the biogas units was
a challenge. ACF then took the step of training masons
from the community for this work, thereby also providing
them with an alternative source of income. We conducted
training programmes on biogas installation for masons
covering issues like dimensions of the units, quality of
biogas material, brick masonry and plastering.



Agro-based Livelihood
Marwar Mundwa has an agrarian economy in spite
of the challenges of erratic rainfall and fluoride and
saline content in the groundwater. The kharif crop had
completely failed in the region in 2012 due to erratic
rainfall. Coupled with poor soil health, agriculture in
the area faced a serious threat. To address this issue,
1000 acres of land were treated with gypsum to
improve soil health. The wadi method of horticulture
was promoted. Wadis not only withstand climatic
variability but also provide additional income to the
farmers. This year, an additional 12 acres of land were
brought under wadi cultivation; training and technical
support were provided to farmers who had begun
wadis in previous years.
A seed production programme was conducted with
100 farmers to increase their income by 15-20% per
unit compared to income through grain production.
ACF has supported the formation of kisan clubs; a
farmer-producer company called the Navjivan Farmer
Producer Company Limited was established with

a membership of 1000 farmer-producers and an

authorised share capital of ` 10,00,000/-. Members are
able to procure agro products at much cheaper rates
through this company. They are also able to sell their
produce at better prices.
The company conducts business with cultivators,
growers, manufacturers and others in the agricultural
sector, and also deals with persons involved in
procurement, storage, marketing, packaging and
other allied activities.

Water Resource Management

Marwar Mundwa is designated as a semi arid region,
and water resource management is one of the key
issues facing the communities here. The water in the
area has high fluoride content and is saline in nature.
To ensure the supply of clean drinking water to the
villages, ACF has been following a multi-pronged
approach that includes reviving traditional water
bodies and employing newer technologies like
RRWHSs. These measures, over the years, have helped
the community access water for both domestic as well
as agricultural purposes.
In 2012, 135 RRWHSs and other water storage

Challenges facing Marwar

Low rainfall and long dry spells or drought,
leading to an agrarian crisis.
Damage to crops like cotton due to sudden,
heavy rainfall.
Deteriorating soil quality and poor groundwater
quality, leading to low crop production.
Low literacy levels and poor adaptation of new
Socio-economic backwardness among women.
Unemployment among youth due to poor soft
skills and lack of counselling facilities.



structures were constructed with the active

participation of the community. The khadin system
has ensured that the rabi crop does not fail. Increase
in soil moisture has improved 114 hectares of land.
Deepening of 12 ponds in eight project villages has
increased water storage capacity by 86181 cubic
metres, benefitting a population of close to 10,000
people. Eleven tube well recharge structures have
been constructed to create awareness among the
community about groundwater recharge measures.
Marwar Mundwa was awarded the prize for Excellent
Water Management - Beyond the Fence category, by
CII in 2012.

Comprehensive Healthcare
ACF has made inroads in healthcare in the region
in 2012. A baseline survey on health and hygiene
was conducted in households and anganwadis to
understand the current situation and the needs of the
Based on these findings, ACF organised regular
health camps in the villages to deal with seasonal
diseases as well as generate awareness on health
and hygiene. To promote sanitation, 140 toilets
were constructed during the year with peoples

Supporting Education
To encourage education, ACF conducts regular
awareness sessions within schools and makes efforts
to recognise and reward meritorious students for their
efforts. A career day was held for 700 students from 12
schools. At a science exhibition organised by ACF, 55
students from 11 schools displayed models on water
conservation, harvesting and the environment.

Womens Empowerment
The status of women in the project villages is very
poor due to poor literacy, lack of access to resources,
and traditional customs. During the year, we did
a primary survey of 2500 families to understand
and identify potential issues related to womens
development in the area. Twelve new SHG groups
have been formed in the region and an internal
audit of all existing groups has been carried out to
strengthen their financial systems.

Conserving Water; Drop by Drop

Omji of Mundwa had always believed that if their
crops failed, our youngsters will be forced to migrate.
In this part of Rajasthan, almost 84% of the population
depended on agriculture for its livelihood. Less
rainfall led to dry spells and intense rainfall resulted in
water-logging. The groundwater, with its high saline
and fluoride content, was non-usable. A survey by
ACF had shown that the soil in the region had poor
infiltration capacity which resulted in low recharge of
the underground water table. A combination of these
factors led to scarcity of water every summer, affecting
crops, humans and animals.
When ACF began its intervention in Mundwa in 20052006, its focus was on conserving water, and making it
available for longer periods during the year. Numerous
water bodies were revived and basic structures
established. Roof rainwater harvesting systems were
installed in houses. Other activities like pond deepening
were carried out on a large scale. Six years later, the
cumulative storage capacity of the region has increased
Farmers today are assured of water during the sowing
season. Says Aydanram of Didiyakhurd village, We
are today rich in water by deepening our pond; I feel
that even if there is no rain for two years, water will be
available for the whole village. The availability of water
has also reduced the burden on women. Sua Devi of
Mundwa says We use roof water for drinking nowadays.
It is cleaner than pond water. I have enough water to
cook, drink, and use for other daily chores. The District
Forest Office of Nagaur, Mundwa, agrees that ACFs work
will benefit the villagers for many years to come.



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