A Comparison of The Revised Delirium Rating Scale
A Comparison of The Revised Delirium Rating Scale
A Comparison of The Revised Delirium Rating Scale
Objective: Assessment of delirium is performed with a variety of instruments, making
comparisons between studies difficult. A conversion rule between commonly used instruments
would aid such comparisons. The present study aimed to compare the revised Delirium Rating
Scale (DRS R98) and Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS) in a palliative care
population and derive conversion rules between the two scales.
Method: Both instruments were employed to assess 77 consecutive patients with DSM IV
delirium, and the measures were repeated at three-day intervals. Conversion rules were derived
from the data at initial assessment and tested on subsequent data.
Results: There was substantial overall agreement between the two scales [concordance
correlation coefficient (CCC) 0.70 (CI95 0.600.78)] and between most common items
(weighted k ranging from 0.63 to 0.86). Although the two scales overlap considerably, there were
some subtle differences with only modest agreement between the attention (weighted k 0.42)
and thought process (weighted k 0.61) items. The conversion rule from total MDAS score to
DRS R98 severity scores demonstrated an almost perfect level of agreement (r 0.86, CCC
0.86; CI95 0.79 0.91), similar to the conversion rule from DRS R98 to MDAS.
Significance of results: Overall, the derived conversion rules demonstrated promising
accuracy in this palliative care population, but further testing in other populations is certainly
KEYWORDS: Delirium, Delirium scales, Phenomenology, Assessment, DRS R98, MDAS,
Equation method
OSullivan et al.
Delirium is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome
that is common across healthcare settings and associated with a variety of adverse outcomes (Breitbart &
Alici, 2012; Ryan et al., 2013). Although historically
understudied, the past decade has witnessed increasing interest in the detection and treatment of this
important condition (Meagher et al., 2013). The phenomenological assessment of delirium, including
its severity, has become increasingly important, as
studies exploring a variety of pharmacological and
nonpharmacological treatments have increased.
In a review of prospective studies of the treatment
of delirium, Meagher et al. (2013) found that, though
the original DRS was the most commonly used instrument overall, for recent studies the Revised Delirium Rating Scale (DRS R98) and Memorial
Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS) were the instruments most commonly utilized to measure treatment
response. Although evidence indicates a high correlation between the MDAS and the original DRS
(r 0.88) (Breitbart et al., 1997), direct comparisons
of the MDAS and DRS R98 scales are lacking. Unlike the confusion assessment method (CAM), both
measure the severity of a broad range of symptoms.
Additionally, because some studies employ the
MDAS and others the DRS R98, having a conversion system to apply to scores could be useful to allow
for more direct comparison of study results, including
the magnitude of treatment effects. In clinical settings, the MDAS might be used by less well-trained
clinical staff due to its ease of use and simpler format
while specialists might use the DRS R98. An accurate and validated conversion algorithm could allow
more continuity over time for patients rated with
both scales. Although these scales were originally designed for broad usage, they have been validated and
often used in particular settings; for instance, the
MDAS was initially derived and validated for hospitalized patients with cancer and AIDS but often has
been used for palliative care patients. The DRS R98
was initially validated for inpatients with medical/
surgical conditions and psychiatric patients but later
validated in nursing homes, for patients with stroke,
and in orthopedic rehabilitation units, and is often
utilized in geriatrics wards and for consultationliaison psychiatry (Adamis et al., 2010). As such, a
comparison of their performance in a single population (e.g., palliative care) could explore their level
of agreement within a particular clinical setting.
Therefore, the aims of our study were as follows:
1. to compare DRS R98 and MDAS agreement in
assessment of delirium in a population of 77 palliative care patients with delirium,
and is useful as both a diagnostic and a severity assessment tool (Trzepacz et al., 2010). It is a 16-item
clinician-rated scale with 13 severity items and 3 diagnostic items (temporal onset of symptoms, fluctuation of symptoms, physical disorder) and is a valid
measure of delirium severity over a broad range of
symptoms. The 13-item severity section can be scored
separately from the 3-item diagnostic section; their
sum constitutes the total scale score. The severity
of individual items is rated from 0 to 3 points. Thus,
DRS R98 severity scale scores range from 0 to 39,
with higher scores indicating more severe delirium
and a cutoff score above 15 consistent with a diagnosis of delirium. Total scale scores range from 0 to 46,
with a score greater than 18 consistent with a delirium diagnosis. All items are anchored by text descriptions of phenomenology as guides for rating
along a continuum from normal to severely impaired.
The instrument can be employed to rate symptoms
over variable periods from hours to weeks, and for
the purposes of our study was applied twice weekly
to encompass the previous 3 4 day period (i.e., since
last assessment). It has high interrater reliability,
validity, sensitivity, and specificity in distinguishing
delirium from mixed neuropsychiatric populations,
including dementia, depression, and schizophrenia
(Trzepacz et al., 2001). Completion time is 15 20
Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS)
The Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS) is
a 10-item, clinician-rated scale (possible range 030)
designed to quantify both the severity of delirium and
the presence/absence of delirium when cutoff points
are applied. Each item is rated on a Likert-type scale
(03: absentmildmoderate severe). Items included in the MDAS reflect the diagnostic criteria for delirium in the DSMIV, as well as symptoms of
delirium from earlier or alternative classification systems (e.g., DSM III, DSM IIIR, ICD-9). It consists
of a combination of cognitive and neuropsychiatric
items and is suited for both quantification of delirium
severity and screening or diagnosis, although, regarding the latter, a range of possible diagnostic cutoff scores has been suggested varying from 7 to 13
across cancer, palliative care, elderly orthopedic,
and cardiac surgery populations (Breitbart et al.,
1997; Marcantonio et al., 2002; Kazmierski et al.,
2008). Completion time is approximately 10 minutes.
For the purposes of our study, DRS R98 ratings
were conducted prior to the MDAS to minimize crosscontamination of assessments. Attention (item 10) on
the DRS R98 was assessed according to performance on the months-backward test, with scores of 0
(no problems), 1 (able to recite the months at least
OSullivan et al.
Item 10: Sleepwake cycle disturbance
Item 7: Perceptual disturbance
Item 8: Delusions
No corresponding measure
No corresponding measure
Item 6: Disorganized thinking
Item 9: Decreased or increased psychomotor activity
Item 2: Disorientation
Item 4: Impaired digit span (digit-span test)
Item 5: Reduced ability to maintain and shift attention
(observed at interview)
Item 3: Short-term memory impairment
No corresponding measure
No corresponding measure
Item 1: Reduced level of consciousness
not free from error, but the errors are small (both
scales must have high reliability); and (3) the ratings
have been conducted by experts and the conversion
rule will apply again in measurements that have
been done by experts. Although both scales are continuous, they are discretized continuous, meaning
that the score of person A on the DRSR98 (or
MDAS) will be 11 and never 11.2, so that the delivered MDAS score needs to be converted to the nearest
integer (and vice versa). However, this may not be
necessary for statistical use and calculations.
Descriptive Statistics of the Studied Sample
Consecutive patients with DSM IV delirium (n
77) were assessed with both scales (MDAS and
DRS R98). The mean age was 70.1 + 11.1 (range
36 90 years). Some 40 participants (52%) were
male, and 21 (27%) had a history of longstanding cognitive impairment/dementia. At first assessment,
the mean MDAS score was 13.3 + 5.1 (range 326),
and the mean DRS R98 severity scale score was
16.7 + 6.1 (range 536).
Overall Agreement of the Two Scales
The Pearsons product-moment correlation coefficient
for the MDAS and DRSR98 was 0.84 ( p , 0.001).
Figure 1 depicts a scatterplot including a fitted linear
line with a 95% confidence interval (CI95). The CCC
was 0.70 (95% CI95 0.600.78), indicating substantial agreement between the two scales.
Further, we compared the agreement between the
two scales separately in those with dementia (n 21)
and in those without cognitive problems (n 56).
Conversion Rules
Conversion Rule from Total MDAS Score to
DRS R98 Severity Scores
After estimation of means and SD and calculations
according to the above-reported equation, the following conversion rule emerged:
DRSR98 severity score (1:184 MDAS score) 0:948
Fig. 1. Linear relationship between MDAS and DRS R98 and the
95% confidence interval.
Kappa (k)
Gamma (g)
p Value
the statistics for the derived MDAS scores: mean
12.9 + 5.6, SE 0.65, variance 31.99, range 327.
Again, there were no significant differences between
the statistics of the actual MDAS and the DRS R98derived version. Estimations for agreement of the
MDAS and converted MDAS were as follows: r
0.86, CCC 0.86 (CI95 0.79 0.91). Thus, the
agreement was very high, indicating that the conversion rule from DRS R98 to MDAS also worked well.
A variety of scales for delirium screening, diagnosis,
and severity exist, of which a small number are considered validated and sufficiently robust for use in
clinical and research settings (Adamis et al., 2010).
Consensus on which is the best scale is lacking and
may vary according to the setting in which they are
employed (Adamis et al., 2010). The availability
and use of a variety of scales in delirium research
complicates efforts to directly compare studies. In
the case of drug treatment studies, for example, six
different scales have been employed to assess primary outcome, of which the MDAS and DRS R98
are the most commonly applied in recent studies
(Meagher et al., 2013). In our study, we generated
and tested a rule for convenient and rapid conversion
between DRS R98 and MDAS scores that applies to
patients both with and without comorbid dementia.
We demonstrated a high correlation between the
overall severity scores of the MDAS and DRSR98 in
a population of palliative care patients. Agreement between overall scores in cognitively impaired and cognitively intact subgroups was also substantial. There are
a number of differences between the two scales both in
terms of the individual symptoms included and assessment methods. The eight common items showed high
levels of agreement when assessed individually; however, two items had somewhat lower levels of agreement. First, thought process abnormalities/
disorganized thinking had a modest level of agreement. The criteria for scoring these two items differ
in that the MDAS allows a general observation of degree of disorganized thinking and how this impacts
on the interview, whereas the DRSR98 more specifically assesses the character of abnormalities in thinking. Similarly, for assessment of attention, the DRS
R98 combines the interviewers observations of performance on the months of the year backward (Trzepacz et al., 2010), while the MDAS includes two
itemsthe interviewers assessment and observation
of the patients behavior during the interviewand a
separate item that specifically uses performance on
the digit-span test. These methodological differences
may explain why the agreement levels for these items
was somewhat lower than for other items, but also
OSullivan et al.
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