PCS Rules (IMC)
PCS Rules (IMC)
PCS Rules (IMC)
Rules made by the Medical Council on 18th of January 2011 under Section 11 of
the Medical Practitioners Act 2007
These rules are made for the better operation of Part 11 of the Medical Practitioners Act
2007 (the Act). Sections 91 and 94 of the Act requires the Council to pass rules in
respect of criteria to be applied to recognised bodies/bodies seeking recognition and in
respect of requirements of practitioners and for the sake of clarity this set of rules, inter
alia, sets out the said criteria and requirements. The rules of interpretation shall be as
stated in section 2 of the Act unless otherwise stated.
The Council will apply the following criteria per Section 91(4):
1. A body must demonstrate that the professional competence scheme(s) which it
a. incorporates the Medical Councils Domains of Good Professional Practice
(which is attached within Appendix 1 hereto).
b. complies with the Medical Councils Standards for the Maintenance of
Professional Competence Bodies Operating Professional Competence
Schemes (which is attached within Appendix 2 hereto).
2. The body will be required to declare that it will be responsible for all costs associated
with the operation of any professional competence scheme in respect of which the
body has secured recognition from the Council. The body will not be entitled to levy
any charges or fees in respect of enrolment on a scheme without the prior written
consent of the Council.
3. Recognition shall be valid for a period of three years from date of recognition and a
renewal application will be required for a further period of recognition.
The following rules are made pursuant to Section 11(4) and 94(2).
1. Every registrant will be required to enrol in a professional competence scheme and to
comply with the Medical Councils Standards for the Maintenance of Professional
Competence Registered Medical Practitioners. The pursuit of training by medical
practitioners registered in the Trainee Specialist Division shall in itself represent
evidence of the pursuit of an applicable professional competence scheme and to
comply with the Medical Councils Standards for the Maintenance of Professional
Competence Registered Medical Practitioners.
2. Every registrant must enrol in the scheme that best reflects their education, training,
demonstrated competence and current practice. Following recognition of bodies per
Section 91, the Council shall publish guidelines per Section 12 as to which
professional competence scheme is applicable to different categories registrant and
registrants shall comply with these guidelines.
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3. Any registrant may be directed at any time by the Council, the Fitness to Practise
Committee, or the Preliminary Proceedings Committee (in their absolute discretion)
to enrol in any particular scheme referred to in Section 91, to include but not
necessarily limited to a professional competence scheme for performance
4. Each registrant must be in a position to confirm by way of annual declaration in a
form published by the Council to be submitted with any application for registration or
retention that they have enrolled in and are complying with the requirements of a
specified professional competence scheme.
5. Registrants must submit upon request any supporting documentation required by the
Council for the purpose of monitoring and assessing declared compliance with the
Medical Councils requirements in respect of professional competence schemes.
6. Registrants must comply with the Councils requirements if they become the subject
of an audit.
7. Registrants directed to enrol in the Councils professional competence scheme for
performance assessment, on account of the failure on the part of the registrant to
comply with a professional competence scheme recognised under Section 91, will be
responsible for all costs associated with any assessment under the professional
competence scheme for performance assessment.
18th January 2011
Ms Caroline Spillane
Chief Executive Officer
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Appendix 2: Standards for the maintenance of professional competence bodies operating professional competence schemes
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Annex A: Standards for the maintenance of professional competence registered medical practitioners and framework for maintenance of
professional competence activity
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Standard 1
Good Professional Practice
The registered medical practitioner maintains professional competence to achieve the
outcome of good professional practice which contributes to patient safety and quality of
patient care.
Standard 2
Planned on assessed needs
The registered medical practitioner plans the maintenance of professional competence
based on current patient, practice and health system needs as well as anticipated future
Standard 3
Diverse and relevant practice-based activities
The registered medical practitioner is responsible for maintaining professional
competence through a diverse range of self-directed and practice-based activities
relevant to assessed needs to achieve targets set out in Councils Framework for
Maintenance of Professional Competence Activities
Standard 4
Reflection and action
The registered medical practitioner reflects on activity to maintain professional
competence and takes action to ensure good professional practice that contributes to
patient safety and quality of patient care.
Standard 5
Documented and demonstrable
The registered medical practitioner collects and documents evidence to demonstrate the
maintenance of professional competence.
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Type of credit
(Maintenance of Knowledge
and Skills)
MSc, MD, PhD in related
Clinical clubs
Morbidity and Mortality
Clinical Risk Meetings
Case Review/Handover
Grand Rounds
Multi-disciplinary meetings
Events/activities accredited by
Training Bodies that meet
educational standards (in
person or virtually)
(Practice Evaluation &
Activities that develop and
improve the quality of clinical
Personal Learning***
Research or Teaching
Clinical Audit
Accredited Postgraduate
Examiner for exams
Publishing articles
Poster presentation
Development of National
Laboratory bench training
NCHD teaching sessions
SpR teaching sessions
Departmental visits
Measurement of compliance
with guidelines/protocols
5 credits minimum
This framework will be adapted and developed by each body recognised by Medical Council for the operation of a
professional competence scheme to be applicable to enrolled registrants.
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